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MUSCLE? NERVE SUBJECT INDEX TO VOLUME 14 This index gives the first author (in parentheses) and the first page of the article, abstract, or letter in which the indexed subject occurs. The reader is referred to the author index for the full title and the following code: A = abstract, L = letter. A Anomalous sensory innervation Botulinum toxin 915-A (Valis-Sole) 1099 Brachial plexopathy 898-A Ad fibers (Kakigi) 1193 Anterior lateral compartment (Brown) Bupivacaine (Orimo) 515 Abductor digiti minimi muscle (Arasaki) 237 647 Anticholinesterase medications (Bosch) Abstracts of poster and platform 1036-L Cc presentations: 38th annual meeting: Anticholinesterases 914-A American Association of Antidromically conducted potentials C fiber characteristics (Hallin) 157 Electrodiagnostic Medicine Vancouver, 900-A Calcaneal nerve (Dumitru) 665 Canada, September 25-28, 1991 Antiglycolipid antibodies (Pestronk) 927 Calcium (Nakamura) 701 (Chaudhry) 873 Argon laser stimulation (Arendt-Nielsen) Calcium sensitivity Acetylcholine contractures (Hofmann) 748 508 (Holy) 70 Acetylcholine receptor (Wetzel) 1003 Arterial occlusien (Lachance: 633 (Ruff) 1219 Acetylcholinesterase inhibition (Besser) Arterial pressure (Benarroch) 1165 Calcium-activated neutral protease 1197 Arthrogrypotic infant 897-A (Nakamura) 701 Acid maltase deficieny 887 Artificial intelligence 921-A Calcium-tension relationships (Ruff) 838 Acid maltase deficiency (Usuki) 245 Atherosclerosis (Lachance) 633 Calf enlargement 889-A Acoustic neuroma 877-A Athletes (Arenas) 598 Calpain (Nakamura) 701 Actin filament (Miyatake) 113 Atrophy (Holy) 70 Calpastatin (Nakamura) 701 Action potential (Dumitru) 605 Autograft (Anderson) 268 Carbohydrate storage disease (Cafferty) Action potentials (Franke) 762 Autoimmune (Lamb) 1021 102 Activated cell sorting (Krieger) 14 Autonomic function (Ingall) 1080 Cardiovascular reflexes (Ingall) 1080 Acute areflexic paralysis 920-A Autonomic nervous system (Solders) Carnitine Acute postganglionic dysautonomia 1074 (Arenas) 598 (Sohn) 474-L Autosomai recessive muscular dystrophy (Verity) 435 Acylcarnitine (Arenas) 598 (McGuire) 1209 Carnitine palmityl transfarase (CPT) Adrenomyeloneuropathy 887-A Axon loss (Brown) 237 deficiency (Scott) 676-L Adenosine triphosphate resynthesis Axonal degeneration Carotid endarterectomy 877-A 916-A (Kennett) 553, 960 Carpal tunnel syndrome 901-A, 902-A, Advanced myopathy 916-A Axonal neuropathy (Lachance) 633 903-A, 904-A, 905-A Afferent fiber grouping (Hallin) 157 Axonal (Van Der Meché) 997 (Arendt-Nielsen) 508 Afferent fibers (Fisher) 120 Axons (Gordon) 640 (Chang) 1173 Aging (Sipila) 527 (Martinez) 183-L ALS (Uncini) 184-L (Behnia) 1236 (Valls-Sole) 1099 (Dantes) 416 Cat (Eerbeek) 422 (Kawai) 342 B-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase Catchlike property (Binder-Macleod) Amyloidotic polyneuropathy (Sales-Luis) (Verity) 435 850 377-L B-oxidation (Verity) 435 Cell culture (Krieger) 14 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 875-A, Becker muscular dystrophy Cerebral hemorrhage (Palmer) 124 876-A (Kaido) 1067 Cerebral palsy 896-A (Iijima) 1110 (Wessels) 1 Cervical spondylosis (Lamb) 1021 (Lamb) 1021 Bereitschaftspotential 895-A Cervical spondylotic myelopathy 889-A (Pestronk) 927 Biceps 893-A Charcot— Marie— Tooth disease (Shefner) 1242 Biopsy (Lexell) 826 (Ingall) 1080 (Sirdofsky) 977 Bipolar recording (Winkler) 133 (Kakigi) 441 Anconeus muscle (Maselli) 1189 Blink reflex (Hopf) 326 Cholinergic crisis (Bosch) 1036-L Angioid streaks of the retina (Lawrence) Borrelia burgdorferi infection (Oey) Chronic stimulation (Eerbeek) 422 1036-L 375-L Cisplatin neuropathy 913-A Anomalies (Phillips) 1213 Botulineum toxin (Lange) 672 Classification (Udd) 1050 Subject Index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 1255 CO, laser (Kakigi) 1193 (Gunreben) 654 Electromyography 881-A CO, laser stimulation (Kakigi) 441 (Hofmann) 748 (Barry) 937 Colchicine myopathy-neuropathy 919-A (Mihelin) 739 (Chan) 1028 Cold agglutinin disease (Thomas) 331 (Wetzel) 1003 (Christiansen) 786-L Cold injury (Kennett) 553 Dermatomyositis (Fujino) 716 (Dumitru) 605 Cold injury, non-freezing injury Dexamethasone (Usuki) 245 (Franke) 762 (Kennett) 960 Diabetes (Abu-Sh kra) 858 (Gunreben) 654 Collision method Diabetes mellitus 890-A (Haig) 521 (Arasaki) 647 (Kennedy) 1231 (Lachance) 633 (lijima) 1110 (Robinson) 1084 (London) 457 Collision technique (Valls-Sole) 1099 Diabetic neuropathy 890-A, 891-A, (Palmer) 124 Complement C3 (Orimo) 515 911-A (So) 787-L, 1159 Compound motor action potentials Diabetic radiculopathy 889-A (Sucher) 785-L (Swenson) 1033-L Diaphragm (Jammes) 27 (Zwarts) 756 ‘ompound motor order potentials Diaphragm muscle (Wetzel) 1003 Electromyographic assessment of pelvic (Donofrio) 1034-L Diaphragmatic fatigue floor 909-A sompound muscle action potential (Baer) 1034-L Electromyography equipment (Barry) 884-A (Jammes) 1035-L 937 somputer EMG (Galea) 1123 Digital nerve (Chang) 1173 Electromyography, principles (Daube) concentric needle (Chan) 1028 Dip analysis 920-A 685 oncentric needle electrode (Nandedkar) Disease affecting the hand 921-A