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Preview MUFON New Jersey Chronicle Vol 04 No 02 1994 04 06

STATE FOR THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, INC. - VOLUME 4 NUMBER 2 APRIL- MAY- JUNE 1994 �--�---... �-::::.:��-:.: . -.... ...: ....... . . �-�:=·'·:::·::···: :·:::·:··::····.: ..· ·. . ...·.. .. UFO SIGHTED IN SOUTH BOUND BROOK. NEVV JERSEY. INVESTIGATOR'S BUNGLE CASE• •••• STORY ON PAGE 3 � FROm THE EDITOR'S DESK t IN THIS ISSUE Much has transpired since our last Issue ...../8 lvs had their special on UFO's and was surprisingly· lri>iased . .and a new TV series Encotde/3' started i'l From the Editor's Desk . . . . Page 2 .... ..................................... May (Friday night on the Fox Network) has taken off Post-Mortem of An Investigation Gone Bad Yttlere � left olf (before they were ca'lCeled last by Susan V81l Slooten .. Page 3 •• ._ ........ .... year) and is professionally done and well worth Allen Implants and Nanotechnology watching. ...a nd for all those out there that like a little by Erich A. Aggen, j, ................. Page 4 <i"Ml& i'l thei" lves. .....lhe % Fies has been renewed for Operallon Right to Know AI The Pentagon the fal .. �er stNYed l's nrt il wlh the Shoemake-r by Tom Benson. ...................... Page 6 111 Levy 9 comet fragments .......t he Roswell movie is just Investigative Reports . . Page 7 ........................................... one week 8M1f from ai'ilg on � (� 31st) ........ . The Information Network . . . . . Page 8 .................................. m �er 47 yen il the makilg the (iwistie) GNJ L.ellers to tile Eclorl .. .. . . Page 8 .. .......... ............................... ilqliy corfuJes to �ag on 0 guess thai ater 47 yen UFOS: A British View . it's a start ...h as H finlshed? ... well let's keep H a by flick f\edern .. .... . P8ge 9 ..... ........ ....... secret) Now to this lssue ... Our lead story Post­ Upcoming UFO Conferences . Page 1 0 ... .......................... Mortem of 811 lnvesl/g61/on Gone 81d by Susan National Sighting Research Center Update VBil Sloenot Is a roost read O'm hopilg thai ltis atic1e The Year In Review generales some letters to the Edlor as wei as the nexl by Pu Fernqd ..............P age 11 article) Alien l//lp/811/s 811d N611olechnolon by An Inside View ..•••• Erich A. Aggen j,, m 1 is a stirdalilg read Tom by Tom Benson . Page 16 , .... ................ Benson stNYed cu fi'st heal WINe of this st.mner to The Book Rack ADen ldenlilies. .. . •. participale and report on ORTK's May demolastr alion 81 REMewed by c.olyn Duce-Ashe Page 17 ........................ the Pentagon .ln lnYesl/g41/ve Reports George A. Implants are Commonplace . . .. Page 18 .• ......................... _ Fler, New JerseYs hi.FON Slale �edor stbnls" the The Ughter· Side of UFOiogy . Page 18 ......................... lalesl Wonnaion on a Newari<, New Jersey slgUlg Bits and Piece's .Nck Redem from Gre8t Briian � us some � Post Meteor Fungus Worries Fanners . Page 19 •... ....... Into UFOS: A Brfllsh Wew Paul Ferrughelll Re­ Thermometer Implant Holds Hope ..... views the 1993 yeiJr il-lotal il his lalest Na6tJni sp'Jf­ For TUIIIOI" � .. .. .Page 19 ................ ... ....................... ing Rese6n:h Center's Upd6/11 ..A tongue-In-cheek Scientists learn How To .. hside new of the 5lh Grea u=o,a Alen and AbdJc- Seleclively Alter Brain Cels . Page 19 ......................... tion Congress by Tom Benson .......... Editor of New Proof Found of Planets Mexico's MUFON newsletter reviews Allen /den/Hies ()ulside Sot. System ......... .... . ... Page 20 . . .. ......... .......... in Oll' IJotJir Raclr coklnn .Jons of nonnalion il cu Harvard Psychiatrist Interviews .. · Bits 1nd Piece's covering implants, alien abductions, Abc:tllclees Page 20 ................................................................ Black holes, the discoYery of piBilets wslde cu sols" UFO Experience - Mystery Meeting . Page 21 ............ system, a llleXplailed meteor fugus i'l CMada, m the Hubble Telescope provides Provides Proof alteration of brain cells by uHrasonics .......... The of Massive Black Hole In '«go Galaxy. ..... Page 22 l/o4IW!I Ot!c/4r61itJn and a elCplanalion on whal I Thai ElCJ)Iair1s I . .. .. Page 22 .............................. ..................... means ... Th11 Lighter S/d11 of 1/FO/ogy. .... L111/en to An Explanation of The Roswell Declaration /he Edlor and more .....I.HI next Issue ........................P age 23 Press Release on Civil Law Sui .................. Page 23 The Roswell Declaratlon . .. Page 24 ................................ Aprl - May - Jooe 1994 EDITOaR Paul M. Makuch• STATED IRECTORG:e orge A. Filer ASSISTANTS TATED IRECTORN:o rthern New Jersey ..S.us.an. VanS looteRnE SEARCH ASSOCIATES:T om BensonP. aulF errugheCtOHN TRIBUTOR:S Erictl A. Aggen.Jr • •To m BensonC.ar olyn Ouce-AsPhauel.F errugheNMli MF. ON �� BobN itz. John F.S chuessltheer .F und for UFO Research1M. Stir Lt!dget; NewarkN.ew JerseNyi.c kR edfernS.u saVnan Sloote1Mn. C�-� BridgewatNeerw. Je rsey1M. llouslrJn Post. Houston. TexasVilnc. o�MN .SUI Canada. FanniWee insteiEnD.I TORIAl INFORMATIONS:u llbleltdt articlebsy variouwritse rs presethnte opiions ofthose ldhors Sid do m necessadj reflect fie � offle dew. staff or metrbeistip ofthe New Jefsey MJuS lFO Network. Stbnisslons n enc.cuaged bi Slbject to eclilg. If deemed neces.ssy hPJ portion ofttis pdllcation lllllV be reprited wlh ad gM!n to lhe ftMillll IIJhor Sid lhe The New Jersey Ororicte. The New Jersey Ctl'onlcle II pidshed qun,rty bJ 1be New JerseMyu tuaUlF O Network.Su bscriptiRoant es$:1 6.00 per year( USA) M.a ke checks/MO to PaulM . Makuch Mailt o:Th e New JerseCyh ronicPl.eO .B ox 1803 North Brunswick.N .J.08902 . Copyright1 994 by the New Jersey MWJal lEO Netwon. The New Jersey t.taB LfO Nebwork Is � from Fedd � Tsc .mer Section ID1 (� offle Wema1 RevenueC ode. 2 raises l's � head, m il ttis case Karen wotid have POST -mDRTEfll OF Rn been perfedly erUied to comp&ail aboU how she was InVESTIGATIOn GDI1E BAD lrealed, and cld. maglne frst a1, runerous people aD cafng you, wning to come to yos holrs, telng ycu By Sue Van Sloenol story over and c:Ner. Then lmagile haWlg Mother wil­ ness, supposedly an abductee, ostensibly acting as a A recen LFO i"NestigSion of a YelY promisilg case t.I.FON ilvestigoral to show you the scars on his chest faDed to thrive, and has oow been declared morlxnd. I of his experience? I happened. I the man was ildeed .is inportan to look no the reasons wtrt this case faied a trainees, trainees accompany an experienced investi­ to be ilvestigedat property, so � il the future, this CM gator to observe ontjf be preverded. I is also ilstrudtve to note that more m more Investigations seem to be handled In an ilappro­ priate manner, thereby obfuscating their relevance and MISSED OPPORTlHTES diminishing ther lllique vakJe to uology. Frst, some speci"ICS abOO the case. The wlness, Karen, now terrified and confused, demanded that whom I shal cal K5en (not her real nsne), apparently we cease the ''i'1vestigSions" no her case. I is 8l'tf viewed a classic grtlf metalc else at very close range, sma1 wonder Yh{! No one shoUd be Sliljected to this, a CE-1. VNl her was her 21 year-old dauglter as wei as especially by supposedly competent people. There her 12 yea--old st�er. Thei" car was also ap­ n fll1her ramlficaJons, however. We severely missed parerily folowed for a short cist5lee by this cisc, amost the boat il a runber of areas. to their home. The dsc had a �ed nerior, viewed through two ''sky�'' Ike windows, and was abed 30 1) A truy unique possl)ly very inportan case has feet in diameter. I was aboU 8:30 pm., on a Wed'les­ been contaminated and compromised. day night. 2) n lgti of recen cases In m arOUld New Jer.tey, I frst was made �are or this case on Monday, where a runber of classic ciscs have been reported, I March 21, 1994, at 8:25 a.m., 'Mlen Karen caledl me to would have been importan to fl ttjs case in, to see I report her sigtUlg. Ten days laer, the case was dead.·· there is indeed M emerging pattern. Here is wha happened: 3) This wrler had intended for a trailee to gq along on this, to gain important experience In Investigation techniques. This lady got an important lesson alright; CHAIN OF COMMANl she has seen llology at Is worst! P� that is one of the most il1>ortant thilgs we al cml le5n at this point The chain of command completely broke down. The usual referral and assignmeri of Investigations was Helpl <M RepljB>n, Md oh, WNd aboU Ethics? none existent. Instead of the usual one or two lrwestiga­ tors assigned to a case, there was a total of seven, al for /4J one has to do is look at several receri articles the most pm1 wor1<ilg wlhoU knowledge of each other, both In the MUFON .Journal and the New .Jersey each one doilg tis or her lt*lg, wlh no consoldaiont of Cllronicle. about ethics, and MUFON's reputation, to time, effort, energy, or rescuces. Indeed, I cri{ became see where things are headed. But is this Inevitable? apentpar to this wrler after a week It* al these other Absokjely NOT. Yes, Oll' repcjation is tarnished, Md people were involved. To top I al off, one of the seven deservedy so. Yes, we vtolae all the ethics concerning was not even a trailed MlFON iwestigator, bU .a out­ proper iwestigalory tedlliques. (I MYOeO is In doubt, sider brougJ� In at the last rnornen. Whle 1 In not un­ re-read the MUFON Investigator's Manual for a usual to bring in outside consultants or specialists in start. And don, wal for the new one to come out either). difftcUI cases, this person was nelher. Ttis goes not only for Faeld lnvestigaors, bl1 also for the very highest levels on MUFON on down. HARASSMENT OF �TNESS EUTt:W:> AOTE· SlltJ Vm �m k /he Assis- lid 9a'e 11h!dor, � A&w Jersey MlFlW 61d has been one d Atw' �yt tcp field ilvesligdtn The serious question of witness harassment now lor m411y years. 3 MAGNETIC FIELDS. This Is accomplished by Anetdosil ll"'nclrvtiQ metal pa1ides il the plastic bals along with RLIEil mPLRnTS RI1D the vaccile; ¥Alen the bals a-e sti)fected to a puts5ing or changing magnetic field, the metal particles "jiggle" nRilDTECHilDLDGV and mechanically force out more vaccine. The re­ seMchers n also experinermg wlh vaious types of plastic coailgs m changilg the bal's poros1y n order By Erich A. Aggen, �­ to comol the rae d vaccile release. �(c)19M Al..EN MUNT IMPI.JCATIONS The precise corb'ol of COf1l)lex struchJ'es on a mo­ lecUar scale is referred to as rnoleaW nanoledlnol­ I a1en �s actualy exist m �age runbers of ogy. Molecular nanotechnology Is concerned with LFO abciJctees are beilg inplned wlh aien dEMces - as the abdudion leratt.e strorl;h ixlcales - we CM building advanced and complicated structures with atom-by-atom control. Present-day technology has proceed to Malyze the daa Md Mive a some obvious and basic conclusions: � to the poi"i where I Is possble to mardac­ ture various types of extremely small or nano-scale 1. �s may be ilserted Ho lhe bran, nose, devices and structLreS. Nmlo-scale devices n sinh' eas, or amost «rJ p5t of the body usualy wlh a long In basic properties to nia'on-scale (1 micron one ml­ thil neede or probe. In some c8ses the �ation • process may cause nose bleeds and other types of llonth of a meter) mechanical devices fabricated using unexplained bleeding from various bodily orifices. microtechnology. The mlcrotechnologies now· being 2. Implants are generally described as being as used to produce certain types of quantum electronic devices will eventually be replaced by more advanced smal or smallef tha a ..BB " - spherical shapes seem to predominate and they are usually smooth or they may nanotechnological manufacturing techniques. Micro­ have smal "spikes" or wres stickilg otj of them or �ley technology differs from nanotechnology In that H at­ may have holes In them accorcilg to Jacobs (Seen!/ tempts to miniaturize relatively large or "macro-scale" material structures whereas nanotechnology relies on Lie ) Md FO'Mer ( l1le Wlc:/Jtn ). 3. Allholdl most � seem to be spherical in purely molecular-scale techniques which ultimalely will " shape several other types have also been reported, red In the ab8y to fabricale � Sld strudlesl" as small as a few dozen precisely-arranged atoms. e.g., In the l..ilda Napolipano (aka 'tilda Cortile', case a facial x-rwt showed a rec:tMQWI' object wlh heical wires extending In rotation about 270 degrees; A 37 MEDICAl MICRO-STRUCTURES �­ year-old .California abductee had a small triangular: shaped glass-like object removed from his leg which In the field of medical micro-structestr , reseacllers at MIT and Harvard University have developed micro­ seemed to fl "nicely" arOUld his tbia; Ab<iJctee Debra Jordan (aka "Kathie Davis") described a small shaft­ scopic plastic balls, each one-len-thousandth of a h object wtich was removed from her ear by her a&en meter in diameter, which can be �ed ilol roosde · or fa tissue where they release imuliz� vacciles abductors --after it was removed, the alien holding it for weeks, monlhs, or longer-hJs elmiMilg the need touched I Md two '!f�Mges" popped oo of I 11<e ''the for booster shots to provide long-term Immunization to barbs of a fishhook.''. various diseases. The microscopic plastic balls are 4. � general, alen �s are very •ttarge" in size composed of a mixture of the polymers � acid Md when compared lo the microtechnological and lactic acid which have been approved by the USDA for NllOiechnological devices desa1bed il the first part of this article (unless there are as-yet-undiscovered im­ human use. The bafts can be "programmed" to leak vaccines at particlW raes. The bals n inlected no plns YAlich s-e mia"oscopic in size) .. muscle and fat tissues where they cannot migrate 5. I has been suggested thai a&en lmpiMis are sin- ply tracking and communication devices but their rela­ through the bloodstream lo �!her organs (also a good loc�tlon for alien lmplants:-E.A.). The vaccine tively 1age size inples tha they are much more than diffuses through the polymers and aso escapes as the this. Obviousl,y I cu tednology has reached the point plastic matrix dissolves inside the muscle and fat lis­ where we ca1 conlemplate blMng devices and struc­ sues. The resea-chet's at MIT and Havard a-e atempl­ llres as smal as a few dozen atoms, alien technology ing to repicale the periodic deivery of booster shots BY roost be far more advanced thcrl this. TRIGGERING THE RELEASE OF VACCINE IM­ PULSES THROUGH THE USE OF EXTERNAL 4 Implants• continued from pmceding page • TECH�OLC)(;y R.!;"\-1t;V Ft:BRUARYIMAROI 199-( raccinsleso ud·if(frtuse bro ugmhicrosc opic_ plastbaillsc i njecteidnthe t obod) ·.Tbe spheres aJ.sn release rxzccine as they degrade. "nJeSe iTTUlges u'i!T'F taken uponp reparatioann adfi er 6. We can only dimly speculate about the actual days-1 . 