l|||||||||||||ll||l||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||| US 20050100077A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0100077 A1 Rosen et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 12, 2005 (54) MULTIPATH-ADAPTED HOLOGRAPHIC Publication Classi?cation COMMUNICATIONS APPARATUS AND METHODS (51) Int. C1.7 ..................................................... .. H04B 1/69 (52) US. Cl. ............................................................ ..375/130 (76) Inventors: Lowell Rosen, La Jolla, CA (US); Robert F. Gazdzinski, San Diego, CA (Us) (57) ABSTRACT Correspondence Address: Robert F. Gazdzinski, Esq. Galdlillski & Associates Improved apparatus and methods for utilizing holographic Suite 375 Waveforms for a variety of purposes including communica 11440 West Bernardo Court tion, ranging, and detection. In one exemplary embodiment, San Diego’ CA 92127 (Us) the holographic Waveforms are transmitted over an RF bearer medium to provide, inter alia, highly covert commu (21) Appl' NO': 10/910’913 nications, radar systems, and microWave data links. Multi (22) Filed: Aug 3’ 2004 path propagation is compensated for by either ?ltering the multipath signals in the decoded baseband, or alternatively Rdated U_S_ App?cation Data adding the various signals, using a poWer spectrum. Meth ods of providing multiple access and high bandwidth data (60) Provisional application No. 60/492,628, ?led on Aug. transmission are also disclosed. Improved apparatus utiliz 4, 2003. Provisional application No. 60/529,152, ?led ing these features; e.g., a Wireless miniature covert trans on Dec. 11, 2003. ceiver/locator, are also disclosed. Inverse Founer Transform f 'Transmitterand‘Recéiver‘ncl0eks1;Con]ugate n ~ ' , aréamisaligned by 12 chips‘ I. De-Spreadirig ‘,0 _ e ROfe cHeiOvLeOr CPOorMt ion ’ - I ' ' , Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 1 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 wm9gw3mo b $cmw2ww0sm2wv _cm66c290w: _cm6c6m2_0w: hEwmmEwmiva 2.wk Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 2 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 we; wmQsEmNm ob ?c6c5g20w: _2m6c6m2_0w: 3cm2?0w2am wv A8Vwmw2rwm zm F. Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 3 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 52.%; wH.oom23ow2cmtm2s:oc3w t: m2Ewwammuuum it... 2:22 Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 4 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 >H$:w0EmE2b0mm|59o: :E0m o Q w:9em0m:: wk; x “2m.ocn_:rtuoo o m =bm2mmmamw:m v w£.b32o.6o Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 5 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 §RU6\ilRni§i!w. N. a Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 6 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 7 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 {0HI5lQ1l% _ m Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 8 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 mkggo. w Q9w ..a, . .8 , wQEmuGh?. Qms SEE.E. QH. N0:3m5.2 93, .2w.53g8 8.252 28 _ rwH_m.,o5Eaovenw.Mwm. “a_E?c.mK h-m.Q. o;R,g S RN NEE" owammoE 5.5228;2%:?3? 2- ZQwwn‘P mH ;I 8E6mQ5tu:oa5 :; a3eug.gQmi m ma? a,, owammuE Muwwm O O o .. Patent Application Publication May 12, 2005 Sheet 9 0f 17 US 2005/0100077 A1 3ma2u3c k $225M 3\39:329a2.0:EIE::5 3“3 ;a 5H5:3 : 8.2-Q.8 um“EmEt:mHo8 QNSMEQRSQ?E w52a:5s: