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MULTIPLIER IDEALS AND INTEGRAL CLOSURE OF MONOMIAL IDEALS: AN ANALYTIC APPROACH 0 1 JEFFERY D. MCNEAL & YUNUS E. ZEYTUNCU 0 2 Abstract. Proofs of two results about a monomial ideal – describing n membership in auxiliary ideals associated to the monomial ideal – are a J given which do not invoke resolution of singularities. The AM–GM in- equalityisusedasasubstitutefortakingalogresolutionofthemonomial 7 2 ideal. ] V C . h 1. Introduction t a m Multiplier ideals1 have a crucial role in some significant recent work in [ algebraic and analytic geometry. For example, the prominent work in [6], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18] use these ideals as a fundamental tool and these 1 v ideals underly the recent progress on the Minimal Model program described 3 in [4]. The utility of multiplier ideals, in these works and other applica- 8 tions, stem from the dual properties with respect to vanishing theorems and 9 4 measurement of singularities that these ideals exhibit. . 1 There are two ways to define the multiplier ideals commonly appearing 0 in the literature — analytically and algebraically — and the two definitions 0 1 look initially dissimilar. This is true even when considering ideals (both : the input ideal and its multiplier ideal) in the polynomial ring C[z ,...,z ], v 1 n i where the definitions give rise to the same multiplier ideal. Given a non- X zero ideal a = (p (z),...,p (z)) ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] generated by k polynomials, r 1 k 1 n a define another ideal associated to a by Research of both authors was partially supported by NSF grants AMS Subject Classification. Primary 13P99, 14Q99,32S45; Secondary 14M25, 13B22. 1 There is not a unique notion of “multiplier ideals”: (i) sets of multipliers can be associated to a given geometric object via different boundedness conditions, and many of these sets form ideals, (ii) multipliers can be associated to many different objects; e.g., plurisubharmonic functions, divisors in projective manifolds, real hypersurfaces in Cn, metrics on line bundles, have naturally associated but somewhat different multiplier ideals,and(iii)analyticmultipliersarenaturallydefinedusingtranscendentaldata(holo- morphicfunctions,realcoefficients,etc.) whilealgebraicmultipliersinvolveonlyalgebraic data (polynomial functions, rational coefficients, etc.). We side-step all these issues here, by dealing with the notion of multiplier ideal of greatest current interest and by restricting it to the polynomial ring. 1 2 JEFFERY D. MCNEAL & YUNUSE. ZEYTUNCU (1.1) |g(z)|2 J (a) = g ∈ C[z ,...,z ] : ∈ L1 (Cn) . an 1 n |p (z)|2 +···+|p (z)|2 loc (cid:26) 1 k (cid:27) Following Lazarsfeld [10], call this the analytic multiplier ideal associated to a. On the other hand, for the algebraic definition, first fix a log resolution of a: µ : X′ → X, with a·OX′ = OX′(−F). Then the ideal defined as (1.2) Jal(a) = µ∗OX′ KX′/X −[F] is called the algebraic multiplier ideal a(cid:0)ssociated to(cid:1)a.2 Using either formulation (1.1) or (1.2), it is difficult to actually compute the multiplier ideal associated to a given ideal a. A large class of ideals a for which (1.2) has been computed, however, are those generated by monomials. In [9], Howald showed that if a ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] is generated by monomials, 1 n then J (a) can be described in terms of the Newton polyhedra associated al to the exponent set of the generators (see Theorem 3.1 in section 3). To establish this result, Howald must, per definition, take a log resolution of a, which he then analyzes using some facts about toric varieties. In the third section of the paper, we give an elementary analytic proof of