7. an1d4 capabiiHes of alien implants given our own elementary (g) Implants may trigger unexplained "healing", level of technological development, but certainly they spontaneous "cures .. , or Improvements In adverse are � capable d performing al of the folowing physical and mental condHions; functions and more: (h) �s may be used for genetic pwposes td (a) Recording and relaying every thought, emotion, this may be odf one d lhei" les-iJ1>ortser n flllctiQns; and physical reaction of the abductee continuously, 24 holn a day; (I) As the second part of lhis article (medcal micro­ structures) indicates, human-designed and Injected (b) A coriilJOus t� rnk 24 hotn a day -. microscopic medical Implants may be triggered to re­ 'lrackilg m �" woUd be a r� "moot" . lease vacciles � a faster r�e 5ld then sfnl>ly c1sscWe pori In ttis case silce the flllCtion woUd go fM beyond by a pulsating magnetic field-theorref e, I is logicaly to this level of i"ieraction wlh the M>ductee; assume that many, not all alien implants may be trig­ gered to "dssolve" or c:lsriegae when subjected ei­ {c) The implant may act as a surveillance device recording and relaying every aspect of the abduclee 's ther to M � sc.a, x-rays, or soric samilg. exterior environment; (Although some Implants have reportedly been recovered Intact no UFO researcher has yet revealed (d) The � may be rrlked to the a1en •caranspor­ any substantial scientific Information regarding these taion" system faclailgl Md hastenhg the process d a1en riacts or even I they were subfeded to 8lfoJ or of "beaming" objects and people (and aliens) through comprehensive scientific study). apparently .. solid.. maHer; (e) Implants may faciiHate "nonphysical.. abduc­ EDTCYIS AOT£· EiidJ A. � J; ir a MFQV tions by sepMailg the "astral body'' from the physical S/8/e Section Ohclor In Missouri and lives In Kansas body-il wtich case the abciJctee arrives on board the Clly. He publishes an outstanding LJFO!Fortean News­ alien spacecraft and communicates and experiences kiter 011 a l11t:dhJ' basis a8led Clllsslied CammtnL thilgs just as I he or she were actualy physicaly there­ Cllfions. He� � p7JtKI 1/W �-Can· /$ ��depended these experiences may later be mistaken for actual d 1¥1}' agtdzlibJ 1¥/d � 81 aspeds d /he 111- physical experiences on the part of the abductee and ustlt!¥ IKKid lrJtl1(/ us. may cause a certail M'lOlllt d cxriuslon snd disbeief on the part of the abductee, rierested llmsllgators, and � Bh & �� ltY other ��Des 011 stlie d /IJe the public; an earl� tecllnology i.e., Thermometer Implants lor control of tumorY and se/eclifle focusing of u/lrasonic (f) �s may affect the abcb::lee il subtle "eso- lfm.eS /o Iller l¥ai7 eels.. .. teric" m spi"lual WfrfS ttw can ontt be described In ''new age" or "occul,. terms; 5 - - - ------------------------------ OPERATIOn RIGHT TO KnOW people started to arrive. Among the participants were: Larry Bryant, of Just Cause fame and UFO research {DRTIK) RT THE PEnTR&Dn pioneer silce at least, the sixties, Phil Reynolds, edior and publisher of the new LFOzine, Phoenix Newslel­ by Tom Benson let; Rick Q-egory, DistrhDlg Edlor of S1rMge maga­ zile m felow 'lf>rodig'y' LFO computer buletil corre­ spondent, Stan Hendler. ORTK on May 23, 1994, held a demonstration against the Pentagon regarding the continuing UFO l.Hortunalely, just fNef the hil, so to speak, In Ar- cover-up. The demonstralion's main focus was on the rngton, the Jackie Kemedy Onassis flrleral was takilg Roswel, New Mexico LFO crash of jjfy, 1947 coverup. place al the same tine as the demonstrcdion, thus an Various ORTK supporters from New Jersey attended exlremely sma1 coriilgeri or meda people showed up, ttis historic event, includng Pat Marcallio, promoter or paticldM,y when compared to last Jliy 5th's ORTK demonstration In front of the White House. Elaine different UFO related conferences, Allee Haggerty, Douglas, ORTK organizer, arrived with signs, many Mindy Gerber and Constance Hartmann, all claimed leaflets and a banner. Along with Elaine, was Dale UFO experiencers. Alice Haggerty thought everything Robbin Blumental, a handicapped woman from Long was "fun". Pat expressed some disappointment when he and Ntce took the ofticial Pentagon tcxr after the Island , New Yor1<, who was also at the Jtdy 5th White House demonstration. Dale helped assemble leaflets. demonstr�. Tcu g-oup people were not alowed to photograph open doorways, etc., only pictures of fa- Baile who wore a Mty, conservaWe business Sti had mous or iiamous mllay people on the wals and vari- the best kJck passing <>U leaftets to the mostty mllilary ous model ai'pWles Md ships, � flrn woUd be persomel leaving and entering the Pentagon. On the roof of the Pentagon, pointed In our direction, was a eori�ed. Perhaps, Pat was looking for the aleged alien, Val Thor that dwells there according to "Dr." stJVe1Mce camera with about a six-Inch diameter lens, Stranges and he Wlllled a plchre for his •u=o museum" I hope they got better pictt.res thal the iD-faled, "Mars i1 process. Mindy, who wore an apatpropri ely sti'ed Observer" satellite. Rocky