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muhammad auaz ahmed chaudhary na-108 PDF

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Preview muhammad auaz ahmed chaudhary na-108

ea_ MUHAMMAD AUAZ AHMED CHAUDHARY NA-108 ANNEX -1.(cid:9) LIST OF FMAILY MEMBERS V ANNE) -2.(cid:9) B.Sc CERTIFICATE ANNEX -3.(cid:9) AGRICULTURIST/BUSINESS/RENTAL INCOME (OCCUPATION) V ANNEX -4.(cid:9) NATIONAL ID CARD V ANNEX -5.(cid:9) NATIONAL TAX NUMBER V ANNEX -6.(cid:9) STATEMENT OF ASSESTS & LIABILITIES FOR YEAR 2012 V ANNEX -7.(cid:9) RETURN OF TOTAL INCOME STATEMENT OF FINAL TAXATION YEAR 2010, 2011, 2-02.- 1,/ ANNEX -8.(cid:9) COPIES OF PASSPORT & DETAIL OF EXPENDITURE STATE V (cid:9) ANNEX -9. AGGRICULTURAL TAX RETURNS 2010, 2011, 2012 &LCKNOWLEGEMENT STATEMENT OF tEHSILDAR MALIKWAL FOR NO OUTSTANDING DUES AN/NEX -10.(cid:9) SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT/ ANNEX -11.(cid:9) PARTY TICKET FEE STATEMENT V ANNEX -12.(cid:9) LILT OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES ANNEX -13. CASH & BANK ACCOUNT/ ANNEX -14.(cid:9) NOC FROM PTCL ALONG WITH COPIES OF PAYMENTS RECEIPT/ ANNEX -15.(cid:9) NOC FROM ELECTRICITY COMPANY ALONG WITH COPIES OF PAYMENT RECEIPT V ANNEX'-16.(cid:9) NOC FROM SU NOTHERN GAS ALONG WITH COPIES OF PAYMEN-PRECEIPT ANNEX -17.(cid:9) PROPERTY TAX PAYMENT RECEIPT— UP TO DATE V ANNEX -18.(cid:9) WATER & ALLIED CHARGES PAYMENT RECEIPT- UP TO DATE' ANNEX -19.(cid:9) BANK ACCOUNT STATEMENT FOR THE PURPUSES OF ELECTION EXPENDITURE V /Kiln(cid:9) Ittlar-11Z-Zanilq Ei 'ReturnIng Other NA-1(cid:9) Mandl Bahauddin /1/6-c. 4/1 Cy1!{."(.•-/ ' 61 ("X (-( (cid:9)(cid:9) • 044 NOMINATION FORM-I (See rule 3) ELELCTION TO TUE GENERAL SEATS Election to the constituency NA /0 13 of *National Assembly/ 144Poil3eiel-Atesentb1y-eff tkifft (Name of the Province) (To be filled in by the proposer) 4.7(cid:9) (1)(cid:9) I Z Lii--Q42 1/iq 3/0 blPeo,itYftiA P 241/.14 d (name of the proposer) i having National Identity Card No S 4`4' 432 — / .6 6 all.1.4) — 4 (cid:9) registered as an elector at o serial number (cid:9) 4 5 (cid:9)in the electoral roll for / 75° 4.)/ 433 (cid:9)electoral area in tt A 414/. 8,414111.41MV.Tehsilfraluka in .1.'719,AN 04 ...8Aii. M 04 fist (cid:9)District/Political Agency do hereby propose the name of ti.v.eolt.1Ap...A14.7 ... 44A144...4.4/.0111i4ghose address is el/A ic /4 rc// /1k4...4 /4 OM L. (cid:9)as a candidate for election to general(cid:9) seat from . c.N• &I A 108 constituency. (2)(cid:9) I hereby certify th?t I have not subscribed to any other nomination paper either as proposer or seconder. D ate .29/ay /.3(cid:9) Sign' tlre of Proposer (To be filled in by the seconder) (1)(cid:9) I wei el/.4-.441 II 4y4.) (cid:9)(name of the seconder) having iNational Identity Card No (cid:9) o2 - 7So 2 —3 registered as an elector at serial number .. 782-(cid:9) in the electoral roll ./Z. 1 -.4:107e' for electoral area in 41.14.60./ $4161.0.0.104 (cid:9) Tehsilaaluka in I District/Political Agency do hereby second the nomination of 'It? H.4, (cid:9)cimmoRMYwhose address is .411/4 If..! .0...7:ER . .t1.4.4MNA 4, (cid:9) as a candidate for election to geperal seat from (cid:9) NA tot, Constituency. (2)(cid:9) I hereby certify that I have not subscribed to any other nomination paper either as proposer or seconder. Date (cid:9) ure of Secopler . Note:(cid:9) Please fill in the Form in capital letters. *Strike off the words not applicable 2 DECLARATION AND OATH BY THE PERSON NOMINATED 1. I, the above mentioned candidate, hereby declare on oath that,— (i)(cid:9) I have consented to the above nomination and that I fulfill the qualifications specified in . Article 62 of the Constitution and I am not subject to any of the dis-qualifications specified in Article 63 of the Constitution or any other law for the time being in force for being elected as a member of the National Assembly/Provincial Assembly. *(ii) I belong to .PAki..0 FA-4 ti Lubin L.e 4u46 (cid:9) and a certificatr from (Name of political party) that political party showing that I am a party candidate from the above said constituency is attached., OR 14°.41e";449"4"1"Itic'al-Partr: 2. I, the above mentioned candidate, solemnly swear that,— **W I believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (Peace be upon him), the last of the prophets and that I am not the follower of any one who claims to be a Prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and that I do not recognize such a claimant to be Prophet or a religious reformer, nor do I belong to the Qadiani group or the Lahori group or call myself an Ahmadi. I will be faithful to the declaration made by the Founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, that Pakistan would be a democratic state based on Islamic principles of social justice. I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the sovereignty and integrity of Pakistan and that I will stAve to preserve the Islamic Ideology which is the basis for the creation of Pakistan. 3. I hereby solemnly declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that,— (i)(cid:9) no loan for an amount of two million rupees or more obtained from any bank, financial institution, cooperative society or corporate body in my own name or in the name of my . spouse or any of my dependents, or any business concern mainly owned by me or the aforesaid, stands unpaid for more than one year from the due date, or has got such loan written off; and c Ala cs'.strIct I, my spouse or any of my dependents or a business concern mainly owned by niediatiltevi.:.',t,,onin aforesaid, is not in default in payment of government dues or utility charges, including(cid:9) - • ?„9,.. telephone, electricity, gas and water charges of an amount in excess of ten thousand rupees, 141--'' for over six months, at the time of filing of nomination paper. Note: *Strike off the words not applicable. **For Muslim candidates only. • 4 11. The statement of assets and liabilities of my own, spouse (s), dependents as on 30th June, :20/ is enclosed.(cid:9) Seg A•tAles - 12. The income tax paid by me durihg the last three years is given hereunder:- Total Income **Source of Income Tax Year Total Income Tax Paid 7 ..?../ .5 5 ofteort cm-rt./go) t_. 5 20/0 8/6 4-'2E/474L 17, 2s., 1410 AERneuLrele4e. 24 it 7 7 roc 4 )2(.14 rats. 17, 8 1 , 24-0 A402/ CAA.,:eliteki. 4-2iNr4-1... 20iz 77,500 Sik A AINEX 7 de AAINgs - 6 Note I: Attach copies of income tax returns of the years mentioned above. **If more than one sources of income, attach detail. 