THE DESTRUCTION OF ISLAM IS THE DESTRUCTION OF MUHAMMAD AKA ALLAH HIGHLIGHTS FROM BOOK (To page 3) ALLAH AKA MUHAMMAD; THE PERSONIFICATION OF EVIL: ISLAM IS THE PERFECTION OF PURE EVIL THE CRIMES OF pROPHET MUHAMMAD (page 97) JESUS VERSUS MUHAMMAD (page417) It’s Ronald Reagan Time (598) FOR ISLAM TO BE THE TRUTH BOTH ALLAH (AKA MUHAMMAD) AND MUHAMMAD (AKA ALLAH) MUST BE MORAL PERFECTION. THE QURAN, HADITHS AND SHARIA LAW MUST ALL BE MORAL PERFECTION. THE DESTRUCTION OF ISLAM WITH JUST ONE IMMORAL QURANIC WORD OR ONE EVIL HADITH OR JUST ONE EVIL TEACHING OF SHARIA LAW. THE EQUALITY OF WOMEN WITH MEN IS THE VERY ESSENCE OF A GOD OF MORAL PERFECTION. JUST ONE QURANIC WORD OR HADITH OR SHARIA LAW TEACHING OF INEQUALITY OF WOMEN WITH MEN AND ALL ISLAM IS FRAUDULENT AND EVIL. READ WHY ISLAM IS AN OBSCENITY AGAINST GOD - A TOTAL RENUNCIATION OF GOD. THE GREATEST CRIME AND SIN EVER COMMITTED BY MAN AGAINST GOD. READ WHY ALLAH IS NOT GOD BUT A FRAUDULENT CREATION OF A PSYCHOTIC KILLER - MUHAMMAD . READ: God is not a criminal. God is not a male chauvinist pig. If God killed or ordered the killing of just one human being or any other creature throughout the entire universe or committed any criminal act then God would no longer be Moral Perfection and therefore no longer God. GOD WOULD NOT EXIST. God cannot have as His prophet a criminal otherwise God is an accomplice in ALL crimes committed by His prophet and no longer Moral Perfection but a monster. (97 to 131). Naming your child Muhammad: Teaching Islam to Children is Child Abuse. (389). 0 THERE IS NO ISLAM WITH A HUMAN FACE THIRD WORLD WAR: ISLAM VERSUS HUMANITY. THERE CAN BE NO HUMANITY WITHOUT DEMOCRACY: ISLAM IS THE DEATH KNELL OF DEMOCRACY AND HUMANITY. pROPHET MUHAMMAD: A MONSTER OF HISTORY WITH NO HUMAN FACE: child molester, child rapist, child beheader, serial rapist, sex slaver, slaver, mass murderer, terrorist, torturer, burnt families alive, stoned mother to death in front of her newborn baby (134) tortured captives for booty. Molested his wife - six-year-old Baby Aisha. One of Baby Aisha’s wifely duties was to clean semen stains from the prophet’s clothes. Muhammad was an animal – a pig - who would take a bath with Baby Aisha and thigh with Baby Aisha fondling her 6 year old vagina and taking his penis and rubbing it up and down this poor child’s 6 year old thighs until he ejaculated onto her 6 year old leg. Being a man of mercy he did not penetrate Baby Aisha until she was nine, ramming his penis into her vagina ripping Baby Aisha’s insides apart. He sexually molested and raped her for another 9 years. Advocated sex with baby girls by creating Quran 65:4. (Crimes of this Perfection of Evil listed on page 97) Read:THE TRAVESTY OF THE ORLANDO GAY MASSACRE. It is not evil to be Gay/Transsexual. It is evil to kill Gays/Transsexuals. (57) What Multiculturalism and Freedom of Religion Means to Muslims (21) Muslim Daily Prayers Are Treason (521) All Muslims are Guilty of Treason 47 HUMAN SACRICICE: What makes Islam And Muslim Men So disgustingly evil. (131) 53 Reasons Muslims Can kill (325) ISLAM IS THE MOST RACIST IDEOLOGY EVER CREATED BY MAN (pROPHET MUHAMMAD AKA ALLAH) (311) HATE FREE SOCIETY: ISLAM IS 1 HATE CRIMES (517 )THE NEW ENLIGHTENMENT (542) War For Women: 28th Amendment (589) Evil is like dark matter… The End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End For Western Civilization. WE MUST REJECT ISLAM WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION JUST AS OUR FATHERS REJECTED HITLER AND NAZISM WITHOUT EQUIVOCATION. NOTHING LESS THAN THEN THE SURVIVAL OF OUR FREE SOCIETY AND OUR SURVIVAL AS A SPECIES ARE AT STAKE. ( 600) Central to this book is the Greatest Declaration in history – THE DECLARATION OF A GOD OF MORAL PERFECTION. 2017 - THE YEAR DONALD TRUMP WILL DESTROY ISLAM OR BE DESTROYED BY IT READ THE STORIES OF THESE POOR MURDERED YOUNG GIRLS. READ WHY ONLY MONSTERS CAN BELIEVE THAT THIS MONSTER - MUHAMMAD WAS A PROPHET OF GOD. Repeating this absolute truth: The equality of women with men is the very essence of a God of Moral Perfection. Just one word 2 or teaching of the inequality of women with men and ALL Islam is fraudulent. (pages 220, 229, 239) The equality of all human beings living in freedom and democracy is the very essence of a God of Moral Perfection. For the Moral Perfection of God read pages 69 thru 75. Quoting partially” For the quran to be from God there can be no words of extermination, war, murder, mass murder, killing, death and destruction, violence, terror, rape, unlimited sex with sex slaves, hate, violent jihad, terrorism, torture, brutality, savagery, maiming, beheading, wife beating, inferiority of women, honor killings, stoning, cutting off limbs, child sex, women as instruments of sexual pleasure in paradise, Sharia law, bigotry, intolerance, extortion, slavery, mutilations, looting, pillaging, sexual depravity, child molestation, oppression and subordination of women, inequality of kafirs, inequality of any human being, that kafirs can be murdered and their property stolen as a holy duty, that Muslims who renounce Islam can be killed, that Muslims (or anyone) who challenge the teachings of Islam can be murdered, that believers who slay and are slain in the service of God will ascend to a sexual Paradise of lustrous eyed, voluptuous breasted virgins who they can sexually molest for all eternity.” THE NEW REFORMED ISLAM: 622 THE GREATEST HISTORICAL YEAR IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND. In 622 AD Muhammad Self Radicalized becoming the first Muslim to Self Radicalize and launched the greatest religious reformation in history – the Reformation of Islam. All Muslims today follow Reformed Islam. (page 102) WHEN YOU BELONG TO AN EVIL IDEOLOGY - ISLAM - YOU ARE AS EVIL AS THAT IDEALOGY WHETHER YOU PERSONALLY COMMIT ACTS OF EVIL IN THE NAME OF THE IDEOLOGY OR NOT. INDEED YOU ARE AS EVIL IF NOT MORE EVILER THAN THE PEOPLE COMMITTING THESE HORRENDOUS ACTS OF EVIL. THEY ALSO SERVE WHO ONLY STAND AND WATCH. We can state without Equivocation that: THERE ARE NO GOOD WHITE SUPREMACISTS/ SKIN HEADS/KKK/ARYAN BROTHERHOOD (AB) THERE WERE NO GOOD NAZIS/SS/GESTAPO THERE ARE NO GOOD NEO - NAZIS THERE ARE NO GOOD FASCISTS THERE ARE NO GOOD COMMUNISTS THERE ARE NO GOOD MUSLIM MEN THERE IS NO ISLAM WITH A HUMAN FACE THE MESSAGE OF THIS BOOK IS DESTROY THE QURAN OR BE DESTROYED BY IT. 3 MURDERING A QURAN ACID BURN A MUSLIM WOMAN OR MURDER CHRISTIANS, HINDUS, BUDDHISTS AND THERE ARE NO PROTESTS. BURN A QURAN AND THERE ARE VIOLENT PROTESTS WITH MANY DEATHS Killing prophet Muhammad Murders the Quran with the Fire of Truth The Destruction of Islam with just one immoral /evil Quranic Word/Hadith or Teaching of Sharia Law. We start this book with the following Fundamental Truth Declaration and re-quoted throughout: For Islam to be true, both Muhammad and his supposed God must be of Moral Perfection as conceived by the human conscience. Murdering a Quran is a capital offense in Islam. In our society, murdering a Quran is now worse then murdering human beings. At 4 both the Republican and Democratic conventions NOT ONE candidate rose up and condemned the carnage against Christians that is sweeping the Middle East. NOT ONE. This is the moral depravity we have shrunk to as a people. We have lost our souls - our will to be a free people. While I do not support the burning of any book, even one as evil as the Quran - there is a great moral difference between burning pages and murdering human beings. The burning of a book, any