Hoffman, an ex-Marine wearing a closely ''red, �e and bkJe'' colored dress, � the demon­ stration was wei focused and mainly was there because aopped hai'do, gave a very efectivef "gung ho" style cal as he barked 00 or a � held loudspeaker, the of her LFO abdJCtion experiences where, she thilks the vaious ORTK verses that at� to Jeviale the con­ mfBtary, In pM, is responsble. From the vMdow Vtevl on the train ride to Washing­ sciousness levels of the Periagon's mindset. ton, D.C., I passed many, decaying, urban neighbor­ .5ome a the verses were: II D.OD. Put On Display. The U.F.O. You Stashed Away." "Eeenle-Meenle-Miney- hoods In Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore. The social consciousness In me said that many people Moe Show Us fJ.J Thcd UF.O." Other chants addressed living there are involved in their day to day strug.gles A the cover� regMing MJ12, /vea 51, S4, DreMlland and Groom Lake, Bentwaters AFB and Holloman AFB. topic 6ke UFOs Is the farthest thing from lhei" rrinds. For All, the verses aHematively were chanted to the ca­ other reasons such as rampant materialism, I feH the same w� about suburban dwelers. I wondered wtf.J i1 dence and tLM of "Sound Olf". During the demonstra­ the heck, then, am I going to protest the l.FO cover-up a tion a ''Ollnook" heicopter (a Ia Betty CastvVickie and the Pentagon ? Even I the powers to be, admlted the Colby t..Mcrun case) flew low overhead and landed, on truth regarclng the LFO phenomenon, who wOOd care In the other side or the Pentagon, I don, know I they were atrf case? Was I just looking for a stage to perform trying to tel us something. The !'M'chers maintained a sidewalk theater on to express my poH of W!Nt! I fel fV1I ci'cle while chantilg. somewhat &ke a flea on an �·s ass, Yllh the low The temperature was about 90 degrees, but not thai probability of achieving any disturbance level. Over­ tunid, as we marched in a circle, several times with five whelmed wlh these feelings, when I arived a1 the Penta­ milutes or so breaks in between. CNeral for ORTK, the gon's Metro Stldion, I feB another kind or movement. I demonslraion was a wei organized. and conducted and the thirty or so concerned souls that participated should looked on the various levets of the Stallon for a men's room, bt.d found none. I later hearcf there was one up by be apdplaude for their efforts. As one of the participants the securly QUNd al the Periagon. However, when I remarked thai the event was ,,un", my mind, suddenly flashed back to the ricicule we have experienced over joined the hancl� or people thai already ardrive early for the demonstration, I luckity spoHed a "Port A PoHle" at a the years, even I we just ciscussed the UFO phenome­ construction sle i1 the partdng lot. Fnally, relieved I non. I an "End the LFO Cover -up" movement with , wm back to the demonstration sle, where a few more ORTK In a leadership role, is to be sucec ssful, H needs a sense of humor, but roost m�ain Is seriousness. 6 wori< on Ms-ctt 5th. He &Yes abOO two mles sot1h of JoM Gonzales. He couiim ed the strange SOU'lds 5ld i'jerference on lhe broadcast net. He is also l!tNCre or a power wage il lhe NewM< Ne8. He person&tf did not observe 8l'tf igU or era! aha �· He had heard that a INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS w� pole was hi. He was going to check wlh a radio friend v.tlose brolher wor1<s for the polce depart­ rilEd. I have sen hin a MlEON form to fl oo. F\abln fel the elevated radiation In the Oak tree probably came This Is a followup report to a sighting by John from the Westilglouse pin, which is located aboiJ a Gonzalez In Newark, New Jersey on March 5, 1994. mle twmf. HeresfiVY, his wle coUd confim Jom's llis case i'l i"ierestilg because or the corlinned dam­ age to an oak tree and runerous han operaors lsten­ ea1er �. She SlM lhe craft and caled Rlbil to the window, bc1 he missed 1. Laer he heard tha Rl8l'tf a his ilg to the Hsn ne1 a the time or the ilcideri. A sink sigiing took place on Noveni>er 26, 1993, when a lhi1y � also SM I. foot dsc shaped craft passed just to the nor1h of New«k On Apri 10, 1994, I talked to Mike RUler who had Airport along the Newark By-Hudson County Extension visled John Gonzalez, and has been tal<ilg to people il of lhe New Jersey TlJrTl)lre. Ou" lies show 25 LfO the s-ea or north Newa1<. He has corfrmed a power sigUlgs i'l the New2rt< Mea. outage in Newark right above Route 280 and Market Slre.et John's house is along Branch Brook Pai(, nea- a Bob Durant an airline pilot, interviewed John, who reservoi" m NewMc Stacitln. Mike said lhei' were two lncJcMed there was fresh SOCIN on the got.nd prior to the squeals on the raclo, the li"st hapledpet a aboU 10:30 ilcideol. LNge rumers d tree branches were knocked Sld the second aboU 11: 15 pm. The squeal was a the to the ground by the exceptionally bright light. The same frequency and pitch. Whatever caused the first branches were alive, green wood, not dry dead brMChes. Bob Dlnri fel