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Multifunctional Systems for Combined Delivery, Biosensing and Diagnostics Edited by Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Elsevier Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom 50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-323-52725-5 For information on all Elsevier publications visit our website at https://www.elsevier.com/books-and-journals Publisher: Matthew Deans Acquisition Editor: Simon Holt Editorial Project Manager: Andrae Akeh Production Project Manager: Caroline Johnson Designer: Greg Harris Typeset by Thomson Digital Contributors Albert Abhishek, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Aysen Gumustas, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Tamil Nadu, India Mehmet Gumustas, Ankara University, Ankara; Mohammad Firoz Alam, College of Pharmacy, Jazan Hitit University, Corum, Turkey University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia P. Selcan Gungor-Ozkerim, Biomaterials Innovation Neda Alasvand, Materials and Energy Research Center, Research Center, Brigham and Women’s Hospital; Tehran, Iran Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Maria H. Amaral, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal MA, United States Ravindran Ankathil, Human Genome Centre, Health Abouelhag Hussien, College of Pharmacy, Jazan Campus University Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Kelantan, Malaysia Farah Islam, College of Pharmacy, Jazan University, Tarique Anwer, College of Pharmacy, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Jazan, Saudi Arabia Aamena Jabeen, College of Pharmacy, Jazan University, Uddhav S. Bagul, College of Pharmacy, Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Jazan, Saudi Arabia Ankit Jain, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Sagar, Samrat Chakraborty, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Madhya Pradesh, India Bengal, India Sanjay K. Jain, Dr. Hari Singh Gour Central University, Walter F. da Silva Júnior, Federal University of Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Natal, Rio Grande Gyas Khan, College of Pharmacy, Jazan University, Jazan, do Norte, Brazil Saudi Arabia Priscila da Costa Carvalho de Jesus, Center Joana Magalhães, UCIBIO/REQUIMTE, University of Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering, of Porto, Porto, Portugal University of São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, Hamid Mahdavi, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, São Paulo, Brazil Tehran; Islamic Azad University, Sarvestan Branch, Iran Ádley A.N. de Lima, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sabyasachi Maiti, Gupta College of Technological Norte, UFRN, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Sciences, Asansol, West Bengal, India Jonas G. de Oliveira Pinheiro, Federal University of Hamid Mirzadeh, Amirkabir University of Technology, Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Natal, Rio Grande Tehran, Iran do Norte, Brazil Davod Mohebbi-Kalhori, University of Sistan and Fabia J.J. de Souza, Federal University of Rio Grande do Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran Norte, UFRN, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil Laboni Mondal, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Moumita Dhara, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India Bengal, India Carlos D.L.F.A. Moreira, Federal University of Lopamudra Dutta, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Rio Grande do Norte, UFRN, Natal, Rio Grande Bengal, India do Norte, Brazil Mohamed E. Elmobark, College of Pharmacy, Jazan Masoud Mozafari, Cellular and Molecular Research University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Mohamadreza Baghaban Eslaminejad, Royan Institute Tehran, Iran for Stem Cell Biology and Technology, ACECR, Biswajit Mukherjee, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Tehran, Iran Bengal, India Marilene Estanqueiro, University of Porto, Porto, Vinod S. Nair, Kerala University of Health Sciences, Portugal Thrissur, Kerala, India Sivasamy Gomathi, Madurai Kamaraj University, Aneta Ostróżka-Cieślik, Medical University of Silesia, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India Katowice, Poland xi xii Contributors Sibel A. Ozkan, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Beata Sarecka-Hujar, Medical University of Silesia, Tritsida Panyosak, University of Phayao, Phayao, Katowice, Poland Thailand Ponnusamy Sasikumar, Madurai Kamaraj University, Eldho Paul, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India Nadu, India Farshid Sefat, University of Bradford, Bradford, Paramita Paul, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West United Kingdom Bengal, India Govindan Sadasivam Selvam, Madurai Kamaraj Marina Pinheiro, UCIBIO/REQUIMTE, University of University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India Porto, Porto, Portugal Ceyda T. Sengel-Turk, Ankara University, Fernando L. Primo, São Paulo State University Ankara, Turkey (UNESP), Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil Soma Sengupta, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, Ahmad Rabiee, Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, West Bengal, India Tehran, Iran Mohammad A. Shamekhi, Iran Polymer and Maryam Rahmati, Materials and Energy Research Petrochemical Institute, Tehran; Islamic Azad Center, Tehran, Iran University, Sarvestan Branch, Iran Jayakumar Rajadas, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, Rahimullah Siddiqui, College of Pharmacy, Jazan United States University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Anjana Ravindran, Kerala University of Health Sciences, Sivagurunathan Moni Sivakumar, College of Pharmacy, Thrissur, Kerala, India Jazan University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Ranjana Ravindran, Kerala University of Health José M. Sousa Lobo, University of Porto, Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, India Porto, Portugal Salette Reis, UCIBIO/REQUIMTE, University of Porto, Antonio C. Tedesco, Center of Nanotechnology and Porto, Portugal Tissue Engineering, University of São Paulo (USP), Chandrababu Rejeeth, Bharathiar University, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India; Shanghai Jiao Tong Ramar Thangam, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore; University, Shanghai, China King Institute of Preventive Medicine and Research, Natalya I. Rekoslavskaya, Siberian Institute of Plant Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India Physiology and Biochemistry of SB RAS; Irkutsk Aleksandra M. Urbanska, Irving Cancer Research Scientific Center (FASO), Irkutsk, Russia Center, Columbia University, New York, NY, Maryam Saeidifar, Materials and Energy Research United States Center, Tehran, Iran Bengi Uslu, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey Mohammed M. Safhi, College of Pharmacy, Jazan Alexandre Vieira, UCIBIO/REQUIMTE, University of University, Jazan, Saudi Arabia Porto, Porto, Portugal Rurik K. Salyaev, Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology Raju Vivek, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil and Biochemistry of SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia Nadu, India; Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, Susana Santos, INEB—Institute of Biomedical China Engineering, i3S-Institute of Research and Innovation Foziyah Zakir, College of Pharmacy, Jazan University, in Health, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Jazan, Saudi Arabia Foreword Despite the huge progress in medical-related areas, numerous diseases are still far from being efficiently detected, treated, or prevented. The lack of success of current biomedical approaches relies on the complexity of some diseases, but also on their very diverse clinical symptoms, and wide variations among patients. A failed or incorrect detection of a health- threatening condition in its early stages usually leads to fatal effects on the patient. Moreover, wrong or late diagnosis involves increased costs, prolonged hospital stays, and numerous other patient and socioeconomical-related issues. In this context, a highly sensitive multifunctional system, able to detect, target and cure, or even prevent a health-damaging condi- tion, is a widely investigated desiderate at the present time. Nanostructured sensors and drug-delivery systems bring a new light in the research and management of serious diseases, by ensuring a specific effect, a very targeted and controllable efficiency, and much lower side-effects, by being able to avoid damaging unaffected tissue. This book brings an updated and clear picture regarding the recent progress made in the field of disease detection, but also targeted nanodelivery of drugs for a wide variety of diseases, also aiming to offer a perspective for future approaches in diagnosis, treatment, and prophylaxis. A special attention is paid to the management of cancer, which is considered the disease of the century, and for whose research and therapy a huge amount of resources is invested annually. In this particular field, the design and implementation of multifunctional nanosystems represent the most feasible alternative for an efficient management, and it is considered a real strategy for reducing mortality and morbidity. The Editor selected the most recent, interesting, and innovative approaches, transposed in well-organized chapters, to offer a scientifically, updated but, at the same time, very accessible material for a wide audience. The book represents an attractive collection of up-to-date information in the field of multifunctional systems that can be simultaneously utilized for the detection and therapy of diseases, and is an important source of knowledge, offering at the same time novel perspectives in a very dynamic and challenging area. Alina Maria Holban University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Monica Cartelle Gestal University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States xiii Preface Numerous and varied diseases have emerged this century. In the context of constantly changing societies and population requirements, the medical field requires faster and more versatile tools for improved diagnosis and therapy. Multifunctional systems, designed at the micro- and nanoscale, were recently optimized not only to ensure a more ef- ficient detection of diseases, but also a more personalized therapy. Biosensing coupled with the delivery of active formulations may represent a great solution to numerous difficult-to-treat and even incurable diseases. The use of very small devices to achieve a versatile diagnosis tool represents one of the most investigated aspects in the field of biomedicine. Progress made in the field of material engineering offered researchers and clinicians valuable alternatives in diagnosis, therapy, and prophylaxis, bringing at the same time a new light on the quality of life and survival expectance in critical patients. This book reviews and discusses the most novel and intriguing progress made in the field of multifunctional systems de- veloped for diagnosis and therapy, with an emphasis on drug delivery and bioengineering progress in medical nanosystems. The book contains 17 chapters, prepared by outstanding international researchers from the United States, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Poland, India, Turkey, Portugal, Malaysia, Brazil, and Thailand. Chapter 1, prepared by Tritsida Panyosak and entitled Selective effects of azelaic acid in nanovesicles on cell lines, presents an up-to-date overview of an efficient therapeutic application for azelaic acid entrapped in bilayer vesicles for cancer treatment. Antonio Claudio Tedesco et al. in Chapter 2, entitled Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (APDT) action based on nanostructured photosensitizers, present novel approaches used in APDT as a valuable method, extremely effective in cellular death mediated by the production of reactive species, which can overcome some of the most important problems of our days, namely the production of resistant or superresistant microorganisms selected over the years by the irrational use of antibiotics. Another approach presented here describes the basis of a new concept of photobiomodulation on the wound-healing process. This process increases the rates of tissue repair and, at the same time, acts simultaneously as an antibacterial and remodeling tissue protocol. Ravindran Ankathil et al. in Chapter 3, entitled Conspectus on nanotechnology in oral cancer diagnosis and treatment, present current advances in the field of nanotechnology, and especially the emergence of multimodal nanoparticles that of- fer the opportunity to develop future strategies significantly toward early diagnosis and more efficient treatment modalities for oral cancer. Chapter 4, prepared by Marilene Estanqueiro et al., entitled Lipid-based nanocarriers in cancer therapy, gives an up-to-date overview about: (1) cancer pathogenesis and treatments; (2) nanocarriers properties that make these systems advantageous for drug delivery; (3) liposomes and lipid nanoparticles, including their production methods; and (4) a critical revision of the research work developed under the application of liposomes and lipid nanoparticles in cytotoxic drug delivery. Chapter 5, entitled Effect of polymer-based nanoparticles on the assay of antimicrobial drug delivery systems, prepared by Mehmet Gumustas et al., underlines the effectiveness and in vitro/in vivo performance of various antibiotics encapsu- lated polymer-based nanoparticles in the treatment of infectious diseases. A collection of published papers is summarized from this perspective, and also comments on targeting microorganisms, advantage, and activity of the developed delivery system. Properties of analytical techniques for the determination of in vitro and in vivo samples with the validation param- eters are presented. Sabyasachi Maiti, in Chapter 6, entitled Nanometric biopolymer devices for oral delivery of macromolecules with clinical significance, discusses various biological and physicochemical barriers, strategies adopted in augmenting bioabsorption of macromolecules, and the mechanisms behind their oral transport. A special emphasis is given to the recent developments in the area of nanobiopolymer devices for effective delivery of macromolecules. Chapter 7, prepared by Aneta Ostróżka-Cieślik and Beata Sarecka-Hujar, and entitled The use of nanotechnology in modern pharmacotherapy, reviews the structure, function, and utility of different nanoparticles, especially: nanospheres, xv xvi Preface nanocapsules, nanoliposomes, lipoplexes, lipospheres, dendrimers, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes, nanoemulsions, and nano- suspensions as potential drug carriers. Advantages and disadvantages of the particular nanostructures are also discussed. Chapter 8, entitled Nanoparticle system for anticancer drug delivery: targeting to overcome multidrug resistance, pre- pared by Mohammed M. Safhi et al., focuses on multiple drug resistance exhibited during cancer chemotherapy, and the influence of nanoparticles research in overcoming this issue. Ankit Jain and Sanjay K. Jain, in Chapter 9, entitled Application potential of engineered liposomes in tumor target- ing, sums up the drug targeting potential of the engineered liposomes with contemporary trends in the field of liposomal research. Chapter 10, prepared by Rurik K. Salyaev and Natalya I. Rekoslavskaya and entitled Plant-based peroral vaccines, presents an up-to-date overview about plant derived peroral vaccines and their advantages, in comparison to traditional vaccines. Their impact in future therapeutics and prophylaxis is also discussed. Chapter 11, entitled Platelet-rich plasma incorporated nanostructures for tissue engineering applications, prepared by Mohammad Amin Shamekhi et al., reveals the progress of platelet-rich plasma– and growth factor–incorporated nanostruc- tures. The authors expose the methodologies to load platelet-rich plasma and growth factors into nanostructures, such as exploiting heparin-conjugated nanospheres, electrospun nanofibers, graphene (oxide), and nanoliposomes. Raju Vivek et al., in Chapter 12, entitled Targeted nanotherapeutics based on cancer biomarkers, present a comprehen- sive overview of collected information of biomarkers-targeted therapeutic nanostructures for cancer nanotherapy. Chapter 13, entitled Therapeutic nanoparticles for targeted delivery of anticancer drugs, prepared by Neda Alasvand et al., reviews different types of anticancer drugs and engineering techniques for obtaining efficient delivery systems in cancer treatment. It also introduces the salient features of this approach, the hurdles that must be overcome, the associated perspectives, and practical constraints. Chapter 14 prepared by Biswajit Mukherjee et al., entitled Pulmonary administration of biodegradable drug nanocar- riers for more efficacious treatment of fungal infections in lungs: insights based on recent findings, focuses on the progress in the oral delivery of drug nanocarriers, highlighting the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics modulations, their ad- vantages along the fundamental limitations, and the future perspective based on the recent findings in the field. Chapter 15, prepared by Walter Ferreira da Silva Júnior et al., entitled Alternative technologies to improve solubility and stability of poorly water-soluble drugs, summarizes the understanding of solid dispersions, and shows the applicability of these systems in unconventional systems. Joana Magalhães et al., in Chapter 16, entitled Oral administration of nanoparticles-based TB drugs, review the uptake and translocation of drugs in the gastrointestinal tract, the factors that affect drug stability, and other limitations of oral drug delivery. Additionally, the recent progress in nanodelivery systems for the oral administration of anti-TB (tuberculosis) drugs and their potential impact are discussed. Chapter 17, entitled Recombinant lactic acid bacteria secreting OxdC as a novel therapeutic tool for the prevention of kidney stone disease, prepared by Ponnusamy Sasikumar et al. discusses the potential impact of manipulating gut flora, with the potential probiotic bacteria that may have a positive impact on gut oxalate levels, and may decrease oxalate ab- sorption. Alexandru M. Grumezescu University Politehnica of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, http://grumezescu.com/ Chapter 1 Selective Effects of Azelaic Acid in Nanovesicles on Cell Lines Tritsida Panyosak University of Phayao, Phayao, Thailand Chapter Outline 1 Introduction and Historical Background 1 4 Conclusions 5 2 Applications of Anticancer Drug-Loaded Nanovesicles 2 References 6 3 Limitations of Available Therapies: Need of a Novel Therapeutic Strategy 5 1 INTRODUCTION AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND New drug development is a complicated, costly, and time consuming process including preclinical and clinical trials (phase I, II, and III), applications made for the new drug, and approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Enhancing the safety and efficacy of existing drugs has been attempted by different methods, most importantly by drug delivery at tar- geted sites. Drug delivery systems could equip extended circulating half-lives so that smaller quantities of a drug are required for a longer period of time, relieving the patient of side-effects caused by nonspecific tissue uptake, and providing protection against enzymatic degradation. Often drug delivery systems can select to permeate the cancerous cell and to decrease the toxicity for normal cell thus the encapsulated cancer drug can decrease the course of therapy. Lipid and nonionic surfactant- based drug delivery systems have attracted much attention from researchers as potential carriers of various bioactive mol- ecules that could be used for therapeutic applications. Liposomes and niosomes are nanovesicles that have been widely used as drug carriers. Liposomes are composed of phospholipids, whereas niosomes contains nonionic surfactants. Niosomes alleviate the disadvantages associated with liposomes, such as chemical instability, variable purity of phospholipids, and high cost (Panyosak et al., 2009). The encapsulation of drugs in these vesicular systems offers several advantages, including the modification of lipophilicity and hydrophilicity, decreasing toxicity, and increasing stability, circulation time, and absorp- tion of the drug. Many commercial drug delivery systems in the shape of liposomes/niosomes have already been stored with great success (Panyosak et al., 2007). For example, azelaic acid (AA), a naturally appearing substance, has been shown to have antimicrobial and anticancer activities (Breathnach, 1999), and it is an attractive drug candidate since it has nontoxic, nonteratogenic, and nonmutagenic properties. In cell cultures, AA has been shown to exhibit a dose- and time-dependent antiproliferative effect on several tumor cell lines, such as human cutaneous malignant melanoma, and human choroidal melanoma. It can penetrate selectively through tumor cells, as compared to normal cells (Breathnach, 1999). AA can be obtained by oleic acid and nitric acid oxidation, as well as by chemical, physical, or biological oxidation of free and esterified fatty acids. AA remains in the urine of normal individuals, and in excess in the urine of ketosis patients and in patients with a congenital component or acquired inability to β-oxidize monocarboxylic acids—dicarboxylic acid- uria. It lacks acute or chronic toxicity, and it is nonteratogenic and has nonmutagenic effect. As an effect of topical applica- tion, Breathnach (1999) reported that after application of AA on lesions of primary cutaneous malignant melanoma, this latter exhibited the clinical regression of lesions, attended by destruction of malignant melanocytes, and return to normal organization of epidermis and dermis. In vitro, AA is a competitive inhibitor of tyrosinase, the key enzyme that generates melanocytes. The areas of antitumoral, antibacterial, and antiinflammatory activities have already been successfully ap- plied to the treatment of acne (Breathnach, 1999). Currently, the FDA has approved finacea (AA) foam, 15%, for the topical treatment of the inflammatory papules and pustules of mild to moderate rosacea. The approval is based on results from two pivotal clinical trials examining the efficacy and safety of finacea foam, compared to its foam vehicle (without the drug AA) Multifunctional Systems for Combined Delivery, Biosensing and Diagnostics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-52725-5.00001-0 Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1 2 Multifunctional Systems for Combined Delivery, Biosensing and Diagnostics in the topical treatment of papulopustular rosacea (FDA, 2015), and its antipigmentary activity in treating melasma. The AA effects of antitumor approach will be examined from the viewpoint of its potential as a general antitumoral agent. This possibility will be investigated, as it could have a role as fundamental therapy, as synergistic therapies, as well as palliative therapy, by local, oral, or systemic administration in a number of cancer conditions (Breathnach, 1999). In vivo, AA is prob- ably generated by lipoperoxidation of free and esterified cis-polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as those normally present in cell membrane phospholipids, and it may act as a natural antioxidant in vivo. In vitro, AA is a competitive inhibitor of oxidoreductive enzymes, including tyrosinase, enzymes involved in the synthesis of DNA, such as thioredoxin reductase and DNA polymerase, and oxidoreductases of the mitochondrial respiratory cycle. It is a potent inhibitor of microsomal 5-alpha-reductase, and inhibits anaerobic glycolysis. In vitro, it is a scavenger of toxic oxygen species, especially the toxic hydroxyl free radical. It also generated inhibitors, inhibiting the generation of reactive oxygen species by neutrophils. Some of these activities are involved in its antitumoral activities, and it can be administered to humans topically, orally, and in the form of an AA disodium salt by intrainjection or infusion, intravenously, intraarterially, and intralymphatically. Moreover, Breathnach (1999) reviewed that prolonging the infusion with successive doses of similar concentration produces sustained higher serum concentrations over a certain period. It has been evaluated that 90% of maximal uptake should be reached in the plateau phase of constant infusion of 2.2 g/h, with a maximum cellular (normal) uptake of 0.657 g/h (Breathnach, 1999). The serum levels achieved are equivalent to 5 × 10–3 mol/L and above, which is the level at which AA has an antiprolifera- tive and cytotoxic effect on tumoral cells in culture (Breathnach, 1999). However, 60% of administered AA is eliminated in urine, leaving an unchanged structure within 12 h, and, in the mitochondrial part, is metabolized by β-oxidation via pimelic and glutaric acids to acetyl coenzyme A. This enters the Krebs cycle, and gives rise to CO , and to malonyl coenzyme A 2 that may be involved in fatty acid