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Preview MUFON New Jersey Chronicle Vol 04 No 01 1994 01 03

NEW ERSEY CHRONICLE THE • • STATE FOR THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, INC. - VOLUME 4 NUMBER 1 JANUARY-FEBRUARY-MARCH 1994 July 9, 1947 ··-, ..... . .· . ,;,. ·•-. --�-, .. ··--. .... p .... 0 • BY CONGRESSMANS' REQUEST. ..... U.S. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE INTITIATES STORY ON PAGE 3 INVESTIGATION •••• Artwork by Bill McDonald as part of an illustrated article entitled An 1//ustr�ted Roswell which ao�ind in U F 0 MAGAZINE May/J une 1993 UoL 8, No 3. The IDustration deplicts a theorized partial disc which coUd conceivably stm make maximal use of the donut-shaped energy fields which are generated by deeD-SPace croPtision systems. !ii. page 18. .... 1n Bils & Piece� there are several though provoking articles. ...l n JULY folks .... Scienlisls Await , FROm THE EDITOR'S DESK Day Comet Hils Jupiler.. ... we've heard so much about the Tao's hum. ...w ell. ...r ead W!Jat's causing T�IS BEGINS OUR FOURTH YEAR of publication, /hal hu11? Hearers' hope lor 811 8/lswer in- much has changed in the fteld of UFOiogy since our terested in abductions? read TOO-CLOSE EN- inception, but much remains the same. A prime COlWTERS. .an d of course .. l1Je Ligllter Side of . example of this is our lead story on the GAO investiga- UFOLOGY...a political comment this time ....T ill next tion on the Roswell crash in 1947. H your unaware of this issue ..... keep watching those skies. investigation requested by Congressman Steve Schiff (R-NM) read the newsclips that compile the IN THIS ISSUE article .... .then read and act on the article written by New Jersey M.FON Director George Fier entHied Memo For � .ltney Ml/FON Mem!Jers and the article written by Operation Right to Know's Mike From the Editor's Desk ....................................... Page 2 Jamieson. ... maybe something will finally happen in the Schiff Reopens 1947 UFO Case .................... Page 3 W11Jetr-J oAtf ilftw oAgermat ioins are tlehaosueg h aftpreorv oki47n g yartearicsle! oMlFn theON b igw­ LMeetmteors FLoera dN Jto MUUFFOO Nln qMuierym ..b..e..r..s.. ...................................... PP aaggee 34 Lobbying Members of Congress gest threat MUFON faces today .. .themselves .... written by Mike Jamieson ..................P age 4 by W.L. Garner, Jr. Louisiana's MUFON Stale Director MUFON vs The New Age he aims for the heart of the problem and is right on tar- by W. L. Gamer, Jr ...................P age 5 get... .. 199.1 IFO Year in Review is covered by The Fund For UFO Research and covers anything from The Information Network ....................................P age 6 government involvement, abductions to cattle mutila- 1993 UFO Year in Review. ................................P age 6 Operation Right to Know Plans UFO tions must read .... .AT TENTION ... .AT TENTION OPERATION RIGHT TO KNOW IS PLANNING A Demostration At Pentagon ................................ Page 7 UFO DEMONSTRATION AT THE PENTAGON Investigative Reports ........................................... Page 8 National Sighting Research Center Update IN MAYREAD THE INFO ON PAGE 7 ..... ./nvesli- USNCanada UFO Sighting Data Comparison !lllfive Reports covers three recent sightings in New by Paul Ferrughelli ............. Page 10 Jersey ... Eiizabeth, Ortley Beach and Williamstown An Inside View ... .. more to come next issue .....e very wonder W our neigh- A Top Notch Conference, One to Remember bors in Canada ever see UFO's ... read UPDATE in by Tom Benson ................P age 14 which the National Sighting Research Center and Paul Upcoming UFO Conferences ......................... Page 18 Ferrughelli present a statistical study of USNCanada Article on UFO •Abductions• wins UFO Sighting Data Comparison. ...T he 30th Annual Na­ tional UFO Conference (NUFOC) is covered in full detail Journalism Award .................................................. Page 18 Bits and Piece's by Tom Benson in An hside Wew..H you weren� able Scientists Await Day Comet Hits Jupiter to attend. .. read the article Tom doesn� miss a beat and ...........P age 19 you'll feel you were there ... ln UpComing UFO What's Causing That Hum? • Hearer's Conferences . Don't miss this one The 5th Annual UFO/ET Alien ..&. Abduction Congress held in Hamilton Hope For an Answer. ...........................................P age 20 Square, New Jersey the weekend of April 8th .....H has Too-Close Encounters. ...................................... Page 22 The Lighter Side of UFOiogy ........................P age 22 become a New Jersey tradition ......T he winner of the . Donald E. Keyhoe Journalism award is announced on TIE lEW .ERSEY CIRONICLE VOLUME 4 NUMBER 1 Jan - Feb Mar 1994 - EDITOR PaulM . Makuch; STATE DIRECTORJ osephJ . StefuAlSaS ISTANSTT ATE DIRECTORS:hNeorrnt New Jersey . ...S.u.sn.a .V an SlootenS outhernN ew Jers.e.yG. eorge FRiElSeErA RCHA SSOCIATEST:o m BensonP.a ulF errughelli CONTRIBUTOR:AlSb uquerque .Journal Tom Benson.P aulF errughWe.Ll. lGia. rneJrr.. .Til e Home New:s:. EastB runswiNcekw. J ersey. MikeJ amiesloins.aF ayeK aplaDna.n M eyertsh.e F undf orU FO ResearFchr.a nDk. R oylancTilee, Star Ledger, NewarNke.w Jersey. USA Today. EDITORIAILN FORMATIOSNu bmitatretdi cblye vsa riowursi teprrse setnhte o pinioonfst ohsea uthoarnsd d o notn eces­ � reflecthet viewpoints of the editor.sta ff or membershoifp the New JerseyMutu al UFO Network.S ubmissioanrse e ncouraged. but subjectt oe diting. if deemed necessary.hPJ portion ofthi s pubkation may be reprintwithe d credgliv ent o the individualauth or and the The New JerseCyh ronicTlhee. N ew JerseCyh rnoiclei s publishebdim onhtlyb y theN ew JerseyM utual UFO Network. SubscriptiRoatne :s $15.00 pery ear (USA). Make checks/MOt o PaulM . MakuchM ailt o: The New JerseyCh ronicle P.O.B ox 7603 NorthB runswicNk..J .0 8902. Copyrigh1t9 93 by the New JerseyM utuaUlF O NetworkT.h e New JerseyMltu al UFO Network is exempt from FederalIn come Tax under Sef£1c1ti o{C)n{ 3) of theIn ternRalev enueC ode. Al..Bt:Ql"ERQl"E JOCR., ..U. Thursday. Januar�· 13. 