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NAKAJIMA’S PROBLEM: CONVEX BODIES OF CONSTANT WIDTH AND 6 CONSTANT BRIGHTNESS 0 0 2 RALPHHOWARDANDDANIELHUG n DedicatedtoRolfSchneiderontheoccasionofhis65thbirthday a J 0 ABSTRACT. ForaconvexbodyK⊂Rn,thekthprojectionfunctionofKassignstoany 2 k-dimensionallinearsubspaceofRnthek-volumeoftheorthogonalprojectionofK to thatsubspace.LetKandK0beconvexbodiesinRn,andletK0becentrallysymmetric G] andsatisfyaweakregularityandcurvaturecondition(whichincludesallK0with∂K0of classC2withpositiveradiiofcurvature). AssumethatKandK0haveproportional1st M projectionfunctions(i.e.,widthfunctions)andproportionalkthprojectionfunctions. For 2≤k<(n+1)/2andfork=3,n=5weshowthatKandK0arehomothetic.Inthe . h specialcasewhereK0isaEuclideanball,wethusobtaincharacterizations ofEuclidean t ballsasconvexbodiesofconstantwidthandconstantk-brightness. a m [ 1 1. INTRODUCTION AND STATEMENTOF RESULTS v 9 LetK beaconvexbody(acompact,convexsetwithnonemptyinterior)inRn,n 3. ≥ 9 Assumethat, foranyline, the lengthofthe projectionofK to the lineis independentof 4 thatline and, foranyhyperplane,the volumeof theprojectionofK to the hyperplaneis 1 independentofthathyperplane.MustK thenbeaEuclideanball? 0 In dimensionthree, thisproblemhasbecomeknownasNakajima’sproblem[11]; see 6 0 [1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6].ItiseasytocheckthattheanswertoitisintheaffirmativeifKisa / convexbodyinR3ofclassC2.ForgeneralconvexbodiesinR3,theproblemismuchmore h difficultandasolutionhasonlybeenfoundrecently.LetG(n,k)denotetheGrassmannian t a ofk-dimensionallinearsubspacesofRn. AconvexbodyK inRnissaidtohaveconstant m k-brightness,k 1,...,n 1 ,ifthek-volumeV (K U)oftheorthogonalprojection k : ofK tothelinea∈rs{ubspaceU− }G(n,k)isindependento|fthatsubspace.Themap v ∈ Xi πk: G(n,k) R, U Vk(K U), → 7→ | r is referredto as the kth projection functionof K. Hence a convexbodyK has constant a width(i.e.constant1-brightness)ifithasconstant1stprojectionfunction(widthfunction). 1.1.Theorem ([7]). Let K be a convexbody in Rn having constantwidth and constant 2-brightness.ThenK isaEuclideanball. ThistheoremprovidesacompletesolutionoftheNakajimaprobleminR3 forgeneral convex bodies. In the present paper, we continue this line of research. Our main result complementsTheorem1.1bycoveringthecasesofconvexbodiesofconstantwidthand constantk-brightnesswith2 k <(n+1)/2ork =3,n=5. ≤ Date:December11,2005. 2000MathematicsSubjectClassification. 52A20. Key wordsand phrases. Constant width, constant brightness, projection function, characterization ofEu- clideanballs,umbilics. 1 2 RALPHHOWARDANDDANIELHUG 1.2. Theorem. Let K be a convex body in Rn having constant width and constant k- brightnesswith2 k <(n+1)/2,ork =3,n=5. ThenK isaEuclideanball. ≤ Theprecedingtwotheoremscanbegeneralizedto pairsofconvexbodiesK,K0 hav- ing proportionalprojectionfunctions, providedthat K0 is centrally symmetric and has a minimalamountofregularity. 