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PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 1–12 2:125 Research LC–MS/MS OpenAccess Multisteroid LC–MS/MS assay for glucocorticoids and androgens and its application in Addison’s disease PaalMethlie1,2,SteinarHustad1,RalfKellman2,BjørgAlma˚s2,MartinaMErichsen3, EysteinSHusebye1,3andKristianLøva˚s1,3 Correspondence 1DepartmentofClinicalScience,UniversityofBergen,N-5021Bergen,Norwayand2TheHormoneLaboratory shouldbeaddressed 3DepartmentofMedicine,HaukelandUniversityHospital,N-5021Bergen,Norway toPMethlie Email [email protected] Abstract Objective:Liquidchromatography–tandemmassspectrometry(LC–MS/MS)offerssuperior KeyWords analyticalspecificitycomparedwithimmunoassays,butitisnotavailableinmanyregions " liquidchromatography ns andhospitalsduetoexpensiveinstrumentationandtedioussamplepreparation. massspectrometry o cti Thus,wedevelopedanautomated,high-throughputLC–MS/MSassayforsimultaneous " androgens e nn quantificationoftenendogenousandsyntheticsteroidstargetingdiseasesofthe " glucocorticoids o C hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenalaxisandgonads. " adrenalinsufficiency e rin Methods:Deuteratedinternalstandardswereaddedto85mlserumandprocessedby " Addison’sdisease c o d liquid–liquidextraction.Cortisol,cortisone,prednisolone,prednisone,11-deoxycortisol, n E dexamethasone,testosterone,androstenedioneandprogesteronewereresolvedby ultra-high-pressurechromatographyonareversed-phasecolumnin6.1minanddetectedby triple-quadrupolemassspectrometry.Themethodwasusedtoassesssteroidprofilesin womenwithAddison’sdisease(AD,nZ156)andblooddonors(BDs,nZ102). Results:Precisionsrangedfrom4.5to10.1%relativestandarddeviations(RSD),accuracies from95to108%andextractionrecoveriesfrom60to84%.Themethodwaspracticallyfree ofmatrixeffectsandrobusttoindividualdifferencesinserumcomposition.Most postmenopausalADwomenhadextremelylowandrostenedioneconcentrations,below 0.14nmol/l,andmediantestosteroneconcentrationsof0.15nmol/l(interquartilerange 0.00–0.41),considerablylowerthanthoseofpostmenopausalBDs(1.28nmol/l(0.96–1.64) and0.65nmol/l(0.56–1.10)respectively).ADwomeninfertileyearshadandrostenedione concentrationsof1.18nmol/l(0.71–1.76)andtestosteroneconcentrationsof0.44nmol/l (0.22–0.63),approximatelyhalfofthosefoundinBDsofcorrespondingage. Conclusion:ThisLC–MS/MSassayprovideshighlysensitiveandspecificassessmentsof glucocorticoidsandandrogenswithlowsamplevolumesandissuitableforendocrine laboratoriesandresearch.Itsutilityhasbeendemonstratedinalargecohortofwomen withAD,andthedatasuggestthatwomenwithADareparticularlyandrogendeficient aftermenopause. EndocrineConnections (2013)2,125–136 http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 2–12 2:126 LC–MS/MS Introduction Glucocorticoid and androgen hormone measurements the measurement of endogenous steroids. For example, play a decisive role in the diagnosis and management of the measurements of serum dexamethasone (DXM) many disorders of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal could provide pharmacokinetic data useful in the (HPA) axis and gonads. Examples include Addison’s evaluation of the DXM suppression test (9, 10), and disease (AD), Cushing’s syndrome (CS) and congenital therapeuticdrugmonitoringofprednisoneandpredniso- adrenal hyperplasia, male hypogonadism and female lone has the potential to optimize treatment (11, 12). hyperandrogenism.Althoughimmunoassayshavelargely Becauseofthewidespreaduseoftheseglucocorticoidsand been used to measure steroid hormones, over the last impact on endogenous cortisol levels, information on decade, mass spectrometry (MS) has increasingly been serum levels may also be valuable in the setting of a adopted as it offers superior analytical specificity and routineendocrinelaboratory. accuracy. However, MS is not commonly available to Therefore,theobjectiveofthisstudywastodevelopa cliniciansinmanyregionsandhospitals.Thehighcostof LC–MS/MS method that quantifies endogenous and MS instruments, lack of expertise, and cumbersome and syntheticglucocorticoidhormonesaswellasendogenous time-consuming sample preparation procedures are androgens.Withasamplevolumeofonly85mlserum,the factors likely to slow its adoption. The development of method provides a highly sensitive, fast, comprehensive simple,reliable,andcost-andlabour-efficientmethodsis, and cost-effective evaluation of patients with a range of therefore,important. disorders related to glucocorticoid and androgen hor- Liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass mones. Its utility was demonstrated by comparing the spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) is a highly selective mode of steroid profiles of women with AD with those of healthy s detection. It enables simultaneous determination of