1994 Schiff Reopens 194 7 UFO Case Agency Takes �ew Look At ·Roswell Incident· _c_o_N_T_IN_u_e_o_FR __oM_P_A_G_E_A_ ,___ . �and-oestar se..�sear..u. c... arha .Cali!o UFnO . sf..u "runs Itw. f e "'ha .·n do ps rolimeon·tc ·· ee st hesethin gs wit,h itsG ASOc x.foffh faisfc rialbeseq cauuescnneote t:-: ·a oscn\\ tt1 h et n By Steve Brewer The1 947 crash. knO\\"D as then oo tnerUF O case atal l. thee ie- Theco n�rressmansai d hed ecidH·o useG overnment Operauons .;iJRNAL ST ,1.;:::: WRITER p"eRnoesadwbo eIullnt ic Si mildeesbn entcao"urth sw1eet has top­ f gmoean vueo ryfth, ve e Rryo lsownewgllcasa e yt owp oruiodv re-det cole oolkvming t otil iee ailnefegrraosum o pnsafeo tpeireCG AoOr:unm.e e. which oversees the It'bse enm orethan � vearsn ow Roswellhas. been the focus ofm g weha ye had alien visltatlon.. .interesti:le dl "F Os.in cluding a .:;..:.::Ua�.t.arn�:-sTeXI,ehakhRCd setecOAle hdun .l thbpte eeeu.hd Stano q e tn nuG!IIleew fee yv hmernSeedqgec tR eursahifherealufgsepalAc c tlunksporub eav licanrince ai ernm!'t ioncounhas e1eentszwsr. � sTctBoUFwrec :-as hrazeamfOkaalibee sgeensyl ebod . cw o. launoksanhisnan da k d an re.dpeandat cr hbahhaflaufow pyintfwnasggs .evfoth d voeth ber saebodlyyrnm u eear� ect1assneh c . tre D"fflmR uo.yinoanPrsgCds.'hili aw eca. .atscupviaed s sd oll.eaJhr. osu. e dn KlashsaiceHdwne sodreo wtb.w fdaeeunkin e esrvgvawcr i e Whlasedrthlaoscoe.ars'ifvn wtOhlnsiecthaso th� emrettreodeil" gkarna dl· het e. ct\\wrStd ooTok· Lasha uete tvpcep telkaM tif opgearcSlr aee c e"Fort hcOthmps. r e eoo e cp:'-intarYarleao cas\ewlfwchVlD sl ho meiyoreftse dinseiongSKlascnst e cselaunLeeer¢hisdes. .ef' d f ts\\lmi. h1aiit,·Iatkdet Yfatt.heis.ro'OshlUcal ? e W ksm'seSbe im"un'cthedg\a gvhifenf 'hYth.efmebo'tty .vernr ·e Wa ee.oerrebdr...tcailtg1ssio b m t etusv enuoO deas etanianus . s tsstivthmythm" ioa vTsslun mhttoode!!ge ai\s \ b ' Offitcoem ,·es�twehethe r a �,.-_ They also assertt here mains oft ary documentSs howhl gh-ranitA­spin requesnngan Air Forcea ta ?'" J:.:e;:;h:-:-nmr!yeeaei nss:!mom.th slf\1 ·e9ar· c -i anm-:"eo.c �svAh.-uetn s�rodta-wn tarm.emu hon·peofoGe C hasb uA ojsOfr ebe .oocnC �llonteoowa arnn e ­ WtafWindhriot Oegrtechi hhrtthraso.t neTh.Th -ee r wPe xasee Aira.crtt thoe teFev akrsoneAirthaeort rytnnco fwsai F e thirohad res tcth ettma 1S eo Bt Fn da aseoore,rtw­· inohotgffahmksu f v Airckielhce o anFialspw sfeo teuinvr rcdec-baah.raneanlds o d de eanp vicWhiyeetrtr knlfe'eaao rts btiwo Hsvcoimthoureule eudstdd!Is o � ebcoFSd e ncoulocum ehifrdneffc'no einttsf bsg oaif ri ndietil fWcferhimeialst ocinR omeo lb sshimdemdwt cavaeh ulae�lleItsts· nhaeeati ct rllthgiAirth eadeyoe owtnn:o5t �ml..aan"l t cehasLato urhr abe enKs�.oai pdse GruiAdsOymano gsn. inpd voocekuse­­s­ :;uacp nr ooe. ial was from a weather oobnal lbosses. known asPr oJecBtl ueB ook had mentansd looklng into:h ec over­ "Itn'osta l igthhtm llt oas it a go\·e·q wppewidt h a radarr eflecong been sent :o the Nanonai'.l O aile2anonSsh.e s aitdh er esults :erun:-nmge,nb tu atth2 ee�tn ovctevornm too enKt m hasto SO bheelc:­n gadget. suBsuptSl Ccthiooffnfss s aiu dc hla o cnogn-ssptan!IcimagArc cyhl ves. \\:ill be· reponbeadc tko S chiff. accusoedia c over-uSpc.hif"f scu d ButUF O believesarvs thein ci­make tne GAO mvesnganonH ec ontac:-ltaedti onalAr ch1ves \.:\uT'nheeocdn uoesans b�dosausrttm. han e m ca1ddmemmehc.de:.: 5: dehiernmdnedwtne tnasp s rotheoecf bro eefgmptcy mnroh ggreeam xist. oe thatna cet g hasoovf ­w o··rn.h jwuh.ilsasets. um e that if therew eretl;.. ..t�:.;.�b�·""'::� e..�...� -.·.�o f;__ .;�� ..�..b.....,rl ,efi;_..e. ;g"" .. ; .'-:1 ;��S;-·iun.sc h;!"'i"'!>tCfs ofa�· � i-ephd oe mrt· w•;.·;oa;-s_nta; £· ..o ;t.. l,....�ad n �f..,.��e,.�. w added"1. w oulndo ta skf oanr ln\'e�­extraterresmal visitofrosr m oreali en oodles atW riszht-Panerso"nW e wentb ackan d fortha li nle hisai desw ast oltdh em \·esngator t·.:t:.,hlus·iZenasgtta o eothtunvhaelsAooe b o miurnmoISnse seus on nTtumcth15.etean e ob1pt m es runeesm.iZo ..1ug 15p f e w iowan aednhs. hnett1 n1.!gnaHent rt than 1{ "eoFst fRos.sosor."aiuios d d rtwM oe eifcaalllc dtl'-haehsareseb olLin. eun d sdcasetth em o anrownue.1; mv·eatAirheis harponans. ev Fsseedisoyta crear.b yocslBove.aeuae "h sh slr a eeoesvs ait.ndetomashd ge omes. " i>th O aodevnuru1dan gth vyuowe :ovo1z uirnailetdgun-·h , bgtOthi alkioctsmt ean.godd"b b t.a )eo fci< antr r andhankld eperI fo. top o1rtl lghetdao. hh tt"eGetir saiA meadO d.b ( oo"inIfu wr.:D taoe. .s�rp "aeartmmgt ete nmettarrin-ode2sfesD t t teomhfe n eetdemnh w: :ea:n.=" Llv":·b eeam ·v dstut n chg:-:ea ­ •.1QRE: See SCHIFF on PAGE Al' mentw on'taltk .T heg overnment ::onh.e"S al d. Fiiday,January14,1994 Albuquerque Journal Letters Lead UFO Inquiry to Pflock said he'talkse d toS clillfin "stnctlcya sual c:-afwta sr ecoverebd� t·h em ilitary.b ut" something Schiff Denies Prom t p conversationtwso" orthr ee tunesa boututs m terems t extraordinary wasr ecovered." the case. Schisaifdf hedi dn'tr ecailt hoscoen versa· Pflocks aidh ean d othelr"F Or esearchefrirsstm ade · tlotlS.an d thathis mterewsats s parKebdy a " flurry" of formai contawictth S chiffsst afafb outth eUlCl dentin From Aide s Spouse ienerfsr omc onsnruents. .