PENGUIN BOOKS NAKED IS THE BEST DISGUISE Born in Clevelinan d1 912S,am uelR osenberghas been a playwrighstta,g em anageprla,y reader, universityp roesfsorp,h otographleerc,t urer, artist, directosrc,e nariwsatr,c orrespondaenndtt ,e le vision prodHuec hase rb.e encal led "America's leadinligt eraryd etectivea,n"dB uckminstFeurl ler bas written:" Sam has grown somoef t hmeos tm ag nificencotn cepttsow hichI ha ve evebre ene x posed.His mind growosu to fe nvironmlikeen at giant redwoodH.e o'erwhelmmse .H e mayw ell oe'rw helm you.R"o senbiesrm ga rrieda ndli vesin New: YorkC ity.H isC onfesosfai Torinsvial istis also publishebdy P enguinB ooks. NAKED IS THE BEST DISGUISE ThDee ath and Resurrection ofS herlock Holmes Samuel Rosenberg PENGUIN BOOKS INC New YoBraltki·mo re PengBuioonk Isn c 72F ifthA venue NewY orNke,w Y or1k0 011 PengBuooiknIs n c 711Am0b assador Road BaltimMoarryel,a 2n21d0 7 PenguBino oCkasn aLdai mited 41 SteReolacasWdee st Markham, OntariCoan,a dLa3 R1 B4 Firstp ublisbhyTe hdBe o bbs-ilMlCe ormrpaInnc.,y , Indianaapnodl iNsYe owr1 k9,7 4 PublishbeydP enguinB ooIknsc 1,9 75 Copyr©i gShatm uel Ro1s9e7n4b erg, Printedin thUeni teSdt aotfesAm erica Forpe rmissiont ore printa,ckn owledgmeisn mta de toth e follow:i ng GrovSemri tfhoa rn e xcerpftr o'm'T .S . EalnidSo hte rlock Holmes,N"o taensQd u eriVeosl1,.9 3, O2c,1t 9o4b8e.r HarcoBurrta Jcoev anoIvnicfc.ho,an,r exrpctef roEmm inent VictobryiL aynstt,oS nt rachey. Chatantdo W industL tdf.oe rx cerpftrso Dmu blJiony'cesb,y HugKhe nner. TheV iking PreInscs.,f, otw ro p oemsf roTmhe PoetoryfC atul lutsr,ans labtyeC d. SHi.s scoonp,y ri©g h1t9 6b6y C .H . Sissroenp,rin tbeydp ermissioofthn e O rioPnr essG,r ossman Publishers. PrenticeI-nHca.fl,ol er,x cerpfrtso mT he Come-as-You-Are MasquaedreP artyb,y SamRuoesle nbceorpgy,r ©i g9h17t0 byS amuel RosenbebryPg r,e nptiucbeli-sHhaEelndlgl ,e Inc., wooCdlif sfN,e wJ ersey. A.P .W att & Sonfo erx cefrrpotmsO scWairlde ,b yH esketh Pearson. TheS ocioeftA yu thoas rsth,e li terrarye presenotaftit vhee EstaotfHe a velEollisck, f oerx cerpftsr oAmffi rmationsb,y HaveloEckllis . FOt' MY FA TIlER JACOB AND MY MOTHER FANNY, witlho ve and gratitude No1TUlS k likeo petnru ttho c over lies, As tog on akedt hisbe e sdtis guise. -Wn.LIAM CONGREVE, TheD oubDlee ale"1 694