1.3.Theorem. LetK,K0beconvexbodiesinRn,andletK0becentrallysymmetricwith positive principal radii of curvature on some Borel subset of the unit sphere of positive measure. Let2 k < (n+1)/2,orletk = 3,n = 5inwhichcaseassumethesurface ≤ areameasureS4(K0, )ofK0 isabsolutelycontinuouswithpositivedensity. Assumethat · thereareconstantsα,β >0suchthat π1(K)=απ1(K0) and πk(K)=βπk(K0). ThenK andK0arehomothetic. As the naturalmeasure on the unit sphere, Sn−1, we use the invariantHaar probabil- ity measure (i.e. spherical Lebesgue measure), or what is the same thing the (n 1)- dimensionalHausdorffmeasure, n−1,normalizedsothatthetotalmassisone. We−view H the principal radii of curvature as functions of the unit normal, despite the fact that the unit normal map is in general a set valued function (cf. the beginning of Section 2 be- low). Theassumptionthattheprincipalradiiofcurvaturearepositiveonasetofpositive measuremeansthatthereisaBorelsubsetofSn−1 ofpositivemeasuresuchthatonthis setthereverseGaussmapissinglevalued,differentiable(inageneralizedsense)andthe eigenvaluesofthedifferentialarepositive.Explicitly,thisconditioncanbestatedinterms of second orderdifferentiabilitypropertiesof the supportfunction(againsee Section 2). In particular, it is certainly satisfied if K0 is of class C+2, and therefore letting K0 be a EuclideanballrecoversTheorem1.2. TherequiredconditionallowsforpartsofK0 tobe quiteirregular.Forexampleif∂K0hasapointthathasasmallneighborhoodwhere∂K0is C2 withpositiveGauss-Kroneckercurvature,thentheassumptionwillhold,regardlessof howroughtherestoftheboundaryis. Forexamplea“sphericalpolyhedron”constructed byintersectinga finite numberofEuclideanballsin Rn willsatisfy the condition. More generallyiftheconvexbodyK0 isanintersectionofafinitecollectionofbodiesofclass C2,itwillsatisfythecondition. + Theorem1.3extendsthe mainresultsin[8]forthe rangeofdimensionsk,nwhereit appliesbyreducingtheregularityassumptiononK0 anddoingawaywithanyregularity assumptions on K. However, the classical Nakajima problem, which concerns the case n=3andk =2,isnotcoveredbythepresentapproach. Despite recentprogressontheNakajimaproblemvariousquestionsremainopen. For instance, can Euclidean balls be characterized as convex bodies having constant width and constant (n 1)-brightnessif n 4? This question is apparently unresolvedeven − ≥ for smooth convex bodies. A positive answer is available for smooth convex bodies of revolution(cf.[8]). Fromtheargumentsofthepresentpaperthefollowingpropositionis easytocheck. 1.4. Proposition. Let K,K0 Rn be convex bodies that have a common axis of revo- ⊂ lution. Let K0 be centrally symmetric with positive principal radii of curvature almost everywhere. AssumethatK andK0 haveproportionalwidth functionsandproportional kthprojectionfunctionsforsomek 2,...,n 2 . ThenK andK0arehomothetic. ∈{ − } ItisapleasurefortheauthorstodedicatethispapertoRolfSchneider. ProfessorRolf Schneiderhasbeenalargesourceofinspirationforcountlessstudentsandcolleaguesall NAKAJIMA’SPROBLEM:CONVEXBODIESOFCONSTANTWIDTHANDCONSTANTBRIGHTNESS 3 over the world. His willingness to communicate and share his knowledge make contact withhimapleasurableandmathematicallyrewardingexperience. Thesecondnamedau- thorhasparticularlybeenenjoyingmanyyearsof support, personalinteractionandjoint research. 