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MUFON Arizona 1994 04 18 Vol 03 No 04 PDF

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Preview MUFON Arizona 1994 04 18 Vol 03 No 04

MUFON ARIZONAC HAPTER RaMya ur-eSrt aDtier ector TomT ay-lAosrsStt.a Dtier ector Volu3m eII s s4u e Mary Ha•rt N ewslPerttoedru cer Jh1 'J,utOhu Jth m . UFOH OTLIN(E6:0 24)0 7·2685 iJ . MEETINGD ATE:M ondayA,p ri1l8 ,1 994+ +M EETINGT IME:7 :30S harp LOCATION:8 227E .O rangeB lossomS,c ottsdaAlZe ,( Clubhouse) PROGRAM: WayneP etersforno mC SETIw ilble s peakionngh isr ecenttr ip withS teveGnr eetro M exicaon dt hec loseen countetrhse yh ado nt hattr ip. FROM THE DIRECTOR'DSE SK PAINTEDR OCK STATEP ARK OUTING Havey oun oticleadt etlhye raer em orea ndm orea rticles Theo utinogn SaturdaAyp,r i9l a tP aintReodc kS tate abouUtF Osa ndt heg overnmecnotv erupM?a ybej,u st Parkn earG ilaB endw as a welcomed iversainond maybew,e areg ettian gl ittblietc losetrot het ruth! providae dda yo fb eauti(ftuhlo uwgihn dyw)e athearn d Ther ealgloyo dn ewsi st hatth em ediias t reattihnigs goodc onversaatmioonng f rienadnsdf ellMoUwF ON-AZ subjewcitt ha lomto rer espetchta ni nt hep astI.t hink membersA.b out2 5 ofu sm eta tt hep arka t1 1: 30, them ajosrh ifitn the covoeftr haegU eF O phenomenon andw e enjoyae dc ollecptiicvneai ncd s everhaolu rosf hast od ow ith tmhoastt b asiacn ds acreidn gredioefn t camaraderTihee.n umeroupse trogly(pahmsa ssoend Americasno cieatnyd p olitiMcOsN:E Y! And we all a singllea rgmeo undo r" hilolf"s toneosf v olcanic knowt hamto neyt alks. origiwne)r ef ascinatiFnogr.t unattehleCy a stors had broughatl ontgw oo ft heisro nsM,i ke aSntde vew,h o Ib elietvhee r easowne areg ettitnhge c overagies providiendf ormaatricvhea eoloignitcearlp retoaftt hieo n becausteh eya ref inallilnyk itnogg ethtehree xpensive anciednrta wings. blacpkr ojecatnsdt heU FO coverupW.i tht hee ndo f thec oldw ara ndt ighbtu dgetpse oplaer es tarttiong Itw as a reatlr eatto f inalmleye tt heB arlefyrso m takneo ticet hoefs seo -calwlieldrd e porotfsb illioofn s Yuma. DorisB arlehya sb eena n invaluahbellep taxpaydeorl labresi ngs pentw ithoutth ep ubliocr collectiinnfgo rmatoinos ni ghtianngdse xperiences for Congrehsasv inagn yk nowledogfet hesper ojects. our groaunpd,s heh asc ontribuntuemde rourse ports anda rticfloeruss ei nt hen ewslettSehrei. s a ni ntegral Ir ecentrleyaa dv ergyo oda rtiicnlt eh em usimca gazine parto f MUFON-AZa,n d we surelayp precihaetre Spin abouAtr ea5 1a ndt heg overnmebnlta cpkr ojects. continueifnfgo rts! Theye stimattehda tt hes ecreUtS governmewnats spendi$ng1 00m illipoenrd ayo n secreptr ojectAs ! Altlo os ooni tw asm id-afterannodot ni mte oh eadf or couploefd aysl ikteh acto ulfdi nitshheP hoenfirxe eway home.I ti sh opetdh awte canh avet hesgee t-togethers systemT.h ea rticwalsew elrle searchweedl,wl r itten, moreo fteinn t hef uturpee,r haptsh reoer