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ד"סב FJJ VOLUME 7, N0. 14 F L A T B U S H APRIL 7, 2016 B O R O P A R K ע י ר ז ת ת ש ר פ M O N S E Y ו״עשת ׳ב רדא ח״כ L A K E W O O D 25,000 WEEKLY P A S S A I C FREE DISTRIBUTION F I V E T O W N S 200,000 READERS KEW GARDENS FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL Petira of Hagaon Horav Meir Soloveitchik zt"l Hamas Holding Israeli Hostages & Dead Bodies JNS Th is week, Klal Yisroel was saddened by the Petirah of Hagaon HaRav Meir Halevi Th e Hamas terrorist group ad- Soloveitchik, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas mitted that it is holding two live Brisk in Zichron Moshe, Yerushalayim. He Israeli hostages and two bodies was the son of the Brisker Rov, HaRav Yitz- of dead Israelis, while accusing chok Zev Soloveitchik, zt”l; and 7th generation Prime Minister Netanyahu of ly- ing about their impending release. descendant of Rav Chaim Volozhiner. Netanyahu “is lying to his peo- Rav Meir, who was nift ar at age 87 this past ple” and “deceiving the families Motzei Shabbos, was rushed to the hospital of the captive soldiers,” Hamas two weeks ago aft er suff ering a stroke. CONTINUED ON PAGE 90 Rav Meir zt”l perpetuated the Brisker me- sorah throughout his life with great devotion. His entire life and being was spent immersed in Limud HaTorah and Har- The Western Wall Is No Place for Political Posturing botzas Torah, with no outside interest or agenda. He is survived by his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren; as well as his siblings, RABBI YAAKOV MENKEN & RABBI PESACH LERNER/JNS including Rav Dovid Soloveitchik and Rebbetzin Rivka Shiff . Kevurah was Charlie Kalech is upset. Kalech is the Internet entrepreneur who broke Is- on Har Menuchos, near the Kever of his father. raeli law last year on behalf of the Women of the Wall (WoW), taking a Torah scroll from the men’s section of the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Th ose scrolls A Glimpse of Greatness – Exclusive From A Talmid may not be removed by law, respecting traditional Jewish practice. Kalech PAGE 118 broke through the divider between men and women to give WoW a Torah scroll, and he was detained for his trouble. Now he feels betrayed—because WoW announced plans to hold a “birkat kohanot” this Passover, an imitation “priestly blessing” by and for women. Large crowds come to the Western Wall twice each year for birkat kohanim, the Jewish priestly blessing. Th e blessing itself is hardly extraordinary—kohanim in Ashkenazi Orthodox synagogues perform it on each holiday in the Diaspora; Sephardim do it daily, as do all traditional synagogues in Israel. Th e special event at the Western Wall, however, held during the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot, began less than 50 years ago. CONTINUED ON PAGE 90 Known for consistently placing our clients’ interests first, we are proud of our reputation as the industry’s MOST TRUSTED ADVISORS Offices Nationwide [email protected] www.easternuf.com FINANCING BILLIONS AND BILLIONS IN COMMERCIAL LOANS ANNUALLY WISCONSIN PRIMARY UPSET WINNERS Reserve Early, While Advertising Space Still Remains In Our Upcoming Special Issues: TED BERNIE PPRREE PESACH CRUZ SANDERS PESACH PAGE 107 FFJJJJ IISSSSUUEE:: AAPPRRIILL 1144 FJJ ISSUE: APRIL 21 THE 2016 ELECTION 718.692.1144 • [email protected] • WWW.THEFJJ.COM FJJ 2 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL IINNDDEEXX FJJ IN THIS WEEKS FJJ FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL A Vort From Rav Pam 4 Ask the