2. PRELIMINARIES Let K be a convexbody in Rn, and let h : Rn R be the supportfunctionof K, K whichisaconvexfunction.Forx Rnlet∂h (x)be→thesubdifferentialofh atx. This K K isthesetofvectorsv Rn sucht∈hatthefunctionh v, achievesitsminimumatx. K Itiswellknownthat,f∈orallx Rn,∂h (x)isanon−emhpty·icompactconvexsetandisa K ∈ singletonpreciselyatthosepointswhereh isdifferentiableintheclassicalsense(cf.[13, K pp. 30–31]). For u Sn−1 the set ∂h (u) is exactly the set of x ∂K such that u is K ∈ ∈ anoutwardpointingnormaltoK atx(cf.[13,Thm1.7.4]). Butthisisjustthedefinition ofthereverseGaussmap(whichingeneralisnotsinglevalued,butasetvaluedfunction) andso the functionu ∂h (u) givesa formulaforthe reverseGaussmapin termsof K 7→ thesupportfunction. Inthefollowing,by“almosteverywhere”ontheunitsphereorby“foralmostallunit vectors” we mean for all unit vectors with the possible exclusion of a set of spherical Lebesgue measure zero. A theorem of Aleksandrov states that a convex function has a generalizedsecondderivativealmosteverywhere,whichwewillviewasapositivesemi- definite symmetric linear map rather than a symmetric bilinear form. This generalized derivativecaneitherbedefinedintermsofasecondorderapproximatingTaylorpolyno- mialatthepoint,orintermsofthesetvaluedfunctionx ∂h (x)beingdifferentiable K 7→ inthesenseofsetvaluedfunctions(boththesedefinitionsarediscussedin[13,p.32]).At pointswheretheAleksandrovsecondderivativeexists∂h issinglevalued. Becauseh K K is positivelyhomogeneousof degreeone, if it is Aleksandrovdifferentiableat a pointx, thenitisAleksandrovdifferentiableatallpointsλxwith λ > 0. ThenFubini’stheorem impliesthatnotonlyish Aleksandrovdifferentiableat nalmostallpointsofRn,butit K isalsoAleksandrovdifferentiableat n−1almostallpoinHtsofSn−1. Forpointsu Sn−1 whereitexists,letd2h (u)denotetHheAleksandrovsecondderivativeofh . Let∈u⊥ de- K K notetheorthogonalcomplementofu. Thenthe restrictiond2h (u)u⊥ isthe derivative K ofthereverseGaussmapatu. Theeigenvaluesofd2h (u)u⊥ aret|heprincipalradiiof K curvatureatu. Asthediscussionaboveshowstheseexistata|lmostallpointsofSn−1. Ausefultoolforthestudyofprojectionfunctionsofconvexbodiesarethesurfacearea measures. An introductionto these Borelmeasuresonthe unitsphereisgivenin [13], a morespecializedreference(forthepresentpurpose)iscontainedintheprecedingwork[8]. The topordersurface area measure Sn−1(K, ) of the convexbodyK Rn can be ob- tainedasthe(n 1)-dimensionalHausdorffm·easure n−1oftherevers⊂esphericalimage ofBorelsetsof−theunitsphereSn−1. TheRadon-NikHodymderivativeofSn−1(K, )with · respecttothesphericalLebesguemeasureistheproductoftheprincipalradiiofcurvature ofK. Sinceforalmosteveryu Sn−1,theradiiofcurvatureofK atu Sn−1 arethe eigenvalues of d2hK(u)u⊥, the∈Radon-Nikodym derivative of Sn−1(K,∈) with respect tosphericalLebesguem|easureisthefunctionu det d2h (u)u⊥ , w·hichisdefined K 7→ | almost everywhere on Sn−1. In particular, if Sn−1(K,(cid:0)) is absolutel(cid:1)y continuous with · respect to spherical Lebesgue measure, the density function is just the Radon-Nikodym derivative. For explicit definitions of these and other basic notions of convex geometry neededhere,wereferto[13]and[8]. 