PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10024 Number 3429, 52 pp., 13 figures February 27, 2004 Morphology of the Braincase in the Broadnose Sevengill Shark Notorynchus (Elasmobranchii, Hexanchiformes), Based on CT Scanning JOHN G. MAISEY1 ABSTRACT A detailed description is presented of the neurocranium in the hexanchiform shark Noto- rynchus cepedianus, a primitive modern elasmobranch (neoselachian). The study is based on high-resolutionCTscanninganddigitalimaging,whichrevealedboththeexternalandinternal morphology of a wax-impregnated braincase. Besides providing new data concerning Noto- rynchus and neoselachians generally, the investigation also provides a control forestablishing the reliability of morphological observations of fossil elasmobranch braincases based on CT scans. Many ofthe features described here haveconsiderablephylogeneticpotential,although comparative CT scan data are still unavailable for most modern and extinct elasmobranchs. INTRODUCTION struction of internal and externalmorpholog- ical features in ways that are difficult or im- This work describes the morphology of a possible with conventional serial sectioning shark braincase, based almost entirely on or grinding techniques. digital imaging and analysis of high-resolu- The principal goals of this work are two- tion computerized tomography (CT) scan- fold: (1) To provide a description of the ning. Scanning provides a reliable, nonde- braincase in Notorynchus, a primitive mod- structive procedure for repeated observation ern elasmobranch (neoselachian), including of structures in original (and often unique) its external morphology and major internal specimens (Rowe et al., 1997). Digital im- features, together with an account of topo- aging allows the three-dimensional recon- graphic relationships between these struc- 1DivisionofPaleontology,AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory.e-mail:[email protected] Copyright(cid:113)AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory2004 ISSN0003-0082 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3429 tures within designated regionsof thecranial ly described (under thenameHeptanchus)in walls. (2) To establish the reliability of CT his classic volume The ElasmobranchFishes scanning and digital imaging in morpholog- (firstpublishedin1922;the1934secondedi- ical description of cranial morphology in a tion was used in the present work). Unfor- modern elasmobranch, thereby providing a tunately, his illustrations cannot be matched control for the interpretation of CT scans preciselywitheitherofthesespecimens,sug- when digitally reconstructing neurocranial gesting either that his figures were based on features in fossil elasmobranchs whose mor- another specimen orthattheyarecomposites phology may differ from that of extant based on more than one example. It never- forms. theless seems appropriate that the presentin- Most external features of the braincase vestigation involves one of these historically seen in the CT scans are well documentedin well-documented specimens, and that mod- many modern elasmobranchs (e.g., Allis, ern technology permits new observations to 1923; Daniel, 1934; Iselsto¨ger, 1937; Holm- be tied to those made by J. Frank Daniel gren, 1941, Devillers, 1958), and are there- more than 80 years previously. fore easily verified. Unfortunately, the same The broadnose sevengill shark Notoryn- cannot be said for internal features, since chus cepedianus is unusual among modern available descriptions differ widely in their hexanchiforms in favoring relativelyshallow level of detail and reliability (especially in watersofthecontinentalshelves,whereassix- the earlier literature), and internal morphol- gill and sharpnose sevengill sharks (Hexan- ogy of the braincase has only been described chus, Heptranchias) generallyoccurindeep- in a few extant neoselachians (nevertheless, er water (up to 1900 m) on outershelvesand these encompass a wide systematic range of upper continental slopes. The preferred hab- taxa, including