femaleblooddonors(BDs).Toourknowledge,thisreport n tio multiple steroids at very low concentrations in a single isthefirsttoinvestigateandrogenlevelsinalargecohort c ne analytical run. Although many papers have been pub- ofwomenwithADusinghighlyspecificMS. n o lished on LC–MS/MS assays that measure one or a few C ne steroidhormones,onlyfewpapershavereportedmethods Materials and methods ri oc that extensively exploit the capability of multiplex d Chemicals n determination of steroids in human serum (1, 2, 3). This E strategycouldsimplifythelaboratoryset-upbyeliminat- Cortisol, cortisone, prednisolone, prednisone, 11-deoxy- ingtheneedtousenumerousseparatemethodsandmake cortisol (11DOC), testosterone, androstenedione, instrumentutilizationmoreefficient. 17a-hydroxyprogesterone(17OHP)andprogesteronewere In MS/MS, the specificity is increased by collision- obtainedfromSteraloids,Inc.(Newport,RI,USA),andDXM induced fragmentation of the analyte into a molecular wasobtainedfromAlfaAesar(WardHill,MA,USA). fingerprintthatcouldbeidentifiedbymonitoringtwoor The deuterated internal standards (ISs) cortisol-d4 more fragments. However, many previously published (cortisol-9,11,12,12-d4, 97–98% atom D), cortisone-d2 multisteroid LC–MS/MS assays monitor only one mass (4-pregnen-17a,21-diol-3,11,20-trione-1,2-d2, O98% atom transition (collision fragment) per analyte (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) D), prednisolone-d6 (1,4-pregnadien-11b,17a,21-triol-3, andconsequentlyhaveanincreasedriskofnotdetecting 20-dione-2,4,6,6,21,21-d6, O98% atom D), DXM-d4 isobaric interference. Another analytical concern is that (DXM-4,6a,21,21-d4, 96–98% atom D), 11DOC-d2 inter-individualdifferencesinserumcomposition,suchas (4-pregnen-17a,21-diol-3,20-dione-21,21-d2, O96% atom lipids and binding proteins, could potentially impact D),testosterone-d3(testosterone-16,16,17-d3,O98%atom measurements. This is often not investigated at all. Most D), androstenedione-d7 (4-androsten-3,17-dione-2,2,4,6,6, published methods also require relatively large sample 16,16-d7,O98%atomD), 17OHP-d8(4-pregnen-17a-ol-3, volumestoprovidesufficientsensitivity(1,2,4,7,8)and 20-dione-2,2,4,6,6,21,21,21-d8, O98% atom D) and havelongruntimes(1,2,4,7). progesterone-d9 (progesterone-2-2-4-6-6-17a,21,21,21-d9, Thework-upandmanagementofendocrinedisorders O98% atom D) were purchased from CDN Isotopes commonlyinvolvetheadministrationofsyntheticsteroid (Pointe-Claire, Quebec, Canada). hormones. The determination of synthetic glucocorti- MS-grade acetonitrile (ACN), methanol (MeOH), coids used in dynamic endocrine testing and pharma- formic acid (O98%) and ammonium formate (O98%) cologicaltreatmentmaythusbeavaluablesupplementto were obtained from Merck. Milli-Q water purification http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 3–12 2:127 LC–MS/MS system (Millipore, Burlington, MA, USA) was used to hexane(80:20).Thesupernatant(600ml)wastransferred prepare de-ionized water (O18MUcm). Dextran-coated toanewvialandwashedwith50mlammoniumformate charcoal (product number C6241) was obtained from buffer (pH 9.0, 0.1M). Subsequently, 500ml of organic Sigma–Aldrich. phase were transferred to a new vial and evaporated at 508Cfor25minunderN flowandfinallyreconstitutedin 2 Calibrators,ISsandqualitycontrols 50mlH O:formicacid:MeOH(49.9:0.1:50).Sampleprep- 2 aration was automated on a Hamilton Star (Hamilton Steroid-free human serum was prepared with activated Robotics, Inc., Reno, NV, USA) using exclusively 1.1ml dextran-coated charcoal according to the manufacturer’s glass vials. Mixing steps were performed by repeated protocol.SerumwasobtainedfromhealthyBDs. pipette aspiration/dispense cycles. Centrifugation was All steroid hormones were separately dissolved in not necessary because the aquatic and organic phases MeOH at concentrations of 3mM for the analytes and separatedwithinminutes. 500mMfortheISs.Twoseparatemixturesoftheanalytes andtheISs,designatedstandardsubstockandISsubstock, werepreparedinMeOH.Thestandardsubstockcontained LC–MS/MSconditions eachsteroidhormoneataconcentration100timesthatof An Agilent 1290 UPLC system (Santa Clara, CA, USA) the highest working calibrator. Working calibrators were equipped with a thermostated autosampler (48C) and a preparedbyseriallydilutingthestandardsubstock1:4in degasser was used for chromatographic separation. Pro- MeOHandthenbyadding2mlofeachdilutionto198ml cessedserum(5ml)wasseparatedoveraZorbaxRRHDC18 steroid-free serum. The final working calibrators covered reversed-phase column (50!2.1mm, 1.8mm particle thefollowing measuring ranges: 1.95–2000nmol/l, corti- size, Agilent) maintained at 308C. The mobile phases sol; 0.98–250nmol/l, cortisone; 0.98–1000nmol/l, pre- ns were water (A) and ACN (B) with 0.1% formic acid. The o