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CHAPTER I Duality of finite-dimensional vector spaces 1. Dual space LetE beafinite-dimensionalvectorspaceoverafieldK. ThevectorspaceoflinearmapsE →K is denoted by E∗, so E∗ =L(E,K). This vectorspace is calledthe dual space ofE. Its elements arecalled linear forms onE. For ϕ∈E∗ and u∈E∗, let hϕ,ui=ϕ(u)∈K. 1.1. Proposition. For ϕ, ψ ∈E∗, u, v ∈E and α, β ∈K, 1. hαϕ+βψ,ui=αhϕ,ui+βhψ,ui. 2. hϕ,uα+vβi=hϕ,uiα+hϕ,viβ. 3. If hϕ,ui=0 for all u∈E, then ϕ=0. 4. If hϕ,ui=0 for all ϕ∈E∗, then u=0. Proof. 1. This follows from the definition of the sum and the scalar multiplication in E∗. 2. This follows from the fact that ϕ is a linear map. 3. This is the definition of the zero map. 4. Ifu6=0,thenuisthefirstelementinsomebasisofE. Let(u,e ,... ,e )besuchabasis. From 2 n the construction principle for linear maps, it follows that there is a linear form ϕ∈ E∗ which maps u to 1 and the other basis vectors to 0. This proves the contrapositive of implication 4. 1.1. Dual basis Let e=(e ,... ,e ) be a basis ofE. By the constructionprinciple for linearmaps, thereexists for all 1 n i=1, ... , n a linear form e∗ ∈E∗ which maps e to 1 and the other basis vectors to 0, i.e., i i 1 if i=j, he∗,e i=δ = i j ij (0 if i6=j. n Thus, for u= e u ∈E we have j=1 j j n n P he∗,ui= he∗,e iu = δ u =u , i i j j ij j i j=1 j=1 X X which shows that the linear form e∗ maps every vector of E to its i-th coordinate with respect to the i basis e. Therefore, for all u∈E, n (1) u= e he∗,ui. i i i=1 X 1.2. Theorem. The sequence e∗ =(e∗,... ,e∗) is a basis of E∗. In particular, dimE∗ =dimE. 1 n Proof. The elements e∗, ... , e∗ are linearly independent: Let n α e∗ = 0. For j = 1, ... , 1 n i=1 i i n, P n n n 0= α e∗,e = α he∗,e i= α δ =α . i i j i i j i ij j DXi=1 E Xi=1 Xi=1 1 2. ORTHOGONALITY 2 The sequence e∗ spans E∗: Let us show that for all ϕ∈E∗, n (2) ϕ= hϕ,e ie∗. i i i=1 X It suffices to show that both sides take the same value on every vector u ∈ E. From (1), it follows that n n hϕ,ui= ϕ, e he∗,ui = hϕ,e ihe∗,ui. j j j j D Xj=1 E Xj=1 On the other hand, n n hϕ,e ie∗,u = hϕ,e ihe∗,ui. i i i i DXi=1 E Xi=1 1.2. Bidual space Every vector u∈E defines a linear form ev : E∗ →K by u ev (ϕ)=ϕ(u). u Thus, ev ∈(E∗)∗. Moreover,the map u ev: E →E∗∗; u7→ev u is linear since for u, v ∈E, α, β ∈K and ϕ∈E∗, ev (ϕ)=ϕ(uα+vβ)=ϕ(u)α+ϕ(v)β =ev (ϕ)α+ev (ϕ)β. uα+vβ u v 1.3. Theorem. The map ev: E →E∗∗ is a vector space isomorphism. Proof. First, we show that ev is injective: if u∈E is such that ev =0, then hϕ,ui=0 for all u ϕ∈E∗, hence u=0 by Proposition 1.1. Therefore, Kerev=0 and ev is injective. On the other hand, applying Theorem 1.2 twice, we find dimE∗∗ =dimE∗ =dimE. Since ev is injective, it is therefore also surjective. The isomorphism ev is natural, inasmuch as it does not depend on the choice of bases in E and E∗∗. It is used to identify these two vector spaces. Thus, for u∈E, it is agreed that u=ev ∈E∗∗. u Therefore, hu,ϕi is defined for u∈E and ϕ∈E∗, and we have hu,ϕi=hev ,ϕi=ϕ(u)=hϕ,ui. u 2. Orthogonality For every subspace V ⊂E, the orthogonal subspace V0 ⊂E∗ is defined by V0 ={ϕ∈E∗ |hϕ,ui=0 for all u∈V}. It is easily checked that V0 is a subspace of E∗. 