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MUFON Arizona 1993 11 15 Vol 02 No 11 PDF

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Preview MUFON Arizona 1993 11 15 Vol 02 No 11

M.U.F.O.. N RayM aurer-S·t atDei rector 948-6048 Al"izonCah apter' Tom Taylo-rS ec1ioDni rector 967-6265 VolumeI II I ssu1e1 MEETINGD ATE: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1 993+ + MEETINGT IME:7 :30S HARP LOCATION:8 227E .O rangeB lossomS,c ottsdalAeZ, (Clubhouse) PROGRAM: To Be Announce(dM rD.e ani sc urrentolutyo ft hec ountry) FROM THDEI RECTORD'ESS K RecentIlh ya dt hep leasuorfep reviewitnhgen ew book verys ou.l. .s omethintgh aetx pandosu re volutiaonnd byK eitPhr ieasntd L yssRao yalT.h et itilse" Preparing oure ssenceS.o methintgh att akeuss thato nes tep ForC ontact:A Metamorphosoifs C onsciousness." beyond acnhda ngeuss a sa speciesT.h ep eoplweh o The booki sa boutE xtraterresatnrdih aolws w e may ares o-callaebddu cteaers ea stepa parftr omt he rest· � expeccto ntacwti tht hemi nt hef uture. aEnadce hv ery theyh avee xperienac meedt amorphostihsac ta nnobt oneo fu s hopesa nde xpecttsh at sodmaey t het ruth undesrtoodb y thosew ho haven otu ndergonteh e _ wilble known. We imagtihnaett rutwhi lclo me in expenenceT.h e experience iistb seeylofn dt imea nc some formt o meeto urc urrenetx pectatioofnh so w space. Whtahte yd escriibseb eyondt imea nds pace thacto ntacsth oultda kep laceT.h ep robleimst hawte So perhapisti sn ow timef ort her esotf u st ol ooka · expecat shipt ol ando n theW hiteH ousel awna nd thise ntirpeh enomenofnr oma completedliyf fe·r en make formadli plomatriecl atiownist hu s and some perspectiOvnee.t hati,ni tsedleff,i etsi mea nds pace advanceadl ierna ce.B utt hatb eliiesfb asedo n our Maybew e aree xpecticnogn tacotno uro wn termsa,n c vnc onceptosfh ow contacptr otocsohlo ultdr anspire, thati so urp roblemt;h ati sw hy we ares of rustrated causet haits t hew sy we ·,•:dceui !tad n dt hati st he beca!.!siet c an'hta ppe:o1r. cur terms!t an0i1�;asr� way itw as donei nt hep ast.C olumbulsa ndeodn the justth a-t- OUR termsW.h atw e needt od oi sb eo pe1 beacha ndm etw itht hec hieafn de xchangegdr eetings tot hep ossibitlhiattty h ermei ght exoitshte tre rms. andg iftsB.u tt hosoef y ouw ho haves tuditehde U FO Eveno therdi mensioonfst imea nds pacet hatd on' phenomenoinn m ore detail trheaaetlv iezrey thitnhga t necessarailliygt nh emselvweist ho uro wn.W e needt we belieavned e verythitnhgaw te understadnode sn ot looka ta ne ntirenleyw modelo ft heu niversoen;et h< fiitn ttoh eU FO realiWtey .h aveb aseodu rc onceptosn isa little more eOlnaes tthiacti. s n ots tuck tihn theN ewtonialna wso fp hysicsW.e haveb eent aught limitatoiofan tsh ree-dimenspieornsaple cti·v e. fromc hildhotohda tth ew orlids t hree-dimensional. solid andr ealO.u rs cientifsitgsu rieftd h eyc ouljdu srte duce Thisb ooki sa bouatn