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MULTIGRAPH HYPERPLANE ARRANGEMENTS AND PARKING FUNCTIONS. MIKHAILMAZIN ABSTRACT. Backin theninetiesPakandStanleyintroduceda labelingoftheregionsofa k- Shiarrangementbyk-parkingfunctionsandproveditsbijectivity. Duval,Klivans,andMartin consideredamodificationofthisconstructionassociatedwitha graphG. Theyintroducedthe G-ShiarrangementandalabelingofitsregionsbyG-parkingfunctions. Theyconjecturedthat 5 theirlabelingissurjective,i.e. thateveryG-parkingfunctionappearsasalabelofa regionof 1 theG-Shiarrangement. LaterHopkinsandPerkinsonprovedthisconjecture. Inparticular,this 0 providedanewproofofthebijectivityofPak-Stanleylabelinginthek =1case. Wegeneralize 2 Hopkins-Perkinson’sconstructionto the case of arrangementsassociated with oriented multi- n graphs.Inparticular,ourconstructionprovidesasimplestraightforwardproofofthebijectivity a oftheoriginalPak-Stanleylabelingforarbitraryk. J 6 ] O INTRODUCTION C ShiarrangementwereintroducedbyShiin[3]inhisstudyofKazhdan-Lusztigpolynomials . h and cells of affine symmetric groups. In [4] Stanley studied the enumeration of the connected t a components of the complement to Shi arrangements (regions) with respect to distance from a m baseregion,were thedistancebetween two regionsisdefined as thenumberofhyperplanesof [ thearrangement separatingthem. ThekeystepinStanley’sconstructionisabijectionbetween 1 the set of regions and the set of parking functions, such that the sum of values of a parking v 5 function is equal to the distance from the corresponding region to the base region. This bijec- 2 tion is usually refered to as Pak-Stanley labeling. The construction of Pak and Stanley also 2 1 appliestotheextendedShiarrangements,alsocalledk-Shiarrangements. Theregionsofk-Shi 0 arrangements arelabeled byk-parking functions. . 1 The original proof of bijectivity of the Pak-Stanley labeling is very complicated. The ob- 0 jectiveof this paper is to generalize the labeling to a larger class of arrangements and to prove 5 1 surjectivity of the generalized labeling (with an appropriately generalized notion of parking : functions). In the case of k-Shi arrangements, the bijectivity follows then from comparing v i the number of regions and the number parking functions (both are computed in fairly elemen- X tary way). This provides a simple and straightforward proof of the bijectivity of the original r a Pak-Stanleylabeling. Our constructions were inspired by work of Hopkins and Perkinson ([2]), were they prove surjectivity of Pak-Stanley labeling for arrangements associated with a graph. This was orig- inally conjectured by Duval, Klivans, and Martin ([1]). Hopkins-Perkinson’s results imply bijectivityoftheoriginalPak-Stanleylabelingfork = 1.Weextendtheirconstructioninorder to cover the case of general k ≥ 1. We also simplify the key step in their proof by replacing it withatransparent geometricargument. Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows. WebeginbyreviewingtheoriginalPak-Stanley labelinginSection1. InSection2wereviewthegeneralizationassociatedwithagraph. Finally, inSection 3 wepresent ourconstructionand provethesurjectivityofthelabeling. 1 2 MIKHAILMAZIN FIGURE 1. Here n = 3. 1-Shi arragnement on the left and 2-Shi arrangement ontheright. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TheauthorwouldliketothankSamHopkinsforfruitfulconversationsattheFPSACmeeting inChicago in Summer2014,which motivatedthiswork. 1. PAK-STANLEY LABELING Let V := {x1 + ... + xn = 0} ⊂ Rn. We will use the following notation: for any i,j ∈ {1,...,n} and a ∈ R,let Ha := {x −x = a} ⊂ V. ij i j Definition 1.1. The affine braid arrangement: Ben := (cid:8)Hilj : 0 < j < i ≤ n, l ∈ Z≥0(cid:9) is the setofallsuchhyperplaneswithintegerrighthandside. Connectedcomponentsofthecomple- mentto B arecalled alcoves. Thefundamentalalcove: is givenby n e A0 := {x ∈ V | x1 > x2 > ... > xn > x1 −1} ExtendedShi arrangementsare defined as subarrangementsinB : n e Definition 1.2. Thek-Shi arrangementisgivenby Shk := (cid:8)Hl : 0 < j < i ≤ n, −k < l ≤ k(cid:9) n ij SeeFigure1 forexamples. Definition 1.3. A function f : {1,...,n} → Z≥0 is called a k-parking function if for any subsetI ⊂ {1,...,n} thereexista numberi ∈ I suchthatf(i) ≤ k(n−♯I) Remark 1. Alternatively, one can define k-parking functions as follows. Consider the Young diagramwithrowlengthsgivenbythevaluesf(1),...,f(n)putinnon-increasingorder. Then f isak-parkingfunctionifandonlyifthediagramfitsunderthediagonalofann×knrectangle. Pak-Stanley labeling is a map from the set of regions of a k-Shi arrangement to the set of k-parking functions. It can bedefined inductivelyusingthefollowingrules: (1) Label thefundamentalalcoveby thezero function. MULTIGRAPHHYPERPLANEARRANGEMENTSAND PARKINGFUNCTIONS. 3 H0 21 H1 21 102 101 002 201 012 H1 100 001 32 200 011 000 H0 210 010 021 32 110 020 H1 120 31 H0 31 FIGURE 2. Pak-Stanley labelingforn = 3, k = 1. (2) When crossing a hyperplane Hl with l > 0 in positive direction, increase the value ij f(i) by1. (3) When crossing a hyperplane Hl with l ≤ 0 in positive direction, increase the value ij f(j) by1. Here “in positivedirection”means gettingfurther away from thefundamental region. More directly,theparkingfunctionλ correspondingtoaregionRisgivenbythefollowingformula: R λ (a) = ♯(cid:8)Hl ∈ H : l > 0,i = a(cid:9)+♯(cid:8)Hl ∈ H : l ≤ 0,j = a(cid:9), R ij R ij R whereHR ⊂ Shkn is theset ofhyperplanesseparatingR from A0. SeeFigure2 forthePak-Stanleylabelingforn = 3and k = 1. Theorem 1.1 ([4]). The Pak-Stanley labelling is a bijection between the set of regions of the k-Shiarrangementandthesetof k-parkingfunctions. Theoriginalproofiscomplicated,especiallyfor k > 1. 2. G-PARKING FUNCTIONS AND G-SHI ARRANGEMENTS LetGbeagraphwiththevertexset{1,...,n}.TheG-Shiarrangementisthesubarragement in1-Shi arrangement givenby (cid:8)Hl ∈ Sh1 : (i,j) ∈ E (cid:9). ij n G ThePak-Stanleylabelingisdefined inthesamewayasbefore. SeeFigure3foranexample. Notethatthelabelingisnotinjective: forexample,onFigure3thelabelsinboldarethesame. It isnothard to showthat thelabels satisfythefollowingcondition: Definition 2.1. A function f : {1,...,n} → Z≥0 is called a G-parking function if for any non-empty subset I ⊂ {1,...,n} there exists a vertex i ∈ I such that the number of edges (i,j) ∈ E suchthat j ∈/ I is greaterthanorequal tof(i). G Theorem2.1([2]). ThelabelingisasurjectivemapfromthesetofregionsofaG-Shiarrange- ment tothesetof G-parkingfunctions. 