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Multimedia Applications of the Wavelet Transform Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Naturwissenschaften der Universita¨t Mannheim vorgelegt von Dipl.–Math. oec. Claudia Kerstin Schremmer aus Detmold Mannheim, 2001 Dekan: Professor Dr.HerbertPopp,Universita¨tMannheim Referent: Professor Dr.WolfgangEffelsberg, Universita¨tMannheim Korreferent: Professor Dr.GabrieleSteidl,Universita¨tMannheim Tagdermu¨ndlichen Pru¨fung: 08.Februar2002 Ifweknewwhatweweredoing, itwouldnotbecalledresearch, wouldit? —AlbertEinstein Abstract Thisdissertationinvestigatesnovelapplicationsofthewavelettransformintheanalysisandcompres- sion of audio, still images, and video. In a second focal point, we evaluate the didactic potential of multimedia–enhanced teachingmaterialforhighereducation. Most recently, some theoretical surveys have been published on the potential for a wavelet–based restoration of noisy audio signals. Based on these, we have developed a wavelet–based denoising program foraudiosignals thatallowsflexibleparameter settings. Itissuited forthedemonstration of thepotential ofwavelet–based denoising algorithms aswellasforuseinteaching. The multiscale property of the wavelet transform can successfully be exploited for the detection of semantic structures in still images. Forexample, a comparison of the coefficients in the transformed domain allows the analysis and extraction of a predominant structure. This idea forms the basis of our semiautomatic edge detection algorithm that was developed during the present work. A number of empirical evaluations of potential parameter settings for the convolution–based wavelet transform andtheresulting recommendations follow. In the context of the teleteaching project Virtuelle Hochschule Oberrhein, i.e., Virtual University of theUpperRhineValley(VIROR),whichaimstoestablishasemi–virtualuniversity,manylecturesand seminarsweretransmitted betweenremotelocations. Wethusencountered theproblem ofscalability of a video stream for different access bandwidths in the Internet. A substantial contribution of this dissertation istheintroduction ofthewavelettransformintohierarchical videocodingandtherecom- mendation of parameter settings based on empirical surveys. Furthermore, a prototype implementa- tionofahierarchical client–server video program provestheprincipal feasibility ofawavelet–based, nearlyarbitrarily scalable application. Mathematical transformations of digital signals constitute a commonly underestimated problem for students in their first semesters of study. Motivated by the VIROR project, we spent a considerable amount of time and effort on the exploration of approaches to enhance mathematical topics with multimedia;boththetechnicaldesignandthedidacticintegrationintothecurriculumarediscussed. In alargefieldtrialontraditional teachingversusmultimedia–enhanced teaching,inwhichthestudents were assigned to different learning settings, not only the motivation, but the objective knowledge gained by the students wasmeasured. This allows us to objectively rate positive the efficiency of the teaching modulesdevelopedinthescopeofthisdissertation. II ABSTRACT Kurzfassung Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht neue Einsatzmo¨glichkeiten der Wavelet–Transformation fu¨r die Analyse und Kompression der multimedialen Anwendungen Audio, Standbild und Video. In einem weiteren Schwerpunkt evaluieren wir das didaktische Potential multimedial angereicherten Lehrmaterials fu¨rdieuniversita¨re Lehre. In ju¨ngster Zeit sind einige theoretische Arbeiten u¨ber Wavelet–basierte Restaurationsverfahren von verrauschten Audiosignalen vero¨ffentlicht worden. Hierauf aufbauend haben wir ein Wavelet– basiertesEntrauschungsprogramm fu¨rAudiosignaleentwickelt. EserlaubteinesehrflexibleAuswahl von Parametern, und eignet sich daher sowohl zur Demonstration der Ma¨chtigkeit Wavelet–basierter Entrauschungsansa¨tze, alsauchzumEinsatzinderLehre. Die Multiskaleneigenschaft der Wavelet–Transformation kann bei der Standbildanalyse erfolgreich genutzt werden, um semantische Strukturen eines Bildes zu erkennen. So erlaubt ein Vergleich der Koeffizienten im transformierten Raum die Analyse und Extraktion einer vorherrschenden Struk- tur. Diese Idee liegt unserem im Zuge der vorliegenden Arbeit entstandenen halbautomatischen Kantensegmentierungsalgorithmus zugrunde. Eine Reihe empirischer Evaluationen u¨ber mo¨gliche Parametereinstellungen der Faltungs–basierten Wavelet–Transformation mit daraus resultierenden Empfehlungen schließen sichan. ImZusammenhangmitdemTeleteaching–Projekt VirtuelleHochschuleOberrhein(VIROR),dasden Aufbaueinersemi–virtuellen Universita¨tverfolgt, werdenvieleVorlesungen undSeminarezwischen entfernten Ortenu¨bertragen. DabeistießenwiraufdasProblemderSkalierbarkeit vonVideostro¨men fu¨runterschiedlicheZugangsbandbreitenimInternet. EinwichtigerBeitragdieserDissertationist,die Mo¨glichkeiten der Wavelet–Transformation fu¨r die hierarchische Videokodierung aufzuzeigen und durch empirische Studien belegte Parameterempfehlungen auszusprechen. Eine prototypische Im- plementierung einer hierarchischen