Opening• 1 People• 2 Class of 1995 nior • 8 Cla of 1996 Junior • 20 Cla of 1997 ophomore • 26 Cla of 1998 Frcshm n • 32 Student Life • 40 Academics • 64 Sports• 88 Dedication • 120 Ads• 122 Index• 136 Closing • 142 JUST IMAGINE George Mason High School VOL. 44 • 1995 MUSTANG 7124 Lee burg Pike Falls Church, Va. 22043 (703) 241- 7620 Just imagine. .. a Senior Lounge, a conveniently located locker, sufficient parking, all term paper completed, application mailed, acceptance letter received, and teacher with real clas room and equipment. Ju t imagine our school completely finL hed. Just turn tlze page! Dl\ 1der • t),c,ir h1,•nt,, rn>udh nwdl'l, tlw prom court m,, Pr •m-~1l(•r, ,•nJo\ d, to tlw 111~ht, th,,m,· ,,mg \\ h,lt ,l \\,,mit-rtul ~\,,rid b\ I ,,m, \rm,tnm~ Prom 1994 A Magical Masquerade Held at the H_ att on 1a 21 t, the Prom ga th uppercla m n a chanc tor la . Breaking away from tradition, th Pron1 Committ decided to r place crown and cept r with feath r ma k . The them on for the night wa " hat a Wonderful World, ' by Loui rn1 trong. Th Prom King wa ndrew Turn r and the Prom Qu en wa Lene ordvik. Prom '9-1 • 4 Im rt•,1dv to gd down' ',•lb (,1s,,1ndra I'ag,1110 ,1s she prl'pares to st, p onln th,, d,Jnll' flo<>r Th,• inscp,1rahl,· ~eniors, Kiernan Grn\'L'S, St,1cc\ ~1tn·, Adrienne •dei: and Toni Fitzgerald, smilt• for thecamern. Gue-,s who' says. 'lllllr Bn1,1J..e \\'he.Hon to a good triend . ...• 111d Brittan\ mu Id m v C,,,oting around ag,11n are ht•st bnlil>smi!id ... Trent? lfrllo ... Trent? · tnends L,•1w ord\·ik ,rnd i\larll'I Govonag.1 Prom '94 • 5 \ gn>Uf' l>I S\'llll>r g1rJ, r<'<jll<'"t till' 't )h 1111 gl,..h, i-. ypur dn·,, !rpm DI ,1g,11n t11 pl.11 ''-it,n in \111 ,. ' I kd1t, tno?" All I \\'ant t<> dl> 1, han• ,oml' tun!" At L'l'L'f\' ,low dance, l,irohn.i Roa ,mg, S..-mor atasha lek•n,1-.\'. ShL• and her date could be• l<>tmd ,1ttcndL·d I h>mL'climing "Ith ,1 group togl'lh,•r. of lwr girltric•nd,. 6 • Hon1ecoming '94