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General-Purpose AC Servo M E L S E R V O -J 4 MELSERVO-J4 Servo amplifier S e r v o a INSTRUCTION MANUAL (TROUBLE SHOOTING) m p lifie r IN S T R U C T IO N M A N U A L (T R O U B L E S H O O T IN G ) MR-J4 INSTRUCTIONMANUAL MODEL (TROUBLESHOOTING) MODEL 1CW808 CODE HEAD OFFICE: TOKYO BLDG MARUNOUCHI TOKYO 100-8310 N N This Instruction Manual uses recycled paper. SH(NA)030109ENG-N(1710)MEE Printed in Japan Specifications are subject to change without notice. Safety Instructions Please read the instructions carefully before using the equipment. To use the equipment correctly, do not attempt to install, operate, maintain, or inspect the equipment until you have read through this Instruction Manual, Installation guide, and appended documents carefully. Do not use the equipment until you have a full knowledge of the equipment, safety information and instructions. In this Instruction Manual, the safety instruction levels are classified into "WARNING" and "CAUTION". WARNING Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in death or severe injury. CAUTION Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in medium or slight injury to personnel or may cause physical damage. Note that the CAUTION level may lead to a serious consequence according to conditions. Please follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to personnel safety. What must not be done and what must be done are indicated by the following diagrammatic symbols. Indicates what must not be done. For example, "No Fire" is indicated by . Indicates what must be done. For example, grounding is indicated by . In this Instruction Manual, instructions at a lower level than the above, instructions for other functions, and so on are classified into "POINT". After reading this Instruction Manual, keep it accessible to the operator. A - 1 1. To prevent electric shock, note the following WARNING Before wiring or inspection, turn off the power and wait for 15 minutes or more (20 minutes or more for converter unit) until the charge lamp turns off. Then, confirm that the voltage between P+ and N- (between L+ and L- for converter unit) is safe with a voltage tester and others. Otherwise, an electric shock may occur. In addition, always confirm whether the charge lamp is off or not from the front of the servo amplifier (converter unit). Do not operate switches with wet hands. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock. 2. To prevent fire, note the following CAUTION When you use an MR-J4 multi-axis servo amplifier, connecting an encoder for wrong axis to the CN2A, CN2B, or CN2C connector may cause a fire. 3. To prevent injury, note the following CAUTION The servo amplifier (drive unit), converter unit heat sink, regenerative resistor, servo motor, etc. may become hot while power is on or for some time after power-off. Take safety measures, e.g. provide covers, to avoid accidentally touching the parts (cables, etc.) by hand. 4. Additional instructions The following instructions should also be fully noted. Incorrect handling may cause a malfunction, injury, electric shock, etc. (1) Wiring CAUTION Wire the equipment correctly and securely. Otherwise, the servo motor may operate unexpectedly. Make sure to connect the cables and connectors by using the fixing screws and the locking mechanism. Otherwise, the cables and connectors may be disconnected during operation. To avoid a malfunction of the servo motor, connect the wires to the correct phase terminals (U/V/W) of the servo amplifier (drive unit) and the servo motor. Connect the servo amplifier (drive unit) power output (U/V/W) to the servo motor power input (U/V/W) directly. Do not connect a magnetic contactor and others between them. Otherwise, it may cause a malfunction. Servo amplifier Servo amplifier (drive unit) Servo motor (drive unit) Servo motor U U U U V V V M V M W W W W A - 2 CAUTION Configure a circuit to turn off EM2 or EM1 when the main circuit power supply is turned off to prevent an unexpected restart of the servo amplifier (drive unit). To prevent malfunction, avoid bundling power lines (input/output) and signal cables of the servo amplifier (drive unit) and the converter unit together or running them in