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• (An Astrological Treati se) • By R. Chandra kant Bhatt B. A. ,LL.H. • I • ;hri Vivek Education Trust, Ahmedabad-8 Forward Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt B.A.LL.B. is a zealous research student of Astrology. He has written several books on Astrology. Origill:1l1y he was an advocate of Sayana system of Astrology popularly known as Western system, Some seven years back during his frequent visits to me, we had a good deal of discussion about the heauties and accuracy of Nirayana system of Astrology or Indian Astrology. He gradually turned his attention to the study of Nirayaml system of Astrology and to- day he has become an ardent advocate o f Hindu Astrology. 'Nakshatra Chimamani' is his further contribution in the field of Astrology. Nakshatras (Constellations) play important role in tho;: lield of, not only predictive side of Astrology but also in all the rdigious ceremonies of the Hindus. The Vimshotlllry Dasha system in timing events advocated by the great Parashar is based on constellation and its sub divisions. For perfectly judging the strength or weakness of a house and its lord the Astrologer has to take into consideration the sign and the constellation and its sub division, for then only he can evaluate the physical (Sthula), the astral (Sukshma) and Casual (Karan) strength and weakness of the sign and its lord. Thus the 12 signs of the Zodiac arc divided into 249 divisions of the 27 constellations. The (:ffec! of any planet can be judged well if we know the placement in tf horoscope, of the lord of the house, the lord of the ~ and the lord of the sub division of the constellation conste~'ation it is placed in. Thus a planet is controlled by the lord of the sign, the lord of the constellation and the lord of the sub division of the constellation. For the last thousand years or more the Northern part of India was constantly invaded by the invaders from Central Asia. Greal centres of learning in the North were plundered and valuable literatures were reduced to ashes. Fortunately the remote Southern part of India was saved from the plunders of these invaders and the families of the great scholars of the South preserved the rich heritage of knowledge including knowledge of Astrology propounded by great Rishes of India. II With the passage of lime consteliation;}1 Astrology bc(.'am(' a fam ily secret of the A!;troiogcrs in the Soulh and there was lillie literature in the form of books available for the general mass of the students of Astrology. Shri Gopal Krishna Rao of Madras has written three parts of Nadi Astrology. Shri Seetaram Sharma of Bangalore has also writlen a hook entitled ' A GatCII'OY (0 Astrology'. The fam ily members of the great Shri 8. Suryana rayana Raa of Bangalorc the founder of 'Astrological lvfagad ll(!' and particularly Shri B. V. Raman the prince among and the present editor of A~trologers 'Astrological who has established the genuineness of Maga~ille' ~Iindll Astrology a perfect science not only in India but a lso in the ,IS world h;lVc brought Astrology to the reach of the of stU{h.:nt~ Astrology. The late Jyotish Martand Shri K. S. Krishnamurti of Madras or has also eOnlributcd greatly to the spread of the knowledge wnstcllalionnl not only by publishing books and Ihi! A~tmlogy magazine' ASfrolflgy and Alhrisllto' hut also by moving in evcry important corner of India and lecturing on constellatio n:d Asrrolos-y. He has termed this conslellational Astro logy as Krishn:nllurti Paddhati and which according to him is thc only perfect Paddhati (system). This claim of the late Jyotish Martand Silri K. S. Krishnamurti has created a good deal o f controversy rcg:Hding its efficacy and perfectness. But in my humble opinion the Pacldhati (method) is the accumulation of the essential preachings (,r the gr:.!!tt Gaimini, Mantreshwar. Gancsh Divagn". Paf:l~her. Ramuayalu Varahmihir. Kalidas and host of other astrologe rs of the pa~t and il deserves considerations and furlher research 10 eradiclIIC its short comings. Much hidden knowletige of Astrology yet remains to be dug. out. Shri B. V. Raman. the learned and the world renowned editor of 'Astrological Magazine' has been doing great service to the world of A£trology by procuring manuscripts oC thi5 sCIence and making them public. III Shri Chundr3kant R. Bh:.