2.1. Proposition. dimV0 =dimE−dimV. Proof. Let(e ,... ,e )beabasisofV,whichweextendintoabasise=(e ,... ,e ,e ,... ,e ) 1 r 1 r r+1 n of E. Consider the last n−r elements of the dual basis e∗ =(e∗,... ,e∗,... ,e∗). We shall show: 1 r n V0 =spanhe∗ ,... ,e∗i. r+1 n The proposition follows, since the right side is a subspace of dimension n−r, as e∗ , ... , e∗ are r+1 n linearly independent. Equation (2) shows that every ϕ∈V0 is a linear combination of e∗ , ... , e∗. Therefore, r+1 n V0 ⊂spanhe∗ ,... ,e∗i. r+1 n 3. TRANSPOSITION 3 Onthe other hand,everyv ∈V is alinear combinationof (e ,... ,e ), hence equation(1)showsthat 1 r he∗,vi=0 for i=r+1,... ,n. i Therefore, e∗ , ... , e∗ ∈V0, hence r+1 n spanhe∗ ,... ,e∗i⊂V0. r+1 n 2.2. Corollary. For every subspace V ⊂E, V00 =V (under the identification of E and E∗∗, since V00 ⊂E∗∗). Proof. By definition, V00 ={u∈E |hu,ϕi=0 for all ϕ∈V0}. Since hϕ,ui = 0 for u ∈ V and ϕ ∈ V0, we have V ⊂ V00. Now, the preceding proposition and Theorem 1.2 yield dimV00 =dimE∗−dimV0 =dimE−dimV0 =dimV. Therefore, the inclusion V ⊂V00 is an equality. 3. Transposition Let A: E →F be a linear map between finite-dimensional vector spaces. The transpose map At: F∗ →E∗ is defined by At(ϕ)=ϕ◦A for ϕ∈F∗. 3.1. Proposition. At is the only linear map from F∗ to E∗ such that At(ϕ),u = ϕ,A(u) for all ϕ∈F∗ and all u∈E. Proof. For ϕ∈F(cid:10)∗ and u(cid:11)∈E(cid:10)we have(cid:11) At(ϕ),u =hϕ◦A,ui=ϕ◦A(u)= ϕ,A(u) , hence At satisfies the prope(cid:10)rty. (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) Suppose B: F∗ →E∗ is another linear map with the same property. Then for all ϕ∈F∗ and all u∈E, B(ϕ),u = ϕ,A(u) = At(ϕ),u , hence B(ϕ)=At(ϕ) and therefo(cid:10)re B =A(cid:11)t. (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:10) (cid:11) Now, let e and f be arbitrary bases of E and F respectively, and let e∗, f∗ be the dual bases. 3.2. Proposition. The matrices of At and A are related as follows: e∗(At)f∗ =f(A)te. Proof. Let (A) =(a ) , i.e., f e ij 16i6m 16j6n m (1) A(e )= f a for j =1,... ,n j i ij i=1 X and e∗(At)f∗ =(a′ij)16i6n, i.e., 16j6m n At(f∗)= e∗a′ for j =1,... ,m. j i ij i=1 X 3. TRANSPOSITION 4 We have to prove a′ = a for i = 1, ... , n and j = 1, ... , m. Substituting At(f∗) for ϕ in ij ji j equation (2) of section 1.1, we obtain n At(f∗)= At(f∗),e e∗ for j =1,... ,m, j j i i i=1 X(cid:10) (cid:11) hence a′ = At(f∗),e . By Proposition3.1, it follows that ij j i (cid:10) (cid:11) a′ij = fj∗,A(ei) . On the other hand, we may compute the right s(cid:10)ide of this(cid:11)last equation by using equation (1), which yields n n f∗,A(e ) = f∗, f a = hf∗,f ia =a . j i j k ki j k ki ji (cid:10) (cid:11) D kX=1 E Xk=1 Thus, a′ =a for i=1, ... , n and j =1, ... , m. ij ji 3.3. Proposition. 