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Preview Myocarditis in SARS-CoV-2 infection vs. COVID-19 vaccination: A systematic review and meta-analysis

TYPE OriginalResearch PUBLISHED 29August2022 DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 Myocarditis in SARS-CoV-2 infection vs. COVID-19 OPENACCESS EDITEDBY vaccination: A systematic review MairajAhmedAnsari, JamiaHamdardUniversity,India and meta-analysis REVIEWEDBY TinhinaneFali, InstitutNationaldelaSantéetdela RechercheMédicale(INSERM),France BibhitiDas, NavyaVoleti1, SuryaPrakashReddy2 andPaddySsentongo1,3* UniversityofMississippiMedical Center,UnitedStates 1DepartmentofMedicine,PennStateHealthMedicalCenter,Hershey,PA,UnitedStates, 2DepartmentofMedicine,OsmaniaMedicalCollege,Hyderabad,India,3DepartmentofPublic *CORRESPONDENCE HealthSciences,PennStateCollegeofMedicine,Hershey,PA,UnitedStates PaddySsentongo [email protected] SPECIALTYSECTION Background: This study aimed to compare the incidence of myocarditis in Thisarticlewassubmittedto CardiovascularEpidemiologyand COVID-19 vaccines and in severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 Prevention, (SARS-CoV-2)infectiongroups. asectionofthejournal FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine Methods: Electronicdatabases(MEDLINE,Scopus,CochraneCentralRegister RECEIVED23May2022 ofControlledTrials,CochraneDatabaseofSystematicReviews,andtheWHO ACCEPTED11July2022 GlobalLiteratureonCoronavirusDisease)andtrialregistriesweresearchedup PUBLISHED29August2022 toMay2022,forrandomizedcontrolledtrialsandobservationalcohortstudies CITATION reportingtheriskofmyocarditisassociatedwiththeCOVID-19vaccinesand VoletiN,ReddySPandSsentongoP (2022)MyocarditisinSARS-CoV-2 the risk associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. We estimated the effect of infectionvs.COVID-19vaccination:A COVID-19infectionandvaccinesonratesofmyocarditisbyrandom-effects systematicreviewandmeta-analysis. Front.Cardiovasc.Med.9:951314. meta-analyses using the generic inverse variance method. Meta-regression doi:10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 analyseswereconductedtoassesstheeffectofsexandageontheincidence ofmyocarditis. COPYRIGHT ©2022 Voleti,ReddyandSsentongo. Results: Weidentified22eligiblestudiesconsistingof55.5millionvaccinated Thisisanopen-accessarticle distributedunderthetermsofthe cohorts and 2.5 million in the infection cohort. The median age was 49 CreativeCommonsAttributionLicense years(interquartilerange(IQR):38–56),and49%(IQR:43to52%)weremen. (CCBY).Theuse,distributionor reproductioninotherforumsis Of patients diagnosed with myocarditis (in both vaccination and COVID-19 permitted,providedtheoriginal cohort) 1.07% were hospitalized and 0.015% died. The relative risk (RR) for author(s)andthecopyrightowner(s) myocarditiswasmorethanseventimeshigherintheinfectiongroupthanin arecreditedandthattheoriginal publicationinthisjournaliscited,in thevaccinationgroup[RR:15(95%CI:11.09–19.81,infectiongroup]andRR: accordancewithacceptedacademic 2(95%CI:1.44-2.65,vaccinegroup).Ofpatientswhodevelopedmyocarditis practice.Nouse,distributionor after receiving the vaccine or having the infection, 61% (IQR: 39–87%) were reproductionispermittedwhichdoes notcomplywiththeseterms. men. Meta-regression analysis indicated that men and younger populations hadahigherriskofmyocarditis.Aslowdeclineintheratesofmyocarditiswas observedasafunctionoftimefromvaccination.Theriskofbiaswaslow. Conclusion: In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we found that the riskofmyocarditisismorethansevenfoldhigherinpersonswhowereinfected withtheSARS-CoV-2thaninthosewhoreceivedthevaccine.Thesefindings support the continued use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines among all eligible personsperCDCandWHOrecommendations. KEYWORDS myocarditis,SARS-CoV-2,COVID-19vaccines,globalhealth,cardiovascularmedicine FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine 01 frontiersin.org Voletietal. 