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Preview Multipermutation Ulam Sphere Analysis Toward Characterizing Maximal Code Size

Multipermutation Ulam Sphere Analysis Toward Characterizing Maximal Code Size Justin Kong and Manabu Hagiwara Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Graduate School of Science, Chiba University Email: [email protected],[email protected] 7 Abstract—Permutation codes, in the form of rank modulation, to multipermutation codes, which improves the maximum 1 have shown promise for applications such as flash memory. possible code size [4]. 0 One of the metrics recently suggested as appropriate for rank In flash memory devices, permutations or multipermuta- 2 modulation is the Ulam metric, which measures the minimum tions may be modeled physically by relative rankings of translocation distance between permutations. Multipermutation n codeshavealsobeenproposedasageneralizationofpermutation cell charges. The number of possible messages is limited by a codes that would improve code size (and consequently the code the number of distinguishable relative rankings. However, it J rate). In this paper we analyze the Ulam metric in the context was shown in [4] that multipermutations may significantly 4 of multipermutations, noting some similarities and differences increase the total possible messages compared to ordinary 1 between the Ulam metric in the context of permutations. We alsoconsiderspheresizesformultipermutationsundertheUlam permutations. For example, if only k different charge levels ] metric and resulting bounds on code size. are possible, then permutations of length k can be stored. T Hence, in r blocks of length k, one may store (k!)r potential I s. I. INTRODUCTION messages. On the other hand, if one uses r-regular multiper- c mutationsinthesamesetofblocks,then(kr)!/(r!)k potential [ Permutation(andmultipermutation)codeswere inventedas messages are possible. earlyasthe1960’s,whenSlepianproposedconstructingacode Bounds on permutation codes in the Ulam metric were 1 v by permuting the order of the numbers of an initial sequence studied in [3] and [7]. In [10], the nonexistence of nontrivial 6 [13]. More recently, Jiang et al. proposed permutation codes perfect permutation codes in the Ulam metric was proven by 9 utilizing the Kendall-τ metric for use in flash memoryvia the examining the size of Ulam spheres, spheres comprised of 8 rank modulation scheme [8]. Since then, permutation codes all permutations within a given Ulam distance of a particular 3 and their generalization to multipermutation codes have been permutation. However, no similar study of Multipermutation 0 . a hot topic in the research community with various related Ulamspheresexists,andcurrentlyknownboundsoncodesize 1 schemes being suggested [1], [2], [3], [4], [9], [11]. do not always consider the problem of differing sphere sizes. 0 One scheme of particular interest was the proposal of The current paper examines Ulam sphere sizes in the context 7 1 Farnoud et al. to utilize the Ulam metric in place of the of multipermutations and provides new bounds on code size. : Kendall-τ metric [3] and subsequent study expounded upon The paper is organized as follows: First, Section II defines v codesizebounds[7].TheUlammetricmeasurestheminimum notation and basic concepts used in the paper. Next, Section i X numberoftranslocationsneededtotransformonepermutation III compares properties of the Ulam metric as defined for r into another, whereas the Kendall-τ metric measures the permutationsandmultipermutations,andthenprovidesa sim- a minimum adjacent transpositions needed to transform one plificationof the r-regularUlam metric for multipermutations permutationintoanother.Errorsinflashmemorydevicesoccur (Lemmas 1 and 2). Section IV considers an application of when cell charges leak or when rewriting operations cause Young Tableaux and the RSK-correspondence to calculate r- overshoot errors resulting in inaccurate charge levels. While regular Ulam sphere sizes (Lemma 5 and Prop. 6). Section the Kendall-τ metric is suitable for correctingrelativelysmall V then discusses duplicate translocation sets and a method errors of this nature, the Ulam metric would be more robust of calculating the size of spheres of radius t = 1 for any to large charge leakages or overshoot errors within a cell. center (Thm. 13). Section VI follows, demonstrating minimal However,thereisatrade-offincodesizewhenrankmodula- and maximalsphere sizes (Lemmas14 and 16) and providing tionisusedinconjunctionwiththeUlammetricinsteadofthe both lower and upper bounds on code size (Lemmas 15, 17, Kendall-τ metric.TheUlamdistancebetweenpermutationsis and 18). Finally Section VII gives some concluding remarks. always less than or equal to the Kendall-τ distance between permutations, which implies that the maximum code size for II. PRELIMINARIES AND NOTATION a permutation code utilizing the Ulam metric is less than In this section we introduce notation and definitions used or equal to the maximum code size of a permutation code inthispaper.Unlessotherwisestated,definitionsarebasedon utilizingthe Kendall-τ metric[3]. Onepossible compensation conventions established in [3], [4], and [10]. Throughout this for this trade-offis the generalizationfrom permutationcodes papernandrareassumedtobepositiveintegers,rdividingn. The notation [n] denotes the set {1,2,...,n} and S denotes equivalence class is also contained within C. Thus if C is n the set of permutations on [n], i.e. the symmetric group of an MPC(n,r) it can be represented by the set of r-regular size n!. For σ ∈ S , we write σ = [σ(1),σ(2),...,σ(n)], multipermutations associated with elements of C, i.e. the n where for all i ∈ [n], σ(i) is the image of i under σ. set M (C). Moreover, we define the cardinality |C| of an r r Throughout this paper we assume σ, π ∈ S . With a slight MPC(n,r)C as|C| :=|M (C)|(thisnotationanddefinition n r r abuse of notation, we may also use σ to mean the sequence differs slightly from [4]). (σ(1),σ(2),...,σ(n)) ∈ Zn associated with σ ∈ S . Multi- n plication of permutations is defined by composition so that III. MULTIPERMUTATIONULAMMETRIC for all i ∈ [n], we have (στ)(i) = σ(τ(i)). The identity In this section we discuss some similarities and differences permutation, [1,2,...,n]∈S is denoted by e. n between the Ulam metric for permutations and the Ulam An r-regular multiset is a multiset such that each of its metric for multipermutations.We begin by defining the Ulam elementsisrepeatedrtimes.Amultipermutationisanordered metric for permutations. tuple of the elements of a multiset, and in the instance of For any two sequences u,v ∈ Zn, ℓ(u,v) denotes the an r-regularmultiset, is called an r-regular multipermutation. length of the longest common subsequence of u and v. In Following the work of [4], this study focuses on r-regular other words, ℓ(u,v) is the largest integer k ∈ Z such that multipermutations, although many results are extendible to >0 there exists a sequence (a ,a ,...,a ) where for all p∈[k], general multipermutations. 1 2 k For each σ ∈ S we define a corresponding r-regular we have ap = u(ip) = v(jk) with 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < ··· < n multipermutationmr asfollows:foralli∈[n]andj ∈[n/r], ik ≤ n and 1 ≤ j1 < j2 < ··· < jk ≤ n. The Ulam σ distance d (σ,π) between permutations σ,π ∈ S is defined ◦ n mr(i):=j if and only if (j−1)r+1≤σ(i)≤jr, as d (σ,π):=n−ℓ(σ,π). σ ◦ It is also known that the Ulam distance d (σ,π) between and mr := (mr(1),mr(2),...,mr(n)) ∈ Zn. For ex- ◦ σ σ σ σ σ,π ∈ S is equivalent to the minimum number of translo- ample, if n = 6, r = 2, and σ = [1,5,2,4,3,6], then n cations needed to transform σ into π [3]. Here, for distinct mr =(1,3,1,2,2,3).Thisdefinitiondiffersslightlyfromthe σ i,j ∈[n], the translocation φ(i,j)∈S is defined as follows: correspondencedefined in [4], which was defined in terms of n theinversepermutation.ThisissothatpropertiesoftheUlam metricforpermutationswillcarryovertotheUlammetricfor [1,2,...i−1,i+1,i+2,...,j,i,j+1,...,n] multipermutations (Lemmas 1 and 2 of Section III).  lenWceitrheltahteiocnobrreetswpeoenndeenlecmeeanbtosvoef, Swe.mWaeysdayefitnheataσn≡equπivaif- φ(i,j):=[1,2,...j−1,i,j,j+1,...,i−1,i+1i,f.i..<n]j n r andonlyifmr =mr.TheequivalenceclassR (σ)ofσ ∈S Sis ⊆defiSne,dthaesnσRotra(tσio)nπ:=M{π(S∈):=Sn{m: rπ:≡σr ∈σ}Sr.}F,oir.ea. tshuebsseentt The notation φ(i,i) is understood to mean thoetheirdwenisteity n r σ of r-regular multipermutations corresponding to elements of permutation, e. When it is not necessary to specify any S. index, a translocationmay be written simply as φ. Intuitively, We say that σ ≡r π if and only if mrσ = mrπ. The when multiplied on the right of a permutation σ ∈ Sn, the equivalence class R (σ) of σ ∈ S is defined by R (σ) := translocationφ(i,j)∈S deletesσ(i)fromtheithpositionof r n r n {π ∈ S : π ≡ σ}. For a subset S ⊆ S , the notation σ andtheninsertsitinthenewjthposition(shiftingpositions n r n M (S) := {mr : σ ∈ S}, i.e. the set of r-regular between i and j in the process). r σ multipermutations corresponding to elements of S. Ther-regularUlamdistancedr(σ,π)betweenpermutations ◦ The following definition is our own. For any m∈Zn, and σ,π ∈ S is defined as the minimum Ulam distance among n σ ∈ S , we define the product (a right group action) m·σ all members of R (σ) and R (π). That is, dr(σ,π) := n r r ◦ bycomposition,similarlytothedefinitionofmultiplicationof min d (σ′,π′). Notice that the r-regular Ulam ◦ permutations.More precisely,for all i∈[n], let (m·σ)(i):= σ′∈Rr(σ),π′∈Rr(π) distance is defined over equivalence classes. m(σ(i)). It is easily confirmed that m·e = m for all m ∈ Although technically a distance between equivalence Zn. It is also easily confirmed that for all σ,π ∈ S , we n classes,itisconvenienttothinkofther-regularUlamdistance have m·(σπ) =(m·σ)·π. With this definition, notice that instead as a distance between multipermutations. Viewed this mr ·π = mr . It is possible for different permutations to σ σπ way, the property of the Ulam metric for permutations, that correspond to the same multipermutation, but for τ ∈ S , it n it can be defined in terms of longest common subsequences is clear that mr =mr implies mr ·τ =mr ·τ. σ π σ π or equivalently in terms of translocations, carries over to the We finish this section by defining what a multipermutation r-regular Ulam distance. The next lemma states that the r- code is. A subset C ⊆ S is called an r-regular multi- n regularUlam distance between permutationsσ and π is equal permutation code if and only if for all σ ∈ C, we also to n minus the length of the longest common subsequence of have R (σ) ⊆ C. Such a code is denoted by MPC(n,r), r their corresponding r-regular multipermutations. and we say that C is an MPC(n,r). If C is an MPC(n,r) then whenever a permutation is a member of C its entire Lemma 1. dr(σ,π)=n−ℓ(mr,mr). ◦ σ π Proof:Wewillfirstshowthatdr(σ,π)≥n−ℓ(mr,mr). as followsso that σ′ ∈R (σ) and π′ ∈R (π): set σ′(2)=1, ◦ σ π r r By definition of dr(σ,π), there exist σ′ ∈ R (σ) and π′ ∈ σ′(5)=6, π′(1)=1, and π′(6)=6. ◦ r R (π) such that dr(σ,π)=d (σ′,π′)=n−ℓ(σ′,π′). Hence If two multipermutations mr and mr have a common r ◦ ◦ σ π if for all σ′ ∈ Rr(σ) and π′ ∈ Rr(π) we have ℓ(σ′,π′) ≤ subsequenceoflengthk,thenmrσ canbetransformedintomrπ ℓ(mr,mr), then dr(σ,π) ≥ n − ℓ(mr,mr) (subtracting withn−k(butnofewer)delete/insertoperations.Delete/insert σ π ◦ σ π a larger value from n results in a smaller overall value). operationscorrespondto applying(multiplyingontheright)a Therefore it suffices to show that that for all σ′ ∈ R (σ) translocation. Hence by Lemma 1 we can state the following r and π′ ∈ Rr(π), that ℓ(σ′,π′) ≤ ℓ(mrσ,mrπ). This is simple lemma about the r-regular Ulam distance. to prove because if two permutations have a common subse- Lemma 2. dr(σ,π) = min{k ∈ Z : quence, then their corresponding r-regular multipermutations ◦ ≥0 there exists(φ ,φ ,...,φ )s.t.mr ·φ φ ···φ =mr}. will have a related common subsequence. Let σ′ ∈ R (σ), 1 2 k σ 1 2 k π r π′ ∈ Rr(π), and ℓ(σ′,π′) = k. Then there exist indexes Proof: There exists a translocation φ ∈ Sn such that 1≤i1 <i2 <···<ik ≤n and 1≤j1 <j2 <···<jk ≤n ℓ(mr ·φ,mr) = ℓ(mr,mr)+1, since it is always possible σ π σ π such that for all p ∈ [k], σ′(ip) = π′(jp). Of course, to arrange one element with a single translocation. This then wℓ(hσe′n,πev′)er=σk′(i≤) ℓ=(mπrσ′(′,jm),rπth′)en=mℓ(rσm′(rσi,)m=rπ)m. rπ′(j). Therefore iφm1p·l·i·eφsktha=t mminrπ{}k∈≤Zn:−thℓe(rmerσex,mistrπs)(φ=1,.d.r◦.