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Preview Muon Spin Rotation study of the $(TMTSF)_2ClO_4$ system

3 0 0 2 1 n a J 4 Muon spin rotation study of the (TMTSF) ClO system 1 2 4 A.J. Greera, D.R. Harshmanbc, W.J. Kosslerd, A. Goonewardened, D.Ll. Williamse, E. Kostere, W. ] n Kangf, R.N. Kleimang, and R.C. Haddonh o c aPhysics Department, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 99258-0051,USA - r p bPhysikon Research Corporation, PO Box 1014, Lynden, WA 98264-1014,USA u s cDepartment of Physics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556,USA . t a dPhysics Department, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795,USA m eDepartment of Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada - d n fDepartment of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637,USA o c gLucent Technologies, Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA [ hDepartment of Chemistry, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521,USA 1 v 1 Wereportastudyoftheorganiccompound(TMTSF)2ClO4 inbothasamplecooled veryslowly throughthe 4 anionorderingtemperature(relaxedstate)andasamplecooledmorerapidly(intermediatestate). Fortherelaxed 2 state the entire sample is observed to be superconducting below about Tc ≃ 1.2K. The second moment of the 1 internalfielddistributionwasmeasuredfortherelaxedstateyieldinganin-planepenetrationdepthof≃12000˚A. 0 Theintermediatestatesampleenteredamixedphasestate,characterizedbycoexistingmacroscopicsizedregions 3 of superconducting and spin density wave (SDW) regions, below Tc ≃0.87K. These data were analyzed using a 0 back-to-backcutoff exponentialfunction,allowing theextraction of thefirst threemomentsof themagnetic field t/ distribution. Formation ofavortexlatticeisobservedbelow 0.87Kasevidencedbythediamagnetic shiftforthe a two fieldsin which we took intermediate state data. m - d Key words: organic superconductor, penetration ing temperature, 24K[8]. The slow cooling n ≃ o depth, gap symmetry, spin density wave through the ordering temperature allows the an- c ions to become ordered, and this is termed the : relaxed state of the material. If, in contrast, the v Introduction i ClO4 compoundiscooledrapidlythroughtheor- X The organic superconductors (TMTSF) X dering temperature it enters a SDW phase be- 2 r (Bechgaardsalts, where TMTSF means tetram- low about 4K. Between these two extremes are a ethyltetraselenafulvalene), and where X is PF , a whole series of intermediate states. These are 6 ClO ,etc.,havebeenundermuchscrutinyoflate achieved by first slowly cooling the sample from 4 due to their rich array of magnetic behavior[1,2, about 40K down to a quenching temperature, 3,4,5]. The PF compound undergoes a metal- and then quenching the sample by rapidly cool- 6 insulator transition at ambient pressure and be- ing to liquid helium temperatures at a rate of low12Kentersaspindensitywave(SDW)state. at least 60K/min. When the quenching temper- Under relatively low pressure, this material goes ature is varied around the anion ordering tem- intoasuperconductingstatewithT 1.1K[6,7]. perature of 24K[6], a partial degree of anion or- c ≃ The ClO compound, however, becomes super- der results. Samples treated in this manner have 4 conducting at ambient pressure if it is cooled beenobservedtohavecoexisting,macroscopically slowly enough through the anion (ClO ) order- sized regions of both superconducting and SDW 4 2 phases[9]. perpendicular to the applied field in a standard Recently there has been much investigation transverse field geometry. For a more complete into the superconducting state of these materi- discussion of the µSR technique, see, e.g., [25]. als. As with the high-T ’s, much of the interest c has focused on the nature of the pairing state Results for the relaxed state sample of the superconducting quasi-particles. In the Theanalysisoftherelaxeddatawasperformed early 80’s there was evidence in favor of both using the following Gaussian relaxationfunction: conventional BCS-like pairing[1,10,11,12] as well as p-wave pairing[13,14,15,16]. More recently G(t)=Ae−σ2t2cos(ωt+φ) (1) there has been much evidence from upper criti- cal field measurements[17,18], Knight shift mea- We have omitted the 1/2 factor in the exponent surements [19,20], and corresponding theoretical for simplicity, and we used a single component support[21,22,23,24] suggesting that the pairing function because the large sample size prevented state may be triplet, or f-wave, in nature. any appreciable backgroundin the data. The re- Reported here are the results of one of the few sults of fits with this function are shown in Fig. studies employing µSR to investigate this mate- 1. rial. WepresentresultsofrelaxedClO inatrans- The superconducting transition is clearly evi- 4 versemagneticfieldof300Oe. Alsopresentedare dentatabout1.1K,wheretheformationofaflux results of an intermediate state at two different lattice develops. This is consistent with