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Musa kamengensis (Musaceae), a New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India PDF

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by  GogoiRajib
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Preview Musa kamengensis (Musaceae), a New Species from Arunachal Pradesh, India

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 ActaPhytotax,Geebot.64(3)1:49-1S3(2031) Musa kamengensis(Musaceae)N,ewa S from Arunachal Pradesh, Indiapecies RAJIBGoGolii AND MARKKu HAKKINEN2 'Botanical Survay qf'fndia ,Arunachal Pradesh Regional Cenrre, Senki Fiew, Itanagar- Z91II LIndia."rojibdeuko@gmaiLc o(mtiuthorf coorrrespondeneel; 2Botanical Garden ,Finnish Mtiseum ofAlati Htisrtaoln vU,}7ivers iotf.HFelsi nrkv-iO.OO14, Finiand. E-mait: [email protected],fi A new wild species ofbanana Miisa kamengensis Gogoi & Hakkinen, is described and illustrate dT.he species is abundant in a250 sq. kin area frem Jami4 Zero point to Kimi point along Sepa Road in West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, India .A key to the close]y related species is provided, Key words: Arunachal Pradesh, Adiisa ,Miisa kamengensis W,est Kameng, wild banana ILft{ sLa., the larges tgenus of Mt{saceae Juss. (Mlrt sseaction Miisa). contains about 70 species (Hakkin e20n13). The Based on extensive fiel dobservations by Go- remaining two genera are Ensete Horan. and Mti- goi during the Decernber 2012 expedition, the de- sella (Franc Ch.. W). Wu. The taxonomy ofA`hisa scription of the new species was prepare din the has been complicated by a paucit yof specimens fiel dfbllowin gthe approach Simmonds (1962, and the difTicul itny preparing herbarium speci- 1966). mens, The polyploid nature of the cultivars fuF Taxonomy ther complicates the situation. Southeas tAsia, with more than half of the species of Musa, is the major center of origin and Musa kamengensis Gogoi & Hakkinen, sp. evolution of thisa. Within that center northeast nov. -Figs. 1 & 2. India is one of the micro centers of evolution of thisa kamengensi sis similar to M, sikkin:ensis Kurz, but wild Banana. Arunachal Pradesh ,the northeast- differ sin having an erect to horizont ailnflorescen ccaer,- ern-most state of India harbor sthe highes tnum- pella taend staminate bract spink ,frui tpointing toward ber of wild species. In December 2012, on an staminate bud and more seeds per frui t(t o133 seeds as expedition to West Kameng distric tA,runachal compared to 6S seeds in M sikkimensis), Pradesh ,one of us (Gogoi c)ollected an interest- Di s t7r]iic pZtue ,srI:oN pDo!AL.nt tAo rKuinmaic hpaoli ntP ,rSaedpeas hR,o aWdes, t1 0K0a0m-e1n2g00 ing species of ?L{fu tshaat could not be identifiedin, 24 Decembcr 2012, R, Gogoi 21983 (he]o C-AL; iso- using the works of Champion (1967 C)h,eesman ARUN, ASSAM). (194 71,949) ,Cheesman & Larter (1935 L)i,u et aL (2e02 L)Y, et al. (2012 P)e,llefe yest aL (2004), Plants suckering freel ys;uckers 2-8, vertical, Sealy (1956 S)h,epherd (1999 S)i,mmonds (1956, Mature pseudostem tQ 4.25 m tall, to 13 cm in 1960 ,1962, 1966) ,Singh et. al. (2001 )Um,a diam, at base ,covered with dead remains of older (2006 )U,ma et. al. (2006 o)r Valmayor (2001,sheaths. Sheaths green with reddish or blackish 2002) ,We here describe it as 7L 4[kamengensis patches, underlying color shiny green, non-waxy; NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaappaanen$eesSoee iSeotyciety ffoorr PPllanatnSyt$ teSrnyastltc$ematics 150 Acta Phytotax ,Geobot, Vel. 64 FIG. 1 .Mlisa kamengensis Gogoi & Hakkinen. A, Natura plopulation .B: A single clump. C: Fruitin gplan tD,: Immature fruit- ing bunch with staminate bud. E: Carpellat ebud, F: Close view of carpellate flowers .G, Staminate bud. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestyefo rSPloacntiSyestteyr naftiocrs Plant Systematics Octeber2013 GoGol &HAKKINEN-A Ne-,,VusafromIndia 151 H F[G.2. Reproductivecharacters ot' iV}tsa kamengensis Gogoi & [Mkkinen. A: Mature fruiti nbgunch .B: Dissected parts of basal carpellate flowers .C: Transversc sectien ofovary showing fbur rows of ovules in each ]ocu[e .D: Stuminate bracts with flewers ,E:Dissccted parts ofstatninate fiower ,F/ Fruit ,G: Seeds. H, Longitudina lsection efseed showing embryo. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 152 ActaPhytotaxG,eobot. Vol,64 sap watery. Petiol e51-57 cm leng ,to 4 cm in Hdbitat: Musa kamengensi sis common on diam, ,base auricled, wings dry ,Leaves: lamina mountain slopes ofJamiri at an elevation of 1500 elliptic to oblong, 165-235 × 65-87 cm, base m, the species is widely distribut efdrom Zero slightiy asymmetric, one side rounded, one side point to Kimi point on the Sepa road in West Ka- pointed ,apex truncate; abaxially (low esurrface) meng distric tA,runachal Pradesh, The species pale or yellowish green, non-waxy, adaxially (up- grows from 800 to 1500 m and thus appears to be deep per surface) green, shiny, midrib yellowish cold-tolerant, green, abaxially blackis hpurple spotted. Infio- Etyniology :Musa kamengensis is named for rescence erect, sterile leaflike bract to 70 cm the type localit yK,ameng. long ,normal sterile bract s2, te 47 x 9 cm; pe- Aibtes :Musa kamengensi sexhibits characteF duncle 11-2 1cm long ,to 5 cm in diam. ,green, isti cosf sect. Musa, such as the robust pseud- pubescent ,not waxy, persiste natt opening and ostem, larg efiru iftb,ur rows ofovules per locule, remaining to maturity of firs tcarpellate flowers, but i talso bears some uncommon characteristics 7 Carpellate bud lanceolate t,o 25 × 9 cm; bracts such as the erect to horizont ailnflorescen caned pink, not waxy, to 29 × 12 cm, imbricat ea,pex frui tbunch and pink flower buds. An extensive acute, lifti n2g bract sat a time, not revolute be- survey established the existence oflarge popula- fbre fa11in gb;asa lflower scarpellate, 3-9 per tions in an area of 250 sq, km in West Kameng bract ,8,5 cm long ;ovary 4 cm long ,1.5 cm in District ,Arunachal Pradesh, In many place sthe diam. ,prominently ridged, yellowish green; population fsorms huge, isolat ecodlonies on sub- ovules in 4 rows per locule ;stigrna flat ,6 x 6 mm, tropica lhMy slopes. The high degree ofseed set grayish s;tyle 3.2 cm long, creamy; compound te- (t o133 seeds per frui tw)ith viable embryos, leads pals to 4 × 2 cm, with 2 prominently thickened us to treat these plant sas a distinc tspecies and keels ,ligh tyellow, apex deep yellow and curved not hybrid. Chromosome numbers were not de- outward; free tepal to 3,2 × 2, ovate, translucent termined, white, apex acute; staminodes 5, to 1.5 cm long, greenis hyellow .Staminate bud top shaped, to Key to Musa kamengensi sand allied species 18 × 8 cm, bract spink, not waxy, imbricate ,not in Indiala. revolute befor efa11in gst;aminate fiower saverag- Mature pseudostem fully coyered with dead remains ing 8 per bract ,in one row, fa11in gwith bracts; ol- older sheaths; plants not wax- frui itn one row in each hand.---H---H-----.-."H".-".".HH"."."."."."."."......"..2 compound tepal to 5.2 x 1. 7cm wide, without lb, Mature pseudostem naked, not cevered with dead re- thickened keels ,base ligh tyellow, apex orange; mains ofolder sheaths; plants waxy at least when young; free tepal 3,2 x 1.6 cm wide, translucen twhite; frui itn two rows in each hand"."H.-.-.-.-H"."-.-.-.-.-."".3 anthers 5, not inserte dt,o 4.6 cm long, filaments 2a. Infloreseenc eerect; carpellate bracts pink; staminate creamy, to 1.5 cm long, anther lobes pinkish t,Q bracts pink ;frui tpointin gtoward the staminate buds .,..,.....".....,.M..,k.a.m-e.n.g.e.n.s.i.s.G,o.g.o.i& Hlikkinen 3.2 cm long ;ovary to 1 x O.5 cm, creamy, without 2b. Inflorescenc epen du lous; carpe]late bra ct sreddish or additional pigmentation; style to 5 cm long ,stig- purple; staminate bracts purple f,ruit pointin agway from ma creamy, 2 mm in diam.; rachis with promi- the staminate buds,..,,,..,...- .,,N .ds,iik.ki.m.en.si.s... K.u.r.z. nent scars, to 37 cm long ,horizontal lspyreacling. 