pprroocceeeeddiinnggss Cardiovascinu Ilnatre Annseivset hCeasriea REVIEW ARTICLE 20 Most Care®: a minimally invasive system for hemodynamic monitoring powered by the Pressure Recording Analytical Method (PRAM) S. Romagnoli1, S. Bevilacqua1, C. Lazzeri1, F. Ciappi1, D. Dini1, C. Pratesi2, G.F. Gensini3, S.M. Romano3 1Heart and Vessels Department, Cardiac and Vascular Anesthesia and Post-Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit, Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy; 2Heart and Vessels Department, Vascular Surgery Unit, University of Florence, Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy; 3Heart and Vessels Department Critical Care Medicine and Surgery, University of Florence, Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy ABSTRACT Invasive hemodynamic monitoring is a cornerstone of the care of critically ill and hemodynamically unstable patients in both intensive care units and operating rooms. The assessment of cardiac output by means of the pulmonary artery catheter has been considered the clinical gold standard. Nevertheless, several concerns have been raised regarding its invasiveness, usefulness, and associated complications. These disadvantages have led to the development, during the last years, of a number of less invasive technologies for cardiac output deter- mination. Among them, those based on the analysis of a peripheral arterial waveform have become commonly used. Most Care® is a minimally invasive arterial pressure based monitor powered by the Pressure Recording Analytical Method (PRAM), the only algorithm that does not require prior calibration or pre-calculated pa- rameters and which is based of flow. PRAM provides the measurement of the main factors of hemodynamics, such as systemic blood pressures, stroke volume, cardiac output, and vascular resistances. Moreover, dynamic indices of fluid responsiveness are continuously displayed. In the present paper, we reviewed the current lit- erature focusing on advantages and limitations of PRAM. Keywords: most care, PRAM, cardiac output, hemodinamic monitoring. INTRODUCTION As a consequence, physicians need to con- tinuously monitor hemodynamics in order The maintenance of adequate organ per- to optimize pre-load, after-load, and con- fusion is one of the main targets in anes- tractility by titrating fluids, diuretics, ino- thesia and intensive care settings since it tropes, and vasoactive drugs, as to achieve is mandatory for anesthesiologists and the adequate delivery of oxygen and me- intensivists to meet the tissue oxygen and tabolites to tissues (1). Thermodilution metabolites need in their patients in any (ThD) by means of the pulmonary artery clinical condition (1). catheter (PAC) has always been considered the clinical gold standard for the measure- Corresponding author: ment of cardiac output (CO) (2). Dr. Stefano Romagnoli Nevertheless, pulmonary artery catheter- Department of Heart and Vessels - Cardiac and Vascular Anesthesia and Post-Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Unit Careggi Hospital ization is associated with considerable risk Viale Morgagni, 85 - 50134 Florence, Italy Email: [email protected] of morbidities and mortality (arrhythmias, Most Care®: a minimally invasive system for hemodynamic monitoring Table 1 - Main characteristics of PCMs (3). 21 VIGILEO Most Care PiCCO LiDCO (Edwards PRAM (Pulsion Medical (LiDCO Lifesciences (Vytech Health, Systems, Munich, Group Plc, Corporation, Padova, Germany) London, UK) Irvine, ITALY) CA, USA) Source of the signal Femoral Femoral Radial Radial (Artery) or Brachial or Radial Need of dedicated Yes Yes Yes No material External calibration Yes Yes Yes No or preloaded data valvular lesions, rupture of the pulmonary fittings, obtained in vitro, are used to fol- artery) and its use is declining (2). Current- low the modifications over time (7-10). Ac- ly, various less invasive technologies based cording to the PCMs, SV can be estimated on the analysis of the peripheral arterial dividing the integral of the change in pres- waveform (Pulse Contour Methods, PCMs) sure over time (from the beginning of sys- are gaining popularity in critical care set- tole to the dicrotic notch) by the value of tings and operating rooms (3, 4). aortic impedance. SV is then adjusted tak- They are based on the principle of predict- ing into account HR, mean arterial pres- ing a flow from an arterial pressure wave- sure, and age. The SV measured by PCM is form. In fact, the arterial pressure wave- then corrected with that measured by the form derives from the interaction between reference method (e.g. ThD; EXTERNAL stroke volume (SV), ejected by the left ven- CALIBRATION; Table 1). tricle, and the physical characteristics of Nowadays, several algorithms have been the systemic vascular system during each elaborated and the measurements of SV cardiac beat. Thus, ventricle contractility, and CO have become part of daily practice resistance, compliance, and arterial imped- in several clinical settings such as major ance (dynamic physical properties of the surgery, emergency department, and Inten- vascular system) are simultaneously con- sive Care Units (ICU) (11, 12). sidered when assessing SV and CO (SV The major concern about PCMs lies in the × heart rate, HR). The theory of PCMs, measurement of the total vascular imped- goes back to the classic Windkessel (air ance (a dynamic physical property of the chamber) model described by Otto Frank whole arterial tree), key factor for the cal- in 1899 (5). During the XX century, the culation of SV from the arterial pressure researchers attempted the measurement of waveform (13). dynamic arterial impedance by means of Until now, as stated above, PCMs overtake calibrations and/or tests carried out both this important issue by means of an exter- in vitro and in vivo (6). nal calibration with an indicator dilution These studies led to unsatisfactory and technique (ThD or dye-dilution methods) conflicting results (6). Today the most or uploading other pre-estimated param- PCMs use direct calibration by means of eters such as age, sex, and anthropometric ThD for the estimation of SV (7-10) and data (13, 14). S. Romagnoli, et al. 22 pliance, and peripheral small vessel resis- tance. These variables are closely interdepen- dent and simultaneously evaluated by PRAM (15). Thus, any kind of flow that is perceived at the peripheral arterial lev- el, whether pulsatile and continuous, is evaluated by PRAM. According to pulse contour methodology (7) changes in the area under the pulsatile systolic portion of the pressure waveform reflect changes in SV. In PRAM, otherwise from other PCMs, the area is computed taking into account both Figure 1 - Most-Care® pulsatile and continuous contributions of the physical forces underlying the relation- Most Care (Figure 1, powered by Pres- ship between pressure curve morphology sure Recording Analytical Method, PRAM; and blood flow (Figure 2) (15-17). Vytech Health, Padova, Italy) is the only The entire concept behind PRAM repre- PCM that measures SV without any form sents the practical application of a theo- of external calibration and/or pre-loaded retical model totally developed a priori dif- data (4, 15-19). ferently from other PCMs (15-18). SV is The purpose of this paper is to review the calculated by pulsatile and continuous area current literature in order to focus on ad- divided by a factor, system impedance Z(t), vantages and limitations of PRAM in vari- determined by the physical characteristics ous clinical settings. of the circulatory system of the subject un- der study (Figure 2). Most Care® (PRAM) Using PRAM, it is possible for each subject PRAM is a method designed for arterial to compute Z(t) directly from the analysis pressure-derived continuous CO and it is of his/her pressure recording signal (15). the only methodology that does not need any starting calibration, central venous catheterization, or any adjustments based on experimental data (15). As a consequence, PRAM needs only an arterial line (radial, brachial, femoral) for working. PRAM is based on the principle that, in any given vessel, volume changes occur mainly because of radial expansion in response to pressure variations (15, 16). This process involves the dynamic inter- play among a number of physical param- eters including the force of left ventricular ejection, arterial impedance counteracting Figure 2 - Basic algorithm of the PRAM system the pulsatile blood inflow, arterial com- (14). See text. Most Care®: a minimally invasive system for hemodynamic monitoring Another peculiar and fundamental char- preload responsiveness, this cyclic variation 23 acteristic of the PRAM methodology is the in RV filling will induce a cyclic variation frequency sampling of 1000 Hz whereas the in left ventricular (LV) filling. The latter other PCMs usually use a sampling rate of phenomenon will induce a cyclic variation 100 Hz (3). A so high frequency sampling in LV SV and Pulse Pressure (systolic arte- allows a high degree of precision which is rial pressure minus diastolic arterial pres- of primary importance for the calculation sure) in presence of preload responsive- of the arterial impedance, and the correct ness. Therefore, Stroke Volume Variation measure of