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Preview Multiwavelength campaign of the gamma-ray flaring source PKS 2052-47

2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5 1 Multiwavelength campaign of the gamma-ray flaring source PKS2052−47 C.S. Chang1,E. Ros1,2, M.Kadler3,4,5,R.Ojha6,7, theFermi LAT Collaboration, theTANAMI team, andtheF-GAMMAteam∗ 1Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rRadioastronomie,AufdemHu¨gel69,D-53121Bonn,Germany 2Departamentd’AstronomiaiAstrof´ısica,UniversitatdeVale`ncia,E-46100Burjassot,Spain 3Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte&ECAP,Sternwartstr.7,D-96049Bamberg,Germany 4CRESST/NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt,MD20771,USA 5USRA,10211WincopinCircle,Suite500Columbia,MD21044,USA 6USNO,3450MassachusettsAve.,NW,WashingtonDC20392,USA and 0 7NVI,Inc.,7257DHanoverParkway,Greenbelt,MD20770,USA 1 0 2 The flat-spectrum radio quasar PKS2052−47 experienced an optical flare in July−August, 2009. On August n 9, the LAT detector onboard Fermi observed a flare from the source, which reached its active phase in the a following two months. To further investigate the physics and emissionmechanisms during the flaring state of J this source, we arranged a multiwavelength campaign from radio to gamma-ray to study its spectral energy 0 distribution (SED) and its brightness variations across the spectrum. Here we present the first results of this 1 multiwavelengthcampaign. ] O 1. Introduction 2. Multiwavelength observations C . h PKS2052−47isaflat-spectrumradioquasarwitha The multiwavelength campaign of PKS2052−47 p redshiftof1.489[1]. EarlierAustraliaTelescopeCom- was arranged simultaneously with the scheduled - o pact Array (ATCA) and Chandra X-ray observations southern VLBI observations of TANAMI during r showedthat the sourcehasa two-sidedjet atkilopar- early September 2009. The observation log is re- t s sec scales in the radio band, with no extended emis- ported in Table I. The participating facilities in- a [ sioninX-rays[2]. VeryLargeBaselineInterferometry clude: Ceduna-HobartInterferometer(CHI),thelarge (VLBI) observations by TANAMI1 (Tracking Active APEX bolometer camera (LABOCA) [8] at the Ata- 1 Galactic Nuclei with Austral Milliarcsecond Interfer- cama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX, in the frame- v ometry,see[3–5])showthattheparsec-scalestructure work of the F-GAMMA project, see [9]), the Ultra- 3 is very compact, with a high brightness-temperature Violet/Optical Telescope (UVOT) and X-Ray Tele- 6 5 core of 2 × 1012K and a size of (0.3 × 0.1)mas at scope (XRT) onboard Swift, and the Fermi Large 1 8.4GHz. At 22GHz the source is unresolved with a Area Telescope. The Swift target-of-opportunity ob- . restoring beam of (1.9×1.3)mas. At 8.4GHz, a very servations covered five days centered at the date of 1 0 faint jet to the west is seen (see Figure 1). the TANAMI observations,andthe exposuretime for eachobservationwasbetween1500and2500seconds. 0 From July 2009, the Automatic Telescope for Op- 1 : tical Monitoring (ATOM) team reported a steady v increase of flux density from PKS2052-47, which i 3. Preliminary results X reached its high state and flared in the optical band in August [6]. Right after this, the Fermi Large Area r a Telescope(LAT)observedagamma-rayflarefromthis As of December 2009, the data collected include: source [7]. To understand the physics at work and Swift,Fermi LAT,andAPEXpreliminaryresults(see emission mechanisms during its flaring state, we ar- Table I). The preliminary APEX flux density pre- ranged a multi-wavelength campaign from radio to sented here was provided by the F-GAMMA team, gamma-ray in early September 2009 in order to fol- and the final data calibration