Electromyography risk management 108 Dissociated muscle fibers (Kéltgen) 900-A onditioning stimulation (Fisher) 120 775 Electronics (Barry) 937 ‘onduction block 884-A Distal myopathy (Udd) 1050 Electron-microscopic cytochemical study (Abu-Shakra) 858 Dorsal nerve of penis (Clawson) 845 (Carpenter) 577-L (Brown) 237 Dorsal ramus myotome 887-A (Wakayama) 576-L (Cornblath) 185-L, 869 Drug abuse (Vishnubhakat) 22 Electrophysiologic abnormalities (Metral) 185-L Duchenne muscular dystrophy (Vishnubhakat) 22 (Naganuma) 953 (Bertorini) 503 Electrophysiological methods conduction studies (Kennett) 960 (Kawai) 342 (Martinez) 183-L conduction velocities 882-A (McCully) 109! (Uncini) 184-L conduction velocity (McGuire) 1209 Electrophysiology (Kakigi) 1193 (Miyatake) 113 (Abu-Shakra) 858 (Shefner) 534 (Partridge) 197 (Cafferty) 102 ( congenital myopathies 918-A (Smith) 462 (Lagueny) 51 ( ongenital myopathy (Linssen) 829 (Wakeford) 42 (Oomes) 1013 ( ontraction (Petajan) 489 (Weller) 771 EMG ( sontraction measurements (Kéltgen) sds ) (Wessels) | (Behnia) 1236 ( sontraction velocity (Ruff) 1219 Dysarthria (Palmer) 124 (Robinson) 310 ( ‘ortical inhibition 894-A Dysautonomia syndrome 908-A (Stalberg) 293 ( orticosteroids (Danon) 1131 Dysphagia (Verma) 470 (Van Der Meché) 997 (C ‘ramps 917-A Dystrophic mice (Greaves) 543 EMG electrodes 901-A ‘raniectomy (Harper) 213 Dystrophin 918-A End-plate (Maselli) 1182 ( sricopharyngeal muscle (Verma) 470 (Bornemann) 1177 Enterovirus (So) 1159 ( ‘row—Fukase syndrome (Kakigi) 441 (Carpenter) 577-L Entrapment neuropathy (Oh) 407 ( ‘ubital tunnel syndrome (Huard) 178 Eosinophilia myalgia syndrome 886-A (Campbell) 733 (Kaido) 1067 Erectile dysfunction 909-A (Miller) 97 (McGuire) 1209 Erythrocyte of myotonic dystrophy sutaneous silent period 901-A (Miyatake) 113 (Kuwabara) 57 -ytomegalovirus polyradiculopathy (Wakayama) 576-L Evoked potentials (Solders) 1074 (Beydoun) 575-L Dystrophin localization (Wessels) | Exercise (Arenas) 598 (Sipila) 527 Exercise-induced muscle injury e (McCully) 1091 Dantrolene (Bertorini) 503 Eccrine sweat gland 912-A Extensor digitorum brevis (Brown) 237 Data interpretation, statistical (Lexell) EDL (Anderson) 268 External recording (Eerbeek) 422 826 Electric current Extracellular matrix (Hoh) 398 Decompression surgery (Oh) 398 (Baer) 1034-L Dementia 874-A (Jammes) 1035-L Demyelinating neuropathies (Swenson) Electrical injury (Sirdofsky) 977 F 1033-L Electrical stimulation (Binder-Macleod) Demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy 850 *F’ motor units 875-A 921-A 3-Electrode voltage clamp (Franke) 762 7 F wave Demyelinating neuropathy 893-A, 908-A Electrodiagnosis (Chang) 990 chronic multifocal (Naganuma) 953 (Behnia) 1236 (London) 457 Demyelination (Bromberg) 968 F-wave parameters in neuropathies (Bromberg) 968 (Dumitru) 665, 981 912-A (Oomes) 1013 (Robinson) 310 F waves (Fisher) 120 (Shefner) 534 (Rodriquez) 429 Facial neuropathy 877-A Denervation Electromyogram (Leis) 1202 Fasciculations 917-A (Anderson) 268 Electromyographic crosstalk 894-A Factor analysis 910-A 1256 Subject Index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy Human development (Wessels) | Lambert-Eaton syndrome 914-A (Sales-Luis) 377-L Human immunodeficiency virus 885-A (Breen) 863 Far-field potentials (Dumitru) 981 Human nerve response (Winkler) 1141-L Laryngeal electromyography 883-A Fascicle (Pernus) 304 Human nerves responses (Daube) 1140-L Late response (Gerr) 1059 Fatigue 885-A, 920-A Human quadriceps (Binder-Macleod) Lightning (Sirdofsky) 977 (Binder-Macleod) 850 850 Limb-girdle (Udd) 1050 (Robinson) 563 Humoral autoimmunity (Oomes) 1013 Limb-girdle dystrophy (McGuire) 1209 Femoral neuropathy 907-A Hybridization (Huard) 178 Linkage disequilibrium (Nokelainen) 451 Fiber density (Torbergsen) 35 Hydrocephalus 896-A Lipid myopathy (Verity) 435 Fiber type analysis (Kaido) 1067 Hyperekplexia 894-A Lithium 917-A Fiber types Hypertriglyceridemia, in CPT (Scott) Lithium intoxication (Hoh) 316 676-L (Moore) 578-L (PernuS) 304 Hypertrophic mononeuropathy (Phillips) (Vanhooren) 578-L Fibrillation potentials (Robinson) 310 335 Long-distance runners (Arenas) 598 Flexor carpi, sparing of Hypertrophic neuropathy 906-A Longissimus (Haig) 521 (Campbell) 678-L Hypertrophy (Kennedy) 166 Lower-extremity sensory nerve (McCoy) 677-L Hypophosphatemia 920-A techniques 899-A Flexor carpi ulnaris (Campbell) 733 Lower limb axonal neuropathy 911-A Fluorescence (Krieger) 14 Lumbosacral spinal stenosis 890-A Focal movement 874-A Lymphocyte subsets (Ijichi) 574-L Focal myositis 889-A Focal neuropathies 881-A lliocostalis (Haig) 521 Force measurement (Nandedkar) 8 Immobilization (Robinson) 563 Forced expiration (Benarroch) 1165 immunoblotting (Greaves) 543 Immunocytochemistry Macro EMG (Bornemann) 1177 (Jabre) 820 (Hoh) 398 (Torbergsen) 35 G Immunoelectron microscopy (Kawai) 342 Magnetic brain stimulation (Solders) Glucocorticoids (Weller) 771 Immunohistochemistry 1074 Glycogen storage diseases 887-A (Kawai) 342 Magnetic resonance imaging Glycolysis (Kuwabara) 57 (Orimo) 515 (Fujino) 716 GM1 ganglioside (Wessels) 1 (Naganuma) 953 (Lamb) 1021 Immunosuppression (Weller) 771 