f outri meas andg avea lootf h istordiactaoaln h owt heN ellRiasn ge yearN.e xt tiwmee' lpll aan trinpo rttho F lagstoarf f hask epte xpandionvge rt hey ears, appawrietnhnt ol y souttho t heT ucson area. endi ns ight, with theirg ralba.tI etms etn tliaonnde d thes peculatoifUo FnO r everesneg ineerpirnogj ecbtust didn otd weloln t haats pecfto rl ongT.h ep oinits t,h e moret hem edial ookisn tbou dget covetrhuep sc,l oser itw ilgle tt ot heU FOc overup. It willb e veryi nteresttion fgo llotwh isG AO investigaotfRi oosnw ellR.e memberi,tw as thet ax accountantthsa tb rought downC apAoIn e- -so wouldni'tbt e i rontihca atf tearl mos5t0 y earosf t rying tog eta tt het rutthh rougshc ientriefsieca rwceh ,b ring downt heh ouswei tha couple beoafn c ounters! Asa lwayIsl ,o ofko rwartody ouri npuatn dc omments. RayM aurer StatDei rector "Don'ttfpoou rghtei twas t cahh eatwo dh ounW.e forgot thalatst ti me. • CSETIP:u rposaen dP rinciples contascotf aorb serveadn,dt haitti s litkhealttyh is ByM arkW rona represean ctoso perateifvfeo. r t Overt hep asts everamlo nthsm any of you have CSETIw ilalt tempttoc ultivbaitlea teErTaIl- Human contactmeed r equestiinnfgo rmataiboonu CtS ETI.I n contaacntd e xchangwhei cwhi lsle rvpee acefaunld respontsoe thgiesn erianlt ereIsh atv ee xtracttehde cooperatgiovael si;ti sN ota goalo fC SETIt o followiinngf ormataiboonu tC SETI'psu rposeasn d acquitrheo saed vancetde chnologwiheisc hm ay principlferso m brochuredsi sseminatbeyd the havea potentmiialli toarrhy a rmful appliifc ation organization. disclopsreedm aturely. DESCRIPTION PAUNRDP OSE: MAJOR PROGRAMSO F CSETI: TheC entefro rt he StuodfEy x traterrIenstterlilailg encTeH EC E-5I NITIAT(IhVuEm ainn itiCatleodsE en counter) (CSETiIs)a n internatnioonnparlo sfciite ntriefsieca rch isa m ajoprr ojewchto seg oails t hef urthdeerv elopment and educatioonr ganizatdieodni catetdo the of bilatearnadl h uman-initiETaItc eodn tactT.h is understanodfiE nxgt raterreIsnttreilalli g(eEnTcIae)n d projeicntv olvsecsi entiasntdsi nvestigatorissa, and ExtraterrCeisvtirliiazla tionIst ds(i ErTeCc)it.soS rt even long-teprrmo jeocftC SETI. M. GreerM,. D. CSETIi se speciailnltye resitnet dh e ETI-Humraenl ationasnhdii npt he peacfeufrutlh erance PROJECTE TII NFORMi sa majopru bliecd ucation oft hirse lationship. prograwmh ichu tilitzheesm ediap,u blilce cturaensd symposainad p rintmeadt eritaoli sn fortmh ep ublaincd A thorougrhe vieowf existidnagt aa ndd ocuments governmeonftf ictiharlosu ghtohuetw orldT.h eg oal of concerni'nUgF Os' inditchaattte hsee arthha sb een thipsr ograimst op roviqduea lity progroanEm TmIit nog visitbeydE TIa ndE xtraterreSsptarcieaclr( aEfTtS f)o r alsle ctoorfst hep ublic. decadeisf,n otc enturiaensd,t hatt hicso ntachta s intensiofvieertd h ep ast4 5 yearsT.h ee xistenacned RAPIDM OBILIZATIIONNV ESTIGATTIEVAEM S( RMIT) authenticatiosne veorfa tlo p-secrdeotc uments arec omprisoefdq