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Multiparty hierarchical quantum-information splitting Xin-Wen Wang, Deng-Yu Zhang, Shi-Qing Tang, and Li-Jun Xie Department of Physics and Electronic Information Science, Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang 421008, China We propose a scheme for multiparty hierarchical quantum-information splitting (QIS) with a multipartite entangled state, where a boss distributes a secret quantum state to two grades of agents asymmetrically. The agents who belong to different grades have different authorities for recovering boss’s secret. Except for boss’s Bell-state measurement, no nonlocal operation is in- volved. Thepresentedschemeisalsoshowntobesecureagainsteavesdropping. Suchahierarchical QISisexpectedtofindusefulapplicationsinthefieldofmodernmultipartitequantumcryptography. 1 1 0 Keywords: Multipartite entanglement, quantuminformation splitting, asymmetric distribution 2 n PACS: 03.67.Hk; 03.67.Dd; 03.67.Lx a J 9 1 A fundamental ingredient for implementation of quantum technologies is the ability to faithfully transmit quantum states among quantum mechanical systems which are even far apart. Quantum-information splitting ] h (QIS,alsobe referredto asquantum-secretsharingorquantum-statesharinginthe literature),firstintroduced p by Hillery, Buˇzek, and Berthiaume (HBB) [1], is a typical way for quantum state transfer, in which a secret - t quantum state is distributed by quantum teleportation [2] from a boss to more than one agents so that any n a one of them can recover the state with assistance of the others. QIS is a generalization of classical-secret u sharing to quantum scenario. Classical-secret sharing is one of the most important information-theoretically q [ secure cryptographic protocols and is germane to online auctions, electronic voting, shared electronic banking, cooperative activation of bombs, and so on. Also, QIS has extensive applications in quantum-information 1 v science, such as creating joint checking accounts containing quantum money [3], secure distributed quantum 0 computation [4, 5], and so on. 0 IntheoriginalHBBQISproposalwiththequantumchannelbeingathree-qubitGreenberger-Horne-Zeilinger 7 3 (GHZ) state [6], the collaboration of two agents is implemented by means of classical communication about . 1 their single-particle measurement outcomes. This idea can be directly generalized to the case of N agents by 0 using an (N +1)-particle GHZ state, or by the way of Ref. [7]. These schemes are (N, N)-threshold schemes 1 where all the N agents need collaborating in order to recover the secret state. Soon after, Cleve, Gottesman, 1 : and Lo (CGL) [8] proposed another type of QIS scheme with the idea of quantum error-correctingcodes. The v i CGL scheme is a (K, N)-threshold scheme where K ([N/2] < K N) of N agents can extract the quantum X ≤ information of the original secret state by cooperation. The CGL QIS scheme, however, needs the cooperated r a agents to make nonlocal operations on their particles. That is, the K cooperatedagents need to transmit their K particles to one laboratory and perform a collective operation (decoding operation) on them. In the last decade,bothofthe abovetwoQISideashavetriggeredsignificantresearchactivity(see,e.g., [9–19]), andsome schemes have already been experimentally realized [20, 21]. A more generalQIS scheme should involvethe asymmetry between the powers of the different participants, where only particular subsets of the participants can recover the secret quantum state by cooperation. For instance, one might consider a scheme with three participants A, B, and C. The sets (A, B) or (A, C) can reconstruct the secret state, but (B, C) can not. In