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Pestronk) 927 Impotence (Clawson) 845 (McCully) 1091 Graft (Partridge) 197 Inclusion body myositis (Verma) 470 Magnetic stimulation (Zhu) 721 Guillain-Barré Inflammatory cells (Orimo) 515 Malignant schwannoma (Yasuda) 812 (Oomes) 1013 Inflammatory polyneuropathies 892-A Martin-Gruber anastomosis (Valls-Sole) (Van Der Meché) 997 Innervation 1099 Guillain-Barré syndrome 892-A, 893-A (Petajan) 489 Masseter reflex (Hopf) 326 (Kleyweg) 1103 (Phillips) 1213 mdx (Anderson) 268 (Preston) 378-L INO (Hopf) 326 mdx DMD model (Wakeford) 42 (Gutmann) 1043 Insulin receptor (Hofmann) 748 mdx dystrophy (Weller) 771 Interference pattern mdx mouse (Huard) 178 (Nandedkar) 8, 108 Measuring muscle fibers (Lexell) 476-L Interosseous neuropathy 878-A Medial brachial fascial compartment Intracellular recordings (Kéltgen) 775 syndrome 899-A Hamster (Nakamura) 701 Intracerebral hematoma 894-A Medial longitudinal fasciculus (Hopf ) Hand innervation 881-A Intrafamilial variation (Udd) 1050 326 Handcuff neuropathy 905-A Intraneural injection (Oomes) 1013 Median nerve 881-A Haplotyping, RFLP (Nokelainen) 451 Inward rectification (Gordon) 640 (Chang) 1173 Heart rate (Benarroch) 1165 Ischemic conduction failure 912-A (Valls-Sole) 1099 Heat shock proteins (Martin) 219 Ischemic neuropathy (Lachance) 633 Median nerve organization (Hallin) Height, effect on nerve conduction Isolated diffuse abnormal insertional 157 interpretations activity 919-A Median neuropathy (Shields) 370 (Letz) 479-L Isolated population (Nokelainen) 451 Meralgia paresthetica (Lagueny) 51 (Rivner) 480-L Methylprednisolone therapy (Preston) Hemifacial spasm (Harper) 213 378-L Hemolytic anemia (Thomas) 331 | Microscopy (Lexell) 826 Hereditary motor and sensory Minicore—multicore myopathy neuropathy (Ingall) 1080 Jaw-closing muscle (Hoh) 316, 398 (Penegyres) 411 Hereditary motor neuropathy 891-A Jitter Mitochondria loss (Anzil) 358 Hetachromatic leukodystrophy, adult (Chaudhry) 1227 Mitochondrial myopathy (Baquis) 784-L (Lange) 672 (Pauzner) 947 Hindlimb suspension (Anzil) 358 (Torbergsen) 35 Histochemical fiber type (Ruff) 1219 Modality segregation (Hallin) 157 Histochemistry (PernuS) 304 L Monitoring (Stalberg) 293 Histology, morphometry (Mackinnon) Mononeuropathy (Phillips) 335 1116 Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome Monopolar EMG electrodes (Nandedkar) HIV neuropathy (Beydoun) 575-L 913-A, 915-A 108 HMSN I (Solders) 1074 (Chaudhry) 1227 Monopolar needle (Chan) 1028 Hodgkins lymphoma 913-A (Squier) 625 Motoneuron (Krieger) 14 H-reflex (Leis) 1202 (Trontelj) 226 Motoneuron excitability 876-A Subject Index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 1257 Motor and sensory neuropathy, Muscular dystrophy 918-A Nerve action potentials (Winkler) 133 hereditary (Huard) 178 Nerve compression syndromes (Oh) 85-L (Kawai) 342 (Campbell) 733 (Chad) 86-L (Kennedy) 166 Nerve conduction Motor conduction velocity (McCully) 1091 (Brown) 237 (Arasaki) 647 (Mihelin) 739 (Robinson) 1084 (lijima) 1110 (Nakamura) 701 (Thomas) 331 Motor end-plates (Trontelj) 226 (Pauzner) 947 Nerve conduction interpretations Motor evoked potential (Chang) 990 (Udd) 1050 (Rivner) 381-L Motor neuron (Pestronk) 927 Muscular pain fasciculation syndrome (van Dijk) 380-L Motor neuron disease 886-A 911-A Nerve conduction studies 910-A (Sirdofsky) 977 Musculocutaneous neuropathy 879-A (Harper) 213 (So) 1159 M-wave (Fenton) 79 (Kennett) 553 Motor neuron pool excitability (Fisher) Myalgias (Gilchrist) 233 (Shefner) 1242 120 Myasthenia gravis 915-A Nerve conduction study Motor neuropathies (Pestronk) 927 (Breen) 863 (Oh) 407 Motor unit (Chaudhry) 1227 (So) 1159 (Robinson) 563 (Jablecki) 391 Nerve conduction velocity (Shahani) 64 (Maselli) 1189 (Denys) 795 (Torbergsen) 35 (Trontelj) 226 (Gerr) 1059 Motor unit count 876-A Myasthenia gravis acetylcholinesterase Nerve fiber (Mackinnon) 1116 Motor unit estimates inhibition (Gutmann) 86-L Nerve regeneration (Mackinnon) 1116 (Dantes) 416 Myasthenic syndrome (Breen) 863 Nerve repair (Mackinnon) 1116 (Galea) 1123 Myelinated fibers (Yarnitsky) 379-L Nerve stimulation (Jammes) 27 Motor unit numbers (McComas) 585 Myeloneuropathy (Vishnubhakat) 22 Neural conduction Motor unit “marking” (Jabre) 820 Myelopathy (Pullman) 709 (Chang) 1173 Motor unit potential (Chan) 1028 Myoblast (Partridge) 197 (London) 457 Motor unit potentials Myoclonus (Palmer) 124 (Solders) 1074 (Jabre) 820 Myofiber degeneration (Wakeford) 42 Neural influence (Hoh) 316 (McComas) 585 Myofibers (Ward) 259 Neurofibroma (Yasuda) 812 (Nandedkar) 108 Myofibrillar disruption (Anzil) 358 Neurofibromatosis 886-A Motor unit recruitment (Petajan) 489 Myofilament (Holy) 70 Neurofibromatous neuropathy Movement-related potentials 895-A Myogenesis (Ward) 259 (Palrnowski) 478-L MRI (Fujino) 716 Myogenic cell line (Usuki) 245 Neurogenic claudication (London) 457 Multifidus (Haig) 521 Myoglobin (Kawai) 342 Neurography (Winkler) 133 Multifocal conduction block (Oey) 375-L Myokomia (Gutmann) 1043 Neurologic examination (Kennedy) 1231 Multiple sclerosis Myonecrosis Neuromuscular blockade 916-A (Gutmann) 1043 (Kaido) 1067 Neuromuscular blocking agents (Naganuma) 953 (Orimo) 