the Clvl Defense person was interference was repeated about an hour later. �ohn obtained an unconfirmed pollee report that a PSE&G the key to lhe case. John idcaled the Civ1 Defense pole was ru i'l hal by wha appeMS to be a laser. The person clained lhS the radar station a Pomona picked pole is on north Twellh street near 2nd Aveooe (or the l4> fot.r llllderd)ed's over the Allric. ThS they had person Vtflo reported I l\les there). Three people have been chasilg LFO reports 81 �. Hs jacket had the corilrmed there was a power C>Uage tha �. Every­ words Civl Defense on I. Accorcing to ot.r ilfOf'JMion one on the po1ce Is afraid to report because they wt1 there are no cWI defense people i'l Newark. This per­ look fooish. John was M>oU 4,000 feet from the northern son may be the key to the case. A nelgt>or from across end a the power falure. the street, who is Portuguese tal<ed to the polce and asked them how the police were going to protect them On Apr1 12, I caDed Dr. Tom Verdel whose cal sign from the U:Os. The poice told lhem, we eM, do 81Tf­ is WQ30. He remembers the � of �ch 5, 1994 very thilg. John aso had SlOther � i'l 1992 (lhS he wei. He is locaed i'l MslhallM nea- the l..ilcok"l Cerier reported to Tommy Brig)gs. Tom alegedy took a pier tlJ"e d the craft. (ab<Q ten rn1es east of John Gonzalez. He was tal<lng on lle Net and hea'd strMQe illerference ewer tis rado. I is hn dot desabe, bU I v.;>ed oo everylhilg, al of On Aprt 6, 1994, 1 called Mat Moriz a a MassactiJ­ the rac1o cormuications. He has heM:! lots a i'lterfer­ seHs laboratory, who Indicated preliminary analysis ence ltlrotql the yen, blj this was an lllUSUal s�. showed the brl:VlChes seri to them were midy racloac­ All the radio communications had a strange static hke tive. The beta radation was � above bacfqJ'otJld sound. After the interference was over, the radios radiation, 200 cpm. This could have come from any clea'ed up. John mentioned, he was having trouble wih SOli'Ce and not necessaily a LfQ. Mat is M sMytical his compass, which was spinning. His cables were chemist who also examiles aop ci"cles. He wl send us �ized. Hs mother was also a wlness. When the Information as It becomes avall�le. The radiation Is incideri ocedcurr Tom looked towcros the Newar1< area probably not higl � to cause 8l'tf physical prob­ ald saN three sets a slow movilg iglls In the 180 lo 270 lems to anyone. Matt requests tha his name and ad­ degree sector. Tom is famk with walcmg ai'craft IMd dress be hekf corildential due to lhe senslivly of his at Newark Airport until they disappear just below the employer to this kild of testilg. trees. He fel the lglls were moving too slow for normal amaft approach speed. They were like three helicop­ On April 8th, I was able to reach Rubin EchevCI'ria, ters flying slowly in the area. KA2H-IB, who was listening to the MlFON Radio Net 7 I'm sending a MUFON report form that Tom has � to fl OtJ. We have local newspaper perso1a.el chedcilg on lhe story. We wl 81� to keep yru il­ Dear Sirs: formed. There are also two slghtlngs In the South Bound This is In response to the .tide: MFCW w llJe Brook area on Wednesday 1 March 16th and Wednes­ A&w � sticle which appe«ed In 'PI Ja1 - Feb - t.W day, Mawdl �. Ttl'ee women were sllilg In 18 c. on issue. The new age is by no means the C0f1e1)1et an­ the Queens bridge waHing for the light to tum green. swer to the lFO Adele bd nelher is t.IFON m the They looked to thei" lei snd a 35 foot cJsc shaped lFO so caled sdeldie approach. I fal to ftnd the science In rose from t.nder the bridge. They were less IW'a lly feel t.t.FON'a qlick delermil8llon thai lhe Meier case was from the alt. They t'sl noticed a red brl1klng � on lhe a hoax. I attended a MUFON meeting In December top d a melal dome rlsilg � along side the tme foot 1919 or JalJary 1980 v.tlen the stsle ci'edor d Massa­ � bridge ralng. The lFO had a series d vaious dueb cane otJ Sld said thai I was a hoax snd thai colored � brl1klng o1 m on along Is botomt . There was per Seglil1 Texas. I don, see where t.t.FON got were two � por1 holes In the dome, td they lle sderdlc eW:Ienoe to make thai dedsion lhen. Now coUd rd see ilside. When the � llmed they ct<Ne we a1 know thai Meier dd no1 wm to be iNestigsedt by on. MUFON. We can only evaluate Ufology based on George FHer <Ur'ed science. We shedd nol be so Sl.oobish • to disregard the beliefs and stalernenls by others simply because they are not CIIIRENTL Y scientific. THE INFORMATION NElWORK The sticle was wrlenl for Florida t.IEON. 1- an We st.e stories m WOI'IMion from other news­ ue thai the tinilg of the .tide had noH1g to do .,_ the leaers from al rNer lhe ootnry. Among them •e: situation with Donald Ware. I certainly hope thai the article was an example of honest concern and not a mct.nenal relglous 81� to codrol the .mtect IM­ Amateur UFOiogy News, Missouri ler of lJology. The sticle cld 8tlf thai: "A � Arkansas Mufon Newsletter Sdenl.lk .s>'l4' By Oetlic8/ed lweslig8/tn And Re­ Arizona