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\ c;>o-c.L- ftW~-'-{ (f ;~ 'Ev A S 1 GM A T A U SI GM B A N Q U E T Ea•t Central Junior College Cafeteria April i3, 1957 7:00 P .. Mo ..... 0 G l> ?-.!I~!tk.1· of'. Ceremonies Johnny Biggs :: ,~. lnvoc:a1.ion L. D. Furgerson Dinn el" - Entertainment College Quartet Mickey Burdette Larry .Adcock George Swift .. Cary Parke Tom Chisholm, Directo1· Recognition of Guests Maater of Ceremonies Business Meeting lbUie Jean Frazier, President Recognition of New Officers Pretientation of Awards Presentation of Departmental Awards James R. Bobo Introduction of Guest Speaker W. A. Vincent Guest Speaker Dro W. A • .M cLemore ECCC rr,gVF, Lt(q I Awards Session fluff Auditorium 2:30 Welcome ......................... Angie Nail, Central District, V.P. ECCC Welcome ............ Dr. Phil Sutphin, ECCC President Creed ................ Haynes Ilaselmaier, State Parliamentarian Greetings from PBL ......................................... PBL Officer Mississippi cbapter Roll Call ......................... Shannon ';hows, FB LA Secretary State Conference Preview ............................. Roun Mc Neal Future Business ................................................. FBLA President of AWARDS Leaoers America Adjournment. ...................................................... Angie Nail FBLA Creed I helieve education is tltc right of <'l'C'IY f1l'/'so11 Central District I hefj._'i•e the ji1fllre depends 011 11111f1wl 1111dcrsta11ding and cooperation among Leaoersbip Conf ere nee business, indm(ly, lahor, rcligio11s.fim1ily and educwiona/ institutions, as well as people around the world. I agree to do my utmost to bring ahout underswnding and cooperation among all oft hese groups. I belit?\·e l!l'<'I)' person shiiuld prepare for a use.fi1/ occupation and carry on that occupation in a mmmcr that brings the greatest good to rhe greatest number. I believe n€ -e1y person ~11011/d aclll'Cil' work to·ward improving social, poht1cal, co111m1mitl' andfa111i~1· li/i0 I believe eve1y person has tit< ngltt IO <'01'11 a living at a use/it! occ11patio11 and tit at this right should not he demed hecause <?/'race, color. creed, ~ex. or handicap. Tbursoa~h Februar~ r4 2002 I believe eve!}' per~o11 sho11/d take responsihilityfor can:ving out assigned tasks in a 1 EAST CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE manner that hrings credit to sell associates, school and commzmity. Decatur, Mississippi I believe 1 have the respo11sihilit1· to work e/Tectiveli• and to think clearly. l promise to use m1• ab1/itiC'S to make tlte world a heifer placef or eve1:vone. FBLA Central District Schedule of Events Thursday, February 14, 2002 East Central Community College 8:00-9:00 9:30-1:00 Event Verification .............................................. Tucker 3 18 Impromptu Speaking (Holding) ......................... Tucker 331 Impromptu Speaking (Preparation) .................. Tucker 349A 9:00-9:30 Impromptu Speaking (Performance) .................. Tucker 349 Officer Candidate Test ................ Conference Headquarters Public Speaking l (Holding) ............................... Tucker 331 ............................................................................ Tucker 315 Public Speaking I (Performance) ....................... Workforce Development Center Conference 9:30-10:30 Public Speaking II (Holding) ............................. Tucker 331 Accounting I .................................................... Childcare 48 Public Speaking II (Performance) ...................... Tucker 363 Accounting II ................................................... Childcare 48 .. Business Communication ................................... Tucker 406 9:30-1:15 Business Procedures ................................... Newton Hall 60 Job Interview (Application) ............................... Tucker 403 Computer Concepts .................................... Newton Hall 60 Job Interview (Interview) ................................... Tucker 418 Entrepreneurship ...................................... Newton Hall 105 FBLA Principles & Procedures .......................... Tucker 315 10:30-1:15 Future Business Leader Written Test.. ..... Newton Hall 115 Future Business Leader (Interview) ......... Newton Hall J 15 Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure. Newton Hall 115 Marketing ........................................................... Tucker 405 11:00-12:00 Networking Concepts ...................................... Childcare 48 Business Calculations ...................................... Childcare 48 Business Law ................................................... Childcare 48 9:30-11 :00 Business Math ................................................. Childcare 48 Word Processing I .................... South Campus, Ethridge 26 Economics ................................................ Newton Hall 105 Word Processing 11 ......................................T ucker 404/408 International Business .............................. Newton Hall 105 Introduction to Business Communication .......... Tucker 405 9:30-12:00 Introduction to Business ..................................... Tucker 406 Computer Applications ............................... Tucker 335/402 Parliamentary Procedure ............................ Newton Hall 60 Desktop Publishing .....................................T ucker 40 I /407 Technology Concepts ......................................... Tucker 404 1 :00 Entertainment Huff Auditorium ECCC Collegia11s LIFE (Leaders Investi~~ in the Future of the Enviromment ) Bylaws Chapter 1 - Membership Section 1: Membership Any student enrolled at East Central Community College may become a member of this organization. Section 2 : Goodstanding Any person who is under non-academic school disci plinary action will not be allowed to become a part of this organization. All members should be dedicated to preserving our environment and in good standing with the school . Chapter 2 - Finance Section 1: Payment of dues Each member of this organization will be assessed dues in the amount of $5.00. This amount should be paid to the Treasurer no later than the third meeting during each semester. Section 2: Fundraising Projects The amount, type, and the extent of fundraising proj ects will be decided by the organization as the need arises . Chapter 3 - Meetin~s Section 1 : Scheduled Meetings The ·organization will be assigned specific times each month to meet~ The dates and times of these meetings will be posted in the student bulletin . Each member of the organization will be expected to attend . Any member that misses more than t wo(2) meetings will be removed from the organization. However, membership can be appealed to the whole organization at which time a majority vote will allow the member back into the organization . Section 2: Called Meetings Emergency or special meetings may become necessary for the success of the organizatio~. If this should occur, the meeting will be posted 1n the student bulletin. If time does not allow this, emergency meetings will be called and handled by the officers of t he organizaiton. Members will be required to attend special or emergency meetings posted in the student bulletin. rr. r The following is "1n e:-ctract from the cousti ut'l.ou concern-n5 due · fol'.' the East Central Faculty Ch1b· nsection. 1. Dues shall be three dollars for .he reg lat nhe mouths session and or.e dollar for the summer sessio pay le at the b{;g1nning 0 cf each session. Section Z. "'C funds ~hall be l'tSed .:o meet the e pe "'e of cour""e_ es e~'~encled by th..:: ·. . y d'.l;. ·ng h year, to me i: the expe "'es of soci I mec;:tings. to defray the e~pen- s o" the delegate O"'.' dele at s elected to rcprese_ tl l gz-oup at the s ate e -uc L•or.r.al meeting;:i. 04· to rnee any ot expens s tCL appt"oved by th~ as< ockdou." Th . rules averning \,;)\fts to memb -:;:-,:; of the Fa.cu ty CiL1b , ~- a follow.3: 11Thc Ex cut·ve Courrc1l of the East Central Junio1· CoPege Fa.cu i:y Cl lb met on October :.5. 1951 and recommended a policy on courtesies wl ic 0 1.s a$· roLows· !. i!T.nes~- A member of the faculty A member of a fact\lty membe1·1s immediate family ~wifep husband~ child~ brother, sister parents' A t··ustee or other special friend of the college Flowers (-..vith a price lim1t of $3. 