dnisolone;0.98–1000nmol/l,prednisone;0.06–250nmol/l, ti column was developed with stepwise linear gradient ec DXM; 0.10–25nmol/l, 11DOC; 0.02–75.0nmol/l, n elution according to the following timetable: 0.00min, on testosterone; 0.12–125nmol/l, androstenedione; C 15%B;0.25min,15%B;0.50min,25%B;1.70min,28.5%B; e 0.24–250nmol/l,17OHP;0.24–250nmol/l,progesterone; n 3.80min,40%B;4.20min,50%B;4.90min,70%B;5.00min, cri and a blank control. Six calibrators were used for all the o 95%B;5.50min,95%B;5.60min,15%B;and6.10min, d analytes,exceptforcortisoneand11DOC(fivecalibrators) En 15%B.Flowratewas1000ml/minandthecolumneffluent andtestosteroneandDXM(sevencalibrators). was delivered to the mass spectrometer in the time TheconcentrationsofeachoftheISsintheISsubstock window1.1–5.0min. were 100 times that of the working IS solution. The The LC system was coupled to an Applied Biosys- working IS solution was prepared by diluting the IS tems/MDS SCIEX API 5500 triple-quadrupole mass spec- substock with H O:MeOH (1:1). The final working IS 2 trometer operating with electrospray ionization (Applied solution contained 850nmol/l cortisol-d4, 850nmol/l Biosystems/MDS, Foster City, CA, USA). Manual tuning cortisone-d2, 425nmol/l prednisolone-d6, 106nmol/l and selectionof mass transitions wereperformed using a DXM-d4,128nmol/l11DOC-d2,51.0nmol/landrostene- T-splittomixthe5ml/mininfusioncontaining500nmol/l dione-d7, 31.9nmol/l testosterone-d3, 106nmol/l ofthecompoundwiththe1000ml/minmobilephaseflow 17OHP-d8and106nmol/lprogesterone-d9. (35% B). Using this set-up, additional Q1 and Q3 scans Quality controls (QCs) were prepared in steroid-free (90–500 m/z) were performed by varying the ion source serum at three levels (low, medium and high) by adding parameters (voltage, temperature and gas flows) to eachsteroidhormonetoafinalconcentrationcorrespond- investigatethestabilityofthesubstancesunderconserva- ingto0.30,5.0and50%ofthehighestworkingstandard. tive and extreme conditions, as well as the formation of All standards, calibrators and QCs were stored in Nunc adducts. Ion source parameters and mass transitions are cryovials (Nalge Nunc International, Roskilde, Denmark) reportedinTable1.Entrancepotentialwas10V,collision atK808C. gas was set to medium and resolution was set to unit for Q1 and Q3. To increase scan time for each analyte, the Samplepreparationprocedure multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) was divided into To85mlofserum,workingcalibratorsorQCs,10mlofanIS seven periods based on the time of elution. All hardware were added, mixed and equilibrated for 1h. The steroid was managed using the Analyst Software (version 1.5.1; hormoneswerethenextractedwith825mlethylacetate: AppliedBiosystems/MDS). http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 4–12 2:128 LC–MS/MS Table1 MRMtransitionsandcompound-dependentparameters. Quantifier Qualifier Dwell Dwell MRMtransition time DP CE CXP MRMtransition time DP CE CXP Period Q1 Q3 (ms) (V) (V) (V) Q1 Q3 (ms) (V) (V) (V) 1 Cortisol 407.2 297.0 35 K50 K42 K23 407.2 282.0 10 K50 K49 K23 Cortisol-d4 411.4 301.1 35 K50 K45 K23 411.4 286.1 10 K50 K48 K23 Prednisolone 405.2 295.0 35 K50 K42 K23 405.2 280.0 10 K50 K48 K23 Prednisolone-d6 411.3 333.2 35 K50 K23 K23 411.3 284.1 10 K50 K48 K23 Prednisone 403.3 299.1 35 K50 K25 K23 403.3 285.1 10 K50 K40 K23 Cortisone 405.3 301.1 35 K50 K26 K23 405.3 311.1 10 K50 K41 K23 Cortisone-d2 407.3 303.1 35 K50 K28 K23 407.3 313.0 10 K50 K41 K23 2 DXM 437.4 361.1 80 K80 K24 K24 437.4 307.1 80 K80 K42 K15 DXM-d4 441.3 309.0 80 K80 K42 K20 441.3 363.2 80 K80 K24 K24 3 11DOC 347.2 96.9 80 50 30 12 347.1 108.9 80 50 31 12 s n o ti 11DOC-d2 349.3 108.9 80 50 33 12 349.3 96.9 80 50 30 12 c e n 4 n o C Testosterone 289.2 97.0 80 85 30 12 289.2 109.0 80 85 33 12 e rin Testosterone-d3 292.2 109.0 80 91 35 12 292.2 97.0 80 91 33 12 c o d 5 n E Androstenedione 287.2 96.9 60 105 30 16 287.2 108.9 60 105 33 15 Androstenedione-d7 294.1 99.7 60 116 29 16 294.1 113.0 60 116 35 15 6 17OHP 331.3 96.9 60 88 30 10 331.3 108.9 60 88 34 14 17OHP-d8 339.2 100.0 60 106 33 16 339.2 113.1 60 106 41 12 7 Progesterone 315.3 96.9 35 95 30 12 315.3 108.9 35 95 28 12 Progesterone-d9 324.2 100.2 35 110 37 12 324.2 113.0 35 110 27 12 DP, declustering potential; CE, collision energy; CXP, collision exit potential; 11DOC, 11-deoxycortisol; DXM, dexamethasone; 17OHP,17a-hydroxyprogesterone. QuantificationandQC calibrator) of their nominal concentration. Two sets of QCs (low, medium and high) were run in each batch Quantificationwasbasedonpeakarearatiosoftheanalyte (96 samples). The measured concentrations of at least to the corresponding IS. Standard curves were computed one QC at each level and at least 75% of all the QCs usingalinearleast-squaresregressionanalysiswith1/xor 