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Preview N Ph i i P id on-Physician Providers - s3.gi.org

Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE ✗ NNon-PPhhysiiciian PProviidders Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FACG, FASGE Galen Medical Group Chattanooga, TN [email protected] ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 1 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE  To define the stepps to developp ancillaryy infusion and histopathology services  To recognize the regulatory challenges to ancillary service provision  To understand how NPP can add value to oouuttppaattiieenntt aanndd iinnppaattiieenntt GGII sseerrvviicceess  To describe how integrating NPP into practice can impact delivery of care  Infusion  Laboratory*  Pathology  Imaging *  Anesthesia  Research *  Weight loss clinic  Drug dispensing* ””WWee hhaavvee ddeeeepp ddeepptthh.”” --Lawrence Peter Berra * Especially if Multi-specialty group ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 2 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE  Practice integration  Coordinated clinical pathways  Improved communication between specialists  Control of data, quality, costs bundle  Decreased costs and increased convenience for patient in a familiar and comfortable setting  PPaattiieenntt aaddhheerreennccee  Opportunity for patient interaction and education  Standard of care at point of service ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 3 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE Equipment Quantity Cost IInffusiion chhaiir 2 $$3,000 Infusion pump 2 $3,400 BP monitor 1 $1,500 Updateoffice space $2,500 Entertainment $1,500 Misc.supplies $1,500 --IV catheters,, tubingg,, extension sets --IV poles --locked refrigerator --stocked crash cart --medications Total start up costs $13,400  Staff  Check state licensure  Salary, benefits limitations for medication  RN, NP, PA infusion  Rent  Other support staff ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 4 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE BUY AND BILL ASSIGNMENT  EEssttaabblliisshh aaccccoouunntt wwiitthh  CCoovveerreedd uunnddeerr RRxx ddrruugg ppllaann wholesaler for specialty Rx  Requires preauthorization  Purchase Rx from vendor  Specialty pharmacy ships  Bill patient’s insurance plan specific doses for patient  Specialty pharmacy verifies insurance information and bills copayment Examine individual prescription drug policies and procedures Research various vendors to verify most competitive prices Guarantee availability CPT Descriptor Examples Payment 96360 Hydration 1sthour NS $58.51 96361 Hydrationadditional hour NS $15.31 96413 1sthour infusion Anti-TNF $143.22 96415 Each addition hour infusion Anti-TNF $30.62 96374 IV push, single drug Prednisone $57.50 DDiipphheennhhyyddrraammiinnee H2 Blocker 96375 Additional sequential IV push of new drug Above $22.46 96401 Chemo admin, SQ or IM Methotrexate $75.87 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 5 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE  Singgle denial = thousands of dollars  Manage with infrastructure  Preauthorization  Pay staff by service rather than hourly  Ensure no practice “tax” on drug Only one initial code in the drug administration family; all other codes must use a subsequent code All supplies are included and cannot be billed separately  local anesthesia; IV start; access to indwelling IV, SQ catheter/port, flushes; standard tubing, syringes BBiillll ffoorr ddrruugg wwaassttaaggee aass ppeerr ccoonnttrraacctt ((-JJWW mmooddiiffiieerr)) Bill E/M service if patient has separate, identifiable problem that requires this (-25 modifier is suggested) Includes nursing visit ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 6 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE  Start-upp costs 55770 s.f. lab $110,,000  Histology technician $23.35/hr  Lab manager, Director $36,000/yr  Rent $41,700/yr  Supplies $25,560/yr 52% reduction in 2013 Medicare Fee Schedule for Level IV path CPT 88305 Technical Component (TC) Increase in Professional Component (PC) by 2% Overall 33% decrease in Global ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 7 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE  Local ggroupp versus outside  Hiring issues  Part of team  Desirable lifestyle  Per unit payment  Assume ~ 60 specimens per day or more CPT Descriptor PC TC Global 88305 Level IVPath $36.74 $33.34 $70.09 88312 H. Pylori $26.54 $71.11 $97.65 88313 Iron $11.91 $55.80 $67.71 8888334422 IImmmmuunnoohhiissttoocchheemmiissttrryy $$4422.1199 $$7733.1155 $$111155.3344 ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 8 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE  Propposed TC 8833055 cut of 77%  Proposed limit to practice expense payments used to calculate the technical component (TC) of pathology services to the lesser of the amount paid at either the hospital outpatient aammoouunntt oorr aammbbuullaattoorryy ssuurrggeerryy cceenntteerr payment rate  PC cut 1-2%  Volume-based billing  In-Office ancillary services exception (Stark)  H.R. 2914, the Promoting Integrity in Medicare Act of 2013  Offset by Appropriate Use Criteria  Anti-markup payment limitation  Oversight requirements  LLiicceennssee aanndd cceerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn;; aaccccrreeddiittaattiioonn  Liability  Further payment cuts  Decision support tools ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 9 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology Colleen M. Schmitt, MD, MHS, FASGE  Our biopsy “behavior” did not change before and affter we estabblliishhedd llabb or bby siite off serviice 3.5 e s P=NS Ca 3 r e p 2.5 es Office '12 si 2 p Office '13 o iBi 1.5 HOPD '12 # e 1 HOPD '13 g a er 0.5 v A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Physician ACG Board of Governors/ASGE Best Practices Course - Las Vegas, NV 10 Copyright 2014 American College of Gastroenterology

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