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Myoferlin Depletion in Breast Cancer Cells Promotes Mesenchymal to Epithelial Shape Change and Stalls Invasion Ruth Li1, William E. Ackerman, IV1, Cosmin Mihai4, Leonithas I. Volakis2, Samir Ghadiali2,3, Douglas A. Kniss1,2* 1LaboratoryofPerinatalResearch,DivisionofMaternal-FetalMedicine,DepartmentofObstetricsandGynecology,TheOhioStateUniversity,Columbus,Ohio,United StatesofAmerica,2DepartmentofBiomedicalEngineering,TheOhioStateUniversity,Columbus,Ohio,UnitedStatesofAmerica,3DivisionofPulmonary,Allergy,Critical CareandSleepMedicine,DepartmentofInternalMedicine,TheOhioStateUniversity,Columbus,Ohio,UnitedStatesofAmerica,4PacificNorthwestNationalLaboratory, Richland,Washington,UnitedStatesofAmerica Abstract Myoferlin (MYOF) is a mammalian ferlin protein with homology to ancestral Fer-1, a nematode protein that regulates spermaticmembranefusion,whichunderliestheamoeboid-likemovementsofitssperm.Studiesinmuscleandendothelial cellshavereportedontheroleofmyoferlininmembranerepair,endocytosis,myoblastfusion,andtheproperexpressionof variousplasmamembranereceptors.Inthisstudy,usinganinvitrohumanbreastcancercellmodel,wedemonstratethat myoferlin is abundantly expressed in invasive breast tumor cells. Depletion of MYOF using lentiviral-driven shRNA expression revealed that MDA-MB-231 cells reverted to an epithelial morphology, suggesting at least some features of mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET). These observations were confirmed by the down-regulation of some mesenchymalcellmarkers(e.g.,fibronectinandvimentin)andcoordinateup-regulationoftheE-cadherinepithelialmarker. CellinvasionassaysusingBoydenchambersshowedthatlossofMYOFledtoasignificantdiminutionininvasionthrough MatrigelortypeIcollagen,whilecellmigrationwasunaffected.PCRarrayandscreeningofserum-freeculturesupernatants fromshRNAMYOFtransducedMDA-MB-231cellsindicatedasignificantreductioninthesteady-statelevelsofseveralmatrix metalloproteinases.ThesedatawhenconsideredintotosuggestanovelroleofMYOFinbreasttumorcellinvasionanda potential reversion toan epithelialphenotype uponloss ofMYOF. Citation:LiR,AckermanWEIV,MihaiC,VolakisLI,GhadialiS,etal.(2012)MyoferlinDepletioninBreastCancerCellsPromotesMesenchymaltoEpithelialShape ChangeandStallsInvasion.PLoSONE7(6):e39766.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039766 Editor:WanjinHong,InstituteofMolecularandCellBiology,Singapore ReceivedApril23,2012;AcceptedMay30,2012;PublishedJune27,2012 Copyright:(cid:2)2012Lietal.Thisisanopen-accessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermitsunrestricted use,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:ThisworkwassupportedbytheOhioStateUniversityPerinatalResearchandDevelopmentFund(DAK),NIHK08HD49628(WEA),andtheNational ScienceFoundationNanoscienceScienceandEngineeringCentergrant#EEC-0425626(RL)andChemical,Bioengineering,Environmental,andTransportSystems (CBET)#1134201(LV,DAK,SG).Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected] Introduction protease-independent, and collective migration) [7,8]. Consider- ableprogresshasbeenmadeinidentifyingthepotentialmolecular Breastcanceristhesecondleadingcauseofcancermortalityin components that mediate cell migration, and there is growing women [1], with the majority of the deaths due to metastatic evidence that intracellular vesicle trafficking of key proteins is ratherthanlocalizeddisease[2].Unrestrainedcelldivisionelicited crucial for efficient migration [9]. In tumor cell migration, the by somatic and/or germline mutations in several oncogenes and recycling of focal adhesion proteins (i.e., integrin receptor tumor suppressor genes such as TP53 and Rb, and resistance to recycling) through endocytosis/exocytosis is now thought to programmed cell death are hallmarks of tumorigenesis [3,4]. For contribute to the maintenance of polarized movement [10,11]. tumor cells to efficiently metastasize, they often undergo a Moreover,endocytosis/exocytictraffickinghasbeenimplicatedin pernicioustransformationcharacterizedbydramaticallyincreased thedeliveryofproteolyticenzymes-includingmatrixmetallopro- migrationandinvasivecapacity.Specifically,thespreadofcancer teinases(MMPs)-toinvadopodia,specializedprotrusionsutilized from a localized, self-contained tumor through tissue stroma and by cells fordegradation of ECM [12,13]. into distant organs requires that cells achieve atypical, robust Ferlin proteins, an evolutionarily ancient family of large motility and the capacity to aggressively degrade extracellular integral membrane proteins [14], have been implicated in matrix (ECM), enabling them to invade surrounding tissues and vesicle trafficking in a variety of physiological settings. All vessels of the blood and lymphatic systems, and subsequently mammalian ferlins derive their names based on homology to establish nascent, secondarytumors [5,6]. the C. elegans protein FER-1 (FERtilization defective-1). In The enhanced migration and invasive capacity of metastatic roundworms, fer-1 is required for the fusion of specialized tumor cells are the subject of intense investigation, and it is now vesicles (membranous organelles) with the plasma membrane at appreciated that several forms of cancer cell motility exist (i.e., the leading edge of cell migration in spermatozoa; in the single-cell, mesenchymal and amoeboid, protease-dependent, PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 1 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion absence of functional FER-1 protein, the normal amoeboid Results locomotion of sperm is impaired, and infertility results [15]. Human patients harboring FER1L1 (FER-1-like 1, dysferlin) Myoferlin in Breast Cancer Cells Correlates with Cell mutations manifest one of two autosomal recessive forms of Invasiveness muscular dystrophy - limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B