ARTICLE OPEN DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w Mutations in six nephrosis genes delineate a pathogenic pathway amenable to treatment Shazia Ashraf et al.# Noefficienttreatmentexistsfornephroticsyndrome(NS),afrequentcauseofchronickidney 0():,; disease. Here we show mutations in six different genes (MAGI2, TNS2, DLC1, CDK20, ITSN1, 123456789 IpTrSoNte2in)sasintcearuascitnganNdSwiend1e7linfaematielietshewiritrholpeasritnialRlyhot-rleikaetmsemnat-llseGnTsPitaivsee (NRSLS(GpT)SaNctSiv).ityT,haensde demonstratedeficiencyformutantsofpTSNSpatients.WefindthatCDK20regulatesDLC1. Knockdown of MAGI2, DLC1, or CDK20 in cultured podocytes reduces migration rate. Treatment with dexamethasone abolishes RhoAactivationby knockdown ofDLC1 or CDK20 indicating that steroid treatment in patients with pTSNS and mutations in these genes is mediated by this RLSG module. Furthermore, we discover ITSN1 and ITSN2 as podocytic guanine nucleotide exchange factors for Cdc42. We generate Itsn2-L knockout mice that recapitulate the mild NS phenotype. We, thus, define a functional network of RhoA regula- tion, thereby revealing potential therapeutic targets. CorrespondenceandrequestsformaterialsshouldbeaddressedtoS.K.(email:[email protected]) ortoF.H.(email:[email protected]).#Afulllistofauthorsandtheiraffliationsappearsattheendofthepaper. NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| 1 ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w N ephrotic syndrome (NS) is the second most frequent Supplementary Fig. 1B). The variant p.Ile858Met apparently cause of chronic kidney disease in the first three decades represents a founder allele from India (Supplementary Table 1). of life, requiring dialysis or transplantation for survival1. Altered amino acid residues were well conserved throughout Based on its response to steroid treatment, steroid sensitive NS evolution (Supplementary Table 1). We thereby discovered (SSNS) is distinguished from steroid resistant NS (SRNS). No recessive TNS2 mutations as a novel cause of NS (Fig. 2a). We efficienttreatmentforSRNSexists,andverylittleisknownabout introduce the term “NPHS19” for this distinct entity of NS. diseasemechanisms.Mutationsinmorethan40geneshavebeen BecauseTNS2proteinisknowntointeractwithDLC1(deleted identified as causing monogenic (single-gene) forms of NS. in liver cancer 1)18,19, we hypothesized that mutations of DLC1 Interestingly,mostoftheencodedgeneproductslocalizetorenal may also cause NS. By high-throughput exon sequencing, we glomerular podocytes, confirming that podocyte loss of function identified recessive mutations of DLC1 in 4 families with NS isacriticalpartofthepathogenesisofNSandthatanyandallof (SupplementaryTable1).Specifically,inindividualA548-21with these proteins are important for the maintenance of glomerular FSGS, we detected two compound heterozygous mutations: p. function2,3. These findings have thereby helped define protein Trp10*andp.Ser43Thr.InanindividualofArabdescent(A4967- interaction complexes and functional pathways that could be 21)withSRNSandabiopsyshowingfocalsegmentalglomerulo- targetedforfuturepotentialtreatmentofNS2,4–7.Inaddition,the sclerosis (FSGS) (Fig. 1e), we identified two compound hetero- mechanistic causes of steroid resistance have been a conundrum zygous mutations, p.Glu180Ala and p.Lys1358Thr, in DLC1 foralmostsixdecadesoftheiruse.Sofar,onlyonecausativegene (Fig. 1f, Supplementary Table 1, Supplementary Fig. 1C). In an (EMP2)hasbeendiscoveredinSSNS8.Werecentlydemonstrated affected individual from Asia (A3118-21), we detected a inalargecohortof1780familieswithSRNSthatinabout30%of homozygous mutation (p.Ala456Val) in exon 6 of DLC1 with individuals with SRNS a monogenic cause can be detected, amino acid conservation since C.elegans (Fig. 1f, Supplemen- indicatingthatadditionalsinglegenecausesofNSmustexistthat taryTable1,SupplementaryFig.1C).Infamily2706weidentified are yet to be identified9. a homozygous missense mutation (p.Ala1352Val) in exon 17 of Therefore by performing whole exome sequencing in indivi- DLC1 (Fig. 1f, Supplementary Table 1). We thereby discovered dualswithpartiallytreatmentsensitiveNS(pTSNS),wediscover recessive DLC1 mutations as a novel cause of pTSNS (Fig. 2a). sixnovelmonogeniccausesforpTSNS.Strikingly,allsixencoded We introduce the term “NPHS20” for this distinct entity of NS. proteins interacted within a functional module of podocytic Interestingly, a distinct disease phenotype of partially treatment regulation of Rho-like small GTPase (RLSG) and are at the sensitive nephrotic syndrome (pTSNS) occurred in four of the intersection between steroid sensitivity vs. steroid resistance five individuals with recessive TNS2 and in two of the four of NS. individualswithDLC1mutations.pTSNSthatmostlymanifested between1and7yearsofage,withtheexceptionofA548-21and 2706 where the onset of NS was in adulthood (Supplemen- Results taryTable1).Interestingly,theseindividualsshowedcompleteor Mutations in six novel genes cause NS in humans. To identify partial response to prednisolone or cyclosporine A. additional genes mutated in NS we performed homozygosity InfamilyA5013ofAraborigin,anindividualhadpTSNSwith mapping (HM)10 combined with whole exome sequencing the unusual renal histology of membranoproliferative glomer- (WES)11 in multiple families with NS. We also performed high- ulonephritis (MPGN) (Fig. 1g). HM yielded 12 regions of throughputexonsequencing12,13inaworldwidecohortof~1000 homozygosity by descent, none of which coincided with any of additional families with NS, examining specific candidate genes the known recessive NS loci (Fig. 1h). By WES, we detected a for NS based on genetic mouse models of NS. novelhomozygousmissensemutation(p.Phe204Leu)inexon6of MicelackingMagi2developNS14–16.WesequencedallMAGI2 the CDK20 gene on chromosome 9q22.1, encoding “cyclin- exons in 400 patients with NS. We identified homozygous dependent kinase 20” (Fig. 1i, Supplementary Table 1, Supple- truncating mutations in the MAGI2 gene (p.Gly39* and p. mentary Table 2). The mutation alters an amino acid residue Tyr746*) in two individuals with SRNS and neurologic impair- conservedthroughoutevolutionfromC.eleganson(Supplemen- ment(Fig.1a,b,SupplementaryTable1,SupplementaryFig.1A). tary Fig. 1D). p.Gly39* was detected in an affected individual