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AIAA 2002-0863 Multilevel Error Estimation and Adaptive h-Refinement for Cartesian Meshes with Embedded Boundaries For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander BelI Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191 Multilevel Error Estimation and Adaptive h-Refinement for Cartesian Meshes with Embedded Boundaries M. J.Aftosmis t M. J. Berger ¥ Mail Stop T-27B Courant Institute NASA Ames Research Center 251 Mercer St. Moffett Field, CA 94035 New York, NY 10012 [email protected] berger@ cims.nyu.edu Abstract More recently, there has been interest in multilevel error indi- cators which use the residual of a higher order interpolation This paper presents the development of a mesh adaptation of the existing solution to estimate the local error. [131114][15] module for a multilevel Cartesian solver. While the module This approach is attractive since it can be combined with allows mesh refinement to be driven by a variety of different solution of an adjoint problem to produce a mesh adaptation refinement parameters, a central feature in its design is the incorporation of a multilevel error estimator based upon strategy that seeks to minimize error in a specific integral direct estimates of the local truncation error using _:-extrapo- quantity of engineering interest. [13]'[16] The hope of these lation. This error indicator exploits the fact that in regions of techniques is that, for the cost of the adjoint solution and uniform Cartesian mesh, the spatial operator is exactly the Jacobian storage, one can produce a mesh that focuses on same on the fine and coarse grids, and local truncation error reducing only those errors which are important to the prob- estimates can be constructed by evaluating the residual on lem at hand, rather than simply equidistributing the error. the coarse grid of the restricted solution from the fine grid. A new strategy for adaptive h-refinement is also developed to While the research on adjoint-based mesh optimization is prevent errors in smooth regions of the flow from being very exciting, two drawbacks make it currently unattractive masked by shocks and other discontinuous features. For cer- of a general purpose analysis code. First, if the Jacobians are tain classes of error histograms, this strategy is optimal for not already present in the solver, it is an expensive proposi- achieving equidistribution of the refinement parameters on tion to form them solely to drive the adaptation. Secondly hierarchical meshes, and therefore ensures grid converged and more fundamentally, many problems of interest have solutions will be achieved for appropriately chosen refine- competing requirements that cannot always be encapsulated ment parameters. The robustness and accuracy of the adapta- into a single output functional. For example, auser may wish tion module is demonstrated using both simple model to optimize a single simulation for lift, drag and pitching problems and complex three dimensional examples using meshes with from 10°to 107cells. moment. While this is currently an area of research interest, results are not currently in-hand. 1 Introduction In this paper, we develop anew multilevel adaptation module for use on adapted Cartesian meshes with embedded bound- While error estimation using local gradient recovery tech- aries. Figure 1shows a sample hierarchy of such meshes used niques have long been popular in structural mechanics and by a new, parallel multigrid solver. [17] the fact that these other disciplines governed by elliptic systems, [1] such rigor- coarse meshes can be automatically generated makes multi- ous error estimates are generally not available in fluid level error estimation a viable alternative, even for grids mechanics where the governing equations contain non-self- around very complex geometries. Seeking to take advantage adjoint operators. As a consequence, error estimation and of this fact, we explore Richardson extrapolation-like error adaptation for fluid mechanics has evolved over a different estimators which are modified to exploit the hierarchical path. The simplest methods in the literature are gradient, and undivided difference based featu re detectors.