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 Introduction Participants: Persons of all ages and sex included in studies that reported cardiac complications in either COVID-19 Thesevereacuterespiratorysyndromecoronavirus2(SARS- vaccinesorduetoCOVID-19infectiongroup. CoV-2) is a strain that causes COVID-19. As of 15 May Intervention/Exposure:1)COVID-19vaccinesand2)SARS- 2022,morethan520millionCOVID-19cases and6.3million CoV-2infection. deathswerereportedglobally(1).Tocombatthehighburden Comparison: 1) Non-vaccinated group and 2) Individuals of COVID-19, vaccines were introduced to reduce the risk withoutinfection. of severe illness and deaths (2). Although the vaccines have Outcomeofinterest:Myocarditis. proven to reduce severe COVID-19, cardiac complications, Study type: Randomized clinical trials (RCT) and particularly myocarditis and pericarditis, have been associated observationalstudies. withmRNACOVID-19vaccination(3–5).Ontheotherhand, Pairsofindependentinvestigators(NVandSPR)screenedthe myocarditis is also one of the complications of SARS-CoV- titles and abstracts of all citations. Studies included by either 2 infection (3, 6). However, the relative risk of myocarditis reviewer were retrieved for full-text screening. Independent due to vaccines and infections is not well characterized. In investigators (NV and SPR) screened the full-text version of severe form, myocarditis can result in chronic heart failure eligible studies. Disagreements in the included papers were or death, which are important safety concerns. Given the resolvedbydiscussionandifnecessary,athirdinvestigator(PS) high rate of vaccine hesitancy due to the fear of vaccine- wasconsulted. induced serious adverse events such as cardiac complications, it is critical to characterize the relative risk of vaccine- and infection-induced myocarditis in the general population and Data extraction and quality assessment determine the effect of sex and age on the risk. In this systematicreviewandmeta-analysis,weestimatetheincidence Astandardizeddataextractionformwasdeveloped,andtwo of myocarditis due to SARS-CoV-2 infection vs. COVID- investigators (NV and SPR) worked independently to extract 19vaccination. studydetails.Thefollowinginformationwasextracted:yearof studypublication,country,studydesign,study-leveldescriptive Methods statistics(mean(SD)/median(IQR)ageinyears,andproportion (%)ofwomenandmen),median/meanfollow-up,thetypeof Results were reported following Preferred Reporting vaccine, numbers of myocarditis cases following infection and Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) vaccines, the relative risk of myocarditis. The risk of bias was 2020(7). evaluatedattheoutcomelevelusingtheCochraneCollaboration tool for RCTs and Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for observational studies (9, 10). Observational studies with fewer than 5 stars Data sources and searches were considered low quality (high risk of bias); 5 to 7 stars, moderate quality (some concerns); more than 7 stars, high Databases such as the MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane quality(lowriskofbias).RCTs’riskofbiaswascategorizedas Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of low,orsomeconcerns. SystematicReviews,theWHOGlobalLiteratureonCoronavirus Disease, and CoronaCentral were searched from December 2019 to May 2022, without language restriction. Clinical trial Data synthesis and analysis registries and conference proceedings were also searched. The followingMedicalSubjectHeadingsandkeywordsearchterms StatisticalanalyseswereperformedwithRsoftwareversion were used; [“myocarditis” OR cardiac complications ] AND 3.6.2 (R Project for Statistical Computing). The Meta and [“SARS-CoV-2” OR “Covid-19” OR “severe acute respiratory MetaforRpackageswereusedtoconductformalmeta-analyses syndrome coronavirus-2” OR “coronavirus disease 2019”] and create forest plots. Descriptive statistics were used to AND“vaccines”. summarizestudy-leveldemographics. The primary outcome was the myocarditis risk due to the vaccines and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Effect sizes were log- Study selection transformed to normalize the distributions. Standard errors (SEs)werecalculatedviathefollowingequations(11):Lower= Studies were selected according to Participant (P) log(lower95%CI)andupper=log(upper95%CI),andSE= Intervention/Exposure (I/E) Comparator [C], Outcome (upper-lower)/3.92.Todeterminetheeffectofsexandageonthe (O)Studytype(S)[PI(E)COS]criteria(8): ratesofmyocarditis,weconductedaunivariatemeta-regression FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine 02 frontiersin.org Voletietal. 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 analysiswiththemean(ormedian)ageofeachstudyandthe studies conducted in eight countries and three WHO regions. proportionofmeninthestudyasregressors. Thebaselinecharacteristicsofthestudiesincludedinthemeta- The pooled RR estimates for myocarditis risk from analysis are presented in Table1. Included studies consisted each study were weighted by the inverse of their variances of 58 million persons, with 55.5 million in the vaccination (inter-study plus intra-study variances). The DerSimonian cohortand2.5millionintheinfectioncohort(Table1).Overall, and Laird’s (DL) random-effects method was used to median age was 49 years (interquartile range (IQR): 38–56), estimate the pooled inter-study variance (heterogeneity) and 49% (IQR: 43–52%) were men. Then, 10 studies were (12). Heterogeneity between studies was evaluated with the I2 assessed for myocarditis rates from infection and 12 studies indicatorexpressedaspercentlow(25%),moderate(50%),and fromCOVID-19vaccines.Ofthevaccinestudies,eightassessed high(75%)(13). mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), one study Novavax, Publication bias was quantitatively evaluated with Egger’s one study adenovirus vectors (AstraZeneca), and one study linearregressionandBegg’sranktest(14,15)andqualitatively combined mRNA and J and J vaccine. Of patients diagnosed with funnel plots. Trim and fill analyses using Duval and with myocarditis (in both vaccination and COVID-19 cohort) Tweedie’s non-parametric method were used to adjust for 1.07% were hospitalized and 0.015% died. Of patients who the publication bias (16). Two-sided p < 0.05 was deemed developedmyocarditisafterreceivingthevaccineorhavingthe statisticallysignificant. infection,61%(IQR:39–87%)weremen.Ofpatientsdiagnosed with myocarditis (in both vaccination and COVID-19 cohort) Results 1.07%werehospitalizedand0.015%died.Themedianfollow- up time from infection or vaccine to myocarditis was 28 days Identified studies (IQR:28–30days).Themedianstudyqualityscoreamongthe observational studies was 8 (range: 7–9) and was deemed as The study selection process is shown in Figure1. A total having a low risk of bias. Similarly, RCTs also had a low risk of763studieswerescreened.Theexclusionprocessyielded22 ofbias. FIGURE1 PRISMAflowdiagramforstudyselection. FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine 03 frontiersin.org TABLE1 Studylevelcharacteristics. F V ron References PublicationCountry Cohort Riskof Age,y Male Male(% Vaccine Sample Follow-up Myocar- Myocarditis Male(% Hospita- Deaths(n) ole tiersinC year bias (mean) to(t%al) mdyioticsa)r- type size (day) ditis(n) diagnostics mdyioticsa)r- l(inz)ation tietal. a rd io va Mevorachetal. 2021 Israel Vaccine Low 49 91 Pfizer 5000000 30 136 Clinical(Brighton 91 114 1 s c u (17) classification) la rM Witbergetal.(4) 2021 Israel Vaccine Low 44 49 94 Pfizer 2500000 42 54 Clinical(CDC 94 1 1 e d definition) ic in Bardaetal.(18) 2021 Israel Vaccine Low 38 52 91 Pfizer 884828 42 21 Clinical(CHS 91 e billingcriteria) Walteretal.(19) 2022 US Vaccine Low 8 52 0 Pfizer 1518 7 0 N/A 0 0 0 ElSahlyetal.(20) 2021 US Vaccine Low 51 53 0 Moderna 14287 14 0 N/A 0 0 0 Heathetal.(21) 2021 UK Vaccine Low 56 52 Novavax 7569 28 0 Clinical 1 0 Alietal.(22) 2021 US Vaccine Low 14 52 0 Moderna 2489 83 1 N/A 0 0 0 Dunkleetal.(23) 2022 US/Mexico Vaccine Low 47 52 0 Novavax 19714 90 0 N/A 0 0 0 Diazetal.