of Arab descent. ByHMandWESintwosiblingsofArabfamilyA3706(Fig.1j, p.Tyr746*wasduetomaternalisodisomyforchromosome7.We SupplementaryTable1,SupplementaryTable2)withearly-onset thereby discovered recessive MAGI2 mutations as a cause of NS we identified a homozygous missense mutation of ITSN1 SRNS with neurologic involvement in humans (Fig. 2a). Very (Intersectin 1) at a highly conserved amino acid residue (p. recently,recessivemutationsinMAGI2inhumanswithNShave Pro180Ser). By high-throughput sequencing, we identified two been confirmed17. additional families (A977 and A2274) with four additional InindividualA1358ofTurkishoriginwithearly-onsetNSand compound heterozygous missense mutations of ITSN1 (Fig. 1k, histology of minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS) Supplementary Table 1, Supplementary Fig. 1E). Although the (Supplementary Table 1), HM yielded ten regions of homo- mice lacking Itsn1 have been shown to exhibit a neuronal zygosity by descent, none of which coincided with any of the phenotype20, none of individuals with early-onset NS identified knownrecessiveSRNSloci(Fig.1c).ByWES,wedetectedanovel here showed any brain abnormalities. We introduce the term homozygous missense mutation (p. Arg292Gln) in the TNS2 “NPHS21” for this distinct entity of NS. (tensin-2) gene on chromosome 12q13.13 (Supplementary WESwasalsoperformedinfivemembersofaJapanesefamily Table 2). The mutation alters an amino acid residue conserved (two patients and their unaffected members) (Supplementary throughoutevolutionfromC.intestinalison.Directinspectionof Fig.2).Bothaffectedsinthisfamily(Pat1,Pat2)hadpTSNSand sequence alignments did not yield a mutation in any of the 30 renal histology in both the siblings showed MCNS (Fig. 1l). By known SRNS genes3, and no additional homozygous truncating WES, we identified two compound heterozygous mutations in mutations were detected in any other gene within the mapped transinITSN2(intersectin2),amissensemutation(p.Ser339Cys) candidate regions. By high-throughput exon sequencing, we in exon 11 and a frame-shift deletion (p.Ile1214Serfs*2) in exon detectedin4additionalfamilies(A283,2605,A3775,andA1640) 30 of ITSN2 (Fig. 1m, Supplementary Fig. 1F, Supplemen- 5 additional homozygous or compound heterozygous missense tary Table 1, Supplementary Table 3). Additionally, in an mutations of TNS2 (Fig. 1d, Supplementary Table 1, individual from Arab with pTSNS (A3384), we detected a 2 NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w homozygous missense mutation (p.Glu438Gly) in exon 12 of in silico tools. As a negative control, we ITSN2(Fig.1m,SupplementaryTable1).Wetherebydiscovered performed screening for all variants that we detected in the recessiveITSN2mutationsasnovelcauseofpTSNS(Fig.2a).We pTSNS patients in an in-house cohort of exome data from 248 introduce the term “NPHS22” for this distinct entity of NS. NPHPcases.Thiscontroldidnotrevealanyhomozygouscarriers Interestingly, all three patients (from two families) with ITSN2 (Supplementary Table 4). mutations had pTSNS, as well as two out of four patients (from three families) with ITSN1 mutations. Similar to patients with Three of the six proteins interact with DLC1. We discovered TNS2, DLC1 or CDK20 mutations, most patients with ITSN2 or that four proteins MAGI2, TNS2, DLC1, and CDK20, in which ITSN1 mutations also showed partial or complete response to we detected recessive defects as novel causes of pTSNS, interact Cyclosporine A. physically or functionally to regulate RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42. Specifi- For all mutations in all six genes segregation status was cally, we detected or confirmed the following protein–protein compatible with recessive inheritance (Supplementary Table 1). interactions: SupplementaryTable4listsallthevariantfrequenciesforallthe identified mutations in the Exome Aggregation Consortium First,becauseMAGI2wasknowntointeractwithPTEN21,and because TNS2 contains a PTEN domain (Figs 1d and 2a), we (ExaC) and the genome aggregation database (GnomAD) along hypothesized that MAGI2 may also interact with TNS2. By co- with their prediction scores using Mutation Taster (http://www. overexpression and co-immunoprecipitation (coIP) of wildtype and Polyphen 2 (http://genetics.bwh. and mutant cDNA clones in HEK293T cells, we found that a b ATG TGA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4367 bp AGI2 PDZ1 GuK WW1 WW2 PDZ2 PDZ3 PDZ4 PDZ5 PDZ6 M A5146 B91 1455 aa c.115G>T c.2238C>G p.Gly39* p.Tyr746* A5146 (HOM) (HOM) c d A1358 (p_ATrgN2S922Gln) ATG TGA 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13141516171819202122XY 2.5 1 2 34 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617 18 19 20 2122232425 262728 29 NPL score10..2515 TNS2 C1 PTEN C2 CAV-B SH2 PTB 4259 bp 0 1419 aa –0.5 A1358 A283 2605 A1640 A3775/A1640A283 –10 500 1000 1500 cM 2000 2500 3000 3500 cp(H..8AO7rgM52G)9>2AGln cp(h..1Ae3tr)g3444G5>GAln cp(H..1GO6lyM755)5G9>AArgcp(h..1Ae6tr)g9536C5>TTrpcp(H..2llOe58M754/8hCMe>teG)t cp(h..3Te3ht)8r121A2>8GAla e f ATG TGA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 4586 bp C1 SAM RhoGAP START DLA548 A548 A4967 A3118 2706 A4967 1528 aa c.29G>A c.128G>C c.539A>C c.1367C>T c.4055C>T c.4073A>C A4967 p(h.Tertp)10* p(h.Sete)r43Thr p(h.Getl)u180Ala p(H.AOlaM4)56Val p(H.AOlaM1)352Val p(h.Leyt)s1358Thr g h i A5013 (p.PCheD2K0240Leu) ATG TGA 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19202122XY 2.