-[2114] Whil' e nature of adapted Cartesian grids. Even without the sensitiv- ity information provided by adjoint-based approaches, the these methods have been extremely successful for various module will still offer huge savings over a priori mesh classes of problems [2]-[7]their lack of formalism makes them enrichment, and taking advantage of this is an important step. difficult to blindly apply to problems far from established The estimators we present are light-weight, and both fast to experience. Indicators based upon estimates of interpolation implement and execute and leverage much of the machinery error, [7][8][9] lend some of the missing formalism. However, already built into multigrid solvers. since these essentially compute the local curvature of a repre- sentative variable or combination of variables, they are not Since Cartesian grid refinement is restricted to cell subdivi- clearly superior (or different from) straight feature detec- sion (h-refinement), the approach is intrinsically discrete. tion. [5]The multilevel error estimators from the literature on There exists anecessary reliance upon arefinement threshold Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) were among the first which selects cells destined for subdivision. This work exam- Richardson extrapolation-like error estimators [l°][q 1][121but ines the topic of threshold selection in detail. We develop a have been only narrowly used outside the AMR community. methodology for robustly setting this threshold which also ensures consistency. The approach both controls the level of t Research Scientist, Senior Member AIAA error in the domain and equidistributes the remainin error as ¥Professor, Courant Institute, Member AIAA fast as possible within the restrictions of hierarchical (nested) ThispaperisdeclaredaworkoftheU.S.Governmentandisnotsubjectto copyrightprotectionintheUnitedStates. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 J / / Figure 1."Hierarchical sequence of partitioned meshes around tiffing body configuration used by parallel flow solver of ref. [17]. refinement. Given a robust strategy for setting the adaptation satisfied the difference equation, the exact solution will not, threshold, adaptive cases may be run fully automated. This and the difference will be the local truncation error, reduces the sensitivity of the results to user experience/inter- LTEhA(X,t). vention which has long been a drawback of adaptive meth- ods. 1 R(u(x, t)) LTEh, k(x, t) = _c[u(x, t+ k) - u(x, t)] + h (3) 2 Multilevel Error Estimation If the problem reaches a steady state, then u(x, t+ k) = u(x, t) and we can drop the dependence on Multilevel Richardson-type error estimators like those in [12] time. are attractive because of their low cost and firm theoretical underpinnings in smooth solutions. After developing these for perfectly nesting Cartesian mesh hierarchies, this section LrEh(X ) = R(u(hx)) (4) goes on to examine their application at adaptation boundaries and cells cut by geometry. It goes on to present shock and Equation 4 is instructive since it relates the local truncation vortex-core detection strategies also planned as options to error to the discrete residual operator R(°) and the cell dimen- directly adapt to under-resolved features. sion h. Furthermore is clear from the derivation that in multi- ple dimensions LTE(_c) - Residual/hal where d is the number 2.1 Local Truncation Error Measurement of spatial dimensions of the domain. Consider the 1-D wave equation ut+A ux = 0 discretized with forward Euler in time and arbitrary spatial differencing 2.2 Local Truncation Error on Uniform Cartesian using atimestep k, and acell dimension h. Meshes Equation 4 is useful since it permits direct measurement of k!(UJ_+1- U_J)+ _I(FR, j-FL,j) = 0 (1) the local truncation error of a particular numerical method on an actual computational grid for any problem that has an is the discrete approximation to the continuous solution, exact solution. One such example is the supersonic vortex u(x, t), in cell j at time n, while FL j and FR jare the numeri- model problem used in reference 18. Figure 2 outlines the cal fluxes through the left and rig}_t bounda fie.' ofj and con- problem and shows 4 sample telescoping meshes. The actual tain the details of the spatial operator. The difference of the meshes used had from 130 to 7800 control volumes. After numerical fluxes is the residual and the discrete equation can initialization with the exact solution, the local truncation be written more compactly as error was computed within each cell by dividing the residual by the cell volume (following §2.1 and eq. (4)) using the Euler solver in reference 17without limiters. (_ +1_ j)+ - 0, (2) The L1norm of the LTE in density was computed for each where the discrete residual operator R(o) now contains all mesh and is displayed in figure 3as afunction of the number details of the numerical flux balance for cell j. of cells in each mesh. Performing a regression analysis on the Cartesian mesh data reveals an asymptotic slope of 2.11. For The local truncation error, LTE, measures how well the dis- smooth solutions, one can show that the global error is of the crete equation models the actual PDE throughout the domain. same order 19. It is defined by replacing the approximate solution _ with the exact solution u(x, t) in equation (2). Since U7 exactly -2- American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 2.3 Estimation of LTE on Nested Multilevel Meshes Since the LTE can be computed for each cell in the domain, it Y provides an excellent basis for constructing an refinement parameter within each cell. Unfortunately, since few prob- lems of practical interest have an exact solution, we must develop a method of estimating the LTE within each cell. In §2.2, the fact that we could reasonably draw straight lines through the data in figure 3 established the local and global order of the method. We can express this more formally by recalling that for a discrete method with local order p, there ri exists aconstant Clte such that II '1 2_ LTEh(x ) ._Ct_e_ . (5) p(r) = Pi 1 T i l- Section 2.2 also established that for the solver in reference Figure 2: Overview of supersonic vor- 17,p was around 2.11 when I[_1is the 1-norm. Furthermore, tex model problem from ref. 18 since the RHS of equation 5vanishes for small h, the method used to investigate local truncation is obviously also consistent. Consistency implies that when h error., at conditions: Min=3.0, pin= 1/y, pin= 1,ri= 1,ro= 1.9. is small, the discrete solution Uj,hin cellj of a mesh will be a good approximation to the exact solution u(}), and this For comparison, figure 3 also contains the results of the same statement is the basis of our multilevel error estimation pro- experiment performed with three types of body-fitted grids: cedure. (1) regular, nearly unit aspect ratio quads, (2) right triangles made by subdividing the quads, and (3) a "quality" triangula- Assume that the numerical method has converged on a fine tion [2°] in which no angle was less than 29°. All methods grid with mesh spacing h so that the residual of the discrete used the same numerical scheme. While the details of this solution will be zero for every cell j in the domain. experiment are contained in the Appendix, figure 3 displays Rh(Uj) = 0 (6) the results. The asymptotic slopes of all four mesh types are shown in the figure. We note that the slopes of all but the Since the method is consistent, the current discrete solution is "quality" mesh are similar but that the level of error on the assumed to be close to the exact solution, U *,u(:_). An j,h- Cartesian grids is consistently 6 to 10 times lower than the estimate of the local truncation error on a coarse grid with other grids over the full range of problem sizes. mesh spacing H can then be written by substituting the dis- crete solution on the fine grid for the exact solution in equa- tion 4. " RH(4Uj'h) (7) i0°_ ........ I- ' ' LTEH(X) - H Following equation 7we obtain an estimate of the LTE on the coarse grid by first restricting the discrete solution on the fine lO'l' grid Uj h to a coarser grid using the interpolation operator E \"_ 1.02["-'--.__ 1 " /_, and' then evaluating the discrete residual of the restricted >, solution on the coarse grid. Since Ujhsatisfied the numerical scheme on the fine grid, the restricted solution I_U.- will . n J, n •_ 10_ not, in general, produce exactly zero residual on the coarse grid. Thus, in the same way as the exact solution provided a means of measuring LTE hin §2.1, the discrete solution on the fine grid provides a method of estimating the error on the m-3 _ C_e_ia_M._._ coarse grid. Since adaptively refined Cartesian meshes nest _ "Quality"Triangulation _ • • RegularQuads exactly, the residual operator R is exactly the same on coarse •-----oRegularRightTriangles and fine meshes 1.This permits us to apply equation 5 on a cell-by-cell basis. The coarse grid estimates are then used to [0 _ , , _ , , J,llO00 , , , , , ,,IO(X)O trigger cell refinement on fine grid. This method of error esti- Numberofcontrolvolumes mation is known asT-extrapolation within the multigrid corn- Figure 3: L1norm of LTE in density for supersonic vortex model problem on sequence of meshes for 4mesh. The 1. In ref. 12an estimate similar to eq.7 was used on curvilin- asymptotic slope of each curve is labeled. Further ear meshes. However, oncurvilinear meshes, Rh_Rt-1 details of this experiment are presented inAppendix A. since the coarse grid control volumes are not the exact union of the finegrid control volumes. -3- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 munity, [2U and the perfectly nested residual operators that occur on Cartesian grids makes its use extremely attractive (a) Fine Mesh here. I. I-/ .jI. i In the present work, the restriction operator IH is a volume R ---- ' ..I+_• . I . IR -R± weighted average, which is the same as that used by the mul- / tigrid smoother used for convergence acceleration. By using "J_ . r, . . the prolongation operator from the multigrid scheme as well, *1 • I we are able to construct refinement parameters on the fine oI • I ._..i. • , • mesh for the cost of one restriction, one coarse mesh residual _iII,-i evaluation and one prolongation. Since these operations use machinery which already exists in the multigrid solver, they Cells with _rregutar r,,n_ ,, i,_ i,. ,i.,,. may be implemented with little effort. ._ne mesh s_enc_t stencil on coarse mesh R ,_R± s 2A Mesh Irregularities (b) Coarse Mesh f The preceding section examined error estimation on hierar- .