a specotf c ontacftr oma differer everything tdooi wtnss mallecsotm ponenwte, ·w ould perspect.iv.e.t hatof P leiadicaonn tactI.ti sa ste eventuaulnldye rstaintad l lB.u ti nt rutwhh,e ny oug et beyondy oura veragteh inkinIgn.f acti,t w ilble down tot hes ub-atomliecv eall,ol u rc urrentth eories stretfcohry ourt ypicUaFlO buffI.td oesn otd eal wi1 andu nderstandbirnega ks dowEnn.t enro w thew orld flyisnagu cerssi,g htincgrsa,s hesg oovre rnmecnotv e ofq uantupm hysics. ups. Itd oesn ote vend ealw itht heg reysa nd tt abductipohne nomeno(nt hawta s covereidn V isito UFO researchhas shownu s thata llo f ourl awso f FromW ithin)I.ts houlndo w be recognizbeyd m o physichsa vet ob e redefinaesd w e looka tt hen ew peoplweh o haves erioussltyu dieUdF Os thatt here aspectosf o urc urrenrte searchT.h eyd efyo urv ery moret hano nep henomenogno inogn ,a ndt hatth et basicc onceptosf realittyh;e yd efyt he logical pictuirsee venl argtehra na nyoneev edrr eameidtc ol. construcotfos u rb raina;n dt heyd efyt hev eryw ay in possibbley. We mustm ove on pastl ogginlgi ghts whichw e understaonudr selves tahneed n vironment thes ky- -we cannolti mitth ed atab,e causietm akes arounuds . uncomfortabOluer.m indsn eedt ob e opent or ealr we never thoupgohsts iblMea.y bei ti sW E who ha Iti sn ow timet oe xpanbde yonodu rp hysiclailm itations createtdh e limitatioofn usn derstandtihneg U l ande xpando urc onsciousnaensdso urv eryb einagn d phenomenofno rw hati ti s. tryt ou nderstaannde xtremecloym plepxh enomenon Tryr eadintgh ibso okw hen itc omeso uti nF ebrua froma completedliyf ferpeenrts pective. andl eitt t akey ouo na journeiyn tao m etamorphosis isb ookt akeso n thatn ew perspectivIet.i sa consciousnaessw se preparfeo rc onta.c t • perspecttivhea ta llowuss to explorree aliftryo ma multi-dimensaisopneaclt .A lli ndicatioofn csu rrent As always,l ooIkf orwartdo y ouri deaasn di nput. researtcehlu ls t hawte aren otn ecessardielayl iwnigt h ane xtraterreosctcruirarle nbcueti nstesaodm ethifnagr RayM aurerS,t atDei rec1 morer eachitnhga nt hat.S omethintgh att ouches our KECKSBURGU FO IFU FOsA RE REAL,W HY DON'TT HEY LAND ON THEW HITEH OUSE LAWN? Int heS eptembe1r9 93i ssuoef O MNIM agazinJea,m es ·( Oberts uggesttsh att he" Kecksburg UmFiOg"h th ave Thea nswert ot heq uestivooni ceidn t het itlIse beena classified roefc "oSvoevriye Kto smos-96a"n d "Therwea sn'etn oughr oom!" that" UFO buffasr eo n thew rongs ide.I nsteaodf expositnhge t rutthh,e ym ay beu nwittipnagw nsi nt he FACT:A lthougohf fici"aelxlpyl ainbeydt "h eA irF orce deceptni.o" as "thermianlv ersiaonndst rickosft he eye," ao ver hundreUdF Osb uzzetdh eW hiteH ousea ndt heC apitol UnitedN ationRse soluti1o9n6 2 was unanimously BuildiinngJ ulyo f 1952l,ite ralyl fyling inf omrations adoptebdy t heG eneraAls sembloyf t heU nited Nationsb acka ndf ortahc rostsh en ationc'asp itfoolrh ourosn on