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Multiparameter Quantum Deformations of Jordanian Type for Lie Superalgebras ∗ V.N. Tolstoy 7 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 0 0 119992 Moscow, Russia† 2 n a February 2, 2008 J 3 ] A Abstract Q . WediscussquantumdeformationsofJordaniantypeforLiesuperalgebras. These h t deformations are described by twisting functions with support from Borel subalge- a m brasandtheyaremultiparameter inthegeneralcase. Thetotaltwists arepresented in explicit form for the Lie superalgebras sl(m|n) and osp(1|2n). We show also that [ the classical r-matrix for a light-cone deformation of D = 4 super-Poincare algebra 1 is of Jordanian type and a corresponding twist is given in explicit form. v 9 7 0 1 Introduction 1 0 7 The Drinfeld’s quantum group theory roughly includes two classes of Hopf algebras: qua- 0 sitriangular and triangular. The (standard) q-deformation of simple Lie algebras belongs / h to the first class. The simplest example of the triangular (non-standard) deformation is t a the Jordanian deformation of sl(2). In the case of simple Lie algebras of rank ≥ 2 some m non-standard deformations were constructed by Kulish, Lyakhovsky et al.[1]–[4]. These : v deformations are described by twisting functions (which are extensions of the Jordanian i X twist) with support from Borel subalgebras, and they are multiparameter in the general r case. We call their as the deformations of Jordanian type. Total twists of Jordanian type a were constructed for all complex Lie algebras of the classical series A , B , C and D . n n n n InthispaperwediscussquantumdeformationsofJordaniantypeforLiesuperalgebras. The total twists are presented in explicit form for the Lie superalgebras sl(m|n) and osp(1|2n). We show also that the classical r-matrix for a light-cone deformation of D = 4 super-Poincare algebra is of Jordanian type and a corresponding twist is given in explicit form. ∗This work is supported by the grants RFBR-05-01-01086and ANR grant NT05-241455GIPM. †Email:[email protected] 1 2 Classical r-matrices of Jordanian type Let g be any finite-dimensional complex simple Lie superalgebra then g = n ⊕h⊕n , − + wheren aremaximalnilpotentsubalgebrasandhisaCartansubalgebra. Thesubalgebra ± n (n ) is generated by the positive (negative) root vectors e (e ) for all β ∈ △ (g). + − β −β + The symbol b will denote the Borel subalgebra of g, b := h⊕n . Let θ be a maximal + + + root of g, and let a Cartan element h ∈ h and a root vector e ∈ n satisfies the relation θ θ + [h , e ] = e . (1) θ θ θ The elements h and e are homogeneous, i.e. θ θ deg(h ) = 0, deg(e ) = 0, or 1 . (2) θ θ Moreover, lethomogeneouselementse indexedbythesymbolsiand−i,(i = 1,2,...,N), ±i