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Multiblock Copolymers of Styrene and Butyl Acrylate via Polytrithiocarbonate-Mediated RAFT ... PDF

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Preview Multiblock Copolymers of Styrene and Butyl Acrylate via Polytrithiocarbonate-Mediated RAFT ...

Polymers2011,3,719-739;doi:10.3390/polym3020719 OPENACCESS polymers ISSN2073-4360 www.mdpi.com/journal/polymers Article Multiblock Copolymers of Styrene and Butyl Acrylate via Polytrithiocarbonate-Mediated RAFT Polymerization BastianEbelingandPhilippVana(cid:63) Institutfu¨rPhysikalischeChemie,Georg-August-Universita¨tGo¨ttingen,Tammannstraße6,D-37077 Go¨ttingen,Germany (cid:63) Authortowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed;E-Mail: [email protected]; Tel.: +49-551-39-12753;Fax: +49-551-39-3144. Received: 18February2011;inrevisedform: 18March2011/Accepted: 28March2011/ Published: 31March2011 Abstract: When linear polytrithiocarbonates as Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) agents are employed in a radical polymerization, the resulting macromolecules consist of several homogeneous polymer blocks, interconnected by the functional groups of the respective RAFT agent. Via a second polymerization with another monomer, multiblock copolymers—polymers with alternating segments of both monomers—can be prepared. This strategy was examined mechanistically in detail based on subsequent RAFT polymerizations of styrene and butyl acrylate. Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) of these polymers showed that the examined method yields low-disperse products. In some cases, resolved peaks for molecules with different numbers of blocks (polymer chains separated by the trithiocarbonate groups) could be observed. Cleavage of the polymers at the trithiocarbonate groups and SEC analysis of the products showed that the blocks in the middle of the polymers are longer than those at the ends and thatthenumberofblockscorrespondstothenumberoffunctionalgroupsintheinitialRAFT agent. Furthermore, the produced multiblock copolymers were analyzed via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). This work underlines that the examined methodology is very wellsuitedforthesynthesisofwell-definedmultiblockcopolymers. Keywords: multiblock copolymers/segmented block copolymers; Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT); polytrithiocarbonates; molecular weight distribution/molarmassdistribution Polymers2011,3 720 1. Introduction Multiblockcopolymers(orsegmentedblockcopolymers)consistofalternatinghomogeneoussegments oftwodifferentmonomerswhichareattachedcovalentlytoeachother. Ifthesemonomersarechemically distinct,theydiffersignificantlyfromtherespectiverandomcopolymersorblendsofthehomopolymers. Arguablythemostnotedpropertyofmultiblockcopolymersistheirabilitytoself-assembleintoordered microstructureswhenthesegmentsaresufficientlylong[1,2]. Themicrophaseseparationofmultiblock copolymers with long alternating hard and soft segments gives rise to their unique material properties as thermoplastic elastomers [3,4]. Other industrial uses of the bulk polymers include the utilization as compatibilizers [5,6] for blends of otherwise immiscible homopolymers and as pressure-sensitive adhesives[7,8]. Certainmultiblockcopolymerscanformresponsivepolymerichydrogels. Thesearesmart materialswhichhavepotentialapplicationsindrugdelivery,tissueengineering,andassensors[9–11]. Themotifofmultiblockcopolymerscanalsobefoundinnature,wherelongflexiblesegmentsalternate with those which can form hydrogen bonds. The semi-crystalline structures that are formed in these cases are responsible for the extraordinarily good material properties of several biopolymers [12]. It seemspromisingtomimicthismotifandpreparemultiblockcopolymersthatcomprisehydrogenbonding segments[13]. Ithasalreadybeenshownbyus andothersthatthesepolymershavedistinctmechanical propertiescomparedtothecorrespondingpolymerswithouthydrogenbondingsegments[14,15]. Basedontheseapplications,severalmethodologicalcriteriacanbederivedwhichshouldbemetbya suitable synthesis strategy: The strategy should be (i) easy to implement, i.e., should not involve high costs orrequire a lot oftime and no specialequipment should be necessary. It shouldbe (ii) capableof producingmoleculeswithlongsegmentswhich(iii)ideallyallhavethesamelength. Itshouldenablethe possibility (iv) to produce polymers with a high number of alternating segments and, moreover, (v) to control this number. Furthermore, (vi) thedistribution of the segments amongthe synthesized polymers should be as narrow as possible. And after all, (vii) the method should be universally applicable, i.e., it should be deployable for a high number of different monomers and have a high tolerance towards functionalgroups,solventsandimpurities. Uptorecenttimes,nosynthesisstrategyhasbeenfoundthat meetsallofthesesevencriteriainareasonablyacceptablemanner. Theconventionalmethodforthesynthesisofmultiblockcopolymersisthepreparationofendgroup functionalized prepolymersthat arethen coupled togetherby means ofa coupling reaction. This method isrelativelyeasytoimplement(althoughitstillrequiresatleastthreeindependentreactions)andisvery versatile. Itwasalreadycarriedoutwithavarietyofdifferentmonomers. Aslongastheusedprepolymers areequalintheirlengths,thesamewillholdtrueforthesegmentsintheproducedmultiblockcopolymers. Ontheotherhand,thisstrategyentailssomefundamentallimitations: Becauseofthelowconcentrationof reactivechainends,nomoleculeswithlongsegments(typically<5,000gmol−1)orwithhighnumbersof alternating segments can be produced. Moreover, this number canhardly be controlled. Furthermore, the segmentdistributionamongthemolecules(Schultz-Florydistributionwithidealkinetics)isratherbroad. However,thecouplingapproachisclearlythemostwidelyusedstrategy,bothinindustryandacademia. In principle, segmented copolymers can also be prepared via stepwise alternating addition of two different monomers to a living polymerization, traditionally an anionic polymerization [16]. In this way, multiblock copolymerswith aneasily controllablenumber ofalternating segmentswith arbitrarily Polymers2011,3 721 specifiablelengthscanbeproducedwherebyideallyallmoleculespossessthesamenumberofalternating segments. These advantages, however, are counterbalanced by an extremely high experimental effort whenhighnumbersofsegmentsaretargetedbecauseforeachsegmentaseparatereactionisnecessary. Untiltoday, toourknowledge,the highestnumberofsegmentsthatwas reachedbythismethodis 8[17]. Additionally,theapplicabilityofthisstrategyislimitedasonlycertainpairsofmonomerscanbeused. With the advent of controlled radical polymerization (according to IUPAC: reversible-deactivation radicalpolymerization,RDRP),theprincipleoflivingpolymerizationhasalsobeenintroducedtoradical polymerization. Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT)polymerization [18,19] is arguably themost versatileamong thesetechniques withrespectto temperature[20], solvent [21],and monomer choice [22], and can be used to synthesize a wide variety of polymeric structures [23]. It proceedsviaadegenerativechaintransfermechanism,whichinducesequilibriumbetweenpropagating macroradicalsanddormantpolymericRAFTagentscarryingdithiomoieties[24]andhasalreadybeen successfully employed to produce multiblock copolymers by stepwise addition of monomers to the polymerization[25,26]. Trithiocarbonates (TTC) are unique RAFT agents in the sense that they are inherently bifunctional so that a polymer chain is inserted on both sides of the functional group when it is connected to good leaving groups. When a RAFT agent of trithiocarbonate type is employed in a radical polymerization, only two polymerization steps are necessary to prepare polymers with three alternating segments [27] and with every subsequent polymerization step the number of alternating segments of the polymers is increased by two. The number of alternating segments which is produced within two polymerizations canbefurtherincreasedbyutilizingaRAFTagentthatcontainsmultipletrithiocarbonategroupsalong itsmainchain. ThisstrategywaspioneeredbyYouetal. [28]whousedittosynthesizepolymerswith alternating segments of polystyrene and poly(methyl acrylate) in UV-initiated RAFT polymerizations. The whole route is illustrated in Scheme 1. In the first polymerization, homopolymer blocks grow between the functional groups and on the ends of the polymer chains [29,30]. By a subsequent radical polymerization with another monomer, multiblock copolymers can be produced. (The term “block” is used ambiguously in the literature to describe both polymeric chains between particular functional groupsand partsof homogeneousmonomeric compositionalong apolymer chain. To avoid misunderstanding,thelatterwillbedenoted“segment”inthisarticle,while“block”willonlybereferred to the parts of the polymers which are separated by the trithiocarbonate groups. With this definition, the number of blocks in the polymers is not altered by the second polymerization step. Accordingly, “multiblock(homo)polymer”describesa(homo)polymerwithseveraltrithiocarbonategroupsalongthe mainchain. “Multiblockcopolymer”,however,isstillusedsynonymouslywith“segmentedcopolymer”, as defined before.) When the RAFT agent possesses g functional groups, ideally polymers with 2g+1 alternating segments are prepared. In addition, RAFT polymerization with polytrithiocarbonates has alreadybeenusedtopreparesegmentedcopolymerscomposedofpoly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)(DMA) and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)(NIPAM)[31], of polystyrene andpoly(4-tert-butylstyrene)[32] and of arandom DMA-NIPAMcopolymer andpoly(4-vinylpyridine)[33]. Ithas beenshown thatthisstrategy canalsobecarriedoutpreparingthepolytrithiocarbonatesinsitubyemployingcyclictrithiocarbonates inthefirstpolymerization[34,35]. ItgoeswithoutsayingthatinprinciplealsoRAFTagentswithother chemicalgroups(e.g.,difunctionaldithiocarbamates[36])canbeutilized. Polymers2011,3 722 Scheme 1. General strategy for the synthesis of multiblock copolymers using polytrithiocarbonateRAFTagents. This approach appears to be very promising for the synthesis of multiblock copolymers. The here presented study was conducted to gain further insight into this method in order to be able to assess to whatextentthe examinedstrategy meetsthe abovelisted methodologicalcriteria froman experimental pointofview. Theidealsegmentdistributionamongthesynthesizedcopolymerswasalreadytreatedin another article, where we showed that multiblockcopolymers prepared with the examined RAFT strategy ideallyhaveahigherhomogeneitythanthosefromcouplingoffunctionalizedprepolymers[37]. Inthe presentstudy,weexaminedthesynthesisofsegmentedcopolymersbasedonpolystyreneandpoly(n-butyl acrylate) (pBA) with a polyfunctional RAFT agent of trithiocarbonate type. The prepared polymers were probedby size-exclusionchromatography (SEC) anddifferential scanningcalorimetry (DSC). By cleavageoftheproductsatthetrithiocarbonategroupsandanalysisoftheproductsadditionalmechanistic informationcouldbeobtained. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials The anion exchange resin AMBERSEP(cid:13)R 900 OH (FLUKA, 20–50mesh) was dried for several days under high vacuum. By titration of an aqueous suspension with hydrochloric acid, its capacity was determined to be 3.5mmolg−1. To remove the inhibitor, styrene and butyl acrylate (ALDRICH)werepassedthroughabasicalumina(ALDRICH,BrockmannI,∼150mesh,58A˚)column. 2,2(cid:48)-Azobis(isobutyronitrile)(AIBN, AKZONOBEL)wasrecrystallizedfrommethanolanddriedunder high vacuum before use. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) used as the eluent in SEC (Carl Roth, stabilized with 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol)wasusedasreceived. Unlessotherwisespecified,allotherchemicals werepurchasedfrom ALDRICH andusedwithoutfurtherpurification. Polymers2011,3 723 2.2. Instrumentation MolecularweightdistributionsweremeasuredbymeansofSECusingasystemcomposedofa JASCO AS-2055PLUS autosampler, a WATERS 515 pump, three PSS SDV columns (8 × 300mm, nominal particle size: 5µm, pore sizes: 105, 103 and 102A˚), a WATERS 2410 refractive index detector and a VISCOTEK VE 3210 ultraviolet(UV)detector(settoawavelengthof310nm). THFat35◦Cwasusedas theeluentataflowrateof1.0mLmin−1. TheSECset-upwascalibratedagainstPSSpolystyrenestandards of very low dispersity. The molecular weight distributions were adjusted according to the principle of universal calibration using Mark–Houwink parameters for linear pBA (K = 1.22×10−4dLg−1, a=0.700)[38]. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were recorded at room temperature on a VARIAN UNITY 300 (1H, 13C) or a VARIAN INOVA 500 (1H) spectrometer, using deuterated chloroform as solventandinternalstandard. Differentialscanning calorimetry was carried outon a METTLER TOLEDO DSC 820 apparatus which wasoperatedwiththeSTARe9.01software. Samplesof10–20mgwereheatedundernitrogenatmosphere (flowrate14mLmin−1)from−52◦Cto170◦Candcooledbackto−52◦C.Toobtainthethermograms the samples were heated again to 170◦C. The heating and cooling rates were 10◦Cmin−1. The glass transitiontemperaturewastakenastheonsettemperatureofthestepsinthethermograms. 2.3. SynthesisofPolytrithiocarbonateA In the synthesis of polytrithiocarbonate A with the lowest degree of polymerization (see Table 1), cesium carbonate was employed as the base to produce trithiocarbonate ions [39]. Carbon disulfide (409µL,6.79mmol)wasaddedtoasolutionofcesiumcarbonate(2.21g,6.79mmol)in5mLacetonitrile at room temperature. The color of the suspension changed to red. After 10min of stirring, dimethyl 2,6-dibromoheptanedioate(739µL,3.40mmol)wasaddedandthecolorchangedtoyellowimmediately. Afteranother21hofstirring,dimethyl2,6-dibromoheptanedioate(100µL,460 µmol)wasaddedagain. Thesuspensionwas stirredfor45min andpouredintowater(100µL).Ayellowoilprecipitatedwhich was isolated and washed with water (2×100mL) and methanol (2×100mL). The product (665mg, 67%)wasdriedundervacuumfor2d. SeesynthesisofB–EforNMRspectroscopicdata. 2.4. SynthesisofPolytrithiocarbonatesB–E Inthesynthesis ofthepolytrithiocarbonatesB–Ewithhigherdegrees ofpolymerization(seeFigure 2 and Table 1), thetrithiocarbonate ions weregenerated atthe surface of an anion exchange resin[40,41]. Atypicalprocedure isreportedhere. Dry AMBERSEP(cid:13)R 900 OH (13g,46mmolOH−)was suspended in carbon disulfide (65mL). The surface of the resin beads turned dark red immediately. Dimethyl 2,6-dibromoheptanedioate(5.00mL,23.0mmol)wasadded. The suspensionwasheatedtoboilingand wasstirredfor65hunderreflux. Thecoloroftheresinbeadsandthesurroundingsolutionturneddark yellow overtime. The reactionmixturewas cooledtoroomtemperature, pouredina frittedfunneland rinsed subsequently first with carbon disulfide (300mL) and then with THF (300mL). Both obtained fractionswereconcentratedundervacuum,washedwithwater(3×200mL)andmethanol(3×150mL) and dried under high vacuum and were thus obtained as yellowish-orange oils, whereas the fraction Polymers2011,3 724 obtained from rinsing with carbon disulfide (1.55g, 23%) was less viscous and paler in color than the THFfraction(771mg,11%). 1H-NMR(300MHz,CDCl ): δ =1.40–1.70(m,CH –CH –CH ),1.85–2.14(m,CH –CH –CH ), 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3.75 (s, COOCH ), 4.14–4.24 (m, CH–Br), 4.59–4.79 (m, CH–S) ppm. 13C-NMR (75.58 MHz, 3 CDCl ): δ = 22.1 (CH –CH –CH ), 30.5 (CH–CS ), 44.8 (CH–Br), 53.0 (COO–CH , CH–SCS ), 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 170.4(COO–CH ),219.2(S–CS–S)ppm. 3 2.5. Polymerizations1–9andI–VI Polymerizations1–6ofstyreneand7–9ofBAwiththepreparedpolytrithiocarbonatesasRAFTagents werecarriedoutinbulkat60◦CandambientpressureusingAIBNasinitiator. PolymerizationsI–VIof butylacrylatewiththepreparedmultiblockstyrene-homopolymerswerecarriedoutinsolutionoftoluene underthesameconditions. SeeTables2–4fortheindividualconditions. Theindicatedconcentrations oftheRAFTagentsarereferredtothemolarmasseswhichweremeasuredbymeansofSECandtothe numberofmolecules,ratherthanthenumberoftrithiocarbonategroups. Allpolymerizationmixtureswerethoroughlydegassedviathreefreeze–pump–thawcyclesandthen evenlyportionedintothreetofivecappedglassvialsinanargon-filledglove-boxwhichweretheninserted into a heating block. The reactions were stopped by cooling the vials in ice water after distinct time periodsand residualmonomer and solvent(I–VI)were removed byevaporation. Monomerto polymer conversionwasdeterminedbygravimetry. 2.6. CleavageofthePolymers Aminolysiswithoutfurthertreatment Themultiblockpolymer(10mg)wasdissolvedinTHF(3mL)andn-butylamine(1.0mL,10mmol) wasadded. Themixturewasshakenfor1datroomtemperature. Afterdrying,colorlesspolymerswere obtained. AminolysiswithMichaeladditionsealing Atypical procedureis described[42]. Themultiblock polymer(10mg)and averysmall amountof tris(2-carboxyethyl) phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP·HCl) were dissolved in THF (6mL) and n-butyl amine(0.20mL,2.0mmol)wasadded. Thesolutionwasshakenfor36handBA(0.2mL,1.4mmol)was added. Afteranother24h,thecolorlesspolymerswereprecipitatedbyadditionofmethanolanddried. 3. Results 3.1. PreparationofthePolyfunctionalRAFTAgents The general structure of the polyfunctional RAFT agents that were used in this study is depicted in Figure 1. It is comparable to the one used by You et al. but contains one methylene group less per unit. Thesepolytrithiocarbonatesweregenerallypreparedbythepolycondensationreactionofdimethyl 2,6-dibromoheptanedioateandtrithiocarbonateanions. Twodifferentstrategieswerefollowedtoproduce Polymers2011,3 725 thetrithiocarbonate anionsviathe reaction ofcarbondisulfide withabase: The firstone(procedure 1) involvestheproductionofthetrithiocarbonateanionswithcesiumcarbonateasthebase[39]. However, it could only be successfully employed to prepare polyfunctional RAFT agents of very low degree of polymerizationatroomtemperature. Atelevatedtemperaturesorlongerreactiontimes,aside-product wasformed,presumablybecauseofthereactionofthedibromide’sestergroups[43]. Thesecondstrategy (procedure 2) was based on the formation of the trithiocarbonate anions on the surface of an anion exchangeresin. Youetal. publishedasynthesisforpolytrithiocarbonatesusingachlorideionexchange resin [40] and it can be assumed that they used the products for their above mentioned study. Here, a hydroxy-functionalized exchange resin was employed directly [41], whose capacity was measured by titrationwithhydrochloricacidpriortouseinordertobeabletoaddthestoichiometricallyexactamount of hydroxide ions to the system. The fact that the solubility of the produced trithiocarbonates in carbon disulfide decreased with increasing chain length enabled the possibility of fractionating them directly withinthework-upofthereactionbyfirstwashingtheresinwithcarbondisulfideandthenwithTHF. Figure1. GeneralstructureoftheemployedRAFTagents. ThepreparedtrithiocarbonateswereexaminedbymeansofSEC.Thetheoreticallyexpectedpositions of theindividuallowmolar masspeaks inthe SECcurvesof thepolytrithiocarbonates, which correlateto theindividualdegreesofpolymerization,canberationalizedonthebasisoftheirgeneralstructurewhich isshowninFigure1: M =gM +2M +(g−1)M n,RAFT TTC EG MG (1) =346.01gmol−1+g·294.42gmol−1. M is the