1/x2weightingtoassignprioritytothelowerrangeofthe were required to be within G15% their nominal levels. calibrationcurves. Interference was suspected if the peak area ratio of To accept analytical runs, the back-calculated quantifier to qualifier transitions deviated more concentrations of at least 80% of the working calibra- than G40% from the corresponding ratio of the third tors had to be within G15% (20% for the lowest highest calibrator. http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 5–12 2:129 LC–MS/MS Methodvalidation supplementary data given at the end of this article) were prepared separately in water at concentrations of Within-dayandbetween-dayprecisionswereinvestigated 2000nmol/l. These included all drugs containing steroid atthreelevelsbyrunningtheQCsinreplicates(nZ6)on hormonesthatarecommerciallyavailableinNorway.We 12 different days. The coefficients of variance (CV) were also reviewed data from random samples received at the calculated using one-way ANOVA. Accuracy (%) was Hormone Laboratory (nZ926), from rheumatic patients computed as (measured concentration/nominal concen- onprednisolonetherapy(nZ50)andfrompatientstaking tration)!100, using the means of all the measured DXM (nZ25) for interfering peaks and deviations of the concentrations. The method was also compared with quantifier:qualifierpeakarearatio. immunoassays using the Passing–Bablok regression and Stability was investigated by computing the mean of Bland–Altmanplots. triplet analysis of QCs at three concentration levels after The limits of detection (LoDs) and lower limits of storageunderdifferentconditions.Stabilitywasexamined quantification (LLoQs) were determined by adding the afterstorageatambienttemperaturefor1,2,4,8,24and analytesatprogressivelylowerlevelstosteroid-freeserum 96h,inarefrigerator(48C)for1,2,5,10,20and30days, and analysing samples in replicates (nZ6). The LoD was and in a freezer (K208C) for 1, 2 and 3 months. Freeze– defined as the concentration with a signal-to-noise ratio thawstabilitywasdeterminedafterfivecyclesoffreezing above3andtheLLoQasthelowestconcentrationwitha toK808C.Thestabilityoftheprocessedsamples(nZ96) CVbelow20%andaccuracywithinG20%. in the autosampler was studied by repeatedly analysing Recovery, matrix effects (MEs) and linearity were thesamebatchon4consecutivedays. investigated in charcoal-stripped serum obtained from differentindividuals,adoptingtheprinciplessuggestedby s Matuszewskietal.(13).Analyteswereaddedtosteroid-free Application:steroidprofilesofwomenwithADandBDs n tio serum obtained from six individuals; aliquots of each The method was applied to samples obtained from the c ne serum were spiked to six levels corresponding to the Norwegian registry of organ-specific autoimmune n o workingstandards.Duplicateserawerespikedbothbefore C diseases. The study population has been described ne extraction(pre-extractspike)andafterevaporation(post- previously (15), and sera obtained from women with AD ri oc extractspike)byadding20mlofthestandardsubstockper (nZ156) and female BDs (nZ102) were analysed. The d En 980mlserum.Moreover,analyteswereaddedtoa‘blank’ Regional Committee for Medical Ethics of Western Nor- reconstitutionsolvent(reference).Referencesampleswere way and the National Data Inspectorate approved the analysedimmediatelybefore,inthemiddleandafterthe study. All of the patients gave written informed consent pre/post-spike series. Extraction recoveries (ERs), ion- after complete explanation of the purpose and nature of source-related MEs and overall process efficiency (PE) alltheproceduresused.MostoftheADpatientswereon were calculated from the mean of duplicate samples cortisoneacetatereplacementtherapy,butfivewereusing according to the formulas given in Supplementary prednisolone.Tenpatientshadprematureovarianfailure Table 1, see section on supplementary data given at the and seven were on DHEA replacement therapy. Blood endofthisarticle.Evaporationoftheorganicphaseduring samples were drawn between 0800 and 1600h. For samplepreparationwascloselymonitoredbygravimetric statistical analyses, the subjects were stratified into three measurementsofsimultaneouslyruncontrolsamples,and groups:young(!40years),middleaged(40–60years)and ERs,MEsandPEwereadjustedaccordingly. old (O60 years). The groups were compared by the Linearity was evaluated based on residual plots Kruskal–Wallis test using the Wilcoxon test as a post hoc and correlation coefficients. Relative MEs (14), that is, analysis, and Bonferroni-adjusted P values are reported. the impact of inter-individual differences in serum P!0.05wasconsideredstatisticallysignificant. composition, were assessed by computing the slope constant based on each of the six pre-extraction spiked sera from the recovery experiment. The slope constants Results were derived from