Shadchan 100 Business Services 72 Children’s Corner 112 Class Acts 56 Classifi ed Ads 148 87 48 105 4 Community Events 109 Community News 58, 108 Education & Parenting 48 Election 2016 106 Flatbush Focus 111 Flatbush Weather 6 Food & Dining 22, 103 30 61 120 133 Functional Psychology 62 MARKING THE YAHRZEIT OF THE SEVEN SASSOON CHILDREN IN LAST YEAR'S TRAGIC FIRE PAGE 122 Hanhagos Maran Rav Chaim 48 Health & Fitness 62 Heart Notes from Argentina 84 Home & Decor 70 Israel News 88 Judicial Review 144 Letters to the Editor 6 Let's Get Real 82 Life In the Balance 134 Maran Harav Ovadia 105 Nachas Notes 48 Opinions 106, 141 Out of the Box 6 Parsha Short & Sweet 135 Partners with Hashem 147 Pathways of Prophets 132 Person in the Parsha 143 Piskei Rav Belsky 86 Photo Gallery 75-79 FJJ FACES OF THE Power Points on Parsha 74 Publisher’s Message 4 FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL Rabbi Frand 111 Rabbinic Message 6 Rav Nissan Kaplan 61 Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein 145 Refl ections of The Maggid 86 Restaurant Directory 103 Salomon Says 34 Sephardic Heritage 104 Shiurim Directory 115 Shiva Listings 117 Shul Directory 130 Simcha Section 100 25,000 Distributed Weekly to Homes, Shuls, Stores in: The Shadows 146 FJJ Published by Citicom! Flatbush • Boro Park • Five Towns • Queens Travel Section 67 FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL Lakewood • Monsey • Passaic www.fl atbushjewishjournal.com And Reaching Thousands Through Web, Mail & Email U.S. News 98 With Hearts Full of Faith 133 Tel 718.692.1144 / Fax 718.692.1233 Flatbush Jewish Journal does not assume responsibility for the kashrus or reliability of any product or establishment advertised in its pages. We reserve the right to reject any advertising for any reason, and shall not be held liable for non-publication or errors in any submitted advertisements. All rights Women’s World 80 [email protected] editor@thefj j.com reserved. Reproduction by any means without prior written permission from the publisher strictly World News 92 classifi eds@thefj j.com photos@thefj j.com prohibited. Due to Divrei Torah contained herein, the paper should be wrapped before being discarded. Columns, articles and letters printed in the Flatbush Jewish Journal refl ect the opinion of the authors Yahrzeits & Tributes 116 only, not neccesarily those of this publication. FJJ 3 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL T H I S W E E K S U N D A Y E V E N I N G ו ‘ ‘ ע ש ת ן ס י נ ‘ ב A P R I L 1 0 , 2 0 1 6 NEW YORK BROOKLYN MARRIOTT 333 ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, NY RECEPTION D I N N E R 5:00PM 6:30PM ברה ןואגה ברה ןואגה ברה ןואגה ברה ןואגה א“טילש לקניפ הדוהי רזעילא א“טילש שדח ןרהא א“טילש ךבלרק ןימינב א“טילש ץיבובל ןמחנ הבישיה שאר חיגשמ הבישי שאר הבישי שאר ונת דובכ ןואגה ברה ןואגה ברה ןואגה ברה א“טילש קינזר ךלמילא א“טילש טנפלא ףסוי א“טילש ןלפק ןסינ הרותל PLEASE JOIN US IN WELCOMING ןואגה ברה ןואגה ברה ןואגה ברה א“טילש ץ׳׳כ השמ בקעי א“טילש ןמדירפ ןרהא השמ א“טילש לשגו הדוהי FOR DINNER RESERVATIONS PLEASE CONTACT THE MIR YERUSHALAYIM OFFICE YESHIVAS MIR YERUSHALAYIM . 