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Morphology of the Brain of Crayfish, Crabs, and Spiny Lobsters: A Common Nomenclature for Homologous Structures PDF

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Preview Morphology of the Brain of Crayfish, Crabs, and Spiny Lobsters: A Common Nomenclature for Homologous Structures

Reference: Biol Bull 183: 304-326. (October, 1992) Morphology of the Brain of Crayfish, Crabs, and A Common Spiny Lobsters: Nomenclature for Homologous Structures DAVID SANDEMAN1 RENATE SANDEMAN1 CHARLES DERBY2 , , , AND MANFRED SCHMIDT3* 1School ofBiologicalScience, University ofNew South Wales, Sydney, NSHr2033. Australia. 2Department ofBiology. Georgia State University. Atlanta, Georgia, and 3Whitney Laboratory. University ofFlorida. St. Augustine, Florida 32086 Abstract. The morphologies of the cerebral ganglia (Wiersma el a/., 1982; Glantz and Pfeiffer-Linn, 1990) (brains) ofthree infraorders of the decapod crustaceans and theendocrine systemsin theeyestalkshave been par- (Astacura-crayfish; Brachyura-crabs; Palinura-spiny lob- ticularly well investigated (Cooke and Sullivan, 1982; sters)aredescribed. A common nomenclature isproposed Arechiga el a/.. 1990). Thedevelopment ofa semi-isolated for homologous nerve roots, brain regions, tracts, com- preparation ofthe crab and then crayfish brain allowed missures, neuropils, and cell body clusters. the investigation ofeye withdrawal, statocyst driven re- flexes, chemoreceptive responses, and antenna II reflexes Introduction (Sandeman. 1969, 1971. 1989; Sandeman and Okajima, Decapodcrustaceanshavebeen favoredanimalsamong 1972; Silvey and Sandeman, 1976; Ache and Sandeman, neurobiologists for many years because they are compar- 1980; Sandeman and Wilkens, 1982). Recently there has ativelylargearthropods, havewell-organized nervoussys- been a renewed interest in the crustacean cerebral gan- tems and interesting behavior patterns ranging from re- glion, stimulated by more detailed anatomical studies and flexes to complex social interactions. Several fixed action thedescription ofa numberofneuronal systemsrevealed patternsconcerned with protection orescapeare mediated byantibodies raised against various neurotransmittersand by particularly well-defined sensory inputsand large neu- neuromodulators (see Wiese el al. 1990). romuscularsystems, and, much research hasbeen focused The entry ofresearchers from many different fields into on these. The crayfish ventral nerve cord survives well in crustacean brain research hasbeenaccompaniedbyacer- isolationand hasalsobeenexploited in thestudyofmany tain confusion about the names ofdifferent parts ofthe aspectsofthe neurophysiologyoftheventralganglia(e.g.. brain. This confusion is probably the result ofa large lit- Hoyle, 1977; Atwood and Sandeman, 1982; Wine and erature on the brains ofthe crustaceans, not all ofwhich Krasne, 1982; Wiese el ai. 1990). belongedtothedecapods. Within thedecapods, problems There is a growing interest, however, in the cerebral have been caused by various interpretations ofthe works ganglia (brains) ofthe crustaceans. Initial studies on the ofpreviousauthors, andbytheearlierauthorsthemselves brains of the spiny lobsters by Maynard in the 1960's changingtheir minds about what to call a particular neu- (Maynard. 1962; Maynard, 1966; Maynard, 1969; May- ropil (e.g., Hanstrom. 1924, 1925; 1947). Many recent nard and Sallee, 1970) came to an untimely end, but the descriptions ofthe brains ofvarious decapods have per- description ofthe impulse traffic between theeye and the petuated the errors or misconceptions ofthe earlier au- brain was continued by Wiersma and his colleagues thors. Progress toward a standard nomenclature for the component neuropils. tracts, and cell bodies ofthe deca- pods was made by Tsvileneva and Titova (1985) who Received 14 February 1992; accepted22July 1992. * Presentaddress: InstitutfurBiologic. T. U. Berlin. 