weighted (1/x or 1/x2) least-squares Precision,accuracy,lowerlimitofdetection linear regression of nominal concentration vs analyte:IS andquantification peakarearatio. All analytes and ISs and other potentially interfering Data from the precision and accuracy experiments are steroidhormones(SupplementaryTable2,seesectionon reported in Table 2. Total CV were %10.1% for all the http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 6–12 2:130 LC–MS/MS Table2 Precisionandaccuracy. Andro- Pro- Cortisol Cortisone Prednisolone Prednisone DXM 11DOC Testosterone stenedione 17OHP gesterone QC1 Mean 5.80 3.01 2.96 3.05 0.747 0.305 0.223 0.372 0.757 0.736 Within-dayCV(%) 5.8 6.8 7.7 7.2 4.3 8.6 4.6 9.3 7.1 7.0 TotalCV(%) 7.4 6.9 10.1 9.8 5.1 9.7 5.2 9.3 9.8 8.4 Accuracy(%) 97 100 99 102 100 102 99 99 101 98 QC2 Mean 101 50.4 51.3 53.8 12.5 5.00 3.71 6.10 12.2 12.5 Within-dayCV(%) 3.0 3.9 4.3 3.8 3.7 4.7 5.1 3.9 4.5 6.1 TotalCV(%) 4.5 4.7 5.3 8.7 4.8 5.7 5.6 5.0 7.7 6.9 Accuracy(%) 101 101 103 108 100 100 99 98 98 100 QC3 Mean 1004 – 517 535 128 – 36.4 61.6 121 118 Within-dayCV(%) 4.7 – 5.0 4.7 4.0 – 4.7 4.1 4.6 4.5 TotalCV(%) 5.7 – 5.5 8.8 5.2 – 4.9 5.0 8.0 6.8 Accuracy(%) 100 – 103 107 102 – 97 99 96 95 s n o QCswereruninreplicatesof6on12differentdays.TotalCVincludeswithin-dayandbetween-dayvariability.Allconcentrationsarereportedasnmol/l.QC3 ti levelsofcortisoneand11DOCareabovetheupperlimitofquantificationandthusomitted.CV,coefficientofcorrelation;11DOC,11-deoxycortisol;DXM, c e dexamethasone;17OHP,17a-hydroxyprogesterone. n n o C e compounds,andaccuracieswereintherangeof95–108%. to intra-individual differences in the serum. On running n cri The LoDs and LLoQs are reported in Table 3, and routinesamples,itwasobservedthatthepeakareasofthe o nd chromatograms of the lowest calibrators are shown in ISs were consistent over a batch of 96 samples with CV E Fig. 1. Comparison of the LC–MS/MS method with typicallyintherangeof10–20%. immunoassaysavailableinourlaboratoryisshowninFig.2. Selectivity Recovery,linearityandMEs Potential analytical interference of 48 synthetic and Recoveryandlinearitywereinvestigatedinseraobtained naturally occurring steroid hormones and metabolites fromsixindividuals(SupplementaryTable1).TheERsand (SupplementaryTable2)wasinvestigated.Alltheanalytes PE were high and consistent across low-to-high concen- were chromatographically separated, except prednisone tration levels. The ER was 60% for progesterone, and it and prednisolone. Individual injection of these two ranged from 71 to 85% for the other analytes. There was compounds at 2000nmol/l showed that the selected no significant ion depression or enhancement. The fragment ions of these glucocorticoids did not interfere method was linear for all the compounds, except for in the negative ionization mode. In the systematic cortisone and 11DOC. For these two compounds, the evaluationofchromatogramsfrom1000routineanalyses, highestcalibratorsof250and25nmol/lrespectivelywere suspicion of interference was very rare. The quantifier: slightly underestimated, but had acceptable back-calcu- qualifierpeakarearatiowaswithinG40%oftheexpected latedaccuraciesabove90%. valueforalltheanalytesofallthesamples. Thevarianceoftheslopeconstantsbetweendifferent individualsprovidesausefulindexofrelativeMEs.TheCV Stability of the slope constants were %3% for all the analytes (Supplementary Table 3, see section on supplementary Steroidhormonesintheserumwerestablewhenstoredat data given at the end of this article). According to 48Coralowertemperature.Afterstorageforupto25days Matuszewski(14),thisindicatesthatthemethodisrobust at 48C or over 6 months at K208C, all the compounds http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 7–12 2:131 LC–MS/MS Table3 Limitsofdetection(LoDs)andlowerlimitsofquantification(LLoQs). Andro- Pro- Cortisol Cortisone Prednisolone Prednisone DXM 11DOC Testosterone stenedione 17OHP gesterone LoD(nmol/l) !0.1 !0.1 !0.2 !0.2 !0.03 !0.03 !0.01 !0.02 !0.06 !0.06 LoQ(nmol/l) 1.95 1.58 0.49 0.97 0.061 0.098 0.018 0.122 0.244 0.122 CV(%) 11.4 6.7 12.3 18.3 5.4 17.3 18.8 16.9 14.2 16.9 Accuracy(%) 94.6 117.9 86.0 103.6 112.0 103.5 116.2 103.8 95.9 113.4 LoDisdefinedasasignal-to-noiseratioabove3.LoQisdefinedasthelowestlevelthatcouldbemeasuredwithaccuracywithinG20%ofthenominallevels andaCVbelow20%(nZ6).AttheLLoQ,thesignal-to-noiseratiowasabove10forallthecompoundsinallthereplicates.DXM,dexamethasone;11DOC, 11-deoxycortisol;17OHP,17a-hydroxyprogesterone. werestillmeasuredwithin G10%oftheirnominallevels middle-agedgroup(P!0.00001),whichagainwerelower withnoapparenttrends.Thecompoundswererobusttoat than those of the young group (PZ0.006). For BDs, least five freeze–thaw cycles. Cortisone concentrations androstenedione concentrations were not significantly were within G10% of