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 NPL score10..0515 CDK20 S_TKc 338 aa 2382 bp A5013 –0–.510 500 1000 1500 cM 2000 2500 3000 3500 cp(AH..56PO11h0M0e3T2)>0C4Leu j k ITSN1 A3706 (p.Pro180Ser) 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13141516171819202122XY ATG TAG 2.5 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940 NPL score–100–...5150510 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 ITSN1 EH Acp..35P73r0o861C8>0TSeEFhr Acp..99G70l7u53A0>2GGly SH3 cpA..22A25s75pS448HG52>3AAsnSH3 SH3 SH3 RhocpAG..94L7y4E7s21F64A7>6GGluPHcpA..224L2y57s51405AC1>671G42A73r2g91 b apa cM (HOM) (het) (het) (het) (het) i m Patient 1 ATG TAG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 38 3940 6112 bp Patient 1 50 μm ITSN2 EH Pat EFh A3384PatSH3 SH3 SH3 SH3 SH3 Pat RhoGEF PH2 1C6297 aa c.1016C>G c.1313A>G c.3640_3641del p.Ser339Cys p.Glu438Gly p.lle1214Serfs*2 (het) (HOM) (het) NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| 3 ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w MAGI2infactinteractswithTNS2(Fig.2b),whichweconfirmed HEK293TcellsthatCAV1alsointeractswithTNS2andMAGI2 in a confirmatory coIP (Supplementary Fig. 3A). Both mutant (Supplementary Fig. 9A, B). MAGI2constructs, Gly39* and Tyr746* that reflectalleles of NS In summary, we identified in patients with pTSNS recessive patients, A5146 and B91, respectively, abrogate this interaction mutations in six different genes, the products of which mutually (Fig.2a,b).ThesixmutationsdetectedinTNS2didnotabrogate interactwithinacomplexthatcontainstheRhoGAPDLC1.The interaction with MAGI2 (Supplementary Fig. 3B). finding that specific mutations abrogated some of these interac- Second, MAGI2 also interacted with DLC1 (Fig. 2a, c). One tionsmostlikelyreflectsallele-specificpathogeniceffectsofthese mutant MAGI2 construct Gly39* reflecting the mutation of NS mutations. patientA5146abrogatesthisinteraction(Fig.2c),asconfirmedin Furthermore, we also investigated the endogenous expression a confirmatory coIP (Supplementary Fig. 4). of TNS2 and DLC1 by immunofluorescence microscopy (IF) in Third,becauseTNS2hadbeenshowntointeractwithDLC119, human podocytes and found that both TNS2 and DLC1 we performed coIP upon co-overexpression in HEK293T cells. colocalize with an antibody labeling phosphotyrosine at focal We confirmed TNS2-DLC1 interaction (Fig. 2a), however, none andfibrillaradhesions,consistentwiththeroleoffocaladhesions of the TNS2 or DLC1 missense mutations identified in NS in podocyte migration26 and the pathogenesis of NS27,28 patients abrogated this interaction (Supplementary Fig. 5A, B). (Supplementary Fig. 10). Additionally, by IF we show that upon Fourth, because we identified a CDK20 mutation in patient overexpression, full length GFP-MAGI2 colocalizes with β- A5013 with pTSNS, and because a related serine/threonine catenin at adherens junctions. In contrast, overexpression of protein kinase, CDK5, was shown to interact with DLC122, we GFP-MAGI2 Gly39* and Tyr746*, representing mutations in tested whether CDK20 would likewise interact with DLC1. By pTSNS, fail to localize at adherens junctions (Supplementary coIPweshowthatinfactCDK20interactswithDLC1(Fig.2a,d) Fig. 11). which we confirmed in a coIP (Supplementary Fig. 6A). We found that the clone reflecting DLC1 mutation Trp10* of individual A548 abrogated this interaction (Supplementary Circular dichroism modeling of mutation in SAM domain of Fig. 6B). This interaction was confirmed by half endogenous DLC1. Since one of the mutations (p.Ala456Val) in DLC1 is Co-IPs in HEK293T cells (Supplementary Fig. 7A, B). locatedinitsSAMdomain,westudiedeffectofthismutationon Finally,itwasrecentlyshownthattheRhoGAPDLC1interacts its secondary structure by performing circular dichroism (CD) with caveolin-1 (CAV1) via DLC1’s START domain23 (Fig. 2a), assay. The wild type (WT) and mutant (Ala19Val in SAM andthatCAV1expressionisregulatedbyEMP224(Fig.2a).This domain) proteins did not show any difference in their CD regulation was shown to be steroid sensitive25. Furthermore, we spectrum indicating overall similar three dimensional fold (Sup- hadshownthatEMP2mutationsweretheonlymonogeniccause plementaryFig.12A).Wethenrecordedthemeltingspectrumof ofSSNSknownsofarinhumans8aswellasinazebrafishmodel WT and mutant proteins and found that the denaturation tem- of SSNS25. To determine whether CAV1 could directly be peratureofWTSAMdomainwasnearto58°Candthemelting involved in DLC1 regulation, we performed coIP between DLC1 curve was sigmoidal indicating cooperative unfolding behavior. andCAV1byco-overexpressioninHEK293Tcell.Weconfirmed However,forAla19ValSAM,therewaslossofcooperativityand thatDLC1interactswithCAV1(Fig.2a,e),andshowedthatthe absence of sharp melting point (Supplementary Fig. 12B). mutantLys1358Thr,reflectingthealleleofNSpatientA4967and Arg823Trp mutation in SAM domain of ANKS6 has been pre- present in CAV-1 binding site in DLC123, abrogated this viouslyreportedtocausestructuredestabilizationandresponsible interaction (Fig. 2e). To further test the effect of steroids on this for polycystic kidney disease29. Interestingly, both Arg823Trp interaction, we performed reciprocal coIP between co- (Arg64)mutationinANKS6andAla456Val(Ala19)mutationin overexpressed DLC1 and CAV1 in HEK293T cells that were DLC1 are located in proximity in DLC1-SAM domain structure pre- and post-treated with 100uM of dexamethasone (Supple- indicating a possible link of similar destabilization effect mentaryFig.8).However,thistreatmentdidnotaltertheresults (Supplementary Fig. 12C, D). shown in Fig. 2e. We demonstrated by co-overexpression in Fig.1High-throughputsequencingrevealsrecessivemutationsofMAGI2,TNS2,DLC1,CDK20,ITSN1,orITSN2ascausingNSinhumans.aRenalhistologyof individualA5146-21withfocalsegmentalglomerulosclerosis(FSGS)andMAGI2mutation(scalebar=50μm).bExonstructureofhumanMAGI2cDNA andmutations.BelowistheproteindomainstructureofMAGI2,showingGuK,WW1,WW2,andsixdifferentPDZdomains.Twodifferenthomozygous truncatingmutationsofMAGI2weredetectedintwofamilieswithNSandneurologicalimpairment.cHomozygositymappingidentifiestenrecessive candidateloci(redcircles)infamilyA1358withNS,andWESidentifiesahomozygousmutationofTNS2(p.Arg292Gln).Non-parametriclodscores(NPL) werecalculatedandplottedacrossthehumangenome.TheTNS2locus(arrowhead)ispositionedwithinoneofthemaximumNPLpeaksonchromosome 12q.dExonandproteindomainstructureofhumanTNS2.SixdifferentTNS2mutationsweredetectedinfivefamilieswithNS.Familynumbersandamino acidchangesaregiven(SupplementaryTable1).Arrowheadsdenotealterednucleotides.Linesandarrowsindicatepositionsofmutationsinrelationto exonsandproteindomains.Familynumberswithcompoundheterozygousmutations(het)arehighlightedingray.eRenalhistologyofindividualA4967-21 withFSGSandDLC1mutations.TEMrevealspodocytefootprocesseffacement(arrowheads,magnification8000x).fExonandproteindomainstructureof humanDLC1.TheSAM,RhoGAP,andSTARTdomainsaredepictedbycoloredbars,inrelationtoencodingexonposition.SixdifferentDLC1mutationswere detectedinfourfamilieswithNS.Positionsofaminoacidchanges(SupplementaryTable1)aremarkedwitharrowheads.gRenalhistologyofindividual