\H inspile of his failing health has bo!ell researching on the constellational Astrology and this book ~~asclcssly • Nakshalra Chintamolli' is the fruit of his sincere labour anrl research. He has evolved and discussed only those pri.dples of predicting which he has found workable in giving correct predictions. II is for the readers to judge lhe merit or otherwise of this book. ShTj Vivek Education Trust, Maninagar, Ahmedabad has undertaken to publish this book with an humble view to contribute to the of knowledge of Astrology which h:IS its roolS in Vedas. ~pread We only request the readers neither to accept nor reject the principles of predicting discussed by Shri Bhatt in this book hLll examine them. 2&-3- 1975 Shambhuprasad M. Patel C/o Shri Sardar Patel & B.A.,M.Ed. Swami Vivckanand High School, Managing Trustee Maninagar. Ahmedabad 8. Shri Vivek Education Trust. Preface There is ample literature published on Hindu Astrology depicting various sy$tems of prediction by learned Astrologe rs. Bllt every student of Astrology has his own likes and dislikes, he therefore follows the predictive system of his choice. Each system of prediction has own pecul iarity and merits too. So far as [ il~ am com:crncd, [ li ked the sub dL'position theory of prediction in the Nakshatra disposilor system of Astrology. Acco rdingly I have selected some typica l birth horoscopes and example horary maps on different important topks of life as experienced and observed hy me and I hllve in this book made an humble atlempt to discus~ these horoscopes on the practical application of this sub disposition theo ry of prediction, for the knowledge of the reader who desire!' to know ahout it. 2. This boo k is meant for the reader who is conversa nt with the basic principles of Hindu Astrology. It is expectt:d that tht: reader should know how to make use of Raphael"s Tables of and Ephemerides. He should posseo;s the knowledge of HOll~es Casling the Horoscope. He sho uld know about the Characteristic!i of Signs, Planets, Houses, Plancts in Signs, P!allets in Houses. General Principles of Judgment, Judgment of 1he 12 Calculation Hou~es, of Vinshottari (period ) rulers Sub period rulers, Inter period Da~ha rlilers <lnd Sookshma period rulers and their judgment (Hindu Predicrire by Pandit GopeshKuma r Ojha, 9:\, Oaryaganj, Delhi 6. and A.~frol/J~y A Sruden's' Tex' Book of Astrology by Vivian E. Robson arc worth reading for the basic knowledge of Astrolog.y). 3 (a) The origi nal Hindu method is what is known as the equal house division. The sign ascending is the first hOllse and any planct therein i. . said to be in the fi rst house. The sign next to the sign will constilute the second house and any planet aseendin~ therein wil1 be said to be in the 2nd house and so on. This is the principle foll owed by the old Hindu Astrologers. Thus the sign and the house werc deemed synonymous. (b) (n \Vestern Astrology cusp of a hou!'c is the Ih~ commencing point a nd the first house is constituted hy space covering about heyond the cusp: but in Hindu Astrology the ~O' cusp is the mid point or the centre of the hOtlSe and extends tn on either ( 5~ sict~. v (e) In this book first of all you have to ereCl a horoscope according to the Western (Sayana) system with the aid of Raphad's Tables of Ho uses and Ephemeris. Then YOLt have to deduct ayanamsa for the required year from Sayana positions of the ("IISI'S and planets: and you will gcl Ni rayana positions of lhe cusps and planets. You should write the cusps and in the manner of ~'Ianets a Western Horoscope. For the purposes of this book the cusp of a house is to be considered the commencing point. a~ FurtlIer it may he remcmb<:red lhat the question of ayan amsa is a controversial suhject. but for the subject maller of this book ayanamsa ado pted for each A. D. year is given on page 168. (d) In the Western system it is usua l to write down signs Ulld degrees on the cusps of the houses in a circular blank map a nd to place the planets in the map in their correct positions. For the of this boo k and for the sa ke of convenience L have made pLLrpose~ a device to write till: horoscope in the form of a ladder by drawing one verticle line in the middle and five horizont:!] lines intersecting Ihe verticle line. The ends of Ihe verticle line and the ends of th.:: horizontal lines will serve the cusps of houses and the !'igns liS have been wrineR thereon the planets hav: been wrilen either ~ l1d helow or a bove the cuspal sign as the case may be. 4. The Zodiac of 360' is divided into 27 Nakshatras or Constellations or Stnrs for the purpose of Astrology. Each Nakshatra contains 13" 20'. It begins from 00 Aries. It is subdivided into 9 parts totalling 243 lind eaeh sub division is known as Sub Nakshatra or Sub Constellation or Sub Star or Sub. So each degree and minute of tile Zodiac is jointly ruled by three planets out (If which one becomes the sign lord, the other is the star lord Hnd the third is the sub lord . The sum and substance of the sub disposition theory of prediction is that the cuspal sub lord of a IlOuse indicates whether tile matter signified by the Ilouse is promised or denied. If the cuspal sub lord promises. then only during joint pe riod of Ih~ th~ significators of that matter the of that matter are experienced: resuh~ otherwise not. The significator planet alwa ys gives the results of the house