5227 NEW UTRECHT AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11219 DINNER SPONSORED BY: P: 718.972.0500 . F: 718.851.1999 . E: [email protected] FJJ 4 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL A Vort From Rav Pam ZMANIM RABBI SHOLOM SMITH, REPRINTED WITH PERMISSION FROM ARTSCROLL/MESORAH FOR THE FLATBUSH AREA Parashiyos Tazria April j"f THURS What Is Good to Eat? Tzvi Hirsch, the dayan of Vilna, as follows: 7 6:29 9:43 7:27 8:10 Neitz Latest Shekiah Tzeis 'c rst When a woman conceives and gives birth to Th e Gemara (Sanhedrin 38a) says that Hash- Shema a male. (12:2) em made Adam HaRishon on the last day of z"f ihause In this pasuk, Rashi says that just as the cre- Creation so that heretics cannot claim that He ation of man came aft er that of cattle, beasts, had a partner in creating the world. Addition- y"f FRI and fowl in the Torah’s account of Creation, so, ally, the Yalkut Shimoni (§ 536) says that aft er 6:28 9:42 7:28 8:11 8 too, do his laws follow those of cattle, beasts, listing the animals that are permissible and Neitz SLhaetemsat Shekiah Tzeis 'c rst and fowl. Aft er the Torah delineates which an- those that are forbidden for Jews to eat, Hash- 7:10 ,urb ,eksv j"f ihause imals are permitted to be eaten and which are em warns us not to eat foods that are bad for unclean and therefore prohibited for consump- the person, since one could erroneously believe asuj atr t ,ca ghrz, ,arp tion, the Torah discusses the laws of purity and that the foods that Hashem forbade are today impurity as they relate to human beings, the good for consumption. 9 6:26 9:41 7:29 8:12 Neitz Latest Shekiah Tzeis ixhb main topic of Parashas Tazria. Someone could fool himself into believing Shema Th e signifi cance of this is explained by the that even though man was created last, neverthe- 8:42 (,"r) a"mun y"f ihause Kehillas Yitzchak (p. 98) in the name of Rav less, with his superior CONTINUED ON PAGE 86 c SUN FJJ Publisher΄s Message 10 6:25 9:40 7:30 8:13 Neitz Latest Shekiah Tzeis ixhb Shema k ihause MORDY MEHLMAN, PUBLISHER d "Love Your Children, Love Your Students" MON 6:23 9:39 7:31 8:14 11 Neitz Latest Shekiah Tzeis ixhb Shema Last year at this time, Klal Yisroel experienced said than done, but perhaps that’s our purpose in life. t"k ihause a tragedy of epic proportions. Its epicenter was Th e story is told of a couple with three easy and three Reb Gabriel Sassoon and his wife Gayle, who trag- diffi cult children who complained to a Godol: “Why s ically lost seven precious children in the fi re that did I need all six children – Why couldn’t Hashem TUES swept through their home on that fateful Shabbos. just give me the three eay ones?” To which the Godol 12 6:22 9:38 7:32 8:15 During the Levaya, as he prepared to bury his sev- answered: “Your tafk id in life may be to deal with the Neitz Latest Shekiah Tzeis ixhb Shema en angels, as his wife and daughter lay in hospitals diffi cult children; it’s just that Hashem lovingly gave c"k ihause with burns over much of their bodies, Rav Gabriel you the other three as a bonus.” conveyed a plea we will never forget: “Love your As teachers, we must live with the message of Rav v children. Love your students.” Pam, zt”l, who said: “Don’t teach Chumash, don’t WED 6:20 9:38 7:33 8:16 Th e least we could (and hopefully have now teach Mishnayos, don’t teach Gemarah – just teach 13 done) is follow his wishes. Rav Gabriel and his wife children.” If all Rabbeim and teachers would “teach Neitz SLhaetemsat Shekiah Tzeis ixhb showered their children children” – with all the love d"k ihause with love, warmth, and a and attention imbedded in vibrant Yiddishkeit while the word – the world would the children were alive – be a better place to live in! but did we all do the same? Th ere would be fewer kids at He continued: “Until risk, fewer depressed adults, now I had everything, now and fewer parents grappling I have nothing.” Th e Sas- in the dark, without proper THIS PESACH soons’ realized they “had positive assistance from the everything,” and spent school. ENJOY OUR their lives raising, inspiring, and perfecting their A young Yeshiva Bochur I know, who suff ered precious jewels. from a number of uncaring and uninvolved Rab- Do we do the same? Do parents and teachers beim, sent me the following text about his current FREEDOM really show their love to their children? Rebbe: “I love my Rebbe. He is amazing. I will grow If we don’t love our children, if teachers don’t the rest of my life through him.” How great it would love their students – who will? Children need love be if every educator could aff ect children this way. – that’s what really makes them “grow.” If we don’t Reb Gabriel and Gayle – rest assured that your feed them that nutrient, they will acquire it else- brothers and sisters in Klal Yisroel have taken your where. message to heart. We do show our love to our chil- As parents, we must shower our children with dren, we do show our love to our students! love, time, attention, and meaningful direction. May Hashem continue to console you as only Despite our busy schedules and hectic lives, our He can. Surely Hashem heard your cries and feels children must be the focus of our attention – we your pain, for your heart is so big and your pain is so FJJ must show them our love. Our cell phones should great. In Shemoneh Esrai we say: “V’hoser Mimenu not compete with our children, and a text message Yogoin V’anocho, U’Meloich Oleinu Atoh Levade- to them does not replace true love. cha.” – May Hashem speedily remove your sadness, FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL We must be accepting of our children, and not and may Moshiach come speedily in our time – FREE CIRCULATION. FREE ENTERTAINMENT. deal with them in frustration. Sometimes it’s easier when your family will be reunited once again. FJJ PREPESACH SECTION 5 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL AAAAANNNNNNNNNNIIIIIVVVVVEEEEERRRRRSSSSSAAAAARRRRRYYYYY ““TThhee wwoorrlldd iiss AArrttSSccrroollll’’ss ccllaassssrroooomm”” LLaasstt yyeeaarr’’ss bbeessttsseelllliinngg HHeebbrreeww HHaaggggaaddaahh —— NEW! now available in English! the aryeh famıly edıtıon 44 PPiisskkeeii hhaallaacchhaahh aanndd cchhiidddduusshhiimm from Reb Moshe’s own writings 4 Rav Moshe’s Divrei Torah culled from dozens of sources 4 Hanhagos of the gadol hador at the Seder 4 Featuring many uplifting stories of Reb Moshe The Reb Moshe Haggadah, this The Finishing Touch for Your Perfect Seder year’s “must-have” Haggadah, beautifully captures the many facets of the gaon and Compiled by Rabbi Shalom Meir Wallach posek hador. This magnificent volume makes a fantastic “Thanks-for-working-so-hard” gift for your wife, mother, teacher, or hostess! the paneth edıtıon NEW! by Rabbi Dov Weller The Eishes Chayil Haggadah is designed to enhance women’s appreciation for the miracles of Yetziyas Mitzrayim — and women’s vital role in those miracles. Featuring: 4 A rich commentary that emphasizes women’s contributions to the Exodus and Jewish life 4 An abundance of absorbing stories to enhance the holiday 4 Clear laws of Seder night, particularly those relevant to women 4 Brief overviews of vital concepts, so busy women can quickly enrich their Seder 4G ilded page heads 4 Ribbon marker Dedicated by 4 Gorgeous copper-color hardcover Chesky and Sheindy Paneth TTTTTTTTTTTTThhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeee pppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrfffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeecccccccccccccttttttttttttt HHHHHHHHHHHHHaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh fffffffffffffooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr eeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy wwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!! PESACH COOKBOOKS A TASTE OF PESACH A PROJECT OF YESHIVA ME’ON HATORAH (ROOSEVELT) PASSOVER BY DESIGN by Susie Fishbein PASSOVER MADE EASY by Leah Schapira and Victoria Dwek TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg AArrttSSccrroollll sseeffaarriimm aarree aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr yyoouurr ddaaiillyy lleeaarrnniinngg pprrooggrraammss:: TThhee SScchhootttteennsstteeiinn EEddiittiioonn TTaallmmuudd BBaavvllii aanndd YYeerruusshhaallmmii;; YYaadd AAvvrraahhaamm MMiisshhnnaahh SSeerriieess;; SScchhootttteennsstteeiinn EEddiittiioonn MMiisshhnnaahh EElluucciiddaatteedd;; RRyyzzmmaann EEddiittiioonn HHeebbrreeww MMiisshhnnaahh;; KKlleeiinnmmaann EEddiittiioonn KKiittzzuurr SShhuullcchhaann AArruucchh;; KKlleeiinnmmaann EEddiittiioonn DDaaiillyy DDoossee ooff TToorraahh.. TThhiiss SShhaabbbbooss,, NNiissssaann 11:: DDaaff YYoommii BBaavvllii –– KKiidddduusshhiinn 2299 // DDaaff YYoommii YYeerruusshhaallmmii –– SSuuccccaahh 66 // MMiisshhnnaahh YYoommii –– BBeerraacchhooss 44::44--55 // KKiittzzuurr SShhuullcchhaann AArruucchh YYoommii –– 111122::55--111133::77 Available at your local Hebrew bookseller or at www.artscroll.com • 1-800-MESORAH (637-6724) FJJ 6 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL Letters Editor TEHILLIM LIST WEATHER FORECAST to the EMAIL [email protected] :ohkuj THURSDAY vtk gyhhm ic vnka ohhj crv All letters must be typed and emailed. Letter writers authorize the Publisher to edit letters due to space constraints, subject matter or Rabbinic direction. kyg ict okhhchj i cuv uhv,h,ktn ;cxrvuh April 7 scfuh ,c ,hsuvh vchk Men’s and Women’s FJJ’s Insure Yur Sewer Line kyhd vfkn ic whnjb Rain vtk ,c whj vbhr It seems to me that all the hullabaloo My home recently had a collapsed sewer kth ,c vbhr kyhd 55˚ 43˚ about the lack of women in your newspa- line deep underground, which costs over vtk ic ovrct ohrn vfkn ic injb van per can be easily remedied. Just as there $5,000 to replace. Luckily, I had recently vcuy tan ohrn ic vjna sus hfsrn FRIDAY are men and women bathrooms, l’havdil, subscribed to the NYC DEP Sewer/Water kjr ic ctz van April 8 kzhhr vbj ic hfsrn ktkmc ktpr print two versions of your paper- one for Line Protection Program. Th is insurance, khsrp tdhhp ,c vfkn vra Partly Cloudy ohrn ,c vskud men only- with no women pix and one for costing only a few dollars a month, saved vra tsbhv ic vsuvh lurc ohhj 50˚ 35˚ women only - no pix of men. Just think, bar/ me thousands! kxhz vbj ic ibj vnka wr vra gap ic ktuna ejmh bat mitzvah pictures of the mother, wife, Had my home needed a full sewer line vecr r,kt ,c krhm SATURDAY kyh ic ktuh nieces, aunts, etc. would replace the men. replacement, I would have had to pay close vhj ic hgah ohhj ktpr April 9 Your local photographer would get twice to $15,000. I thank my good friend Abe for vhxuk vzhk ic iugna wr vjubn vbj ,c vtk vecr the work.  