A5013-21withmembranoproliferativeglomerulonephritis(MPGN)andmutationinCDK20.TEMrevealspodocytefootprocesseffacementandthickeningof glomerularbasementmembrane(arrowheads,magnification7000x).hHomozygositymappingidentifiestwelverecessivecandidateloci(redcircles)in familyA5013withNS,andWESidentifiesahomozygousmutationofCDK20(p.Phe204Leu),positionedwithinoneofthemaximumNPLpeakson chromosome9q.iExonandproteindomainstructureofhumanCDK20.Theserinethreoninekinase(S_TKc)domainisdepictedbyacoloredbar,inrelation toencodingexonposition.OnehomozygousmutationinCDK20wasdetectedinfamilyA5013withNS.jHomozygositymappinginfamilyA3706withNS identifies17recessivecandidateloci(redcircles),andWESidentifiesahomozygousmutationofITSN1(p.Pro180Ser),positionedwithinoneofthemaximum NPLpeaksonchromosome21q.kExonandproteindomainstructureofhumanITSN1.FivedifferentITSN1mutationsweredetectedinthreefamilieswithNS. lRenalhistologyofPatient-1withmutationsinITSN2revealedminimalchangedisease(scalebar=50μm).EMshowedfootprocesseffacement(scalebar =2μm).mExonandproteindomainstructureofhumanITSN2.ThreedifferentITSN2mutationsweredetectedintwofamilieswithNS 4 NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w KnockdownofMAGI2orCDK20orDLC1causesadecreasein MAGI2 or CDK20 in cultured human podocytes results in a cell migration rate. To elucidate the role of the genes of this reduced migratory phenotype (Supplementary Fig. 13A, B). RLSGregulatorymoduleinthepathogenesisofpTSNS,wenext Similarly,knockdownofDLC1inbothIMCD3cellsandhuman studied cell migration rate, which is typically altered upon loss podocytes also show a reduction in cell migration (Fig. 2f, of function of NS-causing genes. We show that knockdown of Supplementary Fig. 14). This effect is found to be reversed b Magi2 a Cadherin 1X N Ajudnhcetrieonns MAGI2 Mock MycGly39* Tyr746*WT PDZ C 1 p.Gly39* GFP Magi2 + + + + Mutated in human NS 1 2 p.Tyr746* Myc TNS2 WT – + + + Blot Mutated in murine NS Guk WW1WW2 PDZM2AGPI2DZ3 X2 P DZ4 P DZ5 PDZ6 34TNppS..2AArrgg249425GGllnn IP w/ Myc k111D86610000a GMFycP 5 p.Gly559Arg Apocstiivtiev eClyDCK5 PTB SH2TreNgS8u2la ntees7g aDtLivCe6S1ly1A52M 4 1C12103X9PTENN C1 N TNS2 7698DppppL....CAlTTle1hrrpg8e15510681*5M2T8erAtpla 10% Input (Lysates) 11186536160000000 MGFycP regulates DLC1 DLC1 10 p.Ser43Thr p35 CCDDK5K2105 AnDecLgtCiav1 tCivDelKy 2r0egulates ARchtoivGeAPRhoG1SA3TP1A4CRATV1 C Steroids-??EMP2 11113214 pppp....GAALylllaaus411153836505V2A8VaTlalahlr c Mock MycGly39*MaTyr746*gi2WT RhoGDI-α CDK20 GFP Magi2 + + + + GAP GAP GAP 15 p.Phe204Leu Myc DLC1 WT – + + + Blot RhoA RhoA Rac Rac Cdc42 Cdc42 ITSN1 kDa 160 GTP GDP GTP GDP GTP GDP 16 p.Pro180Ser Myc GEF GEF GEF 2221EHEH N 17 p.Glu302Gly GFP 160 inRhOibCitKor ROCK AOctRin apcotliynm tuerrnizoavteiorn ITSN2 PH RhoGEF2R3hoGEFSH3 IT1S8SHN31 17EH16EHN 112890 ppp...ALLyysssp11845551267AGAsrnlug IP w/ 18653100000 GFP Focal MLC C2 P2H019 21ITpS.SNe2r339Cys ates) 160 Myc adhesions Stress fiber Lamellipodia C Filopodia 22 p.lle1214Serfs*2 Lys 160 C2 C 23 p.Glu438Gly put ( 18100 GFP Podocyte migration phenotype % In 60 Podocyte focal adhesions/lamellipodia/filopodia formation 10 5300 d e f DLC1 Dlc1 knockdown—lack of rescue by mutants Mock Flag DLC1 WT Mock GFP Trp10* Ser43Thr Glu180Ala Ala456Val Ala1352Val Lys1358Thr WT 19000 SSDcclcrr1aa-mmKbbdll ee+dd S- +Ne oSru eSmreu r+mu mM + o +Mc kMocokck Myc DLC1 + + GFP DLC1 – + + + + + + + Dlc1-Kd + Serum + DLC1-WT Myc CAV1 WT + + + + + + + +Blot Flag CDK20 – + Blot 80 Dlc1-Kd + Serum + DLC1-Trp10* kDa kDa 50 Dlc1-Kd + Serum + DLC1-Ser43Thr 160 Myc 30 Myc ells 70 Dlc1-Kd + Serum + DLC1-Glu180Ala 10% Input (Lysates)IP w/Flag 15353600000 FMFllyaacgg % Input (Lysates)IP w/ GFP 1111358653866116000000000000 GMGFFycPP Migration rate in IMCD3 cwound confluence (%) 654321000000 DDDlllccc111---KKKddd +++ SSSeeerrruuummm +++ DDDLLLCCC111---AALyllaas411533655V28VaTlahlr 0 50 1 0 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 Time (h) NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| 5 ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w whenWThumanDLC1istransfectedtoIMCD3cells(Fig.2f). (Fig. 3e–g, Supplementary Table 5). However, knockdown of In contrast, four out of six DLC1 mutants (Trp10*, Ala456Val, DLC1 was found to increase active RhoA (Fig. 3h). We thereby Ala1352Val, and Lys1358Thr), detected in pTSNS, failed to clearly showed that the mutations detected in individuals with fully rescue this decreased migratory phenotype. The knock- pTSNSinthesixgenesofthisnewlydiscoveredRhoAregulatory down of TNS2 did not show any effect on podocyte migration moduleareanimportantpartofthepathogenesisofpTSNS.We (Supplementary Fig. 15). alsotestedtheeffectofCAV1onRhoAactivationandfoundthat itsoverexpressiondecreasesactiveRhoA,whereasitsknockdown increased active RhoA (Supplementary Fig. 18). RhoAregulationbythisNSpathogenicmodule.Becausedefects We then tested the effect of double-knockdown of TNS2 and intheregulationofRho-likesmallGTPaseshavebeenimplicated DLC1 on RhoA activity and found that the decrease in active in the pathogenesis of monogenic SRNS4,5,30, we evaluated the RhoA by TNS2 knockdown or increase in active RhoA by DLC1 effect of overexpression and transient knockdown of all six knockdownwasnormalized(Fig.3i,SupplementaryTable5).To members of NS pathogenic module on the regulation of RhoA/ test if the TNS2 expression modulates the RhoA activity via Rac1/Cdc42 activity (Supplementary Fig. 16, Supplementary DLC1,weknockdownDLC1,followedbyoverexpressionofWT- Table 5) and its potential impairment by the mutations detected TNS2 in HEK293T cells and found the increase was comparable inpatientswithpTSNS.Wefurtherevaluatedtheeffectofstable to knockdown of DLC1 alone (Fig. 3j). This confirms that the knockdown of TNS2 and DLC1 in human podocytes, on the TNS2 is upstream of DLC1 and works via DLC1 on RhoA regulation of RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42 activity. Our results were con- regulation. Similarly, knockdown of DLC1 and CDK20 together sistent with the findings observed with the transient knockdown (Fig.3k)alsoshowedthatbothCDK20andMAGI2affectRhoA for these two genes (Supplementary Fig. 17). regulation via DLC1, which plays a central role in this NoeffectofoverexpressionorknockdownofTNS2,CDK20, pathogenesis. In contrast, the double-knockdown of DLC1 and ITSN1, or ITSN2 was found on the regulation of active (GTP- MAGI2 did not (Fig. 3l). bound) Rac1, with the exception of an increase of active Rac1 upon knockdown of DLC1 (Supplementary Figs 16 and 17, Supplementary Table 5). This finding most likely indicates an Defects of RhoA regulation are mitigated by steroids. Since most of the individuals found here with mutations in MAGI2, effect of the known crosstalk between RhoA and TNS2, DLC1, or CDK20 genes had clinically shown benefits by Rac1 signaling. treatment with steroids, we next tested if steroid treatment with We found that overexpression of MAGI2 increased active dexamethasone in different concentrations will show any the (GTP-bound) RhoA, whereas overexpression of the MAGI2 effectontheincreaseofRhoAactivityuponDLC1knockdownin mutants detected in patients with pTSNS lacked this effect HEK293T cells. Wild type HEK293T cells showed no effect of (Fig.3a,SupplementaryTable5).WetestedtheeffectofTNS2on dexamethasone treatment on active RhoA, while they responded RhoAregulationandfoundthatTNS2behavedsimilartoMAGI2 toRhoAactivators(red)andRhoAinhibitors(blue)asapositive (Fig. 3b). Because we had shown that CDK20 interacts with the controls (Supplementary Fig. 19). In contrast, treatment with RhoGAP DLC1 (Fig. 2a, d), we tested the effect of CDK20 on dexamethasone at >75µM abolished the effects on RhoA acti- RhoA regulation and found that CDK20 behaved similar to vation by knockdown of DLC1 (Fig. 3m). We observed similar MAGI2 and TNS2 in that overexpression of CDK20 increased treatmenteffectofdexamethasone(>75µM)onRhoAactivation active RhoA, whereas overexpression of the CDK20 mutant viaknockdownofCDK20(Fig.3n).However,notreatmenteffect detected in patients with pTSNS lacked this effect (Fig. 3c). We of dexamethasone (<100µM) was seen on RhoA activation via thentestedtheeffectonRhoAregulationoftheRhoGAPDLC1, knockdown of MAGI2, TNS2, or CAV1 (Fig. 3n). We further whichinteractswithMAGI2,TNS2,andCDK20.Wefoundthat confirmed these findings in human podocyte cells (Supplemen- DLC1 behaved opposite to MAGI2, TNS2, and CDK20 because taryFig.20).Thisindicatesthatthebeneficialeffectofsteroidsin overexpression of DLC1 decreased active RhoA. Overexpression pTSNS and mutations in these genes is likely mediated by the of the DLC1 mutants detected in patients with pTSNS again RhoA-regulating module. lacked this effect (Fig. 3d). Reciprocally, knockdown of MAGI2, TNS2,andCDK20decreasedactiveRhoA,whichwasrescuedby overexpression of respective WT cDNAs, whereas all or most of Discovery of ITSN1 and ITSN2 as two NS-relevant GEFs for the mutants detected in patients with pTSNS lacked this effect Cdc42. We here discover recessive mutations in ITSN1 and Fig.2GeneproductsofMAGI2,TNS2,DLC1,CDK20,andCAV1physicallyandfunctionallyinteracttoregulateRhoA/Rac1/Cdc42activation.aIdentification ofsixnovelmonogeniccausesofNSrevealsaregulatorynetworkofRhoAactivation.Thelargeroundedsquaresymbolizesapodocyte.Allsixproteins MAGI2,TNS2,DLC1,CDK20,ITSN1,andITSN2,inwhichrecessivedefectsweredetectedhereinasnovelcausesofpTSNS,interactphysicallyor functionallytoregulateRhoA/Rac1/Cdc42.Yellowlabelshighlightproteinsencodedbygenes,whichifmutatedgiverisetomonogenicnephrosisasshown inthisstudy(MAGI2,TNS2,DLC1,CDK20,ITSN1,andITSN2)oraspublished(EMP2,ARHGDIA).Blueframearoundyellowlabelsindicatethatthereis alsoamonogenicmousemodelofNSorazebrafishmodelknown,asshowninthisstudyforITSN2oraspublishedforMAGI2,TNS2,EMP2,andRhoGDI- α.Foreachoftheproteins,MAGI2,TNS2,DLC1,CDK20,TLN1,orITSN1,theproteindomainsareshown.Redcirclesdenotepositionsofmutationsthatwe foundinpatients.Truncationmutationsarerepresentedby“x”.ByidentifyingnovelmonogeniccausesofNSwediscoveredaclusterproteinsthatregulate Rho/Rac/Cdc42activationasbeingcentralforthepathogenesisofthesepatients.bMAGI2interactswithTNS2uponco-overexpressionand coimmunoprecipitation(coIP)inHEK293Tcells.BothmutantMAGI2clones,Gly39*andTyr746*(underlined)thatreflectallelesofNSpatientsA5146-21 andB91respectively,abrogatethisinteraction.cMAGI2interactswithDLC1uponco-overexpressionandcoIPinHEK293Tcells.OnemutantMAGI2clone Gly39*(underlined)reflectingamutationofNSpatientA5146-21abrogatesthisinteraction.dDLC1interactswithCDK20uponco-overexpressionin HEK293Tcells.eDLC1interactswithCAV1.TwomutantDLC1c-DNAclones,reflectingTrp10*andLys1358ThrallelesofNSpatientsA548-21andA4967- 21respectively,lackthisinteraction.fInIMCD3cells,migrationrateisinducedinthepresenceofserumascomparedtoscrambledcontrol.Knockdownof Dlc1inIMCD3cellsusingmouseDlc1siRNA#1impairscellmigrationrate(redvs.blackcurvewithserum).Thedecreaseinmigrationisrescuedby transfectionwithfull-lengthhumanDLC1cDNA(greencurve).Transfectionwithfouroutotsixmutants(Trp10*,Ala456Val,Ala1352Val,andLys1358Thr) failedtorescuethismigratoryphenotype 6 NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w ITSN2ascausingNS.Bothproteinsaremembersof theguanine pTSNS on the active states of Cdc42. We show that over- exchange factor (GEF) family of proteins that activate Cdc4231 expressionofWT-ITSN1resultsinasignificantincreaseinactive (Fig. 2a). To test whether loss of function of ITSN1 and ITSN2 Cdc42 in HEK293T cells (Fig. 4a) or human podocytes (Sup- GEF activity causes a nephrosis phenotype in humans, we plementaryFig.21).AlloftheITSN1mutantsdetectedinpatients examined the effect of mutations identified in patients with withpTSNSlackedthiseffect,demonstratingitsrelevanceforthe a b c d MAGI2 OE TENC1 OE CDK20 OE 2.5 DLC1 OE OverexpressionWT versus mutants Normalized total active RhoA012...012555 ** ** ns Normalized total active RhoA012...012555 * * * ** ns** ns Normalized total active RhoA012...555012 * ns Normalized total active RhoA01..01255 ** * ns * * ** ** GFGP.FMMPo.acGgMkiFa2P-g.i2WM-aTGgliy2-39T*yr746* MyMc.yTc.METoNMcEykCNc1.-CT1M-WEyTRNc.2C9T1M2-EyRQcN.4CT41E5-MNQGy5cC.51MT-9yERcR.5NT6CE51-NIWC815-8TM1128A GFPM.oCGckFDPK.2C0-DKW2T0-F204L Myc.MMDoyLcc.kCD1-LMyCWc1.T-MDWyLc1.C01*D-LMSyC4c1.3-TDMEyL1cC8.10D-ALMAyC4c15.