parallel to each other. Separate the power lines from the signal cables. (2) Usage CAUTION Before resetting an alarm, make sure that the run signal of the servo amplifier (drive unit) is off in order to prevent a sudden restart. Otherwise, it may cause an accident. Use the servo amplifier (drive unit) and converter unit with the specified servo motor. Wire options and peripheral equipment, etc. correctly in the specified combination. Otherwise, it may cause an electric shock, fire, injury, etc. If the dynamic brake is activated at power-off, alarm occurrence, etc., do not rotate the servo motor by an external force. Otherwise, it may cause a fire. (3) Corrective actions CAUTION Ensure safety by confirming the power off, etc. before performing corrective actions. Otherwise, it may cause an accident. If it is assumed that a power failure or product malfunction may result in a hazardous situation, use a servo motor with an electromagnetic brake or provide an external brake system for holding purpose to prevent such hazard. Configure an electromagnetic brake circuit which is interlocked with an external emergency stop switch. Contacts must be opened when ALM Contacts must be opened with (Malfunction) or MBR (Electromagnetic the emergency stop switch. brake interlock) turns off. Servo motor RA B 24 V DC Electromagnetic brake When an alarm occurs, eliminate its cause, ensure safety, and deactivate the alarm to restart operation. If the molded-case circuit breaker or fuse is activated, be sure to remove the cause and secure safety before switching the power on. If necessary, replace the servo amplifier (drive unit) and converter unit, and recheck the wiring. Otherwise, it may cause smoke, fire, or an electric shock. Provide an adequate protection to prevent unexpected restart after an instantaneous power failure. After an earthquake or other natural disasters, ensure safety by checking the conditions of the installation, mounting, wiring, and equipment before switching the power on to prevent an electric shock, injury, or fire. A - 3 «About the manual» This Instruction Manual covers the following models. These include servo amplifiers (drive units) which have optional units. MR-J4-_A/MR-J4-_A4/MR-J4-_A1/MR-J4-_A-RJ/MR-J4-_A4-RJ/MR-J4-_A1-RJ MR-J4-_B/MR-J4-_B4/MR-J4-_B1/MR-J4-_B-RJ/MR-J4-_B4-RJ/MR-J4-_B1-RJ MR-J4W_-_B MR-J4-_B-RJ010/MR-J4-_B4-RJ010 MR-J4-03A6/MR-J4-03A6-RJ/MR-J4W2-0303B6 MR-J4-_GF/MR-J4-_GF4/MR-J4-_GF-RJ/MR-J4-_GF4-RJ MR-J4-DU_A/MR-J4-DU_A4/MR-J4-DU_A-RJ/MR-J4-DU_A4-RJ MR-J4-DU_B/MR-J4-DU_B4/MR-J4-DU_B-RJ/MR-J4-DU_B4-RJ MR-CV_ MR-CR55K/MR-CR55K4 The symbols in the target column mean as follows. [A]: MR-J4-_A/MR-J4-_A4/MR-J4-_A1/MR-J4-_A-RJ/MR-J4-_A4-RJ/MR-J4-_A1-RJ/MR-J4-DU_A/ MR-J4-DU_A4/MR-J4-DU_A-RJ/MR-J4-DU_A4-RJ/MR-J4-03A6/MR-J4-03A6-RJ [B]: MR-J4-_B/MR-J4-_B4/MR-J4-_B1/MR-J4-_B-RJ/MR-J4-_B4-RJ/MR-J4-_B1-RJ/ MR-J4-DU_B/MR-J4-DU_B4/MR-J4-DU_B-RJ/MR-J4-DU_B4-RJ [WB]: MR-J4W_-_B/MR-J4W2-0303B6 [RJ010]: MR-J4-_B-RJ010/MR-J4-_B4-RJ010 [GF]: MR-J4-_GF/MR-J4-_GF4/MR-J4-_GF-RJ/MR-J4-_GF4-RJ [Other]: For manufacturer adjustment A - 4 CONTENTS 1. TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT) 1- 1 to 1-130 1.1 Explanation for the lists ..................................................................................................................... 1- 1 1.2 Alarm list ........................................................................................................................................... 1- 3 1.3 Warning list ...................................................................................................................................... 1-13 1.4 Remedies for alarms ........................................................................................................................ 1-16 1.5 Remedies for warnings .................................................................................................................... 1-93 1.6 Trouble which does not trigger alarm/warning .............................................................................. 1-116 1.7 Network module error codes.......................................................................................................... 