satisfy the relations [h , e ] = t e , [h , e ] = (1−t )e (t ∈ C), θ −i i −i θ i i i i (3) [e , e ] = δ e , [e , e ] = 0 , [e , e ] = 0 , i −j ij θ ±i ±j ±i θ provided that deg(e ) = deg(e )+deg(e ) (mod2). (4) θ i −i For the Lie superalgebra g the brackets [·, ·] always denote the super-commutator: [x,y] := xy −(−1)deg(x)deg(y)yx (5) for any homogeneous elements x and y. Consider the even skew-symmetric two-tensor N r (ξ) = ξ h ∧e + (−1)deg(ei)deg(e−i)e ∧e (6) θ,N θ θ i −i (cid:16) Xi=1 (cid:17) where deg(ξ) = deg(e ) = deg(e )+deg(e ) (mod2), (7) θ i −i and we assume that the operation ”∧” in (6) is graded: e ∧e := e ⊗e −(−1)deg(ei)deg(e−i)e ⊗e . (8) i −i i −i −i i It is not hard to check that the element (6) satisfies the classical Yang-Baxter equation (CYBE), [r12 (ξ),r13 (ξ)+r23 (ξ)]+[r13 (ξ),r23 (ξ)] = 0 , (9) θ,N θ,N θ,N θ,N θ,N and it is called the extended Jordanian r-matrix of N-order. Let N be maximal order, i.e. we assume that another elements e ∈ n , j > N, which satisfy the relations (3), do not ±j + exist. Such element (6) is called the extended Jordanian r-matrix of maximal order[5]. Consider a maximal subalgebra b′ ∈ b which co-commutes with the maximal ex- + + tended Jordanian r-matrix (6), b′ := Kerδ ∈ b : + + ξδ(x) = [x⊗1+1⊗x, r (ξ)] = [∆(x), r (ξ)] = 0 (10) θ,N θ,N 2 for ∀x ∈ b′ . Let r (ξ ) ∈ b′ ⊗b′ is also a extended Jordanian r-matrix of the form + θ1,N1 1 + + (5) with a maximal root θ ∈ h′ and maximal order N . Then the sum 1 1 r (ξ,ξ ) := r (ξ)+r (ξ ) (11) θ,N;θ1,N1 1 θ,N θ1,N1 1 is also a classical r-matrix. Further, we consider a maximal subalgebra b′′ ∈ b′ which co-commutes with the + + maximal extended Jordanian r-matrix r (ξ ) and we construct a extended Jordanian θ1,N1 1 r-matrix of maximal order, r (ξ ). Continuing this process as result we obtain a θ2,N2 2 canonical chain of subalgebras b ⊃ b′ ⊃ b′′ ··· ⊃ b(k) (12) + + + + and the resulting r-matrix r (ξ,ξ ,··· ,ξ ) = r (ξ)+r (ξ )+···+r (ξ ). (13) θ,N;...;θk,Nk 1 k θ,N θ1,N1 1 θk,Nk k If the chain (12) is maximal, i.e. it is constructed in corresponding with the maximal orders N,N ,...N , then the r-matrix (13) is called the maximal classical r-matrix of 1 k Jordanian type for the Lie superalgebra g. 3 Multiparameter twists of Jordanian type The twisting two-tensor F (ξ) corresponding to the r-matrix (6) has the form θ,N F (ξ) = F (ξ)F (σ ), (14) θ,N N J θ where the two-tensor F is the Jordanian twist and F is extension of the Jordanian twist J N (see[5]). These two-tensors are given by the formulas F (σ ) = exp(2h ⊗σ ) , (15) J θ θ θ N′ FN(ξ) = exp ξ(−1)deg(ei)deg(e−i)ei ⊗e−i e−2tiσθ Fs(σθ) i=1 (16) (cid:16)Q N(cid:0)′ (cid:1)(cid:17) = exp ξ (−1)deg(ei)deg(e−i)ei ⊗e−i e−2tiσθ Fs(σθ), i=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) P