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Christoph Schiller MOTION MOUNTAIN the adventure of physics – vol.iii light, charges and brains www.motionmountain.net Christoph Schiller Motion Mountain The Adventure of Physics Volume III Light, Charges and Brains Edition31,availableasfreepdf withfilmsatwww.motionmountain.net Editiotrigesimaprima. Proprietasscriptoris©ChrestophoriSchiller primoannoOlympiadistrigesimaesecundae. Omniaproprietatisiurareservanturetvindicantur. Imitatioprohibitasineauctorispermissione. Nonlicetpecuniamexpetereproaliqua,quae partemhorumverborumcontinet;liber proomnibussempergratuituseratetmanet. Thirty-firstedition. Copyright©1990–2021byChristophSchiller, fromthethirdyearofthe24thOlympiad tothefirstyearofthe32ndOlympiad. ThispdffileislicensedundertheCreativeCommons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivativeWorks3.0Germany Licence,whosefulltextcanbefoundonthewebsite creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de, withtheadditionalrestrictionthatreproduction,distributionanduse, inwholeorinpart,inanyproductorservice,beit commercialornot,isnotallowedwithoutthewrittenconsentof thecopyrightowner.Thepdffilewasandremainsfreeforeverybody toread,storeandprintforpersonaluse,andtodistribute electronically,butonlyinunmodifiedformandonlyatnocharge. ToBritta,EstherandJustusAaron τῷἐμοὶδαὶμονι DieMenschenstärken,dieSachenklären. PREFACE “Primummovere,deindedocere.* ” Antiquity T his book series is for anybody who is curious about motion in nature. How do hings, people, animals, images and empty space move? The answer leads o many adventures, and this volume presents the best ones when exploring Mo tio everything electric. They lead from the weighing of electric current to the use of mag- n M o netic fields to heal bone fractures and up to the use of light to cut metals and the un understandingofthehumanbrain. tain – T In the structure of physics, shownin Figure 1, motion due to electricity is the most he A fascinatingaspectofthestartingpointatthebottom.Indeed,almosteverythingaround dve n usis due to electricprocesses.Thepresentintroduction to electricity,magnetism,light ture o andthebrainisthethirdofasix-volumeoverviewofphysicsthatarosefromathreefold fP h aimthatIhavepursuedsince1990:topresentmotioninawaythatissimple,uptodate ysics andcaptivating. co p Inordertobesimple,thetextfocusesonconcepts,whilekeepingmathematicstothe yrig h necessary minimum. Understanding the concepts of physics is given precedence over t© C usingformulaeincalculations.Thewholetextiswithinthereachofanundergraduate. hristo Inordertobeuptodate,thetextisenrichedbythemanygems–boththeoreticaland p h S empirical–thatarescatteredthroughoutthescientificliterature. ch ille Inordertobecaptivating,thetexttriestostartlethereaderasmuchaspossible.Read- rJu n ing a book on general physics should be like going to a magic show.We watch, we are e1 9 9 astonished, we do not believe our eyes, we think, and finally we understand the trick. 0– Se Whenwelookatnature,weoftenhavethesameexperience.Indeed,everypagepresents pte m atleastonesurpriseorprovocationforthereadertothinkabout.Numerousinteresting be r 2 challengesareproposed. 02 1 The motto of the text, die Menschen stärken, die Sachen klären, a famous statement fre e onpedagogy,translatesas: ‘To fortifypeople,toclarify things.’ Clarifying things–and pd f fi adheringonlytothetruth–requirescourage,aschangingthehabitsofthoughtproduces le fear, often hidden by anger. But by overcoming our fears we growin strength.And we availab experience intense and beautiful emotions. All great adventures in life allow this, and le at w exploringmotionisoneofthem.Enjoyit. w w .m o ChristophSchiller tion m o u n *‘Firstmove,thenteach.’Inmodernlanguages,thementionedtypeofmoving(theheart)iscalledmotiv- tain ating;bothtermsgobacktothesameLatinroot. .ne t 8 preface Complete, unified description of motion Adventures: describing precisely all motion, understanding the origin of colours, space -time and particles, enjoying extreme thinking, calculating masses and couplings, catching a further, tiny glimpse of bliss (vol. VI). PHYSICS: An arrow indicates an Describing motion with precision, increase in precision by i.e., using the least action principle. adding a motion limit. Quantum theory General relativity with classical gravity Quantum field theory Adventures: the Adventures: bouncing (the ‘standard model’) night sky, measu- neutrons, under- Adventures: building M o ring curved and standing tree accelerators, under- tio n wobbling space, growth (vol. V). standing quarks, stars, M o ehxoplelos rainngd bthlaec k blifoem, mbas tatenrd & t rhaed biaatsioisn of untain– universe, space (vol. V). Th e and time(vol. II). Ad ve n tu re Classical gravity Special relativity Quantum theory of P h Acldimvebnintugr, essk:i ing, Amdavgennettuisrmes,: lleignhgtt,h Abidrtvhe,n lotuvree, sd: ebaiothlo, gy, ysics space travel, c contraction, time chemistry, evolution, cop the wonders of limits dilation and enjoying colours, art, yrig astronomy and G fast E0 = mc2 h, e, k paradoxes, medicine ht© C geology (vol. I). luimniitfsorm motion (vol. II). tinylimit a(vnodl. hIVig ahn-dte vcohl .b Vu)s.iness hristo p h motion motion S ch ille r Ju n e Galilean physics, heat and electricity 19 9 The world of everyday motion:human scale, slow and weak. 0– Se Adventures: sport, music, sailing, cooking, describing pte m beauty and understanding its origin (vol. I); b e using electricity, light and computers, r2 0 2 understandingthe brain and people (vol. III). 