is in process. The low its active phase. TANAMI and CHI simultaneous datasets will be cor- related shortly. To illustrate the radio morphology at parsec-scales, we show two TANAMI VLBI im- ages of PKS 2052−47 obtained in February 2008 at 8 and 22GHz (Ojha et al., submitted to A&A, and Kadler et al. in preparation)in Figure 1. Notice that the image resolution of the 8GHz map is higher than ∗The F-GAMMA team (in alphabetical order): E. Angelakis, that at 22GHz, due to the inclusion of a telescope in L. Fuhrmann, T. P. Krichbaum, S. Larsson, N. Marchili, G. Chile,equippedonlywithareceiverat8GHz,provid- Nestoras,H.Ungerechts, andJ.A.Zensusetal. 1http://pulsar.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/tanami/ ing longer baselines to better resolve the source. eConf C091122 2 2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5 Figure 1: TheTANAMI VLBI images of PKS2052−47 at 8GHz (left, February 7, 2008) and 22GHz (right, February 6, 2008). The axes are relative right ascension (RA) and declination (DEC) in milli-arcsecond (mas). On thebottom right, the scale of 10 parsec (pc) is shown. The scales are different in both images. Table I Observation log Start date End date Facility Band Comments 2009-09-05 2009-09-06 CHI 6.6 GHz - 2009-09-05 2009-09-06 TANAMI 8 & 22 GHz - 2009-09-02 2009-09-06 APEX 345 GHz - 2009-09-04 2009-09-08 Swift UVOT 2000–3500 ˚A ∼2ksper day 2009-09-04 2009-09-08 Swift XRT 0.3–10 keV ∼2ksper day 2008-06-11 present FermiLAT 100 MeV–300 GeV All-skysurvey since June 11, 2008 We show a Swift/XRT spectrum in the 0.3−6 keV (SSC)peakappearstobehigherthanthesynchrotron energyrangewith2.5ksintegrationinFigure2,taken emissionpeakinourresult. Thisisconsistentwiththe on September 6, 2009. We used XSPEC version 12.5 resultsof[11],whichwasbasedonthehistoricaldata. to fit an absorbed power-law to the spectrum with Tofurtherunderstandthephysicalprocessesinvolved a fixed Galactic neutral hydrogen column density of in the active phase of PKS2052−47, SED modeling 2.79×1020 cm−2 [10], and obtained a photon index is needed. The results of this will be presented else- of 1.53 ± 0.11. The value of the Cash statistic after where. fittingis21.2with20degreesoffreedom. Thephoton statistics above 6 keV were not sufficient to obtain spectral data. 4. Outlook We show a weekly-binned Fermi LAT light curve (100MeV−100GeV) from August 2008 to July 2009 The multiwavelength campaign of PKS2052−47 in Figure 3, which is the first 11-month of the mis- provides an opportunity to investigate the emission sion. We used Fermi Science Tools version v9r10 mechanismsandphysicalprocessesinvolvedinthisra- and instrumental response functions (IRFs) version dio quasar during its flaring state. When all datasets P6 V3 DIFFUSE to analyze LAT data. From Figure 3, willbecollected,wewillbeabletocomparetheVLBI we could see that there is a gradual rise in the flux parsec-scaleimagesat8GHz and22GHz withthe re- density with time, especially when time approached sults from the other wavelengths, especially that of to July 2009. highenergies,toprobethesourceofhigh-energyemis- We present a preliminary broadband SED of sion. Also, the varyingbroadbandSEDmodeling will PKS2052−47 from radio to gamma-ray in Figure 4. be necessary to understand the source in its active As shown in Figure 4, the synchrotron self-Compton phase. eConf C091122 2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5 3 PKS 2052−47 0.05 V−1 malized counts s ke−1 00..0012 nor 5×10−3 residuals 0.002 0.5 1 2 5 Energy (keV) Figure 3: Fermi LATpre-flare light curveof Figure 2: Swift XRTspectrum of PKS2052−47 in the PKS2052−47 from 4th August 2008 to 4th July 2009. 