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Preview Musa azizii, a New Musa Species (Musaceae) from Northern Borneo

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 ActaPhytotax.Geobot.56(1)2:7-3j(2005) Musa New Musa Species(Musaceae)fromNorthernBorneo azizii, a MARKKU HAKKINEN HelsinkiUniversitByotanicalGaftlenR.O. Box44,Fin-OOOj4Universito.fvHelsinFkiinl,and. E-mail:markku.hakkinen@k>,nu).net A new wild baiian aspecies, M"sa az,izii Hal(kine ni,s describe adnd illustrat Tehde. species is extreme- ly rare, originating in the Lumut Range area of Sarawak, East Mataysja, Key words: Borneo ,CZillimu sMau,sa, Mzaya aciiminata, Midis aazizii ,Mttsa bomeensis M,usa hirtq Mtisa m"luensis, wild banana. Borneo has a large number of wild banana species, 2000) .Then the author describe fdive varieties of M, In 1902 an Italia nbotanis tDr, Odeardo Beccari campestris Becc., i.e ,v,ar, lawasensi sHaldginen, was the firs wtho describe dwild bananas from var, limbangens iHsakkinen, var. miriensis Hakki- Borneo based on his studies in Sarawak during the nen, var. sabahensis Htikkinen ,var. sarawakensis period of 1865-68 (Becca 1r9i02) .These descrip- Haklcine nand gave notes for the var. campestris tions were republished in Webbia (Martelli1 9H2e3).(Hakkin e20n03), Then the author described M. described and named four species: Musa borneensis voonii Halrlcin (enHak1ci 2n0e0n4) and M bauensis Becc,, M. campestris Becc., M. hirta Becc. and M. Htikkinen & Meekiong (Hakkin e&n Meekiong microcarpa Becc, In 1967 Prof. Mitsuru Hotta 2004) .These author's descriptio anres based on the describe tdhree new species, M, flavi Md.a Hotta,, expeditions in 2001, 2002 and 2004 in Borneo. M. m"luensis M, Hotta .and M. tuberculata M. With the discovery of the new describe sdpecies M. Hotta based on his expeditions in Sabah Brunei azizii, the number of native M"sa species in Bomeo and Northern Sarawak1963- 4and mentioned "The has increase tdo 15 excluding M, textiti sNee, which number of the wild species of Musa in Borneo may is an introductio nin Borneo from the Philippines count more that 10 or even 20, though only 5 (Bisho &p Curt]e r1925, Marsh 1947). species have been describe udp to present" (Hotta This paper is based on fiel dobservations made 1967) .Simmonds, who never visited in Borneo, by the author during an expedition to Sarawak in described M. beccari Siimmonds from a cultivated spring 2004 and describe sa new species Musa plan tin Ttinidad ,which he grew from seeds import- azizii, which is placed in sect Ctillimu bsaased on its ed from Sabah (Simmonds1960 )I.n 2000 Dr. distincti vmeorphology (Haltki n2e0n04). George Argent from Royal Botanica lGarden, This species is describ ebdased on livin pglants Edinburgh describe dM, monticola [Hott eax] in the fiel bdy completing the entire INIBAP Musa Argent and M. s"ratii Argent from Sabah (Argent Descriptor List (IPGRI-INIBAP!CI R1A99D6), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics 28 APG va)15.6 175 cm titiX1>'1V, ? t sNxx g Xfi"" N, X'・,1,, Lx -s //l, 1 ttxt " KXNI, s・・ -Ei"xi.S s",'' K x >xX.'・,,,t, t. ].--ILxv-: ' ti x・lx t xt, t.1't 7.S cm }'tt5 J2 -t x × cS sx )Ks<l:=S< ) ....x'tO x ' x N'・klLgi・ g"s '/o==l, ..i N .sC.},optX N 1.z II"x Z '.l '2i-2 't /;.--.n x}i:liiiii,:3 =L : E L"i', i:Sii=.=ZsJKKi.-ir;:J::JiJS:Jl::-J-J-:IiIlu:'ft1;IJl2;IIIet.;JEI1-Z:;,J:lZ/iZzZ.{;2JiZJZ1 il]1 N ' i):ii=i[ i:iE:i=i:i ''1 /i' 'tild:i+di-:'iiliil,'1-l-jtiil"ll/rv li ftZ 1 fx.g. 11."--Z-et--trtt.-" 150 cm E F G 22 cm Ys:.N-L..:s---"liL.Lt"'-Mx?: ,, C KA 1. 3cm ' B FiG. 1, Drawings of Musct azizii [A-H (M. Hiikkine nMK 998)1 .A: The whole plan tincludin gpseudostem, infiorescen caend leaves .B: Leaf. C: Cross-sect oifo pnetiol eD.: Male bud, E. Free tepal of male fiower .F: Stamens and pisti lG:. Compound tepal of male flower H.: Lower part of infioscen cweith firs stterile bract Q,vules (unpellin aitmeitds) p,ollinat eundripe fniit osn the rachis. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics Apri1 2ooS Haltkinen M:itsa azizii from northern Bomee 29 The descripti vteerrn shere also fo11o wthe tradi- Musa azizii Haklcincn, sp. nov., Figs. 1, 2. tion of banana taxonomy as used by Simmonds Plantae parvae cum surculis usque ad 4, non cae- (Simmon d1s962 ,1966) ,Releyant part sof the spec- spitosae, sub arboribus aitiorib utsantum crescentes; imens were deposited as a holotyp aet the herbarium lamini sviridibus exceraceis, 175 cm longis 2,6 cm of the Sarawak Forest Departrnent herbarium lati sad, basin cuneatis; inflorescen ptairava pendu- Sarawak (sAR a)nd isotyp eat the herbarium of la interdu mlevit earrcuata prope apicem, peduncu- Universi tMialaysia Sarawak (HuMs) T.he com- lo breye pubescentissi mfor;uctuum racemo modice plet edescripto rlis tis available at Universit yof laxo, fasciculi sbasalibus 2 - 3 et fructibus Helsink iF,inland a,s well as at the afbrementioned plerumque 1-2 in quoque fascicul qou,oque imctu centre. sursum extendente secus rachn, 4 cm longo circiter O.5 cm in diametro, levite rporcat otrigono; gemma RG, 2. Photos of Mttza azizii LA-C (MLHttkk iMKne n998)] .A: Male bud, mnle fiowers ,persiste nbtract sand part of petiol eshowing petiol ecanal. B: Herizonta 1rnale bud, new and shriveled male fiower sfrem separated bracts ,unripe fruit sand lst sterile bract .C: Universit Mialaysia Sarawak student holding the Minsa azizii plant ,which was cut from under story growth behind the holder. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 30 APG Vbl. 56 mascula ovoidea, bractei simbricati sroseo-pur- watery green ,Iobes greel lf,aIlin gbefore the bract, purei sapice flavovirenti boubstusis, duabus vel compound tepal 2.2 cm long ,ligh tgreen, without littldeeveloped, Iobes pluribus simul assurgentibus. pigmentation, apex outer 7}ipe M:ALAYSIA. Sarawak ,Kapit Division, ovate, cuspidate, free tepal 1.4 cm long ,translu- Lumut range. 1507 ft .alt. ,latitud e02045.243 'N., cent white, oval nearly rounded, rotundate and sim- longitude112045.220'E.,May 7,2004. M. fo1ding fertile 5,filaments ple under apex, stamens Hiikkinen K Meekiong.MK 998(HolotypeO.8 long, 1 level, and cm anthers cm, sarne watery green, SAR, isotyp eETUMS), sterile pist ias1 long as stamens, style white in color, 3 long stigma yellow, ovary mm, arched watery Plant suckering freel yc,lumping close to parent green ,without pigmentati oCnFig sI.E-G, 2B). Fntit plant ,normally 3 - 4 suckers, positio nvertical. bunch rather lax, erect with 2 hands and 1 - 2 fruits Mature pseudostem slender up to 1.5 m high ,diam- per hand, finger psointed upwards, 4 cm long ,5 eter at base 5 - 7 cm, underlying colour red purple, mm in diameteg pronounce dridged a,pex rounded, appearance shiny, sap watery (Fi gI.A,) .Petiote pedice l3 mm long ,glabrous i,rnmature ftui tpeel yellew green ,with small brown blotche sp,etiol 5e5 ligh tgreen ,pulp white befbre maturity, base of cm long, petiol ecanals margins curved inwards style prominent (Fig sIH., 2B). Seeds 20-30 per with narTow pink-purple to red margins, winged imit ,depresse dobpyriform, very small, simi1ar to and clasping the pseudostem (Fi gI.C). Leofhabit seeds of Musa suratii in shape and size (Haldcinen lamina175 long,26 2004). semi-erect, cm cm wide, colour of upper surface green, lower surface light green, IVbtes M:ttsa azizii with unique characters does appearance shiny, without wax on either surface, leaf not have any simi1ar species in the genus Musa, bases asymmetric and both sides pointed ,with a which suggests tha tM azizii i' snot likel tyo be a mat- slightly corrugated lamina, midrib dorsall gyreen, ural hybrid .Chromosome numbers were not count- (FigsIB.,2C).Injlonescenfcierst ventrally yellow ed. erect then horizonta p1e,duncl e8 cm long ,1.5 cm Musa azizii is named in honour of Chairman of wide, slightly hair yand watery green in colour, Sarawak Biodiversi tCyouncil Datuk Amar Haji firs btract sterile usually 1 with narrow and short Abdui Aziz Haji Husain fbr his work to save the foliag elamina, 20 cm Iong, base broadened ,pink heritag oef Sarawak biodiversi ftoyr coming gen- purple, usually persisten tat the opening of the eratlons. female flower s(Fi g2.B). Femalej7bwer son basa l2 Musa azizii populatio nwas observed at 500 or 3 nodes 1 - 2 per