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Preview Myosin 1 controls membrane shape by coupling F-Actin to membrane.

AutOphAgic punctum BioArchitecture 1:5, 230-235; September/October 2011; © 2011 Landes Bioscience Myosin 1 controls membrane shape by coupling F-Actin to membrane Evelyne Coudrier1,2,* and Claudia G. Almeida1,2 . e 1Institut Curie; Centre de Recherche, Paris, France; 2Morphogenesis and Cell Signalization CNRS; UMR144; Paris, France c n e Cellular functions are intimately tubular and vesicular carrier precursors. i associated with rapid changes icn The current model regarding membrane membrane shape. Different mechasnisms remodeling is largely based on studies of interfering with the lipid bilayoer, such as plasma membrane deformations that lead the insertion of proteins wiith amphipatic to membrane invagination during endo- B helices or the association of a protein cytosis. This model involves two major . scaffold, triggesr m embrane bending. By steps feor membrane deformation and a exerting foerce on membranes, molecular thtird step that implies change in mem- u motords can also contribute to membrane brane continuity and triggers the scission b rnemodeling. Previous studies have shown of vesicles from the plasma membrane. that actin and myosin 1 participaite in the In the first step, membrane bend- a r invagination of the plasmta membrane ing can be achieved by different mecha- L s during endocytosis while kinesins and nisms. Change in lipid composition or 2 i dynein with mdicrotubules provide the integral membrane proteins can influence 1 force to elo ngate membrane buds at recy- membrane bending.1 Proteins that insert t 0 cling endosomes and at the trans-Golgi amphipatic helices into the proximal lipid o 2 network (TGN). Using live cell imaging monolayer, such as proteins with ENTH n we have recently shown that a myosin 1 (Epsin N-Terminal Homology) or © o (myosin 1b) regulates the actin depen- ANTH (AP180N-Terminal Homology) D dent post-Golgi traffic of cargo and gen- domains, also induce membrane curva- erates force that controls the assembly of ture.2 These proteins have been involved F-actin foci and promotes with the actin at the plasma membrane for endocytosis cytoskeleton the formation of tubules and at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) at the TGN. Our data provide evidence for the exit of CI-mannose-6-phosphate that actin and myosin 1 can regulate receptor (MPR). Scaffolding proteins, membrane remodeling of organelles as including proteins with BAR domains, Keywords: Myosins, actin, membrane well as having an unexpected role in the make membrane curvature by imposing remodeling, membrane traffic, trans- spatial organization of the actin cyto- their crescent shape on the membrane Golgi network skeleton. Here, we discuss our results with which they interact.3,4 F-BAR pro- together with the role of actin and other teins with a positive curvature have been Abbreviations: F-Actin, actin fila- myosins that have been implicated in the implicated at the plasma membrane for ments; G-actin, globular actin; KD, traffic of cargo. endocytosis.5,6 Clathrin, or other coats knockdown; KO, knockout; MPR, that are recruited to membrane domains CI-mannose-6-phophate receptor; NPF, Introduction by adaptor complexes like AP1, AP2, nucleation-promoting factors; TGN, AP3, AP4, are believed to also contribute trans-Golgi network During embryonic development numer- to membrane curvature.7 Interestingly, Submitted: 10/06/11 ous biological processes, including cell proteins with ENTH, ANTH or BAR Revised: 10/10/11 migration, membrane traffic and tissue domains interact with the adaptor com- reorganization, require rapid changes plexes, suggesting that the adaptor/coat Accepted: 10/12/11 in membrane shape. For example dur- machinery coordinates the formation of http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/bioa.1.5.18406 ing intracellular transport of cargo, membrane curvature with the sorting membranes of organelles acquire curved of cargo addressed to different cellular Correspondence to: Evelyne Coudrier; Email: [email protected] shapes leading to the formation of destinations.2,8 230 BioArchitecture Volume 1 issue 5 AutOphAgic punctum pERSpEctiVE In our recent study we found that a pool of Myo1b localizes at the TGN in HeLa cells.23 We thus investigated whether Myo1b participates in the trafficking of different cargo that transit through the TGN. We showed that the cellular dis- tribution of MPR that cycles between the TGN and sorting endosomes was impaired by down expression or overex- pression of Myo1b .in HeLa cells. Using e live cell imaging we showed that the c exit of GFP-MPR from the TGN was n inhibited in cells depleted for Myo1b by e siRNA, while the traffic of MPR from i c endosomes to the TGN was not altered. s The delivery of newly synthesized lyso- o somal hydrolases to endosomes, such as i cathepsin D and β-hexosaminidase, was B also affected. However, instead