ualifsiceide ntiasntdis n vestigators confirmitnhge r etrieovfa clr asheEdT S and their whoc anr esponsdw ifttloya na rea of onEgToIi/nEgT S occupantthse,r eporotfst housanodfsc redicbilvei lian contacCta.s eosf h igshc ientainfdii cn vestigmaetriivte andm ilitoabrsye rvearnsd,t hep resenoctea ssociated and credibiwliiltlby e considerfeodr t hiss pecial landitnrga ceasl plr ovidceo mpelleivnigd enocfet he investigative paaprtpircoualcwahhr,el nyt heayl shoa ve ongoincgo ntabcett weeEnT Ia ndh umans. thep otential fIonri tCiEai-tn5iv voel vement. Ina ddititootn h ei nvestigaantdia onna lysoifcs r edible CSETCIO NFERENCEASN D WORKSHOPaSr ed esigned ETI/ETS reCpSoErtTsIi,s c ommittteodt het houghtful tof aciliitna-tdee patnha lyasnidst hintka nfko rmulations longt erm developmenotf bilaterEaTlI -Human andp lannionng a �als pe�tosf E TIs tudioSsp.e cific communicatiaonnd exchange, oapnedn public topiicsn cluHduem: ani nitiaEtTeIcd o ntact;o-trhieg ins educatioonnt hes ubjecWte. regartdh iesn deavaosr and motiveosf currenEtT Iv isitoErTsI;b iology, them osti mportasncti entainfdie cd ucatiopnraolj eocft anatompyh,y sioloagnydm, e diciamlp licatpieoancse;f ul then extth ousayneda rs. applicatoifoE nTsIt echnoloagnyd t hen ew physics; philosophaincdsa pli ritiumapll icatoifoE nTsIc ontact; CSETIP RINCIPLaEnSdA SSUMPTIONS: possibrlies kasn db enefittosE TIa risifnrgo mh uman contactth;e e ffecotf ETIc ontacotn thew orlds Therei ss tronegv idencfeo rt hee xistenocfe societiaensd governmentssh;a reda nd unique ExtraterresItnrtiealll igeCnicvei,l izatainodn s characteriosftE iTcIas n dh umans; world anpde ace Spacecraft. unitays a prerequifsoiret xet ensiEvTeIc ontacatn d exchangdei;p lomagtoivce,r nmenatnadsl e curiitsys ues ETI/EThSa veb eena nda rec urrently visitings uErarrotuhn.d EiTnIg- humcaonn tact. Carefbuill atecroamlm unicatbieotnw eeEnT Ia nd You canr eacChS ETIa t:C SETI, PB.OOX. 1 4501, Humansi s of continuiinmgp ortanacned will AshevilNlCe 2,8 813. probabilnyc reaisnte h ef uture. CSETI approachetsh e studyo f ETI with MEDIAW ATCH cooperatipveea,c efaunld n on-harmifnutle ntions byT om Taylor andp rocedures. Int hei ntereosftk eepintgh eU FO topibce forteh e The establishmoefn at l astiwnogr ldp eacei s publitch,ef ollowiisna g l isotfp rograomnst hes ubject essenttioat lh ef uldle velopmoefnt th eE TI-Human recentaliyr evdi at elevision,a ndrn aedwisop aper in relationship. recenwte eks.W e wilalt tempttol isptr ograamhse ad of time whepnoesvseirb ulnef;o rtunawtee layr,en ot Bothh umansa nd ETI,a s consciouisn,t elligentn otifoifet dh em ajoriotfpy r ograumnst iitli st ool atteo beingasr,e a �sentimaolrleya likteh and issimilar;p ublitshhe mi nt heN ewsletitnet ri mef orm embertso CSETIis d edicatteotd h es tudoyf b otho urs hared viewh,e aro rr eadt hem.I nt hec aseo fTV andr adio andu niquceh aracteristics. programass,ka tM UFON meetintgoss eei fa nyonies awaroef s omeonweh om ayh avet apetdh emt os hare. CSEToIp eratoenst hep remitshea EtT Im otivaensd ultimaitnet entiaorneps e acefaunldn on-hostile. InsiEddei tiCoBnS,( Chann1e0 l) ,4 :30p.m.