1 fre e FIGURE 1 Acompletemapofphysics,thescienceofmotion,asfirstproposedbyMatveiBronshtein pd f fi (b.1907Vinnytsia,d.1938Leningrad).TheBronshteincubestartsatthebottomwitheverydaymotion, le athneddsehsocwrispttihoencaonndniescdtiuoenstotoatlhimeifitetoldsmooftimonodthearntipshtayskiecns.iEnatcohaccoconunnetc.tTiohneilnimcrietassaersetghievepnrefocirsionof available uniformmotionbythegravitationalconstantG,forfastmotionbythespeedoflightc,andfortiny atw w motionbythePlanckconstanth,theelementarychargeeandtheBoltzmannconstantk. w .m o tio n m o u n tain .n e t preface 9 Using this book Marginalnotesrefertobibliographicreferences,tootherpagesortochallengesolutions. In the colour edition, marginal notes, pointers to footnotes and links to websites are typeset in green. Over time, links on the internet tend to disappear. Most links can be recovered via www.archive.org, which keeps a copy of old internet pages. In the free pdf edition ofthis book, available at www.motionmountain.net,all green pointers and links are clickable. The pdfedition alsocontainsall films; theycan be watched directly inAdobeReader. Solutionsandhintsforchallengesaregivenintheappendix.Challengesareclassified aseasy(e),standardstudentlevel(s),difficult(d)andresearchlevel(r).Challengesfor whichnosolutionhasyetbeenincludedinthebookaremarked(ny). Advice for learners Learningallowsustodiscoverwhatkind ofpersonwecan be. Learningwidensknow- M ledge, improves intelligence and provides a sense of achievement. Therefore, learning otio n froma book, especially one about nature, shouldbe efficient and enjoyable. Avoid bad M o u learningmethodsliketheplague!Donotuseamarker,apenorapenciltohighlightor n tain underlinetextonpaper.Itisawasteoftime,providesfalsecomfortandmakesthetext – T h unreadable.Anddonotlearnfromascreen.Inparticular,never,ever,learnfromthein- e A d ternet,fromvideos,fromgamesorfromasmartphone.Mostoftheinternet,almostall ve n tu videosandallgamesarepoisonsanddrugsforthebrain.Smartphonesaredispensersof re o f drugsthatmakepeopleaddictedandpreventlearning.Nobodyputtingmarksonpaper P h orlookingatascreenislearningefficientlyorisenjoyingdoingso. ysics In my experienceasapupil andteacher,onelearning methodnever failed to trans- co p form unsuccessful pupils into successful ones: if you read a text for study, summarize yrig h t every section you read, in your own words and images, aloud. If you are unable to do © C h so,readthesectionagain.Repeatthisuntilyoucanclearlysummarizewhatyoureadin risto your ownwordsandimages,aloud. Andenjoy thetelling aloud! Youcan do thisalone ph S orwithfriends,inaroomorwhilewalking.Ifyoudothiswitheverythingyouread,you chille r will reduce your learning and reading time significantly; you will enjoy learning from Ju n e goodtexts much more and hate bad texts much less.Masters of the methodcan use it 1 9 9 0 evenwhilelisteningtoalecture,inalowvoice,thusavoidingtoevertakenotes. –Se p te m b Advice for teachers er 2 0 2 1 Ateacherlikespupilsandlikestoleadthemintoexploringthefieldheorshechose.His fre orherenthusiasmisthekeytojobsatisfaction.Ifyouareateacher,beforethestartofa ep d f lesson,picture,feelandtellyourselfhowyouenjoythetopicofthelesson;thenpicture, file fmeeulcahnadstyeolluydoou.rsDelof thhoiws eyxoeurcwisiellcloenasdcieoaucshlyo,fevyeoruyrdpauyp.iYlsouinwtoilelnmjoinyiinmgiztehattrotoupbilec ians available at yourclassandmaximizeyourteachingsuccess. w w w Thisbookisnotwrittenwithexamsin mind;itiswrittentomake teachersandstu- .m o dentsunderstandandenjoyphysics,thescienceofmotion. tio n m o u n tain .n e t 10 preface Feedback Thelatestpdfeditionofthistextisandwillremainfreetodownloadfromtheinternet. [email protected],especially onthefollowingissues: Challenge1s — Whatwasunclearandshouldbeimproved? — Whatstory,topic,riddle,pictureorfilmdidyoumiss? Alsohelponthespecificpointslistedonthewww.motionmountain.net/help.htmlweb pageiswelcome.Allfeedbackwillbeusedtoimprovethenextedition.Youarewelcome to send feedback by mail or by sending in a pdf with added yellow notes, to provide illustrations or photographs, or to contribute to the errata wiki on the website. If you wouldliketotranslateachapterofthebookinyourlanguage,pleaseletmeknow. Onbehalfofallreaders,thankyouinadvanceforyourinput.Foraparticularlyuseful contributionyouwillbementioned–ifyouwant–intheacknowledgements,receivea reward,orboth. M o tio n M Support ou n tain Yourdonationtothecharitable,tax-exemptnon-profitorganisationthatproduces,trans- – T h lates and publishes this book series is welcome. For details, see the web page www. e A d motionmountain.net/donation.html. The German tax office checks the proper use of ven tu yourdonation.Ifyouwant,yournamewillbeincludedinthesponsorlist.Thankyouin re o f advanceforyourhelp,onbehalfofallreadersacrosstheworld. Ph The paper edition of this book is available, either in colour or in black and white, ysics fromwww.amazon.com,inEnglishandincertainotherlanguages.Andnow,enjoythe co p reading. yrig h t © C h risto p h S ch ille r Ju n e 1 9 9 0 – Se p te m b e r 2 0 2 1 fre e p d f fi le availab le at w w w .m o tio n m o u n tain .n e t

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