(cid:1)CASE REPORT My appendectomy Malek Cheikh, MD* Union MemorialHospital, Baltimore, MD, USA Apersonal experience of a medical resident withappendicitis Received:13 October 2011; Accepted:15 November 2011;Published:26January2012 As an internal medicine third-year resident, thesame hospital, andIstillblame himfor mysurgery). I recently switched roles and became a hospita- Whenthepainreoccurredthistime,itwasseverenausea; lized patient. My symptoms started 3 months Ivomitedeighttimes,withnorelief.Soon,theabdominal ago when I was working with one of my mentors in his pain generalized with a positive McBurney’s sign. That office.ThatmorningIawokewithgeneralizedabdominal was enough for me to wake up my wife and call my pain. I thought it would subside in an hour or so, as brother for a lift to my hospital’semergency room (ER). I often have abdominal cramps. The ER attender reviewed my previous information However,itdidnotsubside.AsIdrovetothehospital, and at this time my WBC was 15,000. They started Ifeltthatmypainwasincreasing.Witheverybumpinthe hydratingme.Thesurgeonwhooriginallysawmewason road, the pain felt like twisting in my guts! Eventually call and the decision to take me to undergo an I arrived at our grand rounds, for a talk on one of the appendectomywasmadeonthebasisofclinicalsuspicion subjects of which I am fond of, ‘Subclinical Thyroid without repeating the abdominal CT. Disease.’ I could not concentrate because my abdominal Myoperationlasted50min.Ihadanopenappendect- pain was severe enough that I had to reposition myself omy that left me with a one inch surgical incision and every20secondsinthechairandIwassweatingprofusely. threestaples.Thesurgeontoldmethattheappendixhad Untilthatpoint,Ihadnotthoughtofmyappendix.Iwas scars pointing toward a chronic inflammation, but the 27,neverhadsurgeryinmylifenorafamilyhistoryofany pathology report came back positive for acute appendi- surgery.Iconsideredmyselfgenerallyhealthy. citiswithnochroniccomponent.Iwasdebatingwhether I went to the office where I was supposed to be. I should keep my appendix preserved in a jar, but when Immediately after seeing the first patient, I knew that Iwentdowntothepathologylab,itdidnotlookprecious I was not going to make it until the end of the day enough to keep. because the pain was too severe. I told my attender that Ineededtogohome.WhenItoldhimaboutmy‘bumpy ride,’ he recommended that I see a surgeon. I resisted at first, but when the pain started to localize in my right lower quadrant, I knew I should stop procrastinating. Labs and a computerized tomography (CT) scan were done and showed a WBC of 16,000 and radiological findingscompatiblewithacuteappendicitis(1).However, by the time we had all this information, I was feeling better and the pain had greatly subsided. Therefore, ImadethedecisionthatIwasnotgoingthroughwiththe surgery,atleastforthetimebeing.Ifollowedmyinternal My Appendix medicine gut and applied the well-known medicine axiom, ‘wait and see.’ It was 3 months before the pain returned. This time, the pain came back in different forms. It started when IcameacrossanarticleintheNewYorkTimesabouta I was driving back from a friend’s house, (incidentally, physicianwhogetstoexperiencebeingapatientonce.He thisfriendhappenedtobeasurgeonworkingwithmein said ‘If anything, it’s that recognition of vulnerability as JournalofCommunityHospitalInternalMedicinePerspectives2011.#2011MalekCheikh.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsofthe 1 CreativeCommonsAttribution-Noncommercial3.0UnportedLicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/),permittingallnon-commercial use,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Citation:JournalofCommunityHospitalInternalMedicinePerspectives2011,1:10847-DOI:10.3402/jchimp.v1i4.10847 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose) MalekCheikh wellasexpertisethatmakesmeabetterdoctortoday’(2). (8) Never turn your back on a surgical resident; they My experience was not as dramatic as his was, but it will pull a prank on you!! Sending a student to mademeseeandfeel thingsIwasnotable toappreciate perform a manual disimpaction when you are not as a doctor. The only way to recognize them was to constipated is not funny. experiencetheminapatient’sshoes(orsocks).And,now (9) Knockingonthedoorcansaveyouandyourpatient mymyopiahasclearedandIammoreempatheticabout (who may be using the urinal while sitting on the the patient’s experience. edgeofthebed)alotofembarrassment,especiallyif Lessons learned from my hospitalization are listed you and your patient are colleagues working in the below: same hospital. (10) No matterhow fashionableandtrendyyoudress in (1) Subcutaneous heparin burns!!! reallife, the hospital gown willtake that awayfrom (2) I always thought that IV fluids are harmless in a you and bring you down to earth!!! patient with good liver, heart, and kidney function, but not after having many liters of fluids running throughmyveinspostoperationwhenIwasunable to urinate or even walk to the bathroom without Conflict of interest and funding getting pain from the surgical site. Theauthorhasnotreceivedanyfundingorbenefitsfrom (3) Nurses are angels!!! They were so considerate and industryor elsewhere to conduct this study. caring; much different than how they interact with residents. (4) Always talk to your patients, especially to inform References them that you are changing their pain medications. It is frustrating to have your needs ignored. 1. David Widlus, MD. My CT and the role of CT scanning in (5) Itwasexhausting.Iwasamazedathowaonenight appendicitis diagnostics are discussed in the clinical imaging hospitalstaycandrainaperson’senergy.Therewas section 1. Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine notatimewhereIhadmorethan10minrest.There Perspectives2011;1(3). was always someone coming in to change the fluid 2. Eric DM. When doctors become patients. [published 2011 September 2] available from http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/ bag, check vitals, orgive pills. 03/opinion/When-doctors-become-patients. (6) Patients have the right to be angry, frustrated, and depressed. At some point of my hospitalization; I *MalekCheikh felt all of the above. UnionMemorialHospital (7) Hydromorphonecanmakeallyourtroublesgoaway Baltimore,MD,USA (for about 4(cid:1)6 hours)!!! Email:[email protected] 2 Citation:JournalofCommunityHospitalInternalMedicinePerspectives2011,1:10847-DOI:10.3402/jchimp.v1i4.10847 (pagenumbernotforcitationpurpose)