of being . s secreteed, as previously reported in KO e cetlls for MPR,24 β-hexosaminidase activ- u d ity was decreased in cell-culture media b n in the absence of Myo1b. These findings Figure 1. Formation of carrier vesicles. model for the sequential events that induce membirane suggest that Myo1b inhibits not only deformation at the plasma membrane or at thae tgn. (A) By interacting with npF, F-BARr protein or t post-Golgi transport to endosomes but Etnh proteins control the side of actin pLolymerization for membrane invagination at the plasma s membrane and at the tgn. (B) Kine sin and microtubules then elongate the membrane of the tgn. also post-Golgi transport to the plasma 2 i d membrane. Indeed, the kinetics of TGN 1 exit of the neurotrophin receptor p75 t In the second 0step, in the case of mor- pathways (Fig. 1).11-13 Recent experimen- (p75), that localizes at the plasma mem- o phogenesis o2f carrier vesicles, a generation tal evidence indicates that several NPFs, brane at steady-state,12 was slowed down n of forc es allows for the elongation of the including WASP, WASH and WHAMM, in the absence of Myo1b. Interestingly, m©embrane leading to membrane tuboul es and several myosins from the classes II, V, the exit of MPR and p75 depends on an prior to scission. Motor protDeins and VI and XVIII, contribute to cargo traf- intact actin cytoskeleton.25-27 In contrast, cytoskeleton are commonly employed ficking at the TGN and endosomes.14-19 the exit of a lipid-raft anchored protein to generate forces. Actin polymerization Do these myosins and actin polymeriza- (GPI-GFP), that leaves the TGN inde- itself can push membranes. At the plasma tion participate in membrane remodel- pendently of the actin cytoskeleton, was membrane, proteins with F-BAR domains ing leading to the formation of carrier not regulated by Myo1b.26,27 We con- interact with members of the Wiskott vesicles? We recently raised this question cluded that Myo1b controls the exit of Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASP) fam- and showed that the actin cytoskeleton cargos requiring actin dynamics and that ily, also named nucleation-promoting and a myosin I (myosin 1b) promote the are delivered either to endosomes or via factors (NPF), that activate the Arp2/3 formation of tubular-carrier precursors at the exocytic pathway to the plasma mem- complex and hence induce actin polym- the TGN. brane. Previous reports have suggested erization.5 If the BAR domain protein that inhibition of cargo exit from TGN is located between NPF molecules, the Myo1b Regulates TGN Exit impairs the homeostasis of the Golgi force generated by actin polymerization and Formation of Tubular- complex and consequently disturbs its leads to membrane invagination (Fig. 1). Precursor Carriers morphology.28-30 We observed by conven- In addition to actin polymerization, a tional electron microscopy that depletion yeast myosin from class I has been pro- We have shown previously that myo- of Myo1b produced shorter Golgi stacks, posed to contribute to membrane invagi- sin1b (Myo1b) localizes at the plasma dilated mostly at the rims, and an abnor- nation during endocytosis (Fig. 1).9,10 membrane in regions enriched with actin mal accumulation of peri-Golgi vesicular In contrast, kinesins and dynein with filaments, and at early endosomes, mul- profiles with various shapes and sizes. Exit microtubules provide the force to elon- tivesicular endosomes and lysosomes.20,21 of MPR from the TGN depends on the gate membrane buds at recycling endo- Furthermore, Myo1b was involved in the formation of tubular-carrier precursors somes and at the TGN, two of the main traffic of cargo along the endocytic path- that elongate and break into post-Golgi protein sorting stations of the cell at the way and together with F-actin it modu- carrier vesicles.14,31 Using fast time- cross roads of the exocytic and endocytic lated the shape of sorting endosomes.20,22 lapse imaging we observed a dramatic www.landesbioscience.com BioArchitecture 231 reduction of tubular-carrier precursors and cytoplasmic carrier vesicles in absence of Myo1b. Conversely, overexpression of Cherry-Myo1b induced the formation of long GFP-MPR tubular-precursors. To determine whether the force generated by Myo1b triggers cargo exit from the TGN and could be at the origin of membrane deformation, we analyzed whether Myo1b rigor mutant (N160A) with a single muta- . e tion in the motor domain and a Myo1b c mutant (E476K) with a single mutation n in the “switch 2” of the motor domain, e both being unable to generate force to i move F-actin in vitro, could rescue the c normal distribution of MPR upon endog- s enous Myo1b KD. We found that expres- o sion of recombinant wild-type Myo1b, i B but not Myo1b-rigor or Myo1b-E476K, . rescued the normal steady-state distribu- s e tion of MPR. We concluded that Myo1b e t u regulates the exit of cargo from the TGN d b by generating a force that could contrib- n ute to the formation of tubular-precursor