[ somtei me withitnh el as1t 0d ays)C.o ngressmSacnh iafnfd t he It appearsp robablteh atm ore than one coveruwpe ret hes ubjeocftt hihsa lf-hporuorg ram. ExtraterrCeisvtirliiazlia srt eisopno nsfiobErlT eI /ETS Tuesday9s, a .m-.11a .m.L,o caPlu blAiccc esCsa ble populatweidt mhi llioofnh sa pppye oplTeh.e raer eo nly [DimensiCohna nne2l2 ins omea reas-]U FO-AZ/UFO twoe ntranctehsr:o utghhe N ortahn dS outPho leasn,d TALKS.T edL omanJ,i mN ichoalnsd R ickKe efheo st sorotf e xhausutn detrh eB ermudTar iang(lper obaab ly thicso ntinusienrgi efesa turiinntge resgtuiensgt asn d sanitasreyw er)T.h eya ssuremde thaste veroaflo ur topicrse latteod theU FO experiencMea.r yH art polaerx peditikonnosw a boutth atA.f telri stention g continuteos t apea s many of thesep rogramass them f.oarw hiIlc eo,m posemdy mosts eriofuasc aen d possibalned,s heh opesto suept a libraorfsy o rtsso said",G entlemtehna,it s i mpossibIlk en!o w for sure thatth et apecsa nb ev iewebdy M UFON-AZm embers thatth eE artihsf lat!" whoa reu nablteor eceitvheep rogratmh emselves. Is ucceediendm y ploya,s t heyt henw alkeadw ay, A UFO sightiinngH ollanMdi,c higawna s recently mumblintgh atth eraer ea lways swoemier doastt hese reportoend C NN News,L arrKyi ngL ivea,n dS trauss' conferen.ce.s. Place( KTARR adioa)s wella s othemre dia.T he sightiwnags witnesbsye ldo caplo licoef ficearnsd Dimit"rJii mO"s sipov newspapreerp ortaenrdsw asa lscoo nfirmoendr adar! [Seec opyo fo nen ewspapearr ticolne t hes ighting elsewheirnte h iiss sue.] AREA 51F IELDT RIP Wednesday,A pri2t7 ,9 :0p0.m.K,T ARR adi(o6 20A MI Severmaelm berfsr omo url ocaMlU FON grouph ave -"StrauPsl'a cew"i thB ilSlt raussR:i charHdo glund expressaendi nteriensa tn o utintgoA rea5 1 Anyone . ("Facoen M ars"a)n dR epresentaStcihvieff rfo mN ew interesitnfe odr mian ggr outpo go to5 1Aa rreeaa s ked Mexicwoi lble t heg uestosn B illp'rso gramB.e tween toc alLla rry Noaatc2 k7 3-6133o(rh7 )3 18-772(w). thipsr ogratmh,e 4 8 hourpsr ogra(ml isbteeldo wa)n d [PerhatphseM ay2 0-2U2F OF riendsChaimpp ouatt t he theC ongressiohneaalr inogns t heR oswelclo verup, LittAl e' Le' IinnnR achelN,V wouldb e a good Apriplr omisteosb ea mosti nteresmtoinntghf orU FO weekenfdo rt het ritpo N evada!] buffs! Wednesday, Apri2l0 :4 8H oursC,B S( Chann1eO ll. UFO FRIENDSHICPA MPOUT P..:.!!1. -Thipsr ograwmi liln cluad ree poorntU FOsa nd May2 0,2 1,2 2 ise xpectteodf eatuirnet erviweiwtshD r.J ohnM ack LittAl 'eL eI'n n regardianbgd uctionMse;x icoC ityr eportJeari me Highwa3y7 5-RacheNle,v ada Maussaonn t heU FOf laopv eMre xicDor;. S teveGnr eer 702/729-2515 ofC SETIa;n d heretoufnokrneo winn formatoiuoton f RussiaD.u rintgh ew eeko fM arch2 0,1 994a, news PROGRAM:F ridaMya,y 2 0:P rograbme ginast5 p.m. teamf rom4 8 Hoursf ollowfeodu CrS ETIm emberosn witdhi nnferr om5 -8p .m.G eta cquainttiemde f8ro-m an expedittiol)M ne xicoF.a scinating intervie"1v1s: 3p0a. nmd. UFO footaagree k nownt oh aveb eenr ecordbeydt he 48 Hoursc rew.I tw ilble i nteresttois negeh ow the SaturdaMya,y 21:B reakfaast7t : 30a .m.S peakers UFOp henomeniasp resentientd h irse por[tT.h ilsi sting staratt 9 . a.m.