1000 Berlin 10. adoptedtheoriginal nomenclature ofHelm ( 1928) intheir Germany. description ofthe brains ofthe crayfish and crab. 304 DECAPOD BRAIN MORPHOLOGY 305 The largerdecapod crustaceans have life spans ofmany Antenna I (ANT I): Basal segments contain the stato- years and a brain that, in size and complexity, lies some- cysts and muscles, and bear two sensory flagella both of where between the octopus and insects. Indications are which carry mechanoreceptive and chemoreceptive sen- that the brain and behavior ofthe crustaceans will attract silla (Derby, 1982; Derby and Ache, 1984). The lateral considerable attention in the future (Wiese ct ai, 1990). flagellum bears special olfactory sensilla; the aesthetasc It is therefore timely that a nomenclature for brain mor- sensilla (Griinert and Ache, 1988). phology ofthe decapods be compiled for the commonly Antenna II (ANT II): Basal segments contain muscles used species. In this report we suggest names for homol- and bear a scale-like structure and a single long sensory ogouscomponents (i.e., nerve roots, neuropils, tracts, and flagellum carrying both mechanoreceptive and chemo- groupsofcell bodies) that can be recognized in the brains receptive sensilla (Tazaki and Shigenaga, 1974; Derby, ofthreeinfraordersofthedecapodCrustacea;theAstacura 1982). (clawed lobsters and crayfish), Brachyura (crabs), and Palinura (spiny lobsters). We havechosen representatives NerveRoots from these infraorders because preparations already exist We define the nerve roots as those bundles of axons for the physiological investigation ofthe brains ofthese thatextend from thebrain orothercentral nervousganglia animals, and further studies will therefore most likely be and contain either sensory afferents, motor efterents, or done on them. both, but not interneurons. The tract of axons between Inselectingnamesforthevariouscomponentswehave thebrain and theopticganglia in theeyestalk is, therefore, sought, where possible, to keep terms that have been not a nerve root because it forms a connection between commonly used and to prefer names that do not imply central ganglia. function unlessthis hasbeenclearlyestablished. We have Anteriormedian nen'e(AMNv): Thisshort nerve bun- triedto removeambiguitiesandshowthat thesamecom- dle projects from the anterior surface of the brain and ponentscan beidentified in thethreedifferent infraorders. suppliesthemusclesofthemedian segmentoftheeyestalk. We have included an Appendix which listssynonymsthat Thereisno information on afferentsin thisnervebundle. have been used by other authors for the neuropil areas Oculomotor nerve (OMNv): The oculomotor nerve and cell body clusters we describe. Earlier authors have carries motor neurons to the muscles ofthe eyestalk. It used the terms "lobe", "body", and "bridge" for several also contains primary afferent axons from mechanore- particularly clearly delineated neuropils. Although we ceptors in this area. Motor neurons to some eye muscles preferthe term "neuropil." we have retained these terms havebeen found in the lateral protocerebral tract in crabs as they are well entrenched in the literature on compar- (Sandeman, 1964) and crayfish (Mellon, 1977). ative studies ofarthropod brains. Wedo not pretend that Antenna Inerve(A,Nv): Motor neuronsto the muscles oursystem ofnomenclature will apply to all members of in the basal segments ofantenna I are contained in this the Phylum Crustacea, given their diversity and the very nerve together with the primary afferents from the recep- different morphologyofthecerebralgangliaofsomeforms torson the flagella and basal segments. To thebest ofour (Elofsson and Hessler, 1990). knowledge, all axons from the olfactory sensilla (aesthe- tascs) diverge from the main bundle and project exclu- Material and Methods sively to the olfactory lobe (see below) (Sandeman and Denburg, 1976; Mellon