the nominal levels after 48h of different in the middle-aged group and the old group storage at ambient temperature; however, for samples (PZ0.160).Theyounggrouphadhigherlevelsrelativeto containinglevelsof50nmol/,concentrationsdeclinedto the middle-aged group (PZ0.0002) and the old group 86% after 96h. Similarly, at this time point, the (PZ0.00007). concentrations of samples with prednisone at an initial On comparing women with AD with BDs, it was level of 50nmol/l had declined to 84%. Reconstituted found that testosterone levels were significantly lower in ons sampleswerestableforatleast4daysat48C. all the age-stratified groups (all P%0.00020). Similarly, cti androstenedione concentrations were lowest in AD e nn patients (all P%0.00005). The levels of 17OHP in the old Co Application:steroidprofilesofwomenwithADandBDs groups were lower in AD patients than in the BDs e rin The steroid profiles of patients with AD and BDs are (P!0.00001). There were no systematic differences in c o serum cortisol and cortisone levels between AD patients d reportedinTable4.Themethodprovidedinformationon n E and BDs, as expected since the timing of specimen the cortisol and cortisone levels of patients on oral collectionwasnotstandardized. hydrocortisone replacement therapy and successfully identifiedthefivepatientstakingprednisolone(predniso- lone317nmol/l,range220–419;prednisone47.8nmol/l, range17.2–86).NineADpatientshadlowlevelsof11DOC Discussion (median0.20;range0.14–0.32nmol/l). WedevelopedamultiplexedLC–MS/MSassaythattargets Testosterone and androstenedione concentrations the work-up of adrenal and gonadal disorders. As were above the LLoQs in all the BDs and most of the demonstrated by the steroid profiles of women with AD, womenwithadrenalinsufficiency.ThetwoADgroupsof itallowsthequantificationofverylowlevelsofandrogens, women aged above 60 years and women with premature as well as measurements of endogenous and synthetic ovarianfailurestoodoutasinthemandrogenlevelswere glucocorticoids. The method is automated, requires only often not even detectable. Generally, patients with AD 85ml serum and has a chromatographic run time of exhibited decreasing serum testosterone concentrations 6.1min, which makes it suitable for use in routine with age, and levels were significantly lower in the old endocrinelaboratoriesaswellasinresearch. group vs the young group (PZ0.0195). This was in The panel of analytes includes the most commonly contrast to the testosterone levels in BDs, where no systemicallyusedsyntheticglucocorticoids.Thiscouldbe differencebetweentheoldandyounggroupswasobserved particularly useful in a clinical setting as it enables a (PZ1). The middle-aged BDs, however, had lower levels comprehensive assessment of the patient. For example, thantheyounggroup(PZ0.003). the overnight low-dose DXM suppression test is com- Serum androstenedione concentrations also declined monly used in the work-up of CS, but its diagnostic with age in women with AD. Androstenedione concen- specificity of only 80% is a major drawback (16). The trations in the old group were lower than those in the determination of serum DXM could help in identifying http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 8–12 2:132 LC–MS/MS 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Cortisol Cortisone Prednisolone Prednisone 11DOC 90% m/z 407/297 90% m/z 405/301 90% m/z 405/295 90% m/z 403/299 90% m/z 347/97 Period I Period I Period I Period I Period 2 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 100% DXM 100% Testosterone 100% 100% 17OHP 100% Progesterone Androstenedione m/z 437/361 m/z 289/97 m/z 331/97 m/z 315/97 90% 90% 90% m/z 287/97 90% 90% Period 3 Period 4 Period 6 Period 7 Period 5 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% s n o 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% ti c e 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% n n o 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% C 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.5 5.0 e n ri c o Figure1 d En MSchromatogramsofthequantifiermasstransitionofthelowestworking 0.06nmol/l,dexamethasone(DXM);0.02nmol/l,testosterone;0.12nmol/l, calibratorforeachanalyte.Thenominalconcentrationswereasfollows: androstenedione;0.24nmol/l,17a-OH-progesterone(17OHP);and 1.95nmol/l,cortisol;0.98nmol/l,cortisone;0.98nmol/l,prednisolone; 0.24nmol/l;progesterone.m/z,mass-to-chargeratiooftheionized 0.98nmol/l,prednisone;0.10nmol/l,11-deoxycortisol(11DOC); compoundandfragment. patients with false-positive tests due to reduced gastro- Our LC–MS/MS assay allows the quantification of intestinal DXM absorption or abnormal DXM metab- serum testosterone in the picomolar range found in olism.ThisstrategyisindeedsuggestedbytheEndocrine women and children, which traditional immunoassays Society (17), but rarely implemented. Moreover, the cannot measure reliably (21). We achieved a LLoQ for detection of synthetic glucocorticoid hormones could testosteroneoflessthanone-fifthofthatreportedbyGuo revealiatrogeniccausesofCSaswellaspreventunnecess- etal.