-6DAVL1C315-2KV1358T e f g h MAGI2 KD TNS2 KD 1.6 CDK20 KD DLC1 KD 1.6 1.6 1.6 Knockdownrescue or mutants Normalized total active RhoA000011......2468241 * * ns ns Normalized total active RhoA000011......1246824 **** nsns* ns ** ns Normalized total active RhoA000011......1246824 * * ns Normalized total active RhoA000011......2468241 ** 0 0 0 0 ScMrAaGmIMb2lAM-eGAKdID2G I-M+2KA -DGKM IaD+2 -giKM2-aD giW+ 2T-MGalygi329-*Tyr746* TSNTcSrN2aS-T2mK-NbTlDKS eN2D+- d TSK+T2N -nDTS Ksn2+2- DsT-TK2NA-nrDS sgW2+22- T-T9KTA2NrnD gsSGlT+422 n--4NTK5GSlnDyG2s l-52n+-K 5A9TDr nAg+rs 5g2T6-In5IseTr28-p5T8hrM1e1t28Ala ScrCaCDDmKbKl22eC00d--DKKK2DD 0-++ KCCDddkk2200--PWhTe204Leu ScrambleDLC1-KD i j k l TNS2 + DLC1 KD DLC1 KD + TNS2 OE DLC1 + CDK20 KD DLC1 + MAGI2 KD 1.6 ** * ns 1.6 ** ** 1.6 ** ns ns 1.6 ** ns * Double knockdown Normalized total active RhoA000011......2468241 Normalized total active RhoA000011......1246824 Normalized total active RhoA000011......1246824 Normalized total active RhoA000011......1246824 0 0 0 0 ScrambleTdNS2-KDTDLNCS12-+KDDLC1-KD ScramblDeLdDCL1-CK1-DK+DTNS2-OE ScramblDeLdCC1C-DDKKKD2200--DKLDC1-KD ScramblDeLdCD1M-LAKCDG1I+2-MKADGI2-KD m n DLC1 KD Treatmentby dexamethasone Normalized total active RhoA00001111........2468246812 ** ns ns ns********Positive control Normalized total active RhoA00001111........1224682468 *MnAsGI2 KnDs *TnNsS2 KnDs ***CDnsK20 KD* *CnAsV1 KnDs 0 0 ScramblDDeLLdC C1+1- -DKDKLDDM C S1++ - DO1KDL0D M CμDS+1 -LMDO2 KCL5D 1DC μ-e1+DxK- MLa 5DK C0DD +1 μe-+x0 .KMa7 5D 5 μD +μe g/x1μMa l0 0D RμehxoMa A Dienxhiabitor I ScrambleMd AM+G AID2GI-M2K-SMDK OAD+ GI+D 2-7M5KS μDO +M 1D0e0x TμaNTMS 2N-DSeK2x-D aTK+ ND SD+ 2M-7SK5 DμO +M 1D0Ce0 DxμCaKD2M 0K-D2Ke0-xCD KaD+ DK D2+ 0M-7S5K μOD +M 1D0e0xC μaACVMA 1V-D1Ke-xDKC aD+A V+D 1-7M5KS μD O+M 1D0e0x μaM Dexa NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| 7 ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w pathogenesis of NS. Similar results were obtained for ITSN2 results suggested that Itsn2-L is not necessary for kidney devel- where all the mutations detected in pTSNS patients lacked the opment in mice. Patients with NS often relapse after an upper effect of Cdc42 activation (Fig. 4b). Filopodia, thin actin-rich respiratory tract infection34. We hypothesized that some inter- plasma-membrane protrusions, play an important role in cell ventions that mimic infectious events may trigger the onset of a migration and wound healing32 and Cdc42 is a key protein nephrosisphenotypeinItsn2L−/L−mice.WeusedtheLPSmodel involvedinfilopodiaformation33.Thus,weexaminedtheeffectof of transient nephrotic syndrome, in which foot process efface- ITSN1 and ITSN2 mutations on filopodia induction in cultured ment and massive proteinuria of wild-type mice develop within human podocytes. Human podocyte cells were co-transfected 12–24h and return to baseline levels within 72h35. The time with Myc-Cdc42 and FLAG tagged WT-ITSN1, five mutants courseofalbuminuriawasmeasuredinwildtype,Itsn2+/L−and discovered in pTSNS patients (Pro180Ser, Glu302Gly, Itsn2 L−/L− mice at various time points before and after the Asp852Asn, Lys1476Glu, and Lys1517Arg) or flag-mock and injection of LPS (Fig. 4f). There was no difference in urine images were captured (Supplementary Fig. 22). WT-ITSN1 albumin between wild-type and Itsn2L−/L− mice before the transfected cells induced dense filopodia all around the cell sur- injection of LPS. Urine albumin was increased in Itsn2L−/L− faces(SupplementaryFig.22).OverexpressionofITSN1mutants mice from 12 to 48h after LPS injection, with statistically sig- resultedinasignificantdecreaseintheratioofcellswithfilopodia nificant differences at 12 and 36h compared with WT mice and compared to WT-ITSN1 (Fig. 4c). Similar loss of filopodia Itsn2+/L−mice.At36hofobservation,albuminuriacontinuedto inductionwasobservedforoverexpressionofITSN2wildtypevs. beelevatedinItsn2L−/L−mice,whileitstartedtodeclineinWT three mutants discovered in pTSNS patients (Ser339Cys, and Itsn2 +/L− mice. In all groups, urine albumin returned to Glu438Gly and Ile1214Serfs*2) (Fig. 4d, Supplementary Fig. 23). baseline at 60h. To confirm whether the urinary phenotype We thus demonstrated that the ITSN1 and ITSN2 mutations reflected pathologic findings, we examined the electron micro- detected from the pTSNS families cause loss of function in scopy of mice kidneys. LPS injection induced foot process (FP) Cdc42-GEF activity and also inhibit filopodia induction in cul- effacementinbothWTandItsn2L−/L−micewithin24h.At48h tured human podocytes cells. The other genes were not tested afterLPSinjection,FPwerealmostrecoveredinWTmice,while because their overexpression or knockdown altered RhoA activ- diffuseFPeffacementwasobservedinItsn2L−/L−mice(Fig.4g). ity, which induces focal adhesions, rather than Cdc42, which WetherebydemonstratedthatITSN2-Lknockoutcauseddelayed induces filopodia. recovery from podocyte injury. This finding adds yet another example of a pathogenic role of small Rho-like GTPases (here Cdc42), in which there is incomplete penetrance of the disease Generation of Itsn2 deficient mice. To evaluate the pathogenic phenotype, analogous to the partially treatment sensitive phe- roles of ITSN2 mutations in the pTSNS disease phenotype, we notype (pTSNS) seen in mutations in the RhoA regulatory generated Itsn-L KO mice. In the KO mice, a region including module members—MAGI2, TNS2, DLC1, and CDK20 (Fig. 2a). exon 31 of Itsn2 (NC_000078) was replaced with the targeting vectorthroughouttheentirebody(SupplementaryFig.24A).This region encodes a part of the DH domain, affecting Cdc42-GEF Discussion activity. The expression level of Itsn2-S and Itsn2-L mRNA in We here discover recessive mutations of MAGI2, TNS2, DLC1, various organs were determined by reverse transcription PCR CDK20,ITSN1,andITSN2genesasnovelcausesofNS.Whereas (RT-PCR; Supplementary Fig. 24B). Itsn2-S and Itsn2-L mRNA over 50 monogenic genes have been published to cause steroid were expressed ubiquitously in wild type mice. In the homo- resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS), if mutated, there is vir- zygous KO (Itsn2L−/L−) mice, Itsn2-L mRNA was not detected tuallynomonogeniccauseknownforsteroidsensitivenephrotic (Supplementary Fig. 24B). Itsn2 L−/L− mice were normal in (SSNS)syndrome,thelatterincludingsteroiddependent(SDNS) appearance, growth, development, and fertility. There was no and frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome (FRNS). Thus, difference between Itsn2 L−/L− and wild-type mice in the histo- SRNS and SSNS have always appeared as molecularly and func- logic findings of the kidneys (Fig. 4e) and in the level of urinary tionally completely separate entities. Therefore