1. For A, B: E →F and α, β ∈K, (αA+βB)t =αAt+βBt. 2. For A: E →F and B: F →G, (B◦A)t =At◦Bt. 3. For A: E →F, (At)t =A (under the identifications E∗∗ =E and F∗∗ =F, since (At)t: E∗∗ →F∗∗). Proof. These properties can be proved either by reduction to the corresponding properties of matrices(byusingarbitrarybasesoftherelevantspaces),orbyusingthecharacterizationoftranspose maps in Proposition 3.1. CHAPTER II Quotient spaces 1. Definition Let E be an arbitrary vector space over a field K and let V ⊂ E be an arbitrary subspace. For x∈E let x+V ={x+v |v ∈V}⊂E. 1.1. Lemma. For x, y ∈E, the equation x+V =y+V is equivalent to x−y ∈V. Proof. Supposefirstx+V =y+V. Sincex=x+0∈x+V,wehavex∈y+V,hencex=y+v for some v ∈V and therefore x−y =v ∈V. Conversely, suppose x−y = v ∈ V. For all w ∈ V we then have x+w = y+(v+w) ∈ y+V, hence x+V ⊂y+V. We also have y+w =x+(w−v)∈x+V, hence y+V ⊂x+V, and therefore x+V =y+V. Let E/V ={x+V |x∈E}. An addition and a scalar multiplication are defined on this set by (x+V)+(y+V)=(x+y)+V for x, y ∈E, (x+V)α=xα+V for x∈E and α∈K. Itiseasilycheckedthattheseoperationsarewell-definedandendowthesetE/V withaK-vector space structure. In view of the definitions above, the map ε : E →E/V V defined by ε (x)=x+V V is a surjective linear map. It is calledthe canonical epimorphism of E onto E/V. Its kernelis the set of x∈E such that x+V =0+V. The lemma shows that this condition holds if and only if x∈V; therefore Kerε =V. V 1.2. Proposition. Suppose E is finite-dimensional; then dimE/V =dimE−dimV. Moreover, (a) if(e ,... ,e )isabasisofE whichextendsabasis(e ,... ,e )ofV,then(e +V,... ,e +V) 1 n 1 r r+1 n is a basis of E/V; (b) if(e ,... ,e )isabasisofV andu ,... ,u arevectorsofE suchthat(u +V,... ,u +V) 1 r r+1 n r+1 n is a basis of E/V, then (e ,... ,e ,u ,... ,u ) is a basis of E. 1 r r+1 n 5 2. INDUCED LINEAR MAPS 6 Proof. Since Kerε = V and Imε =E/V, the relation between the dimensions of the kernel V V and the image of a linear map yields dimE =dimV +dimE/V. (a)SincedimE/V =dimE−dimV =n−r,itsufficestoprovethatthesequence(e +V,... ,e +V) r+1 n spans E/V. Every x∈E is a linear combination of e , ... , e . If 1 n x=e x +···+e x , 1 1 n n then x+V =ε (x)=ε (e )x +···+ε (e )x . V V 1 1 V n n Now, ε (e )=0 for i=1, ... , r since e ∈V, hence V i i x+V =(e +V)x +···+(e +V)x . r+1 r+1 n n (b) Since dimE = dimV +dimE/V, it suffices to prove that e , ... , e , u , ... , u are linearly 1 r r+1 n independent. Suppose (1) e α +···+e α +u β +···+u β =0. 1 1 r r r+1 r+1 n n Taking the image of each side under ε , we obtain (u +V)β +···+(u +V)β = 0, hence V r+1 r+1 n n β =···=β =0. Therefore, by (1) it follows that α =···=α =0, since (e ,... ,e ) is a basis r+1 n 1 r 1 r of V. 2. Induced linear maps LetA: E →F be alinear mapand letV ⊂E be a subspace. A linear mapA: E/V →F is said to be induced by A if A(x+V)=A(x) for all x∈E. In other words, A◦ε =A. V This condition is also expressed as follows: the diagram E εV //E/V ? ?A??????