(24) 2022 US Vaccine Low 57 41 75 Pfizer/ 2000287 20 Abnormaltroponin 75 19 0 Moderna/J&J orCMR*evidence Simoneetal.etal. 2021 US Vaccine Low 49 46 100 Pfizer/ 2392924 10 15 Clinical/Diagnosis 100 0 0 (25) Moderna code 04 Husbyetal.(26) 2022 Denmark Vaccine Low 73 Pfizer 3482295 28 48 Clinicaldiagnosis+ 73 28 1 troponinelevation +hospitalization for>24hours Husbyetal.(26) 2022 Denmark Vaccine Low Moderna 498814 28 21 Clinicaldiagnosis+ 8 0 troponinelevation +hospitalization for>24hours Patoneetal.(3) 2022 UK Vaccine Low 55 35 100 AstraZeneca 20615911 28 226 Hospitaladmission 100 codes Patoneetal.(3) 2022 UK Vaccine Low 56 33 Pfizer 16993389 28 158 Hospitaladmission codes Patoneetal.(3) 2022 UK Vaccine Low 40 26 Moderna 1006191 28 9 Hospitaladmission 1 codes 0 .3 Huangetal.(27) 2020 China SARS-CoV-2 Some 38 38 38 26 50 15 CMR 38 38 9 Infection concerns /fc v fro Laganaetal.(28) 2021 Italy SARS-CoV-2 Some 71 48 42 1169 12 Clinical=1criteria 42 1169 3 m.2 ntiersin Infection concerns fgruoimdelEinSCes 022.951 .o 3 rg (Continued) 14 F V ron ole tiersinC TABLE1 Continued tietal. a rd References PublicationCountry Cohort Riskof Age,y Male Male(% Vaccine Sample Follow-up Myocar- Myocarditis Male(% Hospita- Deaths(n) io v year bias (mean) (% myocar- type size (day) ditis(n) diagnostics myocar- lization a s cu total) ditis) ditis) (n) la r M ed Boehmeretal.(6) 2021 US SARS-CoV-2 Low 54 59 42 1452773 30 5,069 N/A 42 ic in Infection e Murketal.(29) 2020 US SARS-CoV-2 Low 65 43 70288 30 Diagnosiscode Infection Kunaletal.(30) 2020 India SARS-CoV-2 Low 51 65 50 108 7 3 Definitediagnosis 50 1 Infection withbiopsy, probablydiagnosis withclinical characteristicswith eithertroponin elevation, myocardialinjury, 0 5 orECGchanges suggestiveofinjury Dengetal.(31) 2020 China SARS-CoV-2 Low 65 51 71 112 66 14 AHAguideline: 71 112 13 Infection tripleelevationin troponinwitheither ECGchangesor echocardiographic changes Danielsetal.(32) 2021 US SARS-CoV-2 Low 67 73 2810 77 37 CMR 73 0 Infection Martinezetal. 2021 US SARS-CoV-2 Some 25 99 789 19 3 CMR 0 0 (33) Infection concerns Buckleyetal.(34) 2021 US SARS-CoV-2 Low 48 43 44 718365 35,820 N/A 44 1 0 Infection .3 3 Bardaetal.(18) 2021 Israel SARS-CoV-2 Low 34 46 233392 93,812 N/A:diagnosiscode 89 Infection /fcv m fro .2 ntiersin *CMR=CardiacMagneticResonanceImaging;J&J,JohnsonandJohnson. 022.951 .o 3 rg 14 Voletietal. 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 FIGURE2 AssociationofmyocarditisafterCOVID-19vaccinationversusSARS-CoV-2infection.Theriskofmyocarditisfrominfectionwasmorethan 7-foldhigherthanvaccination. Risk of myocarditis due to SARS-CoV-2 Meta-regression, publication bias, and infection vs. COVID-19 vaccination study heterogeneity The relative risk (RR) for myocarditis was more To assess the effect of sex, age, types of vaccines (mRNA than seven times higher in the infection group than vs. non-mRNA vaccines), WHO regions, and follow-up time vaccination group (RR: 15 (95% CI: 11.09–19.81, infection on myocarditis, we carried out a univariate meta-regression. group) and RR: 2 (95% CI: 1.44–2.65), vaccine group, The analysis was stratified by vaccine and infection risk Figure2). Higher rates of myocarditis were observed rates separately. In the studies that examined vaccine risk in those who received Moderna vaccines followed by ratios, younger age was associated with the increasing risk of Pfizer vaccines and the lowest in other vaccines groups myocarditis. Although male sex, mRNA vaccines, and studies (Figure3). Additionally, higher rates of myocarditis conducted in the Americas were associated with an increased were observed in studies conducted in the Americas (the risk of myocarditis, the association did not reach statistical United States and Mexico) compared to other WHO regions significance (Table2). When vaccines and infection studies (Figure4). werecombined,malesexandtheAmericasWHOregionwere FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine 06 frontiersin.org Voletietal. 