4 MIKHAILMAZIN H0 H1 21 21 101 001 011 H1 32 100 000 010 H0 32 110 010 020 FIGURE 3. Pak-Stanleylabelingforthegraph G := {1−2−3}. Ha 12 101 100 001 000 Hb 110 010 011 23 Hc 31 FIGURE 4. Here a,b,c > 0, and so m12 = m23 = m31 = 1, m32 = m21 = m13 = 0,and thedot correspondstotheorigin. This was first conjectured by Duval, Klivans, and Martin ([1]) and then proved by Hopkins and Perkinson. Note that this provides a new proof of bijectivity of the original Pak-Stanley labelingfork = 1. Remark 2. In fact, Hopkins and Perkinson proved more than that. It turns out that one can movethehyperplanesofthearrangementbychangingtheconstantontherighthand side. The labelingwillremainsurjectiveas longasthefundamentalregiondoes notcollapse. 3. MULTIGRAPHICAL GENERALIZATIONS LetAbeanyfinitearrangementofhyperplanesoftheformHa = {x −x = a}witha > 0. ij i j The region R0 containing the origin is called fundamental region. Let mij denote the number ofhyperplanesoftheformHa inA.Notethatwehavem +m parallelhyperplanes,m on ij ij ji ij onesideoftheorigin and m on theother. The labelingdefined inthesame way as before. In ji fact, itis moresymmetricin ournotations. Let R bearegion, then λ (i) equalsto thenumber R ofhyperplanesHilj separatingR from R0.SeeFigure4 foran example. MULTIGRAPHHYPERPLANEARRANGEMENTSAND PARKINGFUNCTIONS. 5 2 1 3 FIGURE 5. Thegraph correspondingto thearrangementin Figure4. The oriented multigraphG = G is defined as follows. The vertex set is V := {1,...,n}, A G and the edge i → j has multiplicitym . Note that we allow arrows (i → j) and (i ← j) with ij arbitrary non-negative multiplicities at the same time. In the example on Figure 4, one gets a circlegraph (Figure5). Definition 3.1. A function f : {1,...,n} → Z≥0 is called a G-parking function if for any non-empty subset I ⊂ {1,...,n} there exists a vertex i ∈ I such that the number of edges (i → j) ∈ E ,countwith multiplicity,suchthat j ∈/ I is greaterthan orequal to f(i). G Remark 3. Note that at least one value of any G-parking function f has to be zero. Indeed, take I = {1,...,n}. Then, according to the definition, there exists i ∈ {1,...,n}, such that f(i) = 0. Lemma 3.1. Let R be a region of an arrangement A with the corresponding multigraphG = G .Then thelabelλ isa G-parkingfunction. A R Proof. Considerthesubarrangement A ⊂ AconsistingofhyperplanesofA thatseparate the R region R from the origin. Let G = G ⊂ G be the corresponding sub-multigraph. The R AR A keyobservationisthatG cannotcontainorientedcycles. Indeed,supposethatthereisacycle R i1 → i2 → ... → ik → i1. Then it follows that there exist hyperplanes Hia11i2,...,Hiakki1 ∈ A separatingregionR from theorigin. Let r = (r1,...,rn) ∈ R bea point. Onegets ri1 −ri2 > a1, . . . r −r > a . ik i1 k Summingtheinequalitiesup,onegets 0 > a1 +...+ak, whichis impossible,because a > 0 foralli byconstruction. Contradiction. i Let us verify theG-parking function conditionfor λ . Let I ⊂ {1,...n} be any non-empty R subset. Itfollowsthatthereexistsi ∈ I suchthatifi → j isanedgeofG ,thenj ∈/ I.Indeed, R otherwise I contains an oriented cycle of G . Note that λ (i) is equal to the outgoing index R R of i in G , and all the outgoing edges from i leave the subset I. Therefore, λ is a G-parking R R function. (cid:3) Theorem 3.1. The labelingis surjective. Remark 4. Note that arrangements with the same graph might have different combinatorics and evendifferent numberofregions. However,thelabelingis alwayssurjective. See Figure6 foran example. 