515 (K6ltgen) 775 Murine muscles (Hofmann) 748 Myopathy Neuromuscular diseases (Rodriquez) 429 Muscle afferent (Zhu) 721 (Danon) 1131 Neuromuscular disorders 920-A Muscle biopsy clamp (Siegel) 85-L (Gilchrist) 233 Neuromuscular irritability (Puniani) 280 Muscle cell culture (Huard) 178 (Martin) 219 Neuromuscular junction (Wetzel) 1003 Muscle contraction (Binder-Macleod) (Partridge) 197 Neuromuscular transmission 850 (Penegyres) 411 (Besser) 1197 Muscle cramps (Puniani) 280 (Stalberg) 293 (Denys) 795 Muscle disorders (Gunreben) 654 Myosin (Maselli) 1182, 1189 Muscle fatigue (Jammes) 27 (Danon) 1131 Neuropathy Muscle fiber conduction velocity (Kennedy) 166 (Abu-Shakra) 858 (Linssen) 829 Myotonia (Puniani) 280 (Lamb) 1021 Muscle fiber propagation velocity Myotonic dystrophy 909-A (Oh) 152 (Mihelin) 739 (Fenton) 79 (Shefner) 534 Muscle fiber types (Squier) 625 (Kawai) 342 (Thomas) 331 Muscle force 884-A (Nokelainen) 451 (Torbergsen) 35 Muscle glycogenosis 886-A Myotonic runs (Franke) 762 Neuropathy at the wrist 905-A Muscle histochemistry (Kaido) 1067 Myotubes (Baker) 348 Neuropathy, supermarket Muscle length, optimum (Eerbeek) 422 (Ortiz-Arduan) 785-L Muscle metabolism (McCully) 1091 Neurotoxicity (Vishnubhakat) 22 Muscle propagation velocity 920-A N Neurotrophism (Hofmann) 748 Muscle-relaxant drug therapy 916-A NGF receptor (Yasuda) 812 Muscle regeneration NA pump (Kuwabara) 57 Nitrous oxide (Vishnubhakat) 22 (Anderson) 268 Natural history (Penegyres) 411 NMR (Kuwabara) 57 (Bornemann) 1177 Necrosis Noninvasive monitoring (Benarroch) (Hoh) 316, 398 (Baker) 348 1165 Muscle spasm 919-A (Weller) 771 Normal values (Nandedkar) 8 Muscle spindle (Leis) 1202 Necrotizing vasculitis Muscle strength (Cornblath) 185-L (Kleyweg) 1103 (Metral) 185-L (Rodriquez) 429 Needle control 885-A fe) (Smith) 462 Needle electrode impedances 917-A Muscle tremor (Zwarts) 756 Needle examination (Daube) 685 Obstetrical paralysis 898-A Muscle twitch (Eerbeek) 422 Neonatal flail limb 898-A Oculomyopathy (Pauzner) 947 1258 Subject index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy Presynaptic mechanisms of Sensory nerve conduction studies (Pauzner) 947 neuromuscular transmission (Trontelj) (Clawson) 845 Onset motor latency 884-A 226 Sensory nerve temporal dispersion 902-A Ophthalmoplegia 918-A Primary lateral sclerosis 876-A Sensory neurophysiology (Pullman) 709 Ophthalmoplegia (Breen) 863 Prognosis (Van der Meché) 997 Serum creatine kinase Organ culture (Wetzel) 1003 Propagation velocity (Pelosi) 253 (Bertorini) 503 Organophosphate (Maselli) 1182 Protease inhibitor (Nakamura) 701 (Weller) 771 Organophosphates (Besser) 1197 Protein breakdown (Nakamura) 701 SFEMG (Stalberg) 293 Origin-defective SV40 DNA (Usuki) 245 Proximal F wave velocity 902-A “Shaky Legs” syndrome 873-A Orofacial dyskinesia 875-A Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (Lawrence) Sickle cell anemia (Shields) 370 1036-L Sign of tinel (Yarnitsky) 379-L Ptosis (Breen) 863 Silent period (Leis) 1202 Pudendal nerve (Clawson) 845 Single fiber electromyography (Chaudhry) 1227 Pain threshold (Arendt-Nielsen) 508 (Mihelin) 739 Pain-evoked potentials (Arendt-Nielsen) (Trontelj) 226 508 Single fiber EMG Painful stimulation (Kakigi) 1193 Quadriceps (Sipila) 527 (Jablecki) 391 Pain-related SEPs (Kakigi) 441 Quantitative comparison (Chan) 1028 (Jabre) 820 Palmar cutaneous branch (Chang) 1173 Quantitative EMG (Lange) 672 Pancuronium (Besser) 1197 (Jabre) 820 Skeletal muscle 916-A Paralysis 877-A (Nandedkar) 8 (Greaves) 543 Paralysis, periodic 886-A (McCully) 1091 Paralysis, periodic (Ruff) 838 (PernuS) 304 Paraneoplastic syndrome (Oh) 152 Skeletal muscle cell (Kawai) 342 Paraspinal muscle electromyography Skin-graft donor site mononeuropathy 888-A Rabbit (Jammes) 27 906-A Paraspinal muscles 888-A Rabbit tibial nerve Skinned fiber (Holy) 70 Parkinsonism 874-A (Kennett) 553, 960 Skinned human skeletal muscle fibers Parvalbumin (Greaves) 543 Radial nerve palsies 878-A (Ruff) 1219 Patch clamp (Franke) 762 Radial neuropathies 879-A “Slow channel syndrome” (Lawrence) Pathophysiology (Palmer) 124 Radiation plexopathy (Gutmann) 1043 1036-L Peripheral arterial disease 891-A Radiculopathy 888-A, 889-A, 890-A Sodium channel subtypes (Schotland) Peripheral nerve (Haig) 521 142 (Hallin) 157 Rattlesnake venom (Gutmann) 1043 Sodium pump (Fenton) 79 (Leis) 1202 Real-time sonography (Gunreben) 654 Soleus 917-A Peripheral neuropathies (Kakigi) 441 Regenerating unit (Mackinnon) 1116 Soleus muscle (Anzil) 358 Peripheral neuropathy 914-A Regeneration Somatosensation (Hallin) 157 (Kennedy) 1231 (Baker) 348 Somatosensory-evoked potential (Shields) 370 (Gordon) 640 (Denys) 795 Peroneal nerve injury 880-A (Shefner) 534 (Dumitru) 665 Pes cavus foot deformity (Baquis) 784-L Reinnervation (Stalberg) 293 (Kaji) 783-L Phase cancellation (Winkler) 133 Remote effects (Lange) 672 (Kakigi) 441, 1193 Phrenic nerve (Jammes) 27 Renal failure (Bosch) 1036-L (Zhu) 721 Phrenic nerve injury 882-A, 883-A Repetitive nerve stimulation (Jablecki) (van Dijk) 781-L Phrenic neuropathy 883-A 391 Spaceflight (Holy) 70 Physical examination (Gerr) 1059 Resealed fiber segments (Franke) 762 Spasmodic dysphonia 875-A