i a r carriers. t L s 2 i Myo1b Controls the Assembly d 1 of F-Actin Foci at the TGN t 0 o Growing evi2dence indicates that the actin nFigure 2. model for the role of myo1b in membrane remodeling. myo1b moves toward the plus ctrya©tfofisckke ilnetgo na t ptlhaey sT aG Nro.1le4, 25i,n28 ,2m9 aenmdb ortahn aet emnydo 1obf Fm-aocttoinr .a icf tmivyitoy1 wb iilsl mimomveo bFi-laizcetidn bbeaccakuwsaer odf t ihtse rinetbeyr afacctiiolitna wtinitgh athded imtioenm obfr nanewe tgh eanc ttihne n ext actin foci localizes in the TGN rDegion.28,32 to the plasma membrane. (A) Shows the orientation of myo1b movement (see blue arrows) and However, the role of actin dynamics at an (B) the consequence of this movement on actin dynamics (see gray arrows and new addition of g-actin). early stage of post-Golgi carrier biogen- esis, such as formation of tubular-carrier precursors, was unknown. By monitoring complex has been proposed to nucleate but not at the ventral plasma membrane. the behavior of F-actin foci at the TGN the actin filaments that compose F-actin While Myo1b overexpression increased in cells expressing Cherry-LifeAct and foci at the TGN membrane.34 The reduc- the number of Arp2/3 structures in the GFP-MPR, we observed that F-actin tion of F-actin foci in the TGN region, Golgi region with no significant increase foci remained relatively non motile and upon Arp2/3 complex KD by siRNA, at the ventral plasma membrane. stable at the opposite of the behavior of phenocopied the accumulation of MPR Together, these findings allowed us to F-actin at the plasma membrane where in the TGN, as seen in the Myo1b KD. propose that Myo1b tethers F-actin foci to a burst of actin occurs during the for- Furthermore, KD of the Arp2/3 complex the TGN membrane. Recently, Kobama mation of coated pits to enable vesicle reduced the formation of tubular-carrier and colleagues reported the ability of formation and ligand uptake.33 Thirty precursors and consequently the num- Myo1b, to bind to phosphoinositides.35 percent of F-actin foci codistributed with ber of cytoplasmic MPR carrier vesicles. As Myo1b contains, in its tail domain, MPR associated to the TGN and F-actin Myosins generate force by interacting in a cluster of basic amino acids as well as foci were in close proximity to the TGN an ATP dependant manner with F-actin a PH-like motif, Myo1b could bind the membrane when MPR tubules formed, filaments. We found that Myo1b was in TGN membrane via its PH motif. Similar suggesting that F-actin foci interact with association with F-actin foci in the TGN to the other members of the subgroup of the TGN membrane. We showed that region and that its depletion reduced the short tail myosins 1, Myo1b does not con- F-actin foci are required for the formation number of F-actin foci at the TGN by tain a second actin binding domain or a of tubular-carrier precursors emanating 60%. Myo1b depletion also decreased the protein-protein interacting motif, such as from the TGN and give rise to the forma- number of Arp2/3 structures in the vol- a single Src homology domain 3 (SH3), tion of post-Golgi carriers. The Arp2/3 ume occupied by MPR in the TGN area, that can bind proteins involved in actin 232 BioArchitecture Volume 1 issue 5 polymerization.36 However, another mem- Golgi and TGN.14,17 These data, together, to the scission or whether it acts in coor- ber of the short tail myosin 1 subgroup, highlights the existence of multiple TGN dination with dynamin remains to be myosin 1c has been proposed to spatially exit pathways with distinct mechanisms clarified. control actin assembly to the plasma mem- to recruit and activate the Arp2/3 com- Recent experimental evidence indicates brane in Xenopus Oocytes via its motor plex at the TGN membrane. It is likely that members of other classes of myosins domain.37 Myo1b, similarly to Myo1c, that Myo1b functions in these different contribute to membrane trafficking along could spatially control actin assembly at pathways by tethering the newly polym- both the endocytic and exocytic pathways the TGN membrane by interacting with erized F-Actin to the TGN membrane. and suggests that these myosins function F-actin via its motor domain and at the Furthermore, we have previously reported by using distinct molecular mechanisms membrane via its PH motif. In agreement that Myo1b participates in membrane traf- in distinct pathway.s. For example, myo- e with this hypothesis, we found that the ficking along the endocytic pathway and in sin VI has been found to be involved in c force generated by Myo1b was required particular to the transfer of cargo from the the first step of endocytosis as well as in n to tether F-actin foci to the TGN mem- membrane of the sorting endosomes to the the endocytic recycling pathway and more e brane. Using an in vitro motility assay, we internal vesicles.22 We observed that over- recently in the fusion of secretory vesicles i observed that the rigor mutant remained expression of Myo1b increases