where eθ/2 eθ/2 (eσθ +1)⊗(eσθ +1) F (σ ) = 1−ξ ⊗ , (17) s θ eσθ +1 eσθ +1 s 2(eσθ ⊗eσθ +1) (cid:16) (cid:17) if θ/2 is a root, e2 = e , N′ = N −1, and θ/2 θ F (σ ) = 1 , (18) s θ if θ/2 is not any root, N′ = N. Moreover deg(ξ) = deg(e ) = deg(e )+deg(e ) (mod2) , (19) θ i −i 3 1 σ := ln(1+ξe ). (20) θ 2 θ It should be noted that if the root vector e is odd then σ = 1ξe . θ θ 2 θ We can check that the twisting two-tensor (14) defined by the formulas (15)–(20) satisfies the cocycle equation F12(∆⊗id)(F) = F23(id⊗∆)(F) (21) and the ”unital” normalization condition (ǫ⊗id)(F) = (id⊗ǫ)(F) = 1 . (22) The twisted coproduct ∆ (·) := F (ξ)∆(·)F−1(ξ) and the corresponding antipode ξ θ,N θ,N S for elements in (3) are given by the formulas ξ ∆ξ(e±σθ) = e±σθ ⊗e±σθ, ∆ξ(eθ/2) = eθ/2 ⊗1+eσθ ⊗eθ/2 , (23) ξ ∆ξ(hθ) = hθ ⊗e−2σθ +1⊗hθ + 4eθ/2e−σθ ⊗eθ/2e−2σθ N′ −ξ (−1)degeidege−iei ⊗e−ie−2(tγi+1)σθ, (24) i=1 X ∆ξ(ei) = ei ⊗e−2tiσθ +1⊗ei, (25) ∆ξ(e−i) = e−i ⊗e2tiσθ +e2σθ ⊗e−i, (26) Sξ(e±σθ) = e∓σθ, Sξ(eθ/2) = −eθ/2e−σθ, (27) N′ 1 Sξ(hθ) = −hθe2σθ + 4 e2σθ −1 −ξ (−1)deg(ei)deg(e−i)eie−i, (28) i=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) X Sξ(ei) = −eie2tiσθ, Sξ(e−i) = −e−ie−2(ti+1)σθ. (29) If θ/2 is not any root, the third term in (24) and the second term in (28) should be removed. The twisted deformation of U(g) with the new coproduct ∆ (·) and the antipode S ξ ξ is denoted by U (g). ξ In order to construct the twist corresponding to the r-matrix (9) we can not apply the second twist F (ξ ) directly in the form (14)–(17) to the twisted superalgebra U (g) θ1,N1 1 ξ because the deformed coproduct for the elements of subalgebra b′ can be not trivial, i.e. + ∆ (x) = x⊗1+1⊗x+something, x ∈ b′ . (30) ξ + However, there exists a similarity automorphism w which trivializes (makes trivial) the ξ twisted coproduct ∆ (·) for elements of the subalgebra b′ , i.e. ξ + ∆ (w xw−1) := w xw−1 ⊗1+1⊗w xw−1, x ∈ b′ . (31) ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ ξ + 4 The automorphism w is connected with the Hopf ”folding” of the two-tensor (16) and it ξ is given by the following formula (see[5]): N′ −ξσ w = exp θ (−1)deg(ei)deg(ei)e e w , (32) ξ e2σθ −1 i −i s (cid:16) Xi=1 (cid:17) where w = exp(1σ ) if θ/2 is a root, and w = 1 if θ/2 is not any root. s 4 θ s With the help of the automorphism w the total twist chain corresponding to the ξ r-matrix (11) can be presented as follows F (ξ,ξ ) = F (ξ;ξ )F (ξ) , (33) θ,N;θ1,N1 1 θ1,N1 1 θ,N where F (ξ;ξ ) := (w ⊗w )F (ξ )(w−1 ⊗w−1). (34) θ1,N1 1 ξ ξ θ1,N1 1 ξ ξ Here the two-tensors F (ξ) and F (ξ ) are given by the formulas of type (14)–(18). θ,N θ1,N1 1 Iterating the formula (34) we obtain the total twist corresponding to the r-matrix (13): F (ξ,ξ ,...,ξ ) = F (ξ,ξ ,...,ξ ;ξ )··· θ,N;θ1,N1;...;θk,Nk 1 k θk,Nk 1 k−1 k (35) ×F (ξ,ξ ;ξ )F (ξ;ξ )F (ξ) , θ2,N2 1 2 θ1,N1 1 θ,N where (i = 1,...,k) F (ξ,ξ ,...,ξ ;ξ ) := (w ⊗w )···(w ⊗w )(w ⊗w ) θi,Ni 1 i−1 i ξi−1 ξi−1 ξ1 ξ1 ξ ξ (36) × F (ξ )(w−1⊗w−1)(w−1⊗w−1)···(w−1 ⊗w−1 ). θi,Ni i ξ ξ ξ1 ξ1 ξi−1 ξi−1 Now we consider specifically the multiparameter twists for the classical superalgebras gl(m|n) and osp(1|2n). 4 Quantum deformation of Jordanian type for gl(m|n) Lete (i,j = 1,2,...,m+n)bestandard(n+m)×(n+m)-matrices, where(e ) = δ δ . ij ij kl ik jl For such matrices we define a supercommutator as follows [e , e ] := e e −(−1)deg(eij)deg(ekl)e e , (37) ij kl ij kl kl ij where deg(e ) = 0 for i,j ≤ n or i,j > n, and deg(e ) = 0 in another cases. It is easy to ij ij check that [e , e ] = δ e −(−1)deg(eij)deg(ekl)δ e . (38) ij kl jk il il kj The elements e (i,j = 1,2,...,N := m+ n) with the relations (38) are generated the ij Lie superalgebra gl(m|n). The maximal r-matrix of Jordanian type for the Lie superalgebra gl(m|n) has the form[5] r ξ ,...,ξ = r (ξ )+···+r (ξ ), (39) 1,...,[N/2] 1 [N/2] 1 1 [N/2] [N/2] (cid:0) (cid:1) 5 where (i = 1,2,...,[N/2]) 1 r (ξ ) = ξ (e −e )∧e + i i i 2 ii N+1−i,N+1−i i,N+1−i (cid:16) N−i (40) + (−1)deg(eik)deg(ekN+1−i)eik ∧ekN+1−i . kX=i+1 (cid:17) Consider the first twist corresponding to the r-matrix r (ξ ) 1 1 F (ξ ) = F (ξ )F (σ ), (41) 1,N−2 1 N−2 1 J 1 where F (σ ) = e(e11−eNN)⊗σ1, (42) J 1 N−1 FN−2(ξ1) = exp ξ1 (−1)deg(e1k)deg(ekN)e1k ⊗ekN e−2σ1 , (43) (cid:16) Xk=2 (cid:17) 1 σ := ln(1+ξ e ). (44) 1 2 1 1N The corresponding automorphism w is connected with the Hopf ”folding” of the two- ξ tensor (43) and is given as follows N−1 −ξ σ wξ1 = exp e2σ11−11 (−1)deg(e1k)deg(ekN)e1kekN . (45) (cid:16) Xk=2 (cid:17) It is easy to see that w e w−1 = e (46) ξ1 ij ξ1 ij for all i, j satisfying the condition 2 ≤ i, j ≤ N − 2, therefore (see the formula (31)) deformed coproducts ∆ (·) := F (ξ )∆(·)F−1 (ξ ) for these elements are trivial: ξ1 1,N−2 1 1,N−2 1 ∆ (e ) = e ⊗1+1⊗e , 2 ≤ i, j ≤ N−1. (47) ξ1 ij ij ij This means that the automorphism w in the formula (34) for the case gl(m|n) acts ξ1 trivially andtherefore thetotaltwist corresponding tothe r-matrix(39)is given asfollows F (ξ ,ξ ,...,ξ ) = F (ξ )··· 1,N−2;2,N−4;...;k,N−2k 1 2 k k,N−2k k (48) ×F (ξ )F (ξ ) , 2,N−4 2 1,N−2 1 where (i = 1,...,[N/2]) N−i Fi,N−2i(ξi) = exp ξi (−1)deg(eik)deg(ekN−2i)eik ⊗ekN−2ie−2σi (49) k=i+1 (cid:16) (cid:17) P ×exp (e −e )⊗σ . ii N−2i,N−2i i (cid:0) (cid:1) 6 5 Quantum deformation of Jordanian type for osp(1|2n) In order to obtain compact formulas describing the commutation relations for generators of the orthosymplectic superalgebra C(n) ≃ osp(1|2n) we use embedding of this