-\ugus1t99 2. What manersh.es aid.lS n·wth yt hem autrY began. Pflockan d fellowr esearcheFrr edWhi tin2 subse­ buth ow theD epartment ofD efens"eS tonalelewd" quenticyo mpilead 13Q-pag"eb riefmpga pre� feildl By Steve Brewer whenh eas kedf ormi ormauon. \\ithn ewsa ccountmSili.t aryd ocumenantds t estimony TheP entagtoonlS dc hififtn ol on2baedr the recordsf rom\\ imessemsu.c ho fw tuchp omtst owards ome �OURNAL STAFF WRITER RepS.t evSec hiffsa yshis mvesngatiinotno th e 19-li tumcr: w ttaott ehveN'! awroas o rn.ale Arccohvievrfeersdo. mt her ancnan d steerespdoe rt:to et'i.c.."lg o19v-tie. rnmTehanlt pp alpotet.o,.:-_. tu., :;ci ;ze:w..- eh::a :ct Secvr!!eefr!!al! l� y!h! iacep­ recoveryo fa mystenous obJecint N ew Mexico was ..VC: hives officials.h owevesaird.. " Weh avneo tl ocat­in DecembePrfl.oc ksai d.an d "theyg'ormeg t ob eg iv­ promptebdy l ettefrsro m consoruentnSo.t hisb yai de'se dan y documentS relatetdo .this evenmt the (Air ing that tot heG AO.if thehya venalr'eta dyd onetha t. l.J"FO-hunringh usband. ForcePr'osj)ec tB luBeoo k recordosr.m anyo therp er­toh elinp the investigation." Placitarses ident Karl Pflock.w ho'sm arried to tinentD efetlSDee panment recorinds our custody." Schiff began his searchf orin formationin March Schi!fsd istrictdirec tor. �iary Martinek. has worked TheR osweIlln cidehasn tbe en the sourceo fd ebate1 993.w henh ean d Martinek wrotea l ettteoSecrr e tary Vlgorousfloynr early a year mvestuzathtineg so-cal l ed and researcham ong UFO bufffso rd ecades.M any ofD efenLesse Aspics.ee king a" definiteixpvianea tion "UFORfOLastof Rsi ewcwfseehialearll.clc h.ShInh inc echi heW iflasdunfphinaed ssgtneo kotvren.a"e d t r gr hDsanef.etG rCe efo .nrm hieo srmt poal hAs eciFti cunoodnuno ftinnoag r tEarth.thinhked eth. dbeens insw fpasii thdfteere m1Sno ilittmat h w aryebe' easstscas thte bea arftll oeooalirmne ea.nnt thc tS eo nmnet awithctatht onfeIw snh.athts tee tr stanthrsimepoe-irnmpeyaad ankg ldeeie wtanh peyptr.eh."are t syhai a'"dttr hebecal oloornand dse xpwlia·t­ House commmee. toin vesogaaltlee gatiothnse mil·l Schiffsai d Thursdahye d oesn'bte ilevea t:rOw as nanown as a covesrt oryan"d that" federaalu thorities tarY pulledo fsf omeso rt ofc over-afutpe rc rashd ebris reco"Iv thinekr.e dfa irtths eot ri aia. l,. ictch o.u lbde a w eathbealrl oon."h e sosuilegnhctte oin. t·im·i datwiet nessaneds theiframili es into wasr ecoveroedna ranchn earC oronina th e summer ofPfl'-1 oc7k. T hsaieind v Tehsursdaoyg anh1Soe undin ddn e'rtp rwoaSdyc .hif fin to seek· saitde.r e"insB tug1 tbvin egca umseoe tf th heinf ego onnvaetrnmieonntt.h'o asblt Vle oaudsmds ei stino· d irTehcetl oewrto.tulse dar" i cMdooart rindlneakt.e atl ih aecnSt cihviifctilfoeesnsgis c learrunngv e ing the GAO probe. thmk itmi ght'vbeee n something else." thls request." "This is his baby.Pfl"oc k said".H e'nso td oingm e Like what? Aftear s eriesof l etters reins ounletd eeda d-end any favorHse.' dso ingi tb ecaushee 'cso mmittedt oth e "IfI ha d togu essI.w oulsda vs omekin d ofm ilitary after another. tSoockhifh flS questtot heG AO.S chiff idea thtahlts1S somethlng that shoulbde b rougohuttin e:q>enment".h escu d." Butth ats'hse eraigu ye ss." scud heh asng'otn enan y answersy etf romt heG AO. public." Pflock. too.s aid hei snc'otn vmcedan alelns pace-butw henh ed oes.h e'mlalk et nemp ublic. 3 that people write to express their support for this inquiry mEmO FOR nEW JERSEY and to recommend two courses of action for Members of mUFDn mEmBERS Congress: On January 14th, Congressman Steven Schiff of New (1) Review and confirm the extensive testimony and Mexico announced that at his request the General /v;­ records conen cted to the Roswell case. counting Office had initiated an investigation of the Roswel incident. This presents an outstanding and long (2) Affirm to GAO and targeted Congresspersons that sought opportunity for us as UFO researchers. there indeed may be fiSCal issues involved. In a Janu­ Schiff frst aprp oached the Defense Department in ear1y ary 14, 1994 letter to Rep. Schiff, ORTK Treasurer and 1993 wlh a series of questions about the Roswell event. Membership Director Stan Hendler observed that there He was stonewalled, and in late October, exasperated would "have been vast Federal expenditures ever by the lack of cooperation from DOD, Schiff asked the since 1947 to study the alien crew, to repDcate their General Accounlilg OffiCe to investigate. The GAO is technology, and for myriad activities related to the aien the Congress' investigatory agency. presence. The cost of a staff to maintain a program of We believe thai the GAO inquiry is limited to two major disinformalion and cover-up, in ftself. would be substan­ areas. First, exactly what individuals and agencies tial. I suspect that much of this would be reflected in the within the government hold the records and have re­ military's 'black budget"'. sponsibility for Roswell, and second, why do they refuse to answer questions posed by members of Con­ a) General Accounting Office gress. To the best of our knowledge, the basic question ComptroDer General of the U.S. about whether the Roswell event was in fact the crash of Charles A. Bowsher an alien spacecraft has not been addressed by GAO. 441 G St., N.W. We believe the GAO inquiry is designed to lay the Washington, D.C. 20548 groundwork for