(,σφ,kπ))s..tA.tmtrσhe· Next, we will show that dr(σ,π) ≤ n−ℓ(mr,mr). Note same time, given ℓ(mr,mr) ≤ n, then for all translocations ◦ σ π σ π that φ∈S , we have that ℓ(mr ·φ,mr)≤ℓ(mr,mr)+1, since n σ π σ π a single translocationcan only arrange one element at a time. dr(σ,π)= min d (σ′,π′) ◦ σ′∈Rr(σ),π′∈Rr(π) ◦ Therefore min{k ∈ Z : there exists (φ1,...,φk) s.t mrσ · = min (n−ℓ(σ′,π′)) φ1···φk = mrπ} ≥ n−ℓ(mrσ,mrπ) = dr◦(σ,π), by Lemma σ′∈Rr(σ),π′∈Rr(π) 1. =n− max ℓ(σ′,π′). Lemmas 1 and 2 allow us to view the Ulam metric for σ′∈Rr(σ),π′∈Rr(π) r-regular multipermutations similarly to the way we view Here if max ℓ(σ′,π′)≥ℓ(mr,mr), then the Ulam metric for permutations; in terms of longest com- σ π dr(σ,π)σ≤′∈Rnr−(σ)ℓ,π(m′∈Rrr,(mπ)r) (subtracting a smaller value from mon subsequences or in terms of the minimum number of ◦ σ π translocations. Another known property of the Ulam metric n results in a larger overall value). It is enough to show for permutationsis left invariance,i.e. givenτ ∈S , we have that there exist σ′ ∈ R (σ) and π′ ∈ R (π) such that n ℓ(σ′,π′)≥ ℓ(mr,mr). Torprove this fact, wertake a longest d◦(σ,π)=d◦(τσ,τπ).However,leftinvariancedoesnothold common subseqσuencπe of mr and mr and then carefully in generalformultipermutations,as the nextlemmaindicates. σ π choose σ′ ∈ Rr(σ) and π′ ∈ Rr(π) to have an equally long Lemma 3. Let n/r ≥2 and r ≥2. Then there exist σ′,π′ ∈ common subsequence.The next paragraphdescribes how this S such that dr(e,σ′)6=dr(π′e,π′σ′). n ◦ ◦ can be done. Proof: Let n/r≥2 and r ≥2. Define σ′,π′ ∈S by Let ℓ(mr,mr)= k and let (1 ≤ i < i < ··· < i ≤ n) n σ π 1 2 k and (1 ≤ j1 < j2 < ··· < jk ≤ n) be integer sequences σ′ :=[2r,2r−1,...,1,2r+1,2r+2,...,n] and such that for all p∈[k], mr(i )=mr(j ). The existence of such sequencesis guaranteeσdbpy the deπfinpitionof ℓ(mr,mr). 2r n−2r σ π | {z } | {z } Now for all p ∈ [k], define σ′(ip) to be the smallest integer π′ :=[1,r+1,2,r+2,...,r,2r,2r+1,2r+2,...,n]. l ∈[n] such that m (l)=m (i ) and if q ∈[k] with q <p, σ σ p then mr(i ) = mr(i ) implies σ′(i ) < σ′(i ) = l. For all 2r n−2r p∈[k],σdeqfine π(jπ) spimilarly. Thenqfor all p∈p [k], σ′(i )= First, c|onsider dr({ez,σ′). Note }tha|t for mr{zand mr }, for p p ◦ e σ′ π′(j ).Theremainingtermsofσ′andπ′mayeasilybechosen any integer i such that 2r < i ≤ n we have e(i) = σ′(i), p in such a manner that σ′ ∈ R (σ) and π′ ∈ R (π). Thus which implies mr(i) = mr (i). Meanwhile, the first 2r r r e σ′ there exist σ′ ∈ R (σ) and π′ ∈ R (π) such that ℓ(σ′,π′) ≥ elements of mr and mr are (1,1,...,1,2,2,...,2) and r r e σ′ ℓ(mr,mr). σ π r r The following example helps to illuminate the choice of (2,2,...,2,1,1,...,1) respectivel|y, so{zthat}th|e lo{nzges}t com- σ′ and π′ in the proof above. If mr = (2,1,2,1,3,3), 4an,dwmithrπ th=e c(3o,m2m,2o,n1,s3u,b1s)e,qutheenncew(e2σ,h2a,v1e,3ℓ)(mofrσ,mmarπx)im=al cm|oomnp{srrzuisbesde}qouf|ernc1{er’zsoofr}thre2fi’sr.stH2ernceeleℓm(menret,smofrσ′m)=re a(nnd−m2rσr)′ +is length. Here (1,3,4,6) and (2,3,4,5) are sequences with r =n−r, which by lemma 1 implies that dr◦(e,σ′)=r ≥2. mrσ(1) = mrπ(2), mrσ(3) = mrπ(3), mrσ(4) = mrπ(4), and Next, consider dr◦(π′e,π′σ′). Multiplying π′ and σ′ yields mrσ(6) = mrπ(5). Then following the convention outlined in π′σ′ =[2r,r,2r−1,r−1,...,r+1,1,2r+1,2r+2,...,n]. the proof above, σ′(1) = π′(2) = 3, σ′(3) = π′(3) = 4, σ′(4) = π′(4) = 1, and σ′(6) = π′(5) = 5, so that 2r n−2r ℓ(σ′,π′)≥4. The other elements of σ′ and π′ can be chosen Forallin|tegersisuchth{zat2r <i≤n,}w|ethenhav{ezπ′e(i)=} π′(i) = π′σ′(i) =⇒ mr (i) = mr (i). Meanwhile, the As an example, let T be the tableau pictured below on the π′e π′σ′ first 2r elements of mrπ′e and mπ′σ′ are (1,2,1,2,...,1,2) far left. The following diagrams illustrate the stages of the and(2,1,2,1,...,2,1)respectively.Thusthelongestcommon Schensted algorithm applied to T to obtain T ←2. subsequence of the first 2r elements of mr and mr is π′e π′σ′ T T←2 any length 2r−1 sequence of alternating 1’s and 2’s. Hence 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 ℓ(mrπ′e,mrπ′σ′) = (n−2r)+(2r −1) = n−1, which by 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 lemma 1 implies that dr(π′e,π′σ′)=1. ◦ 4 4 4 4 4 The fact that left invariance does not hold for the r-regular x=2,i=1 setx:=3,i:=2 setx:=4,i:=3 Ulam metric has implicationson r-regularUlam sphere sizes, The Schensted algorithm may be applied to the sequence defined and discussed in the next section. Left invariance im- (mr(1),mr(2),...,mr(n)) of an r-regular multipermuta- pliesspheresizedoesnotdependuponthecenter.However,we tionσmr toσobtain a uσnique tableau P := (...(mr(1) ← will demonstrate that in the multipermutation case sizes may mr(2))σ← ...) ← mr(n). Meanwhile, a unique sσtandard differ depending upon the center, a fact previously unknown. σ σ tableau results from recording where each new box appears in the construction of P. This recording is accomplished by IV. YOUNG TABLEAUX SPHERE SIZE CALCULATION inputing the value i in the new box that appears when mr(i) σ In[10],YoungtableauxandtheRSK-Correspondencewere is added (via the Schendsted algorithm) to (...