[ chies of uniform Cartesian meshes. Adaptively refined Carte- / °b sian meshes, however, introduce some real-world i___o complications which need discussion. As mentioned in the final paragraphs of §2.3, the multilevel error estimation pro- cedure relies upon use of the same spatial operator R on both • R_R± the fine and coarse meshes. We denote the spatial operator on the pure Cartesian regions of the mesh as R z. While R L is clearly in use in uniform regions of the grid, nearer to adapta- tion boundaries and cut-cells the situation merits closer Figure 4: Illustration of difference stencils against adapta- examination. tion boundary between cells of different levels. Cells in the shaded region of the fine mesh restrict their solution Figure 4 depicts asample fine grid (a) and the corresponding into the corresponding coarse mesh shown. Since the coarse ceils (b) near asimple refinement boundary. The adap- residual operator on this coarse mesh is different from tation boundary introduces irregularities into the connectivity that in the corresponding cells on the fine mesh, a cell- graph which locally changes the residual operator. Thus, on by-cell interpretation of eq.5 is not valid and accurate the fine mesh, (Fig. 4a) all the cells which are immediately adjacent to the adaptation boundary have R _ R±. The situa- stant extrapolation of the error estimates from neighboring tion is the same on the coarse mesh (Fig. 4b) and since the cells. form of Rh and that of RH must be identical for equation (5) to hold, the multilevel error estimator from §2.3 can't be Inspection of figure 4 demonstrates that this irregularity accurately constructed for the fine ceils shown shaded in fig- affects a larger portion of the mesh than one may initially ure 4a. Since this difficulty is associated with mesh irregular- suspect since the cell next to an interface has its gradient cal- culation affected. This cell in turn contaminates the stencil of ity, it appears in the residual operator of cut-cells as well. acell two away from the interface. Even a minor change like While the formal basis for local truncation error estimation this can be important if it occurs in a region of near zero mea- makes it preferable to straight feature detection, there are sured LTE. Additionally, since it is the coarse grid which pro- several drawbacks that make them difficult to use - even for vides the estimates, the pollution can extend as far as 4 cells Cartesian multilevel meshes. First, for a reliable error esti- from the interface on the fine grid, so that the fine grid cells mate, the same stencil needs to be applied to both the coarse have no reliable estimate of their own (cf. fig. 4). To produce and fine grids. Thus, at mesh irregularities such as grid inter- grids with a stencil of 5 regular cells in each direction, large faces and cutcells, the procedure described above does not regions of uniformly refined cells need to be generated in the produce a reliable estimate. Colella et. a/[22] present a nice mesh. Although x-estimates have been used with great suc- treatment of this problem in which the estimate is multiplied cess in block structured AMR methods, they are somewhat by the number of cells of that type. In essence, this scales a more difficult to implement on unstructured multilevel Carte- cell's contribution to the error by the number affected cells. sian. Asymptotic arguments contend that irregular cells are While the local truncation error at an interface is larger than 2 confined to only O(N ) cells in a 3-D mesh with O(N 3) cells. at a uniform cell of the finer or even the coarser level, related In practice however, the difference between O(N 2) and O(N 3) work on convergence theory for non-uniform grids suggests is not as great on the coarse mesh as it is for the fine mesh, that the estimate is still overly pessimistic. [23][241 (These and even reasonably refined meshes can have as much as results point out that its possible for O(h) LTE to still pre- 30% of the cells contaminated by irregularity. When the serve O(h) global accuracy.) At present, we simply ignore neighbors of cells directly affected are also counted, esti- error estimates at interfaces and cut ceils, and rely on abuff- mates on over half the mesh may have some contamination. ering procedure to supply error values using piecewise con- -4- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 A second problem with LTE estimates is the need for a some- what reliable solution to have already been computed. The rj-- j,j T approximate solution should be in the asymptotic region for a valid error estimate. This observation leads to a somewhat which is a normalized version of the first difference parame- different strategy than that followed by feature detection ter advocated by Warren et al.