TocorrelatetheexpressionofMYOFwiththeinvasivecapacity and Myoshi myopathy [16], due to the inability of skeletal ofbreastcancercells,weanalyzedfivemammarycelllines:MCF- muscle fiber sarcolemma to repair damaged muscle cells during 10A,MCF-7,T47D,BT549,andMBA-MB-231.TheMCF-10A the normal course of biomechanical wear and tear [17–19]. line was chosen as a model for non-cancerous, non-invasive Mutations in FER1L2 (otoferlin) result in non-syndromic mammary epithelial [32]. MCF-7 and T47D cells model non2/ deafness (DFNB9), due to the failure of synaptic vesicles to low-invasivebreastcancers,whileBT549andMDA-MB-231have fuse and exocytose their cargo at the presynaptic plasma high invasivecapacity [33]. membrane [20,21]. FER1L3 (myoferlin, MYOF), historically Examination of MYOF mRNA expression in each of the cell considered to be a muscle-specific protein, has not yet been linesindicatedthatMYOFexpressionwas2.44-foldhigherinthe directly associated with a distinct mammalian disorder, but invasive lines (BT549 and MDA-MB-231) relative to non2/low- recent studies have indicated that its deletion results in impaired invasive cells (MCF-10A, MCF-7,and T47D)(Figure 1A andB). mouse myoblast fusion into mature skeletal myotubes [22]. Incongruence,higherMYOFproteinexpressionwasobservedby Furthermore, MYOF has been shown to mediate caveolae- immunoblotting in the highly-invasive breast cancer cell lines dependent endocytosis in human endothelial cells [23]. relative to those with low invasive potential (Figure 1C). To expand upon this, we examined the transcriptional profiling data RecentreportsindicatethatMYOFiscriticallyinvolvedinthe availableon51establishedbreastcancerlinesgeneratedbyNeve function and/or stability of plasma membrane receptor tyrosine and colleagues (http://cancer.lbl.gov/breastcancer/data) [34]. kinases (RTKs). Bernatchez etal. demonstrated that ablation of Those 14cell lines which clustered into the invasive, basal B-like MYOF in vascular endothelial cells resulted in instability and subsetexhibitedstatisticallysignificantlygreaterMYOFexpression rapid degradation of the vascular endothelial growth factor compared to the 25cell lines of the luminal phenotype as receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) [24]. Further research demonstrated that determined by two MYOF probesets (201798_s_at and theexpressionofanotherangiogenictyrosinekinasereceptor,Tie- 211864_s_at, Figure S1). 2, is also attenuated upon MYOF depletion in endothelial cells Buildingontheseobservations,weminedpublishedmicroarray [25].Finally,Demonbreunet al.reportedthatknockoutofMYOF data available through the ArrayExpress database (www.ebi.ac. in mouse muscle resulted in diminished insulin-growth factor-1 uk/arrayexpress) [35]. Our query returned microarray data receptor (IGFR) response and accumulation of the receptors in (accession: E-TABM-276) from Cheng et al. [36] consisting of a vesicles targeted fordegradation [26]. panel of 23 microdissected primary invasive ductal carcinoma The studies reported above when considered in toto suggest tissues,28adjacentstromaltissues,and10healthycontrols.When that MYOF may be a regulator of vesicle fusion events that MYOF expression was categorized by disease state, we observed deliver essential cargos (e.g., growth factor receptors, cell significantly higher MYOF mRNA expression in tissues from adhesion molecules, and other cell-surface proteins) to and/or patients with invasive ductal carcinoma compared with samples from the plasma membrane. Inasmuch as tumor cell metastatic from healthy individuals (Figure S2). Collectively, these data dissemination involves the convergence of receptors, signal suggest a potential correlation between MYOF over-expression transduction pathways, adhesion and matrix proteolytic mole- andinvasive breast carcinoma. cules at the leading edge of a tumor cell, we proposed that MYOF (and perhaps other ferlin proteins) may be involved in Myoferlin Knockdown Promotes a Mesenchymal to one or more steps in tumor progression and/or spread. Epithelial Change Microarray and proteomic studies in the cancer literature have Given a possible association between MYOF expression and reported MYOF expression in breast cancer specimens and invasive potential, we examined whether MYOF contributed to relevant cell lines [27–29]. For example, in one microarray breast cancer cell invasion. We selected the MDA-MB-231 cells study, MYOF was 1 of 39 genes found to be over-represented for these experiments since they exhibited high levels of MYOF in breast carcinoma [28]. These observations prompted us to protein expression in our survey, and were previously shown to hypothesize that MYOF may be an important protein in breast have the greatest invasive capacity compared to a large panel of cancer cells for their mobilization during cellular migration breast cancer cell lines [34]. Stable lines of MYOF-deficient and/or invasion. MDA-MB-231 cells (231MYOF-KD) were generated using lentivi- We recently reported on the mathematical modeling of the rus-based delivery of short hairpin ribonucleic acids (shRNAs) role of MYOF in breast cancer cell invasion [30]. In the targetinghumanMYOF(FigureS3).Controlcelllines(231LTV-ctrl) current manuscript, we present novel data confirming the were generated in parallel using a non-human gene targeting computational modeling and show, in addition, that MYOF- construct.SelectiveknockdownofMYOFproteinexpressionwas deficient MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells exhibit a confirmedbyimmunoblotting(Figure1D).Ofthethreeconstructs more epithelial shape compared to the mesenchymal morphol- initiallyscreened(#10628,10630,and1522),#10628yieldedthe ogy of wild-type MDA-MB-231 cells, suggesting that some most efficient knockdown (mean 94% compared with controls, features of