and Munger, 1990; Schmidt and Brain morphologiesofthethreedifferent typesofdeca- Ache, 1990; Schmidt and Ache. 1992), non-aesthetasc pod were compiled from serial sectionsofwax embedded chemosensory and mechanosensory afferents project to andsilverimpregnated, orplasticembedded andosmium the lateral and median antenna I neuropil (Rove, 1986; ethyl gallate stained material. Cheraxdestructorhasbeen Schmidt and Ache, 1990; Roye and Bashor, 1991; taken asthe representative ofthe Astacura, Scylla serrata Schmidt el ai. 1992). ofthe Brachyura. and Jasits novaehollandiae and Panu- AntennaIInerve(AHNv): Motorneuronstothe muscles lirns argus ofthe Palinura. in the basal segments ofantenna II run in this nerve to- gether with primary afferents from mechanoreceptors, Results proprioceptors, andchemoreceptorson theflagellum and HeadAppendages trohpeilba(ssaelebseelgomwe)n.tsA.nAullmbaexornosftseurbmdiivniastieonisn tohfethseaamnetennenua- Several terms are used for the two pairs ofantennae. II nerve forcrayfish havebeen described (HabigandTay- We believe the most unambiguous to be antenna I and lor, 1982; Sandeman and Wilkens, 1982; Tautz and antenna II. Antenna I is equivalent to the antennule or Miiller-Tautz, 1983). first antenna, and antenna II to antenna or second an- Tegumentary nerve (TNv): This is a purely sensory tenna, terms that we also use. nerve carrying primary afferents from mechanoreceptors 306 D. SANDEMAN ET AL. and other sensilla o i >rsal carapace (Kinnamon, 1979). Posterior i re (PMNv): Projecting from the posterior o lie median nerve carries interneu- rons }>' ..in and the oesophageal ganglion. Brain /> andNeuropils (Fig. I) There are three main divisions ofthe brain, protocere- brum, deutocerebrum, and tritocerebrum, reflecting the three ganglia that have fused to form it. The neuropils of the optic ganglia and lateral protocerebrum are located intheeyestalksofcrayfish,crabs,andlobsters. Themedian protocerebrum and tritocerebrum are located medially. Protocerebrum The protocerebrum can be conveniently subdivided III into three parts, the optic ganglia, the lateral protocere- brum and the median protocerebrum. OPTIC GANGLIA. Contains three neuropils that are Figure I. Brain regions and neuropils that can be identified in all threebraintypesandthatareconsideredtobehomologous. Heavyblack probably devoted to processing the information received bars represent the tracts and commissures linking the neuropil areas, by the photoreceptors ofthe retina. shownasboxes.Theromannumeralsrepresentthedivisionsofthebrain Lamina (L): The first neuropil behind the retina, the according to the way we have arranged them in the text ofthe paper: lamina is geometrically structured. i.e.. I = protocerebrum (with three subsections); II = deutocerebrum; Externalmedulla(EM): Lyingdirectly behind the lam- 111 = tntocerebrum. A key to the abbreviations is provided in Appen- dix 2. ina, the external medulla is similarly geometrically struc- tured, but is also transversely layered. Internalmedulla (IM): The most proximal ofthe three the median protocerebrum is made up of two anterior neuropils in the optic ganglia, this too is geometrically medialprotocerebral neuropils and two posterior medial organized and has clearly defined transverse bands. protocerebral neuropils). Whileclearlydiscernible in some LATERAL PROTOCEREBRUM. Contains two neuropils. section planes, these four neuropils tend to fuse with one In crayfish, crabs, and spiny lobsters the neuropils ofthe anotherdorsallyand ventrally, makingthedistinction be- lateral protocerebrum lie in thedistal segment oftheeye- tween them somewhat arbitrary. No primary afferent stalk, directly proximal to the optic ganglia. In some an- projectionstotheneuropilsofthemedianprotocerebrum omurans the lateral protocerebrum is incorporated into have been reported. the centrally located median protocerebrum. .