Client–Server Videoanwendung beweist zudem die prinzipielle Realisierbarkeit einerWavelet–basierten, fastbeliebigskalierbaren Anwendung. Mathematische Transformationen digitaler Signale stellen fu¨r Studierende der Anfangssemester eine ha¨ufig unterscha¨tzte Schwierigkeit dar. Angeregt durch das VIROR Projekt setzen wir uns in einem weiterenTeildieserDissertation mitdenMo¨glichkeiten einermultimedialen Aufbereitung mathema- tischerSachverhalteauseinander; sowohldietechnischeGestaltungalsaucheinedidaktische Integra- tion in den Unterrichtsbetrieb werden ero¨rtert. In einem groß angelegten Feldversuch Traditionelle LehreversusMultimedia–gestu¨tzteLehrewurdennichtnurdieMotivation,sondernauchderobjektive Lernerfolg vonStudierenden gemessen, dieunterschiedlichen Lernszenarien zugeordnet waren. Dies erlaubt eine objektive positive Bewertungder Effizienz derimRahmendieser Dissertation entstande- nenLehrmodule. IV KURZFASSUNG A few words. . . ...ofacknowledgment usually areplaced atthislocation. AndIalso wishtoexpress mygratitude to allthosewhocontributed totheformationofthisdissertation. The presented work took shape during my employment as a research assistant in the teleteaching projectVIRORandattheDepartmentPraktischeInformatikIV,whereProf.Dr.WolfgangEffelsberg accepted meinto his research group on multimedia techniques and computer networks. In this team, I encountered a delightful job surrounding where cooperation, commitment, and freedom of thought were lived and breathed. Prof. Effelsberg not only was my intellectual mentor for this work, he also actively used the teaching modules which were developed during my job title in his lectures. The feedback of the students facilitated their steady improvement. By the way, Prof. Effelsberg was my ‘testsubject’forboththedigitalteachingvideoandthelecturewhichwasstackedupagainstitforthe evaluation introduced in Part III of this work. I am heartily obliged to him for my initiation into the worldofscience,fortipsandclueswhichhaveinfluencedthethemeofthiswork,andforhisunfailing support. Prof.Dr.GabrieleSteidldeservesmanythanksforhaving overtakentheco–advising. I am beholden to my colleagues Stefan Richter, Ju¨rgen Vogel, Martin Mauve, Nicolai Scheele, Jo¨rg Widmer, Volker Hilt, Dirk Farin, and Christian Liebig, as well as to the ‘alumni’ Werner Geyer and OliverSchusterfortheiroffersofhelpinthecontroversywithmyideas. Beitthroughprecisethematic adviceanddiscussionsorthroughsmalljointprojectswhichledtocommoncontributionstoscientific conferences. Mostnotably, Iwanttoshowmygratitude toChristoph Kuhmu¨nch, GeraldKu¨hne, and Thomas Haenselmann, who exchanged many ideas with me in form and content and thus facilitated theirfinaltranscription. ChristophKuhmu¨nchandGert–janLossacrificedashareoftheirweek–ends tocross–readmymanuscript,tofindredundanciesandtodebugunclearpassages. Oursystemadmin- istrator Walter Mu¨ller managed the almost flawlessly smooth functioning of the computer systems and our more than unusual secretary Betty Haire Weyerer thoroughly and critically read through my publications in the English language, including the present one, and corrected my ‘Genglish’, i.e., German–English expressions. I particularly enjoyed the coaching of ‘Studienarbeiten’, i.e., students’ implementation work, and diploma theses. Among them, I want to name my very first student, Corinna Dietrich, with whom I grewatthetask;HolgerWons,SusanneKrabbe,andChristophEssersignedascontractstudentsatour department after finishing their task — itseems that they had enjoyed it; Sonja Meyer, TimoMu¨ller, AndreasPrassas,JuliaSchneider,andTillmannSchulzhelpedmetoexploredifferentaspectsofsignal processing, even if not all of their work was related to the presented topic. I oweappreciation to my diploma students Florian Bo¨mers, Uwe Bosecker, Holger Fu¨ßler, and Alexander Holzinger for their thoroughexplorationofandworkonfacetsofthewavelettheorywhichfitwellintotheoverallpicture VI A FEW WORDS... ofthepresentedwork. Theyallcontributedtomydissertationwiththeirquestionsandencouragement, withtheirimplementations andsuggestions. Theproject VIRORpermitted metogetincontact withthedepartment Erziehungswissenschaft IIof theUniversityofMannheim. Iappreciated thisinterdisciplinary cooperation especially onapersonal level,anditmostprobablyisthisclimateonapersonal niveauwhichallowedustocooperate sowell scientifically. Here I want to especially thank Holger Horz, and I wish him all the best for his own dissertation project. Insomeperiodsoftheformationprocessofthiswork,Ineededencouraging wordsmorethantechni- calinput. Therefore, Iwanttoexpressmygratitude tomyparents, mysister, andmyfriendsfortheir trustinmyabilitiesandtheirappealstomyself–assertiveness. Mymother,whoalwaysremindedme thatthereismoretolifethanwork,andmyfather,whoexemplifiedhowtoquestionthecircumstances and to believe that rules need not always be unchangeable. That the presented work was started, let alone pushed through andcompleted, isduetoPeterKappelmann, whogivesmesomuch morethan asimplelifecompanionship. Hemakesmylifecolorful andexciting. Thisworkisdedicated tohim. ClaudiaSchremmer

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