13. How many times traveled abroad during last three years and cost incurred thereon. (Attach copy of the passport and detail of expenditure). SEE(cid:9) piNE >L - 8 14. The agricultural income tax paid by me during the last three years is given below: - Sce .9,/,/ex q Tax Year Land Holding Agricultural Total Agricultural Income Income Tax Paid R 0 Iv 31 Acizes 41, 3S, a Go 442, 7 SO .:o 1 t 3! A CO2 ES 5,2‘, /5,42 52.)37/ 2a/2 3 r A- coLS 5, Ti 1 24-0 6v,"2131" Note II: Attach copies of agricultural tax returns of the last three years mentioned above. 15. If you have been elected Member of National Assembly/Provincial Assembly what according to you was the single most important contribution you have made for the benefit of your constituency cattach detail, if any).(cid:9) SEE. AftlnleK - 16. Whether you have paid any sum by way of contribution or otherwise to the political party which has awarded you party ticket for this election, and if so how much (attach detail, if any). S'ee, 4•4"1eX - II 17. Whether you have received any sum from the party which has awarded you ticket, if so how much (attach detail, if any).(cid:9) N/A Note III:1 hereby solemnly affirm that the information given at serial No. 13, 15, 16 ant 17 is true and correct and nothing has been 'concealed. 18. I hereby assure that I shall abide by the Code of Conduct issued by the Election Commission.(cid:9) WAN) - nANI t Sessions Judge! Ileturn nti Officer ZZ/1 NA-108IPP-116 + 11? za3(cid:9) Mandi Sahauddin Date. (cid:9) Signs(cid:9) to(cid:9) •-*Strike o ff the words not applicable • (cid:9)(cid:9) 3 4.(cid:9) I, hereby solemnly affirm that,— (i) The list containing the names of my spouse(s) and dependents is correct and no name has been left out. (List attached) S'e.4 A" IN - (ii) Neither I nor my spouse(s) nor any of my dependents mainly owns any company except the following: /. (cid:9) (PY1) LTD(cid:9) PACT Uc.,/,yEASH/P 2. /<ut-./A/T/ PAX/STA/41 /..17ERAIAT /6/JAL. CO. X. en-IN(cid:9) - 49% SHAR.E Explanation.— For the purpose of these declarations, the expression— (i) "loan" shall mean any loan, advance, credit or finance obtained or written off on or after the 31st day of December, 1985, but shall not include the loan the recovery of which has been stayed or suspended by any order of a court or tribunal, including the High Court and the Supreme Court; (ii) "mainly owned" shall mean holding or controlling a majority interest in a business concern; (iii) "taxes" include all taxes levied by Federal Government, Provincial Government or a Local Government, but shall not include taxes the recovery of which has been stayed or suspended by any order of a court or tribunal; (iv) "government dues and utility charges" shall, inter alia, include rent, charges of rest houses or lodges owned by the Federal Government, Provincial Governments, local governments or corporations, established or controlled by such governments, but shall not include the government dues and utilities charges the recovery of which has been stayed or suspended by any order of a court or tribunal. 5.(cid:9) I, the above mentioned candidate hereby declare on oath that,— (i) I have opened Account No. 200g 6o 66 72 with (cid:9) eAis/K 1-1 8 tom/ e24:444-1 (Name and Branch of scheduled bank) and have deposited therein an amount of Rs. /0 03 0 ((cid:9)amount in words) o Nie 1.4/ u../u7s/ rm 4a c(cid:9) Zolor the purpose of election expenses. (ii) I shall make all election expenditures out of the money deposited in the aforesaid account. (iii) I shall not make any transaction towards the election expenses through an account other than thg above account. *6. I hereby declare on oath that no case of criminal offences was pending against me, six months prior to filing of this nomination. • OR months-pcior.40-filing-of4his-nominatioa: (cid:9) Number of case Name of the Court t:)t.,17-‘,:2-:::::‘:..