-Interiormedialprotocerebralneuropil(AMPN): These Terminalmedulla (TM): This complex neuropil is not twoneuropils lieon each sideofthe midlineattheanterior geometricallyorganized but hasa numberofsubdivisions ofthe median protocerebrum. (Blaustein ct a/., 1988). It contains neurosecretory cells Posteriormedialprotocerebralneuropil(PMPN): These ofthe X-organ and itsassociated neurohaemal organ, the two neuropils lie on each side of the midline, directly sinus gland, which together constitute one of the most posterior to the anterior medial protocerebral neuropils. important neuroendocrine systems in the crustaceans. Protocerebral bridge (PB): Embedded in the anterior Hemiellipsoid body (HN): Positioned anterior to the edge of the anterior medial protocerebral neuropil, this terminal medulla, this neuropil sometimes has a glomer- V-shaped neuropil has a characteristic form containing ular structure, and is large and layered in some anomu- manylargethrough-runningaxonswith finesidebranches. rans, a characteristic which led Hanstrom (1925) to pos- In the crayfish Clierax. extra-retinal photoreceptors lying tulate that it ishomologouswiththecorpora pedunculata in the anterior ofthe brain terminate in the neuropil of ofthe insects. the protocerebral bridge (Sandeman el ai. 1990). MEDIANPROTOCEREBRUM. Formstheanterior part of Centralbody(CB): A cigar-shaped neuropil lyingacross the medially situated neuropils ofthe brain. It contains the brain and dividing the anterior from the posterior two paired medial and two unpaired median neuropils. medial protocerebral neuropils. Thecentral bodyisawell- (Throughout this paper we use the term median to de- definedareaofneuropil that immunocytochemical studies scribe a structure that straddles the midline, and medial have shown to contain a wide variety of different neu- to describe paired structures nearorat the midline. Thus roactive substances (Schiirmann el a/.. 1991). DECAPOD BRAIN MORPHOLOGY 307 Cherax Scvlla Jasus TNv .TNv A Nv A.Nv M A.Nv A Nv TNv M A.iNv TNv TNv 1mm 1mm 5mm Figure 2. Camera lucida-traced outlines ofthe brains ofCherax. Scy/la and Jasus seen from the side and from above. Anterior is to the left ofthe page. In the crayfish and crab, the oesophageal connectives and the protocerebral tract lie in nearly the same horizontal plane. In the spiny lobster the protocerebral tractsextend upwards, almost at right angles to the plane ofthe oesophageal connectives. Antenna 1 and antenna2nerverootsofthecrayfishand thecrabpointanteriorlyandventrally. whereasthoseofthespiny lobsterprojectalmost directly \entralh. Thesedifferencesarereflected intheorganization ofthe neuropils within thebrainsofthethreeanimals. Deutocerebrum neuronsthat control the movements ofthe ipsilateral an- Olfactorylobe(ON): The olfactory lobesareclearlyde- tenna I (Roye and Bashor, 1991; Schmidt et ai. 1991). lineated spheres lying on each side of the brain. They The lateral antenna I neuropils have sometimes been re- contain cone-shaped areas of densely packed synaptic ferred to as "parolfactory lobes" (see Appendix 1). fields the olfactory glomeruli arranged with their api- Median antennaIneuropil(MAN)'- A relativelydiffuse ces pointing to the center of the sphere. The olfactory block of neuropil that lies across the brain between or lobes receive the primary afferent endings of the che- dorso-anteriorto thelateral antenna I neuropils. The me- moreceptorsonantenna 1 (Sandeman and Denburg, 1976; dian antenna I neuropil fusesanteriorly with the posterior Mellon and Munger. 