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Musical Truths all volumes PDF

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Musical Truth Mark Devlin eBook edition Published in 2016 by aSys Publishing Paperback edition Published in 2016 by aSys Publishing Copyright © 2016 Mark Devlin Mark Devlin has asserted his rights under ‘the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988’ to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved No part of this eBook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author. aSys Publishing (http://www.asys-publishing.co.uk) ISBN: 978-1-910757-49-9 Table of Contents FOREWORD FROM THE AUTHOR CHAPTER 1: THE ROAD TO TRUTH The origins of an awakening CHAPTER 2: NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN The early days of the music industry machine CHAPTER 3: SECRETS AND LIES Vice and depravity at the BBC and beyond CHAPTER 4: LIVING IS EASY WITH EYES CLOSED Scratching the surface of the Beatles CHAPTER 5: PAUL IS DEAD... ISN”T HE? Did the real Paul McCartney die in 1966? CHAPTER 6: ROLLING IN THE DEEP Dark occult aspects of the Rolling Stones CHAPTER 7: ADVENTURES IN PSYCHEDELIA Military-intelligence connections in the LSD era CHAPTER 8: SIGNS OF THE TIMES Occult symbolism in pop videos CHAPTER 9: A SHOW OF HANDS The secret language for those who who know CHAPTER 10: BACKWARDS IT'S THE NEW FORWARDS In a world of inversion, are true motives hidden in reverse? CHAPTER 11: ALL IN THE MIND MK-Ultra and its evil mind-control cousins CHAPTER 12: STATE YOUR BUSINESS Predictive Programming and the manipulation of consent CHAPTER 13: MINDS AND MACHINES Music’s role in normalising the Transhumanist agenda CHAPTER 14: THE SYSTEMATIC DEGENERATION OF HIP- HOP From the cream of the crop to the dregs of the cesspit CHAPTER 15: ME, ME, ME Satanism 101 CHAPTER 16: A CERTAIN SACRIFICE? Blurring the lines between rituals and ‘tragic accidents’ CHAPTER 17: THE ENEMY WITHIN Can demonic possession explain many music alter-egos? CHAPTER 18: THE PRICE OF FAME When the Industry makes you an offer you truly can’t refuse CHAPTER 19: AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Humanity, we have a problem CHAPTER 20: IF NOT YOU, THEN WHO? IF NOT NOW, THEN WHEN? : How the story ends is down to us. It always has been CONTACTING THE AUTHOR INDEX Acknowledgements My huge thanks goes out to Robbie Allen for an outstanding job on the cover design, to John Hamer and his razor-sharp eye for the proof-reading, and to Nicola Mackin for her professional guidance through the publishing process. I would also like to give respectful nods to the work of Vigilant Citizen, Matt Sergiou of Conspiro Media, Lenon Honor, Mark Passio, Freeman Fly, Isaac Weishaupt of Illuminati Watcher and Dave McGowan (R.I.P.,) all of whom have inspired and helped me to make sense of the vast amount of information that went into this volume. ‘MUSICAL TRUTH 2’ IT’S NOT OVER! It became clear during the writing of this book that a volume two was going to be needed! To have included all of the following in this book would have delayed its release for at least another year. On the way next time, therefore, will be: Cymatics and The Science of Sound. Mind-manipulation through sound frequencies. 432 vs 440hz, and 528hz, the ‘Love Frequency.’ Algorithms and other scientific methods to create the ‘perfect’ pop song. Evidence of the Hidden Hand in the Electronic Dance Music scene. The acid house/ rave era of the late 80s; parallels to the 60s hippie scene in narcotic influences and social effects. Satanism and the dark occult within Heavy Metal. FOREWORD FROM THE AUTHOR “It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.” Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) “It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) “There are only two mistakes you can make on the path to truth. One is not starting, the other is not going all the way.” Mark Passio The title for this book was chosen because it reflects my two main passions in life – music and truth. To be absolutely clear, though, I’m not claiming that everything mentioned in this volume is the absolute, undisputed truth. No-one could ever make so bold a claim. Much of it, by necessity, has to be conjecture, or an account of what other researchers have themselves claimed. Overall, though, the ‘truth’ bit can be taken as the observation that nothing in the entertainment industry is as it appears on its glossy surface. That much at least is a consistent truth! What is written in this book will shock many people – particularly those I’ve known since before 2010, the year that I ‘woke up.’ This is entirely understandable given the degree to which the content goes right against the grain of everything we’re raised to believe is ‘normal’ and to accept as truth. All I would ask is that, when confronted with information that, heard

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