bract i,n a single row, ovary 1,8 meters above sea level in the Lumut Range cm long ,ligh gtreen ,arrangement of ovules in two Sarawak. This population was also strange to the rows per loculu sc,ompound tepal 2.0 cm long ,free loca lpeople and no other populatio nwsere found tepal oval, 1.2 cm long ,style 2.0 cm long persistent even after making extensive studies in the area. (Fig IsH., 2B). Atlal beud oyoia 7.5 cm long, 3.5 cm Several Mtisa species such as Ml acuminata Colla of wide, bract sirnbricat aep,ex obtuse, tinted with the sect. Eumusa, ML bomeensis, ML hirta and M tight green ,dorsally red-purple, with discoloured muluensis of the sect. thllimus agrew in the sur- lines ,ventrally whitish, colour fadin gtowards the rounding area. There are no obvious topographic base ,brac tscars very prominent on rachis, several boundarie stha tseparate for these areas ef growth. bract slifti natg a time, not revolute and persistent,The studied areas have a humid equatorial climate with very few wax and moderate grooves (Figs.and an annual rainfa11 ef 4000 - 7000 mm (Haze- ID, 2A). Male flowe r4s -, 6 per brac tin two rows, broek & Morshidi 2001) and the climates in the NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics April 2005 Hljkkinen/ Musa azizii from northcrn Borneo 31 aforementioned regions are all very similar, Musa Malila hemp. Malay, Agr, Jour ,13: 125-138. azizii cannot grow in open exposure; in such con- Hazebroek, H, & A, Morshidi, 200t, National parks of ditions it may very soon shrivel and die (Hotta Sarawak. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Sarawak. 1987). Hotta ,M, 1967, Notes on the wild banana sof Borneo, Biodiversit yis very rich in Borneo and new Journ,Jap,Bot 42:344-352, Musa species can still be found. On the other hand, . 1987. Distributi oofn the genus A4usa in Malesia. it is expected that ML aztlii, which is an extremely Acta Phytotax .Geobot ,38: 292-302 .(I nJapanese) rare species, would become extinct, Halckine nM,. 2003, Mttsa caHuJestris Beccar ivarieties in northern Borneo. Philip pA.gric .Sci ,86; 424-435, The Finnis hCultura Floundatio nfunded thi sstudy and it . 2004. Mttsa voonii, a new Musa species frorn was done with the cooperation of the Sarawak Agriculture northern Borneo and discussion of the section Research Centre Semengoh, Sarawak, The author great- Callimus ain Borneo .Acta Phytotax G.eobot ,54: 79- sg. ly appreciates the help and support by the Sarawak & K. Meekiong,2004,A Musa Agricultu rReesearch Centr ees,pecially the author's coun- new species of fromBorneo.Syst.Biodiv.2(2):l69-173. terpart Senior Research Offlce rVbon Boon Hoc, and IPGRI-INIBAPICIRAD. 1996.DescriptiofnorBananas staff in Bclaga office. I would aEso thank Dr, Thierry DeroinfromThe NaturalHistoryMuseum, Parisfor (Musa spp,). Internatio nPallant Geneti cResources InstitutReo,me, Italy1InternationaNletwork for proofreading the Latin diagnosi asnd Ms. Mai;j Kaoistinen from Finnish Museum of Natura lHistory, Botanical the Imprevement of Banana and Plantain, Museum, Universit oyf Helsinki F,inlan dfor the il]us- Montpellier, France 1 Centre de Cooperation traUons. lnternational een Recherche Agronomique pour le Develeppement ,Montpellier, France, References Marsh, T. D. 1947. MaMa hemp (Mus atextiiis) .Malay. Agr.Jour,30:123-129. Martelli ,U. 1923. Nota sui banani selvatici di Borneo. Argent ,G. C. G. 2000. [[XN ionterest iwnilgd Musa species Webbia 5 parte 2a: 532-549 ,<In Italian) (Musacea ef)rom Sabah ,Maiaysia .Gard" Bull .Sing. Merrill ,E. D. 1926. An Enumeration of Philippine 52: 77-114. FlosN'er iPnlgants B,ureau of Scicnc eManila, Beccari, O. I902. Nota $ui banani selvatici di Borneo, Simmonds, N. W, 1960, Notes on banana taxenomy, Nelle foreste di Borneo (pp .611-624). Tipografia Kew BulL 14(2) :198-212. di Salvador eLandi, Firenze, (In Italian) . 1962. lhe Evolutio nof Bananas .Longmans, U. K. Bishop ,R. O. & E. A. Curtle nI925. Prelimina rnyotes on ,1966. Bananas, 2nd ed, Longmans, U, K Received August 30, 2004; accepted 7Vbvember 2, 2004. NII-Electronic Library Service

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