hearings at which the responsible fed­ b) Speaker of the House eral officials identified by the GAO be forced to testify, HonorableThomas S. Foley (0-WA) and to testify under oath. c) Chairman of House Government In the meantime, H is vital thaf you contact your congress- Operations Committee: man to enflst help for Mr. Schiff. A sample letter is Honorable John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mi) enclosed. We suggest that you stick to the RosweU d) Ranking Republican for Government Operations: problem, and that you steer very far crNCftJ from Area 51, . Honorable William F. Clinger (R-Pa) aliens in underground bases, and so forth. Note that the e) Chairman of House Armed Services Committee: sample letter does not 11Sell" the ET explanation for Honorable Ronald V. Dellums (0-Cal) RosweB, but does alert the congressman to the nature of f) Ranking Republican on Armed Services: the controversy. Honorable Floyd D. Spence (R-S.C.) I the Schiff project faJls, that will be the end of any hope g) Chairman, House Select Committee on Intelligence: of congressional action. Honorable Dan Glickman (0-Kan) George Filer Address letters to members as follows: New Jersey State Director MUFON The Honorable U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515 LOBBYING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO STRENGTHEN GAO ROSWELL QUERY ORTK (as wen as NJ MUFON) is encouraging everyone to write to their own Congressperson. ff a Member of By Mike Jamieson Congress requests further information, please notify Fred Whning of the Fund for UFO Research, P.O. Box The powerful investigative arm of Congress, the General 2n, Mt. Rainier, MD 20712. WhHing has prepared an Accounting Office (GAO), has agreed to inquire into the updated briefing on the Roswell case for Members of 1947 Roswen case after the reported frustration experi­ Congress. enced by Rep. Steven Schiff (R-N.M.) in his own Roswell inquiry. EO/TOR'S NOT£· This article ongina/0-' appeared in Operation Right to Know (ORTK) has inHiated a letter cperlhn RgH To Know's (QifTK}, Righi /o Know ·Fo­ writing campaign to encourage support for the recently � Vol 2 Ab 1; Hfnler 1994 ediion. Mcl!ael .Janieson anenounc d GAO inquiry. Specifically ORTK suggests is a /'efPir codri:Jtlor IT! .Asesocid Etlor. 4 about 8ITf part or aD of the evidence reported, but he/she EDITOR� NOTE: The following edllod81 W8s writet n must not ignore or change 8IT'J part of the evidence. by /he MFQV 96e llr!dor of L� li /he m­ Protocols for scientBic researchers in the various disci­ quest of Fhlida's 91e !Ji'edor ltY /her MFQV A&Hs­ plines are much more complex and demanding, and leHer. This 81'/ic/e h8s 11ppe1Ved in both the F/odd8 usually require extensive training in each particular dis­ MUFON New.r 8nd LA MUFON (Louisi8n8!s" MUFON cipfme. Protocols for the scientific method began in new.rleHer) in their NovemberAJecember 1993 issues. mathematics with rules of logic, stemming fonn the protocol that an propositions which are not themselves mUFDn VS THE nEW R&E self-evident must be derived from others that are self- Scientific Challenge or evident. From ttis sinple be�ing with clear-cut an- swers, protocols have become far more complex, en- Just Muddled Argumentation compasgsin and diflicuft as the scientific method has been app6ed to more and more areas of nature and life. UFOs, extraterrestrial aliens, abductions, telepathy, out­ By W. L Gamer, Jr. of-body experiences, etc., are an valid areas for scien- tific investigation but �ilic investigalion demands In the last couple of years, MUFON meetings, publica­ . the protocols of specific research objectives, tech- tion and conversations al aD levels have seen an esca­ lating t po of controversy between the ''pseudo sci­ niques, and profos. One or more incflviduals espousing em grandiose revelalions may sound authentic and enlists" on one hand and the "new age psychics" on com­ the other. Li<e a festering wound, the controversy is pefting, but without scientific validation it is useless gos­ sip. One major hurdle in investigating these types of begiming to affect MUFON's effectiveness and reputa­ claims is the necessity for independent confirmation tion. Unfortunately, many of the noisy antagonists on both sides are venting their emotional wants and have (feedback), without ft nothing is scientifically estabfrshed. Another is the patience and self-discipline to avoid Utile or no concern for MUFON's stated purposes or the jumping to conclusions until enough scientific evidence scientific method. is in to be able to draw valid conclusions. Mufon purports to be an international scientific organi­ The human, mind is still the greatest mystery, capable of zation that believes a concentrated scientific study by creating or wiping out memories, biomedical concfdions dedicated investigators and researchers will provide the ultimate answer to the UFO enigma. A scientific and even whole personalities. These changes can result from a wide variety of traumas, and sometimes organization dedicated to scientific study must estab- from just wishes, desires or needs. Interactions with Hsh and must demand adherence to protocols for fts entfties or extraterrestrial aliens may or may not be one investigators and researchers, or its reports and conclu- of the causes. Those of you who have sufef red through sions simply become more meaningless babble. Per- the terminal Ulness of a loved one, or who have worked sonal beliefs are threatened only to the extent each with the results of childhood trauma, may have wit­ individual chooses to expose his beliefs to available nessed some of these psychological manifestations. scientific evidence. Science is just beginning to scratch the suriace trying The scientHic protocols for the MUFON Reid Investiga­ to understand the reality behind all of this. tor (FQ are well estabHshed in the MUFON Field Investi­ For MUFON to be a viable scientific organization there gators Manual, the essence of which is laid out in Chap­ must be continuous, aggressive efforts at all levels to ter D, The Field Investigator's Code of Ethics. Properly doamenting the evidence is an essential scientific first keep all activities cf�rected toward scientific objectives. step. Simply stated, the Hs primary responsibH�ies to PJ. the level where activities are directed primarily to- wards the investigation of alleged UFO incident, that identify and document the evidence as objectively as mandate is comparatively simple to pursue. The proto- possible without causing any harm to the percipient or cols for that are laid out in the MUFON Reid Investiga­ others. I is NOT to publicize the incident or to pass fmal judgment on the evidence or the percipient. Thus, every tor's Handbook. PJ. aiTf level where activities are more involved with public relations, meetings and publica- effort should be made to record a percipienfs experi­ tions, that mandate is infinftely more cfrfcfi ul. Keeping ence exactly as the person experienced H. In practice, discussions, meetings and pubficalions aimed toward the Fl fll'SI must make a decision as to whether there Is improving scientific skills and understanding is much the potential for acquiring enough factual evidence to harder, particularly if you also want to keep ft attractive justify the time and expense he/she Will spend acquir­ for a wide variety of members. ing and documenting it. K he/she decides to proceed, The conflict between MUFON's stated objectives and there are provisions in the protocol that provide the In­ vestigator an opportunity to question or express doubt 5 'Wew Age• continued from preceding page UFO 1 g g 3 VERR In REVIEW lhe New Age propontri's practices are most obvious a 1993 was the busiest lFO year in al least a decade. meetings. Personal, even if sincere, tales of other­ Slghtings ilcreased in quality, as did the ilterest level d workly experiences presented as unquestionable, fac­ scientifically trained persons. tual events may inprove atendance, bul I adds little or nothing to anyone's scier«tc understancf1ng of what­ SIGHTINGS ever may be going on, or to the skills needed to investi­ gate such claims. I is nol even an acceptable method of While sighlings of odd 6ghts in the night sky continued doaJnenting these ilcidem. /1-J as best, it risks psycho­ · to predominate, there was a clear increase in the run­ logical damage to fragile personalities, both speakers ber of sighlings of ob;ects, also mainly at �. Craft and Mtendees, for 1he sake of attendance. /1-J Is worst, shaped like discs, triangles and boomerangs were by defiiion tuns ycu organizaion no a cui. · reported on numerous occasions from an parts of the The chdor who plans your meetings and issues yotr USA. There were "mini-flaps" of imited duration and pubicaions has a narrow and difficult path to folow. geographical spread in the Midwest and the West The difef rence between presenting a controversial ex­ Coast. perience as part of a training program to improve In December, a commitet e of the European Pariament investigators' skills versus presenting it as entertain­ re ended estabfishment of a LFO observatory, as ment or recruitmenl may be difficult for some to fathom; comm a result of the study of large numbers of reports from but. when scientrac objec.Wes and standards are sacri­ France, Belgi.m, and ftaly. Accorcfmg to the F11ancial ficed for eriertainment by unverified propaganda, your · Times of London, a French government space group group as already begun the transformation from a scien­ claimed 2,300 sightings in the past 15 years, of which tific organization inlo a cull. more than 40 percent remained without explanation. GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT THE INFORMATION NETWORK On an official level, the Executive Branch stonewalling We share stories and information from other newsletters continued, inststing UFOs have not been of Interest to from all over the country. Among them are: anyone in the U.S. Government since Project Blue Arkansas MUFON Newsletter Book was shut down by the US IW Force in 1969. Arizona MUFON Newsletter Nevertheless, media interest in the reported crash of an Citizens Against UFO Secrecy unidentified object outside Roswell, New Mexico, contin­ Colorado MUFON NEWS ued in 1993. M. year's end, there was a made for TV CONTACT NOTES UFO Forum-Atlanta, Ga. movie about the case in production, and two books Florida MUFON NEWS and a video documentary were on the drawing boards. FOCUs-Fair-Witness Project, Inc., Ca. And in response to constHuent requests, Rep. Steve Illinois MUFON Newsletter Schiff (R-NM) has asked the General Accounting Ofcefi LA MUFON Newsletter to look into the matter. New witnesses to the 1947 New Michigan MUFON Newsletter Mexico crash have been found, and nearty 30 of them New Hampshire MUFON Newsletter have signed afdfi avits. A 130 page briefing paper has New Mexico MUFON NEWS been produced for interested persons in the govern­ North Dakota MUFON Newsletter ment. Oklahoma MUFONEWS Operation Right to Know, Washington D.C. ABDUCTIONS PASU Data Exchange, Pa. SKYWATCH, Ga. This strangest of all