Howald’s theorem. This proof uses only the simple Arithmetic Mean- Geometric Mean inequality (1.3) xt1 ...xtk ≤ t x +···+t x (≤ x +···+x ) 1 k 1 1 k k 1 k foranyx ≥ 0andt ≥ 0suchthatt +···+t = 1, andacarefulexamination i i 1 k of the Newton polyhedra associated to the monomial ideal a. The use of (1.3) as a substitute for log resolving a is the main point of this paper. Indeed, replacing the resolution of singularities arguments in [9] by the AM-GM inequality was, for the authors, a significant conceptual simplifi- cation. Since monomial ideals are interesting in their own right, and also model general ideals under certain circumstances, for example see [2] and [13], our alternate proof of Howald’s basic result may be of some interest to others. In the fourth section of the paper, similar elementary ideas are applied to thenotionofintegral closure. The AM-GMinequality isused todescribe the integral closure of a monomial ideal via the Newton polyhedra and then this description is used to prove the equivalence of two definitions of integral closure for monomial ideals. This result is not new: the equivalence of 2The notation is explained in the next section, where definitions (1.1) and (1.2) are also generalized. MULTIPLIER IDEALS AND INTEGRAL CLOSURE OF MONOMIAL IDEALS 3 the two notions of integral closure, for an arbitrary polynomial ideal, was established by Teissier, see [19] and [11]. But the method of proof in Section 4, which again hinges on using (1.3) rather than log resolution, is the reason for its inclusion. For the basic facts, examples, applications, and alternate definitions of multiplier ideals, we refer the reader to several well-written sources. For in- formation on the algebraic aspects of multiplier ideals, we recommend both Lazarsfeld’sbook[10], Chapter9, andthesurvey articleofBlickle-Lazarsfeld [1]. For information on the analytic aspects of multiplier ideals, we recom- mend the two sets of lecture notes by Demailly, [3], [4]. This project grew out of the Park City Mathematical Institute’s program during the summer of 2008. In particular, the lectures of Robert Lazarsfeld at PCMI2008 and the year-long AAG meetings at Ohio State, that were designed to follow-up and expand on the material discussed in PCMI2008, inspired us to write this paper. We thank Rob Lazarsfeld, Dror Varolin, Mircea Musta¸t˘a, and the main participants in the AAG meetings — Herb Clemens, Gary Kennedy, Mirel Caibar, Jie Wang, Yu-Han Liu, Janhavi Joshi, Sivaguru Ravisankar, and Wing-San Hui — for their stimulating con- versations regarding this material. 2. Definitions and notation We start by folding a rational parameter, c > 0, into the definition of J (a). an Definition 2.1. If a = (p (z),...,p (z)) ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] is a non-zero ideal 1 k 1 n generated by k polynomials and c ∈ Q+, the ideal corresponding to a defined by |g(z)|2 (2.2) J (c·a) = g ∈ C[z ,...,z ] : ∈ L1 (Cn) , an ( 1 n kj=1|pj(z)|2c loc ) is called the analytic multiplier ideal of a of depth c. P In Definition 2.1, Lebesgue measure, dm, is tacitly used, i.e. f ∈ L1 (Cn) loc if |f|dm < ∞ for all compact K ⊂ Cn. Other measures could be used K instead. There is no meaning assigned to c · a in (2.2), independent of its rolRe in indexing J (c · a); in other articles, e.g. [10], J (c · a) is written an an multiplicatively as J (ac). an It follows directly from Definition 2.1 that the ideals J (c · a) measure an the order of vanishing of the zero-variety of a, (2.3) V(a) = {z ∈ Cn : p (z) = ··· = p (z) = 0}. 1 k 4 JEFFERY D. MCNEAL & YUNUSE. ZEYTUNCU For instance, if c > 0 is small enough (depending on the degrees of the poly- nomials p ,...,p ), then J (c·a) is the full polynomial ring C[z ,...,z ]. 