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M - I MYSTICS, >»- I MASTERS, I SAINTS, I SAGES and. Stories of Enlightenment Tmrnm BUDDHA RUMI ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA JOHN OF THE CROSS ST. THE BAAL SHEM TOV PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA MEHER BABA PEACE PILGRIM GANGAJI ECKHART TOLLE .tf- FOREWORD BY HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA ROBERT ULLMAN AND JUDYTH REICHENBERG-ULLMAN PRAI SE FOR MYSTICS, MASTERS, SAINTS, AND SAGES — "A fascinating collection of first-person accounts across cen- — turies and across religious traditions of the experience of awakening, all held together by the common denominator of 'SurprisedbyJoy.'" Sylvia Boorstein,authorofIt'sEasierThan You Think: TheBuddhistWaytoHappiness "Each time you read of one of the encounters with the infinite you feel the tug foryour own realization." RabbiZalman Schachter-Shalomi, pastholderoftheWorldWisdom Chair,NaropaUniversity "Equanimityofthemind,contentment,self-reflection,andasso- ciation with spiritual seekers are the four ways to spiritual en- lightenment. An aspirant of the spiritual path can choose any one of the four. Association with spiritual seekers includes readingthe life histories and teachings ofsaints and sages, spir- itual masters, and God-intoxicated people who are merged in their devotion to God, both historically and in the present. Through this book, Bob Ullman and Judyth Reichenberg-Ull- man have helped others fulfill that need of association with spiritual seekers, saints, and sages ofthe East andWest, histori- cal and present. I wish them success in their efforts to serve peoplebyvarious means." BabaHari Dass,authorof SilenceSpeaksfrom theChalkboardofBabaHariDass "Finally, a beautifully concise and readable overview of the en- lightened condition as it is expressed through a wide variety of personalities,both historical and contemporary." Adyashanti,OpenGateSangha, authorofTheImpactofAwakening "Mystics, Masters, Saints, andSagesoffers a myriad ofreflections of the profound potential we have for awakening to our true nature. These inspiring life stories of personal transformation inspire us to discover and embodya trulyuniversal spirit at the heart ofourhumanityandto live in awaythat honors it." Dr.JoelandMichelleLevey,authorsof LivinginBalanceand SimpleMeditation &Relaxation MYSTICS, MASTERS, SAINTS, and SAGES Stories of Enlightenment FOREWORD BY HIS HOLINESS THE DALAI LAMA ROBERT ULLMAN UDYTH REICHENBERG-ULLMAN Conari Press Berkeley, California Copyright©2001byRobertUllmanandJudythReichenberg-Ullman AllRightsReserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybeusedorreproducedinanymanner whatsoeverwithoutwrittenpermission,exceptinthecaseofbriefquotationsincriti- calarticlesorreviews.Forinformation,contact:ConariPress,2550NinthStreet,Suite 101,Berkeley,CA94710-2551. ConariPressbooksaredistributedbyPublishersGroupWest. CoverPhotography:©KamilVojnar/Photonica CoverandBookDesign:ClaudiaSmelser LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Ullman,Robert. Mystics,masters,saints,andsages:storiesofenlightenment /RobertUllmanand JudythReichenberg-Ullman. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. isbn 1-57324-507-0 1.Religiousawakening. 2.Spirituallife. I.Reichenberg-Ullman,Judyth. II.Title. B1476.U552—001 29i.4'2'o922 dc2i 2001002853 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericaonrecycledpaper. 987654321 01 02 03 data 10 Wededicate this book toBaba HariDass y a silentyogiwho haspatientlyguidedand inspired us and isa livingexampleofwhatitmeans to be liberated. MYSTICS, MASTERS, SAINTS, AND SAGES Acknowledgments xi Foreword xin Introduction xv 1 Gautama,the Buddha (624-544 b.c.e.,Nepal) From SufferingtoNirvana 1 2 Hui-Neng (638-713, China) From Illiterate Woodcutter to Sixth Zen Patriarch 7 3 Yeshe Tsogyal (757-817,Tibet) LadyoftheLotus-Born 15 4 Jalaluddin Rumi (1207-1273,Afghanistan) Intoxicatedwith theBeloved 23 5 A Disciple ofthe Kabbalistic School ofAbrahamAbulafia (1240-1291, Spain) Kabbalah: TheSecretNames ofGod 29 6 Saint Catherine ofSiena (1347-1380, Italy) TheBrideofChrist 37 7 Kabir (circa 1440-1518, India) BeyondDogma toDivinity 47 8 Gendun Gyatso Palzangpo (1475-1541,Tibet) Poems ofaMadDalaiLama 55 9 Saint John ofthe Cross (1542-1591, Spain) TranscendingtheDarkNightoftheSoul 63 10 Hakuin (1686-1769, Japan) FallingDown Laughing 69 11 The Baal Shem Tov (1698-1760, Eastern Europe) TheHeavenlyHasid 77 VII 12 Baha'u'llah (1817-1892, Iran) In Bondage, YetFree 85 13 Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886, India) TheEcstaticLoverofMotherKali 91 14 Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950, India) JAm NottheBody, IAm theSelf 99 15 Swami (Papa) Ramdas (1884-1963, India) andMother Krishnabai (1903-1989, India) ThereIs OnlyRam (God) ' 107 16 ParamahansaYogananda (1893-1952, India) BringingCosmicConsciousness to the West 113 17 Meher Baba (1894-1969, India) The UniversalLoveofanAvatar 123 18 Krishnamurti (1895-1986, India) JAm GodIntoxicated 133 19 Franklin Merrell-Wolff(1897-1985,United States) Pathways Through to Space 139 20 Peace Pilgrim (Early1900S-1981, United States) WalkingforWorldPeace 147 21 Gopi Krishna (1908-1984, India) TheAwakeningoftheKundalini 155 22 Lester Levenson (1909-1994,United States) Releasingfor UltimateFreedom 163 23 Jean Klein (Circa1916-1998, Czechoslovakia) From Individual toImpersonal 175 24 Ramesh Balsekar (1919-present, India ) ItHad toHappen 185 25 RobertAdams (1928-1997, United States) TheSilenceoftheHeart 191 VIII CONTENTS

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