( severfailr st-stpiemaek ersY)o.u a re wasr eportbeydM arkW rona.] invitteods peak( caltlh en umbera bovef ord etails). Lunchf romn oont o2 p.m. Mores peakefrrso m2 - 5 p.m. Dinnefrr om5 -8p .m. Campfirtea lkasf ter CLOSEE NCOUNTERSO F A dinneorrS kywatcahtM ailbox. BIZARREK IND SundayM,a y 22: Breakfaast7t : 30a .m. You are New YorkJ,u l1y9 78.D uet om y Balkansikainn i,nt he welcomteo t akteh ep odiutmo s haryeo ure xperiences. summerIa m deep-tannleidkb,er onzeH.e reI w as,a t Thiiss a weekenfdo rp eoplien teresitne dU FaOc tivity oneo ft heU FOc onferencaedsm,i riJn.Kg e el'bso oks to get togethearn d talka boutt heisri ghtings, whena youngl adrya nu pa nds tartteodh ugm e. "So abductioentsc,.A tt hitsi mteh en ameso fa lslp eakers goodt o seey ou again!"sh e said." Don'yto u aren otc onfirmed,t hbeurwte i lble a multituodfe remembemre ? "I'vnee vehra dt hep leasumries,s. ." informatainodln o tosf f una ndf riendship. . Ir eplie"dY.o ua ref romA tlantriisg,h t?S"h ea sked. "No,I a m fromB ellerose.i si TnQh uaete ns- -"" But Tor egisitnea rd vanc(ep epre rsons)e,n d$ 50c hecokr don'yto ur ememberY?o uw erep ilottihnelg a sati rship moneyo rdetro :L ittAl 'eL eI'n nH,C R Box4 5,R achel, minutebse forAet lantis Dsoann'kyt!o ur ememberI? NV 89001b eforMea y 17.$ 60.0a0t t hed oor. wasy ourn avigator!" Now thaits w eird!I!h atet od rivae c ara,n dh ereI UFO BULLETIBNO ARDS was,s upposedpliyl otainne gn tisrpea ceshpirpo,b ably fulolfp eoplaen dc argoof s liwowiItw zo.n dewrh ere A frieonfdM aryH arth'ass f ounad b ullebtoianr cda lled we crashed. "FIDONETw"h ichc ontainUsF O-relatceodm puter discussiHoeng .a veM aryt hei nformaotnia o dni skette "Buts"h es aiv.di t:i.m patien"cwee,w erem oret hana ands heh asp rintedo voeu2rt0 0p ageosf t hesbeu lletin creww;e weres oulmateHso!w coulydo uf orget?" boarndo tefso rr eviebwu,ts hed oesn oth avea modem SuddenIlr ye membereAd N.a poleopnriecc eprte:t reat (oerx tra time)p oaitnt totg heitms o rec loseilnyv olved isa llowoendl bye forae w oman.A ndI d id. Fast. witmho nitorsiuncghb ullebtoianr dfso UrF O discussion. We knowt haJti mS peiser aknee pyteo nP ARANETf or New YorkA,u gus1t9 88.A ta nothUeFrO conference discussoifoU nF O-relattoepdi cbsu,tU FO-relactheadt Iw as accostbeyd two gentlewmheon p roceedteod onF IDONEwTa sa newo net ou s.A nyonweh om ight demonstratthea tt heE artihs h ollowT.h erei sa n bei nteresitnme odn itortihnigbs u llebtoianr fdo r UFO- intersiuonrp, r ovidliinggth otc ontineonptpso siotuer