(2)andCeglareketal.(3),andfunctionalsensitivity ary investigations in patients with iatrogenic cortisol wassimilartothatofmethodsemployinglabour-intensive suppression, both circumstances commonly encountered derivatization procedures to enhance the ionization in the routine laboratory. Moreover, prednisolone and of androgens (5, 8). The LLoQs in the range of prednisone are commonly used as immunosuppressants 0.02–1.97nmol/l are, for most of the analytes, lower andinthetreatmentofcancer.Itisaclinicalobservation than those of previously published LC–MS/MS methods, that these drugs show considerable inter-individual althoughourmethodrequireslessserumvolume(1,2,3, variation in dose required for therapeutic effect. Analo- 4,5,7,8).Combinedwithsimultaneousdeterminationof gously,somepatientsaremoreresistanttoadverseeffects. multiplehormones,lowserumvolumerequirementisan Therapeutic monitoring of prednisolone and prednisone advantage when the specimen is scarce, such as samples levels may ultimately optimize clinical response and from children and population-based biobanks. The low reduceadverseeffects,suchasosteoporosisandcardiovas- sample volume used also facilitates high-throughput culardisease(18,19,20). analysis by allowing unattended automation of the http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 9–12 2:133 LC–MS/MS Cortisol Androstenedione Testosterone (males) Testosterone (females) 800 RSl o=p 0e. 9=3 1 .04 (0.94, 1.4) 25 RSl o=p 0e. 7=8 12. 96 (1.72, 2.26) 50 RSl o=p 0e. 9=5 05. 78 (0.75, 0.81) 3.0 RSl o=p 0e. 5=6 04.97 (0.74, 1.3) Intercept = 28.65 (–6.88, 64.25) Intercept = –0.35 (–1.32, 0.48) Intercept = 0.43 (0.33, 0.56) Intercept = 0.24 (–0.13, 0.45) mulite 2000 (nmol/l) 640000 n = 57 mulite 2000 (nmol/l) 211050 n = 136 mulite 2000 (nmol/l) 432000 n = 265 mulite 2000 (nmol/l) 22..50 n = 86 m m m m 1.5 DPC i 200 DPC i 5 DPC i 10 DPC i 1.0 0 0 200 400 600 800 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) 100 100 1500 300 % difference DPC immulite2000 vs LC–MS/MS1500000 % difference DPC immulite2000 vs LC–MS/MS 210000 % difference DPC immulite2000 vs LC–MS/MS –55000 % difference DPC immulite2000 vs LC–MS/MS –55000 0 0 –100 –100 0 200 400 600 800 2 4 6 8 10 0 10 20 30 40 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) 11DOC 17OHP Progesterone 80 RSl o=p 0e. 6=6 36. 47 (2.59, 4.31) 150 35 RSl o=p 0e. 9=0 06. 95 (0.85, 1.04) nections RIA, Biosource (nmol/l) 642000 Inn =te r7c9ept = 2.11 (1.48, 2.74) RIA, Coat-A-Count (nmol/l) 10500 RSInn l t=o=e p r60ce7.e 8=p8 t23 =. 6 02. 6(23. 3(01.,3 27.,9 19.)02) DPC immulite 2000 (nmol/l) 22311500505 Inn t=e r4c4ept = 0.69 (0.6, 0.86) on 0 0 0 C 0 5 10 15 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 e LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) n ri 1000 c Endo % difference RIA,Biosource vs LC–MS/MS 846200000000 % difference RIACoat-A-Count vs LC–MS/MS 264000000 % difference DPC immulite2000 vs LC–MS/MS432100000000 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 0.2 0.5 1.02.0 50.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) Log LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) LC–MS/MS (nmol/l) Figure2 ComparisonoftheLC–MS/MSmethodwithimmunoassaysavailableatthe Arrowsincortisolplotsdenoteapatientputonprednisolonetherapyin HormoneLaboratory.Statisticalanalyseswerecarriedoutusingthe whomtheimmunoassayreportedfalselyelevatedcortisollevels Passing–Bablokregression(upper)andBland–Altmanplots(lower). (220vs12nmol/l). extractionprocedureinastandard96-wellformatusinga contributedtothe longlifetimeofthe analyticalcolumn, liquid-handling robot. Within an 8-h workday, 288 whichtypicallywithstoodthousandsofinjections. samplescanbeprepared,andmorethan200samplesper AlthoughMSisahighlyspecificanalyticaldetector,it daycanbeanalysed. is necessary to chromatographically separate the steroid When hormones with different chemical properties analytes from isobaric isomers and other interfering are assayed simultaneously, there is a balance between compounds.WefoundthattheZorbaxRRHDC18column obtaining high recoveries for all the compounds and performed well for both glucocorticoids and androgens. eliminating substances that cause ion suppression or A reversed-phase column with phenyl-bonded stationary impactmethodruggedness.Overall,extractionwithethyl phase may better separate cortisol, cortisone, predniso- acetate:hexaneyieldedhighrecoverieswithoutsignificant lone and prednisone (22), but is incapable of resolving ion suppression or enhancement. The clean extracts