December1 3, 19 63. Thisr esolutieonnt itled end. The WhiteH ousel awns implcyo uldn oth ave 11D eclaratoifoL ne gaPlr incipGloevse rnitnhge A ctivities accommodatetdh ema ll! ofS tateisn t heE xploratainodnU se ofO uterS pace" statei,n p art: "Ownerosfho ibpj ects launched iTnhteol arge-scdailsep loavye rt hec ountryc'asp itiosla outesrp acea,n dt heicro mponenpta rtsi,sn ot affected documentefda ct.W hy has its lippefdr omp ublic byt heipra ssagteh rougohu tesrp aceo rb yt heirre turn consciousneDsos ?w e asa natiosnu ffefrr omf aulty tot heE arthS.u cho bjectosrc omponenpta rtfso und memorieso,r is it thatw e acceptc onfabulated beyondt hel imitosf the stateo f registsrhya lble explanati(otnhse rmianlv ersiosnwsa,m p gas.e tc.o)f returnteodt hat State, swhhailfcluh r niisdhe ntifying unknownp henomensao o urf ragiflrea meworokfr eality datau ponr equesptr iotro r eturII n.S imillaarn guage canr emainl,i kae h ouse of csaormdesh,o wi ntact. was usedi nt heO uterS paceT reatoyf a n earlideart e. TheU niteSdt atewsa s a parttyo b otho ft hester eaties Ist herae " conspirabcyyt "h en ews medtioak eept he and requirebdy internatiloanwa lto follow.T he trutfhr om being knPoewrnh?a ptsh eL .A.T imest,h e Departmenotf Stateh as released hundorfe ds New YorkT imes, Wtahseh ingtoPnos ta ndo ther major documentcsl earslhyo winwge haveb eeni nvolvweidt h newspaperasre c oncernaebdo utta rnishtihnegii rm age ther ecoveorfym anyo bjectsso,m eo fw hichh aveb een with the much-ridicualnedd m alignesdu bjecotf identifaise bde inogf S oviet origin andt ot rheet urneUdf ologye,x cepti na few rarec asesm orer ecently. SovietsHo.w ever, many owbejreecn tost i dentifoire d Howevert,h ep ervading Amermiicnadns eta,t least returnteoda nyp ossibllaeu ncSht ateI.n s omec ases officiahlalsy ,b een to "downgraded,e bunk,a nd theD epartmeonftS tatdeo wnplayeidt sk nowledgoef tranquiltihzese u"b jeocftU FOsf orm oret han4 0y ears. thec ases. 1 A day-by-deaxya minatioofno thenre wspapersso. Ifa nya gencyo ft he United States Governmenrte,l atfiovsrem layla ln do bscurbee causoef g eographay1 .u whateverre asont,o oki tu poni tsetlofv iolatthee l aw, populati;pooni,n ttso a n entiredliyf ferreenatl itthya,t be iti nternatiloanwao lr o therwisseh,o ulidt b e held contrartyo unofficainadl o fficiparlo pagandUaF,O 3ccountafbolrte h aatc tionL?a wst haatr en ote nforced sightihnagvse n otw anedb,u to nt hec ontrarcyon,t inue 3ndu pheladr em eaningleasnsdn otw ortht hep apeorn toa ppearw ithr elativheilgyhf requenocvye ra wide Nhicthh eya rew ritteWne. needt oa sko urselvecsa:n areao ft hec ountryT.h e differenmacye be int he my governmeangte ncyor o ffipclea ciet sealbfo vet he reportiwnhge,r eaisn t hep asst uchd erisiwoans h eaped aws oft he lands?o .w Ihfa tg ooda re these laws, aonndw itnesstehsa tth eyo ftekne ptt heimro uthss hutf or vhatu sefuplu rposcea nt heys erve? fearo f harassment, but noawt motshpahte rhea s change.d .s o.m ewhat. 1 a countrsyu cha so ursw,h erel awsa ree nactefdo r he commong oodo ft hep eoplec,a nw e afforndo tt o The bottoml inei st hats ightingsso,m e of "high oldt hosree sponsirbelgea,r dloefsw sh ata genctyh ey strangeneshsa,v"ec ontinuteod o ccuro n an almost 1ayb ep arttyo ,a ccountable? dailbya siisn t heU .S.N aturalmlayn,y s ighticnagns be explainaesdn aturpahle nomenoar m isidentifiocfa tion Jea tt heO uttLai mitUsF O EnigmMau seumh aven ot celestoibajle ctosra ircrabfutt,o therpso intto a solid 1leodu ta nyp ossibalnes wears t ow hatt heK ecksburg occurrence innc ootm plianwciet ha ccepte"dn orms," FO mighth aveb een. We ares earchifnogr t he i.e.t,h e objecatn d/oro ccupantasr en ot of this Jvernmenrte corodf thise ventn,o tt o provet hat earth/tfirmae me/dimenosriwo hna tevetrh eiorr igin. ·hicwhe mightb elievbeu,tt op rovet het rutohf t his tensto w e wilkln oww hatt ob elieve. · Iti sa matteorf m osts eriopurso porti.o.n.s sai tuation reaals i tg etsd,e spitoef ficeifaflo rttosf ogo,b fuscate CliffoEr.Sd t one ord isinfoornm t hes ubjectJ.u sta s yous upposedly DirectoofrR esearch can'fto ola ltlh ep eoplael tl het imep,e oplcea n'bte OUTTA LIMITSU FO ENIGMAM USEUM seeintgh ermailn versiovnesn,u so,r " spacdee briasl"l ROSWELL,N EW MEXICO thet imee,i ther. PaulG arsr� DirectoofrR eseal DON'TF ORGET • . • MUFON-l.A. toc hectkh eA RJZONAM UFON Newsletter expiratdiaotnen extt oy ourn ameo n your Newsletmtaeirl iInagb ell "AreT hereI ntelliLgiefnetF orms OutT here?" a TRIADR ESEARCHC ONFERENCE in PHOENIX, ARIZONA WHEN: 11:3p0m, SaturdJaayn,u ary1 1 throug1h: 30pmS,u ndayJ,a nuary2 3,1 994 WHERE: SUNBURST HOTEL andC ONFERENCEC ENTER, 492N.5 ScottsdaRlde., ScottsdaAlrei1z on8a5 251C.a ll (690425)- 76f6o6rh oterlo oms whicihn cluad ceo ntinebnrteaalk feavsetry m orning. RESEARCHERS: JOHNM ACK, JOHNC ARPENTER, M.D. M.S.W. PulitzPreirz e-winnHianrgv arpdsy chiatrist psychiathryipcn otherapist JACKK ASHER, COLIANr �DREWS Ph.D. profesosfoa rs trophysicso,f N eUbnriavs.k a electreincgailn ecerro,cp i rclsesc ience YVONNSEM ITH, MICHAELLI NDEMANN, CHT B.A. ClosEen counteRrses earcOhr gantlillion political psycholosgyoc,i aaln alyst SKYEA MBROSE andon e more,t obe announced personaeln count&e rs vi�o fc hanges - - ----------------- --- - - - - - COST: $50u ntiJla nuary1 51,9 94$;5 5a fterwardsa ndaJ thed oor $30 S1lJDENT price with valid LD. OPTIONALE VENTS DURING WEEKEND: "Dinew itthh eR esearchers" Banquet 5:3-0 7:30p.Sm.at urdaye veninLgi;miJ eds eating Workshofpo rP rofessionHaylpsn_o&t ists Dr. Ledby JohnM ack& JohnC arpenter GroupM eetinfgo rT hoseW ithE xperiences Ledby YvonneS mith & Skye Ambrose FOR FURTIIER INFORMATIONP LEASE CALL:( 417)8 82-6847 RegistFroartmi on TriRaeds eaCrocnhf erence January2 2-23P hoenixA,riz ona - Checka lflo rw hichy ouw isht or egister: MAINC ONFERENC(Ea slple akers listed) $ 50( byJ anua1ry5 o)r $ 55( afterwar�) S30 STUDENT price OPTIONALE VENTS: "DINWEI THT HE RESEARCHERSBa"n quet( 5:30-7:p3m0S aL) $ 20 Pleasien dicyaolufierrs ts,e coannddt hicrhdo ices witwhh omy ouw oulldi kteod ine. tor egi$ter (It advisable ASAP ass eating limited.) is is 1._ __ ___ _ 1._ __ _ _ _ 3.