53 Texts in Applied Mathematics Editors J.E. Marsden L. Sirovich S.S. Antman Advisors G. Iooss P. Holmes D. Barkley M. Dellnitz P. Newton Texts in Applied Mathematics 1. Sirovich: Introduction to Applied Mathematics. 2. Wiggins: Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos. 3. Hale/Koçak: Dynamics and Bifurcations. 4. Chorin/Marsden: A Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 3rd ed. 5. Hubbard/West: Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach: Ordinary Differential Equations. 6. Sontag: Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional Systems, 2nd ed. 7. Perko: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 3rd ed. 8. Seaborn: Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications. 9. Pipkin: A Course on Integral Equations. 10. Hoppensteadt/Peskin: Modeling and Simulation in Medicine and the Life Sciences, 2nd ed. 11. Braun: Differential Equations and Their Applications, 4th ed. 12. Stoer/Bulirsch: Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 3rd ed. 13. Renardy/Rogers: An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. 14. Banks: Growth and Diffusion Phenomena: Mathematical Frameworks and Applications. 15. Brenner/Scott: The Mathematical Theory of Finite Element Methods, 2nd ed. 16. Van de Velde: Concurrent Scientifi c Computing. 17. Marsden/Ratiu: Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry, 2nd ed. 18. Hubbard/West: Differential Equations: A Dynamical Systems Approach: Higher-Dimensional Systems. 19. Kaplan/Glass: Understanding Nonlinear Dynamics. 20. Holmes: Introduction to Perturbation Methods. 21. Curtain/Zwart: An Introduction to Infi nite-Dimensional Linear Systems Theory. 22. Thomas: Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finitc Difference Methods. 23. Taylor: Partial Differential Equations: Basic Theory. 24. Merkin: Introduction to the Theory of Stability of Motion. 25. Naber: Topology, Geometry, and Gauge Fields: Foundations. 26. Polderman/Willems: Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory: A Behavioral Approach. 27. Reddy: Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications to Boundary-Value Problems and Finite Elements. 28. Gustafson/Wilcox: Analytical and Computational Methods of Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 29. Tveito/Winther: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: A Computational Approach. 30. Gasquet/Witomski: Fourier Analysis and Applications: Filtering, Numerical Computation, Wavelets. (continued after index) Grigorios A. Pavliotis • Andrew M. Stuart Multiscale Methods Averaging and Homogenization Grigorios A. Pavliotis Andrew M. Stuart Department of Mathematics Mathematics Institute Imperial College London University of Warwick London SW7 2AZ Coventry CV4 7AL United Kingdom United Kingdom [email protected] [email protected] Series Editors J.E. Marsden L. Sirovich Control and Dynamical Systems, 107–81 Division of Applied Mathematics California Institute of Technology Brown University Pasadena, CA 91125 Providence, RI 02912 USA USA [email protected] [email protected] S.S. Antman Department of Mathematics and Institute for Physical Science and Technology University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742-4015 USA [email protected] ISBN: 978-0-387-73828-4 e-ISBN: 978-0-387-73829-1 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-73829-1 Library of Congress Control Number: 2007941385 Mathematics Subject Classifi cation (2000): 34, 35, 60 © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identifi ed as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Printed on acid-free paper 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 springer.com Series Preface Mathematics is playing an ever more important role in the physical and biological sciences, provoking a blurring of boundaries between scientific disciplines and a resurgence of interest in the modern as well as the classical techniques of applied mathematics.Thisrenewalofinterest,bothinresearchandteaching,hasledtothe establishmentoftheseriesTextsinAppliedMathematics(TAM). The development of new courses is a natural consequence of a high level of excitementontheresearchfrontierasnewertechniques,suchasnumericalandsym- boliccomputersystems,dynamicalsystems,andchaos,mixwithandreinforcethe traditional methods of applied mathematics. Thus, the purpose of this textbook se- ries is to meet the current and future needs of these advances and to encourage the teachingofnewcouses. TAMwillpublishtextbookssuitableforuseinadvancedundergraduateandbe- ginninggraduatecourses,andwillcomplementtheAppliedMathematicalSciences (AMS) series, which will focus on advanced textbooks and research-level mono- graphs. Pasadena,California J.E.Marsden NewYork,NewYork L.Sirovich CollegePark,Maryland S.S.Antman TomyparentsAργυρηandΣoυλταναandtomybrotherΓιωργo. CarryHome.