androgens from interfering compounds. Because the http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. Downloaded from Bioscientifica.com at 02/12/2023 12:07:42AM via free access Research PMethlieetal. Quantitationofsteroidsby 10–12 2:134 LC–MS/MS above60yearsZ(n13) Median(IQR) 66(62–68) 256(175–303) 42.1(40.6–51.3) NA NA NA 0.32(0.26–0.45) 0.65(0.56–1.10) 1.28(0.96–1.64) 0.31(0.25–0.63) NA ementtherapy; gipcnrlruoecsdtsohn-cieinosotrnetnirecefgeoariaedtnnisvdcfeeo.primroeneddinziassptoieolconinfiecmawoddadseu,cwttsihtwheoitcuhot-feoslirugmntiiiocfincaacnoidtf Age !LoQ 0 0 13 13 13 0 0 0 3 13 eplac instrTuhmeeinnctsreahsainsgisnecnrseiatsiveidtyaowfathreenleatsesstagnednecroatniocenrnofMfoSr r Blooddonors ZAge40–59years(n41) !LoQMedian(IQR) 48(45–55) 0211(153–278) 041.5(35.6–49.4) 41NA 41NA 41NA 10.29(0.22–0.48) 00.56(0.43–0.67) 01.64(1.18–2.21) 70.68(0.35–1.86) 230(0–3.52) failure;DHEA,DHEA irfppsraeeaoncagbgtkmaeedra.eircndeMtaesisvo)ninstaaheitdtriooofduernsrlidneaongnfrcaotetithsswhe,eoesrirunamltsaipopyaiescaosirroftionttcrfhuaoenlsfapsqriei,ntucitaioiefinnnrctfsiietfitryhe(eienr.aecst.epoaic(cqn2oou3lmula,ilnsoi2ifieol4axen)rr-. n Although monitoring two mass transitions reduces scan Agebelow40yearsZ(n48) !LoQMedian(IQR) 28(25–32) 0290(218–407) 044.8(37.3–53) 48NA 48NA 48NA 00.30(0.20–0.61) 00.71(0.56–0.86) 02.47(1.87–2.81) 60.68(0.44–1.38) 230.249(0–5.82) OF,prematureovariaetected. trawoientmechaoeelbmyreasmlminised.uevOnletthdiusiuestredsaars(osn2esina5diy)msmiotmpirevotoaihrtdntyoavitdniaossnterdds(i2mtaL,wspL3omor,oQ4amv,,ne5atmdh,sas6eitsn)ot.rstratyrnca(os2timet6gi)opyfnaohrsre,adsswtebwhreoiiectinhhd Pd ZHEA(n7) Median(IQR) 51(46–54) 133(83.6–289) 40.6(25.2–52.5) NA NA NA NA 0.56(0.47–0.95) 1.74(0.87–1.85) 0(0–0.78) 0(0–0.78) uantification;monewasnot psptoreotretoIeninidtntiseasirlna-liynntdhidmeilvipspiedairdcuutsam.lmdAmeinfafaesiyusroervnetaomcrpeyesicnwintaistns.heaFrtlouohrmgeueacxemoaommofupptnohletse,iotatifhonbneailncEyodRteuinolidgsf EndocrineConnections ofilesoffemaleswithAddison’sdiseaseandinfemaleblooddonors. PatientswithAddison’sdisease below40yearsAgeabove60yearsZZZZ(n25)Age40–59years(n71)(n43)POF(n10)D !!!!Median(IQR)LoQMedian(IQR)LoQMedian(IQR)LoQMedian(IQR)LoQ 35(30–38)48(44–52)68(64–76)56(53–62) 326(116–540)2273(102–452)0290(149–524)0404(163–554)1 58.5(27.5–67.5)245.1(24.9–59.6)151(34.7–65.7)053.5(41.6–61.1)1 NA690(0–0)410(0–0)90(0–0)7 NA690(0–0)410(0–0)90(0–0)7 NA71NA43NA10NA7 0(0–0)660(0–0)420(0–0)10NA7 0.44(0.22–0.63)130.26(0.12–0.45)160.15(0–0.41)50.03(0–0.27)0 1.18(0.71–1.76)190.63(0–10.2)380(0–0)60(0–0.16)1 0.65(0.37–1.59)260.41(0–1.21)400(0–0)80(0–0)4 0(0–2.72)430(0–1.96)43NA10NA5 !asmedian(IRQ,interquartilerange)nmol/l.LoQ,numberofsamplesbelowthelimitofqa11DOC,11-deoxycortisol;17OHP,17-hydroxyprogesterone,NA,notapplicablebecausehor cNverpaTvaciiswsmfiidAnndetyqountaahrnvDeriledenedlamurrtdaeeeivints.hviilistdvtirehovslvTHIohlmTeetpeaauiSr(itiuiohsdnbfoedt1neatdfihroomhdsitrertee,utueoooinrbwieie2ucaedeaantLastuiycllc)e,olnnymeoeylnC.olrsrogdsiac,tbTddeoman,kstslfoiuwywh,uhisisffinirfpmfnssstpcoipfecieeeBeoeretteradtoontrlrechpdDeswrhailhiereincnossdnacetanpestaopluingerapnsacpes.hvatcrrittntsrssdoTaitnrteeeediheeteishlietgtrsdshhgeolacfaMasitdteeuonteisoeenpltenyn,eseodhnflEniioaitnmictdfdsnadnsoaetolsthsoIoteys,steortseSinuerrrailsootwir.esooearitbsenuiintszsthosnnhnss.ldhmuomaooueeotnAeidettleulrcrgafptietuniaeachcodshalncrtrstumlotooaehnnoayoieawdhococstpmmtfiotbdrehsiofeoeaenlusdttalrntaqppfyelceaehomfiyltcmrtsuetooosnieihgescenhsncccrasfeioemefiatiooeebotnestesntiitferdhafnnfisi-icrhteensdeotepwioeecrcrwneofilnddnosinoeyniuotdcntdhcfi.rbottodfnormbaoneteetoutottwomotwyghfnn,hresiiemgpnooetttaixonpiecuehinsrannmvsaafarrnlautervaetecwdllttopocidrepsethhiobaipahiyltncuoefsyteyner-iffeutimhgsfhea.nniawrw(IllagtrpiaTf2SaslototiegAteyaeiinoerr7hhestnvnhtcrtlteDrshn)ddoyeeeeeett----.. teroidpr Age !LoQ 0 0 25 25 25 22 2 ne2 5 16 expressedethasone; tlhaeirsggthoelsytceosrphoeoncreitfiocanfMdwSo.amTnodenrdoisfwfteeirtnehendatiidoartneeenbaecltowinnecseuennffitpcrraieetminocenynsouipsnianuga- S o em Table4 Age(years) Cortisol Cortisone Prednisolone Prednisone DXM 11DOC Testosterone Androstenedi 17OHP Progesterone AlllevelsarDXM,dexa yssauelbarjaesn)ctdsanpidnosttoomldyeon(uoOnp6gau0s(!ayle4as0tras)tyuegsa,rrosw)u,epsms.tirdTadhtilefie-eamdgietddhdel(e4s-0atug–d6ed0y http://www.endocrineconnections.org (cid:1)2013Theauthors ThisworkislicensedunderaCreativeCommons DOI:10.1530/EC-13-0023 PublishedbyBioscientificaLtd Attribution3.0UnportedLicense. 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Cortisol, cortisone, prednisolone, prednisone, 11-deoxycortisol, Conclusion: This LC–MS/MS assay provides highly sensitive and specific
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