__ ____ _ WORKSHOP FOR PROFESSIONA&L SH YPNOTHERAPISTS helSda turmdoarnyi nfgr o9m 11a. m. - $ 1( 5ifa /tendtihMneag i nC onference) $ 20 (worksOhNoLp17 · GROUP MEETING FORT HOSEW ITHEXPE RIENCES helSda turmdoayr nifnrgo 9m 11a. IIL - $ 10 (ifa /tenditnhMgea inC onference) $ 20 (g01r1pme eting ONLJ? foarl l GRAND TOTAL registrat(NiOo REFUNDSn s AFTER JAN.8 ) Make checkor money orderp ayableto "TRRAD" 81d mail to: TRIAD, 4033 S.Bei vedere Ct.,Sprin gfield, MO. 65807 you Pleasleis ctk arallynl a mest htlt anr egistering so thanta meb adgcna nH printIICeCIU'd IIIe/y. NAME(S)_ _ __ __ __ ____ ______ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ______ _ ADDRESS ____ __ __ __ ____ ____ __ __ __________ __ __ __ ___ CITY ---------- STATE____ _ ZIPC ODE_ _ _ __.. _ PHONE NUMBER UFO CONTROVERSYE XCITES im�glelm,iy ocuo uladcntt'h tsa ttu ."p iIdna natpioolnla l DEBATE-PRONAMEER ICA of5 ,9 47 aduAlmte riccaonnsd ucttweoyd e aar�so 2 byI rmBao mbeck percr�enpto .hratveiadnt� g e afsotut ry poefse xpene�ces constwstttUehFn Ota bductTihOensysa .wu nusluiaglh ts. /e'arc eo unotfpre oyp lweh oc hoouspse i daetts h der op wokuep p aralhyazde d,u nsucsauoranstl h ebiord iaensd ofa c ontrovYeoure siyt.sh meork oery ou'argea iints.t coulrdenm'etm wbhearht a ppenIes da.it dom yh ustbhan�d You'prreo -olrpi rfoe- chYooiubc eel.i Eelvvieids se aodr "Isin'sttt ratnhg�wete � avnee vbeere snt opopne d yous awh imbu ying Clhaewseette aoktWs a l-MaBrutt. roabdys omeownteta hh tthleea sdu,n keeynea sn ad big probatbhlmeyo smtt rigduiivnigos fip oe�nol ea rteh ose rounsdt omawcihtn ho w aistli"nMea?y"bt eh etyh ink whob eliienvU eF Osa ndt howsheo d otn. M ichael we'orneoe ft hemh,es" a i"dW.h yd oJ ous upptohseey RegimoefnA tnen apoMlDi,ws a,os n oef5 0p rotewshtoe rss edto wonn a G odforscaokuenrnto rayo ri na f ieilnd recemnatrlcyhi enfd r oonftt h Weh iHtoeu steoc aolnlt he Arkanssoamse wheTrheec?ya ng'etat p arkpilnagc Ie ? goverrtuonr eenlte2 a0s,e00 p0a geosf d ocumetnhtesy donk'nto w." clapirmo tvheee x istoefUn FcOe.s "Itn'oslt i tkheii ssa StaTrr ecko nvenfteiaotnut rhAietn rgao cftk hP ee aPrep ole In� ee.!pnwgi tohu prh ilostoodp iahgsrye eo ne veirsys ue, vst.h Ger eUantw ashheeds ,a"iH de.w orrieisws h tahta t Is atWdh,a dto y owua nttob e?T hbee leivero rt hneo n­ believ"eIr'b?let"l h bee liehvees ra,i""dI .t m'osrf eu n." peoptlheiw nhke bne lieivnUe FrOssv ,i sbiyat lsi ens from othpelra naentfdsl ying-saucegertt g oeatbdh.ueO crnt ion"sS uyiotu rsIes lafi,"d"Ih. a vCea rSla goannm ys idaen d thoet ehrs idoeft he cToeirne.Sn acneb aeS