systolic, diastolic, mean, and di- (SVV), Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV), crotic pressure. and Systolic Pressure Variation (SPV), are useful predictors of volume responsiveness Other parameters provided when exceeded 10-15% if some conditions by Most Care® of cardiac rhythm and ventilator pattern Pulse Pressure Variation (PPV) are respected (19, 21). Stroke Volume Variation (SVV) Most Care displays SVV, PPV, SPV, and Systolic Pressure Variation (SPV) Dicrotic PV (DicPV), calculated according Most clinicians optimize intravascular vol- to the operator’s needs (default every 15 ume with the use of fluid loading guided seconds). by blood pressure, central venous pressure, or pulmonary artery occlusion pressure. Maximal Pressure/Time ratio (dP/dT ) MAX Fluid responsiveness is considered to be With a sampling rate of 1000 Hz, PRAM present when an increase in cardiac index displays the exact value of dP/dT (the MAX of at least 15% after a volume loading can maximal slope of the systolic portion of the be documented. arterial pressure waveform). However, several recent lines of evidence This parameter depends on the relation- (19) strongly suggest that these markers of ship between left ventricular function and cardiac preload, independently of the meth- arterial tone and stiffiness. odologies used for their measurement, are The velocity of transmission and the re- poor predictors of fluid responsiveness. flected waves depend on the arterial vessel There is a growing interest, especially on characteristics (stiffiness, tone, stenosis, a clinical ground, in the measurements of and so on). the variations in blood pressure and SV Thus, an accurate value of dP/dT con- MAX that result from the interaction between temporary to the other hemodynamic pa- the heart and the lungs during controlled rameters, helps in depicting the cardiovas- mechanical ventilation. cular status of the patient. Positive pressure ventilation, when applied to a patient at rest and with no spontane- Systemic Vascular Resistance (SVR) ous respiratory effort, is associated with a Systemic Vascular Resistance is calculated cyclic increase in right atrial pressure dur- in Dynes* sec/cm5 with the standard for- ing the inflation. It follows that, since right mula: SVR = (mean arterial pressure mi- atrial pressure is the back-pressure to ve- nus central venous pressure)/CO × 80. nous return, if upstream venous pressures The central venous pressure can be mea- do not simultaneously increase, right ven- sured by means of a second auxiliary cable. tricular (RV) filling will also decrease in a Otherwise the operator can set a value of cyclic fashion. pressure if a central venous catheter has In presence of RV and left ventricle (LV) not been placed. S. Romagnoli, et al. 24 Cardiac Cycle Efficiency (CCE) 2005, Scolletta et al. (17) compared PRAM CCE (adimensional value) describes the with electromagnetic flowmetry (EM-CO) cardiac hemodynamic performance in and ThD (ThD-CO) during various hemo- terms of the ratio between hemodynamic dynamic states (dobutamine and hemor- work performed and the energy expendi- rhage) in a swine model. CO ranged from ture (23). 1.8 to 10.4 l/min. CCE shows the ability of the cardiovascu- The authors found close agreement be- lar system to maintain homeostasis at dif- tween the techniques. Mean bias between ferent energy levels. EM-CO and PRAM-CO was -0.03 l/min The clinical significance of this parameter (precision 0.58 l/min). The 95% limits of is still under evaluation. agreement were -0.61 to +0.55 l/min. Sim- ilar results between ThD-CO and PRAM- Validation studies CO were found. In 2002, Romano et al. (15), simultane- Romano et al. in 2006 (16) compared ously estimated CO by direct-oxygen Fick PRAM-CO and ThD-CO in 50 cardiac pa- method, PAC-ThD, and PRAM applied to tients. PRAM-CO was measured invasive- pressure signals recorded either invasively ly in ascending aorta (PRAMa) and non from an aortic catheter (PRAMa) or non- invasively at the finger (PRAMf). PRAMa invasively, at the finger level, by photopl- and PRAMf resulted to be accurate when ethysmography (PRAMf) in 22 adult he- compared with the gold standard (ThD modynamically stable cardiac patients sub- vs. PRAMf, r2=0.76 and mean bias 0.05 mitted to cardiac catheterization. l/min/m2; ThD vs PRAMa r2=0.73 and A good correlation between PRAM and mean bias 0.03 l/min/m2). both Fick method and ThD were found In 2008, CO measured by PRAM was (Fick method vs. PRAMf, r2=0.94; Fick compared with CO measured by Doppler method vs. PRAMa, r2=0.88; ThD vs. echocardiography in 48 pediatric patients PRAMf, r2=0.77; ThD vs. PRAMa, (20) showing