Th e chasan and his father could motivating me to write this letter to help the vbrtay ic vsuvh i,b okuan Mostly Cloudy be photo-shopped out of each wedding pic- tzibur; and urge everyone to immediately vrucs ic ejmh 47˚ 29˚ vtk ic hcm ohhj ktpr ture. You would double your circulation! join the insurance program. ohrn ,c r,xt kyhd ic cus ktrah SUNDAY Simple solution, no? Fixed Flatbush Sewer tybgh tdhhp ,c r,xt vhj Mr. Potato Head kjr tbhha ic ovrct ktrah wr April 10 A Crucial Election kgzhhr ic cegh whgah wr kgh ic kdh wr Mostly Sunny What Chutzpa! Th is election is crucial. We’ve observed kjr ic rzghkt My wife just got notifi ed that the place over the past seven years what it means to ohrn ,c vjna 47˚ 34˚ vbhs krgp ic ksbn ojbn where she works will not be paying its em- be taken for granted, indeed maligned, cas- vrpa ,c vsbhv r,xt r,xt ic vhgah cs MONDAY ployees on the regular pay date of the 21st, tigated, disdained and denigrated. Th e ar- krhx ic ejmh van wr r,xt ic ojbn hcm April 11 which this year is a day before Pesach. Instead chitects of that policy have to be called to vchr vbj ,c r,xt they will be paying on May 5, a full 2 weeks account. It is not hard to discern who the vecr ic kkv lurc PM Showers kjr ,c kxhz late.  culprits are: the left ists and the Liberals who vftb tsbhv ic whgah rat 54˚ 47˚ People work, expect, and need to get paid have seized the reins of the Democrat Party vkhhc vbj ic kuhhp ktrah vskz ic hcm irvt on time especially before Pesach. Regular and are devising its future. r,xt ,c whj kjr TUESDAY vra tagp ic ktuna ejmh wr companies would never have the chutzpah Hillary Clinton is prime in this left ist vwhpux ic ohhj ktpr sus April 12 to pay its workers 2 weeks late why does our swing. One may have thought that she was tbgv ic icutr vrpa vra ic lkn ;xuh Thunderstorms community show so little regard for their merely the implementer of Pres. Obama’s kjr vecr ,c vra gca,c kjr ic inhbc ovrct 64˚ 46˚ fellow man? Th is is not the fi rst place that anti-Israel (that is a euphemism for an an- ktsbha ic vsuvh ;xuh has done this to my wife. It seems to be the ti-Semitic) policy. Not at all. Her forcibly :ohuca vecr ic hukv hfsrn ouka WEDNESDAY norm in the industry. One place even wrote released emails reveal a lengthy correspon- vra vhj ic hfsrn ktrah cus that since they will be fl ying to Israel for dence with her intimate adviser Sidney vbhbp ic hcm April 13 vra ic injb vsuvh kth,ueh Yom Tov the offi ce will be closed a few days Blumenthal and his son Max, who are ob- ohrn ic vnka vhrfz Partly Cloudy earlier so they won’t be able to pay. I would stinately anti-Israel.  In the emails, you will vvhb,hrc iicc tiuhrd 56˚ 42˚ like to hear what other people think about note how she and S. Blumenthal cackled it and have had the same experiences. Is this together at Israeli contretemps that never IMPORTANT NUMBERS even allowed under Halacha? happened--only in the psyche of the sick Hatzolah 718.230.1000 NYC Helpline 311 Y.S. CONTINUED ON PAGE 136 Chaveirim 718.431.8181 Emergency 911 Shomrim 718.338.9797 Poison Control 800.222.1222 Misaskim 718.854.4548 Bikur Cholim 718.253.3119 Rabbinic Message Police 70 PCT 718.851.5511 Torah Phone 718.436.4999 A WEEKLY DRASHA FROM Police 61 PCT 718.627.6611 Kol Halashon 718.906.6400 FLATBUSH RABBONIM Sovri 888.613.1613 ut Box HaRav Eliezer Ginsburg shlita of the MUSINGS ON TIMELY ISSUES Rov, Agudas Yisroel Zichron Shmuel; Rosh Kollel Mirrer Yeshiva RABBI YAAKOV SALOMON Cleaning Our Homes The LD Phenomenon As we prepare for the Yom Tov of Pesach, by cleaning out the chometz from our homes which is referred to by our Chazal as “seor I am neither delusional nor illusional (probably not a shebiseh” which means the yetzer hara, are we cleaning out the yetzer real word). I do not seriously believe that writing about hara from our internet, from our computers from our cellphones and smartphones? If we this will help, but sometimes