average molar mass of the RAFT agents with an average of g trithiocarbonate groups, n,RAFT M ,M andM arethemolarmassesoftrithiocarbonategroups,endgroupsandmiddlegroups(see TTC EG MG Figure1). Because no appropriate calibration data were available, the SEC curves were measured using the calibration for linear polystyrene. The SEC curve of polyfunctional RAFT agent A (see Table 1), which was synthesized via procedure 1, is shown in Figure 2(a). The numbers in the diagram indicate the positions of the maxima in the number-weighted distribution. The UV detector signal—measured at 310nm, where trithiocarbonates are known to absorb radiation [41]—nicely matches the refractive index(RI)detectorsignal. Thisindicatesthatmoleculeswithhighermassespossessmoretrithiocarbonate groups [44], which is also underlined by the expected structure of almost equidistant peaks. The first Polymers2011,3 726 peak,though,canonlybeseenintheRIsignalwhereforeithastobeassignedtoareactantorabyproduct withouttrithiocarbonategroups. FortheanalysisofallSECcurves,thepeakat387gmol−1 wasthefirst one that was considered. Comparing the positions of the peaks with the expected ones, it can be seen that the measured absolute positions and the distances between the peaks are considerably lower than the theoretical values, most likely due to the non-appropriate calibration. Nevertheless, the measured average molar masses of the prepared RAFT agents were used to calculate their average number of trithiocarbonategroupsaccordingtoEquation(1). Ithastobekeptinmindthatthesevaluesareonlya roughapproximationandprobablytoolow. ForpolytrithiocarbonateAthisyieldsanaveragenumberof g =1.34trithiocarbonategroupsperchain. Figure2(b)showstheSECcurvesofthepolyfunctional GPC,A RAFT agents C and D (see Table 1) that were prepared within the same reaction performed according toprocedure2. CwasobtainedbyrinsingwithCS andDbyrinsingwithTHF.Thesecurvesillustrate 2 that by procedure 2, RAFT agents with higher degree of polymerization could be produced than with procedure1andthatthefractionationofthereactionproductswassuccessful. Again,thegoodagreement oftheRIsignalandtheUVsignaldemonstratesthatmoleculeswithhighermolarmassalsopossessmore trithiocarbonategroups,whichisinlinewiththestructuralexpectations. Generally,SECanalysisgave valuesofg =4.09–5.33forthefractionobtainedbyrinsingwithCS andg =12.0–18.5forthe GPC 2 GPC fractionobtainedbyrinsingwithTHF. Table 1. Overview of polyfunctional RAFT agents that were employed for further polymerizationsinthisstudywithsynthesismethod,averagenumbersofTTCgroupsgand numberaveragemolarmassesM ,determinedviaSECandNMR.Thelastcolumnindicates n thepolymerizationinwhichtheywereemployed(seeTables2and3)and,inparentheses,the copolymerizationforwhichtherespectivepolymerizationproductswereused. polyRAFT synthesis fraction M g ∗ M † g usedfor n,SEC SEC n,NMR NMR A procedure1 — 7.41×102 1.34 (6.40×102) 1‡ 1(→I) B procedure2 CS 1.66×103 4.46 1.55×103 4.09 2(→II),7 2 C procedure2 CS 1.57×103 4.16 1.38×103 3.50 3,4(→III),8 2 D procedure2 THF 5.43×103 17.3 5.03×103 15.9 5(→IV),9 E procedure2 THF 3.87×103 12.0 2.76×103 8.19 6(→V,VI) ∗CalculatedfromM byEquation(1). n,SEC †Calculatedfromg byEquation(2). NMR ‡Avalueunder1wasmeasured,presumablyduetoresiduedibromide. It was already shown by You et al. that the average number of trithiocarbonate groups within the prepared polyfunctional RAFT agents can also be determined by measuring their NMR spectra and calculating the ratio ofthe intensityI at 4.7ppm (protoninα-position toa trithiocarbonategroup) 4.7ppm andtheintensityI at4.2ppm(protoninα-positiontoabromineatom)[40]: 4.2ppm I 4.7ppm g = (2) NMR I 4.2ppm The thus determined value for polytrithiocarbonate A lies under the minimum value of 1, which can possibly be explained by residual dibromide in the sample contributing only to I . This is 4.2ppm Polymers2011,3 