[26] strategy. Feature detectors generally perform well even when starting from a very coarse grid, making possible many Similarly, a second difference based parameter should remain un-divided to give the same behavior. 2 cycles of adaptive refinement. For the LTE based refinement, our strategy is to start with a fairly refined initial grid, and on/y use two or three additional cycles of LTE driven adap- 62OJ- *J+'J:-2*J +*J-tJ2 = h} vzoj tive refinement. In the examples here the initial grid uses rj- ddj ddj _j (9) geometry based refinement only, but initial grids generated from feature-detection based refinement could also be used. The 1-D refinement parameters in eqs.(8) and (9) can be extended using a finite volume approach. This produces a 2.5 Prespeeified Adaptation Regions vector refinement parameter, with components for each of the cell's dimensions. The first difference based refinement Both LTE estimates and feature detection approaches suffer parameter in the kthdirection of cellj is: from a difficulty in localizing them to regions of interest. For example, errors in the wake behind a wing persist for quite a distance downstream. However, if a user is interested in the rj, k h 2 (Vq_j "k') pressure distribution on the wing, research suggests that there = j,k ¢j (it) is no need to refine the wake region very much. _ In the where I¢is the unit vector in the kthdirection. present work we simply allow the user to define a prespeci- fled (Cartesian) region in which adaptation is permitted. These vector refinement parameters can be used to drive both While not particularly elegant, this approach is adequate in isotropic and anisotropic cell subdivision as discussed in practice. ref.[4], and a similar approach may be used for the second difference based parameters. 2.6 Feature Detection Popular choices of ¢ are the density, velocity magnitude or Feature detection attempts to use the current discrete solution sometimes the local static pressure. In addition, combinations to determine where mesh needs enhancement. Common of these scalars are also possible. The investigations in sec- schemes use first or second-order undivided differences and tion 4use either density or velocity magnitude for detection. gradient information of various flow quantities. They attempt to "smooth out" computational space in hopes of producing a uniform error distribution. 3 An Optimal Strategy for h-Refinement Since the link between flow features and truncation-error is The adaptation strategy seeks to refine the mesh using the not as formal as the Richardson-like LTE estimates discussed LTE estimates or other refinement parameters from §2 to earlier, approaches in the literature vary significantly and improve the solution. Unlike unstructured or structured body- everything from gradients and second derivatives to unscaled fitted approaches, r-refinement (redistribution) is not an and scaled differences have been used. [2][3][4][51126] option with Cartesian grids, and cell sub-division (h-refine- ment) is the only alternative. The adaptation strategy takes In 1991 Warren et al. showed that since gradients and second the refinement parameters from section 2as input and returns derivatives stay approximately constant with mesh refine- a boolean tag for each cell in the fine mesh. Subdividing each ment, they make poor refinement parameters. A cell with a tagged cell will improve the accuracy of the discrete solution high gradient will continue tohave ahigh gradient even after by reducing the local errors. subdivision. From the standpoint of grid convergence, we note that if the refinement parameter is to act as a substitute Algorithm A outlines the adaptation procedure. for the real LTE it should have the same asymptotic behavior Algorithm A: Adaptation Strategy as the LTE in smooth regions of the flow. For a pth order Input: Vector of refinement parameters for each scheme, this means that halving the mesh should reduce the cell on fine mesh, r" error by 2p. For a first difference based quantity to mimic the LTE behav- Output: Vector of cells tagged for h-refinement "_. ior of a second-order scheme, it must be scaled by the local A.1 Normalize: Normalize the refinement parameter vec- mesh size, h. In one dimension, this leads to afirst difference tor. 39= Irjl/llrll= based refinement parameter of the form: Mesh optimization methods like those inreferences [15] 2. Eq. (9)differs from thatpresented inref.