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——#T ESS MY BELIEF fon | ge \ a8 Hermann Hesse was born in Germany, at Calw, Warttemberg > on 2 July 1877. He began his career as a bookseller and started to write and publish poetry at the age of twenty-one. Five years later he enjoyed his first major success with his novels on youth and educational problems: first Peter Camenzind (1904), then The Prodigy (1905), followed by Gertrude (1910), Rosshalde (1914), Knulp (1915) and Demian (1919). Later, when as a protest against German militarism in the First World War he settled permanently in Switzerland, he established himself as one of the greatest literary figures of the German-speaking world. Hesse’s deep humanity and searching philosophy were further developed in such masterly novels as Siddhartha (1922), Steppenwolf (1927), and Narziss and Goldmund (1930), which together with his poems and a number of critical works won him, a leading place among contemporary thinkers. In 1946 he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Hermann Hesse died in 1962 shortly after his eighty-fifth birthday. By the same author Peter Camenzind The Prodigy Gertrude Rosshalde Knulp Demian Strange News from Another Star Klingsor’s Last Summer Wandering Siddhartha Steppenwolf Narziss and Goldmund The Journey to the East The Glass Bead Game Ifthe War Goes On... Poems Autobiographical Writings Reflections Crisis Stories of Five Decades A Pictorial Biography Pictor’s Metamorphoses HERMANN HESSE My Belief Essays on Life and Art Edited and with an Introduction* by Theodore Ziolkowski Translated by Denver Lindley With two essays translated by Ralph Manheim TRIAD PANTHER Triad/Panther Books Granada Publishing Ltd 8 Grafton Street, London W1X 3LA Published by Triad/Panther Books 1978 Reprinted 1979, 1985 Triad Paperbacks Ltd is an imprint of Chatto, Bodley Head & Jonathan Cape Ltd and Granada Publishing Ltd First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd 1976 Translation copyright © Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Inc 1974 ISBN 0-586-04487-6 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Collins, Glasgow All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. This book is sold subject to the conditions that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. The following essays originally published in German under the titles indicated, copyright © 1957 by Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin and Frankfurt: ‘At Year’s End’ (Am Ende des Jahres), ‘Old Music’ (Alte Musik), ‘Letter to a Philistine’ (Brief an einen Philister), ‘Language’ (Sprache), ‘The Refuge’ (Die Zuflucht), ‘Concerning the Soul’ (Von der Seele), ‘Artists and Psychoanalysis’ (Kiinstler und Psychoanalyse), ‘From My Diary’ (Ein Stiick Tagebuch), ‘Fantasies’ (Phantasien), ‘On Poems’ (Ueber Gedichte), ‘The Brothers Karamazov, or The Decline of Europe’ (Die Briider Karamasoft oder der Unter- gang Europas), ‘Thoughts on The Idiot by Dostoevsky’ (Gedanken zu Dostojewskijs ‘Idiot’), ‘Books on Trial’ (Eine Biicherprobe), ‘Variations on a Theme by Wilhelm Schafer’ (Variationen iiber ein Thema von Wilhelm Schafer), ‘On Reading Books’ (Vom Biicherlesen), ‘A Poet’s Preface to His Selected Works’ (Vorrede eines Dichters zu seinen ausgewahlten Werken), ‘About Jean Paul’ (Ueber Jean Paul), ‘Exotic Art’ (Exotische Kunst), ‘On Hélderlin’ (Ueber Hélderlin), ‘Postscript to Novalis, Documents on His Life and Death’ (Nachwort zu ‘Novalis: Dokumente seines Lebens und Sterbens’), ‘About Dostoevsky’ (Ueber Dostojewskij), ‘A Night’s Work’ (Eine Arbeitsnacht), ‘The Magic of the Book’ (Magie des Buches), ‘About Good and Bad Critics’ (Ueber gute und schlechte Kritiker), ‘My Belief? (Mein Glaube), ‘Gratitude to Goethe’ (Dank an Goethe), ‘A Bit of Theology’ (Ein Stiickchen Theologie), ‘On Reading a Novel’ (Beim Lesen eines Romans), ‘Memories of Klingsor’s Summer’ (Erinnerung an Klingsors Sommer), ‘Postscript to Steppenwolf’ (Nachwort zum ‘Steppenwolf’), ‘Favourite Reading’ (Lieblingslektiire), and ‘Interpreting Kafka’ (Kafka-Deutungen). The following essays originally published in German, copyright © 1951 (Traumgeschenk), ‘Description of a Landscape’ (Beschrei- bung einer Landschaft), and ‘Happiness’ (Gliick). ‘Mysteries’ and ‘On Old Age’ originally published in German under the titles Geheimnisse and Ueber das Alter, respectively, copyright © 1955 by Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin. ‘Our Age’s Yearning for a Philosophy of Life’ and ‘Joseph Knecht to Carlo Ferromonte’ originally published in German under the titles Die Sehnsucht unserer Zeit nach einer Weltanschauung and Josef Knecht an Carlo Ferromonte, copyright © 1971 by Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt. ‘A Virtuoso’s Concert,’‘The Omitted Word,’ and ‘On Little Joys’ originally published in German under the titles Virtuosen-Konzert, Das gestrichene Wort, and Von den kleinen Freuden, copyright © 1973 by Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt. The following essays originally published in German in Schriften zur Literatur, copyright © 1970 by Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main: ‘Letter toa Young Poet’ (Brief an einen jungen Dichter), ‘From a Diary’ (Aus einem Tagebuch vom Juli), ‘Anti-Semitism’ (Zum Antisemitismus), ‘Caesarius of Heisterbach,’ ‘Giovanni Boccaccio,’ ‘Casanova,’ ‘Hans Christian Andersen,’ ‘Walt Whitman,’ ‘August Strindberg,’ ‘Selma Lagerlof,’ ‘Maurice Maeterlinck,’ ‘Romain Rolland,’ ‘André Gide,’ ‘Rainer Maria Rilke,’ ‘D. H. Lawrence,’ ‘Thomas Wolfe,’ ‘J. D. Salinger,’ ‘Sigmund Freud,’ ‘C. G. Jung,’ ‘Jacob Burckhardt,’ ‘Karl Marx,’ ‘Henri Bergson,’ ‘Count Hermann Keyserling,’ ‘Oswald Spengler,’ ‘José Ortega y Gasset,’ ‘Leopold Ziegler,’ ‘Introduction,’ ‘Hinduism,’ ‘The Speeches of Buddha,’ ‘Chinese Literature,’ ‘View of the Far East.’ Contents All the essays in this book were translated by Denver Lindley, except for “From a Diary” and “Anti-Semitism,” which were translated by Ralph Manheim The year of composition follows each title; in most cases, first publication in German also occurred that year INTRODUCTION BY THEODORE ZIOLKOWSKI Xi PART ONE / ESSAYS, 1904-1961 At Year’s End (1904) On Little Joys (1905) Letter to a Young Poet (1910) Old Music (1913) Letter to a Philistine (1915) Language (1917) The Refuge (1917) Concerning the Soul (1917) Artists and Psychoanalysis (1918) From My Diary (1918) Fantasies (1918) On Poems (1918) The Brothers Karamazov, or The Decline of Europe (1919) Thoughts on The Idiot by Dostoevsky (1919) Books on Trial (1919) viii ) CONTENTS Variations on a Theme by Wilhelm Schafer (1919) 96 On Reading Books (1920) Io! A Poet’s Preface to His Selected Works (1921) 108 About Jean Paul (1921) 113 Exotic Art (1922) 123 On Holderlin (1924) 126 Postscript to Novalis, Documents on His Life and Death (1924) 130 About Dostoevsky (1925) 133 Our Age’s Yearning for a Philosophy of Life (1926-27) - 136 A Night’s Work (1928) 142 A Virtuoso’s Concert (1929) 147 The Magic of the Book (1930) 153 About Good and Bad Critics (1930) 163 My Belief (1931) Gratitude to Goethe (1932) A Bit of Theology (1932) On Reading a Novel (1933) From a Diary (1933) Memories of Klingsor’s Summer (1938) Postscript to Steppenwolf (1941) Favorite Reading (1945) The Peach Tree (1945) Dream Gift (1946) Description of a Landscape (1947) Mysteries (1947) The Omitted Word (1948) Happiness (1949) On Old Age (1952) Interpreting Kafka (1956) Anti-Semitism (1922, 1958) Joseph Knecht to Carlo Ferromonte (1961)

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