1990; Schmidt and Ache, 1990; medial protocerebral neuropils, and posteriorly with the Schmidt and Ache. 1992). tegumentary and antenna II neuropils. Little is known Lateral antenna I neuropil (LAN): Consisting oftwo about the projections to this area ofthe brain. Branches clear subdivisions when viewed in frontal sections, the ofdescending interneurons related to statocyst inputsex- lateralantenna I neuropil oneachsideofthebrain receives tend into the medial antenna I neuropil in both crabs afferents from mechanoreceptors, statocysts, and non- (Fraser, 1974) and crayfish (Yoshino et al, 1983). In the aesthetasc chemoreceptors from the ipsilateral antenna I blue crab, mechanosensory afferents from sensilla at the (Sandeman and Denburg, 1976; Yoshino el a/.. 1983; base ofantenna I projecttothe medial antenna I neuropil, Roye, 1986; Blaustein et a/.. 1988; Schmidt and Ache. where antenna I motorneurons also branch (Roye, 1986: 1990). It also contains the synaptic fields of the motor Roye and Bashor, 1991). Primary afferents from the base 308 D. SANDEMAN ET AL. ofthe antennule ha <Iserved that project to the ropil which also contain the synaptic fields ofthe motor medialantenna T il in spinylobsters(Schmidt, un- neurons that control the movements of antenna II pub. obs.) (Sandeman and Wilkens, 1982; Habig and Taylor, 1982; Acces^ i: The accessory lobes lie directly Tautz and Muller-Tautz. 1983). poster? u) the olfactory lobes. Theyare larger Teguineniarv neuropil(TN): Each tegumentary nerve, than il lobes in the crayfish, about the same carrying the afferent input from the dorsal carapace .:iory lobesin spiny lobsters, and very much (Sandeman, 1969; Kinnamon, 1979), endsinatight knot smaller than the olfactory lobes in crabs. They contain ofneuropil dorsal and somewhat anterior to the medial large numbersofsmall round glomeruli. In thespiny lob- margin ofthe antenna II neuropil. ster, the accessory lobes are subdivided into medial, cen- tral, and lateral layers containing glomeruli of different Tracts and Commissures (Fig. 1) sizes (Maynard, 1966, 1971; Blaustein et a!., 1988). The accessory lobes do not appear to receive a direct input Many tracts in the brains ofthe crustaceans link areas from primary afferent axons, nor have motor efferents of neuropils, and a number of axon bundles cross the been found that have their synaptic fields there. brain. We haverestricted ourselvesheretothe largestand Deutocerebral commissure neuropil (DCN): Small best known that can be unequivocally identified, when round ventrally situated neuropils characterized by re- present, in the three infraorders. ceiving strong projections from the deutocerebral com- Optic tract (OT): The optic tract links the last ofthe missure and from the medial protocerebrum. Clearlyde- optic ganglia (internal medulla) to the lateral protocere- fined in crayfish and spiny lobsters with large deutocere- brum. Veryshortintheastacurans, brachyurans, andpal- bral commissures, these neuropils have not yet been inurans, it is often confused with the much longer pro- identified in the crab brain. No primary afferent inputs tocerebral tractthatlinkstheterminal medullatotheme- are known that project to the deutocerebral commissure dian protocerebrum in these groups. neuropils, nor has the nature ofthe interneuronal input Protocerebral tract (PT): Axons in this tract link the been defined. The subject ofmuch confusion, these neu- terminal medullaand hemiellipsoid bodywiththeanterior ropils have been called "parolfactory lobes" in several medial protocerebral neuropilandotherareasofthebrain. recentpublications (TsvilenevaandTitova, 1985; Sande- Sometimes inaccurately referred to as the "optic nerve" man et al, 1988; Blaustein cl til.. 1988) and are renamed or "optic tract" (see Appendix 1). here in accordance with our policy to avoid functional Olfactoryglobulartract (OGT): The olfactoryglobular names where we can. See Appendix 1 for synonyms. tract linksthe hemiellipsoid bodiesandterminal medullae Olfactoryglobulartradneuropil(OGTN): Firstpictured with the olfactory and accessory lobes on both sides of in crayfish by Helm (1928) and labelled "z", attention the brain by crossing the brainjust dorsal to the central wasagain drawn tothis neuropil byTsvileneva and Titova body