[26] (eq.15) since and [16] localize the adaptation automatically when the theft parameter isre-scaled bythe local mesh dimension user constructs afunctional thatdefines the singleoutput of and will therefore vanish faster than the LTE asthe mesh interest. size isdecreased. -5- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 A.2 Tag: Apply the adaptation criteria a(.) to the normal- to achieve a different goal. Its easy to conceive of inverse-dis- ized refinement parameter to produce a vector of tance weightings or error weightings that take the local char- tagged cells. "_ = a(_') acteristics into account in order to identify those errors that have the strongest impact the output functionals of interest. A.3 Rules: Modify the set of tagged cells to ensure the validity and smoothness of the output mesh. Figure 5 shows the histogram of refinement parameters in a mesh which has achieved equidistribution, since all cells in A.3.1 Buffer: Add buffer layers of tagged cells. the domain have the same error, they fall in the same bin, and -__ rb(_ ) the histogram looks like a delta function whose height is A.3.2 Smoothness: Filter for island/void suppression. Ncells. Like most strategies for adaptation, the paradigm ofAlg. A is A.3.3 Validity: Ensure adaptation boundaries do not to start with some initial distribution of refinement parame- exceed 2:1. _ ,---rl(-_) ters, and drive this distribution toward the idealized distribu- tion shown in fig. 5. A.4 Output final vector of tagged cells "_for subdivision. Figure 6 shows the Gaussian-like distribution of refinement The final set of tagged cells output in A.4 is then h-refined and the solution vector is initialized on the new fine mesh parameters which serves as a model for the histogram prior to h-refinement. A common approach found in the literature is with the prolongation operator from the multigrid scheme. to set the refinement threshold to some fraction of a standard In the following sub-sections we present a new strategy for deviation above the mean of the distribution .[3][4][26] reducing the refinement parameters to some predetermined level. The method is optimal in that it accomplishes this task 3.2 A Fresh Look at Refinement Histograms as fast as possible. In addition the method ensures that the Figure 7shows an actual refinement histogram resulting from permissible level of the refinement parameter chosen at the a coarse grid simulation (3775 cells) of flow over an ONERA outset will not vary as the mesh and solution evolve. M6 wing at transonic conditions [25]. This plot bears little resemblance to the idealized Gaussian-like model shown in 3.1 Equiflistribution of Refinement Parameters figure 6.The refinement parameters lie between 0 and 1.The Equidistribution aims at producing a mesh which contains mean value is 0.011 but the standard deviation 0.04. More- the same level of refinement parameter in each cell. Since the over, fully 8.2% of the cells lie below the mean, and almost refinement parameters are stand-ins for the local truncation 50% have 1_< 0.001. As a consequence of this extreme dis- error, this goal spreads the remaining discretization error out parity in scales, setting the threshold, t, anyplace above the evenly over the domain. As this level is reduced, the method mean only addresses the error in a handful of the most severe is guaranteed to converge to the correct solution. This princi- cells. Only after the very worst errors are reduced by many ple guards against over-resolving some features of the flow cell refinements will error in the bulk of the domain be while overlooking others. addressed. In shocked flows, the refinement parameter will be In practice, equidistribution is somewhat over conservative highest in cells with shocks or other strong non-linear fea- most of the time. It assumes that all errors are equally impor- tures. As a consequence, this approach will inadvertently tant to the simulation, and this is certainly not the case most result in arefinement process which over-resolves shocks and of the time. However, without additional guidance about other severe features without ever addressing smooth regions what is important for a particular simulation, equidistribution of the flow. Oversights such as these have been shown to pro- simply ensures that everything in the simulation is equally duce an adaptive- p:[r2o6c]edure which can actually converge to correct. In addition, if amethod can control the LTE distribu- the wrong solution . tion to achieve equidistribution, then it can control the error Ncells-- Mean/Median t E _ Refinement Refinement Parameter Refinement Parhmeter Figure 5: Idealized histogram of refinement parameters Figure 6: Idealized distribution of refinement parameters in a mesh which as achieved