s, relatdeids cussioofin nst erteost th eg rouips a sketdo ands ometimaessk n aivqeu estion"sW:h ya ret here contaMcatr yH arotr T om TaylorTh.a nks. 180c ountroine sE arth"" Whyd o youh avew ars?" "Howd o youc ount?I"n m ostc asetsh eys ayw here theyc omef rom.A t timesr,o bottsa ga lonwgh o CROPCIRCLAE P OC ALY PSE communicabtye m eanso f "TV scree"n son which BookR eviebwy J ere Castor sentencients h ep ersonn'ast ilvaen guaagreed isplayed. Another iksia n "dh eadless" aebnotui3tt m ye,t ertsa ll, The book entitlCerdo pcircAlpeo calyps[eI SBN whicrhi deasr ounodb jewchti cohp ens" liakneo range" 095225830X )i sa uthorbeydJ ohnM acnisahn dw as uponl anding. Thoifse nktiinctdoy l lescatmsp leasn d firsptu blishiendt heU K in 1993b y Circlevisiond isappefarrosms ight. PublicatioJnosh.n Macnisha,n independeTnVt producoef"r C ropciCrocmlmeu niqueh,a"sf ollowtehde Whatd oesa ltlh imse an? DidE Tsd ivide Earth into twists and turns coifr cetlhneei gmcsari onpc 1e9 89. exploraztoinoenss o t hatth edyo n'itn terfweirteh each Hisi nsisdteo riaensdf actcso ncernmianngy c rocpi rcle other?·A re we subjectteod differeknitn dso f surveillaanrceme oss tr evealiAnlgs.o , ftuhlefl a cts experimenAtrse?t heyt ryidnigf feraepnptr oaches? abouDto uga ndD avea ndt heiprr eviouusnltyo lsdt ory aboutth ec ircltehse yc onstrucftreodm1 9 77t hrough On onep oinhto,w evetrh,e ya lalg reeE:a rthlianrgeas 1992a red isclosfeodrt hef irtsitm e.T hes ecreotfs violegnrte,e dmya,t erialcirsotwidc.A nd,o hb oy!D o MandelbrBoatr,b urCya stlteh,e D harmiWeh eela nd we neede ducation! othefro rmatioanrser evealeAdl.lo ft hek eyi nside playearnsd o rganizatiinto hnsec ropc ircalree naan d Dimit"rJii mO"s sipov thep arttsh epy layeodv etrh ey earasr ei dentifWieeldl. documentaendd c ontrolelxepde rimehnatvsee xposed many hiddeonr secret faancdt iss sues.T hese "PUBLIDCE SENSITIZATIOCNO"N TINUES experimehnatvse p rovidaends wertso m anyo ft he questiotnhsa th aveb eenl ingeriinnt gh em indso f [Ify ou havee xampleosf UFO and Alien-related individluiaklmesy selwfh o haveh ada general interemsatt eribaelisn ugs edi na dvertiseitncg.w,,e 'dl ikteo int hes ubject. The taonh sowwe crrso p circles haarvee c opiefso rp ublicaitnit ohne newsleTthtaenrk.s .] madea ndb y whom have beeexnp oseadn dm adea matteorfr ecorbdyt hibso ok.T hec ropc ircclaes eh as nowb eenc losebdy l ogiacn dc ommons ense. LUE Iw oulrde commenMdr .M acnishb'oso kt oa nyonweh o woulldi kteor evietwh es ubjefcrto m anotvhaenrt'asg e poinotr p erspectiIvtei .sa n excellheinstt otrhya t exposes mamnyy ths,l egendsa,n d religious associatsiuornrso undtihnegc ircplhee nomenonF.o r many the truthw illh urt; aansd ,t he trutihs documentetdh,ec onnectioofnc ropc irclteosU FOs diesT.h ew ritweoru lbde m oret hanh appty ol oahni s bookw ouldb e moret hanh appyt ol oanh isb ookt o anyonweh o seriouwsilsyh etso p ursuteh es ubjeocft cropc irclteoas n