(cid:31)(cid:31) }}{{{{{A{{{ F is commutative or commutes. 2.1. Proposition. A linear map A: E →F induces a linear map A: E/V →F if and only if V ⊂KerA. Proof. If A◦ε =A, then A(v)=0 for all v ∈V since V =Kerε . For the converse, suppose V V V ⊂KerA and consider x, x′ ∈E. If x+V =x′+V, then x−x′ ∈KerA, hence A(x−x′)=0 and therefore A(x)=A(x′). We may then define a map A: E/V →F by A(x+V)=A(x) for all x∈E. It is easily checked that the map A thus defined is linear. 2. INDUCED LINEAR MAPS 7 Now, consider a linear map A: E →F and subspaces V ⊂E and W ⊂F. A linear map A: E/V →F/W is said to be induced by A if A(x+V)=A(x)+W for all x∈E or,alternatively,ifA◦ε =ε ◦A. Thisconditioncanalsobe expressedbysayingthatthe following V W diagram is commutative: A // E F εV εW (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) A // E/V F/W or that A makes the above diagram commute. 2.2. Corollary. The linear map A: E →F induces a linear map A: E/V →F/W if and only if A(V)⊂W. Proof. Consider the linear map A′ = ε ◦A: E → F/W. The preceding proposition shows W that there exists a linear map A such that A′ = A◦ε if and only if V ⊂ KerA′. In view of the V definition of A′, this condition is equivalent to A(V)⊂Kerε =W. W If A(V)⊂W, we may restrict the linear map A to the subspace V and get a linear map A| : V →W. V We aim to compare the matrices of A, of A| and of A: E/V →F/W. V Consider a basis e′ = (e ,... ,e ) of V, a basis e = (e + V,... ,e + V) of E/V and the 1 r r+1 n sequence e=(e ,... ,e ,e ,... ,e ) which, according to Proposition1.2, is a basis of E. Similarly, 1 r r+1 n let f′ = (f ,... ,f ) be a basis of W, f =(f +W,... ,f +W) a basis of F/W and consider the 1 s s+1 m basis f =(f ,... ,f ,f ,... ,f ) of F. 1 s s+1 m 2.3. Proposition. f′(A|V)e′ ∗ (A) = . f e 0 f(A)e ! Proof. Let A(e )= m f a for j =1, ... , n, so that j i=1 i ij (A) =(a ) . P f e ij 16i6m 16j6n For j = 1, ... , r we have e ∈ V, hence A(e ) ∈ W. Therefore, A(e ) is a linear combination of f , j j j 1 ... , f , hence s a =0 for j =1, ... , r and i=s+1, ... , m. ij s Moreover,A(e )=A| (e ) for j =1, ... , n, hence A| (e )= f a and therefore j V j V j i=1 i ij f′(A|V)e′ =(aij)16i6s. P 16j6r On the other hand, for j =r+1, ... , n, m A(e +V)=A(e )+W = (f +W)a . j j i ij i=1 X Fori=1,... ,s,wehavef ∈W,hence f +W =0. Theprecedingequationthus yieldsA(e +V)= i i j m (f +W)a for j =r+1, ... , n, hence i=s+1 i ij P f(A)e =(aij)s+16i6m. r+16j6n 3. TRIANGULATION 8 The proof is thus complete. In particular, if F =E and W =V, e′(A|V)e′ ∗ (A) = e e 0 e(A)e ! andsincethedeterminantofablock-triangularmatrixistheproductofthedeterminantsoftheblocks the following corollary follows: 2.4. Corollary. detA=detA| ·detA and Pc =Pc ·Pc . V A A|V A 3. Triangulation 3.1. Proposition. Let A: E → E be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional vector space E. ThereexistsabasiseofE suchthatthematrix (A) isuppertriangularifandonlyifthecharacteristic e e polynomial Pc decomposes into a product of factors of degree 1. A Proof. If the matrix (A) is upper triangular,let e e λ ∗ 1 e(A)e = ... , 0 λ  n    then Pc (X)=(X −λ )...