a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET) phe- n=4)and wasused insubsequent experiments. notype [31] may exist in the absence of functional MYOF An unexpected, but interesting shape change appeared in the protein. Matrigel and collagen I based invasion assays demon- 231MYOF-KD cells, wherein they exhibited a more epithelial-like strated that depletion of MYOF diminished the invasive ability (cobblestone) morphology which diverged from the fibroblastic, of cancer cells. In congruence with the mathematical modeling spindleshapeofthewildtypeand231LTV-ctrlcells(Figures2and results, we report that the decreased invasive capacity is due, at 3).The231MYOF-KDmorphologywasstable,andwasmaintained least in part, to the down-regulation of MMP expression in after 10 continual passages in culture (data not shown). By MYOF-deficient cells. immunofluorescent microscopy, we noted that 231MYOF-KD cells PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 2 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion Figure1.Myoferlinexpressioninbreastcancer.(A)QuantitativeRT-PCRresultsofMYOFmRNAlevelsinapanelofbreastcancercelllines, normalizedto18SandcomparedtothenonmalignantbreastepithelialcelllineMCF-10A(mean6s.d.,n=3percelltype).Nostatisticalsignificance wasdetectedincomparingpairsofcelllines(Kruskal-WalliswithDunn’smultiplecomparisontest).(B)RepresentationofthedatainsubpanelA grouped by known invasive capacity of the cells (2 tailed, p=0.003, Mann Whitney). (C) Immunoblotting for MYOF in breast cancer cell lines. DensitometrymeasurementswasdonebynormalizingthedensityofMYOFtorespectiveGAPDHoractinstaining,andfurthernormalizedtothe nonmalignantmammaryepithelialcelllineMCF-10A(n=4,nostatisticalsignificancedetectedbyKruskal-WalliswithDunn’smultiplecomparison test).Animmunoblotimageisshowninthesubpanel.(D)Myoferlinknockdowninbreastcancercells.ImmunoblotshowingtheexpressionofMYOF in MDA-MB-231 wild type (WT), lentiviral transduction control (LTV-ctrl), and MYOF knockdown cell lysates using three Sigma-Aldrich MISSIONH shRNAconstructs(#1522,10628,and10630). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039766.g001 formedmorecellclustersrelativetocontrolcells.Whenexamined TheMET-likemorphologicalchangespromptedustoexamine in greater detail using atomic force and scanning electron whether the expression of common epithelial-mesenchymal microscopy, the morphological divergence between 231MYOF-KD transition(EMT)markers(e.g.vimentin,fibronection,N-cadherin, and control cells was very prominent (Figure 3). At the cellular and E-cadherin) was affected by MYOF depletion. By immuno- level, 231LTV-ctrl cells often appeared elongated with tapering blotting,231MYOF-KDcellsexpressedhigherlevelsoftheepithelial cytoplasmic poles, having one or more small lamellipodia and marked E-cadherin, and lower levels of mesenchymal markers, relatively short filopodia, and actin filaments oriented along the fibronectin and vimentin, than 231LTV-ctrl cells (Figure 4). MDA- long axis of the cell (Figure 3). In contrast, 231MYOF-KD cells MB-231 cells do not natively express N-cadherin, so it was not exhibited a flattened, polygonal shape with broad lamellipodia, surprising that N-cadherin was undetectable in 231LTV-ctrl and andelongatedfilopodiathattendedtoorienttowardneighboring 231MYOF-KD cells (data not shown). The results of this screen of cells. Collectively, these results suggested a potential reversion of EMT markers suggest that the morphologic shift associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition, i.e., mesenchymal-epithelial MYOF-depletion may be correlated with MET changes at the transition (MET), at themorphologylevel. molecular level. In a survey using a qRT-PCR-based array of PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 3 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion Figure 2. Morphology change following myoferlin depletion in MDA-MB-231 cells. Immunofluorescence micrographs showing the morphologyofMDA-MB-231wildtype(WT),lentiviraltransductioncontrol(LTV-ctrl),andmyoferlinknockdown(MYOF-KD)stablecelllinesinculture. NotethemoreepithelialmorphologyofMYOF-KDcellscomparedtothemoremesenchymalappearanceoftheWTandLTV-ctrlcells.Bar=50mm. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039766.g002 EMT markers, we found that the mRNA levels appeared to Myoferlin Depletion Attenuates Cell Invasiveness correlatewiththeWesternresultsinthatfibronectionmRNAwas MYOF deficiency was not associated with a change in down-regulated 3.46-fold while that of E-cadherin was up- chemotaxis (Figure 5A) in Boyden chamber assays when 10% regulated 2.58-fold in 231MYOF-KD cells compared with controls, fetal bovine serum was used as the chemoattractant. However, althoughnosignificantchangewasfoundforvimentin(TableS1). 231MYOF-KD cells exhibited a significant ,38% reduction in invasiveness into Matrigel relative to 231LTV-ctrl cells (Figure 5B). TheseresultssuggestthattargeteddisruptionofMYOFexpression Myoferlin Depletion Does Not Alter Cell Proliferation or selectivelyattenuatesinvasivenessthroughreconstitutedbasement Cell Cycle Distribution membrane matrix,with littleeffect onchemotactic migration. We next subjected 231LTV-ctrl and 231MYOF-KD cells to proliferation assays. First, to assess general proliferative status, Myoferlin Depletion Alters MMP Expression MTS assays were conducted on wild-type, 231LTV-ctrl, and The reduced invasive capacity of 231MYOF-KD cells led us to 231MYOF-KD cells. We observed no change in the growth rates study whether proteins associated with tumor-microenvironment of the three cell types (Figure S4A), indicating that MYOF does interactions may be altered following MYOF depletion. Specifi- not profoundly alter tumor cell growth. To verify this result, we cally,giventhatMYOFhasbeenimplicatedinexocytosis[37],we then carried outcellcycle analysison the three