biosynthesis. AA generated no toxic metabolites, and crosses the blood-brain barrier. In culture cells, AA has been exhibited to have a time- and dose-dependent reversible antiproliferative and cytotoxic action as follows: tumoral cell lines are human cutaneous malignant melanoma, human choroidal melanoma, Harding–Passey and Cloudman murine melanoma, human squamous cell carcinoma, Raji lymphoma, and leukemia-derived cell lines, and fibroblastic lines (Breathnach, 1999). AA has been shown to penetrate selectively tumoral cells (HeLa, KB, and B F ), as 16 10 compared with normal cells (Panyosak et al., 2009). The antitumoral effect is connected to DNA synthesis inhibitor, and may damage mitochondria. AA also affects the karyotype of melanoma cells exposed to subtoxic doses in long-term cul- ture, selectively affecting undifferentiated cells with a high growth rate and chromosomal abnormalities. It has an effect in in vitro on plasminogen activator activity, and reduces the fibrinolytic activity of cultured melanoma cells. The fibrinolytic potential of tumor cells correlates with their respective malignancy, and may play an important role in tumor invasion, pro- gression, and metastasis (Breathnach, 1999). An antiviral effect has been reported. AA has an antibacterial activity against a wide range of organisms and, as secondary infection, can be a complication in some tumoral situations. The tumoral situa- tions in which AA has been used and shown to be effective clinically are melanoma in situ and primary cutaneous malignant melanoma, and Grade IIIA melanoma with satellitosis. There are reports of a beneficial effect on penile lentiginosis and reticulate acropigmentation of Kitamura (Breathnach, 1999). 2 APPLICATIONS OF ANTICANCER DRUG-LOADED NANOVESICLES Medical liposome applications are therapeutic and diagnostic applications. Drugs, makers encapsulated in liposomes, act as a model, tool, or reagent for basic studies of cell interactions, for the process of recognition and mode of action, but many drugs have a narrow therapeutic index. However, in various cases, the appropriate drug carriers can reduce the toxicity, or enhance the efficacy, of drugs. These were explained by pharmacokinetics and biodistribution. The drug–liposome delivery systems have benefits and limitations that depend on the synergy of liposomes with cells, and their destination in in vivo after being given drug-loaded nanovesicles in liposomes as route of administration. In addition, both in vitro and in vivo studies of the interaction with cells have shown that interactions are either simple adsorption or subsequent endocytosis. Moreover, Lasic (1992) reported that the interaction is an exchange between bilayer and cell membrane, and that liposomes are rapidly cleared from to the circulation by the macrophages located in liver, spleen, and bone marrow (Lasic, 1992). The modes of liposome action as drug delivery systems can give several advantages over conventional dosage forms, especially for parenteral, topical, and pulmonary routes of administration. Liposomes show different biodistribution and pharmacoki- netics than free drug molecules. Liposomes can be used to improve therapeutic efficacy. The limitations are the retardation of bioavailability of the drug. Lasic (1995) reported that drug-loaded liposomes have advantages that can be applied as various dosages, summarized to seven categories, as follows (Lasic, 1995): 1. Improved solubility of lipophilic and amphiphilic drugs. Examples include porphyrins, amphotericin B, minoxidil, pep- tides, and anthracyclines. Furthermore, hydrophilic drugs, such as doxorubicin or acyclovir, and drug-loaded liposomes at high concentrations gave solubility several folds over their aqueous solubility (Lasic, 1992). Selective Effects of Azelaic Acid in Nanovesicles on Cell Lines Chapter | 1 3 2. Passive targeting to the cells of the immune system, especially cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system (reticulo- endothelial system): examples are antimonials, amphotericin B, porphyrins, and also vaccines, immunomodulators, or (immuno) supressors (Lasic, 1995). 3. Formulations of liposomal actions, such as sustained release system, or locally administered routes: examples are doxo- rubicin, cytosine arabinose, cortisones, biological proteins, or peptides, such as vasopressin (Lasic, 1992). 4. Site-avoidance mechanism: liposomes do not set in certain organs, such as heart, kidneys, brain, and nervous system. This will reduce cardiotoxicity (doxorubicin), nephrotoxicity (amphotericin B), and neurotoxicity (Lasic, 1995). 5. Specific targeting site of liposomes with surface attached ligands can bind to target cells, or can be delivered to the target tissue by local structural conditions, such as leaky and badly formed blood vessels, and their basal capillaries (Lasic, 1995). 6. Improve the transfer of hydrophilic, charged molecules, such as chelators, antibiotics, plasmids, and genes into cells (Lasic, 1995). 