equidistribution. prior to h-refinement. Region acontains Nacells. -6- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 40OO ' i , I l L 300O et_ e_ -_200n c 10(X) I, O_L r ..0,J2 _ 0.4I 0.6I , 0.8I , RcllL_lloent Pttraltl Refinement Parameter Figure 9: h-refinement moves the cells in region ato the left Figure 7" Histogram of adaptation parameter for a coarse mesh simulation of flow around an ONERA according to the order of accuracy of the scheme. If a M6 wing at transonic conditions [251. contains Nacells, then a* contains m Nacells, where m is the number of children produced by refining acell. In earlier work [4] we advocated a filtering approach which aof figure 9, and each cell is subdivided into m children, then removed cells containing shocks or other strong features in a* wiU contain m Nanew cells. an attempt to clean up the histogram prior to computing the mean and standard deviation. Even this approach, however is If our goal is equidistribution, then we desire to build the dubious given the huge disparity in scales. delta function of figure 5.An optimal method construct these as rapidly as possible. Assuming that the histogram is mono- A less ad-hoc approach toward compressing the scales in the tonically decreasing to the right of the median, the new histo- histogram is to simply take the log of the refinement parame- gram grows most rapidly if the highest point of a* is placed ter prior to binning up the histogram. Figure 8 shows the his- on top of the median of the existing distribution. Since the togram, of the same data as in figure 7 but computed using cells in a move 2 units to the left, the threshold which builds log2(l_'l) rather than simply I_'t. The mean value of this new the highest peak is identically 2. distribution is -6.4 and the standard deviation is 4.3. The rescaled data much more closely resembles the idealized dis- Subsequent refinements will add to this same peak, and the tribution in figure 5. target level of error will remain constant as the mesh evolves. It is interesting to note that if the threshold is chosen above or [40 below than this value the target error level will continue migrate higher or lower (respectively) with subsequent cell 12(I -.' refinements. .._100 Just as refinement moves cells to the left on the histogram, coarsening transfers ceils to the right. In the absence of coarsening, these low-error cells will remain in the histogram and appear as a "tall" to the left of the peak value. Figure 10 4O illustrates the evolving histogram. With the threshold chosen as described above, newly refined ceils will not alter the his- 211 -15 -10 -5 0 log_2fRcfit_ment P,-u-ztm,) Figure 8: Histogram of data from fig.7 computed using log2(Irt) rather than the raw refinement parameter. 3.3 Optimal Threshold Selection The motivation for choosing base 2for the logarithms used to rescale the refinement parameters in the proceeding section becomes clear when selecting an appropriate threshold. Near grid convergence, each 2:1 cell refinement using apth-order scheme will reduce the LTE by a factor of 2p. With 2:1 cell refinement, and the present second-order scheme, the chil- ___3_em / Par\a__,r/ent! dren of a h-refined cell will therefore get translated an abso- lute distance of 2units to the left on these base-2 histograms. Figure 10: Evolution of a histogram for a mesh without Figure 9illustrates this process. If there are Nacells in region coarsening. Growth in the number of ceils before the peak will be approximately geometric. -7- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 togram to the left of the peak value, and therefore no newly refined cells can ever end up in this tail. Since they were cells in the original unadapted mesh, this tail contains only coarse cells, and since coarse cells fill space very quickly, there can- not be very many of them in the domain as compared to the number of highly refined cells in the peak. In addition, since the peak was built via cell subdivision, and the number of children produced per cell is generally constant, the growth approaching the peak from the left must be approximately geometric. 