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 FIGURE3 MyocarditisafterCOVID-19vaccinationstratifiedbyvaccinetype.TheriskofmyocarditiswashighestintheModernavaccinegroup. associated with an increased risk of myocarditis, but age and Egger’s test for publication bias was significant (p=0.01) but follow-uptimewerenot. Begg’s test was non-significant (p = 0.14). Consequently, we Publication bias was assessed only for the vaccine cohort conductedDuvalandTweedie’strimandfilltesttobalancethe studies. Due to the small number of studies in the infection funnel plot and adjust for potential publication bias (16). The cohort, we did not assess publication bias for these studies. resultsindicatedthatifpublicationbiasexisted,threeadditional Visual inspection of a funnel plot of the included studies did studieswouldbeneededtoeliminatebias,andtheoveralleffect indicateaslightasymmetryindicativeofmildpublicationbias. of vaccines on myocarditis would change from 2 (95% CI: FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine 07 frontiersin.org Voletietal. 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 FIGURE4 MyocarditisafterCOVID-19vaccination/InfectionstratifiedbyWHOregions.TheriskofmyocarditiswashigherintheAmericas(USandMexico) comparedtoEurope. 1.44–2.65)to1.5(95%CI:1.11–1.26,SupplementaryFigureS1). This translates into more than a 7-fold higher risk in the To identify outlier studies, we further performed influence infection group compared to the vaccination group. Among sensitivity analyses by excluding and replacing one study the persons with myocarditis in the vaccinated group, 61% at a time (Leave-One-Out method) from the meta-analysis (IQR: 39–87%) were men. Younger populations demonstrated and calculated the RR for the remaining studies (35). No anincreasedriskofmyocarditisafterreceivingtheCOVID-19 substantial change from any of the pooled RR was observed vaccination.Nevertheless,theriskofhospitalizationanddeath when other studies were removed in turn indicating that no waslow.Thisreviewisimportantasthereismuchhesitancyin individual study had a considerable influence on the pooled thegeneralpopulationofreceivingtheCOVID-19vaccinegiven estimate. The plots for the analysis estimates are provided in itsseriousadverseeffects. SupplementaryFigureS2. OurfindingsareconsistentwiththerecentanalysisofEHR datafrom40U.S.healthcaresystemswhichfoundtheincidences ofcardiaccomplicationsafterSARS-CoV-2infectionofnearly7- Discussion foldhigherthanaftermRNACOVID-19vaccination(36).The risk was higher for both men and women in all age groups. This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis and In a Danish population study, vaccination with mRNA-1273 the largest study to date of acute myocarditis after SARS- wasassociatedwithasignificantlyincreasedriskofmyocarditis, CoV-2 vaccination or infection that estimate the risk ratio primarily driven by an increased risk among individuals aged of myocarditis due to SARS-CoV-2 infection vs. COVID-19 12–39years(26).Nevertheless,theabsoluterateofmyocarditis vaccination.Wefoundthattheriskofmyocarditisincreasedby or myopericarditis after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination was afactorof2and15aftervaccinationandinfection,respectively. low,eveninyoungeragegroups. FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine 08 frontiersin.org Voletietal. 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 TABLE2 Resultsofmeta-regressionanalyses. biopsies. Only two studies included three patients who underwentendomyocardialbiopsywithnodiagnosticevidence Cohorts Covariate Nstudies RR p- R2 of myocarditis on biopsy (4, 17). Another limitation is a wide (95%CI) value(%) variationinthefollow-uptime(range7–90days)whichmight have counfounded the risk estimate. Lastly, although studies Onlyvaccine %male(per 6 1.15(0.96to1.37) 0.13 40 from multiple countries were included, most of the patient studies 5%-pointincrease populationwerefromtheUSortheUKregion.Therefore,the inpropmale) findings may not be generalizable to other geographic regions Age(per5-year 5 0.74(0.61to0.89) 0.002 100 notstudiedsuchasAfrica. increase) Follow-up(per7-d 8 0.97(0.71to1.13) 0.87 0.0 increasefrom Conclusion vaccination) mRNAvaccinesvs. 