(X −λ ). A 1 n Conversely,supposePc decomposesintoaproductoffactorsofdegree1. Wearguebyinduction A on the dimension of E. If dimE =1, there is nothing to prove since every matrix of order 1 is upper triangular. Let dimE = n. By hypothesis, the characteristic polynomial of A has a root λ. Let e ∈E be an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue λ and let V =e K be the vector space spanned by e . 1 1 1 We have A(V)=A(e )K =e λK ⊂V, 1 1 hence A induces a linear operator A: E/V →E/V. ByCorollary2.4,wehavePc (X)=(X−λ)Pc (X),hencethecharacteristicpolynomialofAdecom- A A poses into a product of factors of degree 1. By induction, there exists a basis e = (e +V,... ,e +V) of E/V such that the matrix (A) is upper triangular. Proposition 1.2 shows 2 n e e that the sequence e=(e ,e ,... ,e ) is a basis of E. Moreover,by Proposition 2.3, 1 2 n λ ∗ (A) = . e e 0 e(A)e ! Since the matrix (A) is upper triangular, so is (A) . e e e e CHAPTER III Tensor product 1. Tensor product of vector spaces Let E , ... , E , F be vector spaces over a field K. Recall that a map 1 n f: E ×···×E →F 1 n is called n-linear or multilinear if f(x ,... ,x ,x α+x′α′,x ,... ,x )= 1 i−1 i i i+1 n f(x ,... ,x ,x ,x ,... ,x )α+f(x ,... ,x ,x′,x ,... ,x )α′ 1 i−1 i i+1 n 1 i−1 i i+1 n foreachi=1,... ,nandforallx ∈E ,... ,x ∈E ,x ,x′ ∈E ,x ∈E ,... ,x ∈E and 1 1 i−1 i−1 i i i i+1 i+1 n n α, α′ ∈K. In other words, for each i=1, ... , n and for all x ∈E , ... , x ∈E , x ∈E , 1 1 i−1 i−1 i+1 i+1 ... , x ∈E fixed, the map n n f(x ,... ,x ,•,x ,... ,x ): E →F 1 i−1 i+1 n i which carries x ∈ E to f(x ,... ,x ,x,x ,... ,x ) is linear. For example, all the products for i 1 i−1 i+1 n which the distributive law holds are bilinear maps. Clearly,if f: E ×···×E →F is multilinear and A: F →G is linear,then the composite map 1 n A◦f: E ×···×E → G is multilinear. It turns out that, for given E , ... , E , there exists a 1 n 1 n “universal” linear map ⊗: E ×···×E →E ⊗···⊗E , called the tensor product of E , ... , E , 1 n 1 n 1 n from which all the multilinear maps originating in E ×···×E can be derived. The goal of this 1 n section is to define this universal map. 1.1. Universal property Let E , ... , E be vector spaces over a field K. A pair (f,F) consisting of a K-vector space F and 1 n a multilinear map f: E ×···×E →F 1 n is called a universal product of E , ... , E if the following property (called the universal property) 1 n holds: for every K-vector space G and every multilinear map g: E ×···×E →G 1 n there exists a unique linear map A: F →G such that g =A◦f or, in other words, which makes the following diagram commute: f // E1×···×MMEMMngMMMMMMM&& ~~~~~~~A~~~F G. The existence of a universal product is far from obvious. By contrast, the uniqueness (up to isomor- phism) easily follows from the definition by abstract nonsense. 