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Moulana Mufti Ahmad Bemat Sahib PDF

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NOORUS SUDOOR FEE SHARHILQUBOOR or SHARHUS SUDOOR In this book, many important and admon- ishing events relating to death, grave, BARZAKH and AAKHIRAT have been nar- rated on the basis of true and reliable hadiths. Reading it, veils of darkness will be removed and the soul will brighten up. Original Arabic writer: Imam Jalaluddin Sooyuti (Reh) Urdu translator: Moulana Muhammed Isa Ilhabadi (Reh) Concerning Barzakh: (Hakimul Ummat) Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanavi (Reh,) Publisher : Moulana Mufti Ahmad Bemat Sahib Madani Darut-Tarbiyat, Madani Nagar At,Karmali, Ravidra, (Panoli,R.S.) Tal,Ankleshwar. Dist,Bharuch. Gujarat Pin Code: 394 115 Tel :- 02646 (O) 274243 (H) 274244 Bismillah-Hir-Rahmaan-Nir-Raheem NOORUS SUDOOR FEE SHARHIL QUBOOR Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa Raheem, Author: Hazrat Maulana Jalaaluddin Suyooti (R) Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen IN THE LIGHT OF SAHIH HADITHS: Sakaraat, Talqeen, Malak ul Mawt, Khaatimah In the present days, human beings have forgotten bil Khair, Mourning (weeping) of the sky and the all about death and after that, punishment in the grave, earth, Talking by the grave, Punishment in the grave, the Pul-Siraat and aamaals. In the world, injustice is Seeing of the visiter by the mayyat/and also recognizing being done to orphans, women, weak and poor, which him, Questioning by Mukar-Nakir, Barzakh and all has sent the world in great FITNAH that is really a stories which soften the heart, and decrease love for the test given by Allah Ta(cid:146)aala. material world. Read, make others read. Earn Sawaab-e- Among other services for the sake of Allah Ta(cid:146)aala, Jaariyah (recurring reward) by gifting to there are righteous and humble people to do the good poor near and dear ones. deeds to please Almighty Allah Ta(cid:146)aala. Gujarati Translation was madeAvailable by: Five hundred (500) copies of the Gujarati version, Mufti Ahmad Bemat, Karmali, Madani Nagar, (500) copies of the English version(cid:147)Noorus Sudoor Fee Via: Ravidra, Tal: Ankleshawar, Dist:Bharuch, Sharhil Quboor(cid:148) have been freely distributed by one generous family and they have also paid for the ex- Pin Code: 394 115 penses of the English Translation. Jazaahumul-Laahu Price: Rs.35/00 Ta(cid:146)aala Fid-Daarayni Khairaa May Allah Ta(cid:146)aala ac- Translated from Gujarati to English by: cept their true efforts and reward them in both the Sir Sultan Akhter Patel worlds. Aameen Khanpur deh, Dist: Bharuch Table Of Contents No. Subject Page No. Subject Page 19 Ch-17 ( The grave talks with dead) 118-122 1 A few words by the author 1-4 20 Ch-18 (Chastisement in the grave) 122-135 2 Introduction 5-6 21 Ch-19 (Who won(cid:146)t be questioned in the grave) 135-140 3 Ch-1 (A long life is better Passed in 22 Ch-20 (Harshness of the grave) 140-148 remembering GOD) 7-8 23 Ch-21 (About punishment in the grave) 148-167 4 Ch-2 (It is not allowed to seek death) 8-10 24 Ch-22 (Protection from punishment of Qabr) 167-175 5 Ch-3 (Desiring death to save religion) 10-12 25 Ch-23 (Dead bodies have mutual love) 175-184 6 Ch-4 (Death is better than life) 12-18 26 Ch-24 (The mayyat sees and knows visitors) 184-202 7 Ch-5 (Remembering death and to be ready) 19-24 27 Ch-25 (About the residents of the spirits) 202-221 8 Ch-6 (Fearing Allah and hoping for good) 24-28 28 Ch-26 (Deeds of the living shown to the dead) 221-222 9 Ch-7 (Signs of having died with faith) 28-30 29 Ch-27 (Prevention from entering Paradise) 222-224 10 Ch-8 (Death time difficulties) 30-41 30 Ch-28 (Living souls meet dead in dreams) 224-230 11 Ch-9 (Recitation at the time of death) 41-46 31 Ch-29 (Seeing the dead in dreams 230-239 12 Ch-10 (About Malak-ul-mawt) 46-94 32 Ch-30 (Bad deeds of living harm the dead) 239-242 13 Ch-11 (Talking with spirits) 94-98 33 Ch-31 (Things which benefit dead in graves) 242-258 14 Ch-12 (The mayyat recognizes the living) 98-102 34 Ch-32 (Deeds reaching paradise early) 258-259 15 Ch-13 (The earth and sky weep when a 35 Ch-33 (Which time is best for death) 259-260 Muslim dies) 102-104 36 Ch-34 (Bodies that rot in graves) 260-264 16 Ch-14 (One will be burried where one 37 About Barzakh 265-281 was born) 104-108 38 Funeral rights of the dead 281-290 17 Ch-15 (What to recite at the time of burrying 39 Map of kafan requisites 291 and about Talqeen) 108-112 40 Cont.. Funearl rights of the dead.... 292-306 18 Ch-16 (Squeezing of the grave) 112-118 41 Publications of Madani Darut-Tarbiyat 307 (faith) and labour for its growth by fullfilling his or her duty, that is, by perfoming the duties toward both the creator and the creation (Huqooqullaah and Huqooqulibaad) and by A few words by doing and increasing good deeds. This world is an inn. It is transitory. It is not a permanent abode. Moulana Mufti Ahmad Bemat A wise fellow always works for the everlasting resi- Madani Darut Tarbiyat, Madani Nagar dence. He should build a house where he is to live for ever. I begin with the graceful name of Allah Almighty, The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) lived accordingly. Once when who granted us the great wealth by making us Ashraful Allah offered to make the mountain of Uhad a mine of gold Makhlooqaat (the best creation) and included us in the he replied in all earnest: O(cid:146)Lord! I prefer to eat one day and ummah of the seal of Prophets Muhammed (S.A.W.) mak- remain hungry on the next day. (Hadith). Once he said: ing us faithful. Innumerable duroods to Muhammed Faqeeri (poverty in wealth) is my pride (Hadith). Once some Mustapha (S.A.W.) who suffered every kind of hardship- of his holy companions complained about their hunger and trouble for the guidance of mankind and showed the path urged for removal of poverty. He said: I am also very hun- which can make man successful both in this world and in gry (and showed two stones on his belly). Once his holy the life to come after death. Millions of Awliyaa, Ulemaa wives requested for the provision of relief regarding food and Sulahaa (Reh) made their both lives successful by fol- and clothing etc. He became unhappy and vowed not to go lowing the holy and pious training and eduction of the holy to those wives (mothers of the ummah) for a month. Such a Qura(cid:146)an and Prophet (S.A.W.) because those who are anx- vow is called EELA in the language of Shariat. Allah re- ious to make their life after death prosperous are saved vealed verses in the Holy Qur(cid:146)aan in this connection, the from innumerable illnesses like envy, grudge, spite, enmity summary whereof is: O(cid:146)wives of the messenger! If you pre- and ego. Their only aim, while working or talking is Aakhirat fer wordly ease and want to be relieved thereafter, I make (Hereafter). It is in accordance with the Holy Prophet you free. (Holy Qur(cid:146)aan) When Hazrat Fatemah (R.A) (S.A.W.)(cid:146)s hadith: This world is the farm land for the here- asked for a slave girl for her help, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) after. prescribed the spiritual tonic of reciting Tahmeed and Man has been sent to this world with the sole pur- Takbeer before going to bed. Both Hazrat Fatema and pose of working or labouring for the life which is to follow Hazrat Ali (R.A) acted accordingly and servants were death. For this purpose he should show the seed of Imaan alotted to other needy persons. 1 2 In short, the Holy prophet (S.A.W.) never preferred them unclean (naapaak). the worldy wealth like palaces, workshops, luxuries, gold/ The Holy prophet (S.A.W)(cid:146)s forewarning has come silver ornaments, tasteful food and drink etc. for him or his true word to word. Today we see that Muslims have given wives and children. The Holy prophet (S.A.W.) always re- up spending on Sadqah and Khairaat because of their greed mained away from worldly pleasures and past his entire life to live a luxurious life of wealth and power. They have stopped in an ordinary house using simple food and clothing. He used giving sacrifice for religious education/training, madressa, to say: An account of every minute of life and of every item shop, factory, post and seat etc. He has totally forgotten that of wealth will have to be submitted after death. Regarding after all, death is to come and that we have to face Grave, the state of his Ummah (community) he said: I am not wor- (Qabr) Barzakh, Pul-Siraat, and accounting of deeds on ried about their poverty. What worries me is that they will be Resurrection Day. Having forgotten all these things, he has given all riches and wealth of the material world whereby my imagined that only wealth and power is everything. Thus he Ummah will also be destroyed as were destroyed the earlier has ruined and is ruining his faith. The Muslim have almost Ummah(cid:146)s. (Hadith). drowned in the pond of a poisinous environment. What was About the present day anxieties of our Ummah, the utmost necessary was that he should prepare himself for his Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) has said that it is not a thing to worry inevitable journey from death to grave upto Qiyaamat and about because Allah Almighty is the Guarantor of provision for giving an account of his words and deeds so that his love of man. The trial of my Ummah is wealth (Hadith). He gave for the material world may decrease. much admonitions for remaining away from such trial. He Therefore, considering this book as a remedy, I am said: The