membrance to the plasma membrane.19,45-47 Although bound to F-actin while the E476K mutant extensions at the surface of these sendo- depletion of myosin VI reduces tubule displayed a weak affinity for F-actin. somes. Conversely, we recentlyo observed formation in the endocytic recycling path- Myo1b, but not Myo1b-rigor or Myo1b- that Myo1b KD decreaseis the formation way, its direct role in membrane remodel- B E476K, rescued the normal steady-state of such extensions (Almeida CG, unpub- ing for these different steps of membrane . distribution of F-actin foci at the TGN. lished data). Thsu s, Myo1b may function traffickeing needs to be further examined.19 Our findings can be summarized in to tether neewly polymerized F-actin to the Mtyosins V contribute to endocytic recy- u a model where the force generated by membdranes of different types of organelles cling of a variety of receptors and cargos. b Myo1b controls F-actin foci orientation annd thereby trigger membrane remodeling Yet, although the isoform Vb is associ- and binding to the TGN membrane. The of organelles. i ated with tubular networks, there is no a r force generated by Myo1b could thereby t evidence indicating that myosins V can L s facilitate actin polymerization and con- Do Other Myosins Implicated remodel membrane of the recycling endo- 2 i tribute to membrane curvature of the in Membrande Traffic Contribute somes.48-50 It is likely that myosin 18a par- TGN (Fig. 2). Accord1ing to this model, to M embrane Remodeling ticipates in retrograde trafficking since its t Myo1b-Tail inter0actions with the TGN o of Organelles? membrane receptor, GOLPH3, has been membrane s2hould be strong enough to shown to contribute to retrograde Golgi n avoid M yo1b-Tail slipping and Myo1b dis- Myosins from classes I and II could con- trafficking in yeast and to be associated so©ciation in the TGN membrane duorin g tribute to organelle and plasma mem- with the retromer complex in mammalian the force produced by Myo1b-mD otor on brane remodeling. Yeast myosins 1, with cells.51 Myosin 18a depletion inhibits the F-actin. Further work needs to be done to a long tail that interacts with NPF via an frequency of formation of Golgi carriers. test this hypothesis. acidic motif at its C-terminus, were the However, due to the question raised by first myosins reported to be involved in the sequence of its motor domain, it is not Is Myo1b Function Coordinated membrane remodeling.9,10 More recently, clear whether this myosin can generate a with Actin Nucleation? another long tail myosin 1, myosin 1e, force to remodel membrane. Myosin 18a that could interact with NSF via its SH3 presents a non-conserved residue in the The Arp2/3 complex can be activated and domain, has been suggested to play a “switch 2” region of the motor domain recruited to the TGN through the inter- similar role in mammalian cells.43,44 It has that abolishes cellular function of myosin action of clathrin coat with Cyfip1/2, been proposed that these myosins elon- II in dictyostellium and instead, myosin triggering WAVE/N-WASP actin nucle- gate the plasma membrane and/or cleave 18a presents an actin-binding site in an ation.14 However, this mechanism can- the newly-formed membrane invagina- unusual PDZ domain at its N-terminus not account for the actin dependent exit tion leading to the endosomes.10 A recent in order to have an ATP dependent actin- of p75 since this receptor exits the TGN report showed that depletion of myosin binding site.52 Further work needs to be independently of clathrin.38 ARF1 (ADP- II inhibits scission of tubular-carrier pre- done to determine whether these myosins ribosylation factor 1) recruits COPI and cursors positive for Rab6.16 We observed contribute to membrane remodeling of clathrin coat complexes on Golgi sub- that inhibition of the ATPase activity of organelles by generating, with F-actin, a domains and also activates the Arp2/3 this myosin inhibits the scission of MPR force on organelle membrane. complex via cdc42 and N-WASP.39-41 tubules. This suggests that myosin II con- In conclusion, our recent work with that Furthermore, expression of an active tributes to membrane remodeling leading of Miserey-Lenkei and colleagues, pro- cdc42 mutant activates the TGN exit of to scission of tubular carrier precursors vides two examples of myosins involved in p75 (ref. 42). In addition, several NPFs, downstream of Myo1b function at the membrane trafficking that control mem- including WASP and WHAMM, con- TGN (Almeida CG, unpublished data). brane remodeling of organelles.16,23 These tribute to the trafficking of cargo at the Whether this myosin contributes directly new results provide an emerging concept www.landesbioscience.com BioArchitecture 233 11. Delevoye C, Hurbain I, Tenza D, Sibarita JB, Uzan- 25. Cao H, Weller S, Orth JD, Chen J, Huang B, Chen that the force generated by myosins is part Gafsou S, Ohno H, et al. AP-1 and KIF13A coor- JL, et al. 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