7. Improve penetration into tissues, especially in the case of dermally applied liposomal dosage forms. Examples include anesthetics, corticosteroids, and insulin. Liposome encapsulation is selected to be used as carrier when drugs are very potent, toxic, and have very short lives in the blood circulation or at the sites of local administration (Lasic, 1995). Furthermore, Storm et al. (1987) reported that the efficacy was in many cases accommodated because of the decrease in bioavailability of the drug, especially if the tumor was not a phagocytic system, or located in the organs of mononuclear phagocytic system. In some cases, such as systemic lymphoma, the effect of liposome encapsulation showed improved efficacy due to the sustained release effect (Storm et al., 1987) while, in several other cases, the isolation of the drug into tissues of mononuclear phagocytic system actually reduced its efficacy. Gabizon (1989) presented liposomes in anticancer therapy, and that many different liposomal formulations of various anticancer agents were shown to be less toxic than the plain drug (Gabizon, 1989). Doxorubicin has been extensively studied with liposomes. In most cases, the toxicity of drugs entrapped in liposomes was decreased by about 50%. This includes both short-term and chronic toxicities, because liposomal encapsulation decreases the distribution of the drug molecules toward many tissues (Gabizon, 1989). Moreover, Lau et al. (2005) reported that bleomycin that was entrapped in liposomes (bleosome) has been aimed at the treatment of skin cancer. Free bleomycin in in vitro was shown LD approximately three-fold lower than bleosome on human squamous cell carci- 50 noma (SCC) cells. Furthermore, free drug was shown nearly 30 times lower on human cutaneous keratinocytes (NEB-1) cells (Lau et al., 2005). In addition, Maswadeh et al. (2002) reported that the cytotoxic and cytostatic activities of the lipo- some-encapsulated vinblastine were examined against six leukemic human cell lines. The major improvement in vinblastine retention in buffer, as well as in culture medium, was achieved by employing dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG). The 50% growth-inhibiting (GI ) and cytostatic activity of liposomal vinblastine did not seem to be affected by the type of the 50 liposome, while the 50% cytotoxic activity (LC ) was affected in four out of the six cell lines tested (Maswadeh et al., 2002). 50 Furthermore, liposomes prepared from lipids isolated from wheat germ were used to examine the percentage of vinblastine encapsulation, and its capacity into liposomes. The cytotoxic/cytostatic activity of these liposomal formulations has been examined against nine human leukemic cell lines. The results showed that a remaining percentage of 90% vinblastine in liposomes. The holding of the drug into liposomes was investigated and found to be time-dependent at 37°C. Liposomes loaded with vinblastine showed a mean of LC at 124.6 nM, and mean of GI at 30.8 nM (Maswadeh et al., 2000). On the 50 50 other hand, Sharma et al. (1995) showed that taxanes, such as paclitaxel and docetaxel, act against ovarian cancer and other malignancies, while SB-T-1011, a taxane semisynthetic form, shows similar or greater in vitro cytostatic activity than pacli- taxel, depending on the tumor cell line. The administration of taxanes is problematic because of their low solubility in most pharmaceutically agreeable solvents. This formulation used clinically contains cremophor/ethanol or polysorbate 80/etha- nol, excipients that may cause serious adverse effects; meanwhile, in order to eliminate these vehicles, Sharma et al. (1995) have prepared paclitaxel liposome formulations. Antitumor activity was evaluated against A121a, a taxane-sensitive human ovarian (subcutaneous xenografts) tumor, growing as in athymic nude mice. Free taxane and taxane entrapped in liposomal formulations showed similar antitumor effects. The antitumor activity of paclitaxel and SB-T-1011 was similar, and docetax- el was more potent than either paclitaxel or SB-T-1011. On the whole, taxane liposomes were better and more easily tolerated via intravenous administration than taxane formulated in cremophor/ethanol (Sharma et al., 1995). Although the clinical formulation of paclitaxel is an important anticancer agent, it has significant side-effects, few sides of which are re- lated to its formulation in cremophor/ethanol. Paclitaxel is difficult to formulate for intravenous administration since its structure is partly hydrophobic. However, Sharma et al. (1997) reported the therapeutic effects of two liposome formulations of paclitaxel against human tumor (ovarian A121) growing subcutaneously (xenograft in athymic nude mice). The liposome formulations used were ETL and TTL; the ETL formulation was composed of a single lipid, egg phosphatidylcholine (PC), and the TTL formulation was composed of a mixture of 3 lipids: di-elaidoyl PC, di-myristoyl, PC and 1-stearoyl,2-caproyl PC. TTL was used as a stable aqueous suspensions or as a reconstituted form of lyophilisation, while ETL was used as a

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