stomach will be ruined first (Hadith). The light (noor) presenting it to the community after translating it into Gujarati. of Imaan (faith) will become dim due to unlawful eating and If a man reads it carefully thrice, he will get admonition. He drinking. He said: You will be harmed by smoke if not by fire will be inclined to repent before Allah (Tawbah). He will (Hadith). ((The fire of interest = usury)). begin to worry about his life after death, that is, for building We have heard from todays great Alim, Buzroog, his permanent abode in the Hereafter. Wali, Qutb, Hazrat Shaikul Hadis Moulana Zakariya Sahib I pray to Almighty Allah to accept this effort and to (R.A) that even Khanqaahs have not been spared from the make this book a source of their guidance and may he also smoke of interest/usury (Sood). Fatwas (questions) about grant this writer the intercession (Shafaat) of the Holy prophet using the interest money for making washrooms and stairs of (S.A.W). AAMEEN. mosques, that is, is it permissible? I replied: Please let the 17-11-1417 H.E. parts of the house of Allah remain clean. - Do not make 26-3-1997 A.D. 3 4 INTRODUCTION Suyooti (R.A.). It contained thoughts similar to mine. There- Hazrat Maulana Mohammed Isa Ilahabadi Sahib (R.A) fore I translated it into urdu giving it the same title. In this Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Urdu translation, care has been taken to see that the book After Hamd and Salaat! does not become very lengthly. Hence instead of mentioning all hadiths on the same point, only one of them has been The urdu translator Hazrat Maulana Muhammed Isa written. A comparison of various hadiths is also given. Sb. (R.A) humbly says that: It is quite obvious to all that When most of the translation work was done I came today both the masses and the elite all are totally engaged in across another book SABEEL-E-AAKHIRAT compiled their worldly (material) affairs. But both the Holy Qur(cid:146)aan by Moulana Ahmad Hussein Mubarakpuri Sb. (R.A). It also and the Hadith have described many evils which are found had many of the hadiths found in SHARHUS- SUDOOR in such drowning in worldly affairs. All have been severely and other authentic works. I prayed for the Maulana(cid:146)s cautioned and asked to refrain from getting involved in this wellbeing as it made my work somewhat easy. I postponed world. the translation of the other part of SHARHUS -SUDOOR The most effective way and remedy of saving our- but the job of comparing the hadiths of SABEEL-E- selves from being too much involved in material engagements AAKHIRAT with other hadiths had remained, so I did it as shown by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W), is to keep in mind wherever necessary. I also explained some words which re- and remember matters regarding death. That is why he says: quired explanation in brackets. I also added many hadiths of Go on remembering the breaker of passions and wishes of SHARHUS -SUDOOR, various chapters and put notes at the heart. It is the rememberance of death. Death kills undue the end of each chapter. There were also some hadiths hav- aspirations. ing difference of the subject which I have omitted. I also did Since long I was thinking of collecting through infor- not find it necessary to touch those hadiths which explained mation about death and grave, and presenting it in urdu lan- one another by the grace of Allah. guage on the basis of reliable hadiths, so that it may benefit In order to increase the inclination of the readers, I people immensely. They may discard carelessness and be have also added some relevant parts of the speech of inclined toward the Hereafter. They may inculcate zeal for Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanavi (R.A) at the end of the book. returning to the original abode with a wealth of good deeds This has magnified the beauty of the book. May Allah make performed in this transitory world. When I was pondering it useful for all - AAMEEN. over this matter I came across the arabic book NOOR US Ahqar, SUDOOR FEE SHARHIL QUBOOR written by Imam Mohammed Isa.- Zee Qaadah 1352 H. 5 6 (farz) prayers (namaz) during the additional year and CHAPTER ONE as many nafil (optional) namaaz also? A long life is better passed in remebering God Hazrat Talhaah (R.A) says: The Holy Prophet Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A) says: A man said: (S.A.W) said: In the sight of Allah Almighty (Allahu O(cid:146)God(cid:146)s, (Allah(cid:146)s) Messenger! Who is the best per- Ta(cid:146)alaa) none is more graceful (afzal) than a man son among all? He (S.A.W.) replied: Whose life is who got a long life and passed it reciting long and who does good deeds. That man asked again: Who is the worst fellow among all? He (S.A.W.) re- SUBHAANALLAH, LAA ILAAHA ILLAL-LAAH, plied: Whose life is long and he does bad deeds. and ALLAHU AKBAR. Hazrat Saeed bin Zubair (R.A) says: Each and Hazrat Jaabir (R.A) says: The Holy Prophet every day of a Momin (Faithful) is full of profit and (S.A.W) said: The best person among you is he who worth being thankful for, because he obeys Allah(cid:146)s lives longer than all and who does good deeds. commence, offers namaaz and remembers him. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) says: Two men Hazrat Ibrahim bin Ali Ubaidah (R.A) says: I from the tribe of Kuzaa embraced Islam. They went in came to know from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) that a jihaad with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). One of them when a muslim dies and sees his high rank in Jannat got martyred and the other lived for one more year. (paradise) he requests Almighty Allah to send him When the latter also died, Talhaa Bin Ibaidullah (R.A) back to the world so that he may continue to recite saw in his dream that paradise (Jannat) has been deco- rated in which the man who had died later entered first. SUBHAANALLAH, LAA ILAAHA ILLAL-LAAH, Talha (R.A) says: I felt surprised from what I saw in and ALLAHU AKBAR. my dream (how this happened!). The next morning I went to the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and asked him: CHAPTER TWO How is it, that the man who died later, entered Jannat It is not permissible to seek death because of before the first one. He (S.A.W) replied: Do you not difficulties know that that man had lived for one more year after Hazrat Anas (R.A) says: The Holy Prophet the former was martyred whereby he observed fast of (S.A.W.) said: If anybody falls in trouble he should a month of Ramadhan and offered 6000 obligatory never desire death and if he is extremely helpless, he 7 8 may only say: O(cid:146)Allah, keep me alive till the time life ter for you. If you are a bad fellow and you get a longer is good for me, and please give me death when death life, than you repent over your sins, that too is better is good for me. for you, so do not seek death. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A) says: The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: Noone should ever seek death CHAPTER THREE nor pray for death because when a man dies, his time Desiring death is permissible if their is a danger for doing deeds comes to an end. But in the case of a to religion Momin, the longer his life, the more good deeds does Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A) says: The Holy he perform. Prophet (S.A.W.) said: When Qiyaamat (Dooms Day Hazrat Jaabir Bin Abdullah (R.A) says: or the Day of Judgement) will approach, there will ap- Rasoolullah (S.A.W.) says: Do not desire death be- pear so many mischiefs and troublesome temptations cause the bargaining of Aakhirat (Hereafter) is very that when a man will pass by a grave he will say: How hard and the sign of a lucky man is that he gets a long nice would it have been if I were in this grave. life whereby he gets a chance for Taubah (repentance). Hazrat Thawbaan (R.A) says: The Holy Prophet Hazrat Qais (R.A) says: We went to see Hazrat (S.A.W) said: O(cid:146)Allah, enable me to do good deeds to Khabbab (R.A) when ill. He had stamped seven parts leave bad deeds and to love the poor people.When you of his body with a burning instrument (as an insecti- intend to put people to trials, call me up to you so I cidal remedy prevalent in those days). He said: Had may not fall in temptation. Rasoolullah (S.A.W) not prevented seeking of death, Hazrat Ibne Masood (R.A.) says: Huzoor I would have prayed for my death. (S.A.W.) said a (true) Muslim will like to live in the Hazrat Ummul Fazl (R.A.) says: Hazrat Abbas world. But when Dajjal will appear (near the end of the fell ill. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) and Sahaaba (holy world) in the last age, there will be so much troubles companions) went to see him. Hazrat Abbas expressed and mischeifs and quarrels that a Muslim will find no his desire for death. The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said: way except death to protect his Deen (faith) and so he O(cid:146)Uncle! Do not seek death. If you recover and get will prefer death over life and will lose love of life. time for doing good deeds in your life, than it is bet- Hazrat Abu Hurairah (R.A) says: Huzoor 9 10 (S.A.W) said: A time will come soon when true believ- the devil (Shaytaan) invites all to bad deeds. During ers (Momins) will prefer death to a drink of cold water such times, it is better to proceed to god than to live mixed with honey. In yet another narration (Rivaayat), it in this world. is mentioned: He will prefer death to pure gold. Hazrat Abu Hurairah says: I was going