ka,c raom entyou haag vueyn ameBdu bbfar oTme nnessHeese a.i"d . clinpiscyaclh oliosq�u oitedsa ts,s ayin"gT:og ot ot he "Jubsetc ayuosuhe a vnee vkenro wann yownheoh aadr i nearsetsiatsgr o mtgot akyee ars anidfy otyur eaaavrtes l outer-esxppaecredi oeenscmene 'attn h edyo ne'xti Hsatv.e thsep eoefdL igwhhti,cy hou c an'Wth.e nyo ug otth ere, yoeuv ekrn owann yopenres loylnw ahow ont hPeu blisher'! wouylodtu a tlokad runfkiesnh efrrmoaMmni ssisosri ppiC,l earinSgwhepoesutseaesk ?H"e 'ssc armien.g woulydo ut altkoa heaodf s tatIef?y oua ret hat Arizona Repu1b5l,1i 9c9,: August TheA riwRneap ubUMco nday,N o-rembe1r, 1993 Modemla ker unvsepiypl lsa ne, tugastP entagosne'csr evceyi l Fort Worth Star-Telegram unexplasoinniecbod o ms inC aJifomta yearsbef oret heAir Forcoeffi cially �A�Hl�GTON- TheP entagon anda claimed sigohftfSci ontgl and, acknowledigteesdx istence. den1es e1xttss tebnuctse o,m ea viation some aviatiwoant chers cohna­ve Producdte veloJpeorh nA ndre�. sbpuyfp fbelsla inheeava se bet eonp s-tsreeachkriieganthpecg,-er sdo ss �lud� thatth e DefDeenpsaer tment whose research led to theea rly thec ountfrryo amN evadaaib ra se. 11 testmag replacefmoentrth eS R-71 versiFo-n1 17a ndt hec ompany's cuArnn.odnui smth� 1'avexs e a olddfoecp dhm iedtlnsrodttpi 'o lvtsr.aeob es ynyay n ad fBrlToaessmcte korbravi'is ivrsnpced1 yer,9 s 9ip0olo.naf n teh ert pehltaaitnr eedw as pn1le9wa5esnAnw0stemidrews .odt eahl v,alsosae irscdsho ioerocf teno ihd mne pUt l-hiwe2lasedi tep t yh high-ttleecthe ctwiovrek a, leading probabwloyu lbed dismisasesdk id's tequ.ests tok eep them odelo fft he stueffx cefpotir t tsr acrkeco rd. ma.rlcet until the1 960 crasho fU -2 ma.nuf�taureorf modela irplanes In1 986t,h eR ockforIldl.. m,od el pilGoatr yP owerisnt heSo vieUtn ion clatmtsth asb lownt hel idof fa makerra iseeyde broiwnts h ed efense ended anyn eed fosecrecr y. classifiAedi r Forcep rogratmo communibtyyr eleasai rneags onably In a telephone inftreormvh iiesw develaon pe xt-genesrpaypt liaonne . accura tep lastviecrs ioofnt het hen­ San Diego offiAcned,r ewesx pesrsed TestorCo rp.'sne w modelt,h e secrFe-t1 1s7t eafilgthht er. confidentchea tth en ew spy-plane SR·75 Penetragtiovres,f ormt oa Althougthh ec ompangyu essed modeli s7 0t o8 0p erceanctc urate. mystertyh ahta sp uzzlaeedr ospace wronogn t hea ircranfumtb'esr -letter "Without sietye,oi unc ga nnobet enthusifaonsreat rsl ayd ecade. designat-ioTnes torc allietdt he absolucertain,te ly butw e havep ut Piecintgo getehveird entcheai tn · F:l-9 itrse plipcrao vidaendea rly togetah leorto fp iecoefst heji gsaw eluduesn usuvaalpo rt raiilnTs e xas, glimposfet hefu turistic fighter ptuwzoz lhee,sa "i d. (reprinftreodm ) THE NEW JERSEYM UFON CHRONICLE April-May-1J9u9n3e worldwidien,s titutcioovnearl·m uups th ave3 lreadiyn placea tt het imeI.b elietvheei nsidicoouvse r·cuopn tin· ffiARCHo nT HEW HITHEO USE uesi