celltypes. Again, hypothesized that its depletion might decrease the secretion of we detected no change in cell cycle activity in MYOF-depleted matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and/or tissue inhibitors of cells compared towild-type or231LTV-ctrl cells (Figure S4B). MMPs (TIMPs), as these are vital endopeptidases for degrading PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 4 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion Figure3.MorphologychangefollowingmyoferlindepletioninMDA-MB-231cells.Atomicforceandscanningelectronmicroscopyimages showingthespindle,elongatedshapeoflentiviralcontrol(LTV-ctrl)cellsandthemoreflatandcircularmorphologyofmyoferlindepleted(MYOF-KD) cells.AFMimagingshowspronouncedactinstressfibers(blackarrows)orientedalongthelongaxisbeingevidentinthecontrolbutnotintheMYOF depletedcells.Cytoplasmicpoles,lamellipodiaandfilopodiaareobservableintheSEMimages.Whitearrowheadsindicatetheleadingedgeofcells. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039766.g003 ECM constituents [38]. To that end, we collected 24hour confirmedthediminution(,97%)ofpro-MMP1secretionintothe conditioned, serum-free supernatants from 231LTV-ctrl and extracellular milieu by solution-phase ELISA of 231LTV-ctrl and 231MYOF-KD cells and performed an array-based multiplex 231MYOF-KD cells (Figure 6B). To confirm the functional sandwich ELISA to screen the expression of several of these association between MYOF knockdown and MMP1 depletion, endopeptidases and their regulators (Figure S5). We observed a weinvestigatedtheinvasivecapacityof231MYOF-KDcellsthrough reductioninthesecretionofMMP-1,-2,-3,and-8from231MYOF- acollagenImatrix,sincefibrillarcollagenisakeysubstrateforthe KD cells (MMP-2, -3, and -8 were undetectable in 231MYOF-KD MMP1enzyme[39]andMatrigellackscollagenI[40].Insupport cells). MMP-13 levels were not drastically affected, while in of these previous observations, 231MYOF-KD cells exhibited a contrast, levels of MMP-9 and -10 were elevated in 231MYOF-KD ,62%reductionininvasionthroughcollagenImatrixcompared cells. In addition, the 231MYOF-KD cells had reduced levels of with 231LTV-ctrl cells (Figure 6C). TIMP-4,butnonotablechangesinTIMP-1and-2releaseswere We next tested whether MMP1 expression was diminished at evident. Of the detectable MMPs, the most pronounced change the transcriptional level using qRT-PCR. Surprisingly, MMP1 was the decrease in secreted MMP1. However, given the small mRNAlevelswerereducedoveranaverage18.8-foldin231MYOF- samplesizeofthisscreeningexperiment(n=1),statisticalanalysis KDcellswhencomparedwiththe231LTV-ctrlcells(FigureS6).This couldnotbeperformedtovalidatethesignificanceoftheobserved finding of MMP1 mRNA down-regulation in 231MYOF-KD cells fold changes. Therefore, to validate the change in MMP1, wasstriking,astherehavebeennoreportsfromotherlaboratories multiplebiologicalreplicatesofconcentrated24hoursupernatant suggesting that MYOF may contribute to gene expression from 231LTV-ctrl and 231MYOF-KD cells were subjected to regulation. Since the diminution of MYOF in the MDA-MB- immunoblotting (Figure 6A), and secreted MMP1 was verified to 231 cells was mediated by shRNA (which mimics the function of bedecreased in231MYOF-KDcells comparedtocontrols.Wealso microRNA molecules [41]), we recognized the potential that PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 5 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion Figure 4. Expression of EMT markers following myoferlin depletion in MDA-MB-231 cells. (A) Representative immunoblots (n=3) of selectEMTmarkersinlentiviralcontrol(LTV-ctrl)andmyoferlindepleted(MYOF-KD)cellsserum-starvedfor24h.(B)Graphsillustratingthesemi- quantitativeevaluationoftheexpressionofEMTmarkersbydensitometryanalysisofblots(n=3).Densitywaspresentedinthegraphas‘‘relative density(%)’’withdensityoflentiviralcontrolsnormalizedto100%,andstatisticaltestingwasdonewiththe1-samplet-test. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039766.g004 MMP1mRNAcouldbedown-regulatedasanoff-targeteffectof the #10628 construct did not show MMP1 to be a potential the RNAi targeting construct. We therefore screened additional target.Construct#10628isfromaclonecatalogedbytheRNAi MYOF-targeting shRNA constructs. Although two constructs Consortium (http://www.broadinstitute.org), and a search (Figure S3) yielding partial MYOF knockdown (mean 64–66% through the consortium database did not show the MYOF knockdown compared with controls, n=4) were not associated shRNA construct as a non-targeting clone with matching with reductions in MMP1 (data not shown), an additional transcripts in the MMP1 gene. Finally, the construct sequence construct (#320398) that targets the coding sequence of MYOF was placed into the miRBase [43] to search against known (FigureS3)resultedinameanof91%MYOFknockdown(n=3) miRNAs.Therewerenomatchesofthesequenceagainstmature and was also associated with significant reductions in MMP1 miRNAs, and all matches to stem-loop sequences using the release (Figure S7AandB). SSEARCH method were from non-human species (silk worm, In addition, we performed an extensive in silico analysis to mosquito, and platypus) and were not significant (E-value examinepotentialoff-targeteffectsofconstruct#10628.Asearch ..0.01). throughthehumannucleotidedatabaseforsequencessimilarityto We did additional PCR screening using a commercial the21nucleotidesequenceof#10628didnotrevealMMP1asa extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules array to profile the transcript with significant alignment (BLASTN version 2.2.24+) expression of MMP genes (Table S2). The screen validated the [42]. A search through the microRNA database TargetScan MMP1PCRresultsshowingdown-regulationofMMP1mRNAin Custom (http://www.targetscan.org/, release5.1,accessed Octo- 231MYOF-KDcells.Specifically,ofthefourMMPs(MMP1,10,11, ber10,2010)usingthe2–8mersequenceof‘‘CTCTACT’’from 14) expressed at reasonable levels in the MDA-MB-231 cells (i.e. PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 6 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion Figure5.MyoferlindepletionreducesinvasivebutnotmigratorycapacityofMDA-MB-231scontrol(LTV-ctrl)andMYOFdepleted cells (MYOF-KD). (A) Boyden chamber migration assay of MDA-MB-231 cells moving across 8mm porous membranes towards a 10% serum gradientfor24h(mean6s.d.,n=3,unpaired2-tailedt-test).