aspects of UFOs continues to at­ The UFO ENIGMA, Missouri tract the interest of mental health professionals, who are the Ufologist, Palatka, Fl. unable to account for the consistent descriptions of UFO Potpourri, Houston, Tx. involuntary encounters with presumed aliens. New cases appear at a rate of several hundred per year and especially the U.F.O. News clipping Service for providing and are dealt with using a referral service operated by current UFO related stories from around the world! the FUnd and by other nonprofrt groups. M. years end, publication was imminent of the proceed 6 Crashed l.FOs have been rebuilt by the USA with (or without) thehelp of alen technicians. Such craft are said ings of the 1992 abduction conference at the Massa­ to have been test flown from secret US ,. Force bases chusetst Institute of Technology, which drew an impres­ in Nevada. A "scientist" who claims to have briefly M colection of psychiatrists, psychologists and other worked there insists he has been harassed by the gov­ professionals. The conferencewas co-sponsored bythe ernment for speaking out and had his educational rec­ ords erased. Fllld. In cooperation wlh the Mutual UFO Network. the Fund is aso supporting the creation of a computer database or abduction investigation normation. When The U.S. Government has ''sold out" to the aliens and sufficiently advanced, H will be made available to participates in the operation of . their underground bases in the West. The aftens are said to be aDowed to abduct qualified professionals for study. The resufts of their humans and to mutHate catlte. efortf s will then be made public. ENGUSH CROP CIRCLES The aliens feed on tunan body parts. The aliens lover oriental music and strawberry ice For more than a decade, complex and geometrically cream! precise formations have appeared in fields of grain, mainly il southwestern England. WeD (Ner a thousand have been recorded, with no clear explanation of their As ridiculous as all of this sol.ldl s, such information is not limHed to the supermarket tabloids. Phony UFO origins and meaning. Evidence that some have been authorities are lecturing to large audiences and have hoaxed greatly reduced local press interest - yet the phenomenon continues. While there is as yet no solid appeared on TV talk shows. Their stories have been checked wherever possible link to UFOs, the Fund retains Rs interest in the phenome­ non, since a lot of people suspect a connection. and as yet, nothing have been found to lend credence to their bizarre claims. In some cases, there is reason to consider the s sadly lacking in credibifrty. One of CATI LE MUTILATIONS ources the more disturbing recent trends is the claim of connec­ This is another modem mystery which some feel is re- tions between UFOs and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, as well as with elaborate (and some­ lated to UFOs, despHe the lack of convincing evidence. times anti semitic) international conspiracy theories. Bafnfli g mutilations were reported from northern Georgia and elsewhere in 1993, but sufficiently rapid investiga­ The possibHity of government cover up of some aspects of the UFO subject is very real, but those who argue for tions were not conducted, and so the details remain H are able to present facts in support of their claims. The anecdotal. peddlers of extremist claims, on the other hand, expect people to accept them despite the total lack of evi­ CRAZY TALES MUDDLE UFO PICTURE dence. A COMMENTARY The Fund has additional information on these purveyors Some truly outlandish claims are being made by self­ of nonsense, but to detail R here would be to risk charges styled UFO experts who are completely unable to pro- vide a scrap of supporting evidence. of Hbel. I you are interested in an off the record briefing, contact Don Berf�ner at (703) 684-6032. Since the spread of such stories does great harm to the OPERATIOn RIGHT TO KnOW PLAnS serious efforts to learn the nature of UFOs, the Fund for UFO DEmOnSTRATIOn RT PEnTAGOn UFO Research feels morally obligated to inform the press of this unfortunate trend. ORTK is plannni g a demonstration at the Pentagon's One simple rule to follow when evaluating any claim in South Parking Entrance in Arfington, Virginia on the l.FO field is: beware of anyone offering simple an­ swers to the basic questions (e.g. what are they?, where Monday, May 23rd from 12-2 PM. are they from? what are they up to?). ·While the answers A dress code will be observed at the march. No T-shirts, to these and other important questions are the goal of hats, masks, or other paraphrenalia which might lead to everyone in the field, they remain beyond reach at the press ridicule will be allowed. I you are interested in present time. Some examples of the wild stories being attending or aranr ging group transportation, or can con­ spread by individuals and groups clearly not bound by tribute money to the cause please contact Stan Handler, the nede to be objective. ORTK, P.O. Box 3173, Gaithersburg, MD 20885. 