squaloids, galeomorphs, ba- itatofNotorynchusisclearlymoreaccessible toids, hexanchiforms, Heterodontus, and to ichthyologists, perhaps explaining why Chlamydoselachus). As might be expected, this form has become the best investigated themostextensivelystudiedformisSqualus, member of the Order Hexanchiformes. including descriptions of its internal cranial From a historical perspective, Daniel’s morphology and skeletal labyrinth (Wells, choice of a hexanchiform as a paradigm for 1917; Devillers, 1958; Schaeffer, 1981), the elasmobranch anatomy was logical, because relationship of the brain and other internal these sharks have long been considered ex- structures to the braincase (Marinelli and tremely primitive and have even been com- Strenger,1959),andcranialdevelopment(De paredwithsomeoftheearliestknownextinct Beer,1931;Holmgren,1940;El-Toubi,1949; sharks such as Cladoselache and Cladodo- Jollie, 1971). In general, however, ontoge- doides from the Devonian (Holmgren, 1941; netic studies of the braincase in neoselachi- Romer, 1966; Jarvik, 1980). However, the ans have focused on cladistically derived hexanchiform fossil record can be reliably taxa(e.g.,Squalus,Etmopterus,Scyliorhinus, traced only to the Lower Jurassic, although Raja, Torpedo, Urolophus), and there is still some isolated shark teeth of lower and mid- no description of its development in primi- dle Devonian age (Emsian-Eifelian) from tive neoselachians such as hexanchiforms Australia have been tentatively referred to and Chlamydoselachus although later devel- the Hexanchiformes (McMurdodus; Turner opmental stages have been investigated in and Young, 1987). The presence of a post- Heterodontus (De Beer, 1924; Holmgren, orbital palatoquadrate articulation,morethan 1940), a putative sister taxon to modern gal- five gill slits, and anunconstrictednotochord eomorphs (Shirai 1992, 1996; Carvalho, have all been cited as primitive elasmo- 1996). branch features retained by modern hexan- The present study represents a direct ex- chiforms (Young, 1962), although these sup- tension of J. Frank Daniel’s seminal early posedly ancient and conserved evolutionary 20th-century work on elasmobranchs, be- attributes do not withstand critical appraisal. cause the Notorynchus braincase scannedfor The Jurassic hexanchiform Notidanoides has this investigation (fig. 1) is supposedly one awell-developedvertebralcolumn,withcen- of two wax-impregnated specimens original- tra constricting the notochord as in other 2004 MAISEY: BRAINCASE OF NOTORYNCHUS 3 Fig. 1. Notorynchus cepedianus braincase photographed in dorsal (A), ventral (B), and left lateral (C) views. This illustration is included for comparison with digital images from CT scans in the re- maining illustrations. Scale bar (cid:53) 10 mm. ‘‘modern-level’’orcrown-group(neoselachi- (e.g., Blot, 1969; Moy-Thomas and Miles, an) elasmobranchs, and both the absence of 1971), and there are clearly only five gill vertebral calcification and corresponding no- clefts in a three-dimensional cladoselachian tochordal constrictions may be apomorphic fossil described more recently (Maisey, features of Recent hexanchiforms (Maisey, 1989). Furthermore, there is no evidence of 1986). The persistent notion that elasmo- more than five branchialarchesinhybodonts branchs primitively had more than five gill (Maisey, 1982), the putative sister group to slits is unsubstantiated by fossilevidence,al- neoselachians (Maisey et al., in press), and though ironically it appears to have arisen modern phylogenetic analyses of neoselachi- from Dean’s (1909) pioneer observations of ans based on morphology consistently re- the Devonian shark Cladoselache. He iden- solvethehighernumberofgillcleftsinmod- tified only five branchial arches in this form, ern hexanchiforms as a derived condition but surmised that there may have been a (Shirai, 1992, 1996; Carvalho, 1996; Car- sixthandevenaseventh.Subsequently,how- valho and Maisey, 1996). Finally, the num- ever, the presence of only five gill arches in ber of gill arches has never been determined Cladoselache