some- Hazrat Abu Zarr (R.A) says: There will come where when somebody asked me: Where are you go- a time when seeing anyone(cid:146)s funeral procession, ing? I replied: I am going to the market. That man said: people will say: How good would it have been if I was If you are sure of returning from the market and if in this coffin! you can, please buy my death for me from there. It is narrated that Hazrat Makhool (R.A) once Hazrat Irbaaz bin Saariyah (R.A) says: I was fell ill. Abde Rabb went to see him and prayed: May longing for death. Once I went to a masjid in Dam- Almighty Allah heal you. Hazrat Makhool (R.A) said: ascus wherein after offering my prayers, I said: O Al- Never pray for my health because I would rather die lah! I am very old and my bones have become feeble with those who are good and for whom there is hope (so please give me death). At once I saw a young and for their forgiveness from God. My death is better handsome boy who was in green clothes. He ap- than living in company of those by whom there is dan- proached me and said: Why do you pray like this? I ger of harm to Islamic values . asked: What than should I say? He replied: You may Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A) says: By Allah! (By say: O(cid:146) Allah! Give me strengh to do good deeds and God!), a soul which leaves a body is, in my opinion, lenghthen my life. I asked that fellow who he was. He better than my soul. Even the soul which leaves the replied: My name is Rataaeel. I remove pain and anxi- body of a bee is also better than my soul. Hearing ety from the hearts of the faithful (Momins). Then he this, the Sahaaba were shocked and asked the reason disappeared all of a sudden. for saying so. He replied: I fear the day when I may not be able to order good deeds and prevent bad ones. CHAPTER FOUR There is no benefit in living that kind of life. Death is better than life Hazrat Abu Ubaidah says: This world calls Ulamaa have said that death does not mean to- people towards troublesome trials and temptation and tal annialation or destruction. Rather death means the 11 12 dislocation of the connection of soul from the body Hazrat Zar(cid:146)ah Bin Abdullah says that once whereby the soul may leave the house of body (the a funeral prosession passed by the Holy Prophet world) and go to another house (in the Hereafter or (S.A.W.). He said: This man (who has died) is either Aakhiraat). to get rest for himself or others have got rest be- Hazrat Bilal bin Masood and Umar Bin A. Aziz cause of his departure. The sahaba asked: (R.A) say: O(cid:146)People! You are not created for being O(cid:146)Messenger of Allah! What is the meaning of what destroyed. You will only travel from one home to an- you have said now? He (S.A.W) replied: A faithful other home. man, after his death, gets relief from wordly troubles Hazrat Rasoolullah (S.A.W.) said: Death is a and hardships and gets Allah(cid:146)s mercy, whereas a bad traveller(cid:146)s gift in the case of a believer. Death is like a man(cid:146)s death gives rest to people of a city-village, to fragrant flower for him (desired thing). animals, trees, etc. (as he was harming them in the Hazrat Ayeshah (R.A) says: The Huzoor (S.A.W) world). A bad man(cid:146)s opression-tyranny causes unrest said: Death is like a war booty which one gets free. Dis- in the world and anarchy in society. The performer of obedience is a calamity. Poverty is a rest-giving gift, evil deeds is an enemy of Allah (God). He troubles while wealthiness is punishment. Wisdom is a gift, ig- the entire creation. It does not rain because of his norance is waywardness. Opresson (tyranny) makes one sinning and provision of all, decreases due to him. ashamed. Worship keeps eyes cool. Weeping for fear of Hazrat Ibne Umar says: This world is paradise Allah is salvation from hellfire. Laughing is an illness of for the deniers (kaafirs) and the polytheists the body and one who has repented truly is like the one (mushriks). (They are engaged in their worldly de- who did not commit a sin. sires and aspirations). This world is a jail or prison Hazrat Mahmood Bin Labeed says that the Holy for the Faithfuls (Momins). ((They are bound by the Prophet (S.A.W) said: Mankind likes two things very laws of shariat in every matter)). Therefore when the much: soul of a Momin leaves his body (at the time of (1) Life though death is much better for him and death), it is as if a captive has been freed from the (2) Wealthiness though poverty makes accounting cell. He cleans himself by turning in the dust. easy. Hazrat Ibne Umar says that the Holy Prophet 13 14

Hikayat (story):- Hazrat Isa (A.S.) was enliv- ening the dead by the fered my Maghrib-Esha prayers and resumed my jour- ney. I reached Madinah
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