our finding that protein(Fig.4fat0h)duringthecourseofnaturalhistory.These nine of the12 patients withmutations inone of thesixgenes of Fig.3ThenovelRhoAregulatorynetworkofMAGI2,TNS2,DLC1,CDK20,andCAV1isacentralpartofthepTSNSpathogenesis.aOverexpressionof GFP-taggedMAGI2wildtype(WT)butnotthetwoMAGI2mutantsfrompTSNSpatientsresultedinasignificantincreaseinactiveRhoA.ActiveRhoA wasmeasuredbyG-LISAassayinHEK293Tcells.bMyc-taggedTNS2-WTincreasedactiveRhoAlevelsuponoverexpressioninHEK293Tcellsas comparedtoMock.However,allsixTNS2mutantclonesfrompTSNSpatientsfailedtoincreaseactiveRhoA.cGFP-taggedCDK20-WTshoweda significantincreaseinactiveRhoAleveluponoverexpressioninHEK293Tcells,whilethemutantclonePhe240Leu,fromapTSNSpatient,failedtodoso.d Myc-taggedDLC1-WTshowedasignificantdecreaseinactiveRhoAleveluponoverexpressioninHEK293TcellsascomparedtoMock.However,noneof thesixDLC1mutantclonesfrompTSNSpatientsshowedthiseffect.esiRNAmediatedknockdownofMAGI2decreasedactiveRhoA.Theoverexpressionof Magi2-WTrescuedthiseffectwhileboththemutantsfrompTSNSpatientsdidnot.fsiRNAmediatedknockdownofTNS2decreasedactiveRhoA.The overexpressionofTNS2-WTrescuedthiseffect,whilefouroutofsixTNS2mutantclonesfrompTSNSpatientsdidnot.gsiRNAmediatedknockdownof CDK20decreasedactiveRhoA.ThiseffectwasrescuedbytheoverexpressionofCDK20-WT,butnotbytheoverexpressionofmutantclonePhe240Leu.h siRNAmediatedknockdownofDLC1showedasignificantincreaseinactiveRhoA.isiRNAmediatedknockdownofTNS2orDLC1inHEK293Tcells decreasedorincreasedactiveRhoAlevels,respectively,ascomparedtoscrambledcontrol.TheparallelknockdownofbothTNS2andDLC1rescuedthis effectonactiveRhoA.jsiRNAmediatedknockdownofDLC1increasedactiveRhoAandthiseffectwasunaltereduponoverexpressionofTNS2inDLC1 knockdowncells,suggestingthatTNS2modulatesRhoAactivityindirectlyviaDLC1.ksiRNAmediatedknockdownofDLC1orCDK20inHEK293Tcells increasedanddecreasedactiveRhoAlevels,respectively,ascomparedtoscrambledcontrol.ThecombinedknockdownofbothDLC1andCDK20rescued thiseffectonactiveRhoA.lsiRNAmediatedknockdownofDLC1orMAGI2inHEK293TcellsincreasedanddecreasedactiveRhoAlevels,respectively,as comparedtoscrambledcontrol.ThecombinedknockdownofbothDLC1andMAGI2failedtorescuethiseffectonactiveRhoA.mTreatmentwith dexamethasone(75and100µM)inhibitedinadose-dependentmannertheincreaseofactiveRhoAelicitedbyDLC1knockdown.nThechangeinactive RhoAuponknockdownofCDK20,butnotMAGI2,TNS2,orCAV1wasfoundreversiblebytreatmentofHEK293Tcellswith100µMdexamethasone.Error barsaredefinedasthestandarderrorofatleastthreeindependentexperiments.One-wayANOVAwithDunnet’sposthoctestwasperformedvs.control. Dataarepresentedasthemean±SEM.*P<0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001.ns,nonsignificant 8 NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w the “Rho-like small GTPase regulatory cluster” had a partially showed that ARHGDIA, which encodes a GDI for Cdc42 and treatment responsive form of nephrotic syndrome is quite strik- Rac1, causes autosomal recessive SRNS4. In addition, patients ing and has not been described in a similar way before. This withNSandmutationsinKANK2,whichencodeskidneyankyrin finding confirms the unique role of the pathway discovered that repeat-containing protein 2, exhibited increased active RhoA in maybe amenable to therapy. podocytes5. Furthermore, we demonstrated that mutations in RhoA/Rac1/Cdc42 regulation has been implicated in SRNS FAT1causefamilialfocalsegmentalsclerosis(FSGS)viadefective before36 and few genes that code the regulators of Rho GTPases RhoGTPases30.Podocyte-specificlossofCdc42inmicehasbeen were found to be associated withhuman glomerular disease. We described to lead to foot process effacement and congenital a b c ITSN1 OE ITSN2 OE ITSN1 Filopodia 3 100 ** *** * *** ** *** zed total active Cdc42 12..1255 *** ** ns ns * ** ed total active Cdc42 12..15253 *** * * ** Cells with filopodia 34567890000000 Normali 0.5 ormaliz 0.5 % 1200 N 0 0 0 MyMc.yIcT.MIySMTcNo.SIc1M-NTky1PSc-r.INoWMT11-yTS8cG.0lNIuS1T-M3eSryA0csN2.Ip1G-T8lLy5Sy2NsA11-s4Ln7y6s1Gl5u17Arg MyMc.yIcT.IMSMTyoMNcScy.2Ikc-N.TI2S-STerNSW32TN3-29-GlIlCuye4s13281G4lSyerfs*2 Myc.CDCFFll4aag2g..IIFMTlToSaScgN.kN+I1F1l-T-aPSrgW.NoIT+F11lT-8aSG0glN.SIu1+eF-T3lr0ASa2sgN.pIG1l+-8TyL5Sy2sNA11s+-4nL7y6sG1l+5u17A r+g d e ITSN2 Filopodia WT Itsn2L–/L– *** *** *** 100 *** 90 dia 80 po 70 o with fil 5600 ells 3400 20 μm 20 μm C % 20 10 0 Myc.CDC42 + + + + + FlFlaag.gI.MIToTcSFlSkNaN2gF2-.l-IaSTgeW.rSIT3NT32S9-NCGl2y-ulsl4e3182G1l4ySerfs*2 500 nm 500 nm f g WT Itsn2L–/L– * 500 * Wild type 450 Itsn2 L+/L– h e) 400 Itsn2 L–/L– S 24 Cr 350 P g L m 300 500 nm 500 nm g/ * μ a ( 250 uri 200 n mi bu 150 8 h Al 4 100 S P 50 L 500 nm 500 nm 0 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 h NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w| 9 ARTICLE NATURECOMMUNICATIONS|DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w proteinuria37.It hasbeensuggestedthatthere isstrongcrosstalk published in J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. in 200540 described that the between the three Rho-like small GTPases RhoA, Rac1, and different levels of podocyte depletion assess the level of glomer- Cdc4238.Therefore,wehereevaluatedactivationofallthreeRho- ulosclerosis in the transgenic rat model. This means that indu- like small GTPases by G-LISA for each of the six novel mono- cible, partially sensitive, and frequently relapsing NS are all on a geniccausesofpTSNS.Incontrasttopreviousfindingsshowinga spectrum with steroid-resistant NS. Furthermore, SSNS maybe a roleofRac1inSRNSofhumans,miceandzebrafish4,andarole multifactorial disease and not a simple Mendelian disorder. It of Cdc42 in NS in mouse models37, we here discovered that for may also be influenced by multiple modifying genes and envir- four different novel genes (MAGI2, TNS2, CDK20, and DLC1), onmental factors such as infections and nature of host immune which if mutated cause pTSNS, modulation of activated RhoA responses, besides mutation in a particular gene. Therefore, the rather than Rac1 or Cdc42 is central to the pathogenesis (Sup- nephrotic phenotype of Itsn2-L knockout mice may vary greatly plementaryTable6).ThismayindicatethatinpTSNScausedby depending on genetic background of mouse strain and environ- mutations in these four genes impairment of the RhoA-driven mental factors, configuring a phenotypic spectrum of the Itsn2- functionoffocaladhesionsismorerelevantforthepathogenesis related NS. Therefore, it is not surprising that Itsn2-L knockout than impairment of Rac1-driven lamellipodia formation. mouse did not mimic the symptoms of the patients with ITSN2 Mechanisms of steroid action in NS have been a conundrum mutations. for the six decades of their use. Interestingly, we found that the In summary, we detected recessive mutations in cohort of effects of KD of DLC1 or CDK20 on RhoA activation in human individuals with partially treatment sensitive NS, which places podocytes and HEK293T cells were abolished by steroid treat- this pathogenesis at the interphase between SSNS and SRNS. ment with dexamethasone. We here generate evidence of steroid Definitionofthispathogenicpathwayopensinroadsintodefining actiononpodocytefunctionindicatingthatthisnewlydelineated therapeutic targets for SRNS, for which currently no efficient RLSGregulatorymodulemediatesthebeneficialeffectofsteroids treatment exists. inpatientswithpTSNSandmutationsinthesegenes.Wecannot evidentlyanswerwhysteroidshelpcureNSinsomepatients,and Methods it has been only known that steroids may influence the tran- Studyparticipants.Weobtainedbloodsamplesandpedigreesfollowinginformed scriptionofalargenumberofgenesbyvirtueoftheirinteraction consentfromindividualswithNS.Approvalforhumansubjects’researchwas with intracellular receptors. However, our data suggests that obtainedfromInstitutionalReviewBoardsoftheUniversityofMichigan,the steroids might target a specific protein or modulator of protein, BostonChildren’sHospitalandotherlocalIRBs.ThediagnosisofNSwasbasedon publishedclinicalcriteria.ThisstudywasalsoapprovedbytheEthicalCommittee which is most likely a part of the complex described in this ofTohokuUniversityGraduateSchoolofMedicine.Writteninformedconsentwas manuscript, rather than the transcriptional target through the obtainedfromallmembersoftheJapanesefamiliesandtheindividualswithSSNS receptors.Furtherstudiesofthisproteininteractionmodulemay fortheuseoftheirclinicaldataandbloodsamples. reveal the specific target(s) of steroid action in podocytes. Tns2-deficientmicehavebeenpreviouslydescribedtodevelop Linkageanalysis.Forgenome-widehomozygositymappingtheGeneChip® mild glomerular injury on a DBA/2 background, but not on a HumanMapping250kStyIArrayfromAffymetrixwasused.Non-parametric C57BL/6J or a 129/SvJ background, suggesting that glomerular LODscoreswerecalculatedusingamodifiedversionoftheprogramGENE- injury by the deletion of Tns2 was modified by the genetic HanUdNthTeERpro2.g1r4a1m,42AthLrLoEuGghROst4e3pwinisoerudseerotofaidselindtiinfygrweginiodnoswowfihthomseotzsyogfo1si1t0ySaNsPs background39.In mice, LPS stimulatestoll-like receptor-4 (TLR- described10,44usingadiseaseallelefrequencyof0.0001andCaucasianmarker 4) and upregulates CD80 expression on podocytes, resulting in allelefrequencies. foot process effacement and transient proteinuria35. Here, we generated the Itsn2-L knockout mice with partially penetrant Wholeexomesequencing.Wholeexomesequencing(WES)andvariantburden proteinuria following LPS injection. This mouse model exhibits analysiswasperformedasdescribed45.Inbrief,genomicDNAwasisolatedfrom an NS phenotype that is at an interphase between plain steroid bloodlymphocytesandsubjectedtoexomecaptureusingAgilentSureSelect™ humanexomecapturearrays(LifetechnologiesTM)followedbynextgeneration resistance and steroid sensitivity. We observed that the indivi- sequencingontheIlluminaTMsequencingplatform.ForfamilyfromJapan,exon duals with ITSN2 mutations had frequently relapsing NS while capturewasperformedwithSureSelectXTHumanAllExonV4(51Mb)Kits the Itsn2-L knockout mouse showed inducible and transient (AgilentTechnologies).ExomelibrariesweresequencedonaHiSeq2000(Illumina) proteinuria. In humans, the severity of SSNS varies, where some accordingtothemanufacturer’sinstructions.Pairedreadswerealignedtothehg19 patients show complete remission with steroid therapy while humanreferenceusingNovoalignV2.08.05(,andsingle nucleotidevariants(SNVs)andinsertionsand/ordeletions(indels)werecalled somehavefrequentlyrelapsingNS.ThestudybyWharrametal. usingtheGenomeAnalysisToolkit(GATK)v1.6-1346. Fig.4ITSN1andITSN2areGEFsforCdc42,regulatingNS-relatedpodocytefunction,andItsn2−/−micedevelopincompletelypenetrantNSuponLPS injection.aMyc-taggedITSN1-WTincreasedactiveCdc42levelsuponoverexpressioninHEK293Tcellsascomparedtomock,whereasthreeoutoffive ITSN1mutantsfrompTSNSpatientsfailedtoshowanysignificantincreaseinactiveCdc42uponoverexpression.bActiveCdc42levelwasmeasuredin COS7cells.Myc-taggedITSN2-WToverexpressionincreasedactiveCdc42levelsascomparedtoMock.However,allthreeITSN2mutantsfrompTSNS patientsfailedtoshowanysignificantincreaseinactiveCdc42uponoverexpression.Errorbarsaredefinedasthestandarderrorofatleastfour independentexperiments.One-wayANOVAwithDunnet’sposthoctestvs.wild-type(WT)ITSN2expressingcontrol.cFilopodiainductionincultured humanpodocyteswasquantifiedbycountingthetransfectedcellswithfilopodiaandshowedasapercentageofcells.Foreachconstruct,50transfected cellsfromthreeindependentexperimentswereanalyzed.One-wayANOVAwithDunnet’sposthoctestvs.WTITSN1expressingcontrol.Dataare presentedasthemean±SEM.*P<0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001,****P<0.0001.dFilopodiainductioninculturedhumanpodocyteswasquantifiedby countingthetransfectedcellswithfilopodiaandshowedasapercentageofcells.Foreachconstruct,50transfectedcellsfromthreeindependent experimentswereanalyzed.One-wayANOVAwithDunnet’sposthoctestvs.WTITSN2expressingcontrol.Dataarepresentedasthemean±SEM.*P< 0.05,**P<0.01,***P<0.001,****P<0.0001.eKidneysofWTandItsn2L−/L−micewerestainedwithperiodicacidSchiff.TheglomeruliofItsn2L−/L− miceshowednormalfindings,similartoWT.fUrinealbuminofItsn2L−/L−,Itsn2+/L−,andWTmicewasmeasuredbeforeandafterLPSinjection. AlbuminurialevelwasincreasedinItsn2L−/L−micefrom12to48hafterLPSinjectioncomparedwithWTandItsn2+/L−mice.Two-tailedStudent’st- tests.Dataarepresentedasthemean±SEM.*P<0.05.gRepresentativeelectronmicroscopyimages.LPSinjection-inducedfootprocess(FP)effacement inbothWTandItsn2L−/L−micewithin24h.At48hafterLPSinjection,FPeffacementwasstillobservedinItsn2L−/L−mice,althoughWTmicerecovered fromFPeffacement 10 NATURECOMMUNICATIONS| (2018) 9:1960 |DOI:10.1038/s41467-018-04193-w|