1-129 2. TROUBLESHOOTING FOR MR-CV_POWER REGENERATION CONVERTER UNIT 2- 1 to 2- 8 2.1 Explanations of the lists .................................................................................................................... 2- 1 2.2 Alarm list ........................................................................................................................................... 2- 1 2.3 Warning list ....................................................................................................................................... 2- 2 2.4 Remedies for alarms ......................................................................................................................... 2- 2 2.5 Remedies for warnings ..................................................................................................................... 2- 7 3. TROUBLESHOOTING FOR MR-CR55K(4) RESISTANCE REGENERATION CONVERTER UNIT 3- 1 to 3-10 3.1 Explanation for the lists ..................................................................................................................... 3- 1 3.2 Alarm/warning list .............................................................................................................................. 3- 1 3.3 Remedies for alarms ......................................................................................................................... 3- 2 3.4 Remedies for warnings ..................................................................................................................... 3- 8 4. DRIVE RECORDER 4- 1 to 4-10 4.1 How to use drive recorder ................................................................................................................. 4- 1 4.2 How to display drive recorder information ....................................................................................... 4-10 APPENDIX App.- 1 to App.- 1 App. 1 Detection points of [AL. 25], [AL. 92], and [AL. 9F] ............................................................... App.- 1 1 MEMO 2 1. TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT) 1. TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT) POINT As soon as an alarm occurs, turn SON (Servo-on) off and interrupt the power. [AL. 37 Parameter error] and warnings (except [AL. F0 Tough drive warning]) are not recorded in the alarm history. [AL. 8D.1 CC-Link IE communication error 1] and [AL. 8D.2 CC-Link IE communication error 2] are not recorded in the alarm history. For MR-J4-_GF_(- RJ), these alarms are recorded by setting [Pr. PN06] to "_ _ _ 1". When an error occurs during operation, the corresponding alarm or warning is displayed. When an alarm is displayed, refer to section 1.4 and take the appropriate action. When an alarm occurs, ALM will turn off. When an warning is displayed, refer to section 1.5 and take the appropriate action. 1.1 Explanation for the lists (1) No./Name/Detail No./Detail name Indicates each No./Name/Detail No./Detail name of alarms or warnings. (2) Stop method For the alarms and warnings in which "SD" is written in the stop method column, the servo motor stops with the dynamic brake after forced stop deceleration. For the alarms and warnings in which "DB" or "EDB" is written in the stop method column, the servo motor stops with the dynamic brake without forced stop deceleration. (3) Alarm deactivation After its cause has been removed, the alarm can be deactivated in any of the methods marked in the alarm deactivation column. Warnings are automatically canceled after the cause of occurrence is removed. Alarms are deactivated with alarm reset, CPU reset, or cycling the power. (a) MR-J4-_A_(-RJ)/MR-J4-DU_A_(-RJ) Alarm deactivation Explanation Alarm reset 1. Turning on RES (Reset) with input device 2. Pushing the "SET" button while the display of the servo amplifier is the current alarm display status 3. Click "Occurring Alarm Reset" in the "Alarm Display" window of MR Configurator2 Cycling the power Turning the power off and then turning it on again. (b) MR-J4-_B_(-RJ010)/MR-J4W_-_B/MR-J4-DU_B_(-RJ)/MR-J4-_GF_(-RJ) Alarm deactivation Explanation Alarm reset 1. Reset command from controller 2. Click "Occurring Alarm Reset" in the "Alarm Display" window of MR Configurator2 CPU reset Resetting the controller itself Cycling the power Turning the power off and then turning it on again. (4) Processing system (only for MR-J4W_-_B_) Processing system of alarms is as follows. Each axis: Alarm is detected for each axis. Common: Alarm is detected as the whole servo amplifier. 