superal- gebra in the general linear superalgebra gl(1|2n). Let a (i,j = 0,±1,±2,...,±n) be a ij standard basis of the superalgebra gl(1|2n) (see the previous Section 4) with the standard supercommutation relations [a , a ] = δ a −(−1)deg(eij)deg(ekl)δ a , (50) ij kl jk il il kj where deg(e ) = 1 when one index i or j is equal to 0 and another takes any value ij ±1,...,±n; deg(e ) = 0 in the remaining cases. The superalgebra osp(1|2n) is embedded ij in gl(1|2n) as a linear envelope of the following generators: (i) the even (boson) generators spanning the symplectic algebra sp(2n): e := a +sign(ij)a = sign(ij)e (i,j = ±1,±2,...,±n) ; (51) ij i−j j−i ji (ii) the odd (fermion) generators extending sp(2n) to osp(1|2n): e := a +sign(i)a = sign(i)e (i = ±1,±2,...,±n) . (52) 0i 0−i i0 i0 We also set e = 0 and introduce the sign function: signx = 1 if a real number x ≥ 0 and 00 signx = −1 if x < 0. One can check that the elements (51) and (52) satisfy the following relations: [e , e ] = δ e +δ sign(kl)e −δ e −δ sign(kl)e , (53) ij kl j−k il j−l ik i−l kj i−k lj [e , e ] = δ sign(k)e −δ e , (54) ij 0k j−k i0 i−k 0j {e ,e } = sign(i)e (55) 0i 0k ik for all i,j,k,l = ±1,±2,...,±n, where the bracket {·,·} means anti-commutator. The elements e (i,j = 0,±1,±2) are not linearly independent (we have for example, ij e = −e ) and we can choose from them the Cartan-Weyl basis as follows 1−2 −21 rising generators : e ,e ,e (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, 1 ≤ k ≤ n); (56) i±j kk 0k lowering generators : e ,e ,e (1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, 1 ≤ k ≤ n); (57) ±j−i −k−k −k0 Cartan generators : h := e (1 ≤ k ≤ n). (58) i k−k Maximal classical r-matrix of Jordanian type for the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2n) has the form[5] r (ξ ,ξ ,··· ,ξ ) = r (ξ )+r (ξ )+···+r (ξ ) . (59) 1,2,...,n 1 2 n 1 1 2 2 n n where n 1 r (ξ ) := ξ e ∧e −2e ⊗e + e ∧e , (60) i i i 2 i−i ii 0i 0i i−k ik (cid:16) kX=i+1 (cid:17) The total twist corresponding to the r-matrix (59) is given as follows F (ξ,ξ ,...,ξ ) = F (ξ ,ξ ,...,ξ ;ξ )··· 1,n;2,n−1;...;n,1 1 n n,1 1 2 n−1 n (61) ×F (ξ ;ξ )F (ξ ) . 2,n−1 1 2 1,n 1 7 Here (i = 1,...,k) F (ξ ,...,ξ ;ξ ) := (w ⊗w )···w )(w ⊗w ) i,n+1−i 1 i−1 i ξi−1 ξi−1 ξ2 ξ1 ξ1 (62) × F (ξ )(w−1⊗w−1)···(w−1 ⊗w−1 ). i,n+1−i i ξ1 ξ1 ξi−1 ξi−1 n+1−i Fi,n+1−i(ξi) = exp ξi ei−k ⊗ek,n+1−ie−2σi Fs(σi)eei−i⊗σi, (63) (cid:16) kX=i+1 (cid:17) where F (σ ) is defined by the formula (17), and s i n+1−i −ξ σ 1 w = exp i i e e , σ := ln(1+ξ e ). (64) ξi e2σi −1 i−k k,n+1−i i 2 1 i−i (cid:16) kX=i+1 (cid:17) 6 Light-cone κ-deformation of the super-Poincar´e algebra P(3,1|1) The Poincar´e algebra P(3,1) of the 4-dimensional space-time is generated by 10 elements, M , N , P , P (j = 1,2,3) with the standard commutation relations: j j j 0 [M , M ] = iǫ M , [M , N ] = iǫ N , [N , N ] = −iǫ M , j k jkl l j k jkl l j k jkl l [M , P ] = iǫ P , [M , P ] = 0, (65) j k jkl l j 0 [N , P ] = −iδ P , [N , P ] = −iP , [P , P ] = 0 . j k jk 0 j 0 j µ ν The super-Poincar´e algebra P(3,1|1) is generated by the algebra P(3,1) and four real supercharges Q (α = ±1,±2)) with the commutation relations α [M ,Q(±)] = −i(σ ) Q(±), j α 2 j αβ β (66) [N ,Q(±)] = ∓i(σ ) Q(±), [P ,Q(±)] = 0, j α 2 j αβ β µ α and moreover {Q(±), Q(±)} = 0, {Q(+), Q(−)] = 2 δ P −(σ ) P , (67) α β α β αβ 0 j αβ j (±) (±(cid:0)) (cid:1) where we use the denotations Q := Q ±iQ , Q := Q ±iQ , and σ (j = 1,2,3) 1 1 2 2 −1 −2 j are 2×2 σ-matrices. It should be noted that the spinor Q(+) := (Q(+),Q(+)) transformes 1 2 as the left-regular representation and the spinor Q(−) := (Q(−),Q(−)) provides the right- 1 2 regular one with respect to P(3,1). Using the commutation relations (65) and (66), (67) it is easy to check that the elements iN , P := P +P , P , i(N +M ), P , i(N −M ), and Q (α = 1,2) satisfy 3 + 0 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 α the relations (1)–(4), namely, {h ,e } → {iN ,P }, {e ,e } → {P ,i(N + M )}, γ γ 3 + 1 −1 1 1 2 0 0 {e ,e } → {P ,i(N −M )}, e → Q , e → Q . Therefore the two-tensor 2 −2 2 2 1 ±3 1 ±4 2 r = 1 P ∧(N +M )+P ∧(N −M )+P ∧N + κ 1 1 2 2 2 1 + 3 (68) (cid:16) +2 Q ∧Q +Q ∧Q , 1 1 2 2 (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) 8 is a classical r-matrix of Jordanian type. It is called the classical r-matrix for light-cone κ-deformation of D = 4 super-Poincar´e. Specializing the general formula (16) to our case P(3,1|1) we immediately obtain the twisting two-tensor corresponding to this r-matrix F (P(3,1|1) := F (Q )F (Q )F (P(3,1)) , (69) κ κ 2 κ 1 κ where F (P(3,1)) is the twisting two-tensor of the light-coneκ-deformation of the Poinca- κ r´e algebra P(3,1) F (P(3,1)) := eκi P1⊗(N1+M2)e−2σ+ eκi P2⊗(N2−M1)e−2σ+ e2iN3⊗σ+ (70) κ and the super-factors F (Q ) (α = 1,2) are given by the formula κ α (1+eσ+)⊗(1+eσ+) 2 Q Q F (Q ) = 1+ α ⊗ α , (71) κ α s 2(1+eσ+⊗eσ+) κ 1+eσ+ 1+eσ+ (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 σ := ln 1+ P . (72) + 2 κ + (cid:16) (cid:17) The formulas (69)–(72) were obtained by a suitable contraction of the quantum deforma- tion of Jordanian type[6]. References [1] P.P. Kulish, V.D. Lyakhovsky and A.I. Mudrov, Journ. Math. Phys. 40, 4569 (1999). [2] P.P. Kulish, V.D. Lyakhovsky and M.A. del Olmo, Journ. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32, 8671 (1999). [3] V.D. Lyakhovsky, S. Stolin and P.P. Kulish, J. Math. Phys. Gen. 42, 5006 (2000). [4] D.N. 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