this example, the presence of A is essential to reconstructing the secret state, but not sufficient. The asymmetric QIS has been intensively studied with the idea of quantum error-correcting codes based on multi-particle nonlocal operations [9–12]. Although an asymmetric three-party QIS scheme has also been put forward [22] with a four-partite entangled state [23–25] and classical communications, there has been no intensive study on this issue. In this paper, we propose a multiparty asymmetric QIS scheme with a multipartite-entanglement channel and classical communications. The scheme involves two grades of agents G = Bob , Bob , , Bob and 1 1 2 m { ··· } G = Charlie , Charlie , , Charlie . For getting boss’s (Alice’s) secret state, one of Bobs needs the 2 1 2 n { ··· } collaborationof the other Bobsand anyone of Charlies,while one of Charliesneeds the collaborationofallthe other m+n 1 agents. This indicates that the agents who belong to different grades havedifferent authorities − to recoverboss’s secretstate. Such a type of QIS is referredto as the hierarchicalQIS hereafter. Note that the collaborationof the agentsis basedonsingle-particlemeasurements andclassicalcommunications,andthey do not need to make any nonlocal operation. We now introduce the hierarchical QIS in detail. The quantum channel shared among Alice, Bobs, and Charlies is an (1+m+n)-qubit graph state given by 1 = (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |Gi1+m+n 2 | A B1 B2··· Bm C1 C2··· Cni +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 | A B1 B2··· Bm C1 C2··· Cni +1 1 1 1 0 0 0 | A B1 B2··· Bm C1 C2··· Cni 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ). (1) −| A B1 B2··· Bm C1 C2··· Cni By performing, respectively, each qubit except B and C a Hardamard transformation H = (0 0 + 1 0 + 1 1 | ih | | ih | 0 1 1 1)/√2, one can transform the graph state of Eq. (1) into the standard form [26] | ih |−| ih | 1 stand. = (0 + 1 σz ) | i 2(1+m+n)/2 | Ai | Ai B1 (0 + 1 σz σz σz ) ⊗ | B1i | B1i B2··· Bm C1 (0 + 1 ) (0 + 1 ) ⊗ | B2i | B2i ··· | Bmi | Bmi (0 + 1 σz σz ) ⊗ | C1i | C1i C2··· Cn (0 + 1 ) (0 + 1 ), (2) ⊗ | C2i | C2i ··· | Cni | Cni where σz = 0 0 1 1 is the usual Pauli operator. Here qubit A is held by Alice, qubit B by Bob j | jih j|−| jih j| i i (i=1,2, ,m),andqubitCi′ byCharliei′ (i′ =1,2, ,n). Thequantumstatetobedistributedisdescribed ··· ··· by ξ =α0 +β 1 , α2+ β 2 =1. (3) S S S | i | i | i | | | | The state of the whole system is = ξ S 1+m+n |Wi | i ⊗|Gi 1 = (α0 0 ϕ 0 +α0 1 ϕ 1 √2 | S Ai| im+n | S Ai| im+n +β 1 0 ϕ 0 +β 1 1 ϕ 1 ), (4) | S Ai| im+n | S Ai| im+n where 1 ϕ 0 = 0 0 0 (0 0 0 | im+n √2| B1 B2··· Bmi | C1 C2··· Cni +1 1 1 ), | C1 C2··· Cni 1 ϕ 1 = 1 1 1 (0 0 0 | im+n √2| B1 B2··· Bmi | C1 C2··· Cni 1 1 1 ). (5) −| C1 C2··· Cni In order to implement QIS, Alice performs a joint measurement on her two qubits S and A in the Bell basis Φ ± , Ψ ± , and then informs agents of the outcome by classical communication. The four Bell states are {| iSA | iSA} given by 1 Φ ± = (0 0 1 1 ), | iSA √2 | S Ai±| S Ai 1 Ψ ± = (0 1 1 0 ). (6) | iSA √2 | S Ai±| S Ai ForAlice’s fourpossiblemeasurementoutcomes, Φ ± or Ψ ± ,thequbits heldbyBobsandCharliescollapse | iSA | iSA correspondingly into the following entangled states: φ ± =αϕ 0 β ϕ 1 , | im+n | im+n± | im+n ψ ± =αϕ 1 β ϕ 0 . (7) | im+n | im+n± | im+n 2 TABLE I: The one-to-one correspondence between Bob1’s unitary operations and the measurement outcomes of Alice, ∗ Charlie , and theother Bobs. Alice’s outcomes Vsum Operations |Φi+ (|Φi− ) 0 (1) I SA SA |Φi+ (|Φi− ) 1 (0) σz SA SA |Ψi+ (|Ψi− ) 0 (1) σx SA SA |Ψi+ (|Ψi− ) 1 (0) iσy SA SA Thenon-cloningtheorem[27,28]allowsonlyonequbittobeinthesecretstate ξ ,sothatanyoneofthem+n | i agents, but not all, can recover such a state. First, we assume that they agree to let Bob possess the secret. We rewrite φ ± and ψ ± as 1 | im+n | im+n 1 φ ± = [(α0 β 1 )(m 1,m 1 0 0 | im+n 2 | B1i± | B1i | − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni +m 2,m 1 1 1 ) | − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni +(α0 β 1 )(m 1,m 1 1 1 | B1i∓ | B1i | − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni +m 2,m 1 0 0 )], | − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni 1 ψ ± = [(α1 β 0 )(m 1,m 1 0 0 | im+n 2 | B1i± | B1i − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni +m 2,m 1 1 1 ) | − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni +(α1 β 0 )(m 1,m 1 1 1 | B1i∓ | B1i | − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni +m 2,m 1 0 0 )], (8) | − − iB2···Bm| C1··· Cni where =(0 1 )/√2 and the following notations are used: |±i | i±| i [(X−1)/2] 1 |X −1,Xi= 2(X−1)/2 X qCX2k+1|{−,2k+1};{+,X−2k−1}i, k=0 [X/2] 1 |X,Xi= 2(X−1)/2 X qCX2k|{−,2k};{+,X−2k}i, (9) k=0 with X being an integer, [x/2] (x = X,X 1) being the integer part of x/2, CK = X!/K!(X K)! (K = − X − 2k,2k+1) being the combinational coefficient, and ,K ; +,X K denoting all the totally symmetric |{− } { − }i states including K “ ” and X K “+” (e.g., ,1 ; +,2 1 =( + + + )/√2). It can be seen from − − |{− } { − }i |− i | −i Eq.(8)thattheotherm 1BobsandoneofCharlies(denotedbyCharlie∗)canassistBob inrecoveringAlice’s 1 − secret state. Particularly, Bobs measure their qubits in the basis + , and Charlie∗ measures his qubit {| i |−i} in the basis 0 , 1 , and inform Bob of their measurement outcomes. For reconstructing the state ξ , Bob 1 1 {| i | i} | i needstoperformoneoftheunitarytransformations I,σx,iσy,σz onqubitB ,whereI istheidentityoperator 1 { } and σx,y,z are the usual Pauli operators. The one-to-one correspondence between Bob ’s operations and the 1 measurement outcomes of Alice, Charlie∗, and the other Bobs is shown in Table 1. Vsum = VG1 ⊕VCharlie∗ with ⊕ being the modulo-2-sum, where VCharlie∗ and VG1 denote the values of the outcomes obtained by Charlie∗ and Bobs, respectively. The states ,2k ; +,X 2k , 0 are encoded as the value “0” and {|{− } { − }i | i} ,2k+1 ; +,X 2k 1 , 1 as “1”. For instance, Alice’s Bell-state measurement outcome is Φ+ , SA {|{− } { − − }i | i} | i even number of Bobs get the outcome |−i (VG1 = 0), and Charlie∗ get |1i (VCharlie∗ = 1), then Bob1 needs to make σz operation on qubit B for reconstructing Alice’s secret state ξ on it. The above results are also 1 | i applicable to the case where one of the other Bobs is deputed to possess Alice’s secret because is 1+m+n |Gi unchanged under the permutation of qubits B ,B , ,B , which indicates that all the m Bobs have the 1 2 m { ··· } same status in the QIS protocol. Now, we consider the case that they agree to let Charlie recover Alice’s secret state. Then the states 1 3 TABLE II: The one-to-one correspondence between Charlie1’s unitary operations and the measurement outcomes of Alice, Bobs, and the otherCharlies. Alice’s outcomes VG1 VG2 Operations |Φi+ (|Φi− ) 0 (1) 0 H SA SA |Φi+ (|Φi− ) 1 (0) 0 σzH SA SA |Φi+ (|Φi− ) 0 (1) 1 σxH SA SA |Φi+ (|Φi− ) 1 (0) 1 iσyH SA SA |Ψi+ (|Ψi− ) 0 (1) 1 H SA SA |Ψi+ (|Ψi− ) 1 (0) 1 σzH SA SA |Ψi+ (|Ψi− ) 0 (1) 0 σxH SA SA |Ψi+ (|Ψi− ) 1 (0) 0 iσyH SA SA φ± and ψ± can be rewritten as m+n m+n | i | i 1 φ± = [(α+ β )m,m n 1,n 1 | im+n 2 | C1i± |−C1i | iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn +(α β + )m,m n 2,n 1 |−C1i± | C1i | iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn +(α+ β )m 1,m n 1,n 1 | C1i∓ |−C1i | − iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn +(α β + )m 1,m n 2,n 1 ], |−C1i∓ | C1i | − iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn 1 ψ± = [(α β + )m,m n 1,n 1 | im+n 2 |−C1i± | C1i | iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn +(α+ β )m,m n 2,n 1 | C1i± |−C1i | iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn (α β + )m 1,m n 1,n 1 − |−C1i∓ | C1i | − iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn (α+ β )m 1,m n 2,n 1 ]. (10) − | C1i∓ |−C1i | − iB1···Bm| − − iC2···Cn It can be seen that Charlie can reconstruct the state ξ if and only if m Bobs and the other n 1 Charlies 1 | i − measure their qubits in the basis + , and broadcast their outcomes. In other words, Charlie needs the 1 {| i |−i} help of all of the other agents for recovering Alice’s secret. For reconstructing the state ξ , Charlie needs to 1 | i perform one of the unitary transformations H,σxH,iσyH,σzH on qubit C . The one-to-one correspondence 1 { } between Charlie ’s operations and the measurement outcomes of Alice and the other agents is shown in Table 1 2. V and V denote the values of the outcomes obtained by Bobs and Charlies, respectively. The above G1 G2 results are also applicable to the case where one of the other Charlies is deputed to possess Alice’s secret because is unchangedunder the permutation ofqubits C ,C , ,C , whichindicates that allthe 1+m+n 1 2 n |Gi { ··· } n Charlies have the same status in the QIS protocol. According to former analysis, for recovering the secret state ξ , one of Bobs only needs the assistance of | i any one of Charlies with the other Bobs, while one of Charlies needs the help of all of Bobs with the other Charlies. Thus, their authorities for getting Alice’s secret are hierarchized, and Bobs are in a higher position relativetoCharlies. Thisresultmaybeunderstoodpartiallyfromthepictureasfollows. AfterAlice’sBell-state measurement, with outcomes Φ± or Ψ± , Bobs’ and Charlies’ single-qubit state-density matrices are, SA SA | i | i respectively, ρ|Φ±i = α2 0 0 + β 2 1 1, Bob | | | ih | | | | ih | ρ|Ψ±i = β 2 0 0 + α2 1 1, Bob | | | ih | | | | ih | 1 ρ = (0 0 + 1 1), (11) Charlie 2 | ih | | ih | where the superscripts Φ± and Ψ± denote Alice’s measurement outcomes. It can be seen that each Charlie | i | i knows nothing about the information of Alice’s secret state ξ without the collaboration of the other agents; | i each Bob, however, has the amplitude information of ξ as long as receiving Alice’s Bell-state measurement | i outcome. This implies that Alice’s secret quantum state is distributed to Bobs and Charlies asymmetrically. Naturally, the more information is known, the less collaborations are needed. 4 We now give a brief discussion on the security of this scheme against a potential eavesdropper (say Eve). Because of the no-cloning theorem [27, 28] and entanglement monogamy [29], the only way for Eve to eavesdrop the secret state is to take the intercept-resend attack. Particularly, Eve intercepts all the qubits (B ,B , ,B ,C ,C , ,C ) that are sent by Alice to Bobs and Charlies (because which one of Bobs or 1 2 m 1 2 n ··· ··· Charlies will possess the secret state is previously undefined in the scheme), and then resends fake qubits (de- noted by B′,B′, ,B′ ,C′,C′, ,C′) to Bobs and Charlies. For keeping the quantum correlation among 1 2 ··· m 1 2 ··· n Bobs and Charlies as good as possible, Eve may prepare the m+n fake qubits in the graph state 1 |Gim+n = 2(|0B1′0B2′ ···0Bm′ 0C1′0C2′ ···0Cn′i +|0B1′0B2′ ···0Bm′ 1C1′1C2′ ···1Cn′i +|1B1′1B2′ ···1Bm′ 0C1′0C2′ ···0Cn′i −|1B1′1B2′ ···1Bm′ 1C1′1C2′ ···1Cn′i). (12) However,the quantumcorrelationbetweenAlice andBobsandCharliesisdestroyed. Alice,Bobs,andCharlies can easily detect such an attack by performing suitable local measurements on the qubits they