MUFON Newsletter seldJen 1111 � l1le llelli»8/ Answer To The CHizens Agalnest UFO Secrecy IFO En/gm.f" WeD, I would agree except for one Classified Communications, Missouri observaltlon by this dedicated researcher. This ap­ Colorado MUFON NEWS proach has not done anything for Ufology since 1947 CONTAC NOTES UFO Forum-AIIanta, Ga. except make I some whal exciJsM! of people wlh let­ Florida MUFON NEWS ters after thei" rwne such • PHD. I lEO. are to 8)CJ*ld LA MUFON Newsletter, Louslanna cu ream of science, then vbf wWctl, some of those Michigan MUFON Newsletter realms be specUaive science. This is where a lol of the New Hampshire MUFON Newsletter new age fals. New Mexico MUFON NEWS North Dakota MUFON Newsletter I do belew thS science wl prove lFOs. Blt wlh Operalon � to Know, W�on D.C. the wei acMrised honesty 8fld trust WOitiless d <U Phoenix Newsletter1 Virgina scientists combined with the advanced nature of our SKYWATCH, Georgia amn science liNe w1 have the MSWer we a1 have The Anomalies Zone, Pennsylvania � by nexl week. The UFO ENIGMA, Missouri UFO Potpourri, Houston, Texas Tom Uma m espec1a1y the RJchardson, AA. 9950 UF.O � Service for prcNictlg Cl.l1'eri LEO relaled stories from S'Ollld the wortd. 8 evens S"e desabed il detal il a chapter I submiled for , UFO'S: R BRITISH VIEW llJe IFO 1/epod 1992 ecied by Tinothy Good. Is I there 8lflJ evidence to suggest thS there was true cause By Nick Re<lem for concern? Yes. A documer1 from 1953, entftled RE- PORTS OF AERIAL PHENOMENA states in part, To those not fuly 11are11 of the LfO sluation il Brl­ 'penonnel lire to be wmned ttw they lire not to commu­ ain H would appear that our two countries are poles nicate to MyOne other thlll olfm persons arrt informa­ apat. From the U.S. we hear tel of Roswel, cattle nUia­ tion � phetana� .a they have observed, llesll s offi­ tions, llgromdlder bases, f¥t!tfS, etc. Yet to an ocistder cialy authorized to do so'. Everis sink to the 1952 i would seem thai British LfO resea-ch revolves solely case OCedCliT wlh alarmilg frequency Mel a runber of well-documented 'flaps' were reported during the around ball lightning, earthlights and the like. This Is simply not the case One problem is thai many Brlish 1950's, particularly In 1956 and 1957. Unfortunately, a . LFO resea-chers simply refuse to beleve tha a geoo­ runber of GoYerrmeri depar1merU know to have been i1vot1ecJ in the l.FO subject on an official basis continue lne cover..q> of l.FO nonnaion by the Brtish Govern­ ment could possibly exist. The evidence, however, to deny release of thei' fOes. There is no Wtrf to appeal ��Qge sts otherwise. In his books AbtMJ Top S«n!!! this decision, and no WCftJ to obtail whal could be crucial Information. and Alel n liaison , leading British researcher Timothy Good has provided good evidence concerning clan­ destine LfO Investigations carried oU by the Royal � In a sirnlcf' veil, I shoUd be noted that rM1Y people wl be tNI8le of the wrious FOIA requests, lawsuls, etc., Force, much of which appears to be centered around which have been levelled at the National Security RAF Rudloe Manor, WIHshlre. f¥Jency. The Brlish equivaleri of NSA is the Govern­ For the most pat I have cotte alentr ed rrrt reseMCh ment Communications Headquarters at Cheltenham. on securing official documentation relating to a British GCHQ works very closely with NSA and I would seem cover� of Lf'O Wormaion. This presents a problem sae to asstme thS sjven the long ilvolvement In LFO's which a number of foreign researchers may not be on the pat of NSA there would have been some kina of ErNtre of. The Lkliled States has a Freedom of hforma­ exchange of Information on the subject. However, In tion M which allows Is clizens acssce to � public GCHQ absolutety deny any involvement in UFO documents If they are deemed releasable. Here In . reseMCh whatsoever. Desple this I have I on what 1 England we have no FOIA. � doct.lnmalion, regm-d­ consider to be vert good aJhorly thS GQiQ has most deflnHety liaised with the NSA on the subject. Once less of classificaion, regMdless of content, Is classified for a least thi1y years. In act, a runber of official Brlish again though, access to GCHQ files outside of official documents <Wing from the 1940's and 1950's are classi­ channels is strictly forbidden. . fied until almost the beglnnlng of the 22nd century! .. A fllther pon worth mentionilg Is the very signlicant Therefore, those who say that the British Government fad thai we, as Brlish ciizens, had to look to the U.S. to cannot keep secrets are sadly deluding themselves. obtain the report filed by Colonel Hall on the ' Rendlesham case. This speaks volumes about British Given the restrictions of the BrHish government's Government secrecy. thity year ruling we are forced to rely on the 900 or so pages of documents wtich have no been release and Thilk for a rnomen of the scenario U.S. researchers � dale from the lale 1940's to the early 1960's. Dur­ ing the past six years I have conducted an