no rdetro m aintatihnes tatquuso rno urd assd i· BY videsdo ciet3inedsi .ts tartleodn gbe -fo1r9e74 .A l stoh e cover-iusdp u ei np artto t hea lietnhse mselbveeCs3 use OPERATIROInG HTTO K nOW of theibre haviosru ch elusivenaensds contradic· tornie ss. Well i1t9'9sa3 n d the covsetre-audof arsetmlayi nisn ElyT om 8en!lon placeO.p eratiRoing ht KTnoo w (ORTK)w as emb· lisheidn1 99a2sa politaictciaolUn F O organizattioo n getth ingsa ccomplishedE.x ceptf,o Dr onalEd. K eyhoe ThisJ ulyI, c elebr�tthee40 th anniversoafmr yy UFO ofN ICAP'psa setf forats co.u pleo fC ongressional hear· sightitnhgao tcc urreidn 1 953B.a ckt henI,w ondered _ ingst hawte ntn o wheraen,d ther eleaosfe q uestion· why theg overnment represeexnptlaatiinvaeP.wdsa y ablFeO IAd ocumentsn,o thihnags b eena ccomplished theJ uly1 95U2F O flaopv erW ashingtoDn.,C .a s a bye stablisUhFeOd o rganizatiOoRnTsK. o rganizae d weatheirn versiWohna.t sIa wa tt het imeo fm y UFO marcho n theW hitHeo useo n July5 tht.o g ett hings sightiwnagsc ertainlay w enaotth er inveTrhseCi .oIn..A . goingW.e do notw isht os iotn oursa ssefso arn other sponsorReodb ertsPoann etlh acto nveneidn1 95p3er · fortyye ars. ceivetdh eU FO phenomenorne portsa s a security continued probleImd .i dnk'nto wt het ermdse finitthieonbn,u ty esa Spacies t hep lace Auociated Preu Protesmtaerrcsih n f ronotft heW hitHeo used.e man.d rtnhga Ptr esidCe.nht n mta�k?n a. f ull disclo­ surea·b ougto vernmienntf ormactoinocne rnUrFnOgs S.o me5 0p eoplpea rtlc�dr rpnat thep r�test. They'crael lionnt gh eg overnmetnort e leassoem e2 0.00p0a geosfd ocumenwthsr cthh ecyl arpmr ove thee xisteonfcU eF Os. �It�ea rt tend�ehd� M utuUaFlO N etworks ympc•srum in LAsty eaOrR,T K ain s imiloarrileyn telde,sp su blicized, r-lrt;r'lm'ovnAd1..!:1 00a ppro�<rmaattteelnyd eda)s.a v("n· �ffor"ta do �lyabo utt enp eoplpei d<etainndgd istribut· jors elnlgi UFOr �lat.;d lilerlaltoefuftor orev ,ea r t woh our tnlge�a Oe tsr nf ronotft heW hitHeo useT. hiyse aOrA TK driv�W atsoh ingfotrot nh�,m ar'=h• :.tnh e WhHiotues e. �ovetoa nothleervi enlre aching them asses regard· rntghrresle vantU FOt opiAct. a r allOyA,T Ko rganizers, . Th�t �mp�rature waso v<!1r0 0d egr�"?asn dt hem arch Elra�e DouglasHsa,lM c KenziEed, K omareakn dM ike ::ass1: h�duled tob "?gianl itlte after1 ·00P M. iIud gebdy Jam1sonal lg aveup lifting shortt albkesf otrhee m arch � ..311m ediap resenwte, Nereg oing tog eto urm essage begn. TomD eloacgha veu sa lslp irigtuuiadanlce out.l,n dw e did! andm voketdh ena meo f DMra.rt iLnu thKeirn( ga l eader oft hen on-violent CiviRli ghts/PeMaocev emeonftt h e Approxrmat1e0l0py e oplwee reas sembled forth ish is· 1950'sa M 60's). toneev entA.m ongt heh undreindd udeda w omani na Sevenm emberso ft heN ew Jersey-PennsyUlFvOan r.! wheelchiraa nda nothweorm ano nc rutchAeboust.h aH StuGdyro up attendemdr sh istoevreinct Besidesm y· oft higsr