even the therapist needs to think that we can handle this yetzer hara without putting a fi lter on our computer and our vent. If you are an L.D. (Loud Davener), you belong in a smartphones etc. then what about our homes? What about our children? We shield them minyan of those of similar ilk. Otherwise, your insistence from the dangers of the street, and therefore we feel it so important that they should have on living in your own world is intrusive to others, glaringly a cell phone on them when leaving the home. But are we forgetting to shield them from insensitive, and against halacha (see MB: 101; 6 & 7). You the most dangerous danger-as the yetzer hara which can destroy the whole ruchniyus of profess to have more kavana when you daven out loud. I our children and of course therefore cause a broken home and so much pain and stress? understand that. But even if you wish to express your love Let us this Pesach, aft er being awakened by the potential destruction of such a beautiful for Torah by kissing it as it travels to and from the Aron, home, let us see to clean our house and this will be a protection for our homes for our you still may not step on me or shove me aside to do so. community and Klal Yisroel, in the whole world at large. If I may in a humble way ask Please listen while you daven. If you hear your voice above all Rabbonim to join together infl uencing this suggestion in all our kehilos hakedoshos. others around you, something is not right. Th ank you for listening and thank you for understanding. Phew. I feel better now. FJJ 7 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL S ! Y I H A D thank T ii aamm N you! U S LLLLLLeeeeeetttttt''''''ssssss ddddddoooooo ggggggoooooooooooodddddd,,,,,, together with our children. JOIN CHASDEI LEV TO SHOW HAKARAS HATOV TO THE DEVOTED MECHANCHIM OF OUR CHILDREN. BROOKLYN This Sunday, April 10 • 9am - 4:30pm East 14th Street, between Aves. L & M OUR HAKARAS HATOV! COME VOLUNTEER! A fun and meaningful experience for yourself & your children SMOKER This Extraordinary Day of Good is Dedicated L'Zecher Nishmas All Day For R’ Shlomo Zakheim zt”l All Volunteers FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER, PLEASE EMAIL: [email protected], OR CALL: (718) 831-2500 EXT. 201 Chasdei Lev • PO Box 297257 • Brooklyn, NY 11229 • www.chasdeilev.org PESACH 2016 MADE POSSIBLE IN PART BY OUR INCREDIBLE PARTNERS ® FJJ 8 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefjj.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL T H I S M O T Z E I S H A B B A T ! Antwerp, Belgium Montreal, Canada ’’vgca vhsung vcmj v,hc v,bc ,unfj’’ Zichron Moshe Beth Chabad of CSL (’t:’y hkan) Steenbokstraat 2-4 6501 Kildare Rd. April 10th - 8:00 p.m. April 9th - 9:30 p.m. Atlanta, GA New York, NY Cong. Beth Jacob Edmond Safra Shul “Turning Tears 1855 Lavista Rd 11 E. 63rd Street April 9th - 9:45 p.m. April 11th - 8:00 p.m. Baltimore, MD North Miami Beach Ohr Hamizrach Shaaray Tefilah 6813 Park Heights Ave. 971 NE 172 Street April 11th - 8:30 p.m. April 9th - 9:45 p.m. into Triumph” Bensalem, PA Panama Bensalem Jewish Midrasha Jorev Outreach Center Calle 44 2466 Bristol Rd April 13 - 11:00 a.m. April 10th Passaic, NJ A YEAR AGO THE WORLD SHOOK Boro Park, NY Ahavas Israel Young Israel Beth El 181 Van Houten Ave. FROM AN UNPRECEDENTED TRAGEDY. 4802 15th Ave April 9th - 9:45 p.m. April 9th - 9:45 p.m. ktrah og Phoenix, AZ SUFFERED TOGETHER Dallas, Texas Phoenix Community Cong. Ohr Hatorah Kollel AND NOW, BE’’H WE WILL REBUILD TOGETHER. 