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US007739583B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,739,583 B2 Barrus et a]. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 15, 2010 (54) MULTIMEDIA DOCUMENT SHARING 5,161,037 A * 11/1992 Saito ........................ .. 358/468 METHOD AND APPARATUS 5,168,371 A * 12/1992 Takayanagi ............... .. 358/296 5,191,611 A 3/1993 Lang (75) Inventors: John Barrus, Menlo Park, CA (US); 5,225,900 A 7/1993 Wnght 358/501 Gregory Wolff’ Redwood City’ CA 5,243,381 A * 9/1993 Hube ........................ .. 399/84 (US); Ame Elliott, San Francisco, CA i * :gmgue et 31' _ _ , , ang ........................ .. 707/10 (Us), Klm McCall’ Menlo Park’ CA 5,267,303 A * 11/1993 Johnson et a1. . 379/100.07 (Us); Bradley Rhofiesa P2110 Alto, CA 5,280,609 A * 1/1994 MacPhail 707/1 (US); Stephen savltzky, San Jose, CA 5,299,123 A * 3/1994 Wang et a1. .................. .. 707/2 US ( ) (Continued) (73) ANoStSiicgen:e eZ SubjectC Otom paanIyI dyi,s claimer, the term of this CN 1097394 C 12/2002 (*) patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (Continued) U.S.C. 154(b) by 854 days. OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. 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No. 10/404,916, mailed on Aug. 17, 2009, 9 pages. * cited by examiner US. Patent Jun. 15, 2010 Sheet 1 0f 25 US 7,739,583 B2 120 122 Figure 1 B 118 US. Patent Jun. 15, 2010 Sheet 2 0f 25 US 7,739,583 B2 ; : 202 Digital still camera 114 112 CollectionServer 108 Video camera Microphone 116 i i__ i ' Memory cards 1 107 and other W\ A _ storage media 200 1 Collection Covershee?s) Mulli fu nction peripheral L (Copier/Scanner! 102 Fax/Printer/eic) 100 106 Control panel Papers 1 104 Figure 2 US. Patent Jun. 15, 2010 Sheet 3 0f 25 US 7,739,583 B2 i“? 100 Mum-function Peripheral 30L ! V i Scanner % FAX 304 \322 Printer msor 306 _—_>?32Q Network Paper supply lntgrfadce ar 308 318 200 Platen ?‘“ Automatic 7 Memory Document Feeder 106 Control Panel Display 120 / —/ / ' 11 8 Keypad —~———— Storage Indicator 122 / hghts 3 6 5 miCcarmoeprhoanse,s , 1 Media Memory and other ‘ ' capture card reader devices 326 310 314 use and 312 other ports Devices 328 Figure 3 US. Patent Jun. 15,2010 Sheet 4 or 25 US 7,739,583 B2 31 8 F Memory 400 402 Scanning 434 module \ Network module _*V i—_______ 404 406 Priming Storage module module ‘ 408 410 M y—__‘ Collection Fax module VB’ \* management module i l 41 2 418 1 Control panel module Overview generation 414 Usemro idnutleref ace I module Display 420 416 generation Thumbnail module creation module 422 424 Memory card Image conversion reader module module r_~— 4'26 Media Machine-readable 428 code capture . modu'e generation module 430 USB and other Machine~readable 4'32 port code locater communication and reader module module Figure 4

ated in Corel WordPerfect, 4 pages (Apr. 30, 2002). “FaceIt Face . Hoadley, C., “AVery Short Introduction to UNIX,” The Metropolitan .. 408. 410. Collection. Fax module. VB'. \* management module i l. 41 2. 418. 1 Yes. Scan documents in automatic document feeder. Scan document on platen.
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