00 will be sent o a fac1;lty member who is ill ui the hospital. Get-i:h el cards will be sent a member of <.· faculty mer.nber•s 1mmed1ate family a~d to tructees or other special friends of the school when they are ill. II. Deaths- A member of the faculty 1 A member of the faculty member'.:; immediate family (w1f.oc husband. childp brocher, sister narents) Flowers (with a price: hmit of. $5. 00~ will be sent in ca"'e of death in a fac:ulty member·s immediate family More expensive flowers wil be sen in case of de, th o a iaculty member. III. Going -eway gifts- No going-away gifts w1.ll br.e given unless by special vote of the Faculty .Clu.bo IV Weddir.g G .tts- A hmit in price ($4. 00 is made on wedding gifts 6 to faculty members" 'I'h~ Ex..:cutive. Co ncil also established the first Tuesday of every month as the reg inio!'n al FacLilty ·Ch'b rec~~ation period 0 ,ECCC he ol ow g ' un e.,.tra' t rem 0 or } e b \St Cer.tral Fac111ty Clllb 11Se< uon 1 D <'..; <;hall t-.c three dcl rir tor the reri:ula r i: t e month~ sess1on and one dol ar 'or the summe:r ~es5 on payable a~ the be in t g of each E'Ss1on. ~PCt1on. l These nds "hall be u~ed to me t the expenses )f courtesies extended by the fnculty ,<hntnQ tl'.:e ye.a, to me l the expen e ot 'io• 1al meet ings to derray the expen• es of th.e delegate er de1 ate elertP.d to ·epre~ent this grol.i.p t the state ed c ttonal meet\ g~ or to meet any other e'pense approved by the. assoc1at101 " The rules govc rr mg g1ft to members oi the F'ar1.; lty C uh is c follows 11 fhe Execunve Counc.11 d the £.i~t Cent r 1 Jur.1o:r College I' c-.:ulty Club rnet on October 25 51 ard recommended a policy on courte ,es wh1<"'h l~ d follows 11 lllne ·s- A member 01 the aculty A member cf a !ar.ulty member' immediate a1n1 'I Nl e husband <:h ld brother s ster p~ ems J\ t ru ee o other pee tc.l !r end o• th· col e c P \owe ~ (wltl a pnce ltmu oi $:S 00 w1ll • e Ct t to . faculty meT?lt e.r who s 111 l" the hosp1t l et-we] C:drd will be sent a member of i;ulty mt.•mocr c; lmmed ate fom ly nd to trv tee o other spcc1al nerd of tl e !'.ic• o 1 when ti ey a1e 11 Dea.tho:;- A mt>M'ber o the i~culty cu lty memb r ~ 1mmed te mlly h td b:rotbe 1 ~Heter p re tr} f' 1 W(>J J. pl ( ~ 1 m t ot $ 00 /\ e cnt .n c e o de fr y rne1nbc r 171med a tP m ly More wl bt- rn u Cd"P 0 dt ttl of a !.i 1ty le by ./ Wedd n r -e i.t 0 .., mct t <' g t f t" '\.Cl U Vt: e. t:i 1 ~t-.ed be r• y mont nc. Cht> l Pg• l<\ r in :H "'icy <"h• b rer: u· uon Administrative Professionals Week Appreciation Luncheon/Program Monday, April 21, 2014 Molly McGee Gold Room -12:00 Noon Welcome/Remarks .............................................................. Dr. Billy W. Stewart Invocation. ............................................................................ Dr. Billy W. Stewart Buffet/Luncheon ................................................................. Valley Services, Inc. Presentation of Service Awards ....................................... Dr. Billy W. Stewart (Recognize for 10-Year Increments) Ms. Linda McKee Administrative Assistant, Workforce Education 20 Years of Service - Employed in 1994 Ms. Karen Robertson Administrative Assistant, Public Information 20 Years of Service - Employed in 1994 Ms. Keli Barrett (2012) 1 Mrs. Monica Rigdon (2005) Ms. Sherrell Brown (2012) Ms. Karen Robertson (1994) Mrs. Brenda Cheatham (2005) Mrs. Kathy Sanders (2003) Mrs. Lynn French (2010) Mrs. Martha Sibley (1995) Mrs. Carole Germany (1995) Mrs. Amanda Skinner (2010) Mrs. Jessica Gibson (2006) · Mrs. Hilda Slaughter (2002) Mrs. Bridgett Hitt (2012) Mrs. Emilie Smith (1996) Mrs. Paula Kerr (2010) Mrs. Shelia Stamper (1990) Mrs. Teri Killens (2000) Mrs. Mildred Stephens (2008) Mrs. Deborah Lucroy (2007) Mrs. Vivian Taylor (2005) Mrs. Linda McKee (1994) Mrs. Virgie Thames (1995) Mrs. Lori McMullan (2006) Mrs. Mae Thornton (2013) Mrs. Donna Mitchell (2012) Mrs. Jeannie Vance (1996)

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