0.3−6 keVenergy range with 2.5 ksintegration This plot shows the light curvesince Fermi’s launch, binnedto one week. Thex-axis is time in theunit of observed on September6, 2009. The fitted model mission elapsed time (MET), and they-axisis the (solid line, upperpanel) is an absorbed power-law. energy flux between 100MeV–100GeV in unitsof The residual of fit is shown in thelower panel. photon cm−2 s−1. 8 1 0 1 7 1 0 1 6 1 0 1 5 1 ) 0 z 1 H y· mJ 14 0 y ( 1 c n ue 013 q 1 e r F × 2 I ν01 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 106 107 108 109 101010111012101310141015101610171018101910201021102210231024102510261027 Frequency (Hz) Figure 4: Thebroadband SED of PKS2052−47. Black filled pentagons: simultaneous data from our multiwavelength campaign triggered in September2009, which includes APEX preliminary data, Swift UVOT/XRT, and Fermi LATdata. Redopen circles: historical data from theNASAextragalactic database (NED),including the EGRET detection. The highest energy bin of LAT data(right-most filled pentagon) has an error barwhich has the same orderof magnitude as theflux density value. eConf C091122 4 2009 Fermi Symposium, Washington, D.C., Nov. 2-5 Acknowledgments 3 R. Ojha et al., “Studying Black Holes in the GLAST Era”, the 2nd Kolkata Conference on Ob- We thank to M. B¨ock, C. Ricci, L. Barraga´n, and servational Evidence for Black Holes in the Uni- J. Wilms for valuable discussions, and D. Thomp- verse, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1053, 395, son for advice and encouragement. This research 2008. was supported by the EU Framework 6 Marie Curie 4 M. Kadler et al., “The TANAMI Program: Early Stage Training program under contract num- Southern-Hemisphere VLBI Monitoring of Rela- ber MEST/CT/2005/19669ESTRELA. C. S. Chang tivistic Jets in Active Galaxies”, Bulletin of the is a member of the International Max Planck Re- American Astronomical Society, 38, 732, 2007. search School for Astronomy and Astrophysics. This 5 M. Boeck et al., “Extragalactic Jets from the publication is based on data acquired with the At- TANAMI Sample as Seen by Fermi/LAT”, 2009 acama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX), a collabora- Fermi Symposium, eConf Proceedings C091122, tion between the Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Radioas- 2009 [arXiv:0912.4192]. tronomie, the European Southern Observatory, and 6 M.Hauseretal.,“Detectionofanopticalflarefrom the Onsala Space Observatory. This research has PKS 2052−474”,ATel #2158, 2009. been partially funded by the Bundesministerium fu¨r 7 C. S. Chang et al., “Fermi LAT detection of in- WirtschaftundTechnologieunderDeutschesZentrum creasing gamma-ray activity of blazar PKS 2052- fu¨r Luft- und Raumfahrt grant number 50OR0808. 474”, ATel #2160, 2009. ThisresearchhasmadeuseoftheNASA/IPACExtra- 8 G. Siringo et al., “The Large APEX BOlometer galacticDatabase(NED)whichisoperatedbytheJet CAmera LABOCA”, A&A, 497, 945, 2009. Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Tech- 9 L.Fuhrmannet al.,“Simultaneous Radioto (Sub- nology,under contractwith the NationalAeronautics )mm-MonitoringofVariabilityandSpectralShape and Space Administration. Evolution of potential GLAST Blazars”, The first GLASTSymposium,AIPConferenceProceedings, 921, 249, 2007. 10 P. M. W. Kalberla et al., “The Lei- References den/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) Survey of Galactic HI: Final data release of the combined LDS 1 D. L. Jauncey et al., “Redshifts of southern radio and IAR surveys with improved stray-radiation sources. VI”, ApJ, 286, 498, 1984. corrections”,A&A, 440, 775, 2005. 2 H.L.Marshalletal.,“AChandraSurveyofQuasar 11 A. Celotti et al., “The power of blazar jets”, MN- Jets: First Results”, ApJ, 156, 13, 2005. RAS, 385, 283, 2008. eConf C091122

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