3.4 Specifying an Error Level Skeptics may point out that setting the adaptation threshold to its optimal value removes the user's "control" of the adap- 4000 tive process. While this is precisely the goal of automation, there is aclear need for auser to be able to have some control over the level of error in the final solution. In three dimensions, isotropic h-refinement of almost any polyhedron produces cells very quickly. Hexahedra are refined 8:1, and depending on the method of subdivision, tet- rahedra multiply at about the same rate. Even allowing for anisotropic subdivision of some cells, the 3-D growth rate is 0 such that adaptively refined cells virtually always account for the median value in the histogram. Since the location of the peak can be controlled by adjusting t, the most efficient strategy is to set the desired peak location on as coarse a mesh as possible (i.e. the first adaptation cycle). Subsequent adaptations will then continue to build on this peak using the optimal threshold. This allows the user to set a desirable error level based upon the histogram of the unadapted coarse mesh, and then drive the refinement hands- free. -t5 -10 -5 0 3.5 An Illustrative Example Using the coarse mesh simulation from the base-2 histogram in figure 8, figure 11 shows the evolution of the histogram in this simulation over the next 5 adaptation cycles. This exam- ple clearly shows the rapid growth of the peak in the histo- gram confirming its approach toward equidistribution of the refinement parameter. Since this is a real 3-D transonic flow, several issues merit discussion. Adaptation was driven by the undivided first dif- ference of velocity magnitude scaled by the local mesh dimension as presented in §2.6. The adaptive procedure in Alg. A tagged ceils according to adaptation criteria, and these tags were then modified to satisfy the smoothness and mesh validity rules detailed in A.3. In addition, the adaptation crite- ria used in this example was: ^ Irj]>I;I+2 a(rj) = 1 (11) 0 otherwise -15 -10 -5 0 ,'2q h)l_2(lclllll21ill;,lll I_l/anij Where ]rl is the mean value of the magnitude of the refine- Figure 11." Evolution of histogram through 5 adaptation ment parameter, rather than the precise median as called for cycles for transonic ONERA M6 wing case using the by the theoretical development earlier in this section. Of optimal threshold. course for the narrow peaked histograms shown in the figure, -8- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA Paper 2002-0863 the mean is close to the median - it is within one unit of the This flow was computed using both the multilevel x-extrapo- median at every cycle after the first. Nevertheless one would lation LTE estimates and scaled first-difference (eq.10) based expect somewhat better performance if the true median was feature detection using _ = In as a refinement parameter. used. Figure 12a displays both the mesh and solution resulting from the LTE based adaptation, while 12b contains these 4 Numerical Examples and Discussion same plots using feature detection. In figure 12, the x-extrap- olation analysis used an initial mesh with 8levels of geome- The LTE estimates and feature detection approaches in §2 try based refinement and then an additional three cycles of have been applied to both simple and complex configurations solution-based refinement following the philosophy of §2.4. in three dimensions. This section begins by presenting results The final mesh shown contains 1.8M cells. The feature detec- showing that, when combined with the h-refinement strategy tion based results in figure 12b began on a mesh created with of §3, both can provide valid approaches to achieve grid-con- 5 levels of geometry-based adaptation and about 30k cells verged solutions. We then present adapted solutions on two followed by 6cycles of adaptation. The final mesh contained complex configurations to demonstrate the robustness of the 1.9M cells. After 5 levels of adaptive refinement, the mesh procedure when run "hands-off' on real-world complex con- contained about 1.2M cells and integrated quantities (normal, figurations. axial and side force) were virtually the same as those obtained on the final (1.9M cell) mesh. The integrated quanti- 4.10NERA M6 Wing fies for both examples changed by less than 0.1% in the last In ref.[17] the baseline Euler solver was validated using the adaptation cycle suggesting that the results are grid con- well-known ONERA M6 wing example. [25]This case con- verged. siders the transonic flow over this wing at M_ =0.84 and Lift and drag coefficients for z-extrapolation were: 0.3041 a = 3.06°. Although viscosity was obviously present in the and 0.0117 while those the feature-detection were 0.3042 and experiment, the case has been widely studied using inviscid 0.0116. Comparison between the two simulations reveals a solvers, and amultitude of Euler solutions are available in the difference of less than 0.04% in the magnitude of the total literature for comparison. force on the wing, and the final meshes have cell counts within 6% of each other. ;C0n[6Urs / \ / density contours Figure 12a: Flow over an ONERA M6 wing at Moo---0.84 Figure 12b: Flow over an ONERA M6 wing at Moo=0.84 and cc=3.06 °, adaptation driven by x-estimates of and a = 3.06 °, adaptation driven using scaled first LYE in density. The final mesh contains 1.8M cells differences of velocity magnitude. The final mesh contains 1.9M cells -9-

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