Plantar nerve (Dumitru) 665 Resting [Ca®*], (Franke) 762 Spastic dysphonia 896-A Plasma exchange (Sales-Luis) 377-L Retina (Miyatake) 113 Spastic paresis 873-A POEMS (Kakigi) 441 Rimmed vacuoles (Verma) 470 Spasticity (Shahani) 64 Poliomyelitis Risk evaluation (Nokelainen) 451 Spatial arrangement (PernuS) 304 (Rodriquez) 429 Spike-triggered averaging 876-A (So) 1159 Spinal accessory neuropathy 878-A Polyglucosan body (Cafferty) 102 Spinal artery syndrome 897-A Polymyositis Spinal cord (Sirdofsky) 977 (Fujino) 716 S-100 protein (Yasuda) 812 Spinal cord injury (Chang) 990 (Robinson) 310 Sacroplasmic reticulum (Gilchrist) 233 Spinal cord motor conduction (Chang) Polyneuropathy 907-A Satellite cells (Baker) 348 990 (Bromberg) 968 Schwannoma (Yasuda) 812 Spinal cord neuron (Krieger) 14 Polyneuropathy, in lithium intoxication Schwartz-Jampel syndrome Spinal muscular atrophy (Iijima) 1110 (Moore) 578-L (Pascuzzi) 1143-L Spinal stenosis (London) 457 (Vanhooren) 578-L (Spaans) 1142-L Sprinters (Arenas) 598 Polyneuropathy in renal failure 909-A Sciatic nerve (Gordon) 640 SSEPs (Pelosi) 253 Pompe’s disease (Verity) 435 Scoliosis surgery 896-A Statistics Pontine tumors (Gutmann) 1043 Segmentation (Phillips) 1213 (Lexell) 826 Postfixed (Phillips) 1213 Sensitivity (Bromberg) 968 (Robinson) 1084 Postural adjustment 874-A Sensory action potential Sterilization of EMG needles 885-A Potassium channels (Gordon) 640 (Pullman) 709 Steroid-response (Gilchrist) 233 Preembedding method (Bornemann) (Shefner) 534 Stretch reflexes 874-A 1177 Sensory evoked response amplitude Strontium sensitivity (Ruff) 1219 Prefixed (Phillips) 1213 (Pullman) 709 Superfast myosin Premotor potential 899-A, 901-A Sensory nerve (Shefner) 1242 (Hoh) 316, 398 Subject Index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 1259 Suprascapular neuropathy 898-A Tissue biopsy (Siegel) 85-L UNE (Campbell) 678-L Sural nerve (Pelosi) 253 locainide Uni- and bipolar surface recordings Sural nerve biopsy (Bertorini) 1248-L (Daube) 1140-L (Cafferty) 102 (Clague) 1247-L (Winkler) 1141-L (Kakigi) 441 (Puniani) 280 Unipolar recording (Winkler) 133 Sural nerve conduction 900-A Tomaculous neuropathy (Kakigi) 441 Upper motorneuron (Shahani) 64 Sural nerve grafting (Phillips) 335 Torticollis 895-A Useless hand syndrome (Naganuma) 953 Surface electromyography (Linssen) 829 lorticollis (Lange) 672 Sweat test (Ingall) 1080 lransfection (Usuki) 245 Synaptic region (Miyatake) 113 lriadic junctions (Bornemann) 1177 Tubular aggregates Vv (Gilchrist) 233 T (Martin) 219 Validation study (Gerr) 1059 lurns and amplitude (Nandedkar) 8 Vasculitic neuropathy (Ijichi) 574-1 larsal tunnel (Dumitru) 665 Type | muscle fiber predominance Vasculitic neuropathy 908-A larsal tunnel syndrome 879-A (Linssen) 829 Vasculitic polyneuropathy 912-A l'arsal tunnel syndrome (Oh) 407 Vasculitis (Oh) 152 Temperature (Denys) 795 Vector short-!atency Temporal dispersion 884-A (Kaji) 783-L (Abu-Shakra) 858 (van Dijk) 781-L (Donofrio) 1034-1 Velocity recovery function (Mihelin) 739 (Swenson) 1033-L Inar mononeuropathy 879-A Vercuronium (Danon) 1131 Tenotomy (Baker) 348 Iinar nerve 881-A Vibromyography (Zwarts) 756 letanus-like syndrome 913-A (Arasaki) 647 Vibrotactile threshold (Gerr) 1059 Thermography (lijima) 1110 \ ideofluoroscopy (Palmer) 124 (Christiansen) 786-L (Phillips) 335 Vocal cord paralysis 882-A, 883-A (So) 787-L Inar nerve, elbow (Campbell) 733 Volume conduction (Sucher) 785-I JInar nerve motor latencies 882-A (Dumitru) 605, 981 Thick filament (Danon) 1131 Inar neuropathy 906-A, 907-A Thoracic nerve 877-A (Campbell) 678-L Thoracic outlet syndrome 897-A (McCoy) 677-L libial nerve (Miller) 97 (Kennett) 553 ltrasound imaging (Pelosi) 253 (Gunreben) 654 Waldenstr6ém’s macroglobulinemia 883-A libial nerve entrapment 880-A (Sipila) 527 Wallerian degeneration 873-A libial-peroneal innervation 880-A ndernutrition, prenatal (Ward) 259 Water permeability (Kuwabara) 57 1260 Subject index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 MUSCLE * NERVE AUTHOR INDEX TO VOLUME 14 This index lists, in alphabetical order, the names of authors of all articles, abstracts, and letters. Full citation is provided under the first author only, with reference made from joint authors. Abstracts and letters are distinguished from articles by the following code: A = abstract, L = letter. A Normal maximal and minimal motor Barry DT: AAEM minimonograph #36: nerve conduction velocities in adults basic concepts of electricity and Abresch RT, see Shankar K determined by a collision method, 647 electronics in clinical Abu-Shakra SR, Cornblath DR, Avila Arenas J, Ricoy JR, Encinas AR, Pola P, electromyography, 937 OL, Chaudhry V, Freimer M, Glass D'Iddio S, Zeviani M, DiDonato S, Baruah JK: Neuromuscular transmission JD, Reim JW, Ronnett GV: Corsi M: Carnitine in muscle, serum, defect in peripheral neuropathy, Conduction block in diabetic and urine of nonprofessional athletes: 914-A neuropathy, 858 effects of physical exercise, training, Bastian RW, see Gupta SR Ackmann JJ, Lomas JN, Wertsh, JJ: and .