previ- transverse magnetic fields, 100Oe and 190Oe. ouslypublishedvaluesforTc[6,7]. Theincreasein therelaxationrateσwithdecreasingtemperature indicates a broadening of the field distribution Experiment due to the formation of a flux line lattice (FLL) All samples were made by the usual electro- in the superconducting state. The shape of this chemical technique[6]. The firstsample consisted plot can often yield information on the pairing oflongneedlesoftypicaldimensions2cm 2mm state of the superconducting quasiparticles[26]. × 0.5mmalongthea,b,andcdirections,respec- The curve through the data is a guide to the eye × tively, and was studied in the relaxed state. The usingthetwo-fluidmodelforthetemperaturede- second was assembled from pieces of typical di- pendence of the penetration depth. That is [27]: mensions 5mm 1mm 0.5mm and was stud- × × 2σ2 0.00371φ2 ied in the intermediate state. For both samples, (∆B)2 = = o (2) h i γ2 λ4(T) thecrystalswereorientedintoamosaicwithaxes µ parallel. and with ThedatawereacquiredattheM15muonbeam lineattheTRIUMFcyclotronfacilityinVancou- T 4 −1/2 λ(T)=λ(T =0) 1 (3) ver, BC, Canada. The samples were mounted on " −(cid:18)Tc(cid:19) # 99.999%pureannealedsilver(inwhichmuonsdo not depolarize) and cooled in a dilution refriger- Here, φ = 2.068 10−7G cm2 is the flux quan- o × ator. The relaxed state sample was first cooled tum, (∆B2) is the second moment, and γ = µ h i from 80 32K at a rate of 267mK/min and 85.137Mrad/s/kGis the muon gyromagnetic ra- → then from 32 15K at a rate of 30mK/min. tio. Forequation2atriangularlatticeisassumed, → The intermediate state sample was cooled at a and the value for σ is found from Fig. 1 by sub- rate of 50mK/min from 30 16K through the tracting the above T value from the T 0K c → → anion ordering temperature. Cooling was again value in quadrature. The low temperature pen- done in zero external field. etration depth for these data was previously de- All data were acquired with the external field termined to be λ = 12000 2000˚A[7], where ab ± applied parallel to the crystal c axis. The initial λ isanaveragepenetrationdepthobtainedfrom ab muon polarization direction was approximately equation 2. Since the penetrationdepths along a 3 Results for the sample in the intermediate 0.100 state Before taking data and lowering the sample temperature, an external field of 100Oe was ap- plied and held fixed during this phase of the ex- 0.095 periment. The analysis was performed using a back-to-backexponentialfunctionoftheform[30] n(ω)= aLe(ω−ωp)τL (ω <ωp) (4) -1µs)0.090 to repre(cid:26)senatRteh(eωpfi−eωl)dτsRass(oωcia>teωdp)with supercon- σ ( ductivity. Here ω is the frequency of the peak p of the frequency distribution, ω is the frequency, τ and τ are the decay factors to the left and L R right of the peak frequency, a and a are con- L R 0.085 stants, and n(ω) is the probability per unit fre- quencyintervalofagivenfrequency. Anassumed Gaussian-like distribution of fields arising from nuclear dipoles was convoluted with this. This convoluted form has an analytical Fourier trans- 0.080 form which was used as the first component of 0 0.5 1 1.5 Temperature (K) a two component fitting function. The second (background) component is attributed to muons whichdonotstopinthesample. Thissamplewas of a smaller size than the relaxed sample, and we Figure 1. Plot of the relaxation rate σ as a func- founditappropriatetoinclude abackgroundsig- tionoftemperaturefortherelaxed(superconduct- nal. The overallfitting function is shown below. ing) state at H = 300Oe. The curve is a fit using the tweox-tfluid model assuming a base- G(t)=A1B(t)e−(σ1t)2+ line of 0.0835µs−1 and Tc = 1.15K, yielding A2e−(σ2t)2cos(ω2t+φ) (5) λ(T 0K)=12300˚A. → Subscripts here refer to first and second compo- nents. Also, B(t)=(r (t)+r (t))cos(ω t+φ)+ 1 2 1 and b are different this λ = √λ λ . Field dis- t(r (t)/τ r (t)/τ )sin(ω t+φ) (6) ab a b 1 L− 2 R 1 tributions expected when λ = λ can be seen a 6 b and in ref[28]. Our data appear to become tempera- τ ture independent as 0K is approached, which is r (t)= R 1 (τ +τ )(1+(t/τ )2) consistent with s-wave pairing; however,it is not L R L τ possible to precisely determine the pairing state r (t)= L (7) 2 (τ +τ )(1+(t/τ )2) due to the size of the error bars. L R R Thedatahere,incontrasttothoseofL.P.Leet The nuclear dipole field spread parameter, σ , 1 al.