6 MIKHAILMAZIN 102 101 002 102 101 101 002 100 001 100 001 000 000 010 010 110 011 110 011 2 1 3 FIGURE 6. These two arrangements correspond to the same graph. Note that thelabelingis surjectiveinboth cases. Proofof Theorem 3.1. Let f : {1,...n} → Z≥0 be a G-parking function. We want to find a regionofAsuch thatthecorrespondinglabelisequal tof.WestartfromR0 andcrossexactly onehypersurfaceoneachstep. Weproceedasfollows. SupposethatwegottoaregionR.Split thesetofindexesin twosubset {1,...,n} = I ⊔J, where I := {i : f(i) > λ (i)}. On our next step we cross a hyperplane of the form Ha with R ij i ∈ I and j ∈ J in positivedirection, i.e. getting further away from the origin. As long as we can proceed, thefollowingconditionswillbesatisfied: (1) Forallj ∈ J onehas f(j) = λ (j). R (2) The subset I = {i : f(i) > λ (i)} is not increasing along the way. In particular, the R subset J is never empty (it was not empty in the beginning, because at least one value off iszero). (3) No hyperplane of the form Hpaq with p,q ∈ I separates the region R from R0 at any step. Indeed, according to the algorithm, the values of the labeling can only increase along the way, and they cannot exceed f(i).Condition(3) then followsfrom condition(2).All we need to prove now is that given these conditions, we can proceed until I = ∅ and f = λ . Indeed, R let usstartfrom apoint(r1,...,rn) ∈ R and movealong theray t x = r + , i ∈ I, i i ♯I t x = r − , j ∈ J, j j ♯J MULTIGRAPHHYPERPLANEARRANGEMENTSAND PARKINGFUNCTIONS. 7 t ≥ 0. If we hit a wall of R, it has to be a hyperplane of the form Ha with i ∈ I and j ∈ J. ij If we never hit any walls, that means that all hyperplanes of that form are already between R and R0. In which case the subset I ⊂ {1,...,n} violates the G-parking function condition. Indeed, sincef is aG-parkingfunction,thereshouldexistavertexi ∈ I such that N (i) := ♯{(i → j : j ∈ J)} ≥ f(i). R However,therearenoedgesbetweenverticesinsideI,sowegetλ (i) = N (i) ≥ f(i),which R R contradictsthedefinitionoftheset I. (cid:3) Note that this result provides a simple proof of the bijectivity of the original Pak-Stanley labeling for general k. Indeed, given a k-Shi arrangement, one can change the coordinates by shifting the origin to the interior of the fundamental region. The resulting arrangement will fit into the framework of this chapter. The corresponding multigraph is the full graph with every edge having multiplicity k in each direction. The G-parking function condition specializes to thek-parkingfunctioncondition. Finally,thenumberofregionsofak-Shiarrangementandthenumberofk-parkingfunctions are both known to be equal to (kn+1)n−1. Therefore, in this special case, the labeling is not onlysurjectivebut,in fact, bijective. REFERENCES [1] ArtDuval,CarolineKlivans,JeremyMartin,TheG-Shiarrangement,anditsrelationtoG-parkingfunctions, http://www.math.utep.edu/Faculty/duval/papers/nola.pdf,2011. [2] SamHopkins,DavidPerkinson,BigraphicalArrangement,arXiv:1212.4398. [3] JianYiShi,TheKazhdan-LusztigcellsincertainaffineWeylgroups,LectureNotesinMathematics,1179. Springer-Verlag,Berlin,1986. [4] RichardP.Stanley,Hyperplanearrangements,parkingfunctionsandtreeinversions,Mathematicalessaysin honorofGian-CarloRota(Cambridge,MA,1996),359375,Progr.Math.,161,BirkhuserBoston, Boston, MA,1998. MATHEMATICSDEPARTMENT,KANSASSTATEUNIVERSITY. CARDWELLHALL,MANHATTAN,KS66506 E-mailaddress:[email protected]

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