occupied and owned by its star lord during the signiFtcator planet's period. suh period and inter period. If the sub lord of the significator VI Jlbnet the matters indicated by tIll' Shir lord, i~ harnl()nloU~ \0 [he signifk:_lIor planet gives fa',;ourah\c This system equally result~. applies bmh to the \lirth hOfO<;copes artd horary maps. The detail-.; arc illustratively explained in the book. " Whatever , essential to know pri, or (0 the pnlctical IS application or the principles been explained by way of h<l" illustrations. Each topic has been methodically pres-cnted m nUl according to, my view pJinl and observation in several cases. ~he!l, Jt is in the manner I wish the reader to understand the subject matter. So it needs little mention that the presentation, cx!)reSSiOll and interpretation may vary with personal eqllalion. Conclusions drawll life logical and natural. They arc neitbo;:r nbrupt nor twisted. There is no sham show of predicting an evellt correct to the datI!. 6. Tn my humble opinion, the ~cicllCe of A!ltrology is best. h:arnt by exoperience and observation. The marc you the ob~ervc marc is the scope for modification. The main object of thig book is to make this system of prediction easily accessible to every student of Astrology who only ponesses workable knowledge of the English language. So the language used is simple and lucid. This book is only illustrative and not exhaustive. Lovers of Astrology in different regions of the COUlltry may publish this book in their own regional language for the b::ne!lt of the student world of Astrology if they so desire: and thi!Y would he rendering services in the cause of the wide sprcad of this Nakshatra system of Astrology. 7. My friend ShTi S. M. Patel made me switch over to this Naksllatra sy;;tem of Astrology. He constantly inspired me to write this book in English. He moved the board of Trustees of Shri Vivek Education Trust to bring out this publication and to give me patronage. I therefore 0\\1,: a J::ep debt of gratilud:: to thc::n all. I hope all my readers will enjoy this book. l~xt 2~~3~ 1975 64, Jayanagar SocIety Ahmedabad 22. Chllfldmkant ilatrlcs\l\'t'ar UhaU Contents I 8ask Principles t. Horoscope explained. 2. Sub ill Nak shatra system. J. Groupi ng of houses. 4. Significators. S. Significfttors in their o rder. 6. Rail\! & Ketu and their significance. 7. G eneral strength of a planet. 8. A planet' or hOllse 'connected with', 9. A planet or house harmonioHS N detrimental. to. Significalor and its sub lord. [I. A planet or ho use lind its two sided erfecl. 2. Elimination of signiflcators. J 13. Cusp:!1 sub lord and i;s subject malter. 14. Joint period rulers. 15. Transit and Joint period rulers. 16. Cuspal mauer and Joint period rulers. 17. Cusp and As;:.ec!s. Sub sub in c:lch sub. I~. II Mystery of Ruling Planets 43 -55 I. Ruling 2. Rulin!!. planets 8< Rectific:nion or birth time planct~ J . Ruling planets and sigllificalors _. I) Signi!ku lors and Ruling at the time of juugmenl, planet~ or '2:1 Signific<ltors and Ruling planets at the time c\ent . J) Ruling planets at the time o f j udgment and event. 4) Joi nt period of one and Ihe Ruling planets of ,iIl.other. ru1er~ S) Ruling planets and Affinity. 4. Ruling planets and Fulfi lment of a q ue'lion. I (( Planets in Tr:msil Transit in NJkshalr,l in sub N .l k,;lutra or l)r ~I .I·. Trall~il ~ub , Effects of Iransining plane!li in the ':-:<.lImple birth Iloroscop: nil.. I. IV Example Nathities: ~O-99 Good or bad sub pcril\u, Lonf!.o:\ ity. Eye sight. AUcmpt 10 commit suicide. Education. Scholarship. Earning, Ttansfer in ServiCe, From Oa r 10 Judiciary, Parttlership business. Purcha5ing the building, Mystery of 6. H & 12, Marria!:c and Foreiill Truvd. Di v{Jf(;C, Child birth. V!JJ V Example Horar)' Maps IOO-I~~ Erecting the Hora ry map. Judging the Horary map. Longevity, Disease, New!> about the missing wife. Publication of a book. Constructing the bu ilding. Selling the hou!>c. Lease Licence for Mines. Success in Examinatioll. Scholarship. Employment. Leaving the job. Independent business. Marriage . Overscas for Studies. Foreign Travel. Ret urn of Abscond illg Son. LoM Documenls. Cricket Match. Pregnancy. Tablc- Stars, subs and su.b sub~. Ayanamsa (1901- 1999). [rralunl Page J Correct ACOffeC I 166 2. Silb Kefil .~ 2. Sub Kefll SlJb Sub ~"ub Sub Me Me 19 13 22 19 13 23 -- - - -- ._ ._ --- 19 20 20 19 20 00 I Basic Principles 1. Horo3cope explained f:xample Birth Horoscope No. 1 Mlle. Birth Date 7-7-1912. Sunday: 8- 42 P.M. I.S.T; 23° N 2', 72" E 35'; Ayanams3 12" 32', Abhre,iutions S. Sun, M. Moun. l\1:I. 1\.1(\r5. Me. Mercury, J . Jupiter, V. Venus, Sa. Sat urn, R. IClllu. K. Ket u, AT. Aries. Tr. , Taurus, Gm. Gemini, en. Callcer, Leo, Vg. Virgo. Li, Libra. Sc. Scorpio, Sg. Sagittarius, L~. Cpo Capricorn, Aq. Aquari us. P i. Pisces.

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