-carnitine administration, 598 Beckley DJ, see Bloem BR Effect of disposable and nondisposable Arendt-Nielsen L, Gregersen H, Toft E, Behnia M, Kelly JJ: Role of needle electrode impedances on motor Bjerring P: Involvement of thin electromyography in amyotrophic unit recordings, 917-A afferents in carpal tunnel syndrome: lateral sclerosis, 1236 Adesina AM, see Verma A evaluated quantitatively by argon laser Belda ST, see Litchy W] Agatiello P, see Gilchrist JM stimulation, 508 Benarroch EE, Opfer-Gehrking TL, Low Agre JC, see Black PO Argov Z, see McCully K PA: Use of the photoplethysmographic see Rodriquez AA Arnold TW, see Oh SJ technique to analyze the valsalva Ahmad BK, see Redmond JMT Ashwal S, see Peterson GW maneuver in normal man, 1165 Alanen-Kurki L, see Nokelainen PT Astruc J, see Campbell WW Ben-David E, see Pauzner R Alba HM, see Sable AW Avila OL, see Abu-Shakra SR Benstead T], Heffernan LP, Holness Albers JW, see Bromberg MB RO, Purdy RA: Non-iatrogenic causes see Cornblath DR of spinal accessory neuropathy, see Donofrio PD 878-A AlKawi Z, see Bohlega SA B Berardelli A, see Priori A Al-Sulaiman AS, lyer VG: Does lithium Beresford HR, see Vishnubhakat SM exhibit antimyotonic properties?, Badger G, see Bromberg MB Berger AR, see Busis NA 917-A Baer GA, Hakkinen W, Talonen PP: Beric A, see Triggs WJ Alves MM, see Sales-Luis ML Diaphragmatic fatigue produced by Berlit P, Daffertshofer M: Testing of the Amadio S, see Comi G constant or modulated electric current, autonomic nervous system in erectile Ambler M, see Gilchrist JM 1034-L dysfunction, 909-A Aminoff MJ, see So YT Baker JH, Poindexter CE: Muscle Bernardi G, see Anzil AP Anastassiades T, see Semmler RT regeneration following segmental Bernsen RAJAM, see Oey PL Andary MT, Fankhauser MJ, Spiegel N, necrosis in tenotomized muscle fibers, Bertorini T, Puniani TS: Caution in the Ritson JL, Hulce VD, Yosef M, 348 use of tocainide: a reply, 1247-L Stanton DF: Comparison of sensory Balbi P, see Pelosi L Bertorini TE, Palmieri GMA, Griffin J, and mixed nerve mid-palm studies in Baldwin N, see Motgi GV Igarashi M, Hinton A, Karas JG: carpal tunnel syndrome, 905-A Bank W, see McCully K Effect of dantrolene in Duchenne Anderson JE: Dystrophic changes in Baquis GD, Kelly JJ, Lieberman A, muscular dystrophy, 503 mdx muscle regenerating from Wolpert SM: Adult metachromatic Bertorini TE, see Puniani TS denervation and devascularization, 268 leukodystrophy and pes cavus foot Berthelin F, see Jammes Y Andersson T, see Solders G deformity, 784-L Besser R, see Gutmann L AngeloJ , see Thomas TD Baran E, see Stagliano N Besser R, Vogt T, Gutmann L, Wessler Anzil AP, Sancesario G, Massa R, Barchi RL, see Schotland DL I: High pancuronium sensitivity of Bernardi G: Myofibrillar disruption in Barker CB, see Binder-Macleod SA axonal nicotinic-acetylcholine receptors the rabbit soleus muscle after Barr AE, Kroll M: Biomechanical muscle in humans during organophosphate one-week hindlimb suspension, 358 performance, 88-E intoxication, 1197 Appley A, see Motgi GV Barr W, Claussen G, Fesenmeier J, Beydoun SR: Misdiagnosis of Arahata K, see Kaido M Thomas TD, Pearlman RL, Oh SJ: cytomegalovirus polyradiculopathy, see Orimo S Respiratory failure as the first coexisting with HIV neuropathy, Araki S, see Kakigi R manifestation of the Lambert-Eaton 575-L Arasaki K, Iijima M, Nakanishi T: syndrome, 914-A Bianchi E, see Comi G 1270 §=Author Index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 Binder-Macleod SA, Barker III CB: Use demyelination in chronic Carcco RQ, see Pelosi L of a catchlike property of human polyneuropathy, 968 Cardenas DD, see Clawson DR skeletal muscle to reduce fatigue, Bromberg MB, Fries T], Tandan R, Carmant L, Veilleux MG: Spontaneous 850 Simmons Z, Badger G, Nau K, Fillyaw anterior interosseous neuropathy in Binkhorst RA, see Linssen WHJP M: Relationships between motor unit the postpartum period, 878-A Bird SJ], see Chaudhry V counts and other electromyographic Carpenter S, see Danon MJ Bird SJ: Clinical and electrophysiologic measures in amyotrophic lateral see Weller B improvement in the Lambert-Eaton sclerosis, 876-A Carpenter S, Karpati G: Dystrophin is myasthenic syndrome with intravenous Bromberg MB, see Simmons Z localized to the plasma membrane of immunoglobulin therapy, 913-A Bromberg MB, Simmons Z, Forshew D, human muscle skeletal fibers by Bird SJ, Kaji R, Mollman JE: Nau K: Reproducibility of motor unit electron-microscopic cytochemical Somatosensory evoked potentials: a count estimation by the spike-triggered study: a reply, 577-L sensitive indicator of cisplatin averaging technique, 876-A Carry MR, see England JD neuropathy, 913-A Bronstein AD, see Snowden ML Carton H, see Vanhooren G Bjerring P, see Arendt-Nielsen L Brown WF, see Cornblath DR Caruso G, see Pelosi L Black PO, Rodriquez AA, Agre JC: see Komori T Carvalho M, see Sales-Luis ML Timing pattern of co-concentraction of Brown WF, Veitch JE: Intraoperative Cavasin R, see Galea V the proximal lower extremity muscles studies of conduction in ulnar Chad DA: Hereditary motor and sensory in patients with spastic muscles in neuropathies at the elbow: neuropathy: a reply, 86-L patients with spastic paresis, 873-A correspondence between different Chalk C, see Squier M Blaivas M, see Simmons Z methods