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Myrmica cagnianti, a new ant from North Africa (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). PDF

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by  EspadalerX.
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Misceliania Zool6gica 19.1 (1996) 67 Myrmica new cagnianti, a ant from North Africa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) X. Espadaler Espadaler, X., 1996. Myrmica cagnianti, a new ant from North Africa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). /\4isc. ZooL, 19.1: 67-74. Myrmica cagnianti, a new ant from North Africa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).- Myrmica cagnianti, a Moroccan ant, is proposed as a new species. It is characterized by its scape without lobulated extension, fine pilosity, absence of tibial spurs II and III and the shape of the petiole node. Differences from M. aloba Forel, M. specioides Bondroit and M. scabrinodis Nylander are described. The males of this new species are very similar to M. scabrinodisma\es. Cephalic indices provide a good way to discriminate between M. cagnianti and related species. The social parasite Myrmica Icabylica (Cagniant) has been found in a nest of this new species, constituting the second record for this rare ant. Key words: Myrmica, New species, Formicidae, Maghreb. (Rebut: 17 XI 95; Acceptacio definitiva: 2 I 96) Xavier Espadaler, Dept de Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal i Ecologia, Univ. Autdnoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Espanya (Spain). Introduction ruginodis Nylander from Tebessa (Santschi, 1910); M. scabrinodis Nylander from Several Myrmica species from North Af- Tebessa (Forel, 1890) and from Tonga rica have been recorded. These include Lake, Algeria (Gvgniant, 1969); M. sabuleti M. aloba Forel from Morocco (Santschi, Meinert was referred to as a tramp spe- 1931a, 1936, 1939; CoLLiNGwooD, 1963) and cles in North Africa (Emery, 1921); M. Tunis (Santschi, 1931b); M. rubra L. from rolandi Bondroit (a synonym of M. the Higher Atlas (Cagniant, 1962); M. scabrinodis; Seifert, 1988) from Tunis © 1996 Museu de Zoologia 68 Espadaler (Santschi, 1925, 1929). However, Santschi year or less: head, thorax, legs and (1936) himself doubted the iden-tification pedicels reddish brown; gaster dark of M. aloba in the absence of males and brown. Older workers: head, thorax and there is also doubt about the correct gaster dark brown; legs and pedicels identification of some ofthe older records reddish brown. Pilosity finer and longer of this and other species, some of which than in M. aloba and other European at least should probably be referred to Myrmica (15 species compared), specially the new species proposed here. on the gaster. TrueM. aloba is a common Iberian spe- Scapesharply bent nearthe base, with- cies. Recent capture of sexuals with asso- out any lobar extension; scape thinner ciatedworkers have madeafullerdescrip- than inM. aloba. External borderofscape tion possible (TiNAUT & Espadaler, 1987). with preponderantlysubdecumbent hairs. AbundantIberian materialcompared with Head indices, see table 2. Frontal trian- samplestaken atOukaimeden, HigherAt- gle smooth and shining in the first 2/3, las, Morocco, appear to differ at specific with 1-4 short striae at the apex. Dorsal level. The new species, with the scape median surfaceofthe head longitudinally having no lobar extension at the bend is striate, becoming reticulate laterally; spe- so reminiscent of that of M. aloba that it cies between frontal striae smooth and may be advisable to check all previous shining; spaces between lateral reticle, African material. Citations of M. aloba superficially sculptured. from Algeria (Cagniant, 1968, 1973) cor- Thorax longitudinallystriate, thespaces respond to this new species. between striae smooth and shining; pro- podeal spineslong,fineandslightlycurved downwards when viewed from side and Material and Methods diverging from above. Mesopropodeal furrow shallow. Tibial spurs from middle Measurements were made with a Nikon and hind legsverypoorlydeveloped, nearly binocular microscope and scaled eyepiece, absent; in a few examples from Algeria mm accurate to 0.025 (table 1). thespurs maybe nearnormallydeveloped. Indices used arethose ofArnoldi (1934): Petiole in profile with distinctly concave - Head Index: width of the head at the anteriorface, similartoM. specioidesBon- anterior margin of the eyes x 100 /length droit; the node sloping backwards from of the head; the dorsal crest, without a distinct step; - Frontal Index: width of the forehead x viewed from above