book, is not worthy of any importance, but the burning/beheading/killing of a person, any person, is evil and grotesque. The movie " Innocence of Muslims", and the Danish cartoons of Muhammad, all led to hundreds of people being murdered, countless people beaten, and property destroyed. A book is nothing more then a mass of wood chips that are processed at a paper mill into pulp - a mushy, watery solution.and then turned into paper. A book has no nerve cells, feels no pain and has no brain to control senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. - senses that can induce fear and horrendous pain.) When a book is burnt flames obliterate the pages turning them into ashes. Cam you imagine the sheer, raw pain a woman feels when acid is thrown into her face dissolving the skin and flesh to the bone? Can you imagine burning Christians in their churches - the pain and suffering of being burnt alive? Look at the following picture of a murdered Christian and a Muslim women – Fakhra (page 3) with no face. You tell me how 1.6 billion people can believe in this evil - Islam that treats the burning of a book with murderous, mindless, outrage but praises mass murder and torture as holy, divine acts ordered by God. To utilize Quranic teachings to justify terrorizing, torturing, incinerating, murdering humans is a crime - the ultimate blasphemy against God. 5 MURDERING CHRISTIANS 100 million Christians are being viciously persecuted in Muslim lands. Young Christian girls are being abducted in Eqypt, raped and forced to become and marry Muslims. Christians churches are being bombed with many deaths. Where is the outrage against this genocide? Where are the millions marching in the street protesting this mass murder? As you will read - Islam is an ideology of hate. Islamic terrorism is of a ritualistic nature evidenced by Quran 47:4, 33:61, 8:12-15, 7:4 to mention just a few of thousands of teachings. The dead kafirs and their blood are human sacrifices: ritual offerings to Allah...To quote the eminent Islamic theologian Abu Hamza al-Masri "There is no liquid loved by Allah more than the liquid of blood" "Whether you do it by the lamb, or you do it by a Serb, you do it by a Jew, you do it by any enemies of Allah," he said. That drop of blood "is very dear." The moral depravity of Islam is on display. A burning Quran is more important than the millions been brutalized and murdered by Islam. By our refusing to come to the aid of these oppressed - the moral depravity of our society is on display. 6 2017 - THE YEAR DONALD TRUMP WILL DESTROY ISLAM OR BE DESTROYED BY IT 2016 ANOTHER DISASTEROUS YEAR FOR HUMANITY EXCEPT FOR THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP: THE NEW CHARLEMAGNE BERLIN XMAS MASSACRE amri-heard-plotting-suicide-attack-by-german-spies-months-before- market-attack/ Merkel's Islamic Monsters Have Come To Destroy The disaster that Merkel has unleashed on the EU by inviting these monsters to invade that lead to the Brussels/Nice mass murders has finally come to Germany. 2016 started for Germany with the New Years Eve mass raping of 1500 German women by 2,000 Muslim men, then an Afghan with an axe attacked train passengers in Heidingsfeld, a Syrian murdered a pregnant woman with a machete in Reutlingen, another Syrian detonated a suicide bomb at a music festival in Ansbach, a Palestinian attempted to decapitate a surgeon in Troisdorf. This disaster is detailed in “When The Muslic died” (page 26). All these massacres listed on page 25. We are again being subjected to the Self-radicalization/Lone Wolf nonsense, which this book will destroy. A German politician tried to cover-up this massacre: Facebook-comments-catching-terrorist-German-politician-faces- resignation-calls-preventing-police-sharing-image-Berlin-truck- killer.html#ixzz4TgU4iXng