has become widely accepted in any fossil hexanchiform, and while it is 4 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3429 Fig. 2. Notorynchus braincase and jaws in lateral view, showing their articular relationships (after Daniel). No scale. widely assumed that they all had more than spite this fundamental disagreementbetween five this may not necessarily have been the modern morphological and molecular analy- case. ses regarding the placement of batoids, they The postorbital articulation (fig. 2) re- nevertheless agree in placing hexanchiforms mains one of the most controversial aspects firmly within the neoselachian clade (fur- of hexanchiform anatomy, because it closely thermore, they also agree that the frilled resembles the joint found in many extinct shark Chlamydoselachus is the closest living sharks (especially Paleozoic taxa). A post- relative of hexanchiforms). Under these cir- orbital articulation is also present in some cumstances, the postorbital articulation in basalneoselachiansandprimitiveextinctgal- hexanchiforms could represent a conserved, eomorphs such as Synechodus; Maisey, plesiomorphic neoselachian condition. 1985), so its presence in hexanchiformsdoes Among hybodonts, however,apostorbitalar- not necessarily support a more remoteplace- ticulation is typically absent, suggesting that ment deeper in chondrichthyan phylogeny this feature was either lost independently in than at the neoselachian level. In modern hybodontsandvariousneoselachianlineages, morphologically based phylogenetic analy- or that it was lost once in the common an- ses, hexanchiforms have been resolved in a cestors of hybodonts and neoselachians and basal position among neoselachians,withina was reacquired in some neoselachians (see large hypnosqualean clade that also includes remarks below). squaloids, squatinoids, pristiophoroids, and Thus, while hexanchiforms such as Noto- batoids.However,inanalternativemolecular rynchus can be considered very primitiveliv- phylogeny based on the RAG-1 nucleargene ing neoselachians, perhaps they do not de- (Maisey et al., in press) hexanchiforms fall serve the icon status of basal elasmobranchs at the base of a clade comprising ‘‘orbitos- (inthesenseofataxonomicallymuchbroader tylic’’ sharks (sensu Maisey, 1980; essential- group, including all crown-group elasmo- ly the hypnosqualeans minus batoids). De- branchs plus many additional extinct selachi- 2004 MAISEY: BRAINCASE OF NOTORYNCHUS 5 an lineages such as hybodonts, cladoselachi- ABBREVIATIONS ans, etc.). Hexanchiforms are nevertheless of aa anterior ampulla considerable phylogenetic importance, as one acv passage for anterior cerebral vein ofthemostprimitiveandgeologicallyearliest asc anterior semicircular canal appearing groups of crown-group elasmo- atfr acustico-trigemino-facialis recess branchs (even if McMurdodus is excluded), (internal) and they may indeed have retained many ba basal angle primitivefeaturesofearlyneoselachians.Giv- cer cerebellar chamber en the interest historically shown in hexan- ds dorsum sellae chiforms, and the fact that these sharks are ea external ampulla comparatively well known, Notorynchus cer- ect ch ectethmoid chamber ect pr ectethmoid process tainlyprovidesausefulstartingpointformor- end f endolymphatic foramen phological comparisons of cranial morpholo- eps passageforefferentpseudobranchial gy in modern and fossil elasmobranchs. artery esc external (horizontal) semicircular MATERIALS AND METHODS canal fm foramen magnum Notorynchus maculatus Ayres. Recent, hc? hypophyseal canal provenanceunknown,butprobablyfromSan hl hypotic lamina hm art hyomandibular articulation Francisco Bay. Uncataloged specimen; wax- hyp hypophyseal chamber impregnated braincase, preserved length ca. ic passage for internal carotid artery 120 mm, reportedly one of two specimens inp internasal plate used as a basis of J. Frank Daniel’s original ioc infraorbital canal early 20th-century studies on elasmobranch lag lagenar chamber morphology and now housed in the Museum lc labial cartilage of Vertebrate