its sides converge 100 / width of the head; anteriorly. Postpetiole globose to sub- - Frontal laminae Index: width of the eliptical from above, distinctlywid-erthan forehead x 100 / width of the frontal the petiole; postero-dorsal face ofpetiole laminae. finelyreticulate rugose; post-petiolerugose - Buschinger's Index: distance from propo- with striae converging posteriorly. Gaster deal spiracle to the tip of the spines / smooth and shining. distance from propodeal spiracle to the descent face of propodeum in profile. Female (fig. 3) Lg 5.8-6.0 mm; colour similartothe worker but the head darker, specially the clypeus Results and front, and two dark parapsidal strips and a middle anterior zone of scutum, Myrmica cagnianti n. sp. posterior border of scutum and a dark spot at the posterior zone of the anpis- Worker (figs. 1, 2, 5, 6) ternum. Pilosity very fine, as in workers. Lg 3.7-4.7 mm; general habitus of most Scape, clypeus and head sculpture as in European Myrmica. Colour ofworkers one workers; head indices, see table 2. Thorax ' Miscel-l^nia Zooldgica 19.1 (1996) 69 * Tabfe 1. Myrmita caghlanti n. ip. Wjeahs andfstarid^V^jdeyiation ofeight l' chard^cters measured on'workeri (w^ ri's47}-q\jeeTisWf*±9) and males (m; n ': Myrmica cagnianti sp. n. Mediaydesvihiidh estshdarde bcho caracteres ' medidos en obreras (w, n =47), reinas(f; n = 9}ymachos (m; n = 4). ,,.,.- ratio to Characters mean- \,.s.d/'vi5ead width s.d. i Head width beliind eyes ,;. vl\. ,..•'-•- ~:H J . w r 0.«15 0.025 f 1.025 0.010 . m V t-Aig 0.731 0.037 : Head length w 1.050 0.052 1.195 0.020 . f 1.201 0.018 1.170 0.020 m ' f'l^v ^- l . 70 Espadaler longitudinally rough, brilliant between infuscated basal halfand brownish veins. rugae;spinessomewhatshorterthan inthe Closed discoidal cell and half partitioned worker (see Buschinger's index, table 2). cubital cell. Petiole and postpetiole simi- Tibial spurs comparatively less devel- lar to the worker but the dorsal face of oped than inMyrmica queens.Wingswith the node with a small step in side view. Figs- 1-5. Myrmica cagnidntl n. sp.: 1. Petiole and postpetiole of worker, side view, pilosity omitted; 2. Three examples from the same colony; 3. Petiole and postpetiole of female, side view, pilosity omitted; 4. Petiole and postpetiole of male, side view, pilosity omitted; 5. Scape of worker, upper and frontal view. Myrmica cagnianti sp. n,: f. Pecioloypospedolo de la obrera, vista lateral, se omite lapilosidad;2. Tresejemplos de la misma colonia; 3. Pecioloypospedolo de la hembra, vista lateral, se omite la pilosidad; 4. Peciolo y pospedolo del macho, vista lateral, se omite lapilosidad; 5. Escapo de la obrera, vista superior y frontal. Miscell^nia Zooldgica 19.1 (1996) 71 Male (figs. 4, 6, 7, 9-12) antennae, mandibles and tarsi brownish Lg 4.2-4.6 mm; head and thorax brown- yellow. Abundant long hairs on all ap- ish; coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, peti- pendages, longer than their maximum ole, postpetiole and gaster slightly lighter; width; hind tarsal hairs subequal on ail Figs. 6-12. Myrmica cagnianti n. sp.: 6. Male antenna; 7. Front leg of male; 8. Mid and hind tibiae of worker showing reduced{(purs, pilosity'd>nitted;9. Aedeagus; 10. External paramera; 11. Volsella; 12. Subgenitafplate. '.l'; Myrmica cagnianti sp. n.:€. Antena delmacho;7. Pata anteriordelmacho; 8. Tibias media y posterior de la obrera mostrando espolones reducidos, se omite la pilosidad; 9. Edeago; 10. Parimero externo; 11. Volsella; 12. Placa subgenital. 72 Espadaler Table 2. Myrmica cagnlanti n.sp. Biometrical Indices. Mean (s.d.). Myrmica cagniati n. sp. indices biomitricos. Media (desviaci6n esteindar) Miscell^nia Zoologica 19.1 (1996) 73 Discussion Biological notes Taxonomic position M. cagnianti nests in humid spots, ap- parently in all mountain chains of Mo- Worlcers have scapes similar to those rocco and Algeria as could be expected of M. aloba. In M. cagnianti body size for this genus in a dry region, except is smaller, the sculpture is longitudinal Anti Atlas. In May, nests have always been with the interspaces very shiny, the found in biotopes near permanent wa- pilosity is finer and the meso-propodeal ter streams. furrow less developed. The best way Societies are polygynous (up to 34 to discriminate the two species, besides queens in a nest from Oukaimeden). cephalic indices, is by the near absence The nest from Sou Iblane was heavily of tibial spurs and the shape of the parasitized by Myrmica icabylica (Cagni- petiole which is not truncated above ant, 1970). In a non exhaustive search 38 in M. cagnianti. The petiole is also malesand 106femaleswerecollected.This narrower in M. cagnianti [mean ± sd social parasitewas previouslyknown only PE/HW(petiole width/head width): 0.24± from Tala Guilef, Algeria. 