a good agreement between r2=0.77). methods also in children. The Bland-Altman analysis confirmed the Patients with low cardiac output syndrome agreement between the Fick method and treated with inotropic drugs or with Intra PRAM, and ThD and PRAM. Aortic Balloon Pump do not represent a In 2004, Giomarelli et al. (18) measured a limitation for PRAM as Maj et al. (22) CO in 28 patients undergoing coronary recently observed in a prospective study artery bypass grafting at 15 min after an- comparing cardiac index measured with esthesia induction, 30 min after weaning PRAM and ThD in 20 patients who under- from extracorporeal circulation, 1 and 3 went cardiac surgery. h after arrival in the ICU comparing PAC- We recently published an experimen- ThD and PRAM. CO ranged from 2.3 to tal study comparing the CO measured 7.4 l/min. by means of PRAM (PRAM-CO) with A good correlation between methods was that measured with two different meth- indicated by r2=0.78. The Bland–Altman ods: thermodilution-PAC (ThD-CO) and analysis demonstrated that the overall es- Transesophageal Echocardiograpy (TEE- timates of CO measured by PRAM closely CO) in a swine model (4). agreed with CO measured by PAC (mean Dobutamine, vasoconstriction, hemor- difference, 0.027; standard deviation, 0.43; rhage, and volume resuscitation were in- limits of agreement, -0.83 and +0.89). In duced step-by-step. The Bias resulted from Most Care®: a minimally invasive system for hemodynamic monitoring the comparison between PRAM-CO and 25 ThD-CO was-0.006 l/min and the Percent- age Error was 22.8%. The comparison be- tween PRAM-CO and TEE-CO resulted in: Bias=-0.007 l/min and Percentage Er- ror=22%. Sub-group analysis revealed disagreement between methods during the last two steps of hemorrhage (-35 and -50% of the theoretical volemia): PRAM- CO vs ThD-CO: Bias=-0.37 l/min, and Percentage Error=45%; PRAM-CO vs. TEE-CO: Bias=0.4 l/min and Percentage Error=62%. We concluded that PRAM proved to be accurate in measuring CO Figure 3 - Under-damped resonating arterial– during hemodynamic stability, tachycar- signal. Note steep systolic upstroke and narrow systolic peak. dia, and vasoconstriction. When volemia was reduced more than 35%, disagreement between methods was observed. rently used for invasive blood pressure Further larger clinical studies are needed monitoring. to confirm the reliability of PRAM in mea- Under-damped waveforms and resonance suring hemodynamic parameters during of the signal (Figure 3) are frequently en- conditions of hemodynamic instability. countered during arterial pressure moni- Moreover, studies focusing on the influence toring in both operating rooms and critical of hemodynamic monitoring, by means of care settings. An inadequate damping of minimally-invasive tools, on outcome are the signal (Figure 3 and 4), may lead to an still lacking. incorrect estimation of arterial impedance and hence an incorrect value of SV. As a Limitations consequence, the possibility to correctly A primary concern about PCMs reliability employ a minimally-invasive system for is related to the quality of the recorded arte- hemodynamic monitoring like PRAM is rial pressure signal. The signal can be inadequate for patient- related and technical-related reasons. Patient-related causes of inappropriate sig- nal acquisition may be due to aortic valve regurgitation or abnormal transmission of the signal itself such as during aortic dis- section or in every vascular condition re- sulting in obstruction to the transmission of the signal (thoracic outlet syndrome, significant stenosis along the arterial tree from the aortic valve to the sampling site). Technical-related problems may be due to inadequate dynamic response of the trans- Figure 4 - Over-damped arterial signal. Note the ducer and fluid-filled tubing system cur- loss of evidence of the details. S. Romagnoli, et al. 26 influenced by the physician after a careful REFERENCES observation of the arterial waveform. The user must be aware that an inad- 1. Romagnoli S, Romano SM, Bevilacqua S, et al. equately damped signal may lead to mis- HSR Proceedings in Intensive Care and Car- diovascular Anesthesia 2009; 1: 60-64. interpretation of hemodynamics, several 2. Pinsky MR. Hemodynamic monitoring over the devices with different degrees of invasive- past 10 years. Crit Care 2006; 10: 117. ness are available for monitoring hemody- 3. Funk DJ, Moretti EW, Gan TJ. Minimally in- namics in critically ill patients and none vasive cardiac output monitoring in the pe- fulfils the criteria of optimal monitor. rioperative setting. 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