1 k an 1 n And in the opposite direction, if x ∈ V(a) and all the generators of a vanish 0 to high order at x , then the integrability condition for g ∈ J (1·a) forces 0 an g to vanish appropriately at x . Similarly, for any ideal a, J (c·a) becomes 0 an farther and farther from the full ring C[z ,...,z ] as c → +∞. 1 n In order to define J (c · a), we recall two standard notions in algebraic al geometry. A log resolution of the ideal a is a proper, birational map µ : X′ −→ Cn whose exceptional locus is a divisor, E , and µ (1) X′ is non-singular. (2) For some effective divisor F = a E , j j a·OX′ = µ−1(a)P= OX′ (−F). (3) The divisor F +E has simple normal-crossing support. µ A log resolution exists for any ideal in C[z ,...,z ], a fact that follows from 1 n the fundamental work of Hironaka, [8]. The second notion is the relative canonical bundle: given µ : X′ −→ Cn a proper, birational map as above, the relative canonical bundle associated to this map is (2.4) KX′/Cn =: KX′ −µ∗(KCn). In divisor notation, this bundle is expressed as Div(det(Jac µ)). For in- Cn formation on the terms appearing in these two definitions, see [10] and [7]. Definition 2.5. Let a = (p (z),...,p (z)) ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] be a non-zero 1 k 1 n ideal generated by k polynomials and c ∈ Q+. Let µ : X′ −→ Cn be a log resolution of a and F the effective divisor such that a · OX′ = OX′ (−F). Then the algebraic multiplier ideal of a of depth c is defined to be (2.6) Jal(c·a) = µ∗OX′ KX′/Cn −⌊cF⌋ , where ⌊cF⌋ denotes the round-down of(cid:0)the divisor cF.(cid:1) The definition of J (c · a) does not depend on the particular log reso- al lution of a, see [10], pages 156–158. For basic properties of J (c · a), like al subadditivity, see[5] and [12]. An initial reason for interest in J (c ·a) and J (c ·a) is obvious: both an al measure how complicated (2.3) is. However, the special interest in J (a) an and J (a) arises from the remarkable properties, both local and global, that al these particular ideals possess and because of the powerful cohomological vanishing statements that can be inferred using them; cf. [10], Chapter 9, [1], [3], and [4]. From the analytic side, the special properties of J (a) stem an MULTIPLIER IDEALS AND INTEGRAL CLOSURE OF MONOMIAL IDEALS 5 from the fact that the membership condition (2.2) involves the L2 norm, rather than another boundedness condition. A monomial ideal is an ideal a ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] that is generated by mono- 1 n mials. The notation a = (zα1,...,zαk) will denote the ideal generated by k monomials where each αi = (αi,...,αi) ∈ (N∪{0})n is a multi-index. 1 n Any monomial zα = zα1 ...zαn ∈ C[z ,...,z ] corresponds to a point of 1 n 1 n the lattice L = N∪{0}×···×N∪{0} ⊂ (R ∪{0})n given by (α ,...,α ). + 1 n The set of generators {zα1,...,zαk} of a thus determines a certain subset of L. Let C denote the convex hull of this set in (R ∪{0})n. + Definition 2.7. The (solid) Newton polyhedra of the ideal a is defined as (2.8) P(a) = x+(R ∪{0})n. + x∈C [ If c ∈ Q+, the scaled Newton polyhedra of depth c is as (2.9) P (ca) = {c·x : x ∈ P(a)}. For the rest of the note, the following convenient, though non-standard, notation will be used. For two multi-indices α,β, write α ≺ β to denote that α < β for all i = 1,...,n and α (cid:22) β for α ≤ β for all i = 1,...,n. i i i i Also, the expression A . B will mean that there exists a constant k > 0 such that A ≤ kB. Finally, the symbol ~1 denotes the n-tuple (1,...,1) and P◦(a) denotes the interior of P(a). 