(B)24hBoydenchamberinvasionresultsofMDA-MB-231cellsacrossa100%Matrigel coated8mmporousmembranetowardsa10%serumchemoattractant(mean6s.d.,n=3,unpaired2-tailedt-test). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039766.g005 Cp value ,30), only MMP1 was found to be significantly MYOF depletion leads to fundamental changes in the mode of regulated($62fold-change)atthetranscriptionlevelbyMYOF- breast tumor cell motility (Volakis et al., in preparation, J depletion. Biomechanics), suggesting that MYOF loss also contributes to disturbances in cell migration on two-dimensional surfaces (work Discussion inprogress). Tumor cell invasion into distant tissues to establish secondary We provide in silico and experimental evidence that MYOF malignanciesisahallmarkofcancermetastasisandcancer-related plays a critical and previously unrecognized role in breast tumor death[4].Inmanycases,enhancedtumorcellmigrationaswellas cell invasion. Mining of transcriptome and proteome databases localanddistantinvasionareprecededbyanEMTthatconverts from breast cancer cell lines revealed higher levels of MYOF sessile epithelial cells into actively migratory and invasive cells mRNA and protein in the more invasive lines compared with [46,47].Inorderforefficientmigrationandinvasiontooccur,in poorly invasive breast tumor cells or normal mammary epithelial many instances cancer cells must secrete several MMPs for cells (i.e., MCF-10A). Published microarray datasets using breast basement membrane and stromal ECM degradation [48]. We cancercelllines[34]alsosupportgreaterMYOFexpressioninthe probedtheinvasivecapacityofbreasttumorcells(MDA-MB-231) invasive basal B group compared with the luminal subtype. In a followingshRNAdirecteddepletionofMYOF(shRNAMYOF),and separate study, MYOF was found to be 1 of 39 genes selectively noted a profound deficit in the ability of cells to invade through over-expressedinbreastcarcinomausing20humanbreastcancer Matrigel (basement membrane mimic) [49] and collagen type I cases[28].ThesedatasuggestedtousthatMYOFisapotentially (stromal ECM mimic) [50]. These observations indicated that important proteinin breast cancerbiology. MYOF disruption may perturb one or more MMPs that are The premise that MYOF contributes to cancer invasion was essentialforeffectivecellinvasionthroughtheECMorcollagenI based on several reports implicating a role for ferlin proteins in [48]. Indeed, screens of several MMPs using qRT-PCR and intracellular vesicle trafficking, including cell motility. For proteinimmunoassayarrayssuggestedthatMMPs-1,3,8,12,13, example, Ward and colleagues demonstrated that temperature- 14, and16were down-regulated in MDA-MB-231cells inwhich sensitive mutations in the ancestral fer-1 gene in C. elegans led to MYOF was knocked down by RNAi (Figure S5 and Table S2). fertility impairments yielding immotile spermatozoa secondary to Interestingly, MMP-9 appeared to be up-regulated under these defectsinvesiclerecyclingat theleadingedgeofthecell[15,44]. same conditions, indicating the MYOF depletion results in Mechanistically,mutationsinC2domainsoffer-1alteredcalcium selective changesinMMPs. sensitivityandsubsequentlyimpededcalcium-dependentfusionof To evaluate the effect of abolishing MYOF on MMP intracellular vesicles to the plasma membrane that drives the expression,weprobedMMP-1further,becauseourdatarevealed amoeboid movementof theroundworm spermcells [15]. Vesicle a nearly complete loss of MMP-1 when shRNAMYOF was trafficking has been implicated in several important steps during expressed in MDA-MB-231 cells. Quantitative RT-PCR and cell motility [9]. Based on these observations, coupled with the WesternblottingshowedessentiallynodetectableMMP-1mRNA observationthatMYOFexpressionwasincreasedinbreastcancer or protein in 231MYOF-KD cells. Moreover, we detected virtually specimensandbreastcancercelllineswithhighinvasivepotential, no pro-MMP-1 reactive protein by ELISA. Thus, it appears that wehypothesizedthatMYOFdepletionwouldimpairthemotility MYOF may play a role in MMP gene expression in addition to ofbreastcancercells.Andthisappearedtobethecase.End-point other mechanisms it may influence, such as MMP secretion via Boydenchamberassaysaccessingcellmotilityinitiallydetectedno vesicle trafficking. We are currently exploring the mechanistic overall change in migration during a 24hour assay period. This basis for this apparent alteration in MMP gene expression in was somewhat surprising in light of the work of Achanzar etal. human breast tumor cells. [45] demonstrating that mutation of fer-1 resulted in profound To authenticate that our shRNA results were not due to off- defectsinamoeboidmigration ofC.elegansspermcells.However, targeteffectsontheMMPmRNAs,weconductedanextensivein recentworkfromourlabusinglive-cellimagingclearlyshowsthat silico analysis using several software packages available in the PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 7 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion evaluatetheinvasivecapacityof231LTV-ctrland231MYOF-KDcells(n=3, mean6s.d.,Kruskal-Wallistest/Dunn’smultiplecomparisonanalysis). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039766.g006 public domain and verified that none of the shRNAMYOF constructs predicted the targeting of any nucleic acid sequences within the human MMP-1 gene. In addition, we found MMP1 expression to be also down-regulated when MYOF expression was knocked down using an alternative shRNA construct with similar knock down efficiency. Another unanticipated finding in the current studies was the partial reversion of the mesenchymal-like shape in wild-type and controlMDA-MB-231cellstoamoreepithelial-likephenotypein 231MYOF-KD cells. We verified this potential MET event using immunofluorescence, scanning, and atomic force microscopy. In addition, we also demonstrated the likelihood of an MET in the setting of depleted MYOF using immunoblotting that revealed down-regulationoffibronectinandvimentinandup-regulationof E-cadherin. Inarecentpaperfromourgroup,MYOFdepletionwasshown to lead to the down-regulation of the phosphorylation of several receptortyrosinekinases,includingEphB4,FGFR2,Hck,IGF-IR, JAK2, TXK, VEGFR2 [30]. This observation is in agreement with the work of Demonbreun etal. demonstrating that loss of MYOFledtoimpairedinsulin-likegrowthfactorIreceptor(IGF- IR)signalinginamurinemodel[51].Inseparatereports,MYOF was shown to be required for Tie-2 (angiopoietin-1 receptor) activation [25] and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) expression in vascular endothelial cells [24]. More- over, Sharma etal., showed that disruption of dysferlin, a close molecular cousin of MYOF, in endothelial cells led to poly- ubiquitinationandproteasomaldegradationofplateletendothelial cellular adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1/CD31) signaling[52]. These data, whenconsidered collectively and in the context of ourbreasttumorcellinvestigations,implicateMYOFasacritical participant in key processes within the intracellular vesicle trafficking mechanism including cell motility, MMP expression/ secretion,andRTKactivation.Ourworkisthefirstexamination oftheroleofMYOFincancercellbiologyandmayshedlighton essential features of vesicle shuttling of important cargos within tumor cells that participate incancer progression andmetastasis. Materials and Methods Cell Culture Methods and Cell Line Authentication Human MCF-10A (generously provided by Dr. Joan Brugge, Boston,MA,[32,53]),MCF-7(HTB-22, ATCC, Bethesda,MD), MDA-MB-231(HTB-26,ATCC),T47D(HTB-133,ATCC),and BT549 (generous gift from Dr. Lisa Yee, Columbus, OH; HTB- 122, ATCC) cells were used in this study. MCF-10A cells were maintained in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium Ham’s F12 (DMEM/F12,Gibco,Carlsbad,CA)supplementedwith5%horse serum (Gibco), 20ng/ml hEGF (PeproTech, Rocky Hill, NJ), 0.5 mg/ml hydrocortisone (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO), 100ng/mlcholeratoxin(Sigma-Aldrich),10 mg/mlbovineinsulin Figure 6. Myoferlin depletion attenuates MMP1 expression (Sigma-Aldrich),and1%penicillin/streptomycin(Gibco).MCF-7 and collagen I invasion capacity of MDA-MB-231 cells. (A) Representative(n=3)immunoblottingresultsofsecretedMMP1in24h andMDA-MB-231cellsweremaintainedinDMEMwith4.5 g/L serumstarvedsupernatantofMDA-MB-231lentiviralcontrol(LTV-ctrl) D-glucose supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, andmyoferlinknockdown(MYOF-KD)cells.Recombinanthumanmatrix Gibco).T47DandBT549cellswereculturedinRPMI-1640with metalloproteinase-1 was used as a standard. Verification of myoferlin 10%FBS. knockdownwasdoneinthecorrespondingcelllysateswithGAPDHasa loadingcontrol.(B)Secretedpro-MMP1wasevaluatedin231LTV-ctrland The cell lines used in this study were authenticated by DNA 231MYOF-KD cells (n=2) using ELISA (mean 6 s.d., Kruskal-Wallis test/ profiling using short tandem repeat (STR) analysis on a Dunn’smultiplecomparisonanalysis).(C)ResultsfromBoydenchamber PowerPlex 1.2 System (Promega, Madison, WI) at John Hopkins invasion assays using a coating of 3mg/ml of rat tail collagen I to University (Fragment Analysis Facility, Baltimore, MD). Fur- PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 8 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion thermore, to rule out cell line contamination as the cause for Atomic Force (AFM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy the morphology changes seen in MDA-MB-231 myoferlin- (SEM) deficient cells (231MYOF-KD), the identity of the 231MYOF-KD MDA-MB-231 lentiviral control and myoferlin-deficient cells cells as MDA-MB-231s was also authenticated through short were seeded in 60mm cell culture dishes (5–86105 cells), and tandem repeat profiling. allowedtogrowto80–90%confluenceforAFManalysis.Priorto AFManalysis,culturemediawasexchangedforCO independent 2 Lentiviral shRNA Transduction media (Invitrogen) supplemented with 1% FBS, 1% Penicillin/ Recombinant lentiviral particles containing non-target control Streptomycin and 4 mM L-Glutamine, for optimal cell survival shRNA and human myoferlin targeted shRNA during the atomic force measurements. A Bioscope II instrument (TRCN0000010628, TRCN0000010630, TRCN0000001522, (Veeco,Plainview,NY)mountedonthestageofanAxiovert200 and TRCN0000320398, Figure S3) in the pLKO.1 vector were inverted optical microscope (Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (MISSIONH). The myoferlin used in contact mode for live cell imaging. Silicon nitride (SiN) constructs are referred to as #10628, #10630, #1522 and triangular cantilevers (Veeco) 200mM in length with a tip angel #320398, respectively, in the body of the manuscript. For h=35uandanominalspringconstantkof0.01 N/mwereusedto lentiviral transduction, cells were seeded in 24-well culture plates imagethecells.Imageacquisitionwasdoneatascanningrateof and incubated overnight at 37uC in 5% CO in a humidified 0.5 Hzwith5126512linesresolutionforrecordingtheheightand 2 atmosphere. Media was replaced with media containing 8mg/ml thedeflectionchannels.Allimageswererecordedwithascansize hexadimethrine bromide (Sigma-Aldrich) and lentiviral particles area of 70–80mm2 covering ,5 cells, with 4–5 areas completed