727 a considerable factor of inaccuracy of this method when polytrithiocarbonates with low degree of polymerizationareexamined. Ontheotherhand, alsotheexaminationoftrithiocarbonateswitha very high number of trithiocarbonate groups becomes very unprecise because in these cases, it has to be dividedby verysmall valuesofI . Thedetermined averagenumbers oftrithiocarbonategroups for 4.2ppm procedure 2 were g =2.89–4.09 for the CS fraction and g =8.19–15.9 for the THF fraction NMR 2 NMR (seeTable1). TomakesurethatcompleterelaxationofallnucleiwasachievedwithintheNMRmeasurements,one polytrithiocarbonatesamplewasre-measuredwithanadditionalrelaxationdelayof15secondsbetween thepulses. Thismeasurementgaveanidenticalspectrumwhichdemonstratesthatthespectracanindeed beinterpretedquantitatively. Figure2. (a)SECcurve(solidline: RIsignal,dashedline: UVsignal)ofthepolyfunctional RAFT agent A; (b) SEC curves (solid lines: RI signal, dashed lines: UV signal) of the polyfunctionalRAFTagentsC(red,obtainedbyrinsingwithCS )andD(black,obtainedby 2 rinsingwithTHF). 3.2. Polymerizations In order to produce segmented copolymers of styrene and BA, styrene is preferentially used for the first polymerization step, as macromolecular RAFT agents with the better leaving groups are formed. Nevertheless, to gain more insight into the system, three polytrithiocarbonates were also employed in polymerizations with BA. All homopolymerizations were performed in bulk and initiated thermally Polymers2011,3 728 with AIBN as initiator. The resulting polymers were examined by SEC (see Tables 2 and 3) using the calibrationdataforthepurehomopolymerswhichseemreasonablywellapplicablesincetheRAFTagents constituteonlyaminorpartofthefinalpolymer’smainchain. Table 2. BulkpolymerizationsofstyrenewithdifferentpolyfunctionalRAFTagentsat60◦C and ambient pressure using AIBN as initiator. The table lists the individual experimental conditions, the gravimetrically determined monomer conversions of the samples, and the correspondingM andpolydispersityindices(PDI)obtainedbytheRIandtheUVdetector. n RIdetector UVdetector (cid:2) g (cid:3) (cid:2) g (cid:3) timeinh conversion M PDI M PDI n mol n mol 1a 3 0.082 1.34×104 1.39 1.09×104 1.56 1b 6.25 0.151 2.38×104 1.39 2.24×104 1.42 1c 9 0.204 3.20×104 1.42 3.05×104 1.43 1d 24 0.471 5.60×104 1.45 5.19×104 1.56 (RAFTagentA,c =10.5mmolL−1,c =5.4mmolL−1) RAFT AIBN 2a 3 0.068 7.98×103 2.63 5.13×103 3.74 2b 6 0.130 1.86×104 2.46 1.61×104 2.84 2c 9 0.193 3.03×104 2.20 2.93×104 2.29 2d 24.18 0.451 7.10×104 2.01 6.63×104 2.07 (RAFTagentB,c =5.0mmolL−1,c =5.0mmolL−1) RAFT AIBN 3a 5.32 0.123 1.83×104 2.17 1.44×104 2.68 3b 14.22 0.285 4.36×104 1.95 4.03×104 2.07 3c 20.52 0.369 5.40×104 2.00 4.77×104 2.20 (RAFTagentC,c =10.0mmolL−1,c =5.0mmolL−1) RAFT AIBN 4a 4 0.068 6.87×103 2.66 4.99×103 3.36 4b 11 0.183 2.91×104 2.01 2.68×104 2.14 4c 15 0.241 3.98×104 1.93 3.78×104 2.00 4d 19 0.302 4.89×104 1.90 4.70×104 1.95 4e 26 0.397 6.07×104 1.94 5.78×104 1.99 (RAFTagentC,c =10.0mmolL−1,c =4.0mmolL−1) RAFT AIBN 5a 3 0.154 1.38×104 4.34 1.22×104 4.84 5b 6 0.223 2.31×104 3.85 2.10×104 4.15 5c 12.5 0.335 4.51×104 2.98 4.21×104 3.11 5d 22.33 0.489 6.40×104 2.86 5.96×104 3.00 5e 25.75 0.590 7.55×104 2.77 6.19×104 3.30 (RAFTagentD,c =4.0mmolL−1,c =4.4mmolL−1) RAFT AIBN 6a 4 0.078 3.44×103 4.13 3.61×103 3.87 6b 11 0.195 1.16×104 3.95 1.24×104 3.66 6c 15 0.255 2.34×104 2.63 2.27×104 2.69 6d 19 0.321 3.15×104 2.47 3.04×104 2.52 6e 26 0.398 4.13×104 2.43 4.11×104 2.43 (RAFTagentE,c =5.0mmolL−1,c =4.0mmolL−1) RAFT AIBN

Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerization [18,19] is arguably and with every subsequent polymerization step the number of alternating segments of the polymers is Molecular weight distributions were measured by means of SEC using a system composed of a JASCO.
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