1.1. Proposition. Suppose (f,F) and (f′,F′) are two universal products of E , ... , E . Then 1 n there is one and only one vector space isomorphism ϕ: F → F′ such that the following diagram 9 1. TENSOR PRODUCT OF VECTOR SPACES 10 commutes: f // E1×···×MMEMMnfM′MMMMMM&& ~~}}}}}ϕ}}}F F′. Proof. The existence of a unique linear map ϕ: F → F′ such that f′ = ϕ◦f follows from the universal property of (f,F). We have to show that ϕ is bijective. To achieve this goal, observe that the universal property of (f′,F′) yields a linear map ϕ′: F′ → F such that f = ϕ′ ◦f′. Now, the following diagrams commute: f // f // E1×···×LLELLnfLLLLLLL&& (cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)(cid:127)I(cid:127)d(cid:127)FF E1×···×MMEMMnfMMMMMMM&& (cid:127)(cid:127)~~~~~ϕ~~′~◦ϕF F F. In view of the uniqueness condition in the universal property of (f,F), it follows that ϕ′◦ϕ = Id . F Similarly,theuniversalpropertyof(f′,F′)showsthatϕ◦ϕ′ =IdF′. Therefore,ϕandϕ′arereciprocal bijections. This proposition shows that a universal product of E , ... , E , if it exists, can be considered 1 n as unique. We shall refer to this universal product as the tensor product of E , ... , E and denote 1 n it as (⊗,E ⊗···⊗E ). The image of an n-tuple (x ,... ,x ) ∈ E ×···×E under ⊗ is denoted 1 n 1 n 1 n x ⊗···⊗x . 1 n Our next goal is to prove the existence of the tensor product. We consider first the case where n=2 and then derive the general case by associativity. 1.2. The tensor product of two vector spaces 1.2. Proposition. Let µ: Km×Kn →Km×n be defined by µ (x ) ,(y ) =(x y ) . i 16i6m j 16j6n i j 16i6m 16j6n (cid:0) (cid:1) The pair (µ,Km×n) is a universal product of Km and Kn. Proof. Denoting the elements of Km and Kn as column vectors, we have µ(x,y)=x·yt for x∈Km and y ∈Kn, where · denotes the matrix multiplication Km×1×K1×n → Km×n. Therefore, the bilinearity of µ follows from the properties of the matrix multiplication. Let (c ) (resp. (c′) ) be the canonical basis of Km (resp. Kn). Let also i 16i6m j 16j6n e =µ(c ,c′) for i=1, ... , m and j =1, ... , n. ij i j Thus, e ∈ Km×n is the matrix whose only non-zero entry is a 1 at the i-th row and j-th column. ij The family (e ) is a basis of Km×n. Therefore, given any bilinear map ij 16i6m 16j6n B: Km×Kn →F, we may use the construction principle to obtain a linear map ϕ: Km×n → F such that ϕ(e ) = ij x y 1 1 B(c ,c′). For all x = .. ∈ Km and y = .. ∈ Kn, we have x = m c x , y = n c′y , i j  .   .  i=1 i i j=1 j j x y  m  n P P hence     µ(x,y)= x y µ(c ,c′)= x y e i j i j i j ij 16i6m 16i6m X X 16j6n 16j6n

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