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Museum Documentation Systems: Developments and Applications edited by Richard B. Light, D. Andrew Roberts and Jennifer D. Stewart Museum Documentation Association Butterworths London Boston Durban Singapore Sydney Toronto Wellington All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder, applications for which should be addressed to the Publishers. Such written permission must also be obtained before any part of this publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. This book is sold subject to the Standard Conditions of Sale of Net Books and ITlay not be re-sold in the UK below the net price given by the Publishers in their current price list. First published 1986 co Butter'W'orth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd, 1986 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Museum documentation systems: developments and appl ications. 1. Museum registration methods--Data processing I. Light, Richard B. II. Roberts, D.A. III. Stewart, Jennifer D. 069.5'2'02854 AM139 ISBN 0-408010815-0 Library of Congress C~ataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Museum documentation systems. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Museum registration methods-Addresses, essays, lectures. 2. Museums--Data processing-Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Light, Richard B. II. Roberts, D. Andrew (David Andrew) III. Stewart, Jennifer D. AM139.M77 1985 069.5'2 85-11003 ISBN 0-408-10815-0 Printed and bound in Great Britain by Anchor Brendan Ltd., Tiptree, Essex Foreword Geoffrey D. Le\vis President, International Council of Museums Director, Department of Museun1 Studies, University of Leicester Information technology is having a profound effect on society. Like the so-called agricultural revolution of prehistory and the comparatively recent industrial revolution it is bringing greater efficiency and new opportunities which, appropriately used, can only raise standards and benefit mankind. As with those previous major developments, this new technology can have a profound effect on the environment into which it is introduced. Its application to museums and their documentation systems is no exception. It provides a powerful tool in the service of museums with a capability to harness information, manipulate it and transmit it on a scale not previously conceived. Museun1S adopting these techniques will inevitably change in character. Whether for better or worse will depend much on an understanding of the purpose of museums, the theory behind the subject disciplines represented in their collections and, of course, the particular technology being used. This book provides an authoritative review of the current state of the application of information technology to museum documentation. It has been written by the practitioners themselves who give an insight into some of the theoretical considerations of their work as well as the practical advantages to be gained from it. In a sense this book is already a history of this fast developing subject and will stand as such for many years to come. More importantly, however, it embodies the collective experience of many who have pioneered this field in many different parts of the world. It is therefore an indispensible source for those now developing museum documentation systems and from which it can be anticipated that new horizons will increasingly be seen. Indeed as heavily labour-intensive institutions, museums should be exploring to the full the benefits that can accrue froln these new techniques. That the emphasis so far has been on museum documentation is understandable. Some work is now proceeding in developing more general management systems for the museum situation and in applying the 'new' technology either as an interface between visitor and exhibit or for promotional purposes. There are many other applications yet to be developed. In the meantime we should be particularly grateful to the editors of this work and their collaborators for sharing their experience with us. Museum staff are not noted for the publication of the theory and practice of their work and, indeed, there is some evidence to suggest that this reluctance has retarded museum development. This enterprise will ensure that this is not the case in the development of museum documentation systems. v Preface and acknowledgments In the last two decades, museums throughout the world have become conscious of the importance of the documentation of collections. It is now widely recognized that the standard of documentation plays a fundamental part in determining the ability of a museum to utilize and preserve the collections in its care. This book is an introduction to the documentation systems and procedures used on a national scale and within individual institutions in 11 different countries. The contributors were selected by the editors to provide a representative cross-section of some of the major documentation developments that are now taking place. The emphasis varies from statements of principle to practical descriptions of working systems. As is inevitable when compiling a book of this nature, the individual chapters were completed during an eighteen-month period. Most refer to the state of developments in late 1982 or early 1983. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the institutions concerned. The editors would like to thank each contributor for their work during the preparation of this volume. With original papers from 11 countries with eight different languages, communications problems of various kinds have had to be overcome. The editors would also like to acknowledge the help of Jacqueline Hilary (who translated Chapters 23 and 24) and support by their colleagues and the Executive Committee of the Museum Documentation Association. The author of Chapter 17 wishes to thank Dr M.D. Crane for information concerning the history of Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery. The figures and tables in each chapter are reproduced by permission of the institutions concerned. VI List of contributors Mr Michel Aubert, Chef du Service Informatique, Ministere de la Culture, 4, rue de la Banque, 75002 Paris, France Mr John C. Baker, BA, AMA, DPA, Senior Museums Officer (Applied Art), Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery, Tyne and Wear County Museums, Borough Road, Sunderland, SR 1 1PP England Mr Goran Bergengren, Curator, Nordiska museet, S-115 21 Stockholm, Sweden Mr Tamas Bezeczky, Archaeologist, Hungarian National