e nd!H e woulds trongsluyg gestth at alwlh ow isht od ot hirse vietwh ef actasn dd rawt heir ownc onclusioHnes,a. l sow,o uldn otr ecommentdh is bookt oa nyonew ho hasa presennto tiotnh att he circlaerse beingg eneratebdy some "unknown intelligoerns cpee"c igaolv ernmeangte ncy. ARE WE COLONIZED? Int he1 9th centEuurryo,p epaonw ersm,o stlEyn gland and Francec,a rvedo ut Asiaa nd Africaam ong themselvweist houatn yr egartdo l ocaplo pulations. Theyj ust dec"itdheiidssy oursa,n dt haitsm ine.A"n d then extd ay,t hen ativheasd t od rinak w armb eero r sinMga rseillaise. Fanso fp rogressriovcek witfhi rsthaacncdo unotfs shoulcdh ecoku tP lanBeltu e,a liaebnd ucttihoant;n' ostt h e Butc onsidtehri si:nN ortahn dS outAhm ericwae deal an accomplisqhueadr tetc aseB.l umea ya sw elhla ve mostlwyi th" gresy." Theya bducpte ople withoutt hatj'ussp tu to utaw ell-prdoo­n1e1 s ongasb ouwte ather permission, etxhaemmi inne a veryb usinesslike duceCdD r ifwei th extrabtaelrl­ooAnnsdt. h eraer et wo mannera,n dt hens endt hemh ome. ..a lwli thl itotrl e restrairaatln dl yrirceafle r't·u neasb outth e nfeoeGrdo d. no communicatiTohne.yd on'itn tentiohnuarltlb,yu t encesS.o ngsl ik"eC rop Martioarnr se ligtihoibnsa, n d neithdeort heyd isplfaryi endliSntersisc.bt ulsyi ness. Circlaensd�" A F arW ayF rom is lookinhge avenward. Home�l ulylo ui nttoh inking InE uropaen dA siat,h eries a differbeunntc h:t all, thiwsi lble a conceapltb um humanliakned f riendlTyh.e yd on'atb duc-t rather, theyi nvite".H eyf,e llowwa,n ta ridteo t hes tars?" "Forh ow long?"" Fortyye ar.s. . no,j uskti dding. Come on,h opi n!"I nsitdhe ec raftth eya ret alkative WednesdMaary,ch 23,1 994 ASUs cientsihsotost ing TheA rizoRneap ublic fohre avenisnM arsp robe fViissrieopnl aces" Oneo ft her easownes c and o thiss o cheapliys t hat we've MICHIGAN ill-fOabtseedr veral readdye velopmeods to ft he instrumeanntdas l,wl e havet od o Oddl igrhetpso rted ByV ictCorirc ks is rebuitlhde m,s"a iKde nE dgett, THE PHOENIX GAZETTE ASU graduastet udeanntd m em­ Whilsee archfearnos u ta crotshseH ollaarnead NASA plantso l auncahn othebre ro ft heM arsO bserver team. thiwse ekentdo l ookf ore videnocfeU FOs in spacper obteo M arsi n1 996a,n d "Thes copoef t heM arsG lobal Michigaan ne,w s ightwiansrg e poritnet dh wee stern UppePre ninsula. ArizonSat atUen iverssiptayc eS urveyoirs c onsideracbulty TheM ichigan soeftc hteMi uotnu aUln identifieds cientaigsaticsno ulgde ta p iecoef backh,e"s ai"dT.w oo ft hes even FlyinOgbj eNcett worhka sr eceimvoerde t han 100 thea ction. instrumeonrtisg inailnlcyl uded reporotfUs F O sightiinngl osw eMri chigsainn ce PresidCelnitn to1n9'9sb5 u dget. .w.o n'mta ket her etutrnr ip." March8 ,s ainde twomrekm beVri rgiTniiall oyf includae sr e- Theya rea gammar ays pec­ ,--------, GranRda pids. quesfto rf unds trometdeers ignbeyd W illiam "We'rgee tti1n0og r 1 5n ews ightiadn agys, T"i lly for the