and the Associated Press article 7 suspect-sought-better-life-in-europe.html?refresh=true that stated that this monster was really a wonderful, lovable person who came to Europe for a better life and became radicalized - the inference being by racist, Islamophobic Europeans and therefore murdered these horrid creatures enmass. We have already moved on from this massacre just as we did from the Orlando gay massacre, Brussels, Nice Massacres, San Bernardino Xmas massacre, Barcelona carnage. But for the families involved there is no moving on. Can you imagine having a loved one murdered at Xmas condemning your family to face this horrendous inhuman event all your live until the day you die? What is not being reported is the daily disaster Germans are living. You can no longer travel by train, buses in here. Going thru train stations is dangerous. Business men, old age pensioners, women are attacked every day traveling into the city to shop or work. Women are being raped enmass every day. Judges are blaming the women for not dressing properly or being out too late etc. Every day in Germany, 780 Muslim lone wolves go on Jihad terrorizing 780 Germans. This means that so far this year over 280,000 lone wolves of the Islamic Wolf Pack have Jihad attacked their 280,000 German prey. Germans are afraid to speak about the ripping apart of their country. The 2017 fall German election will be decisive either surrendering to Islam or a national revolt aka Trump. 2017 THE YEAR TRUMP WILL DESTROY pROPHET MUHAMMAD/ISLAM OR BE DESTROYED HIM WINSTON CHURCHILL/RONALD REAGAN MOMENT OF HISTORY We are at a Churchillian moment in history when only Churchill stood against Hitler and the Nazis. The Destruction of Islam means the Destruction of Muhammad. This means exposing Muhammad for the psychotic monster of history he was and is. Child molester, rapist, mass murderer, slaver etc etc. 8 THE BOOK “KILLING pROPHET MUHAMMAD” DESTROYS THIS MONSTER. A COPY OF THIS BOOK WAS SENT TO TRUMP AND HIS ADVISORS along with many articles posted at There is no easy way. Just as Churchill attacked Hitler and the Nazi ideology so to Trump must attack Muhammad and Islam. Not hide behind Radical Islam or Islamism but destroy Islam. Just as Reagan declared “You Are Not Us. We are not You” - a declaration that destroyed the Soviet Union (page 598) so to President Trump must declare that Muhammad was a psychotic killer and no prophet. The destruction of Muhammad is not even a challenge. The destruction of Islam can be achieved by the liberation and equality of Muslim women. This is at 28th Constitutional Amendment (page 589 to 597) and The extreme vetting of Muslims is simple: ARE YOU A MUSLIM. In short the complete ban on Muslims from entering USA. The declaration that Islam is not a religion but a political-military ideology and therefore ban ALL Muslim holidays, Sharia Law, so called praying on the job, companies being sued by Muslims. In short, the declaration that Islam is not a part of our philosophical, intellectual, democratic framework formed by and since the New Enlightenment. The total and complete Ostracization of Islam from ALL Humanity. (Page 542 - 589.) There is no doubt that General Mathis, Trump see a danger from Islam but I fear they think that there are 2 Islams: the good Islam and the evil corrupted misunderstood Islam of ISIS. As you will read ALL ISLAM IS EVIL. Without the destruction of Muhammad, in a national TV event listing his crimes and declaring that he was no prophet of any God and demanding Muslims abandon Islam and immediately implement the equality of non Muslims, freedom and equality for Muslim women in all 57 Islamic countries then his presidency will fail. Jake Neuman [email protected] 9