Paleontology at the University lr foramenforlateralramuleofbuccal of California, Berkeley (fig. 1). Wax impreg- (cid:49) maxillary ramus ((cid:53) classical nationhaspreservedthebraincaseessentially ‘‘buccal branch of facial nerve’’) mc Meckel’s cartilage (lower jaw) intact, with only minor damage to external mcw median capsular wall features, while CT scanning reveals minimal med medullary chamber internal damage and complete impregnation mes mesencephalic chamber of internalstructures(aremarkabletestament myc myencephalic chamber to preparation skills of the early 20th-centu- not notochordal canal ry). The braincase was scanned normal toits o foramen for otic lateral line nerve z (long) axis by R. Ketcham and M. Colbert ((cid:53) classical ‘‘otic ramus of trigem- (University of Texas at Austin, 3 Dec., inal nerve’’) 1999). RLS, 420 kV, 1.8 mA, no filter, air o art orbital articulation for palatoquad- rate wedge, 130% offset, gain 8, integration time oc cot occipital cotylus 32 ms, slice thickness 0.25 mm, S.O.D. 730 oc cr occipital crest mm, 1000 views, 2 rays averaged per view, olf can olfactory canal 1 sample per view, interslice spacing 0.25 olf cap olfactory capsule (position of) mm, field of reconstruction 95 mm, recon- onc orbitonasal canal struction offset 400, reconstruction scale or orbit 1450. 8-bit export parameters: level 2047, ora passage for orbital artery width 4095. Original imaging by M. Colbert ot cap otic capsule usingVoxblastwasadaptedbytheauthorfor pa posterior ampulla pac ascending pre-ampullary part of publication here. Additional images of the posterior semicircular canal vestibularregionwererenderedbytheauthor p can perilymphatic canal using Imaris/Surpasssoftware.TheCTslices ped attachment area for optic pedicel used in this investigation are available on- pff prefrontal fontanelle line at p fen perilymphatic fenestra maisey/ct.html p fos parietal (endolymphatic) fossa 6 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3429 pnw postnasal wall of Notorynchus can be characterized as pla- po art postorbital articulation for palato- tybasic, with a centrally located cranial cav- quadrate ity in contact with the basicranium and sep- po pr postorbital process arating the orbital cartilages. There is no ap- pot pr post-otic process preciable deepening of the prehypophyseal p pr preorbital process (trabecular) part of the basicranium although pq palatoquadrate it is certainly narrow in places (e.g., in the prcf precerebral fontanelle prof passage for profundal nerve above posterior part of the orbit; Holmgren, 1942). olfactory capsule ((cid:53) classical ‘‘pro- As in other modern elasmobranchs,thebrain fundusbranchoftrigeminalnerve’’) in Notorynchus contacts the basicranium for psc posterior semicircular canal most of its length, an arrangement which sac saccular chamber Northcutt (1978) suggested may beprimitive soc passages for spino-occipital nerves for craniates and gnathostomes. soph passages for superficial ophthalmic In Notorynchus there is very little calcifi- ramus of anterodorsal lateral line cation of the braincase or the rest of the nerve ((cid:53) classical ‘‘superficial oph- chondral skeleton (typical for modern hex- thalmic branch of facial nerve’’) anchiforms, but unusual for neoselachians sor subocular ridge st supratemporal lateral line nerve ((cid:53) generally). An optic pedicelispresentinNo- classical ‘‘dorsal ramus of vagus’’) torynchus, although it is not preserved in the sup cr supraorbital crest CT scanned braincase. Its former position is tel telencephalic chamber marked by a low expansion of the orbital t med taenia medialis wall near the anterior edge of the trigemino- tpf trigemino-pituitary fossa (external) pituitary fossa. The braincase consists of a ur utricular recess relatively thin-walled box to which the ol- vlc vestibulolateral(auricular)chambers factory and otic capsules are fused, and it v pr vestibular process bearsarticularsurfacesforthepalatoquadrate II optic nerve and epihyal (hyomandibular) cartilage later- III oculomotor nerve