3a. Pgeudoste mles sthan 6 m tall, base not bulbeus ;car- Fruit bunch erect or ascending, compact, with pelLat cbracts revolute; fruit deep green .......,............,.....H.....,..,............,.Mfiavij7oraN,W,Simmonds 4-8 hands; 3-9 fruitsin 1 2 rows when imma ture ; ind i vriowd,u afalrppueai rtsitngraig hats, to 3bbr.a Pcst ensoutd oresvotleut met;o 8f mrL oi r1i irtngohr etg,r ebeans oc rb wuhiltibsoh.u..s ,.;c.a,r,p,e.l.l.a.t.e...4 12 crn long (includ piendigcel) ,3.5 cm in diam., 4a. Underlyin gcolor of pseudoste mi"aroon or brownish prominently 3-4 ridged, apex obtuse; pedice l2 red; staminate buds ianccoLa test;aminate bract sdeep cm long ,7 mm in diam. ,slightly curved, gla- purple,persistent...,..,.,...,...McheesmaniiN.W.Simmonds brous; immature frui tpeel green, not waxy, fruit 4bbu.d sU novdoiedr;l yistna mgicnoaltoer o fb rpascetus docrsitmseomn g rreeedn,; dsteacmiinadteuous pulp white; seeds up to 133 per frui ta,ngular, --・-・-・----・-・・・-・--・-・・-・・-----・-H".".H,HMbatbisianaColla wrinkled, 3 mm long ,7 mm wide at apex. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeSaoncieestyefo rSociety for PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics October 2013 GoGo[ & HAKKLNEN-A New il41isa t'rom India 153 The fir satuthor is gratefu 1to Dr. P. Singh, Director ,Bo- Sealy J, ,R. 1956 .The Roxburgh Flora Indica drawings at tanical Survey ofIndia, HQ, Kolkata and Dr. A. A. Mao, Kew, Kew Bull. 3: 349-399. Scientist -&E HOO, Botanica lSurvey of India ,APRC, Shepherd ,K. 1999. Cytogenetics ofthe genus Mtisa. IN- Itanaga trbr encouragement and support. Thanks are alse IBP, Montpellie Frr,ance. due to Dr. K. N, Gandhi, SeniorNomenclatural Registrar, Singh ,H,P., S, Uma, & S. SathiamQorthy. 2001, A fenta- Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge ,U,S.A. for his tive Key fbr ident ificatio nand classification of Indian valuable suggestions. Bananas, Nationa lResearch Centr efor Banana (ICAR),Tiruchirapalli, References Simmonds, N.W. 1956, Botanical results of the banana collccting expedition 1954-5. Kew Bull, 11: 463- 489, Charnpion J,, 1 967. Notes et Docuinents sur le sBananiers Simmonds,N W. 1960 ,Notes on Banana taxonomy. Kew et leur Cu]ture T.ome 1 ,Botaniqu eet G6n6tiqu edes BulL14: 198-212. Bananiers. Editions Setco, Paris. Simmends, N. W. 1962 ,The Evo]ution ofBananas. Long- Cheesman, E. E. & L. N. H. Larter .1935. Genetica land mans, London. cytological studies of desa III .Chromosome num- Simmonds, N, W. ]966. Bananas .2nd ed. Lenginans, bers in the Musaceae. j. Genet. 30: 31-52, London. Cheesman, E. E. 1947. Classificati oonf the bananas .II, Uma, S. 2006. Farmer's Knowledge efwild Musa of In- The genus thisa L. Kew Bull. 2: 106-117. cli aF..A.O,Rome. Cheesman, E. E. 1949 .Classificat iofo nthe bananas .III. Unna, S,M, Saraswathi,P.Durai & S.Sathiamoorthy, Critica tnotes on species, Kew Bull. 3: 265-272. 2006. Diversity and distribut ioofn the section Rho- Htikkinen, M, 2013, Reappraisal ofsectional taxonomy in dbchlanry s(Genu Msusa, Musaceae) in India and Mitsa(MusaceaeT)a.xon62:809-813. breeding potentia lfor banana improvemen tpro- Liu, A-Z, Li, D-Z & Li X-W. 2002. Taxonomie notes on grammes. P]ant Geneti cResource sNewslette r146: wild bananas (Mits far)om China .Bot. Bull .Acad. 17-23. Sin. 43: 77-81. Valmayor ,R. V. 2001. Classificat ainodn characterization LY, NL.o-wSr.y CI.I-,&K. TL.eH, aTe,v-eD.r mTarinegd.2, 0A.1 2H.Aaevdeirsmtainns,ct iPv. eP. of ,va{sa exotica, M alinsanaya and M acuminata new ssp, errans. Philipp ,Agric, Sci. 84: 325-331. species of wild banana (Mits aM,Lfsacaae) from Valrriayo rR,. V. 2002. C]assificatio annd characterization northern Vietnam. Phytotaxa 75: 33-42 of thtsella splendida sp. nov. Philipp .Agric. Sci ,8S: Pollefeys ,P, ,S, Sharroclc & E. Arnaud. 2004, Preliminary 204-209. analysis of the literatur eon the distributio nofwild Wu. T. L. 1997. Notes on the Lowiaceae, Musaceae, and Mitsa species using MGIS and DIVA-GIS. INIBAP- Zingiberaceae for the fior aof IPGRI, Quebec. China .Novon 7: 440-442. ReceivedJbnuatly 2L 20I3; aceepted MLirch 26, 2013 NII-Electronic Library Service

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