to localize the primary Chan J, see Veilleux MG Blanco JS, see Phillips LH conduction abnormalities, 907-A Chan RC, Hsu TC: Quantitative Blatt I, see Pauzner R Brown WF, Veitch J, Ebers GC, Hudson comparison of motor unit potential Blei ML, Kushmerick MJ, Odderson LR, AJ: Electrophysiologic features of parameters between monopolar and Esselman PC: Evaluation of adenosine primary lateral sclerosis, 876-A concentric needles, 1028 triphosphate resynthesis capacity in Brown WF, Veitch JE, Feasby TE: Chan RC, see Pan SH human skeletal muscle, 916-A Preterminal conduction in the acute thance B, see McCully K Bless JK, see Rodriquez AA ‘axonal’ form of Gulliain-Barré thang C-W, Lien I-N: Comparison of see Torbergsen T syndrome, 892-A sensory nerve conduction in the Bloem BR, Beckley DJ, Van Dijk JG, Brown WF, Watson BV: palmar cutaneous branch and first Zwinderman AH, Remler MP, Roos Electrophysiologic assessment of acute digital branch and first digital branch R.A.C.: Correction for the influence of radial nerve palsies: relative of the median nerve: a new diagnostic background muscle activity on short contributions of conduction block and method for carpal tunnel syndrome, and medium-latency stretch reflexes in axon losses, 878-A 1173 normal man, 874-A Brown WF, Watson BV: Quantitation of Chang C-W, Lien I-N: Estimate of motor Blumhardt LD, see Moore AP axon loss and conduction block in conduction in human spinal cord: Bogdahn U, see Gunreben G peroneal nerve palsies, 237 slowed conduction in spinal cord Bohlega SA, Cook J, Haider A, Stigsby Bruyninchx FL, see Busis NA injury, 990 B, AlKawi Z: Childhood autosomal Buchman AS, Stebbins GT, Garratt M: thaudhry V, see Abu-Shakra SR recessive muscular dystrophy: 918-A Comparing the discomfort caused by thaudhry V, Cornblath DR: Wallerian Bohr TW, see Peterson GW monopolar and single fiber electrodes degeneration in human nerves, Bohr TW, Peterson GW: Acute median during electromyography, 881-A 873-A neuropathy at the wrist: three unusual Buchthal F, see Shefner JM Chaudhry V, Crawford TO, DeRossett variants in a single patient, 905-A Burke D, see Crisafulli CM SE: Thermal sensitivity of Bornemann A, Schmalbruch H: Busis NA, Wray SH, Bruyninckx FL, demyelinating neuropathy, 908-A Antidystrophin stains of triadic Berger AR, Logigian EL, Levy SR, Chaudhry V, Watson DF, Bird SJ, junctions in regenerating rat muscles, Shahani BT: Chronic progressive Cornblath DR: Stimulated single-fiber 1177 external ophthalmoplegia: correlation electromyography in Lambert-Eaton Bosch EP, Subbiah B, Ross MA: of clinical, neurophysiologic and myasthenic syndrome, 1227 Cholinergic crisis after conventional muscle biopsy findings in 20 patients, Cherington C, see Cherington M doses of anticholinesterase medications 918-A Cherington M, Cherington C: Thoracic in chronic renal failure, 1036-L outlet syndrome: reimbursement Boylan KB, see Vedanarayanan V patterns, 897-A Bradley WG, see Verma A Chi JG, see Sohn YH c Brashear A, Kincaid JC: The influence Cho DS, Cho MJ: Carpal tunnel of the reference electrode on Cafferty MS, Lovelace RE, Hays AP, syndrome: significance of the compound muscle action potential Servidei S, Dimauro S, Rowland LP: amplitude reduction of the median morphology, 884-A Polyglucosan body disease, 102 motor nerve evoked compound action Brasil-NetoJ , see Pascual-Leone A Caldara R, see Comi G potential, 903-A see Valls-Solé ] Calne DB, see McManis PG Cho MJ, see Cho DS Breen LA, Gutmann L, Brick JF, Riggs Campbell W: Sparing of the flexor carpi Christiansen J: Comparison of JR: Paradoxical lid elevation with ulnaris in ulnar neuropathy at the thermography and electromyography, sustained upgaze: a sign of elbow: a reply, 678-L 786-L Lambert-Eaton syndrome, 863 Campbell WW, see Motgi GV Citak KA, see Simpson DM Brick JF, see Breen LA see Pridgeon RM see Sivak M Brin MF, see Lange DJ Campbell WW, Pridgeon RM, Riaz G, Clague JE, Edwards RHT: Caution in Brinkmeier H, see Kéltgen D Astruc J, Sahni KS: Variations in the use of tocainide, 1247-L Bromberg MB, Albers JW: Patterns of anatomy of the ulnar nerve at the Clark M, see Shields RW sensory conduction abnormalities in cubital tunnel: pitfalls in the diagnosis Claussen G, see Barr W inflammatory polyneuropathies, 892-A of ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, Clawson DR, Cardenas DD: Dorsal nerve Bromberg MB: Comparison of 733 of the penis nerve conduction velocity: electrodiagnostic criteria for primary Canal N, see Comi G a new technique, 845 Author Index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991 1271 ‘ohen LG, see Pascual-Leone A involvement in amyotrophic lateral adrenomyeloneuropathy after steroid see Valls-Solé J] sclerosis, 416 replacement therapy, 887-A ‘ollett P, see Jammes Y Daube J], see Cornblath DR Durandeau A, see Lagueny A ollins KM, Peterson KD: Suprascapular Daube JR, see Lachance DH Dyck PJ, see Kirk VH neuropathy after weight lifting, 898-A see Normand MM see Litchy W] ‘omi G, Galardi G, Amadio S, Bianchi Daube JR: AAEM minimonograph #11 E, Secchi A, Martinenghi S, Caldara R, needle examination in clinical Pozza G, Canal N: Neurophysiologi« electromyography, 685 study of