[29], have many more low temperature points. and the background parameters (A , σ , and ω ) 2 2 2 The clear rise inrelaxationrate, seenin our data were determined by fits above T and were held c belowabout1K,mayhaveevenbeenseenintheir fixed for subsequent fits. (For the 190Oe data data, but was discounted due presumably to the these parameterswere found at T due to the be- c sparseness and lower statistics of their data. havior above T – see below.) The parameters in c 4 B(t) then reflect changes in the magnetic envi- ment denotes very unusual behavior, which we ronment seen by the muons. attribute to the mixed phase state ofthe sample. Results of fits are expressedas moments of the The first and third moment graphs show in- field distribution. First, second, and third mo- creasesindiamagneticshiftandskewness,respec- mentsfortheappliedfieldof100Oeareshownin tively, as T 0K.Contraryto expectations, the → Fig. 2asdiamonds. Theonsetofsuperconductiv- skewistowardlowerfields. Thislowerfieldskew- ness may be, for example, seen directly in Fig. 3. The tail to the left of the peak is responsi- ble for the skewness. The lower field tail is not 0 -0.01 s) Mr/ -0.02 ( -0.03 ωο − -0.04 ω> -0.05 first moment < -0.06 -0.07 s)0.25 Mr/ 2 1/2> ( 0.2 1 2ω 0.15 second moment ∆ < 0.1 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 ω (Mr/s) Mr/s) -0.1 1/3> (-0.2 Figure 3. The lineshape at T = 0.025K for 3ω <∆ -0.3 third moment 190Oeshowingthe low field tail givingthe nega- tive third moment. -0.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Temperature (K) predictedforeitheratriangularorsquarefluxlat- tice alone[27], and is most likely due to the SDW Figure 2. Plot of the first, second, and third mo- phase. ments of the field distributions derived from the The results of fits to data with H = 190Oe ext backtobackexponentialfunctionfits: 100Oeap- applied parallel to the crystal c axis are also plied field (diamonds), 190Oe applied field (cir- shown in Fig. 2. The second moment graph cles, squares). (circles and squares) again clearly shows the on- set of superconductivity at T 0.87K. Below c ≃ this temperature the field distribution broadens ityisatT 0.87K,alittlelowerthantherelaxed asfluxonsinthesuperconductingphaseforminto c ≃ state discussedabove,andconsistentwith earlier some type of lattice. Above T the fits surpris- c studies ofintermediate state samples[9]. One can ingly show evidence of a broad field distribution see immediately from the second moment data which increases with temperature. This must be thatthebehaviorasT 0Kisdifferentthanthe due to the SDW phase, since the superconduct- → relaxed sample data as well as what conventional ing regions are not present here. As T is ap- c BCS theory predicts. The increasing second mo- proached from above, the field distribution seen 5 by the muons becomes more uniform, reflecting ior consistent with s-wave pairing, although the thedecreasinginfluenceoftheSDWphasesinfa- authors claim otherwise[31]. The intermediate vor of the uniform, applied field. Below T the state, characterized by coexisting regions of su- c behavior is generally the same as for the 100Oe perconductingandSDWphases,hasasuppressed data, but with more scatter at low temperature. T and a lineshape with a low-field tail below T . c c The reason for this scatter, we think, is due to Both of these effects are proposed to be due to the order in which the data were taken. The the existence of this SDW phase in the material. square points indicate data taken while lower- The authors would like to thank Mel Goode, ing the temperature monotonically from 1.25K Bassam Hitti, and the rest of the TRIUMF sup- to0.025K.From0.025Kthe samplewaswarmed port personnelfor their help in making this work up to 1.43K as indicated by arrow1. The circles possible. show results from fits as the sample was warmed to 1.90K. Finally, the sample was cooled (more REFERENCES circles)to0.15and0.075Kasindicatedbyarrow 2. These last points are higher than the previ- 1. St´ephane Belain and Kamran Behnis, Phys. ous low temperature data points for the 190Oe Rev. Lett. 79 (1997) 2125. field, and not much higher than the circles above 2. J.R.Cooperet.al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.63(1989) Tc. We believe this final higher second moment 1984. results due to the interplay between the super- 3. D. J´erome et al., J. Phys. (Paris) Lett. 56 conducting regions and the SDW regions. (1980) L-95. 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The Harshman,InvitedtalkpresentedattheGor- amountofsignalfromeachis proportionalto the don Research Conference on Organic Super- number of muons stopping in each, and a higher conductivity, Irsee, Germany, 22-27 Septem- fieldshoulddecreasethesuperconductingfraction ber, 1991. in favor of the SDW phase. 8. K.Bechgaardetal.Phys.Rev.Lett.46(1981) 852. 9. H.Schwenketal.,Phys.Rev.B29(1984)500. Conclusion 10. P.Garocheetal.,J.PhysiqueLett.43(1982). We have studied the relaxed and some in- 11. P.M. Chaikin et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. termediate states of the organic superconductor 31 (1993) 1268. (TMTSF) ClO withµSR.While the errorbars 12. K. Murata et al., Japn. J. Appl. Phys. 26 2 4 are too large to rule out higher order quasipar- (1987) 1367. ticle pairing, the results of fits to relaxed state 13. M.Y.Choietal.,Phys.Rev.B25(1982)6208. data indicate a temperature dependence which 14. S. Bouffard et al., J. Phys. C: Solid State appearstobeconsistentwiths-wavepairing. 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