oup, actuallmya rcheidn f ronoftth e White selft,h erwea sP atM arcattiUFlOiC oo n{fe relnmcper e· House.W elkln ownU fologistsi nt hec rowid ndudeJidm sarioa ndU FOM useumt ob eC uraotr )M,i ndGye rber Mosele(yl ontgi msea tircails tylew riteerd,io tro ft he (serUiFaOlA bductee )a ndG eorgHea nsenw e(lk ln own notoruis "SauceSrm ear" newslette(ro,n lSytl aenc turerP aranorrmeasle arc,hp earr)t icipiantt heedm arch in Friedmatno psh ima tt het otnaulm bero fco llegaeud ­i froonftth e White HouAsrer.i vlianetgr, w asC helseFal or ences heh asl ecturetdo )a nd medipear sonalityT)i,m (3rdE yem agazineed ito,Pr a}t S tei.!nn dA rtS ielicki. Beckle(eyd itoof'r ' UFUOn ive�mea"g azine to(psi nits who partidpiantl eadta ectirv itiNeesw.J ersepyr obably fieladn)d m anyo thepru blicoants,i and mIpresario oft he hadt hel argcoestnt nigentf otrh iesv entY.e a!N ewJ er· P.TB.a rnums typlreom oting them ostp opulaUrF Or e­ sey! lateedv entso ft hitysp e,na toinallyA)n,t onHiuon eeus (:v1UF(OMNu tuUaFlO NetworkI) nternatCiooordnianal· We hope thisev entw ilglr owi nn umbers ofp articipants tor and columnisfto rF ATE magaziRnoese)m ary annualcoluyp,l edw itho therpo licatilo rienatcteido anc ­ Guile(ayu thoro fs everablo okso nt hepa ranormala nd !Mties (e .g.,vtoi posiliitscai l representaltivese,tt er writ­ columnfoirs AtFT E magazine)a nd( "trpuatreio t" Larry ingca mpaign,etc.)A.tth e local leve l, ''gran roots" Brya,n ktn ownf ohris o nem an campaigangsa inUsFtO leadem�u ste mergaen di nitiaatctieo ns. seuecyM,U FON Dirc.etoro fG overnmenAtffaali arnsd hisJ ustC AUS( Cizteins AgainsUtF OS ecrecyo}rg ani· Atth e end of the march,I s hookh andwsi tEhl aine zaiton). Douglaswsh ow asa oclaimin"gW,e D idi t"L.o oking back on thievse nto.n eca n glimpfisgeu refsr otmh e Durintgh ed emonstratniootnm, a nye cusrityp ersonnel pasts tandinagm ongu ss ucha sS usanB . nAthony, Dr. weree videntth,e yw erep robablyi na ir-conditioneMda rtinL utheKri nga,n dH arrTiuetb maanll s inginCga:r ry buildings. looking througbhi noculoar�v i ewing video iotn . .c.a rryi otn . ... monitoorsb servitnhgea ctivities. Ont hew ayh ome,I evenh ada helicoptoevre rmf yl cya ra sI neared the Form ore informatioonn " OperationR ightot Know", Washingtcointl yi mitsI,w ast oob usy driinvg tog eta write:O ATK,1 801C lyde.dalNeW,, s uite 501W,a sinhg· looakt i ta st om arkings, although itw asa "darkco"l or. ton,D .C20.009 . They need your support! ForN ew ..1etsev ORTI< actions,Ica n be contacteda tP .OB.o x })i'J ·•AYLOR ··� 1'!.33W .l ·Julof.illiofDrr:i ve -·-� �.,-.,.....,�. .....�. T(em<tpOe�9,!6) ..Z7 8 -5562258 2 _::__. _,... ...��...--...� - ..-.... ...��...-. ....,.,... ...)':: ..,��5.,. 4.l·lf':·.. .-.��.._. ,.._... ..�i:J-' �:- �- "'...". " <i··�- ,fl•.l ,, ._; --:: . . . InternatUiFoOn Mauls eum P.O.B ox2 221 Roswell, 8N8M2 02-2221 )

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