(mr(1) ← σ utilized to calculate Ulam Sphere sizes. A similar approach (mr(2) ← ...) ← mr(i − 1). Following conventions, σ σ can be applied to r-regular Ulam spheres of arbitrary radius we denote the standard tableau resulting from this recording centered at mr. It is first necessary to introduce some basic methodbyQ.Asanexample,thetwotableauxpicturedbelow e notation and definitionsregardingYoungtableaux. Additional aretherespectiveP andQresultingfromthemultipermutation informationonthesubjectcanbefoundin[6],[12],and[14]. (2,3,2,1,3,1). Notice that P and Q have the same shape. A Young diagram is a left-justified collection of cells with Intermediate steps are omitted for brevity. a (weakly) decreasing number of cells in each row below. P Q Listing the number of cells in each row gives a partition 1 1 3 1 2 5 λ = (λ1,λ2,...,λk) of n, where n is the total number of 2 2 3 6 cells in the Young diagram. The notation λ ⊢ n indicates λ 3 4 is a partition of n. Because the partition λ ⊢ n defines a unique Young diagram and vice versa, a Young diagram may The RSK-correspondence ([6], [14]) provides a bijection be referred to by its associated partition λ⊢n. For example, between r-regular multipermutations mr and ordered pairs σ the partition λ := (4,3,1) ⊢ 8 has the corresponding Young (P,Q) on the same Young diagram λ ⊢ n, where P is a diagram pictured below. tableauxwhose memberscome from mr and Q is a SYT. A σ stronger form of the following lemma appears in [6]. Lemma 4. Let σ ∈ S and P be the tableau resulting from n running the Schendsted algorithm on the entries of σ. Then thenumberofcolumnsinP isequaltoℓ(mr,mr),thelength e σ A Young tableau, or simply a tableau, is a filling of a of the longest non-decreasing subsequence of mr. σ Young diagram λ⊢n such that values in all cells are weakly The above lemma, in conjunction with the RSK- increasing across each row and strictly increasing down each correspondence, means that for all k ∈ [n], the size of the column. If each of the integers 1 through n appears exactly set {mr ∈ M (S ) : ℓ(mr,mr) = k} is equal to the sum onceinatableauT thatisafillingofaYoungdiagramλ⊢n, σ r n e σ ofthenumberoforderedpairs(P,Q)oneachYoungdiagram then we call T a standard Young tableau, abbreviated SYT. λ⊢nsuchthatλ =k,whereP isatableauxwhosemembers The Schensted algorithm is an algorithm for obtaining a 1 come from mr and Q is a SYT. The number of SYT on a tableau T ← x from a tableau T and a real number x. The σ particular λ ⊢ n is denoted by fλ. We denote by Kλ (our algorithm may be defined as follows: r own notation) the number of Young tableaux on λ ⊢ n such that each i ∈ [n/r] appears exactly r times. The next lemma 1) Set i:=1. states the relationship between |S(mr,t)|, fλ, and Kλ. 2) If row i (of T) is empty or if x is greater or equal to each e r of the entries in the ith row then input x in a new box at the Lemma5. Lett∈[0,n−1],andΛ:={λ⊢n : λ ≥n−t}. 1 end of row i and terminate the algorithm.Otherwise, proceed Then |S(mr,t)|= (fλ)(Kλ). e r to step 3. λP∈Λ 3) Find the minimum entry y in row i such that y > x and Proof: Assume t ∈ [0,n−1]. Let Λ := {λ ⊢ n : λ ≥ 1 swap y and x. That is, replace y with x in its box and set n−t}. Furthermore, let Λ(l) := {λ ⊢ n : λ = l}, the set 1 x:=y. of all partitions of n having exactly l columns. By the RSK- 4) Set i:=i+1, and return to step 2. Correspondence, and Lemma 4, there is a bijection between the set {mr : ℓ(mr,mr) = l} and the set of ordered pairs σ e σ (P,Q) where both P and Q have exactly l columns. This Proposition 6 demonstrates how Young Tableaux may be implies that |{mr : ℓ(mr,mr) = l}| = (fλ)(Kλ). used to calculate r-regular Ulam spheres centered at mr. σ e σ r e λ∈PΛ(l) Note that by Lemma 1, V. r-REGULAR ULAMSPHERES AND DUPLICATION SETS |S(mr,t)| = |{m : dr(e,σ)≤t}| e σ ◦ In the previous section we showed how multipermutation = |{m : ℓ(mr,mr)≥n−t}|. Ulam spheres may be calculated when the center is mr. In σ e σ e thissectionweprovideawaytocalculatespheresizesforany Hence it follows that |S(mr,t)|= (fλ)(Kλ). e r center when the radius is t = 1. The r-regular Ulam sphere λP∈Λ The formula below, known as the hook length formula, is sizesplayanimportantroleinunderstandingthepotentialcode due to Frame, Robinson, and Thrall [5], [6]. In the formula, size for a given minimum distance. the notation (i,j) ∈ λ is used to refer to the cell in the ith For example, the well-known sphere-packing and Gilbert- row and jth column of a Young diagram λ⊢n. The notation Varshamov bounds rely on calculating, or at least bounding h(i,j) denotes the hook length of (i,j)∈λ, i.e., the number sphere sizes. In the case of permutations, recall that the of boxes below or to the right of (i,j), including the box Ulam sphere S(σ,t) centered at σ of radius t was defined (i,j) itself. More formally, h(i,j) := |{(i,j∗) ∈ λ : j∗ ≥ as S(σ,t) := {π ∈ S : d (σ,π) ≤ t}, which is equivalent n ◦ j}∪{(i∗,j)∈λ : i∗ ≥i}|. The formula is as follows: by definition to the set {π ∈S : n−ℓ(σ,π)≤t}. n In the case of r-regularmultipermutations,for t∈Z , we >0 n! fλ = . introduce the following analogous definition of a sphere. Π h(i,j) (i,j)∈λ Definition. Define Thus by applying Lemma 5, it is possible to calculate r- S(mr,t):={mr ∈M (S ) : dr(σ,π)≤t} regularspheresize byusingthe hooklengthformula.We will σ π r n ◦ use this strategy to treat the sphere of radius r =1. However, We call S(mr,t) the r-regular Ulam sphere centered at mr σ σ because sphere sizes are calculated recursively, we must first of radius t. calculate the sphere size when r =0. By Lemma 1, S(mr,t) = {mr ∈ M (S ) : n − σ π r n Remark. |S(mr,0)=1|.Althoughthisisanobviousfact,we ℓ(mr,mr)≤t}. e σ π wish to considerwhy it is true from the perspective ofLemma It should be noted, however, that the notation mr is a bit π 5. Note first that there is only one partition λ ⊢ n such that misleading because given mrπ ∈M(Sn), we cannot uniquely λ =n, namely λ′ :=(n) with the associated Young diagram determine π. The r-regular Ulam sphere definition can also 1 below. be viewed in terms of translocations. Lemma 2 implies that n S(mr,t) is equivalentto {mr ∈M (S ) : there exists k ∈ σ π r n ... [t] and (φ ,...,φ ) s.t. mr ·φ ···φ =mr}. 