Intensive woUd have faced had there been no Freedom of Infor­ study of fdes held in the Brilsh Pubic Record Office, our mation Ad. There would have been no release of the 1100 pages on the subject which have bene released by equivalent of the National Archives. Having examined the aorementioned files In detail I can teD you that ex- the CIA, no release of the papers found il the vaults of the treme interest and concern was shown by the British NSA, the FBI, the DIA, AFOSI, the Atomic Energy Com­ Government with regard to the UFO phenomenon. mission etc. This Is precisely the sluation we fmd our­ Many of the reports centered around slghtings which selves il here il Englcrld. Desple the fact tha there occurred -In the viclnHy of miiHary Installations, airfields have been a number of steps undertaken to reduce the etc. Perhaps more k'nportanl Is the fact thai many such overwhelming secrecy that exists il Government, for the sigltlngs occurred dtxing highly signi'IC8l1 mirdary exer­ most part I stm exits. cises. One wei known example is the series of slghtings What does the future hold for us as British UFO which took place during a NATO operation orr the coast of Briain in 1952. Cited by Good, Ruppel and others, the researchers? I feel that we are a the stage that U.S. conti1ueond nertpage 9 UPCOMING UFO CONFERENCES . resea-chers were at a runber d yen ago. We «e NEW HAMPSHIRE FOURTH ANNUAL beginning to see documentation released, we are be­ l.FO COtEERENCE ginning to see that alarming confrontations between U:O's Md cu m881Y have taken place. I have nothing September 11 , 1994 but respect and admiration for the researchers in the 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM States who have worked tirelessly to get Information released m 1 sinla" evens occu in Brlail then I CM Yokens CorMrion Cener ortt ·ilcrease W' kno\t'tedge d whal may be the most ' ROOe 1 important phenomenon facing mankind today. Portsr'llOOh, New Han¢*'e However, the Wtl'f fot'WS'd wl not be easy. I beleve Speakers that the evidence for the existence d a cover� d l.FO Coin Anckews Arionio �us irlormaion on the part of the Brllsh Governner-. is now John R. Saler, j, Jeff Sailio unconlestable. Given the new filcilgs re!Med il lJE Richard L � PhD. . TRUTH ABOUT TIE UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL by Don Schmit and Kevil RRie we n left il no dotbt Registration Fee: $70.00 per person for the corler- that the AmericM Governner-. has been liNn, silce at ence (idJdes hot Ulch). Reception on Smday, Sep­ least 1947, that there Is M acliYe, exira-terrestrial pres­ tember 10, 1994, a-10 at the eomort m. Price d $5.00 ence on cu planet. Given ltis, I beieYe that a team of ilckJdes coffee, hot Hors d'oetMes Md cash ba". dedicated, funded, Informed researchers cooperating Hotel reservations available at Comfort Inn located on 5'1 nemaional basis coUd blow the id off the u=o on premises of convention center, call 603-433-3338. cover-up once and for all. Mention NH MUFON for discount. VtHst on the stbfect d Roswel, I have been asked a m.mber of lines I sinilar evens have reportedy oc­ curred in Britain. The 5lswer to this Is, yes. For rM1Y 31ST NHJAI... yeMS rumors have circUated suggestilg that there have NATIONAL lFO CON=ERENCE been several l.FO crashes il the Brlish Isles. I an Sponsored by the UAPA ElWin of one creclble case cot.cemi'lg a 'fragnen' of a crashed UFO allegedly 'loaned' to the Brftish Govem­ SEPTEMBER 16-17, 1994 m� by the Americtrls. Simlarty, there «e nJnOrS sug­ Radsson m gesting that a 'foo fighter may have crashed il Bri¥1 il I - 480 & Grea Northern Blvd. Wortd WBI Two, that a u=o crashed il Scolla'ld il the Olmsted, Ohio 1950's ald that a section of a UFO crashed on Brlish sol in 1964. I am CUTED!y looking no al d the above ald SpeMers Md Wori<shop leaders will report on 81rf conckJsive frdlgs at a laer date. Janes Moseley Sla'ion T. Friecknal In closilg this 8IIicle, I hope that I have shown tha KinK� Alen Greemeld there is a cover-up of UFO daa on the part d the Briish Sinone Mendez G. Cope Shellom Government, that research Is being carried out In this Kevil Paldle Fro StrMQeS area and that doors are � beilg opened. What lies behind those doors remails to be seen ... Jor now. The conference will have Morning and Evening Sessions and Specialized Workshops, morning and EUTQlSl MJTE· � INder #JIIo � 1/W he lY evening sessions are $12.00 per person. Specialized she 11111Y hwe II1J' NMI/IIIia1 HNdJ /18$ a belhg m workshops are $20.00 each al do.or The Radisson Inn /lis cWt.bf9 is iMed to anact Ai* Redem I /he folow. will be offering single or double rooms at $62.00 per ing address: 2() Paradise Lane, Pels411, Wa/sa/1, West right You roost mention the Naional UFO Conference to Midland� W$.1 #Ill, England. receive special rate. Thei" ma1ng adcress is 25070 Colratry Club Blvd., N. Olmsted, Ohio 44070. Thei' phone runber for reser- vations is 216-734-5060. 10

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