„5:45,:1-',,,..>,;"<% 7.(cid:9) My educational qualification is l:C"Itie(cid:9) IP • (Y;* • o' 8. My present occupation is A* 4 .2, saLra e lc r / z.sul 1 N 6S 5 /Ze.J7/1t. IA/ HE Attested ctee‘s da g 3 9. My National Identity Card No. is (cid:9) 6 /1 o / - syl 4 .S LI- 'I 77 (cid:9) to be annexed s•e 6 A4,46x q • 10. My National Tax Numbr, if any is 34'0 419 c>7 - 0 (cid:9) .56-6 Ad'/&A g • 1 6 ASSETS Cost of Assets Remarks 7. Assets brou2ht out of . S-1 ":: remittance from abroad* i / 1 8. Investments (i) Stock and Shares (ii) Debentures (iii) National Investment (Unit) Trust (iv) ICP Certificates (v) National Savings Schemes - Defence Savings Certificate - Special Savings Certificate , I - Regular Income Certificate (vi) Unsecured loans (vii) Mortgages (viii) Any other(cid:9) 1 9. (Motor Vehicles ** Make Model(cid:9) Reg. No. 1/,(0,000 (i)su...zgai.(cid:9) ogq (cid:9) .2.2) r gaffe i (ii) ra yom(cid:9) 2oll IcTNIV (cid:9) 106 16,20;040 COROLLA 10. Jewellery. etc, (i) Weight coo 2c,(cid:9) re2(..A(cid:9) (boaearY(cid:9) tool) 2,60, 0 oo t (ii) Description(cid:9) 1%1 Ea< LAS (cid:9) &A-02 12,014 x (cid:9) ETC . 11. Cash and Bank Accounts* (i) Cash in hand(cid:9) S cE. A TrA Cki CO D CrA. /1.4. ifir,14/44-0 Ai 4,,,,„x a (ii) Cash at Bank Account No. Bank & Brainch Current ' Deposit I Savings Other Deposits i 12. Furniture. Fittings & articles of 400000 o personal use(cid:9) i 13. Assets transferred to any person- t/ 64./E (i) Without adequate consideration, or 1 (ii) by revocable transfer I i 14. Any other assets(cid:9) xidiJa 15. Cost of total assets 14+141( di 40 / Sr) 21;11,4-2,0/ 16. Foreign passport if any Alo4E (i) No. of passport (ii) Name of country (s) *Details to be annexed. **Use extra sheets if necessary. f.74.m AcieltioIn arl(cid:9) scions Judge; Ot ficer NA-1 3IPP-116 + 117 r•,":2;tdi Bahauddin 5 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES I 1.-.1.0.HAMH.6,4 AITAiz RftA 0...C:!+.1lAi.P.01.6 4.11 a candidate for election to general seat from constituency No (cid:9) NA /O$ (cid:9)., hereby declare on solemn affirmation that no immovable and moveable property, including bonds, shares, certificates, securities, insurance policies and jewellery, other than specified herein below, is held by me, my spouse(s) and dependents on the 30th day of June, (cid:9) .20a (cid:9) ASSETS ASSETS Cost of Assets Remarks 1. NET ASSETS AS ON 30TH JUNE OF CURRENT 21, cp, S2, S91 1 FINANCIAL YEAR 2. NET ASSETS AS ON 30111 JUNE(cid:9) OF PREVIOUS i(cid:9) , q9, 9 6. . 11 '5.- I FINANCIAL YEAR 4 (cid:9) 1 3. INCREASE/DECREASE 11-21 — ( 8, 43, S24) I 4. IMMOVABLE PROPERTY Open plots, houses, apartments, commercial t_iS 7••(cid:9) Ati-77:4 GI-1E-6 buildings, under construction properties, agricultural AS(cid:9) A.4A1611-12. Property, etc. (attach location, description, built up area and present market value of the hou'se/apartment in which you are presently living). (a) Held within Pakistan* (i) (ii) (ii) (b) Held outside Pakistan* I (i) (ii) 5. MOVABLE ASSETS II (a) Business capital within Pakistal • 6"00000 (i) Name of business(cid:9) STM (PVT)(cid:9) L.470 (ii) Capital amount (b) Business capital outside Pakistan(cid:9) , (i) Name of business AutiAm PAK/ so, Ail (cid:9) idrea..1,47,7f.c. (ii) Capital amount (cid:9) us -# D0215 6. Assets brought or remitted from outside Pakistan*(cid:9) N /A (i) Bank drafts/Rellittances (ii) Machinery (iii) Other *Details to be annexed 4 7 LIABILITIES LIABILITIES Amount Remarks (i) Mortgages secured on Property or land (ii) Unsecured Loans owing (iii) Bank Overdraft (iv) Bank Loans (v) Amounts due under Hire Purchase Agreement 1 (vi) House Building Loans (vii) Advances from Provident Funds etc. I 4 (viii) Other debts due* (ix) Liabilities iu the names of minor children (in respect of assets standing in their names) (x) Personal expenditure ' Total expenditure (i) + (x) Increase/Decrease i 1 4 . *Details to be annexed. VERIFICATION I, t.11-1 H A SI PI Cr) /1-1-TAZ. Alf,"2 (cid:9) ed-14-Le4V-i. 4.,CY(cid:9) S/o, W/o, DM Q16.R.P.ktag.Y.../inZi...6.Wtt.C.O... do hereby solemnly declare that the above statement of the assets 2 and liabilities of myself, my spouse(s), dependents as on 30th June, is correct and complete and nothing has been concealed. STATEMENT ON OATH Mr/MsAlfs.(cid:9) A-i74(cid:9) NARY (cid:9) S/o,(cid:9) Biro Cditc<AHARY.... state on oath that I have not ceased to be a citizen of Pakistan nor have I acquired or applied for the citizenship of a foreign state. • k 8 • NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATES (a) I, mr846.4.414..ttfutAnti.d.4....6a4Z,...ald.:14A....C?.tetMektitgY (cid:9) vfter HI& nkflaelg.Y....tteill...44Mdf.*. state that It have no objection if information concerning myself in relation to acquisition of citizenship of foreign State or application of such citizenship is provided by any foreign state to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Pakistan or Election Commission cif Pakistan. (b) I, . Mr/P4a1MrstAe. (.0 41,140 A /vA 2 4-/f^-f e.0 fAih °P(cid:9), sto, W/o, 9/o &4.?..:?!.0.Y...htd:T/...3-.H.W7). state that failure to give detail regarding any item of this Form shall render my nomination to contest election invalid or if any information given here in above are found incorrect at any time my election shall stpd void ab initio. J.r";"t tris.14VIC(cid:9) LAff. . 3.1.1 I (cid:9) I 1./.. ,(711)1t1.1 (cid:9) Date (cid:9) 24/3/ 2--0/,3 Signature oae ddate (To be filled in by the Returning Officer) Serial Number of nomination paper .9 This nomination paper (cid:9)was delivered to me at my office at (cid:9) // • Co 4P-4 a- on .... — by 4voLool le-4(1.arl .514, 144 (date) (person) (cid:9) Date Retumi (Decision of Returning Officer accepting or rejecting the nomination paper on the day fi r scrutiny) I have examined this nomination paper in accordance with the provisions of section 14 of the Representation of the People Act, 1976 and decide as Allows:- (cid:9) • (cid:9) tai tbou e 4g/70-4. iegag at a ek!e (cid:9) e.--vv v 0 (In case of rejection, state brief reasons) Date (cid:9) / 3 tf . •7 1..A,r-A judge/ :cor 117 • :--Mauddiri

the electoral roll ./Z .1-.4:107e' for electoral area in 41.14.60./ $4161.0.0.104. Tehsilaaluka in. I. District/Political Agency do hereby second the nomination of. 'It? H.4, cimmoRMYwhose address is .411/4 If..! .07:ER t1.4.4MNA 4, as a candidate for election to geperal seat from.
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