IV trochlear nerve ally and for the vertebral column posteriorly V trigeminal nerve (fig. 1). In dorsal view, the braincase is re- VII facial nerve markably similar to that of Chlamydosela- VII h hyomandibulartrunkoffacialnerve chusand Hexanchus(Allis,1923;Holmgren, VIIIoctaval (acousticovestibular) nerve 1941). It is broadly pointed anteriorly and IX glossopharyngeal nerve almost square posteriorly, although the oc- X vagal nerve cipital region projects for some distance be- NOTE: Terminology for cranial nerves fol- hind the otic capsules (fig. 3). Heptranchias lows Northcutt and Bemis (1993); see text differs from Notorynchus, Hexanchus and for details. Chlamydoselachusinhavingamuchnarrow- erbraincaseandashorterpostorbitalprocess. EXTERNAL MORPHOLOGY In Notorynchus the cranial roof is slightly As Daniel (1934) observed, the braincase convex anteriorly, and extends above the in- of Notorynchus is a single-unit chondrocra- ternal cranial cavity as far as the large dor- nium, like that of all modern chondri- sally located opening of the anterior or pre- chthyans (figs. 1–6). It has been suggested cerebral fontanelle (cavum praecerebrale of that such a continuous single-unit cartilagi- Allis, 1913). As in other modern sharks, nous chondrocranium is primitive for gna- there is no posterior fontanelle in the cranial thostomes (Goodrich, 1930: 231), but there roof (unlike in batoids, where there is often is mounting evidence that the modern elas- a large posterior fontanelle). There is a thin, mobranchbraincaseisspecializedratherthan delicate cartilaginous roof above the olfac- primitive (particularly in the otic and occip- tory capsules, penetrated by a short canalfor ital regions; Maisey, 2001b and in press)and the profundal nerve, behind which there are that the braincase in early chondrichthyans one ortwo openingson eachsideforthedis- consisted of more than one component tal part of the superficial ophthalmic ramus (Maisey and Anderson, 2001). The braincase oftheanterodorsallaterallinenerve.Aseries 2004 MAISEY: BRAINCASE OF NOTORYNCHUS 7 Fig. 3. Dorsal view of Notorynchus cepedianus braincase; external virtual image rendered fromCT scans. Anterior to top of page. Scale bar (cid:53) 10 mm. of smaller foramina for ramules of the same As in other modern hexanchiforms, the nervearearrayedalongthewidesupraorbital ventral surface of the braincase in Notoryn- shelf farther posteriorly. The junction of the chus is angular, with a large, ventrally di- orbital and otic regions is marked laterally rected processbeneaththeorbits(figs.4,5B; by the postorbital process (figs. 3–6). In the curiously, a ventral view was never figured otic region there is a broad median dorsal in any editions of Daniel’s Elasmobranch depression (the parietal or endolymphatic Fishes). This process is formed within a fossa)containingthepairedperilymphaticfe- thickened area of the basicraniumtermedthe nestrae and endolymphatic foramina (figs. 3, basalangle,whichhasbeenextensivelystud- 6B). The positions of the anterior and pos- ied inSqualus(El-Toubi,1949;Jollie,1971). teriorsemicircularcanalsaremarkedbyfaint A basal angle is found in modern squaloids V-shaped ridges on the cranial roof on each andhexanchiforms,butnotinotheradultex- side of the parietal fossa. Behind the fossa is tant elasmobranchs (Holmgren, 1942). The a short occipital region with a medial crest. cartilage forming the lateral part of the basal 8 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3429 Fig.4. VentralviewofNotorynchuscepedianusbraincase;externalvirtualimagerenderedfromCT scans. Anterior to top of page. Scale bar (cid:53) 10 mm. angleinNotorynchusisverythickandforms any articular surface for the palatoquadrate a prominent articular surface for the orbital on the postorbital process (Maisey, 1986: process of the palatoquadrate. 