1 k σ 1 k π z }| { Lemma 5 provided a way to calculate r-regular Ulam It is clear that there is only one possible Young tableau on λ′ spheres centered at mr. Unfortunately, the choice of center so that (fλ′)=1, and thus by Lemma 5 |S(mre,0)| = 1. hasan impactonthe sieze ofthesphere,asis easilyconfirmed bycomparingProposition6toLemma16(SectionVI).Hence The following proposition is an application of Lemma 5. the applicability of Lemma 5 is limited. Proposition 6. |S(mr,1)|=1+(n−1)(n/r−1). We begin to address the issue of differing sphere sizes by e considering the radius t = 1 case. To aid with calculating Proof: First note that |S(mr,0)|=1. There is only one e such sphere sizes, we introduce (as our own definition) the possible partition λ ⊢ n such that λ = n−1, namely λ := 1 following subset of the set of translocations. (n−1,1), with its Young diagram pictured below. Definition. Let n∈Z . Define n−1 >0 ... Tn :={φ(i,j)∈Sn : i−j 6=1}. z }| { We call T the unique set of translocations. n Therefore by Lemma 5, |S(mr,1)| = 1 + (fλ′)(Kλ′). Bydefinition,T isthesetofalltranslocationsinS ,except e r n n Applying the well-known hook length formula ([5], [6]), we translocationsoftheformφ(i,i−1).Weexcludetranslocations obtainfλ′ =n−1.ThevalueKλ′ ischaracterizedbypossible ofthisformbecausetheycanbemodeledbytranslocationsof r fillings of row 2 with the stipulation that each i∈[n/r] must the form φ(i−1,i), and are therefore redundant. appear exactly r times in the diagram. In this case, since WeclaimthatthesetT ispreciselythesetoftranslocations n there is only a single box in row 2, the possible fillings are needed to obtain all unique permutations within the Ulam i ∈ [n/r−1], each of which yields a unique Young tableau sphere of radius 1 via multiplication. Moreover, there is no ofthe desiredtype.Hence Kλ′ =n/r−1,whichimpliesthat redundancy in the set, that is, there is no smaller set of r |S(mr,1)|=1+(n−1)(n/r−1). translocationsyieldingtheentireUlamsphereofradius1when e multiplied with a given center permutation. These facts are first variety corresponds to the first condition of the D(m) stated in the next lemma. definition, when m(i) = m(j). For example, if σ ∈ S such 6 that m2 = (1,3,2,2,3,1), then we have m2 · φ(1,5) = Lemma 7. S(σ,1)={σφ∈S : φ∈T } and σ σ n n (3,2,2,3,1,1) = m2 ·φ(1,6), since m2(2) = 3 = m2(4). |T |=|S(σ,1)|. σ σ σ n Thisis because movingthe first 1 to the left or to the rightof Proof: We will first show that S(σ,1) = {σφ ∈ S : the last 1 results in the same tuple. n φ∈T }. Note that The second variety corresponds to the second condition of n the D(m) definition above, when m(i) = m(i − 1). For S(σ,1) = {π ∈S : d (σ,π)≤1} n ◦ example, if m2 = (1,3,2,2,3,1) as before, then for all = {σφ(i,j)∈Sn : i,j ∈[n]}. j ∈ {1,2,3,4,σ5,6}, we have m2 · φ(3,j) = m2 ·φ(4,j). σ σ This is because any translocation that deletes and inserts the It is trivial that second of the two adjacent 2’s does not result in a different Tn = {φ(i,j)∈Sn : i−j 6=1} tuple when compared to deleting and inserting the first of the ⊆ {φ(i,j)∈S : i,j ∈[n]}. two adjacent 2’s. n Therefore {σφ∈Sn : φ∈Tn}⊆S(σ,1). Lemma 8. S(mrσ,1) = {mrσ · φ ∈ Mr(Sn) : φ ∈ To see why S(σ,1) ⊆ {σφ ∈ Sn : φ ∈ Tn}, consider Tn\D(mrσ)}. any σφ(i,j) ∈ {σφ(i,j) ∈ Sn : i,j ∈ [n]} = S(σ,1). If Proof: Notice S(mr,1) = {mr ·φ ∈ M (S ) : φ ∈ i−j 6=1, then φ(i,j)∈Tn, and thus σφ(i,j)∈{σφ∈Sn : T }. Hence it suffices toσshow that σfor all φ(i,rj) ∈n D(mr), n σ φ ∈ Tn}. Otherwise, if i−j = 1, then σφ(i,j) = σφ(j,i), there exists some i′,j′ ∈[n] such that φ(i′,j′)∈T \D(mr) n σ and i−j = 1 =⇒ j−i =−16= 1, so φ(j,i) ∈Tn. Hence and mr ·φ(i,j)=mr ·φ(i′,j′). We proceed by dividing the σφ(i,j)=σφ(j,i)∈{σφ∈Sn : φ∈Tn}. proofinσtotwomaincaσses.CaseIiswhen(mr(i)6=mr(i−1) σ σ Next we show that |Tn| = |S(σ,1)|. By Proposition 6 (in or i=1. Case II is when (mr(i)=mr(i−1). the case that r = 1), |S(σ,1)| = 1+(n−1)2. On the other Case I (when (mr(i) 6= mσr(i−1) σor i = 1) can be split hand, |T | = |{φ(i,j) ∈ S : i−j 6= 1}|. If i = 1, then σ σ n n into two subcases: there are n values j ∈ [n] such that i−j 6= 1. Otherwise, if i ∈ [n] but i 6= 1, then there are n −1 values j ∈ [n] Case IA: i<j such that i− j 6= 1. However, for all i,j ∈ [n], φ(i,i) = Case IB: i>j. φ(j,j) = e so that there are n−1 redundancies. Therefore |T |=n+(n−1)(n−1)−(n−1)=1+(n−1)2. We can ignore the instance when i = j, since φ(i,j) ∈ n D(mr) implies i 6= j. For case IA, if for all p ∈ [i,j] (for Inthecaseofpermutations,thesetTn hasnoredundancies. a,b ∈σZ with a < b, the notation [a,b] := {a,a+1,...,b}) If φ ,φ ∈ T , then σφ = σφ implies φ = φ . 1 2 n 1 2 1 2 we have mr(i) = mr(p), then mr ·φ(i,j) = mr ·e. Thus Alternatively,in the case of multipermutations,the set Tn can σ σ σ σ setting i′ = j′ = 1 yields the desired result. Otherwise, if generally be shrunken to exclude redundancies. Notice that S(mrσ,1) = {mrπ ∈ Mr(Sn) : there exists φ s.t. mrσ ·φ = there exists p∈[i,j] such that mrσ(i)6=mrσ(p), then let mπ}, which is equal to {mrσ ·φ ∈ Mr(Sn) : φ ∈ Tn}. j∗ :=j−min{k ∈Z>0 : mrσ(i)6=mrσ(j−k)}. However, it is possible that there exist φ ,φ ∈ T such that 1 2 n φ1 6=φ2, but mrσ·φ1 =mrσ·φ2. In such an instance we may Then φ(i,j∗)∈Tn\D(mrσ) and mrσ·φ(i,j)=mrσ·φ(i,j∗). refer to either φ or φ as a duplicate translocationfor mr. Thussetting i′ =i and j′ =j∗ yields the desired result. Case 1 2 σ If we remove all duplicate translocations for mr from IB is similar to Case IA. Tn, then the resulting set will have the same cardinσality as Case II (when mrσ(i) = mrσ(i−1)), can also be divided the r-regular Ulam sphere of radius 1 centered at mr. The into two subcases. σ next definition (our own) is the set of standard duplicate Case IIA: i<j translocations. For the remainder of the paper, assume that m is an n-length integer tuple, i.e. m∈Zn. Case IIB: i>j. As in Case I, we can ignore the instance when i = j. For Definition. Define Case IIA, if for all p ∈ [i,j] we have mr(i) = mr(p), then D(m):={ φ(i,j)∈Tn\{e} : (m(i)=m(j)) mdesrσir·eφd(rie,sju)lt=. Omtherσrw· eis,e,soifstehtteirnegeixi=stsjσp=∈ 1[i,ajc]hσsieuvcehstthhaet or (m(i)=m(i−1) or i=1) } mr(i)6=mr(p), then let σ σ We call D(m) the standard duplicate translocation set for i∗ :=i−min{k∈Z>0 : (mrσ(i)6=mrσ(i−k−1)) or (i−k=1)}. m. For each i ∈ [n], also define D (m) := {φ(i,j) ∈ D : i n Then mr · φ(i,j) = mr · φ(i∗,j) and either one of the j ∈[n]}. σ σ following is true: (1) φ(i∗,j) ∈/ Di∗(mrσ) =⇒ φ(i∗,j) ∈/ Ifwetakeanr-regularmultipermutationmr,thenremoving D(mr), so set i′ = i∗ and j′ = j; or (2) by Case IA σ σ D(mr) from T equates to removing a set of duplicate there exist i′,j′ ∈ [n] such that φ(i′,j′) ∈ T \D(mr) and σ n n σ translocations. These duplications come in two varieties. The mr · φ(i′,j′) = mr · φ(i∗,j) = mr · φ(i,j). Case IIB is σ σ σ similar to Case IIA. Moreover,forallp∈/ [k,k+3],wehave(m·φ(i,k+3))(p)= While Lemma 8 shows that D(mr) is a set of duplicate m(p) = (m·φ(k +3,k))(p). Therefore m·φ(i,k +3) = σ translocationsfor mr, we have notshown that T \D(mr) is m·φ(k +3,k). Also notice that m(i) 6= m(i−1) implies σ n σ the set of minimal size having the quality that S(mrσ,1) = that mφ(i,k+3)∈/ D(m). Hence φ(i,k+3)∈Ei(m). {mrσ ·φ ∈ Mr(Sn) : φ ∈ Tn\D(mrσ)}. In fact it is not We now prove the second half of the lemma. That is, minimal. In some instances it is possible to remove further we assume that E (m) 6= ∅ and then show that 1) and i duplicate translocations to reduce the set size. We will define 2) necessarily hold. Suppose that E (m) is nonempty. Then i another set of duplicate translocations, but a few preliminary m(i) 6= m(i−1), since otherwise there would not exist any definitions are first necessary. φ(i,j)∈T \D(m). n We say thatm isalternatingif foralloddintegers1≤i≤ Let j ∈ [i+1,n] and k ∈ [i,j −2] such that φ(j,k) ∈ n,m(i)=m(1)andforallevenintegers2≤i′ ≤n,m(i′)= T \D(m) and m · φ(i,j) = m(j,k). Existence of such j, m(2)butm(1)6=m(2).Inotherwords,anyalternatingtuple n k, and φ(j,k) is guaranteed by definition of E (m) and the is of the form (a,b,a,b,...,a,b) or (a,b,a,b,...,a) where i fact that E (m) was assumed to be nonempty. Then for all a,b∈Zanda6=b.Anysingletonisalsosaidtobealternating. i p ∈ [i,k −1], we have m(p) = m(p+1) and for all p ∈ Now for integers 1≤i≤n and 0≤k ≤n−i, the substring [k,j−2], we have m(p)=m(p+2). Hence either m[k,j] is m[i,i+k] of m is defined as m[i,i+k] := (m(i),m(i+ alternating,orelseforallp,q∈[k,j],wehavem(p)=m(q). 1),...m(i+k)). Given a substring m[i,j] of m, the length However, the latter case is impossible, since it would imply |m[i,j]| of m[i,j] is defined as |m[i,j]| := j −i+1. As that for all p,q ∈ [i,j] that m(p) = m(q), which would an example, if m′ := (1,2,2,4,2,4,3,1,3), then m′[3,6] = mean φ(j,k)∈/ T \D(m), a contradiction. Therefore m[k,j] (2,4,2,4) is an alternating substring of m′ of length 4. n is alternating. Definition. Next define It remains only to show that |m[k,j]| ≥ 4. Since k ∈ E(m):={ φ(i,j)∈T \D(m) : [i,j −2], it must be the case that |m[k,j]| ≥ 3. However, n if |m[k,j]| = 3 (which occurs when k = j − 2), then i<j and there exists k ∈[i,j−2] s.t. (m·φ(i,j))(j)=m(i)=m(k)6=m(k+1)=(m·φ(j,k)(j), (φ(j,k)∈Tn\D(m)) which implies that m·φ(i,j) 6= m·φ(j,k), a contradiction. and (m·φ(i,j)=m·φ(j,k)) }. Hence |m[k,j]|≥4. We call E(m) the alternating duplicate translocation set One implication of Lemma 9 is that there are only two for m because it is only nonempty when m contains an possible forms for m[i,j] where φ(i,j) ∈ Ei(m). The first possibilityisthatm[i,j]isanalternatingsubstringoftheform alternating substring of length at least 4. For each i ∈ [n], also define E (m):={φ(i,j)∈E(m) : j ∈[n]}. (a,b,a,b,...,a,b)(herea,b∈Z),sothatm[i,j]·φ(i,j)isof i theform(b,a,b,a...,b,a).Inthiscase,aslongasm[i,j]|≥ In the example of m′ := (1,2,2,4,2,4,3,1,3) above, 4, then setting k =i implies that k ∈[i,j−2], that φ(j,k)∈ m∗·φ(2,6)=m′·φ(6,3) and φ(2,6),φ(6,3)∈T9\D(m′), Tn\D(m), and that m[i,j]·φ(i,j)=m[i,j]·φ(j,k). implyingthatφ(2,6)∈E(m′).Infact,itcaneasilybeshown The other possibility is that m[i,j] is of the form that E(m′)={φ(2,6)}. (a,a,a,...,a,b,a,b,...,a,b) (again a,b ∈ Z), so that Lemma 9. Let i∈[n]. Then E (m)6=∅ if and only if i k n−k 1) m(i)6=m(i−1) m|[i,j]{·zφ(i,j})|isofth{ezform}(a,...,a,b,a,b,...,b,a).Again 2) There exists j ∈[i+1,n] and k ∈[i,j−2] such that k−1 n−k+1 i) For all p∈[i,k−1], m(p)=m(p+1) in this case, as long as |m[i|,j]{|z≥}4|, then{zk ∈ [}i,j − 2], ii) m[k,j] is alternating φ(j,k)∈Tn\D(m), and m[i,j]·φ(i,j)=m[i,j]·φ(j,k). iii) |m[k,j]|≥4. Remark. If Proof: Let i∈[n]. We will first assume 1) and 2) in the 1) m is alternating and lemma statementandshow thatEi(m) is notempty.Suppose 2) n is even m(i)6=m(i−1), and that there exists j ∈[i+1,n] and k ∈ then m·φ(1,n)=m·φ(n,1). [i,j−2]suchthatforallp∈[i,k−1],wehavem(p)=m(p+ 1).Supposealsothatm[k,j]isalternatingwith|m[k,j]|≥4. Remark. If For ease of notation, let a := m(k) = m(k+2) and b := 1) m is alternating m(k+1)=m(k+3) so that m[k,k+3]=(a,b,a,b)∈Z4. 2) n≥3 Then 3) n is odd, (m·φ(i,k+3))[k,k+3]= (m·φ(k,k+3))[k,k+3] then m·φ(1,n)6=m·φ(n,1). = (b,a,b,a) To calculate |E(mr|, we define a set of equal size that is = (m·φ(k+3,k))[k,k+3]. σ easier to calculate. Definition. Define to be alternating, E∗(m):={ (i,j)∈[n]×[n] : (m[i,j] is alternating) | E∗(m)| i and (|m[i,j]|≥4) i∈[[n] and (|m[i,j]| is even) }. = |{(i,j)∈[n]×[n] : |m[i,j]|≥4 and |m[i,j]| is even}| = |{(i,j)∈[n]×[n] : j−i+1∈K}|, For each i ∈ [n], also define E∗(m) := {(i,j) ∈ E∗(m) : i j ∈[n]}. Notice that E∗(m)= E∗(m). where K is the set of even integers between 4 and n, i.e. i i∈S[n] K :={k∈[4,n] : k is even}. For each k ∈K, we have Lemma 10. |E(m)|=|E∗(m)| |{(i,j)∈[n]×[n] : j−i+1=k}| Proof: The idea of the proof is simple. Each element = |{i∈[n] : i∈[1,n−k+1]}| φ(i,j) ∈ E(m) involves exactly one alternating sequence of = n−k+1. lengthgreaterorequalto4,sothesetsizesmustbeequal.We formalize the argument by showing that |E(m)| ≤ |E∗(m)| Therefore |E(m)|= (n−k+1). In the case that n is and then that |E∗(m)|≤|E(m)|. even, then kP∈K To see why |E(m)| ≤ |E∗(m)|, we define a mapping f : n/2 [n]→[n], whichmapsindexvalueseitherto thebeginningof (n−k+1) = (n−2i+1) the nearest alternating subsequence to the right, or else