neuropil. It typically contains very large numbers (1985). It appears to lie within, or very closely associated ofsmall diameter axons (1 ^m and less). with, the olfactoryglobulartractat a pointjust beforethe Deutocerebral commissure (DC): This commissure is tract reaches the olfactory and, when present, accessory large in crayfish and spiny lobsters, but cannot be iden- lobes. Present also in crabs, this neuropil has assumed a tified with certainty in crabs. In crayfish it contains two greater significance since the branches oflarge serotonin populationsofaxondiametersthatcrossthebrainbetween immunoreactive neurons, associated with the accessory the two accessory lobes. and olfactory lobes, have been found in this neuropil Oesophagcal connectives (OC): These two large tracts (Sandeman and Sandeman, 1987; Beltz et al.. 1990; link the brain with the suboesophageal ganglion and the Schmidt et al.. 1991). Connections between the olfactory ventral cord. globulartract neuropil andotherpartsofthe nervoussys- tem have yet to be determined. Cell Body C'/i/.v/m Homologous cell bodies are more difficult to identify Tritocerebrum than neuropils, tracts, and commissures. In some cases, Antenna Hneuropil(AriN): Thesecylindrical neuropils suchasthecellsassociatedwiththeolfactoryandaccessory are posterior to the accessory lobes in crayfish, posterior lobes, the cell bodies can be identified by theircharacter- to the olfactory lobes in crabs, and postero-dorsal to the istic morphology, but in others there are no such criteria olfactory lobes in the spiny lobster. They are tapered lat- available. Theprojectionsoftheprimary neuritesofafew erally and often have ageometrically arranged pattern of cell bodies are known, but these are in the minority, and axons running antero-posteriorly across them. The pri- then information is often available for only one brain maryafferentsfrom antenna II end in theantenna II neu- type. TNv A,,NV dorsal view OMNv OGT A Nv '' ( AMPN ? TNv CB - /-*$8,<& PMPN s ;; ON DCN tgjjjj^ .. 13 MAN AcN LAN m Nv A|| AnN x OC ventral view Figure3A, B. Graphic reconstruction ofthe neuropilsand cell clustersin dorsal and ventral viewsofthe brain ofthecrayfish. This figure, and those forthecraband spiny lobster,were reconstructed from sectioned material, so that the proportionsofthebrain areasand positionsofthecell clustersare reasonahh accurate!} retained. The numbersandsizeofthecell bodiesshown, however,do not represent thetruesituation, apart from indicating the difference between the characteristically small "globuli" cells associated with the accessory and olfactory lobes, and the larger cell bodiesfoundelsewhere in the brain. A key totheabbreviations isprovided in Appendix 2. Seetext fordetails. 309 310 D. SANDEMAN ET AL PT AcN v NV " \ >_-_. AnN >; / '%:- """-' \^ ." ";-^_ '- .' j. '.i..'''*&|*fcf4\* , * ' ' , :' 's :. m : i <-: *- ' V *17 ^ Figure4. Horizontal sectionsofthe brain ofCherax. Inthisand in the following figures, the planesof thesectionsareindicated on theinsetdiagramwhichshowsthebrain insideviewwithanterioron theleft. Figure4A includesthe olfactoryglobulartract(OGT)which formsachiasm at thecenterofthebrain and then diverges to end in the olfactory (ON) and accessory (AcN) lobes. All the main neuropilscan be seen inthisplane. Figure4Bisasectionthrough amoreventralplaneandshowsthedeutocerebralcommissure (DC)extendingacrossthebrain between thetwoaccessorylobes. Aand Bshow how theolfactoryglobular tractpassesdorsallyoverthedeutocerebral tractinthemidlineandthen ventrallybeneath itbeforeentering theolfactory and accessory lobes. Scalebars = 100^m. >" Kt - * "<*'. , - Figure5. A.A horizontalsection neartheventralsurfaceoftheChcraxbrain. Atthislevelthevcntrally situateddeutocerebralneuropilscanbeseen(DCN).ThemedialantennaI neuropilisnolongerintheplane ofthe section, but the lateral antenna I neuropils (LAN) are still present as round