Γρηγoρης. FormychildrenNatalie,Sebastian,andIsobel. AMS. Preface The aim of these notes is to describe, in a unified fashion, a set of methods for the simplification of a wide variety of problems that all share the common feature of possessingmultiplescales.1 Themathematicalmethodswestudyareoftenreferred toasthemethodsofaveragingandofhomogenization.Themethodsapplytopar- tialdifferentialequations(PDEs),stochasticdifferentialequations(SDEs),ordinary differential equations (ODEs),and Markov chains. The unifying principle underly- ing the collection of techniques described here is the approximation of singularly perturbed linear equations. The unity of the subject is most clearly visible in the applicationofperturbationexpansionstotheapproximationofthesesingularpertur- bation problems. A significant portion of the notes is devoted to such perturbation expansions.InthiscontextweusethetermResulttodescribetheconclusionsofa formalperturbationargument.Thisenablesustoderiveimportantapproximationre- sultswithouttheburdenofrigorousproof,whichcansometimesobfuscatethemain ideas.However,wewillalsostudyavarietyoftoolsfromanalysisandprobability, used to place the approximations derived on a rigorous footing. The resulting the- orems are proved using a range of methods, tailored to different settings. There is lessunitytothispartofthesubject.Asaconsequence,considerablebackgroundis requiredtoabsorbtheentirerigoroussideofthesubject,andwedevoteasignificant partofthebooktothisbackgroundmaterial. The first part of the notes is devoted to the Background; the second to the Perturbation Expansions, which provide the unity of the subject matter; and the third to the Theory justifying these perturbative techniques. We do not necessarily recommend that the reader covers the material in this order. A natural way to get an overview of the subject is to read through Part II of the book on perturbation 1In this book we will apply the general methodology to problems with two widely sepa- ratedcharacteristicscales.Theextensiontosystemswithmanyseparatedscalesisfairly straightforwardandwillbediscussedinanumberoftheDiscussionandBibliographysec- tions,whichconcludeeachchapter.Inallcases,theimportantassumptionwillbethatof scaleseparation. X Preface expansions,referringtothebackgroundmaterialasneeded.Thetheorycanthenbe studied,aftertheformoftheapproximationsisunderstood,onacase-by-casebasis. PartI(Background)containstheelementsofthetheoryofanalysis,probability, and stochastic processes, as required for the material in these notes, together with basicintroductorymaterialonODEs,Markovchains,SDEs,andPDEs.PartII(Per- turbationExpansions)illustratestheuseofideasfromaveragingandhomogenization tostudyODEs,Markovchains,SDEs,andPDEsofelliptic,parabolic,andtransport type;invariantmanifoldsarealsodiscussedandareviewedasaspecialcaseofav- eraging.PartIII(Theory)containsillustrationsoftherigorousmethodsthatmaybe employedtoestablishthevalidityoftheperturbationexpansionsderivedinPartII. ThechaptersinPartIIIrelatetothoseinPartIIinaone-to-onefashion.Itispossible topickparticularthemesfromthisbookandcoversubsetsofchaptersdevotedonly to those themes. The reader interested primarily in SDEs should cover Chapters 6, 10,11,17,and18.MarkovchainsarecoveredinChapters5,9,and16.Thesubject ofhomogenizationforellipticPDEsiscoveredinChapters12and19.Homogeniza- tionandaveragingforparabolicandtransportequationsarecoveredinChapters13, 14,20,and21. The subject matter in this set of notes has, for the most part, been known for severaldecades.However,theparticularpresentationofthematerialhereis,webe- lieve,particularlysuitedtothepedagogicalgoalofcommunicatingthesubjecttothe widerange ofmathematicians, scientists,and engineers whoarecurrently engaged in the use of these tools to tackle the enormous range of applications that require them.Inparticularwehavechosenasettingthatdemonstratesquiteclearlythewide applicability of the techniques to PDEs, SDEs, ODEs, and Markov chains, as well ashighlightingtheunityoftheapproach.Suchawide-rangingsettingisnotunder- taken, we believe, in existing books, or is done so less explicitly than in this text. WehavechosentousethephrasingMultiscaleMethodsinthetitleofthebookbe- causethematerialpresentedhereformsthebackboneofasignificantportionofthe amorphousfieldthatnowgoesbythatname.However,werecognizethatthereare vastpartsofthefieldwedonotcover.Inparticular,scaleseparationisafundamen- tal