7 INVESTIGATIVE REPORTS UFO SIGHTinG RT UFO SEEn OVER ELIZABETH, nEW JERSEY ORTLEY BERCH, nEW JERSEY BACKGROl.Nl: This sigtmg was provided by Tom Briggs, M.FON Fteld rtvestigalor al a North Jersey MUFON meeting in October 1993. THE SIGHTING The winess of this UFO sighting stated he was referred On November 11, 1993, "Doug" was walking his dog on to Tom by NASA! This is quite remarXable ir accurate. the boMdwalk at Ortley Beach, New Jersey at approxi­ This is the frst time anyone ever heard of a referral by mately 5:00 a.m. Doug observed a greenish glowing MASA to contact a MUFON F&eld lnvestigalor. plate object rise out of the ocean, the object zig zagged around, then headed toward land. Doug stated that THE SIGHTING: On August 20,1993, at midnight, there were four or frve other people around. whHe he was "John" was sitting on his steps outside his apartment walking his dog. As the object passed over land, Doug wafting for his wife to arrive home from work. John noticed thai all of the fights in the area fnckered on and noticed brilliant fight in the sky thai was stalionary and off. 8 did not appear to be arry type of aircraft. John staled Doug called the local radio station W JRZ located in that the Dght was the size of a 6ghl bulb and there was not Manahawkin at approximately 8:00 a.m. Doug de- sound associated with ft. John stated that there were scribed his UFO sighting to a gentleman in the news douds in the background and H was overcast outside. room. The station aired the story during the 8:00 news John stated the allftude of the object was 20,000 feet brief. Shortly after airing the UFO story, a second wit­ (this seems unlikely since the cloud level was low). ness called in to W JRZ to descnbe his account of the same UFO. � John observed the object for about a minute, he ran "Ben" staled that he was coming home from a party al ilside his apartment to get his camera. When he re- about 4:30 a.m., when he saw 8 green object flying turned outside he took several photographs of the around the sky. Ben stated thai this was the same object. � soon as he photographed the object, H shot object as described by Doug. /� r up to his left and cfisappeared. John stated there were no electromagnetic effects or missing lime associated SlGHTINGOA.TA with this event. �T! � ���c:�MBER 1993 ) THE INVESTIGATION: Tom Briggs went to John's \ (l apartment to investigale the UFO sighting. Tom stated DURATION MINUTES thai John appeared to be sincere and credible. Tom WIHIE&SE-S- ONE (PLUS) observed the photographs and presented a copy of the DESCRIPTIO-NG R:EN ) ��� 1 photo al the meietng. The photo shows a smeared fight GL0WING PLAT: SHAPE / I Q-1� -..eta which appears to have a dome on the top. The photo SCUI<D- NONE (\ wewasr e takenon witothh er awit 2n5e0smsems lentso. thTiso ms igshttatinegd (tNhato tohtehreer HASYNTNDREPE KOE CWTLLE AIRSSG H -TCSE -2 "'\,� �/ '�NCt.SOLITLM EEISDL: AIAO RUAB DtC'ESPOEE RSNV.iD.t,AETTNIITOWON WIN.I TTNH ESS reports have been fded). Tom also stated that John R"DtOS T.t,TIOONB SERVED AFFECTED POWER SURGED URIGN EVENT. has experienced paranormal actMty along with strange dreams involving fog, and landings of UFOs. 8 "'nvesligalions" continued from preceding page UFO MATERIAUZES ON FARM Doug called the racfio station twice on November 11th, WIWAMSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, JULY 1993 and twice on November 12th, to question the news people on other witnesses. When Doug called on Last week I met Jotvl, who is Deputy Director of Security November 12th, he stated that he was being fo8owed at a Philadelphia university. John has an imposing by two men il a black car all day. I should be noted that appearance, he's six foot four inches tal and weights Doug refused to provide his name and phone number. almost 300 pounds, is inteffigent and extremely alert. A relative of a MUFON investigator in south Jersey John owns his own home on eight acres of land in Wil­ heard the UFO story on the radio and called her relative &amstown, New Jersey. John was asleep on a warm to corwey the report. night in �Jy 1993, when he suddenly awoke and looked out his bedroom window. He StiN strange lghts about THE INVESTIGATION fifty feet from the house and got the dstinct inpression that a craft was comilg up through the ground. I Sue Van Slooten, Assistant State Director for MUFON seemed to material'lze in his back yard. He said, "It received the details of the sighting on November 12, formed no a LFO that was saucer shaped and 23 feet 1993. Sue requested that I call the Radio Station WJRZ in ciarneler. I fact, I looked ike one saucer laying and folow up on the investigation in progres.s upside down on the top of another. Whfte and yeDow On November 18th, I called the WJRZ news room and lights meshed together shinning down and reflected off asked to speak to the newsperson who received the the lower portion of the craft." I reminded him of a night initial phone call from Doug. lancing of a he&copter wilh the lights shiming down. He could only see a silhouette of the top the craft. He did "Howard" described the . UFO sighting from Doug in not see an actual undercarriage or landing gear. The detaB, along with the description from Ben. Howard UFO was grtrj and metaDic in appearance. The only also stated the local newspaper called the Ocean visible tight in the area came from under the craft. He County Observer pubfished two articles in their newspa- then fen his head hitting the pilow and the sound of a loud per on the 12th and 15th of November concerning groan. He lost consciousness. That morning he tNJOke Doug's UFO sighting. During our phone conversation, and remembered seeing the craft. He knew that some- Howard stated that there was another UFO sighting on thing else had happened, but he had no conscious November 16th, reported by a husband and wife, at memory of what may have occurred. He is trying to about 5:15 p.m. This sighting was reported as a resuft of recall the information without hypnosis. the newspaper article in the Ocean County Observer. The craft left a pronounced ten foot