areas, medial to the accessory1 lobes. Bundlesofaxons at their anterior margins are the beginning ofthe antenna I nerve root. Theolfactory lobesareenclosed by the fine fibersofthe axons from the chemoreceptors. These axonsare also contained in the antenna I nerve root. B. The small olfactory globular neuropil (OGTN) contained within the fibers ofthe olfactory globular tract (OGT) at the point where the olfactory globular tract and the deutocerebral commissure (DCN) cross before projecting to the neuropils to the olfactory (ON) and accessory lobes (AcN). C. Darkly stained axons (arrows) from the deutocerebral tract (DC) penetrate the accessory lobe from the periphery toend in twolayersofglomeruli inthe lobe. Scalebars = 100^m. 311 312 D. SANDEMAN ET AL. A,Nv TNv A Nv n dorsal view A,,NV ventral view Figure 6A, B. Dorsal and ventral views ofthe brain ofScylla scmila asan example ofa hrachyuran. See text lordetails. DECAPOD BRAIN MORPHOLOGY 313 -V" >-;-^WW:3p( gg* '., - m <&/?&,-*'v$8is^-% In : ; cI. <-,;--^---;"NT.iMWitoKiV.--." ;;;<0JpvlX , s ? / ^r x ^^^^;, , v j ? - -^: " ^'S/ - ; Figure 7. A honzontal section through the brain ofSo'//a. This section is slightly oblique, passing through more dorsal neuropils on the left (A) and more ventral neuropils on the right (B). The anterior medialprotocerebral neuropils(AMPN)arelargerthan theposteriorprotocerebral neuropils. Theolfactory lobes (ON) are also large and enclosed by many chemoreceptive fibers projecting from the antennules in theantenna I nerveroot. Thetegumentary nerveroot and neuropil areprominent (A), whereasthe lateral antenna I neuropil andthe antenna II neuropilare relatively small (B). Scale bar = 100^m. The cell bodiesarecontained in clusters; some ofthese lie distal or adjacent to the external medulla, and (3) cell clusters are clearly recognizable in all brain types, some bodiesthatlieadjacenttotheinternal medulla, orbetween are not. In previous studies, cell body clusters have been the internal and terminal medulla. given specific names, and these names differ from one Detailed information about the projections ofmany of brain type to another. Here, we describe the cell clusters the cell bodies in the optic ganglia is available for some accordingto the brain region in which they are found. In crustaceans (Nassel, 1977; Sandeman, 1982). this way we avoid functional names for cell clusters that LATERAL PROTOCEREBRUM. The lateral protocere- may be highly heterogeneous and that may contain the brum contains (4) cell bodies that lie adjacent to the ter- cell bodiesofneuronswith widelydiffering functionsand minal medulla, and (5) cell bodies that lie adjacent to the projections. hemiellipsoid body. We recognize 17 different clusters of cell bodies that Detailed information about the projections ofsome of appear to be common to all brain types; to simplify mat- the cell bodies in the lateral protocerebrum ofspiny lob- ters we have numbered the cell clusters, 1-17, from an- stersandcrayfish isavailable(Blaustein eta!., 1988; Derby terior to posterior. Tables in Appendix 1 provide cross and Blaustein, 1988). references to the descriptions provided in this paper and MEDIAN PROTOCEREBRUM. The median protocere- by previous authors. brum includes (6) a prominent medial cluster of cell bodies, some of which are very large; lying around the Protocerebrumf front ofthe brain and extending from the dorsal to ven- tral surfaces; (7) lateral cell bodies that may appear in OPTICGANGLIA. In the optic ganglia we recognize (1) some preparations as extensions ofcell cluster 6 on the cell bodiesthat liedistal tothe lamina, (2)cell bodiesthat ventral surface of the brain and in others as separate groups: and (8) small lateral groups of cell bodies that *Numberscorrespond tocell bodieslabeled in Figures. lie on either side ofthe central body at thejunction be-

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