requirement in all of the perturbation techniques presented in this book. Many applications,however,possessacontinuumofscales,withnoclearseparation.Fur- thermore,manyoftheproblemsarisinginmultiscaleanalysisareconcernedwiththe interfacingofdifferentmathematicalmodelsappropriateatdifferentscales(suchas quantum, molecular, and continuum); the tools presented in these notes do not di- rectlyaddressproblemsarisinginsuchapplications,asourstartingpointisasingle mathematicalmodelinwhichscaleseparationispresent. These notes are meant to be an introduction, aimed primarily toward graduate students. Part I of the book (where we lay the theoretical foundations) and Part III (where we state and prove theorems concerning simplified versions of the models studiedinPartII)arenecessarilyterse;otherwiseitwouldbeimpossibletopresent thewiderangeofapplicationsoftheideasandillustratetheirunity.Extensionsand generalizationsoftheresultspresentedinthesenotes,aswellasreferencestothelit- erature,aregivenintheDiscussionandBibliographysectionattheendofeachchap- ter. With the exception of Chapter 1, all chapters are supplemented with exercises. Preface XI Wehopethattheformatofthebookwillmakeitappropriateforusebothasatext- bookandforself-study. Acknowledgments We are especially grateful to Konstantinos Zygalakis who read and commented on much of the manuscript, typed parts of it, and helped to create some of the fig- ures. Special thanks also are due to Martin Hairer, Valeriy Slastikov, Endre Su¨li, and Roger Tribe, all of whom read portions of the book in great detail, resulting in many constructive suggestions for improvement. We are also grateful to Niklas Branstrom,MikhailCherdanstev,DrorGivon,WeinanE,DavidEpstein,LiamJones, Raz Kupferman, Brenda Quinn, Florian Theil, and David White for many helpful comments that substantially improved these lecture notes. The book grew out of courses on multiscale methods and on homogenization that we taught at Imperial CollegeLondonandatWarwickUniversityduringthelastfouryears;wethankall thestudentswhoattendedthesecourses.Someofthismaterial,inturn,grewoutof thereviewarticle[125],andwearegratefultoDrorGivonandRazKupfermanfor theircollaborationinthisarea. Partsofthebookwereusedasabasisfortwoshortcoursesonmultiscalemethods thatwetaughtinApril2007attheMathematicalSciencesResearchInstitute(MSRI), Berkeley, CA, and the Mathematics Research Centre (MRC), Warwick University. Wethankalltheparticipantsatthesecourses,togetherwiththeMSRI,MRC,Lon- donMathematicalSociety,andtheUKEngineeringandPhysicalSciencesResearch Council(EPSRC)foradministrativeandfinancialsupportfortheseshortcourses. GP has received financial support from the EPSRC, and AMS has received fi- nancialsupportfromtheEPSRCandfromtheU.S.OfficeofNavalResearchduring thewritingofthisbook.Thisfundedresearchhashelpedshapemuchofthematerial presentedinthebook,andtheauthorsaregratefulforthefinancialsupport. GAPavliotisandAMStuart,August2007 Contents SeriesPreface...................................................... V Preface............................................................ IX 1 Introduction................................................... 1 1.1 Overview ................................................. 1 1.2 MotivatingExamples ....................................... 1 1.2.1 ExampleI:SteadyHeatConductioninaCompositeMaterial 2 1.2.2 ExampleII:HomogenizationforAdvection–Diffusion Equations........................................... 3 1.2.3 ExampleIII:Averaging,Homogenization,andDynamics... 4 1.2.4 ExampleIV:DimensionReductioninDynamicalSystems.. 5 1.3 AveragingVersusHomogenization ............................ 6 1.3.1 AveragingforSystemsofLinearEquations .............. 7 1.3.2 HomogenizationforSystemsofLinearEquations ......... 8 1.4 DiscussionandBibliography ................................. 9 PartI Background 2 Analysis....................................................... 13 2.1 Setup..................................................... 13 2.2 Notation .................................................. 14 2.3 BanachandHilbertSpaces................................... 16 2.3.1 BanachSpaces ...................................... 16 2.3.2 HilbertSpaces....................................... 18 2.4 FunctionSpaces............................................ 18 2.4.1 SpacesofContinuousFunctions........................ 18 2.4.2 LpSpaces .......................................... 19 2.4.3 SobolevSpaces...................................... 21 2.4.4 BanachSpace–ValuedSpaces.......................... 22 2.4.5 SobolevSpacesofPeriodicFunctions ................... 23