the effect of combined kidney Daube JR: Uni-and bipolar surface and pancreas transplantation on recordings of human nerve responses, Ebers GC, see Brown WF diabetic neuropathy: a two-year 1140-1 Edwards RHT, see Clague JE follow-up evaluation, 911-A D'Auria R, see Fesenmeier | Eerbeek O, Kernell D: External ‘ontreras-Urby D, see Kalantri A David WS, Kupsky WJ, Jones Jr HR: recording of twitch time course in cat conway R, see Kumar P Electromyographic and histologic ankle muscles, 422 ook |. see Bohlega SA evaluation of the arthrogrypotic infant, Eisen AA, Pant B, Kim S: Amyotrophic jooke TH, see Kraft GH 897-A lateral sclerosis a disease of the ooper B, see McCully K Day B], see Siao P corticomotoneuron?: evidence derived sornacchia L, see Swenson MR De Bruin H, see Galea V from cortical stimulation, 875-A ornacchia L, Swenson MR, Gulevich S] DeGroot D, see Gitter A] Eisen AA, see Pant B larsal tunnel syndrome: anatomy and Dehaene I, see Vanhooren G see Travlos A electrodiagnosis, 879-A Deliac MM, see Lagueny A Ekedahl R, see Hallin RG ornblath DR, see Abu-Shakra SR Deliac P, see Lagueny A Emori T, see Lets AA see Chaudhry \ DeLisa JA, see Dumitru D Encinas AR, see Arenas | see Vedanarayanan \ Dellon AL, see Mackinnon SE Endo C, see Kakigi R ornblath DR, Sumner AJ: Conduction Del Toro DR, see Park TA England JD, Regensteiner JG, Ringel SP, block in neuropathies with necrotizing see Sable AW Carry MR, Hiatt WR: Muscle vasculitis, 185-1 Del Toro DR, Park TA, Sable AW, denervation in symptomatic peripheral ornblath DR, Sumner AJ, Daube J, Wertsch |]: Development of a model arterial disease, 891-A Gilliat RW, Brown WF, Parry G], of the premotor potential, 899-A England JD, see London SF Albers JW, Miller RG, Petajan J Denys EH: AAEM minimonograph #14: Enoka RM, see Robinson GA Conduction block in clinical practice, the influence of temperature in clinical Erzen |, see Pernus F 869 neurophysiology, 795 Esselman PC, see Brei ML orsi M, see Arenas | DeRossett SE, see Chaudhry V Esselman PC, Tomski MA: Isolated deep ostigan D, Tindall S, Rossi |. Lexow S$ Devroede G, see Lebel ML peroneal nerve injury as a libial nerve entrapment by the D'Iddio S, see Arenas | complication of arthroscopic surgery tendinous arch of origin of the soleus DiDor to S, see Arenas | of the knee, 880-A muscle: diagnostic difficulties, 880-A Dierschke B, see Dumitru D Estes ML, see Mitsumoto H racco |B, see Pelosi I Dietzen C, see Fesenmeier | rawford TO, see Chaudhry \ Dimauro S, see Cafferty MS risafulli CM, Burke D, Saadeh PB, Distad BJ, see Maselli RA F Donnenfeld H, Wolf E Donnenfeld H, see Crisafulli CM Neurofibromatosis mimicking motor Donofrio PD, Albers JW: Dispersion or Fackrell HB, see Greaves DS neuron disease, 886-A block? a reply, 1034-L Fahn S, see Lange D] risafulli CM, Saadeh PB, Wolf F Donofrio PD, see Thomas TD Fankhauser DO, see Andary MT Phrenic nerve conduction studies and DosRemedios E, see Gilchrist ]M Farfel Z, see Pauzner R needle electromyography of the DosRemedios E, Gilchrist ]M: Reliability Farraye J, see Gerr F diaphragm in acute inflammatory of lower-extremity sensory nerve Fawcett S, see Galea V demyelinating neuropathy, 893-A techniques, 899-A Feasby TE, see Brown WF ros DP, see Siao P Dotson RM, Sulaiman AR, Kinder D: Feingold M, see Redmond JMT see Triggs W] Colchicine myopathy-neuropathy: Feldman EL, see Simmons Z rout BO, see Rivner H inflammation and gammopathy, 919-A Felice KJ, Jones Jr HR: Ulnar see Rivner MH Dowling J, see Leedham JS mononeuroupathy in children: a clinical ruccu G, see Priori A see Portfors C and electromyographic study, 879-A ulver Jr JE, see Mitsumoto H Dovyu M, see Yasuda 1 Fenton J, Garner S, McComas AJ: zerniecki [M, see Gitter A] Dufresne M], see Greaves DS Abnormal M-wave responses during Dumitru D, DeLisa JA: AAEM exercise in myotonic muscular minimonograph #10: volume dystrophy: a Na°—K”* pump defect?, conduction, 605 79 Dumitru D, Kalantri A, Dierschke B: Fesenmeier ], see Barr W Daffertshofer M, see Berlit P Fesenmeier |, Dietzen C, D’Auria R, Oh Dang N, see Luciano CA the medial and lateral plantar and S]: Electrophysiologic findings in see Stone DA calcaneal nerves, 665 benign congenital myopathies, 918-A see Valls-Solé J Dumitru D, King JC: Far field potentials Fieles W, see Schotland DL Danon MJ]: Review of Post-Polio in muscle, 981 Fillyaw M, see Bromberg MB Syndrome, 788-B Dunne JW, McManis PG: Do we need a Fischbeck KH, see McGuire SA Danon MJ], Carpenter S: Myopathy with more sensitive test for carpal tunnel Fisher MA: Inhibition of motoneuron thick filament (myosin) loss following syndrome, 904-A discharge by peripheral nerve prolonged paralysis with vecuronium Dunne JW, Reutens DC, Newman M: stimulation: an F response analysis, during steroid treatment, 1131 Phrenic nerve injury in open heart 120 Dansereau G, see Huard | surgery, 883-A Flood KM, Guilliani M: Incidence of Dantes M, McComas A: The extent and Dunne JW, Stewart-Wynne EG: finding fibrillation potentials in the time course of motoneuron Neurologic improvement of opponens pollicis muscle in cases of 1272 Author Index MUSCLE & NERVE December 1991

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