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I I 4 lllll (cid:127)ii I V * V (cid:127)* & / / 4 y fe-- *.(cid:127) gggfe * m \ Ky t (cid:127),.ÿM wmm-9 P:; "r'! . - -s l >i_ssa fifet-Hr-J-. :'y- : .;ÿ5 (cid:127)/.-(cid:127)4r 35a >: yyÿ i***. The Memoirs of Hitler’s Most Daring Commando OTTO SKORZENY MY COMMANDO OPERATIONS The Memoirs of Hitler’s Most Daring Commando Translatedfrom theGerman byDavidJohnston _SCHIFFER MILITARY_HISTORY Atglen,PA I DEDICATE THISBOOK TOTHE TRUE HEROES OFTHE SECOND WORLDWAR THE COMMON RUSSIAN AND GERMAN SOLDIER Translated from theGerman by DavidJohnston. Copyright©1995bySchifferPublishing. LibraryofCongressCatalog Number:94-68031 Thisbook wasoriginally published underthetitle. MeineKommandoUnternehmen, ©1993by UniversitasVerlaginF.A. Herbig VerlagsbuchhandlungGmbH.Munich. Thisbook wasoriginally published in 1975byEditionAlbin Michel. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any formsor by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or information storageand retrievalsystems-without written permissionfrom thecopyrightholder. Printed inChina. ISBN:0-88740-718-8 Weareinterested in hearingfromauthorswith book ideasonrelated topics. PublishedbySchifferPublishingLtd. InEurope.SchifTcrbooksarcdistributedby: 4880LowerValleyRoad BushwciodBooks Atglcn.PA 19310 6MarksburyAvenue Phone:(610)593-1777 KcwGardens FAX (610)593-2002 SurreyTW94JF E-mail:Schiffcrbk@aolcom England Visitourwebsiteat:www.schifferbooks.com Phone 44(0)208392-8585 Pleasewrileforafreecatalog. FAX 44(0)208392-9876 Thisbookmayhepurchasedfromthepublisher E-mail:[email protected]. Pleaseinclude53.95postage. FreepostageintheUK Europe airmailatcost TryyourbookstoreFirst TryyourbookstoreFirst. CONTENTS PARTI Chapter1 10 ON THE RIGHTOFSELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES Chapter2 21 THEANSCHLUSS Chapter3 33 Waffen-SS Chapter4 41 WHY WE DIDN’T LAND IN ENGLAND & TAKE GIBRALTAR Chapter5 52 FROM THE ENGLISH CHANNELTOTHE BALKANS Chapter6 64 UNKNOWN FACTS ABOUTTHE FLIGHTTO ENGLAND BY RUDOLF HESS (MAY 10, 1941) Chapter 7 75 BARBAROSSA Chapter8 85 CONTINUALTREASON Chapter9 102 WHY WE DIDN’TTAKE MOSCOW PART II Chapter10 126 THE “UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER” THE TRUTH ABOUT STALINGRAD Chapter11 141 DON’T SHOOT! Chapter12 158 WHY HITLER DIDN’T BUILD THEATOMIC BOMB THE REVENGE WEAPONS Chapter13 171 FROM THE BEST U-BOATSTO THE NEW “SYNTHETIC MATERIALS” Chapter14 183 FROM SICILY TO REMAGEN Chapter15 201 PLANNED OPERATIONS PART III Chapter16 228 HITLER’S ORDER: YOU MUST FIND AND FREE THE DUCE! OPERATIONALDRICH Chapter17 247 SEARCHING FOR THE DUCE Chapter18 265 THE FREEING OFTHE DUCE Chapter19 285 JULY 20, 1944 Chapter20 303 OPERATION PANZERFAUST Chapter21 329 GRIFFIN PART IV Chapter22 362 VLASOV AND BANDERA NICOLAI, CANARIS & GEHLEN Chapter23 385 OPERATION FREISCHUTZ Chapter24 396 ADRIAN VON FOLKERSAM MISSING WALTER GIRG & His LAST MISSION Chapter25 412 SCHWEDT ON THE ODER LAST REUNION WITH VIENNA Chapter26 432 NUREMBERG Chapter27 454 THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN EUROPE EPILOGUE 462 PART I 1 ON RIGHT THE SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES OF Art invented triumvirate:Borghese-deMarchi-Skorzeny-Myyouth - in Vienna The tragedy ofa German people in an East European - - state The student: the time of the duels Ban onfraternities by - Baldur vonSchirach Theengineer:work,sportandpoliticalcom¬ mitment in favor of union with Germany -Goebbels in Vienna - Dolfuss declares Marxists and NationalSocialists illegal- Unex¬ plainedaspectsofafailedputsch -Honeymoon trip toItaly-The oppression. 'I oralmost thirtyyearscertaincorrespondents,journalistsand I J radioand television reportershavedescribed meas“themost |1 dangerous man in Europe.” Forexample,at theend of No- JL. vember19731wasworking in my office in Madrid,when I learnedwhileskimmingthrough ItalianandSpanish newspapersthat I was planninga coupd’6tat in Rome. I wasn’t surprised; for in the fantasiesof many journalistsI had already organizedcountlesscoup - d’6tats, plotsand kidnappings, notonly in Europe noblesseoblige finally-but inAfrica and both Americas.This time the Rome con¬ spiracy hadbeendirectedbyatriumvirate,consistingofPrinceValerio Borghese, the attorney de Marchi, leader of the M.S.I., and me. On completionof theirpreparationsI wassupposedtosupplytheItalian rebelswith four Fokkeraircraft.Wherewas Isupposed toget them? Igave the followingstatement duringan interview with Manuel Alcala of the Madrid daily newspaper Informacioneson November 23,1973: “It’slaughable:whenever theItalian governmentfindsitself fac¬ ingseriousdifficulties, it uncoversa plot which threatens it. It is no 10 MY COMMANDO