Boyntoonf theU niversiotfy toltdh Dee troit FrePer essi na r epoSratt urd"aWye. $200m illion Arizonaan,da devifcoer m easur­ havep robab2l0y peo plein variosutsa geosf Mars Global ingt het emperataunrdep ressure investigtahteisrneeg p orts." Surveyora, oft heM artiaatnm osphere. scal-eddown "TheU ofAf oughhta rdb,u t versioonf the theiirn strumreenqtu irae ldo ng $980m illion boomt hawto ulhda ve adtdoeod MarsO bserver muche xtrwae ightto theS ur­ thawta sl osbte - veyorE,d"g ett said. L-.-C-H-R-IS�TENSEN forei tw ast o He hass tudied fMoarer isg ht entero rbiatr ounMda rs lasty ears and pmiannnye odf his summer. caregeora losnt heM arsO bserver A leakfyu elli nper obabrulp­y missioEnv.e ni fal lg oesw elwli th tureadst hes pacecnreafatr etdhe Surveyo2r1, y earwsi llha ve endo fi t1s1 -monttrhit poM arsa, passesdi ncheeb ecamien fatuat!;:!d paneolfs peciacloinsctlsu ded. witthh eR edP laneatn dt het ime TheN ationAaelr onautaincds S urveybeginso r exploration. SpaceA dministraatpiporno ved" I'vbee eni nteresint eMda rs ther eplacemoeffn itvo eft hMarse sincIew asa kid,E"d getsta i"dI. Observesre'vsei nn strumelnatsstw as in sixtghr adew hen the monthe,n dinugn certafiontrth ye Vikinsgp acecrlaafntd eodnM ars ASUr esearcwhheord se signtehde in1 976a ndt ransmitttheefd i rst thermaelm issisopne ctromeptheort oofst hep lanestu'rsf abcaec k thawiltl bep lacoendb oard. toE arth. rTehaaltcl ayp turmeyd "Itg'osi ntgob ea lonrgo ad, biumta ginaliktei onno thienvge hra s. itb'est ttehra nno r oads,a"i AdS U "Fomre personatlhlimysi, s sion geoloPgryo fesPshoirl lCihpr istecno·u lsdh apteh e fudtiurreec toifo n senw,h oh eadtsh et eamo fA SU my careeTrh.e rei s a loto f spacsec ientwiistthas h ankerinugn certaifnotryy o ungs cientists tos urvtehye R edP lanemti'nse rawlh o areg ettirnega dtyo f inish wealth. graduastceh ooTlh.e money for By lat1e9 97if, all goesw ell,t hiksi nodf r eseairscv he rtyi ght.'' Christeannsdeh ni st eamc oulbde GlobaSlu rveyiosrp arto ft he backw herteh eyw erei nA ugusts pacaeg encnye'wsp ustho d emon· jusbte fotrheeM arsO bservwears straitteas b ilittyo f lsym allleesr,s 1l4�·· destrobyyew dh atN ASAo fficieaxlpesn sivpel anetaerxyp lora·­tion suspewcatsa f luka�c cid.e nt missitohnasin t h asin thep ast. . .. TuesdaMyar,ch 81,9 9-4The Phoenix Gazette SUBSCRIBE TO YOUR MUFON-ARIZONAN EWSLE11ER! Subscripdtuioeansr eo nl$y 12f or a fully eaorf M UFON-ArizNoenwas leItstseur(e osn eI sspueer m onth). Whethyeoru a rael reaads yu bscriabnednr e etod reneywo usru bscripd��· r oua res ubscribtihneMg U FtOoN ­ ArizoNneaw slefotrt theer fi rsdtm e,p leapsuety ourn amec,u rrenatd dreasnsdt elephnounmeb eirnth e space providbeedl owI.n clude $y1o2cu hre ck (made to pTaoyma Tbalyel oNrO,T to MUFON)a ndm aitol: TomT aylo1r4,3 W3. H undngton, TAZe m8p5e,2 82D.on' tm isss lan &fIes sue! Thanfkso yro usru pport! 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