to n. kX∈K Xi=2 For all i∈[n], let (n−2)/2 2 n−2 = (2i−1)= . (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) i+min{p∈Z≥0 : (m(i)6=m(i+p+1))∨(i+p=n)} Xi=1 f(i):= (ifm(i)6=m(i−1)ori=1) In the case that n is odd, then n (otherwise)  (n−1)/2 Notice by definition of f, if i,i′ ∈ [n] such that i 6= i′, (n−k+1) = (n−2i+1) and if m(i) 6= m(i − 1) or i = 1 and at the same time kX∈K Xi=2 m(i′)6=m(i′−1) or i′ =1, then f(i)6=f(i′). (n−3)/2 n−3 n−1 Now for each i ∈ [n], if m(i) 6= m(i − 1) or i = 1, = 2i=(cid:18) 2 (cid:19)(cid:18) 2 (cid:19). then|E (m)|= |E∗ (m)|byLemma9andthetwoprevious Xi=1 i f(i) remarks. Otherwise, if m(i) = m(i − 1), then |E (m)| = |E∗ (m)| = 0. Therefore |E (m)| ≤ |E∗(m)|. Thiis is true Notice that by Lemma 11, it suffices to calculate |E(m)| forf(ail)l i∈[n], so |E(m)|≤|Ei∗(m)|. i for locally maximal length alternating substrings of m. An alternating substring m[i,j] is of locally maximal length if The argument to show that |E∗(m)| ≤ |E(m)| is similar, and only if 1) m[i−1] is not alternating or i = 1; and 2) except it uses the following function g : [n] →[n] instead of m[i,j+1] is not alternating or j =n. f. For all i∈[n], let Finally, we define the general set of duplications. The lemma that follows the definition also shows that removing i−min{p∈Z≥0 : (m(i)6=m(i−p−1))∨(i−p=1)} the set D∗(mrσ) from Tn removesall duplicate translocations g(i):= (ifm(i)6=m(i−1)ori=n) associated with mrσ. n (otherwise) Definition (D∗(m), duplication set). Define D∗(m):=D(m)∪E(m). By definition, calculating |E∗(m)| equates to calculating the number of alternating substrings m[i,j] of m such that We call D∗(m) the duplication set for m. For each i ∈ [n], thelengthofthesubstringisbothevenandlongerthan4.The we also define D∗(m):={φ(i,j)∈D∗(m) : j ∈[n]}. i following lemma helps to simplify this calculation further. Lemma 12. Let φ ,φ ∈T \D∗(mr). Then φ =φ if and 1 2 n σ 1 2 Lemma 11. Let m be an alternating string. Then only if mrσ·φ1 =mrσ·φ2. 1) If n is even then |E∗(m)|= n−2 2 φ =Prmoorf:·Lφettφri1v,iφal2ly∈. ITtnr\emDa∗i(nmsrσto).pIrfoφve1 =thaφt2mthren·φmrσ=· (cid:18) 2 (cid:19) 1 σ 2 σ 1 mr·φ =⇒ φ =φ .Weproceedbycontrapositive.Suppose n−3 n−1 σ 2 1 2 2) If n is odd then |E∗(m)|=(cid:18) 2 (cid:19)(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) that φ1 6= φ2. We want to show that mrσ ·φ1 6= mrσφ2. Let φ := φ(i ,j ) and φ := φ(i ,j ). The remainder of the 1 1 1 2 2 2 Proof:Assumemisanalternatingstring.ByLemma10, proof can be split into two main cases: Case I is if i1 = i2 |E(m)| = |E∗(m)| = | Ei∗(m)|. Since m was assumed andCaCsaeseI I(Iwihseinf ii1 6==i2i. ), can be further divided into two i∈S[n] 1 2 subcases: Lemma 12 implies that we can calculate r-regular Ulam Case IA: mrσ(i1)=mrσ(i1−1) sphere sizes of radius 1 whenever we can calculate the appropriateduplication set. This calculation can be simplified Case IB: mrσ(i1)6=mrσ(i1−1). bynotingthatforasequencem∈ZnthatD(m)∩E(m)=∅ CaseIAiseasytoprove.WehaveD∗(mr)=D∗(mr)= (by the definition of E(m)) and then decomposingthe dupli- i1 σ i2 σ {φ(i ,j) ∈ T \{e} : j ∈ [n]}, so φ = e = φ , a cation set into these components. This idea is stated in the 1 n 1 2 contradiction. For Case IB, we can first assume without loss next theorem of generality that j < j and then split into the following 1 2 smaller subcases: Theorem13. |S(mr,1)|=1+(n−1)2−|D(mr)|−|E(mr)|. σ σ σ i) (j1 <i1) and (j2 >i1) Proof: By the definition of D∗(mr) and lemma 8, σ ii) (j1 <i1) and (j2 ≤i1) {mr ·φ∈M (S ):φ∈T \D∗(mr)} iii) (j1 >i1) and (j2 >i1) σ r n n σ = {mr ·φ∈M (S ) : φ∈T \D(mr)} iv) (j1 >i1) and (j2 ≤i1). σ r n n σ = S(mr,1). However, subcase iv) is unnecessary since it was assumed σ that j1 < j2, so j1 > i1 =⇒ j2 > j1 > i1. Subcase ii) can This implies |Tn\D∗(mrσ)| ≥ |S(mrσ,1)|. By lemma 12, for alsobereducedto(j1 <i1) and (j2 <i1)sincej2 6=i2 =i1. φ1,φ2 ∈ Tn\D∗(mrσ), if φ1 6= φ2, then mrσ ·φ1 6= mrσ ·φ2. Each of the remaining subcases is proven by noting that Hence we have |Tn\D∗(mrσ)| ≤ |S(mrσ,1)|, which implies there is some element in the multipermutationmrσ·φ1 that is that |Tn\D∗(mrσ)| = |S(mrσ,1)|. It remains to show that necessarily different from mrσ ·φ2. For example, in subcase |Tn\D∗(mrσ)|=(n−1)2+1−|D(mrσ)|−|E(mrσ)|. This is i), we have mrσ·φ1(j1)=mrσ(i1)6=mrσ(j1)=mrσ·φ2(j1). animmediateconsequenceofthefactthat|Tn|=(n−1)2+1 Subcases ii) and iii) are solved similarly. and D(mr)∩E(mr)=∅. σ σ Theorem13reducesthecalculationof|S(mr,1)| to calcu- σ Case II (when i 6=i ) can be divided into three subcases: lating |D(mr)| and |E(mr|. It is an easy matter to calculate 1 2 σ σ Case IIA: (mrσ(i1)=mrσ(i1−1) and mrσ(i2)=mrσ(i2−1)), o|Df(im∈rσ[)n|,]ssinuccehitthiastemxarc(tliy)e=qumalrt(oi(−n−1)2)pltuimse(srt−he1n)utmimbeesr Case IIB: either σ σ the number of i∈[n] such that mr(i)6=mr(i−1). We also (mrσ(i1)=mrσ(i1−1) and mrσ(i2)6=mrσ(i2−1)) showed how to calculate |E(m)| eσarlier. Theσnext example is or (mrσ(i1)6=mrσ(i1−1) and mrσ(i2)=mrσ(i2−1)), an application of Theorem 13 Case IIC: (mrσ(i1)6=mrσ(i1−1) and mrσ(i2)6=mrσ(i2−1)). Example. Suppose σ := [1,2,3,4,9,6,7,11,5,10,12,8]. Case IIA is easily solved by mimicking the proof Thenm3 :=(1,1,1,2,3,2,3,2,4,4,3,4).There are 3 values σ of Case IA. Case IIB is also easily solved as follows. of i∈[12] such that m3(i)=m3(i−1), which implies that σ σ First, without loss of generality, we assume that |D(m3|=(3)(12−2)+(12−3)(3−1)=48.Meanwhile,by σ mrσ(i1) = mrσ(i1 − 1) and mrσ(i2) 6= mrσ(i2 − 1). Lemmas 10 and 11, |E(m3σ)|=((5−3)/2)((5−1)/2))=2. TThheernefDori∗1e(mwerσ)h=av{eφm(i1r,j·)φ∈(Tjn)\{=e}m: rj(j∈)[n6=]},msorφ(i1 =) =e. By Theorem 13, |S(m3σ),1|=(12−1)2−48−2=71. σ 1 2 σ 2 σ 2 mrφ (i −1). VI. MIN/MAX SPHERES AND CODE SIZE BOUNDS σ 2 2 In this section we show choices of center achieving mini- Finally, for Case IIC, without loss of generality we may mumandmaximumr-regularUlamspheresizesfortheradius assume that i < i and then split into the following four 1 2 t=1 case. The minimum and maximum valuesare explicitly subcases: given.We thendiscussresultingboundsoncodesize.Firstlet