1 - 1 1. TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT) (5) Stop system (only for MR-J4W_-_B_) This means target axis to stop when the alarm occurs. Each axis: Only alarming axis will stop. All axes: All axes will stop. (6) Alarm code (only MR-J4-_A_(-RJ)/MR-J4-DU_A_(-RJ)) To output alarm codes, set [Pr. PD34] to "_ _ _ 1" when using an MR-J4-_A_(-RJ)/MR-J4-DU_A_(-RJ). Alarm codes are outputted by on/off of bit 0 to bit 2. Warnings ([AL. 90] to [AL. F3]) do not have alarm codes. The alarm codes in the following table will be outputted when they occur. The alarm codes will not be outputted in normal condition. When using an MR-D01 extension IO unit, you can output alarm codes by setting [Pr. Po12] to "_ _ _ 1". Alarm codes are outputted by on/off of bit 0 to bit 3. 1 - 2 1. TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT) 1.2 Alarm list Stop Alarm deactivation Process- Alarm code (Note 8) Stop Detail method Cycling ing No. Name Detail name Alarm CPU system ACD3 ACD2 ACD1 ACD0 No. (Note the system 2, 3) reset reset power (Note 9) (Note 9) (Bit 3) (Bit 2) (Bit 1) (Bit 0) m Voltage drop in the control ar 10.1 circuit power EDB Common All axes Al 10 Undervoltage 0 0 1 0 Voltage drop in the main circuit 10.2 SD Common All axes power Axis number setting error/ 11.1 DB Common All axes Station number setting error 11 Switch setting error Disabling control axis setting 11.2 DB Common All axes error 12.1 RAM error 1 DB Common All axes 12.2 RAM error 2 DB Common All axes Memory error 1 12.3 RAM error 3 DB Common All axes 0 0 0 0 12 (RAM) 12.4 RAM error 4 DB Common All axes 12.5 RAM error 5 DB Common All axes 12.6 RAM error 6 DB 13.1 Clock error 1 DB Common All axes 13 Clock error 0 0 0 0 13.2 Clock error 2 DB Common All axes 14.1 Control process error 1 DB Common All axes 14.2 Control process error 2 DB Common All axes 14.3 Control process error 3 DB Common All axes 14.4 Control process error 4 DB Common All axes 14.5 Control process error 5 DB Common All axes Control process 0 0 0 0 14 14.6 Control process error 6 DB Common All axes error 14.7 Control process error 7 DB Common All axes 14.8 Control process error 8 DB Common All axes 14.9 Control process error 9 DB Common All axes 14.A Control process error 10 DB Common All axes 14.B Control process error 11 DB 15.1 EEP-ROM error at power on DB Common All axes EEP-ROM error during Memory error 2 15.2 DB Common All axes 15 operation 0 0 0 0 (EEP-ROM) Home position information read 15.4 DB error Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.1 DB Receive data error 1 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.2 DB Receive data error 2 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.3 DB Receive data error 3 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.4 DB Encoder malfunction (Note 6) axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.5 DB Transmission data error 1 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.6 DB Transmission data error 2 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each Encoder initial 16.7 DB Transmission data error 3 axis axis 16 communication 0 1 1 0 Encoder initial communication - Each Each error 1 16.8 DB Incompatible encoder (Note 6) axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.A DB Process error 1 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.B DB Process error 2 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.C DB Process error 3 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.D DB Process error 4 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.E DB Process error 5 axis axis Encoder initial communication - Each Each 16.F DB Process error 6 axis axis 1 - 3

TROUBLESHOOTING FOR SERVO AMPLIFIER (DRIVE UNIT). 1 - 3. 1.2 Alarm list. No. Name. Detail. No. Detail name. Stop method. (Note. 2, 3). Alarm deactivation. Process- ing system. (Note 9). Stop system. (Note 9). Alarm code (Note 8). Alarm reset. CPU reset. Cycling the power. ACD3. (Bit 3). ACD2.
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