100).Itisthereforepossiblethatapostorbital Like other modern hexanchiforms, Noto- articulation was primitively absent in hex- rynchus has a postorbital articulation for the anchiforms, and may representasynapomor- palatoquadrate, located on the chondrified phy only of more derived members of this upper part of the postorbital process. How- lineage (including the crown group). The ever, a postorbital articulation is absent in postorbitalarticulationinNotorynchusisdis- Chlamydoselachus, the immediate sister tax- cussed further below. on to hexanchiforms, according to Shirai (1992, 1996) and Carvalho (1996). Further- ROSTRAL AND ETHMOIDAL REGIONS more, in the Upper Jurassic hexanchiform Notidanoides the quadrate flange of the pal- GENERAL: The neurocranium of Notoryn- atoquadrateislowandelongated(asinChla- chus is broad and somewhat blunt anteriorly, mydoselachus) and there is no evidence of with a short rostrum beneath the precerebral 2004 MAISEY: BRAINCASE OF NOTORYNCHUS 9 Fig. 5. Lateral views of Notorynchus cepedianus braincase; external virtual images rendered from CT scans. Right side (A); left side (B). Scale bar (cid:53) 10 mm. fontanelle. There is a short, broad rostral between the rostral plate and nasal capsules plate, which encloses a small median open- is extremely thinandisperforatedbyseveral ing (the prefrontal fontanelle of Holmgren, small irregular openings (sometimes con- 1941). The anterior margin of this fontanelle joined;figs.1,3).InChlamydoselachusthere is broken in the scanned specimen, but was is a distinct notch on either side of the ros- shown intact in the braincase illustrated by trum, housing an anterior extension of the Daniel (1934: fig. 45). In other modern hex- infraorbital sensory canal (Allis, 1923: pls. anchiforms (e.g., Hexanchus, Heptranchias) IV, VI—VIII). In the scanned specimen of andinChlamydoselachustheanteriormargin Notorynchus no such notch is evident, al- of the rostral cartilage is smooth and round- though one was suggested by Holmgren ed. The prefrontal fontanelle is therefore (1941: fig. 5) and there is also a small notch unique to Notorynchus among crown group between the rostral plate and olfactory cap- hexanchiforms, but there is some evidence sule in the Hexanchus braincase figured by that one was also present in theJurassichex- Shirai (1992: pl. 2). A similar notch for the anchiform Notidanoides (Maisey, 1986). infraorbital canal seems to havebeenpresent ROSTRAL CARTILAGE AND PRECEREBRAL in Notidanoides (Maisey, 1986). FONTANELLE: In Notorynchus the cartilage The dorsal opening of the precerebralfon- 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3429 Fig. 6. Anterior (A) and posterior (B) views of Notorynchus cepedianus braincase; external virtual images rendered from CT scans. Scale bar (cid:53) 10 mm. tanelle in Notorynchus is smooth and has an The floor of the fontanelle in the scanned almost oval outline, apart fromaslightbulge Notorynchus braincase is confluent with the posteriorly. This opening lacks a small, me- floor of the cranial cavity farther posteriorly dially-directed processes like that found in (fig. 3). Although the precerebral and cranial Chlamydoselachus (Allis, 1923: fig. 9). Ac- spaces would have been separated in life by cordingtoAllis(1923),thecartilageforming the membranous dura mater surrounding the the floor of the fontanelle in Chlamydosela- brain, no obvious skeletal feature marks the chusprobablycorrespondstotherostralplate formerpositionofthismembrane(acommon of Sewertzoff (1899), and the same may be situation in elasmobranchs). Instead, the car- true in Notorynchus, although the earliest tilage flooring the cranial cavity and the pre- stages of cranial development have still not cerebral area farther anteriorly is smoothly been described in any of these taxa. Theros- continuous, suggesting that the morphology tral plate in these forms may represent an of the anterior basicranium was not greatly anterior extension of the trabeculae as in affected by the anterior extent of the fore- Squalus, rather than a separate rostral carti- brain or the position of the dura mater. Sim- lage as in galeomorphs (De Beer, 1937; El- ilarly, the posterior limit of the precerebral Toubi, 1949; Devillers, 1958). fontanellelocatedintheroofofthebraincase