8 1.70(0.67to4.31) 0.26 0.0 Inthissystematicreviewandmeta-analysis,wefoundthat other theriskofincidentmyocarditisismorethanseventimeshigher Americas 7 1.45(0.56to3.75) 0.44 6.0 Vaccinesand %male(per 9 1.38(1.14to1.68)0.0009 89 in persons who were infected with the SARS-CoV-2 than in infection 5%-pointincrease those who received the COVID-19 vaccines. These findings studies inpropmale) supportthecontinueduseofmRNACOVID-19vaccinesamong Age(per5-y 8 0.98(0.88to1.10) 0.76 0 alleligiblepersonspertheCDCandWHOrecommendations. increase) Follow-up(per7-d 10 1.11(0.45to2.74) 0.82 6 Data availability statement increasefrom vaccination) Americasvs.other 11 2.94(1.17to7.44) 0.02 82 The original contributions presented in the study are WHOregions includedinthearticle/Supplementarymaterial.Rcodeanddata toreproducetheresultsinthisarticlearearchivedatGitHub. Boldvaluesarestatisticallysignificant.R2:Coefficientofdeterminationrepresentsthe The link to GitHub is: https://github.com/ssentongojeddy/ amountofvariationintheriskofmyocarditisexplainedbythecovariateinthemeta- regressionmodel. Myocarditis_COVID19.Furtherinquiriescanbedirectedtothe correspondingauthor. Myocarditiscanbeself-limiting,butsomecasescanadvance to life-threatening conditions with associated heart failure, Ethics statement arrhythmias,ormyocardialinfarction.Thepathophysiologyof myocarditisinCOVID-19infectionisthoughttoberelatedto Ethical review and approval was not required for directviralinjurytothecardiacmyocytes,butitisalsoproposed this study in accordance with the local legislation and that there may be a component of cytokine storm syndrome institutionalrequirements. (37). Similarly, mechanisms of myocarditis associated with COVID-19 vaccines include but are not limited to molecular mimicry, autoantibody formation, mRNA immune reactivity, Author contributions trigger of preexisting dysregulated immune processes, and geneticpredisposition(38). PS and NV: study concept and design, methodology, Our study have several strengths. First, we studied a large supervision, interpretation of data, and drafting of the sample size of 58 million individuals. Additionally, various manuscript. SR: data collection. PS: statistical analysis. All vaccinetypeswereincludedinthismeta-analysis,whichallows authors critically revised the manuscript for important for generalizability of the relationship between COVID-19 intellectual content and approved the final version of vaccination and myocarditis. Third, due to the high degree themanuscript. of heterogeneity, a random effects meta-analytic framework wasinvoked. Funding Thefindingsofthismeta-analysisshouldbeinterpretedin lightofsomelimitations.First,studiesvariedintheirmethods of diagnosing myocarditis: Although myocarditis is suspected Penn State College of Medicine Startup Funds to PS. The by clinical diagnosis, cardiac biomarkers and ECG changes, funder had no role in the design and conduct of the study; confirmationismadebyperforminganendomyocardialbiopsy collection,management,analysis,andinterpretationofthedata, or with a Cardiac MRI (CMR). However, not all medical preparation,review,orapprovalofthemanuscript,anddecision centers had the facilities to perform CMR or endomyocardial tosubmitthemanuscriptforpublication. FrontiersinCardiovascularMedicine 09 frontiersin.org Voletietal. 10.3389/fcvm.2022.951314 Conflict of interest the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made Theauthorsdeclarethattheresearchwasconductedinthe by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by absenceofanycommercialorfinancialrelationshipsthatcould thepublisher. beconstruedasapotentialconflictofinterest. Publisher’s note Supplementary material All claims expressed in this article are solely those The Supplementary Material for this article can be of the authors and do not necessarily represent those found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/ of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, fcvm.2022.951314/full#supplementary-material References 1. 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