own or receive. For example, they all select the measurement basis 0 , 1 : under Eve’s attack, there is no correlation be- {| i | i} tween the measurement outcomes of Alice and Bobs (or Charlies); however, in the no-eavesdropping case, the measurement outcome of Alice is always correlated (i.e., the same) with that of Bobs and anti-correlated with that of Charlies. Thus, the eavesdropping attack can always be detected by checking the quantum correlation of the entanglement channel, due to the fact that entanglement is monogamous [29]. For checking the security, asubsetofentanglementchannelswillbe sacrificed. Asamatteroffact,mostofentanglement-basedquantum- communicationschemesneedonestoutilizequantumcorrelationsandsacrificeasubsetofentanglementchannels to check the security against eavesdroppers’interceptions. Inconclusion,wehaveproposedamultipartyhierarchicalQISscheme,wheretheagentsaredividedintotwo grades(G andG )andthe numberofagentsin bothgradescanbe arbitraryinprinciple. The agentsofgrade 1 2 G havea largerauthority(orpower)thanthe ones ofgradeG to recoverthe sender’s secretstate. Exceptfor 1 2 sender’s Bell-state measurement, no nonlocal operation (multi-particle operation) is involved in our scheme, in contrasttopreviousasymmetricQISschemesbasedonthe ideaofquantumerror-correctingcodeswheremulti- particlecollectiveoperationsarerequired[9–12]. Theproposedschemehavealsobeenshowntobesecureagainst eavesdropping. Our scheme may be consideredas a complementarityto conventional(symmetric) QISschemes without using quantum error-correcting codes. In addition, the hierarchical QIS may be very interesting with respecttothereliabilityofparticipantsinquantumcommunicationandtheaccesscontrollinginarchitectureof quantum computer [4, 5, 22]. The quantum channel in our scheme is a graph state, a very important quantum resourcefor quantum-informationscience [30–32]. Recently, other types of QISschemes with graphstates have also been presented [33, 34]. These schemes, however,are very different from ours. What discussed in Ref. [33] are(N, N)-thresholdand(3,5)-threshold(symmetric)QISprotocolsbasedonquantumerror-correctingcodes. Ref.[34]isfocusedontwo-partyQISwithfour-orfive-qubitgraphstates. Thekeypointsforphysicalrealization of the presented QIS scheme are preparation of graph state of Eq. (1) and Bell-state measurement. 1+m+n |Gi Bell-state measurement is well within state of the art for both photon- and matter-qubits [35, 36]. The graph state can be efficiently generated through realistic linear optics with the idea of Ref. [37]. 1+m+n 1+2+3 |Gi |Gi has already been experimentally realized [38]. Acknowledgements ThisworkwassupportedbyNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(GrantNo. 11004050),Scientific ResearchFundofHunanProvincialEducationDepartmentofChina(GrantNos. 09A013and10B013),Science and Technology Research Foundation of Hunan Province of China (Grant No. 2010FJ4120),Excellent Talents Program of Hengyang Normal University of China (Grant No. 2010YCJH01), and Science Foundation of Hengyang Normal University of China (Grant No. Grant No. 10B69). X. W. Wang thanks Chuan-Jia Shan and Xiao-Ming Xiu for useful discussions. 5 References [1] Hillery M, Buzek V and Berthiaume A 1999 Phys. Rev. A 59 1829-1834 [2] Bennett C H,Brassard G, Crepeau C, Jozsa R,Peres A and Wootters W K 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1895-1898 [3] Wiesner S 1983 SIGACT News 15 77-78 [4] Ben-OrM, Cr´epeau C, Gottesman D, Hassidim A and Smith A 2008 arXiv: quant-ph/0801.1544v1. [5] Loukopoulos K and Browne D E 2009 arXiv: quant-ph/0906.2297v4. [6] Greenberger D M, Horne M A,Shimony A and Zeilinger A 1990 Am. 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