4 RALPHHOWARDANDDANIELHUG The following lemma contains more precise information about the Radon-Nikodym derivative of the top order surface area measure. We denote the support function of a convexbodyK byh,ifK isclearfromthecontext. Forafixedunitvectoru Sn−1 and i N, we also putω := v Sn−1 : v,u 1 (2i2)−1 , wheneveru is∈clear from i ∈ ∈ h i≥ − thecontext. Henceωi u(cid:8),asi ,inthesenseofHaus(cid:9)dorffconvergenceofclosed ↓ { } → ∞ sets. 2.1. Lemma. Let K Rn be a convex body. If u Sn−1 is a point of second order ⊂ ∈ differentiabilityofthesupportfunctionhofK,then lim Sn−1(K,ωi) =det d2h(u)u⊥ . i→∞ Hn−1(ωi) (cid:0) | (cid:1) Proof. ThisisimplicitlycontainedintheproofofHilfssatz2in[10]. Asimilarargument, inaslightlymoreinvolvedsituation,canbefoundin[9]. (cid:3) AnanalogueofLemma2.1forcurvaturemeasuresisprovidedin[12,(3.6)Hilfssatz]. As another ingredient in our approach to Nakajima’s problem, we need two simple algebraic lemmas. Here we write M for the cardinality of a set M. If x1,...,xn are | | realnumbersand I = {i1,...,ik} ⊆ {1,...,n} we set xI := xi1...xik. We also put x∅ :=1. 2.2. Lemma. Let b > 0 be fixed. Let x1,...,xn−1,y1,...,yn−1 be nonnegative real numberssatisfying x +y =2 and x +y =2b i i I I foralli=1,...,n 1andallI 1,...,n 1 with I =k,wherek 2,...,n 2 . − ⊂{ − } | | ∈{ − } Then x1,...,xn−1 2and y1,...,yn−1 2. |{ }|≤ |{ }|≤ Proof. Wecanassumethatx1 xn−1. Thenwehavey1 yn−1. ≤···≤ ≥···≥ Ifx1 = 0,theny1 = 2. Further,forI′ 2,...,n 1 with I′ = k 1,wehave ⊂ { − } | | − y1yI′ = 2b, hence yI′ = b. Since k 2, we get y2,...,yn−1 > 0. Moreover, since ≥ k 1 n 3,weconcludethaty2 = =yn−1. Thisshowsthatalsox2 = =xn−1, − ≤ − ··· ··· andthus x1,...,xn−1 2and y1,...,yn−1 2. |{ }|≤ |{ }|≤ Ifyn−1 =0,thesameconclusionisobtainedbysymmetry. If x1 > 0 and yn−1 > 0, then x1,...,xn−1,y1,...,yn−1 > 0. Now we fix any set J 1,...,n 1 with J = k +1. The argumentat the beginning of the proof of ⊆ { − } | | Lemma4.2in [8] showsthat x : i J 2. Since k+1 3, we first obtainthat i x1,...,xn−1 2,andthe|n{also ∈y1,.}.|.,≤yn−1 2. ≥ (cid:3) |{ }|≤ |{ }|≤ 2.3. Lemma. Let n 4, and let b > 0 be fixed. Let x1,...,xn−1,y1,...,yn−1 be ≥ nonnegativerealnumberssatisfying x +y =2 and x +y =2b i i I I foralli=1,...,n 1andallI 1,...,n 1 with I =n 2. Then − ⊂{ − } | | − (2.1) x = y =b l l lY6=i,j lY6=i,j wheneveri,j 1,...,n 1 aresuchthatx =x . i j ∈{ − } 6 NAKAJIMA’SPROBLEM:CONVEXBODIESOFCONSTANTWIDTHANDCONSTANTBRIGHTNESS 5 Proof. Fortheproof,wemayassumethati = 1andj = n 1,tosimplifythenotation. − Thenwehave x1 xn−2+y1 yn−2 =2b, ··· ··· x2 xn−1+y2 yn−1 =2b, ··· ··· whichimpliesthat x2 xn−2(xn−1 x1)+y2 yn−2(yn−1 y1)=0. ··· − ··· − Moreover,x1+y1 =2=xn−1+yn−1yields xn−1 x1 =y1 yn−1 =0, − − 6 andthus x2 xn−2 =y2 yn−2. ··· ··· Hence 2x2 xn−2 =(x1+y1)x2 xn−2 =x1x2 xn−2+y1x2 xn−2 ··· ··· ··· ··· =x1x2 xn−2+y1y2 yn−2 =2b, ··· ··· andthus b=x2 xn−2 =y2 yn−2. ··· ··· (cid:3) 3. PROOFS First,bypossiblydilatingK,wecanassumethatα=1. Hencetheassumptioncanbe statedas (3.1) π1(K)=π1(K0) and πk(K)=βπk(K0) forsomek 2,...,n 2 . LetK∗ denotethereflectionofK intheorigin. Then(3.1) ∈{ − } yieldsthat K+K∗ =2K0 and Vk(K U)=βVk(K0 U) | | forallU G(n,k). Minkowski’sinequality(cf.[13])thenimpliesthat ∈ Vk(2K0 U)=Vk(K U +K∗ U) | | | Vk(K U)k1 +Vk(K∗ U)k1 k ≥ (cid:16) | | (cid:17) 1 k = 2Vk(K U)k (cid:16) | (cid:17) =βVk(2K0 U). | EqualityinMinkowski’sinequalitywillholdifandonlyifK∗ U andK U arehomothetic. | | Astheyhavethesamevolumethisisequivalenttotheirbeingtranslatesofeachother,in whichcaseK U iscentrallysymmetric. Henceβ 1withequalityifandonlyifK U is centrallysymm| etricforalllinearsubspacesU G≤(n,k). Sincek 2,thisistheca|seif ∈ ≥ andonlyif K is centrallysymmetric(cf. [4, Thm.3.1.3]). So if β = 1, then K and K0 mustbehomothetic. Inthefollowing,weassumethatβ (0,1). Thiswillleadtoacontradictionandthus ∈ provethetheorem. Wewriteh,h0 forthesupportfunctionsofK,K0. Hereandinthefollowing,“almost all”or“almostevery”referstothenaturalHaarprobabilitymeasureonSn−1. Moreover a linear subspace “E” as an upper index indicates that the corresponding functional or 6 RALPHHOWARDANDDANIELHUG measure is considered with respect to E as the surroundingspace. By assumption there is a Borel subset P Sn−1 with positive measure such that for all u P all the radii ⊆ ∈ ofcurvatureof K0 in the directionu existandare positive. As K0 is symmetricwe can assume thatu P if andonlyif u P. Let N be the set of pointsu Sn−1 where ∈ − ∈ ∈ theprincipalradiiofcurvatureofK donotexist. SinceN isthe setofpointswherethe Alexandrovsecondderivativeofhdoesnotexist,itisasetofmeasurezero. Byreplacing P byP r(N ( N))wecanassumethattheradiiofcurvatureofbothK0 andK exist ∪ − atallpointsofP. AsbothN and N havemeasurezerothissetwillstillhavepositive − measure. Letu Sn−1 besuchthathandh0 aresecondorderdifferentiableatuandat uand ∈ − thattheradiiofcurvatureofK0atuarepositive.Thisistrueofallpointsu P,whichis notemptyasithaspositivemeasure. LetE G(n,k+1)besuchthatu ∈E. Thenthe ∈ ∈ assumptionimpliesthatalso πkE(K|E)=βπkE(K0|E). Henceweconcludeasin[8]that SkE(K|E,·)+SkE(K∗|E,·)=2βSkE(K0|E,·). Since h(K|E,·) = hK|E andh(K0|E,·) = hK0|E are secondorderdifferentiableat u andat uwithrespecttoE, Lemma2.1appliedwith respectto thesubspaceE implies − that det d2hK|E(u)E u⊥ +det d2hK∗|E(u)E u⊥ | ∩ | ∩ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) =2β(cid:1)det d2h (u)E u⊥ . K0|E | ∩ (cid:0) (cid:1) Sincehandh0aresecondorderdifferentiableatuandat u,thelinearmaps − L(h)(u): T Sn−1 T Sn−1, v d2h(u)(v), u u → 7→ L(h0)(u): TuSn−1 TuSn−1, v d2h0(u)(v), → 7→ are well defined and positive semidefinite. Since the radii of curvature of K0 at u are positive,wecandefine Lh0(h)(u):=L(h0)(u)−1/2◦L(h)(u)◦L(h0)(u)−1/2 asin[8]inthesmoothcase. Inthissituation,theargumentsin[8]canberepeatedtoyieldthat L (h)(u)+L (h)( u)=2id (3.2) h0 h0 − kL (h)(u)+ kL (h)( u)=2β kid, ∧ h0 ∧ h0 − ∧ where id is the identity map on T Sn−1. Lemma 3.4 in [8] shows that L (h)(u) and u h0 Lh0(h)(−u) have a common orthonormalbasis of eigenvectors e1,...,en−1, with cor- respondingeigenvalues(relativeprincipalradiiof curvature)x1,...,xn−1 at u and with eigenvaluesy1,...,yn−1at u. Afterachangeofnotation(ifnecessary),wecanassume − that0 x1 x2 xn−1. By(3.2)wethusobtain ≤ ≤ ≤···≤ (3.3) x +y =2 and x +y =2β i i I I fori=1,...,n 1andI 1,...,n 1 with I =k. − ⊂{ − } | | Proof of Theorem 1.3 when 2 k < (n + 1)/2. From (3.3) and Lemma 2.2 we ≤ concludethatthereissomeℓ 0,...,n 1 suchthat ∈{ − } x1 = =xℓ <xℓ+1 = =xn−1 and y1 = =yℓ >yℓ+1 = =yn−1. ··· ··· ··· ··· NAKAJIMA’SPROBLEM:CONVEXBODIESOFCONSTANTWIDTHANDCONSTANTBRIGHTNESS 7 (a)Ifk ℓ,then ≤ x1+y1 =2 and xk1 +y1k =2β. Hence 1= x1+y1 k xk1 +y1k =β, (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) ≤ 2 contradictingtheassumptionthatβ <1. (b)Letk > ℓ. Sincek < (n+1)/2wehave2k < n+1ork < n+1 k. Hence − k n k <n ℓ,andthusk n 1 ℓ. Butthen ≤ − − ≤ − − xℓ+1+yℓ+1 =2 and xkℓ+1+yℓk+1 =2β, and we arrive at a contradiction as before. This proves Theorem 1.3 when 2 k < (n+1)/2 ≤ (cid:3) Proof of Theorem 1.3 when k = 3,n = 5. In this case we are assuming that K0 haspositiveradiiofcurvatureatalmostallpointsofSn−1. Ash hasAlexandrovsecond derivativesatalmostallpoints,foralmostallu Sn−1 theradiiofcurvatureofK exist ∈ atbothuand uandattheseunitvectorsK0 haspositiveradiiofcurvature. Recallthat − x1 ≤···≤x4aretheeigenvaluesofLh0(h)(u). Wedistinguishthreecaseseachofwhich willleadtoacontradiction. (a) x1 = x2. Then Lemma 2.2 yields that x1 < x2 = x3 = x4 and therefore also 6 y2 =y3 =y4. Hence x32+y23 =2β and x2+y2 =2, andthus 1= x2+y2 3 x32+y23 =β, (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) ≤ 2 contradictingthatβ <1. Sothiscasecannotarise. (b)x1 =x2 andx1 =x3,i.e.x1 =x2 =x3. Thenalsoy1 =y2 =y3,andweget x31+y13 =2β and x1+y1 =2, which,asbefore,leadstoacontradictionandthusthiscasecannotarise. (c) x1 = x2 and x1 = x3, i.e. x1 = x2 < x3 = x4 by Lemma2.2. Since x1 = x3, 6 6 Lemma2.3impliesthat (3.4) x2x4 =β =y2y4. Inaddition,wehave (3.5) x2+y2 =2=x4+y4. Weshowthattheseequationsdeterminex2,x4,y2,y4asfunctionsofβ. Substituting(3.4) into(3.5),weget β β +y2 =2, x4+ =2. x4 y2 Combiningthesetwoequations,wearriveat β y2+ =2, 2 β − y2 8 RALPHHOWARDANDDANIELHUG whereweusedthatx4 =2− yβ2 6=0. Thisequationfory2canberewrittenas y22 2y2+β =0. − Hence,wefindthat(recallthat0<β <1) y2 =1 1 β. ± − p Consequently, x2 =2 y2 =1 1 β. − ∓ − From(3.4),wealsoget p β β x4 = = =1 1 β, x2 1∓√1−β ±p − andfinallyagainby(3.4) β β y4 = = =1 1 β. y2 1±√1−β ∓p − Sincex1 =x2 <x3 =x4,thisshowsthat (3.6) x1 =x2 =1 1 β, x3 =x4 =1+ 1 β. − − − p p By assumption the surface area measure S4(K0, ) of K0 is absolutely continuous with density function u det(d2h0(u)u⊥). Since K· +K∗ = 2K0, the non-negativityof 7→ | themixedsurfaceareameasuresS(K[i],K∗[4 i], )andthemultilinearityofthesurface − · areameasuresyieldsthat 4 4 S4(K, ) S(K[i],K∗[4 i], ) · ≤ (cid:18)i(cid:19) − · Xi=0 =S4(K+K∗, )=24S4(K0, ). · · This implies that S4(K, ) is absolutely continuous as well, with density function u det(d2h(u)u⊥). Nowob·servethatthecases(a)and(b)havealreadybeenexcludeda7→nd | therefore the present case (c) is the only remaining one. Hence, using the definition of L (h)(u), h0 det(d2h(u)u⊥) det(d2h0(u)|u⊥) =det(Lh0(h)(u))=x1x2x3x4 =β2, | foralmostallu S4. Thuswededucethat ∈ S4(K, )=β2S4(K0, ). · · Minkowski’suniquenesstheoremnowimpliesthatK andK0arehomothetic,henceK is centrallysymmetric.Symmetricconvexbodieswiththesamewidthfunctionaretranslates ofeachother. Butthenagainβ =1,acontradiction. REFERENCES [1] G.D.Chakerian,Setsofconstantrelativewidthandconstantrelativebrightness,Trans.Amer.Math.Soc. 129(1967),26–37. [2] G.D. Chakerian, H. 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