circle in the back The witness provided his name and phone number, and yard where the grass dies. A large amount of gravel is their report is presently under investigation. mixed in the soD where the craft hovered. The gravel matches the gravel in his driveway, but there were not OBSERVATIONS arry signs thai this gravel had been disturbed. To the best of John's knowledge, there had not previously Howard stated that he will forward a tape recorcing of the been arry gravel in the backyard. We are attempting to newscast that aired on November 11th at 8:00 am. with laboratory tests on samples of the soil and gravel. run Doug's account of his sighting. A follow up with the The gravel is mixed fairly evenly within the top two Ocean County Observer will occur to determine if 8Irf inches of the soD and only within the circle. Branches other UFO sightings have been reported on or near the were also broken off the tops of a near by tree. date of Doug's sighting. John has noticed a series of strange occurrences at this home in recent months. The electric power goes off sev­ A MUFON investigator in south Jersey is pres�ntly in- eral times a week. He has tNJakened in the morning and vestigating Doug's report and the results will foUow. found his home unlocked, and occasionally the doors will be left wide open. He has found the car keys on the In conclusion, this report appears to have consistency outside of his car door. He has noticed whDe taking a involving independent witnesses. However, Doug's shower that his feet are covered in dirt. His wife is tl'Nare statement reporting to have been foDowed by two men of the strange happenings but remains supportive. in a black car an day is most unusual. If there were four John joined MUFON to learn more about the subject. or five other witnesses on the boardwalk at the moment Interestingly, another MUFON member had a sighting of of the sighting, if is surprising that these witnesses have a similar craft in 1986. We wiD attempt to keep you not come forward. TO BE CONTINUED .... informed on the investigation. George A Fder January 1994 9 tion coeftcienlf ". When the correlation value (r) is greater NATIONAL SIGHTING RESEARCH CENTER than +/- 0.05 and the asocials ed "T-t est" (p) is less than +/- .05, there is a possible &near relalionship or trend in UPDATE the data sets. The FigUre 1 plot shows an (r) value of .1 06 - - and (p) of 475 thus indicating a LOW correlation value . , and no relationship between the two countries UFO sighting data. "�-----------------�----------� USR/CRnRDR UFO SIGHTinG DRTR COmPARISOn Hstorical LFO data analysis has ildicated that the lFO phenomena is NOT isolated to 8I'f given portion or region of the wor1d. Rather, I is a wortd wide phenom- ena 1hal occurs in ''w�" at any given location for rSher short periods of tine. Many books have been 897 REPORTS -UIA -+-�N� i23 P.E�TS wrlten on the subject of wor1d wide UFO sightings, and r r • .106 p • .4 75 l _ thei' apepcl' nl patterns and behavior. Perhaps the best analysis in observing UFO. sighting data characteristics, Figure 1 WOlJd be comparing two neighboring countries during a specified time period. The leading indicator charac- Fegure 1 is a two range plot of the USA and Canadian teristics could be analyzed to determine if there are any UFO sighlings from 1989 through 1992. The overall plot similarities or differences in the reported UFO sighting does not appear to be symmetrical wilh respect to the data. two data sets. However, in October 1989 and April The following analysis consists of a summary and 1990, both countries experienced noticeable peaks in analysis of UFO sighting reports which have been com­ UFO actMty. There are synvnetrical peaks and luUs for pied for the USA and Canada, during the time period the first six months in 1992. from 1989 through 1992. A good opportunity to analyze The correlation dala could suggest tha the UFO sighting two neighboring countries over a four year time period. activity in both countries occurs at difef rent frequencies over time. Historical UFO research has shown that UFO reports do occtl' in wtNes at diferf eri dales in time. · DATA TIME OF DAY ANALYSIS The source of the data was obtained from: Tile 1992 C4n4di4n UFO Survey, compiled by Chris Rutkow- ski in Canada, and the Nllionall Slghling YelllfJook The time of day for UFO sigt-dings have been a very - I� compDed by the NSRC in the USA. A total of interesting characteristic over the years in UFO re­ 1614 UFO reports were comp1ted, 891 for the USA and search. Hstorical comparison analysis the past a-.Jer 723 for Canada The data was organized and summa­ 45 years has shown thai the frequency of UFO sighting rized exactly as stated, without 8I'f interpretation or ma­ during daytime hours has decreased significantly. nipulation. Present day data incficates th� the majority of the sightings occur during night time hours, between 7:00 and 11 :00 p.m. DATA ANALYSIS Figure 2 is a two range ine graph of the frequency of UFO reports for the USA and Canada based on the time of day for 1992. From the correlation data observed, We begin by observing the monthly distribution of UFO there is a strong trend between the USA and Canadian sightings over the four year time period. (Refer to Rgure UFO reports with respect to the time of day. There were 1) To test the strength of the relationship between the more day time reports and more sighting activity during two countries data sets, we can calculate the "correla codiJtJeond nextpage 10

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