wereaddedtosubconfluentatamultiplicityofinfection(MOI)of percelltype.Theexperimentswererepeatedthreetimesandthe at least 1. After overnight incubation (37uC, 5% CO ), virus- datawereanalyzedusingversion7.30oftheNanoScopesoftware 2 containing supernatant was replaced with complete media and (Veeco). incubated overnight. Transduced cells were selected in media For SEM, cells cultured on thermoplastic coverslips (Therma- containing an appropriate puromycin concentration as predeter- noxTM,Nunc,Waltham,MA)werefixedwith3%glutaraldehyde, mined bya puromycin killcurve. post-fixedwith1%OsO4anddehydratedthroughanethanoland hexamethyldisilazane series. Samples were mounted onto SEM studsandpreparedforSEMusingaPelcoModel3sputtercoater RNA Extraction and Quantitative Real Time-Polymerase with gold-palladium (0.07 mbar, 17mA, 110s) and imaged with Chain Reaction (qRT-PCR) an FEI Nova NanoSEM microscope (FEI Company, Hillsboro, Total RNA was extracted using TRIzolH reagent (Invitrogen, OR). Carlsbad,CA)accordingtothemanufacturer’sprotocoluptothe chloroform extraction and centrifugation step. The resulting Protein Extraction and Immunoblotting aqueous phase was mixed with an equal volume of 70% ethanol CellswererinsedwithPBSandlysedfor30minincoldRIPA andappliedtoanRNeasyminicolumn(QIAGEN,Valencia,CA) lysisbuffer supplemented withprotease inhibitor cocktail (Sigma- and processed according to the manufacturer’s protocol with on Aldrich)and1mg/mlofpepstatinA(USB,SantaClara,CA).Cell column DNAse digestion. Total RNA was quantified by UV lysates were centrifuged for 10min at 17,0006g and 4uC. absorbance at 260nm and 280nm on a NanoDrop 2000 Supernatantaliquotswereassayedforproteinconcentrationusing (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA), and 1–2mg total RNA from the BCA Protein Assay (Pierce, Rockford, IL) with bovine serum each sample were reverse-transcribed to cDNA using oligo-dT18 albuminasa standard.Totalproteinfromeachlysate(30 mg per and random hexamer primers with a Transcriptor First Strand lane) were resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellu- cDNA Synthesis Kit (Roche Applied Science, Indianapolis, IN). losemembranes.Non-specificbindingwasblockedbyincubation Quantitative RT-PCR was performed using an equal amount of inTris-bufferedsaline(pH8)containing0.1%Tween-20and5% cDNA per sample on a LightCyclerH 480II System (Roche non-fat dry milk. Membranes were probed with primary Applied Science) using primer-probe sets specific to MYOF, antibodies against: b-actin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa MMP1, RLPO and 18S rRNA (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, Cruz,CA),GAPDH(Chemicon,Billerica,MA),myoferlin(Sigma- CA) with the LightCyclerH 480 Probes Master Mix, and results Aldrich), E-cadherin(EP700Y, Abcam, Cambridge, MA), vimen- analyzed withtheLightCyclerH480Software. tin (Sigma-Aldrich V6630), or MMP1 (R&D Systems, Minneap- olis,MN)dilutedinblockingsolution.Afterwashing,membranes Immunofluorescence were exposed to horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary MDA-MB-231 cells cultured on glass coverslips and serum- antibodies and immune complexes were revealed with Super- starved for 24h were fixed for 1 h in 4% (w/v) paraformalde- SignalWestFemtochemiluminescentsubstrate(Pierce),visualized hyde/PBS, permeabilized for 15min with 0.2% (v/v) Triton X– usingtheVersaDocImagingSystemandanalyzedwithQuantity 100/PBS, and blocked for 1 h in 5% normal goat serum/1% Oneanalysissoftware (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). nonfat dry milk/PBS. Samples were incubated with antibodies directed against myoferlin (1:400, Sigma) overnight at 4uC. After Supernatant Collection and Immunoblotting washing, cells were exposed to fluorochrome-conjugated second- Cellconditionedmediawerecollectedafterthecellswereplated aryantibodies(MolecularProbes).Afterfurtherstringentwashing atequaldensitiesin100mmdishes,thenserumstarvedin4 mlof in PBS, actin cytoskeleton was stained with AlexaFluor 488- basal media for 24h. The conditioned media were concentrated phalloidin(MolecularProbes)for20min.Nucleiwerestainedand 50-foldwithAmiconUltra-410-kDacentrifugalfilters(Millipore, cellsmountedwithProLongHGoldAntifadeReagentwithDAPI Billerica, MA), and equal volumes of concentrated media were (Invitrogen)andvisualizedwithconfocallaserscanningmicrosco- reconstituted in sample buffer and resolved by SDS-PAGE. py (Olympus FV 1000 Spectral Confocal system; Olympus HumanrecombinantMMP1(rhMMP-1)fromconditionedmedia America Inc.,Center Valley, PA). of rhMMP-1 expressing NS0 mouse myeloma cells (WBC024; R&DSystems)wasusedasapositivecontrol.Gelswereprocessed PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 9 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766 MyoferlininBreastCancerEMT&Invasion perimmunoblottingproceduresasdetailedintheprevioussection, conducted in the same manner but with the addition of 20 ml of using anti-human mouse monoclonal antibodies against MMP-1 growth factor reduced Matrigel (BD) or 3 mg/ml collagen I (rat (MAB901; R&D Systems) and fibronectin (610077; BD Trans- tail, Gibco) to the top of the insert and allowed to gel for 1h at duction Laboratories, San Jose,CA). 37uC,5%CO . 