i) (j1 <i2) and (j2 ≥i2) us consider the r-regular Ulam sphere of minimal size. ii) (j1 <i2) and (j2 <i2) Lemma 14. |S(mr,1)|≤|S(mr,1)| iii) (j1 ≥i2) and (j2 ≥i2) e σ iv) (j1 ≥i2) and (j2 <i2). Proof:In the case thatn/r=1, then mre =e andmrσ = σ,sothat|S(mr,1)|=|S(mr,1)|.Thereforewemayassume . that n/r ≥2. Bey Theorem 13σ, min(|S(mr,1)|)=1+(n− However, since φ(i2,j2) ∈ Tn\D∗(mrσ) implies i2 6= j2, 1)2−max(|D(mr)|+|E(mr)σ|∈).SnSince nσ/r ≥ 2, we know siu)bcaansdes(ji) a≥ndi i)iia)ncdan(jbe>reid)ucreedspteoct(ivj1ely<. Fio2r)saunbdca(jse2 i>), that nσ−∈S2n> r−σ1, which imσplies that for all σ ∈ S , that 2 1 2 2 2 n we have mr ·φ (j ) = mr(i ) 6= mr(j ) = mr ·φ (j ). |D(mr)| ismaximizedbymaximizingthenumberofintegers σ 1 1 σ 1 σ 1 σ 2 1 σ Subcasesii)andiii)aresolvedinasimilarmanner.Forsubcase i∈[n]suchthatmr(i)=mr(i−1).Thisisaccomplishedby σ σ iv), if j > i , then mr · φ (j ) = mr(i ) 6= mr(j ) = choosingσ =e,andhenceforallσ ∈S ,wehave|D(mr)|≥ 1 2 σ 1 1 σ 1 σ 1 n e mr ·φ (j ). Otherwise, if j = i , then φ = φ(i ,i ) and |D(mr)|. σ 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 σ φ =φ(i ,j ).Thusifmr·φ =mr·φ thenφ ∈D∗(mr), We next will show that for any increase in the size of w1hich im2plie2s that φ ∈/ Tσ \D1 ∗(mrσ), a2contrad1ictioni.1 σ |E(mr)| compared to |E(mr)|, that |D(mr)| is decreased 1 n σ σ e σ by a larger value compared to |D(mr)|, so that (|D(mr)|+ completing the proof of the first statement in the lemma. e σ |E(mr)|) is maximized when σ =e. We now prove that |S(mr,1)| ≤ |S(mr,1)|. Recall that σ σ ω Suppose σ ∈ S . By Lemmas 10 and 11, |E(mr| is |D(mr)| is equalto (n−2)times the numberof i∈[n] such n σ σ characterizedby the lengthsof its locally maximalalternating that mr(i) = mr(i−1) plus (r −1) times the number of σ σ substrings. For every locally maximal alternating substring i ∈ [n] such that mr(i) 6= mr(i−1). But n/r > 2 implies σ σ mr[a,a+k−1] of mr of length k, there are at least k−2 thatr−1<n−2,whichimplies min|D(mr,1)|=(r−1)n. fewσer instances where mσ r = mr(i−1) when compared to π∈Sn π σ σ Therefore instanceswheremr(i)=mr(i−1).Thisisbecauseforalli∈ e e [a+1,a+k−1],mr(i)6=mr(i−1).Hence foreachlocally σ σ maximalalternatingsubstringmr(a,a+k−1),then|D(mr)| |S(mr,1)| ≤ 1+(n−1)2− min|D(mr,1)| isdecreasedbyatleast(k−2)(n−σ 2−(r−1))≥(k−2)(r−σ1) σ π∈Sn π −min|E(mr,1)| whencomparedto|D(mre)|.Meanwhile,|E(mrσ)|isincreased π∈Sn π by the same locally maximal alternating substring by at most ≤ 1+(n−1)2− min|D(mr,1)| (k −2)((k −2)/4) by Lemma 11. However, since k ≤ 2r, π∈Sn π we have (k−2)((k−2)/4)≤(k−2)(r−1)/2, which is of = 1+(n−1)2−(r−1)n course less than (k−2)(r−1). = |S(mr,1)|. ω Lemma 14, along with Proposition 6 implies that the r- regular Ulam sphere size of radius t=1 is bounded (tightly) below by (1+(n −1)(n/r −1)). This in turn implies the Extending the concept of perfect permutation codes dis- following sphere-packing type upper bound on any single cussed in [10], we define a perfect multipermutation code. error-correcting code. Let C be an MPC(n,r) code. Then C is a perfect t-error correcting code if and only if for all σ ∈ S , there exists Lemma 15. Let C be a single-error correcting MPC◦(n,r) a unique mr ∈ M (C) such that mr ∈ S(mnr,t). We call c r σ c code. Then such C a perfect t-error correcting MPC(n,r). With this n! definitiontheupperboundoflemma16impliesalowerbound |C| ≤ . r (r!)n/r(1+(n−1)(n/r−1)) on a perfect single-error correcting MPC(n,r). Proof: Let C be a single-error correcting MPC◦(n,r) Lemma 17. Let n/r6=2 and let C be a perfect single-error code.A standardsphere-packingboundargumentimpliesthat correcting MPC(n,r).Then |C| ≤ n! . The remainder of the proof follrows fr(orm!)n/Prr(oσmp∈ioSnns(i|tSio(mnσ6,1a)|n)d Lemma 14. |C|r ≥ (r!)n/r((1+(n−n!1)2)−(r−1)n). We have seen that |S(mr)| is minimized when σ = e. σ Proof: Suppose n/r 6= 2 and C is a perfect single-error We now discuss the choice of center yielding the max- iωm(ia)l s:p=here((isiz−e.1L)etmoωd (∈n/rS)n)r b+e ⌈dierfi/nne⌉d aansdfoωllow:=s: cmoerarencsting MPC(n,r). Then cP∈C|S(mrc,1)| = (r!n)n!/r. This [ω(1),ω∗(2),...ω∗(n)]. With this definition, for all i ∈ [n], n! we have mrω(i) = i mod (n/r) For example, if r = 3 (|C|r)·(cid:18)mc∈aCx(|S(mrc,1)|)(cid:19)≥ (r!)n/r, and n = 12, then ω = [1,4,7,10,2,5,8,11,3,6,9,12] and which by Lemma 16 implies the desired result. mr = (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4). We can use Theorem 13ωto calculate |S(mr,1)|, and then show that this is the A more generallowerboundis easily obtainedbyapplying ω Lemma 16 with a standard Gilbert-Varshamov bound argu- maximalr-regularUlamspheresize(exceptforthecasewhen ment. In the lemma statement, C is an MPC (n,r,d) if and n/r=2). ◦ only if C is an MPC(n,r) such that min dr(σ,π)=d. ◦ Lemma 16. Letn/r6=2.Then|S(mr,1)|≤|S(mr,1)| and σ,π∈C,σ6=π σ ω if n/r>2, then |S(mr,1)|=(1+(n−1)2)−(r−1)n. Lemma 18. Let n/r6=2 andC be an MPC (n,r,d) codeof ω ◦ maximal cardinality. Then Proof: Assume n/r 6= 2. First notice that if n/r = 1 then for any π ∈ S (including π = ω), the sphere n! n |C| ≥ S(mr,1) contains exactly one element (the tuple of the r (r!)n/r(1+(n−1)2−(r−1)n)d−1 π form (1,1,...,1)). Hence the lemma holds trivially in this Proof: Suppose that n/r 6= 2 and that C is an instance. Next, assume that n/r >2. We will first prove that MPC (n,r,d) code of maximal cardinality. For all σ ∈ S , |S(mr,1)|=(1+(n−1)2)−(r−1)n. ◦ n ω there exists c ∈C such that dr(σ,c) ≤d−1. Otherwise, we Since n/r > 2, it is clear that mr contains no alternating ◦ ω could add σ ∈/ C (and its entire equivalence class R (σ)) to r subsequences of length greater than 2. Thus by Lemma 9, C while maintaining a minimum distance of d, contradicting E(mr) = ∅ and therefore by Theorem 13, |S(mr,1)| = ω ω the assumption that |C| is maximal. 1+(n−1)2 −|D(mr)|. Since there does not exist i ∈ [n] r ω Therefore S(mr,d−1)=M (S ).Thisinturnimplies such that mr(i)=mr(i−1), we have |D(mr)|=(r−1)n, c r n ω ω ω cS∈C

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