0.008; measured as in Seifert, 1988]. It differs from M. scabrinodis by its non angulate scape, the shape of the peti- ole and the cephalic indices and from Resumen M. specioides also by its scape and ce- phalic indices. Myrmica cagniati, una nueva hormiga del Females of M. cagnianti differ from norte de Africa (Hymenoptera, Formi- M. aloba by the scape petiole shape [PE/ cidae) HW (petiole width/head width): 0.27± 0.008) and pilosity in similar ways as Se propone a Myrmica cagnianti, una hor- workers and from M. scabrinodis by the miga de Marruecos, como una nueva scape, petiole shape and cephalic indi- especie. ces. Se caracteriza por el escapo sin exten- Males of M. cagnianti differ from M. sion lobulada, pilosidad fina, ausencia de aloba by the shape of the petiole, which espolones tibiales II y III y por la forma del is likethat ofM. scabrinodisand the long nodo del peciolo (figs. 1-5, 6-12). Se descri- appendage pilosity separates M. ben las diferencias con M. aloba Forel, M. cagnianti from M. specioides. They are specioides Bondroit y M. scabrinodis smaller, with a relatively shorter head Nylander. Los machos de esta nueva espe- and narrower alitrunk but otherwisevery cie son muy similares a los de M. difficult to separate from the similarM. scabrinodis. Los indices cefalicos constitu- scabrinodis. yen un buen metodo para discriminar en- The group of Myrmica species with tre M. cagnianti y especies relacionadas. bent scape without lobar extensions or El parasito social Myrmica kabylica with slight angle should be cosidered (Cagniant) ha sido encontrado en el nido with care asseparate new morphospecies de esta nueva especie, constituyendo la may perhaps be recognized. Identifica- segunda cita para esta rara hormiga. tion of species belonging to this group, if made with scarce material and in ab- sence ofwinged forms, is difficult. Work- Acicnowledgements ers are extremely alike in spite of being structurally rich, and proper naming is I am indebted to C. A. Collingwood very much helped with biometrical analy- (Leeds) for a critical reading of the sis. manuscript. 74 Espadaler References ent. Belgique, 34: 61-77. Santschi, F., 1910. Nouvelles fourmis de Arnoldi, K. W., 1934. Vorlaufige Tunisie (suite). Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Ergebnisse einer biometrische Nord. 3: 70-72. Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-arten - 1925. Fourmis d'Espagne et autres es- aus dem europaishe Telle des USSR. peces pal6arctiques (Hymenopt.) Eos, Fol. Zool. Hydrobiol., 5: 151-174. 1: 339-366. Cagniant, H., 1962. Etude de quelques - 1929. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algerle et fourmis maroccaines. Statlstique pro- de Tunisie. Ann. Bull. Soc. ent. Bel- visoire des Formicldes du Maroc. Bull. gique. 69:138-165. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord. 53: 83-118. - 1931a. Fourmis du bassin mediterraneen - 1968. Liste prelimlnaire des fourmis occidental et du Maroc r^colt^es par forestlferes d'Algerle. Bull. Soc. Hist. M.M. Lindberg. Soc. Sci. Fenn. Comm. Nat. Toulouse. 104: 138-147. S/o/.,14:1-13. - 1969. Deuxl^me liste des fourmis d'Alge- - 1931b. Notes sur le genre Myrmica (La- rle, recoltees principalement en foret. treille). Rev. Suisse Zool.. 38: 335-355. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse. 105: 405- - 1936. Liste et description des fourmis 430. du Maroc. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord, - 1973. Les peuplements de fourmis des 16: 198-210. forets algeriennes. Ecologie, bioceno- - 1939. Trois notes sur quelques fourmis tique, essai biologlque. Ph. D. Thesis, du Mus6e Royal d'HIstoire Naturelle University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. de Belgique. Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. CoLLiNGWooD, C. A., 1963. Notes on some Belgique, 15: 1-7. south european and mediterranean Seifert, B., 1988. A taxonomic revision of ants. Ent. /fee, 75: 114-119. the Myrmica species of Europe, Asia Emery, C, 1921. Fam. Formicidae, subfam. Minor and Caucasia. Abh. Ber Natur- Myrmicinae. In: Genera Insectorum. kundesmus. Gorlitz, 62: 1-75. Fasc: 174 (P. Wystman, Ed.). Bru- TiNAUT, A. & Espadaler, X., 1987. Descrip- xelles. clon del macho de Myrmica aloba Forel, FoREL, A., 1890. Fourmis de Tunisie et 1909 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). /Vol/. d'Algerle orientale. Comp. Rend. Soc. Rev. Ent.. 4: 61-69.

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