3. Howald’s theorem Howald’s description ofthemultiplier ideal associatedto amonomial ideal is Theorem 3.1. Let a be a monomial ideal, a = (zα1,zα2,...,zαk), then (i) J (c·a) is also a monomial ideal. al (ii) zβ ∈ J (c·a) if and only if β +~1 ∈ P◦(ca). al We now give a proof of Theorem 3.1 using the definition of J (c · a) an instead of J (c·a). al Proof. The equivalence in (ii) will be proved first. Let β be a multi-index such that β + ~1 ∈ P◦(ca). From Definition 2.7, it is simple to observe that there exists numbers t ≥ 0 satisfying t + ··· + t = 1 such that i 1 k t cα1 +···+t cαk ≺ β +~1. 1 k The first step is to check the integrability of |zβ|2 (3.2) near the origin. |zα1|2c +···+|zαk|2c 6 JEFFERY D. MCNEAL & YUNUSE. ZEYTUNCU Let U be the unit polydisc centered at the origin in Cn. Applying (1.3) to the denominator in (3.2) yields |zβ|2 |zβ| dV(z) ≤ dV(z) ZU |zα1|2c +···+|zαk|2c ZU |zα1|2ct1 ...|zαk|2ctk r2β1+1...r2βn+1 . 1 n dr ...dr Z[0,1]n r12c(α11t1+···+αk1tk)...rn2c(α1nt1+···+αkntk) 1 n n 1 r2(βi+1−c(α1it1+···+αkitk)) . i dr . r i i=1Z0 i Y But t cα1 + ··· + t cαk ≺ β +~1 implies that the each of the one variable 1 k integrals above is finite and therefore |zβ|2 is locally integrable |zα1|2c+···+|zαk|2c near the origin. The denominator |zα1|2c +···+|zαk|2c does not vanish at a point off the coordinateaxes(i.e. ifallthecoordinatesarenon-zero), solocalintegrability near these points follows immediately. For the other zeros of |zα1|2c +···+ |zαk|2c, the problem is reduced to integrability near the origin in a smaller dimension, then handled as above. Indeed, suppose |zα1|2c + ··· + |zαk|2c vanishes at w = (w ,...,w ) 6= 0. Let w = (w ,..,w ) be the zero co- 1 n i1 im ordinates of w and let β = (β ,...,β ) and αj = (αj ,...,αj ) denote i1 im i1 im the corresponding multi-indices. In a smaell neighborhood of w, the pair of estimates e e e e |zβ|2 |zβ|2 |zβ|2 . . , |zαe1|2c +···+|zαek|2c |zα1|2c +···+|zαk|2c |zαe1|2c +···+|zαek|2c e e hold, since the non-zero coordinates and their powers are bounded from beloew and above. eThus, the integrability of the midedle rational exepression near w in Cn is equivalent to the integrability of the bounding rational expression near the origin in Cm for some m ≤ n. Furthermore, t cα1 + 1 ···+t cαk ≺ β +~1 implies t cα1+···+t cαk ≺ β +~1, so the integrability k 1 k of the bounding rational expression follows from the same argument that showed (3.2) was integrable near the origin. e e e This proves one implication in (ii): β +~1 ∈ P◦(ca) =⇒ zβ ∈ J (c·a). an For the converse, first observe that P(ca) is cut-out by finitely many hyperplanes H ,...,H . Each hyperplane has an equation of the form 1 N H : vix +···+vix = κi where κi = 0 or 1, i 1 1 n n fora vector (vi,...,vi)normal tothehyperplane. Forsimplicity, writethese 1 n equations as vi,x = κi, i = 1,...,N. (cid:10) (cid:11) MULTIPLIER IDEALS AND INTEGRAL CLOSURE OF MONOMIAL IDEALS 7 Since x+Rn ⊂ P(a) for any point x ∈ P(a), the normal vector vi to any H + i can be taken to point toward the inside of the solid Newton polyhedra, i.e., all the components of each vector vi may be assumed non-negative. Each H splits Rn into two half-spaces. With this choice of sign, P(ca) lies in the i region where hvi,xi ≥ κi and γ ∈ P(ca) if and only if vi,γ ≥ κi for all i = 1,...,N. Now consider a multi-index β s(cid:10)uch th(cid:11)at β +~1 6∈ P◦(ca). Since β +~1 6∈ P◦(ca), there exists a hyperplane Hβ ∈ {H ,...,H }, with normal vector 1 N vβ, suchthat vβ,β +~1 ≤ vβ,cαj forallj = 1,...,k. Atleastoneofthe components oDf vβ is nonE-zero, which can be taken to be the first component (cid:10) (cid:11) without loss of generality. Scale vβ to obtain a vector b = (1,b ,...,b ), 2 n b ≥ 0 such that i (3.3) β +~1,b ≤ min cαi,b := m. 1≤i≤k D E It is now straightforward to show that(cid:10)the mo(cid:11)nomial zβ fails to be locally integrable near the origin. If U is the unit polydisc centered at the origin in Cn, |zβ|2 dV(z) |zα1|2c +···+|zαk|2c ZU 1 r1b2 r1bn r2β1+1...r2βn+1 dr ...dr ≥ ... 