2 MMP Expression Array and MMP1 ELISA Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR Array ECMproteins(MMP1,-2,-3,-8,-9,-10,and-13andTIMP1,- RT2ProfilerTMPCRarray(SABiosciences,Frederick,MD)was 2, -3, and -4) in conditioned, serum starved supernatants of performed for EMT-associated genes (cat #PAHS-090) and lentiviral-transduction control (MDA-MB-231LTV-ctrl) and MDA- human extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules (cat # MB-231MYOF-KD cells were determined by an antibody array PAHS-013) following manufacturer’s protocol. Briefly, total (RayBioH human matrix metalloproteinase antibody array 1, RNA was extracted as described in the qRT-PCR section from RayBiotech, Inc., Norcross, GA) following the manufacturer’s lentiviralcontrolandmyoferlin-deficientMDA-MB-231cellsthat protocol. Each array membranes contained duplicates for each had been in culture for 10consecutive passages. Complementary ECMproteinalongwithpositiveandnegativecontrols.Theblots DNA was generated from 1mg of total RNA per cell type using were imaged and quantified by densitometry (Quantity One randomhexamersandoligo-dT18primersaspartoftheRT2First software, Bio-Rad), and values normalized to total protein of the Strand Kit (SABiosciences). Equal amounts of dilute cDNA was corresponding celllysates. mixedwithLightCyclerH480SYBRGreenIMastermix(Roche) Secretedpro-MMP-1inculturedmediaofcellswasdetectedby andaliquotedtoeachwellofthePCRarrayplatecontainingpre- quantitative ELISA (DMP100; R&D Systems). Conditioned filledgene-specificprimersets,andPCRwasperformedaccording cultured media were collected by plating equal densities of each to manufacturer’s instructions for the Roche LightCyclerH 480. cell type in 100mm culture dishes followed by serum-starvation TheLightCyclerH480Software(RocheAppliedScience)wasused for24h.Unconcentrated,conditionedmediasampleswererunin to calculate the threshold cycle (crossing point, Cp) values for all duplicateintheELISAandprocessedaccordingtomanufacturer’s the transcripts in the array. The Cp values were exported into a instructions. Colorimetric results were read at 450nm with a spreadsheet-based PCR array data analysis template (SABios- wavelength correction of 570nm in a MRX Microplate Reader ciences) to calculate fold changes in gene expression using the (Dynex Technologies, Chantilly, VA). MMP-1 concentrations DDCtmethod. weredeterminedbyinterpolationusinghumanrecombinantpro- MMP-1asastandard.Incaseswherethesecretedpro-MMP1was Statistical Analysis undetectable, it was assigned the assay’s lowest limit of detection Graphical representation and statistical analysis of data were (0.021 ng/ml). done using Prism version 5 (GraphPad). Error bars represent standard deviationinallcases,unlessdifferentlynoted.Statistical MTS Proliferation Assay and Cell Cycle Analysis significance was determined by appropriate statistical tests Cells wereplatedin96-wellplatesatadensityof2500and/or followingnormalitytestingofthedata,usingtheKS,D’Agostino 5000 cells per well and assayed at 24, 48, and 72h after plating & Pearson omnibus and/or Shapiro-Wilk normality tests. Com- using the CellTiter 96 AQueous Non-Radioactive Cell Prolifer- parisonsbetween2groupswithGaussiandistributionwerecarried ation Assay (Promega), according to the manufacturer’s instruc- out with the 2-tailed student t-test for unpaired samples, while tions. those among 3 or more groups were carried out with one-way For flow cytometric analysis of MYOF depleted breast cancer ANOVA followed by Tukey’s Multiple Comparison Test. Data cells,cellswerefixedin70%ethanolandstainedinPBScontaining exhibiting a non-Gaussian distribution were analyzed with either 0.1% Triton X-100, 200mg/mL of RNase, and 50mg/mL theMannWhitneystatisticaltest(2groups)ortheKruskal-Wallis propidiumiodide(Sigma-Aldrich).DNAcontentwasmeasuredon withDunn’smultiplecomparisonpost-test(3ormoregroups).For aFACSCaliburorLSRIIflowcytometer(Becton-Dickinson)),and analysis, results were regarded as significant if p values were less data were acquired and analyzed using flow cytometer software than 0.05. (BD).Eachanalyzedsamplecontainedatleast16106cells. Supporting Information Migration and Invasion Assays Cells were washed with PBS, trypsinized, pelleted and Figure S1 Analysis of the myoferlin gene expression in resuspended in serum-free DMEM. Cells were then seeded onto breastcancercells.Graphicalrepresentation(mean6s.d.)of Boyden Chamber inserts (8 mm pores; Millipore) at a density of expression data from two microarray probe sets for myoferlin 7.56104cellsin24-wellplateswith10%FBScontainingDMEM reported in the study by Neve and colleagues [34], showing a in the bottom chamber as a chemo-attractant. In parallel, input higher expression (Kruskal-Wallis test/Dunn’s multiple compari- controls were seeded with the same number of cells in the same sonanalysis)intheBasalBcellscomparedwiththeluminalcells. volumesofserum-freeand10%FBSmediawithoutinserts.Cells (TIF) were incubated (37uC, 5% CO ) for 24 hours. The inserts were 2 FigureS2 GraphicalrepresentationfromArrayExpress processedbyrinsinginPBSandfixationwith3.7%formaldehyde gene expression atlas (accession # E-TABM-276) of containing0.05%crystalvioletfor10min.Afterrepeatedwashes MYOF mRNA expression level in breast tissue samples with PBS and distilled water the chambers were air-dried. from healthy patients and patients with invasive ductal Migrated cells on the bottom of the inserts were collected with carcinoma. cottonswabs andplaced intoEppendorf tubes.Crystal violet dye (TIF) was extracted from the Q-tips and input control wells with 80% methanol for 30min, and quantified at 570nm. Percentage Figure S3 Myoferlin lentiviral constructs. Target and migrationwascalculatedusingtheratioofthemigratedcellsover sequence information of lentiviral constructs used to generate the total cells (input control) to determine the percentage of cell myoferlin-deficientcelllines.Boldlettersindicatecodingsequence. migration. For invasion, the Boyden Chamber assay was (TIF) PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 10 June2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 6 | e39766

myoferlin is abundantly expressed in invasive breast tumor cells. Depletion of MYOF using . Myoferlin in Breast Cancer EMT & Invasion. PLoS ONE . microRNA molecules [41]), we recognized the potential that. Figure 3. triangular cantilevers (Veeco) 200 цM in length with a tip angel h = 35u and a
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