OPERATIONS n lessstrangethat thisisthesecond timewithinashort period that they havediscovereda plot in which I wasallegedly involved.More than a yearagothey found letters1had written toPrince Borghcse,which contained nothingastonishing.We becamewartimefriendsin 1943. Theexchangeof lettersinquestion had nothingtodowith a plotora conspiracy againsttheItaliangovernment.For morethansix months I haven’t had theslightest contact with Valerio Borghese, and asfar as Mr.de Marchi isconcerned, I have never laid eyeson him in my life anddidn’t even know that heexisted. I would like toonce again state clearly that since thewar I have never become involved in any political or military affairs of any country, and that I would reject any suggestion made to me in that direction.” This time I could deny the charges against me, and this denial was published. But I have thousands of articles from newspapers and magazines-most were sent by friends-which attribute to me the most fantastic, vile and perplexingactionsand plans.Thousandsof otherpublicationsallaroundtheentireworldspread rumorsanddefa¬ mations,sometimes in support of a politicalsystem. Yet, I am not the only one affected. I think of the comrades at whose side I fought, of the brave soldiers 1 commanded and who died in the maelstrom of war: many fallen on the Field of honor or lost forever in thesteppes,forestsor prison campsof Soviet Russia. I believe that people must know that these men never personally fought unfairly,even though they were involved inadirty war.Even the enemy hasacknowledged that. In spite of all the ridicule, I firmly believe that there is military honorand that itwillcontinuetoexistaslongastherearesoldiersor until one half of our planet has destroyed the other half. But it is always possible to learn from the past. Thisbook isnot intendedasan“officialdenial.”It isa book by a witness to recent history,one who had the time to reflect on events and people, on conditionsand plans; a witness whose chief misfor¬ tunewastobea patrioticGermanwhowasbom inVienna,thecapi¬ tal city ofAustro-Hungary in 1908. When Ispokeaboveofthealleged Borghese-deMarchi-Skorzeny triumvirate, I recalled, not without a certain nostalgia,twoother tri¬ umviratesthat I had tostudy in myclassin Roman history insecond¬ ary school in Vienna in 1919.The first consisted of Caesar,Crassus 12 OTTO SKORZENY andPompeius,thesecondOctavius,Antoniusand Lcpidus:Triumviri reipublicaeconstituendae... I was ten years old at the time. The Hapsburg Empire had just collapsed. Austria was now a country of six-million inhabitants (of which nearly 2million lived in Vienna),83,000square kilometersin area.They had taken away the industries of Bohemia and the agri¬ cultural land of Hungary and had left it noaccess to the sea. It was therefore forced to live in misery or unitewith Germany. In March 1938there wasmuch talk of “rape by Hitler.” But like Hitler,whowas himself bom inAustria, wewereGermans'.And we had the same right as the Saxons, the Bavarians, theSwabians, the Wiirttembergers and all the other members of the German union, from whichAustria had been expelled after the Battleof Koniggratz in 1866. For nine and a half centuries Austria, which in German means eastern empire, was part of the German Empire.Thisexplains why an overwhelming number of Austrians voted for union. From 1918 to 1922, in the state of emergency of the defeated, we turned to the “Reich”outof an instinctforself-preservation.All partiessupported reunification with Germany so strongly, that two laws were passed by the Austrian National Assembly, on November 12,1918 and on March12,1919.Theydeclared:“Austriaisafundamental partof the German Reich.” This sentence was added to the nation’s constitu¬ tion. Furthermore, the new state was officially called German-Aus- tria. Inspiteof the“rightof self-determinationof peoples,” theallies refused to take into consideration the will of theAustrian people at VersaillesorSt.Germain.We were not incorporated into the Reich. Ultimately,inSeptemberandOctober1919,thealliesdemanded that the German and Austrian republics remove from their constitutions thosearticlesrelatingtotheunionof thetwocountries.TheAustrian government tried to “rouse democratic opinion” and organized re¬ gional refercndumsinTyrolandSalzburg;that wasinApriland May 1921.The results:145,302Tyroleansvotedfor union,1,805against. However it wasall in vain.These referendumswere not “controlled by the nazis.”There were none yet. In1931formerForeign MinisterSchobersuccessfullyconcluded acustomsandtradeagreementwith theWeimarRepublic.TheLeague of Nations and the International Court of Justice declared that this

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