1 n 1 n Z0 Z21r1b2 Z12r1bn r12cα11...rn2cα1n +···+r12cαk1 ...rn2cαkn 1 r1b2 r1bn r2β1+1...r2βn+1 dr ...dr ≥ ... 1 n 1 n Z0 Z12r1b2 Z12r1bn r12α11...r1bn2α1n +···+r12αk1 ...r1bn2αkn 2hβ+~1,bi 1 r = const. 1 dr 1 Z0 r r2hcα1,bi +···+r2hcαk,bi 1 1 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) 2hβ+~1,bi 1 r & 1 dr = ∞. r r2m 1 Z0 1 1 Thus, zβ 6∈ J(c · a), which proves the second implication in (ii): zβ ∈ J(c·a) =⇒ β +~1 ∈ P◦(ca). To complete the proof of Theorem 3.1, it remains to show (i) holds. Ob- serve that the denominator in Definition 2.1 is radial if a is monomial. Sup- pose g(z) = g zγ is an element of the ideal J (c·a), i.e., γ γ an P |g(z)|2 dV(z) < ∞. |zα1|2c +···+|zαk|2c ZU 8 JEFFERY D. MCNEAL & YUNUSE. ZEYTUNCU Using the orthogonality of the monomials zν, ν ∈ (N∪{0})n, in L2(U), this finite integral can be rewritten as follows: |g(z)|2 k 1 dV(z) = g g zγzηdV(z) |zα1|2c +···+|zαk|2c |zαj|2c γ η ZU ZU j=1 γ,η X X k |zγ|2 = |g |2 dV(z). γ |zαj|2c γ ZU j=1 X X Since there is no cancellation amongst the terms in the last expression, each k |zγ|2 must be finite. This says that each monomial zγ appearing U j=1 |zαj|2c in g must belong to J (c · a). Consequently, J (c · a) is generated by R P an an monomials, as claimed by statement (i). (cid:3) 4. Integral Closure of Ideals If a = (p (z),...,p (z)) ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] is a non-zero ideal, the integral 1 k 1 n closure of a is another geometrically natural ideal associated to a. As in the case of multiplier ideals, there are two ways to define the integral closure, algebraically and analytically, and the two definitions look dissimilar. The algebraic definition of integral closure is Definition 4.1. Let a ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] be a non-zero ideal. A polynomial 1 n f(z) ∈ C[z ,...,z ] belongs to aal if there exist bj ∈ aj such that f satisfies 1 n the following equation (4.2) fN +b fN−1 +···+b f +b = 0. 1 N−1 N Here aj is the j-th power ideal of a. For equivalent algebraic definitions of integral closure, its properties and connection to other ideas, see [10] pages 216–221, and the relevant sections in [7]. The analytic definition of integral closure is Definition 4.3. Let a ⊂ C[z ,...,z ] be a non-zero ideal. A polynomial 1 n f(z) ∈ C[z ,...,z ] belongs to aan if for any q ∈ Cn there exists a neighbor- 1 n hood V of q and C > 0 such that k (4.4) |f(z)| ≤ C |p (z)| for all z ∈ V, i i=1 X where a = (p ...,p ). 1 k This definition of integral closure is appealing because (4.4) can be used to test membership in aan transparently. MULTIPLIER IDEALS AND INTEGRAL CLOSURE OF MONOMIAL IDEALS 9 Showing that Definition 4.1 is equivalent to Definition 4.3 is not trivial. However Teissier [19] and Lejeune-Jalabert and Teissier [11] showed that aal and aan do in fact coincide, for any ideal a generated by polynomials in C[z ,...,z ]. An essential ingredient in Teissier’s proof is taking a log 1 n resolution of the ideal a. If a is generated by arbitrary polynomials, resolving a in some fashion may perhaps be necessary in order to obtain a result of this type. But if a is a monomial ideal, we give a simple proof of Teissier’s theorem below (Theorem 4.8) that does not use a resolution of singularities theorem. The first step of this proof is to describe aan in terms of P(a). The proof of this description uses the Arithmetic Mean-Geometric Mean inequality (1.3) in much the same way as was done in Section 3. Theorem 4.5. Let a = zα1,...,zαk be a monomial ideal then (i) aan is also a mon(cid:16)omial ideal. (cid:17) (ii) zβ ∈ aan if and only if β ∈ P(a). Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 3.1, the equivalence in (ii) will be shown first. Let β be a multi-index such that β ∈ P(a); then there exist t ≥ 0 i satisfying t +···+t = 1 such that t α1+···+t αk (cid:22) β. In a neighborhood 1 k 1 k of the origin, the inequality |zβ| = |z |β1...|z |βn 1 n . |z |t1α11+···+tkαk1 ...|z |t1α1n+···+tkαkn = A 1 n trivially holds. However rearranging these terms and applying (1.3) gives A = |z |t1α11|z |t1α12...|z |t1α1n ...|z |tkαk1|z |tkαk2 ...|z |tkαkn 1 2 n 1 2 n = zα1 t1... zαk tk . zα1 +···+ zαk . (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) This shows tha(cid:12)t f(cid:12)(z) =(cid:12)zβ s(cid:12)atisfi(cid:12)es (4(cid:12).4) for z(cid:12)nea(cid:12)r the origin. Near other (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) points, q, inequality (4.4) for f(z) = zβ either holds trivially, or holds by the above argument, after eliminating the non-zero coordinates of q as done in the proof of Theorem 3.1. Consequently, β ∈ P(a) =⇒ zβ ∈ aan. For the converse, take β 6∈ P(a) and observe, as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, that there exists a vector b = (1,b ,...,b ) such that 2 n (4.6) hβ,bi < min αi,b := m. 1≤i≤k [Note the strict inequality in (4.6), in c(cid:10)ontra(cid:11)st to (3.3).] Consider the rec- tangle [0,1]× r1b2,rb2 ×···× r1bn,rbn ⊂ Rn. For z in this rectangle, we 2 1 2 1 + have h i h i k zβ ∼ rhβ,bi while zαj ∼ rm. 1 1 (cid:12) (cid:12) Xj=1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 10 JEFFERY D. MCNEAL & YUNUSE. ZEYTUNCU However, taking r → 0 and noting (4.6), it follows that inequality (4.4) 1 fails for f(z) = zβ near the origin. Thus, β 6∈ P(a) =⇒ zβ 6∈ aan, which completes the proof of (ii). It remains to show that (i) holds. Let g(z) = g zγ be an arbitrary γ γ polynomial in aan. We claim that each exponent γ appearing in this ex- pression must reside in P(a); this implies (by thePalready established (ii)) that each monomial zγ in g(z) belongs to aan, which implies that aan is a monomial ideal. Suppose there exists an exponent γ 6∈ P(a). By (4.6), there exists b = 0 (1,b ,...,b ), b ≥ 0 such that 2 n i (4.7) t =: hγ ,bi < min αk,b := m . 0 0 0 1≤i≤k (cid:10) (cid:11) The basic idea is to approach the origin along the curve r,rb2,...,rbn and show that inequality (4.4) fails. This idea is slightly complicated by the fact (cid:0) (cid:1) that g r,rb2,...rbn = g r,rb2,...rbn γ = g r<γ,b> γ γ γ γ (cid:0) (cid:1) X (cid:0) (cid:1) X might not contain the term rt0, due to cancellation. This difficulty is easily overcome. Since none of the coefficients g are γ zero, ∗ ∗ w → P(w) = g w r,w rb2,...,w rbn γ = rt0 g wγ γ 1 2 n γ γ γ X (cid:0) (cid:1) X is a non-trivial polynomial of w, for any fixed r, where ∗ denotes the summation over the multi-indices γ such that hγ,bi = t . This polynomial 0 P P ∈ C[w ,...,w ] could vanish at w = (1,...,1), but at a generic point 1 n in Cn it is non-vanishing. Simply take any such point w˜ = (w˜ ,...,w˜ ) 1 n with |w˜ | = 1 for j = 1,...,n and approach the origin along the curve j w˜ r,w˜ rb2,...,w˜ rbn . 1 2 n As there are only finitely many exponents γ in the polynomial g(z), it (cid:0)is easy to compute mi(cid:1)n hγ,bi and see that min hγ,bi ≤ t (with the sign γ γ 0 choice mentioned above (3.3). Thus, as r → 0, rt0 . g w r,w rb2,...,w rbn . 1 2 n On the other hand, as r →(cid:12)0 (cid:0)on the curve w r,w r(cid:1)b(cid:12)2,...,w rbn , (cid:12) 1 2 (cid:12) n zα1 +···+ zαk = |w|α1r<α1,b> +(cid:0)···+|w|αkr<αk,b> ∼ r(cid:1)m0, (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) since ea(cid:12)ch w(cid:12) 6= 0. (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)i (cid:12) (cid:12) Since (4.7) holds, these two inequalities show (4.4) fails for g. This con- tradicts the assumption that g ∈ aan and finishes the proof of (i). (cid:3)

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