6324 Churchill Way 6516 N 7th Street April 10th - 10:45 a.m. April 9th - 8:45 p.m. Deal, NJ Queens, NY A VIDEO PRESENTATION Hillel Founders Hall Cong. Ahavas Yisroel 1025 Deal Rd. 147-02 73rd Street April 9th - 9:15 p.m. April 9th - 9:45 p.m. RABBI SHLOMO DIAMOND • RABBI PAYSACH KROHN Detroit, MI Scranton, PA Partners in Torah Library Beth Shalom Synagogue 15751 W. Lincoln Dr. Corner Clay & Vine St. NOVOMINSKER REBBE•RABBI DAVID OZERI • RABBI AVROHOM SCHORR April 11 - 8:00 p.m. April 9th - 9:45 p.m. Gateshead, Eng Short Hills, NJ Bewich Centre Chabad at Short Hills April 10th - 9:00 p.m. Ahavat Torah 320 White Oak Ridge Rd. Mrs. Gayle Sassoon Highland Park, NJ April 10th - 12:00 p.m. xhxbrp ,c vkhd Cong. Ohav Emeth 415 Raritan Ave. Telzstone, Israel April 10th - 8:15 p.m. Payis Center Hagra Street Houston, TX April 11th - 8:30 p.m. Torch Centre 9A4p2r7il G9tlehn -fi 9e:l3d0 C pt..m. 1T.oBreotnht oJa, cCoabn Had.Sa. April 9, 2016• 9:15p.m. 410 Lawrence Ave. W Lakewood, NJ April 9th - 9:45 p.m. u’’ga, ixhb asj atr • e’’amun Ateres Reva 2.Aish Hatorah 500 Summer Ave 949 Clark Ave. W. April 9th - 9:45 p.m. Thornhill April 10th - 8:00 p.m. Lawrence, NY Beth Shalom Waterbury, CT 390 Broadway April 11th - 8:00 p.m. B’nai Shalom Shaare Kol 135 Roseland Ave. April 9th - 9:15 p.m. Milwaukee, WI Beth Jehudah Cong. Yerushalayim, Israel 3100 N 52nd 1.BJJ Dormitory Zion Yaakov Minneapolis, MN Rechov Sorotzkin 38 Minneapolis April 9th - 9:15 p.m. Community Kollel 2.Bais Yakov Hatzafon 2930 Inglewood Ave. Sanhedria Murchevet 125 2030 OCEAN PARKWAY 1703 MCDONALD AVE. April 10th - 7:00 p.m. April 9th - 9:30 p.m. Monsey, NY VALET PARKING AT BOTH LOCATIONS. Valley Terrace Hall 121 College Rd. ’’rtp,vk ’v/////kct ,j, iuaa ina rpt ,j, rtp ovk ,,k’’ April 9th - 9:45 p.m. (’d:’tx vhgah) SUGGESTED DONATION: $18 WOMEN ONLY HoRav Aharon Schechter Yeshivas Rabbi Chaim Berlin Rabbi Yaakov Perlow Novominsker Rebbe Proceeds to benefit  Ssoon 7 Pro Horav Malkiel Kotler Rosh Hayeshiva Bais Medrash Gevoha Donations: Sassoon 7 Inc. 1820 Avenue M Box 207 Brooklyn, New York 11230 Rabbi Yaakov Hillel mimibydesign•718.339.3090 Rabbi Avrohom Schorr FJJ PREPESACH SECTION 9 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL Your Donation 3 x This year, every donation to Kupat Ha'ir's Kimcha DePischa fund will be matched ddddoooollllllllaaaarrrr ffffoooorrrr ddddoooollllllllaaaarrrr bbbbyyyy ttttwwwwoooo sssseeeeppppaaaarrrraaaatttteeee ddddoooonnnnoooorrrrssss.... === HHeellpp uuss rreeaacchh oouurr ggooaall!! HHeellpp uuss bbyy ddoonnaattiinngg!! Help us by spreading the word! call nOw: 11--888888--KKKKUUUUPPPPaaaaaTTTTTHHHHHaaaIIRR תפעוהק 5 8 7 2 8 4 2 רי 5 2 8 4 Visit us at: www.kupat.org/pessach and see your donation multiply! Donate Online: www.kupat.org FJJ PREPEPSRAECHPE S A CSHECTION 10 APRIL 7, 2016 718.692.1144 | thefj j.com FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL THE MILLENNIUM MASTER THEATER 1029 BRIGHTON BEACH AVE. 10 MIN. FROM FLATBUSH FULL STAGE SET AND LED SCREEN PROJECTION VALET PARKING & MUNICIPAL PARKING 8 MIN. WALK FROM THEATER CHOL HAMOED MON. & TUES. APRIL 25 & 26 3 H O U R S H O W 1 : 3 0 - 4 : 3 0 TICKETS & GROUPS: JEWISHTICKETS.COM / [email protected] EICHLERS FLAT. / HI TECH BP

Women's World. 80. World News. 92. Yahrzeits & Tributes. 116. IN THIS WEEKS. INDEX. FJJ. FLATBUSH JEWISH JOURNAL. INDEX. 87. 48. 105. 4. 61 1888 Coney Island Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11230. (718) 377-3661. Open Sunday-Thursday 10am-5:30pm • Friday 10am-2pm. Don't run to the city.
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