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Municipal Budget PDF

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City of Newark, Muni Code: 0774 seorsur__ervstavang = aro nae ‘Term Expires mas sme fa cence = pa s6a Reh Te your OTe BGT oT ma a es mene, ci ee =. comes ——— oes — - = JPultic Hesnng Cote: S140 Wy a Cy of Newark, Muni Code: 0714 seonIPAL UBGET Munipat Bugaet ne omy ” oware Count saver forthe Celene Yee 2018, Ia Reb cetied the Buspet end Copal Budget anoozed hereto ond Dae made = pe eret earn copy tho Suge a Cap Beet approved by reais ha Gertng Body on the Tama a ser yo. te 2018 ‘sata ‘Soa aD wae wl be mado aSaTaNNET TUG prowisone ot NJ 404 and 500 1980 Sree. Newer, Now Jngy (7102 NuAe.soe-iate, fata esi ym, te san devo, in 706 1579) 78.4 a ety ceed ete approve Saag nner mn ghey ale ha im moved Bue we alo an ery ae rn cto a ofalonfirotnne rtcrna Comening nt ers neon copy sie gi offs wie Cok ae Sexe Sa ore cores i sree anata not ane Rta a {ited te caret ot ates cored ane poe woe eget ‘ant ssoror aie all aceon ‘evra guns etd of eprovatrm nd erbalpee amomnato ei ee [eal Bode! 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