Museum, M uzeum korut 14-16, 1370 Budapest VIII, Hungary Mr John Buchanan, Registrar, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Fifth Avenue at 82nd Street, New York, N.Y., 10028, USA Mrs Noemi Castillo-Tejero, Head, Seccion de Maquinas Electr6nicas, Museo Nacional de Antropologia, Calzada M. Gandhi, Mexico 5, D.F., Mexico Ms Betsy Comstock, Consultant, Canadian Heritage Information Network, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. KIA OM8, Canada IX Mr Charles J.T. Copp, Assistant Curator, Natural History, City of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Queen's Road, Bristol BS8 1RL, England Dr Jonathan L. Cutbill, Head, Information Retrieval Section, National Maritime Museum, Romney Road, Greenwich, London SEI0 9NF, England Mr Istvan Eri, Director, Institute of Conservation and Methodology of Museums, Konyves Kalman krt 40, H-1476 Budapest 100, Hungary Professor Oreste Ferrari, Director, Instituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Piazza di Porta Portese, 1, 00153 Rome, Italy Dr Anthony Fletcher, Keeper, Documentation and Information Retrieval, Leicestershire Museums, Art Galleries and Records Service, 96 New Walk, Leicester LE 1'6TD, England Dr T. Gary Gautier, Chief, ADP Section, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 20560, USA Ms Heidi Henricksson, Nordiska museet, S-115 21 Stockholm, Sweden x Mr Richard B. Light, BA, Deputy Secretary, Museum Documentation Association, Duxford Airfield, Duxford, Cambridgeshire CB2 4QR, England Mr Tom Loy, Assistant Curator, Head, Collections Management Section, Archaeology Division, British Columbia Provincial Museum, Provincial Buildings, Victoria, B.C. V8V lX4, Canada Mr David McCutcheon, Principal Research Fellow, Department of Scientific Research and Conservation, The British Museum, London WCIB 3DG, England Mrs Paulette alcina, Head, Unesco-ICOM Documentation Centre, Maison de l'Unesco, 1, rue Miollis, 75732 Paris 15, France Mr Charles W. Pettitt, MSc, MIBiol, Secretary, Federation of Natural Sciences Collection Research, The Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, Oxford Rd., Manchester M 13 9PL, England Ms Dominique Piot, Service Informatique, Cellule Recherche, Ministere de la Culture, 4, rue de la Banque, 75002 Paris, France Ms Eloise Ricciardelli, Registrar, The Museum of Modern Art 11 West 53rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10019, T T~A Mr D. Andrew Roberts, MSc, MIInfSc, Secretary, Museum Documentation Association, Duxford Airfield, Duxford, Cambridgeshire CB2 4QR, England Ms Lenore Sarasan, Willoughby Associates Limited, 2800 Sheridan Place, Evanston, Ill. 60201, USA Ms Judith L. Schulman, Registrar /DARIS, Founders Society Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 48202, USA Dr Jacob Sher, Informatic Department, Hermitage Museum, Dvortzovaja emb 34, 191065 Leningrad, USSR Ms Jane Sledge, Chief, Museum Services, Canadian Heritage Information Network, National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. KIA OM8, Canada Mr Roger B.N. Smither, BA, Keeper, Department of Information Retrieval, Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road, London SE16HZ, England Mr Charles A.B. Steel, BSc, AMA, FLS, Principal Keeper (Support Services), Portsmouth City Museums Service, City Museum and Art Gallery, Museum Road, Old Portsmouth POI 2LJ England xii Ms Sheila M. Stone, MA, AMA, Keeper of Archaeology, St. Albans Museums, Verulamium Museum, St. Michael's, St. Albans, Herts AL3 4SW, England Mrs Sonja Tanner-Kaplash, Registrar, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont. M5S 2C6, Canada Dr Jan P. van de Voort, Director, Stickling MARDOC, Scheepmakershaven 48, 3011 VC Rotterdam, The Netherlands Mr David Vance, President, Museum Computer Network, Inc., Department of Computer Science, State University of New York, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794, USA Ms Terese Varveris, Advisor, Australian Gallery Directors· Council, 37-25 75th Street, Jackson Heights, New York. N.Y. 11372, USA Professor Frank Willett, MA, FRSE, Director, Hunerian Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Glasgow, Glasgow GI2 8QQ, Scotland Xlll Chapter 1 Introduction The phrase 'museum documentation system' refers to the procedures used by museums to manage information concerning their collections or of relevance to their curatorial functions. The primary aims of such a system include aiding the control and use of collections and ensuring the preservation of information about the cultural and environmental heritage. It may incorporate facilities to help locate items, manage internal movements and external loans, apply insurance procedures, undertake audit and stockchecks, aid the preparation of publications and lectures, provide sources for research, assist the development of displays and exhibitions, and include provision for long-term storage and access to data. Its scope may extend to the documentation of physical collections (objects, bibliographic items, archival material and audio-visual material) and information assets such as details of conservation and record photographs, people, places, events and activities. When documenting an object, the information accumulated by the museum may include its history prior to its acquisition, details of its subsequent incorporation into the collections, physical description and classification, use for display or as a loan and its movement while in the institution. Similarly, for a place, the information may include details of its location and history, environmental significance and management status. The system may be developed, maintained and used by either specialized documentation staff or general curatorial officers within the museum. Help may also be provided by staff of outside organizations or service agencies. The physical system may be based on either manual or automated facilities which may also have been developed by the museum itself or be supported by an outside agency, such as a cooperative group or a national museum service. Many of the most ambitious advances in the use of automated systems have taken place in Canada. The National Museums of Canada has been responsible for an unprecedented investment in central computer facilities on behalf of museums throughout the country. The role of the Canadian Heritage Information Network and the application of its facilities by two users is described in Chapters 2-4. The project at the British Columbia Provincial Museum (Chapter 3) has

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